OCR Interpretation

The new North-west. [volume] (Deer Lodge, Mont.) 1869-1897, February 19, 1886, Image 2

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

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GARLAND says he will not resign.
ARCHBISHOP GIBBONS, of Baltimore, has
been made a Cardinal.
IT is rumored that, Garland will be suc
ceeded soon by Thurman. It will be a
better selection.
PADDY RYAN has challenged Sullivan
again. In the intere*t of good order, a thor
oughly-bored public And morality, it is to be
hoped that Sullivan will accept and that one
or both of them will get killed.
THROUGH the adroit managemebt of some
showman, Krao, a dime-museum freak, who
has been doing t he show business in Phila
delphia for a year or two past, is getting
well advertised through the associated press
JUDGE POLLARD claims he is vindicated.
He is now holding Court in his District.
Garland is his ardent friend, and of course
his wish would control the President, but
may not control the Senate. We consider
his confirmation very doubtful.
THE Fitz John Porter case is up again. If
be had been halt as persistent in endeavor
ing to obey his superior's orders at the sec
ond Bull Run as he is in endeavoring to
reverse the action of the court martial,
there would never have been any of this.
THE object of Collector Beecher's trip to
Washington has developed itself. The
opium he seized, if sold at Port Townsend,
would bring $14 per pound, but if ordered
back to Alaska to be sold, it would not bring
exceeding $3. The difference in price made
a big item in Collector Beecher's "moities."
The Solicitor of the Treasury stands in
with Beecher, sad will allow it to be sold at
Port Townsend.
CANNON, the big gun of Mormondom, ha!
been held In $45,000 bonds, which he gave
to appear and answer for polygamy. Whil
being taken to Salt Lake from Winnemucca
he jumped off the train and ran a mile be
fore he was recaptured. If the great Jeho
Vah of Polygamous Mormonism is going ta
help the Saints out of their troubles he had
better get his work in right away. Things
are getting mighty binding in Zion.
THE Salt Lake Herald of Feb. 13th poked
a good deal of fnn at United States Marshal
Ireland for offering a reward of $500 for
George Q. Cannon, alleging those who knew
his whereabouts and wanted to have him
arrested would do the work for nothing,
while anything less than $10,000 or $15,000
would not Induce the faithful to betray him.
It turns out now that George Q. was arrested
the same day near Winnemucca, Nevada. It
looks as if the Marshal "had a hunch."
ST. PAUL and Minneapolis are getting to
be roystering twin cities. They have just
had a fortnight's fun with the first Ice Palace
in the United States, and while one part of
the crowd was out storming that another
decided upon the general plan of the Min
neapolls Industrial Exhibition. The build
ing is to be 301x356 feet in extent, three
floors, and the walls of brick, stone and
glass. It will be built of fire-proof material
except the 3-inch oak floors, and will require
3,000,000 brick.
FRoM Tuesday morning of last week to
yesterday morning, District Attorney Dick
son secured sixteen convictions under the
Edmundsolaw, and the work was finished up
last evening by the arrest of George Q. Can
.on, at Humboldt, Nevada. Unless by a
trick of habeas corpus, or by supplying bail,
the active branch of the First Presidency
gets away, be will be returned here in a day
or two a prisoner. This is making the law
strike where it should; the principals more
than the dupes are the ones that ought to be
made to answer for their offenses.-Salt
Lake Tribune, 13th.
THz annual meeting of the Department
of Montana, Grand Army of the Republic,
will be held in Bozeman, March 9. The
Posts on the Yellowstone were well repreo
sented at the meeting in Helena last win
ter and Bozeman selected for the second
Encampment, as it would better equalize
the distance of travel by Delegates. We
hope to see the West Side Posts all repre
sented at this meeting, and thereby reepro
a.te the Interest of those who came so far
from the East last ye~r. The Northern
Pacifc has made the rate for Delegates a
"fare and a fftlh"-full rates go and one
ffth return.
SREFERBING to a paragraph in the N.w
SORTH. WesT suggesting Col. DeWolfe, of
Butte, as a good selection for Associate
Justice of Montana, the Avant Courier says
"Without dtracting in the least from the
SClaims and merits of Mr. DeWolfe, we may
be permitted to suggest that the First Judi
cial District of Montana embraces men and
names worthy of honorable mention in this
oonnectlon. Among them we may be per
mitted to name Barrister Maginni, of Yel
lowstone county, and Judge L. A. Luce, F.
K. Armstrong and R. P. Vivion, of Gallatin
ocounty, all of whom are thoroughly compe
tent to fill the position ant have received
honorable mention and endorsement for the
Tan acceptance by Roscoe Conkling of
the retainer tendered by State Senator Low
6n behalf of the railroad committee, has
startedo the foolish rumor that the Oneida
chief is about to reenter the polltelU arena,
writes Joe Howard. The fact that he is
counsel in a political inquiry is no better
evidence that the Senator is going back Into
politics than would the fact that he as coun
sel for the World newpaper in a libel- suit
be proof that be was going to.take up the
profession of Jousoallsm. Coumellor Roe
. coe Conkling la practicing his profession,
and the State is a good client, and that is
all there is of the ex-Senator's going into
politics. If the stalwart leader should re
enter politieal affirs again, It would not be
through an inquiry Into alleged corruption
by a horse railroad eompany.
Tax ftaeral of General Hancock was con
ducted last Saturday without pomp or dis
play. After the friends had viewed the
remains, they wee placed ea steamer ad
taken to Trinty COhreb, New Yok, earrUed,
.corted d kobnled t~ saldiess, toop ain
linbrePmseata s of the Loyal Legion,
Sedcety ofte Army f the Pet. se, Grand
Army of the Republl, and elaems. The
pell-berers, who llo wed the basse intoe
dhe aweond do I tIbs order, wer: Hes.
TIaheu . edS 4eutrary et Ste ;ea.lia
Shean, ltemt 4em. Uisac am, ,r- .
,,be,, Geo..
~ir~f: ~ i4W~
Inopportunely it might appear, just aftei
presentation and reference of the bill foi
the admission of Montana as a State, witi
the boundaries and land allowances debned
and a Constitution presented providleg
"schedule" for the statehood transitiosh coYv
ering all departments of the Territory oi
Montana, and it alone, a new issue is pro
a rented to our people, and to Congress-thal
of the annexation of a part of Idaho tc
Montana, whethel we are to remain a Ter
ritory or become a State. In the pasl
a twenty-two years the boundaries of Mon.
tana have remained practically undisturbed;
the exception being the acquisition of a stray
a corner in the southwestern part of the Ter.
ritory. There has been neither disposition
e to cut off nor to annex, and no such propo
e sitlon was broached in the Constitutional
Convention. With a large area of Territory
and diversified interests, the latter have
e been rather reciprocally beneficial than dis.
° cordant, and the better means of travel have
dissipated or modified many inconveniences
g of the former. In fact, through undisturbed
conditions and content, Montana had come
to consider itself a unit and individuality as
much as though it were a State, and the
idea of either severance or acquisition does
not, as an abstract proposition, commend
t itself.
r However, while we have dwelt thus, neigh
boring Territories have not fared so well.
Dakota, to the east, has shown a spirit of
f disruption, growing principally out of local
- animosities or ambitions, while Idaho, on
the west, has suffered and grown in suffering
from topographical and geographical ob
stacles and isolations until division and re
adjustment of its boundaries seems to be
generally accepted as a necessity. The
northern portion-a "pan handle" strip av
eraging.about forty miles wide and 160 miles
long, projected from the body of the Terri
I tory up to the British line-is inaccessible
to or from the Capital and the major por
tion of the Territory, except by long andi
difficult or longer and more expensive cir
cuitous routes. This "pan handle" consists
of a series of. mountain basis, having Lake
drainage only. It has an area of 6,500
square miles, with no navigable stream, and
is dependent on railroad communication. It
has a population of 6,000, of whon 2,500 are
voters, and it is principally a mineral coun
try, including all the Coeur d'Alene mining
country, where developments are now so
favorable. Southern Idaho contains 13,000
square miles, and is drained by Snake river.
The two sections are separated by heavy
mountains on about the 47th parallel of lati
During many years the scheme to annex
this northern section to Washington Terri
tory has been repeatedly agitated, and has
been the occasion of many animosities, but
it appears recently there was some kind of
concession by which a bill was agreed upon
by the Belegates from Idaho and Washing
ton Territories, that the Idaho "pan handle"
should be detached and annexed to Wash
This seems to have been the incentive to
the recent action in the C(eur d'Alene mines,
which contains probably nine-tenths of the
people in the "pan-handle." We published
last week a letter from Hon. W. H. Clagett
to Hon. W. C. Cullen, indicating the senti
ment then, and have sincereeeived.the pro
ceedings of the mass convention and the
"petition to Congress," and the "Address to
the people of Montana," prepared by the
committee appointed thereat. They are
quite long, but only necessarily so in stating
the issue. It seems from the Resolutions
adopted (1) that none of the members de
sired to remain in Idaho. (2). That it was
agreed the expression should be had on the
question of whether annexation to Wash
ington or Montana was preferred, and the
Territory having the largest number of votes
should be. unanimously the choice of.the
convention; (3) that the resolution in favor
of annexation to Montana was adopted al
most solidly, and that therefore the prefer
ence for Montana was' expressed as a unit
vote with overwhelming enthheusiasm. A
committee, consisting of Thos. T. Singleton,
R. A. Pomeroy, Wm. H. Clagett, Alex. E.
Mayhew, W. C. Human, Warren Hussey
and Albert Allen was appointed to propose a
petition to (ongress asking the annexation,
and a commitee consisting of A. E. Mayhew,
Warren Hussey, T. T. Singleton, Albert
Allen, R. A. Pomeroy, W. C. Human and
Wim. H. Clagett were appointed to prepare
the addrecsto the people of Montana.
The petition to Congress recites the facts
of the case concsely and forcibly, acknowl
edging the courtesy of Washington, but
expressing preference for annexation to
Montana by reason of their business and
commercial Interests being more closely
identified with the latter, the accessibility to
Montana being greater and the legislation
and practice of the courts being so much
better adapted to the region in interest than
that existing or that which could be expected
in Washington.
The address to Montana recites fully the
boundaries, population and resources of the
section in interest. It states, in addition to
matters stated above, that the general alti
tude ranges from 1,600 to 3,000 feet; that
the basins are fertile and irrigation is unnec
essary; that timber is plentiful; that the
climate is mild and healthful; that the
placer mines are lich and are being devel
oped by ample ditches and flumes, at large
outlay; that the quartz veins, carrying gold,
silver and lead are numerous, strong and
rich; that numerous good wagon roads con
nect with the Northern Pacific railroad,
by which alone communication can be had
in the winter months, and that the financial
condition of that part desiring annexation
to Montana is favorable with excellent pros
pects. A very large proportion, if not a
majority of the inhabitants, are Montanlans.
The request of the Caeur d'Alenes comes
with peculiar and pressing'urgentaess upon
Montana. They are to be cut off from
Idaho. Where shall they .go We have
given the matter Investigation and believe
they should be annexed to Montana. The
adjustment of the boundaries by extending
Montana westward on the 47th parallel, and
thence northward, would make as compact
an area and well defined a boundary as now
exists; it would acquire to Montana a class
of industries prevailing in Montana. and to
wbhich its laws, customs and sentiments are
adapted; it would bring to Montana 6,000
people, many of whom are recent ciltias
of the Territory, and there is no part of it
but that would be readily aceselbleto the
Capital and commercial aeters of iotanas
by the Northern fPadoe railroad, that
reache armund or Intersects the region in
quMason. The tsposeasal feat ses favor
thie adastmn of domal; hitreustries
commeand It and the people.thereofdesire it.
It can be better govered fmt es lema then
Boise. The statemenutS is I~ e r an lasl
af--i.s are In Wgo ditles, 0 s1 the epm
anu e appear t o tbe as law-baidlag i
orderly as those o oteanla Un( ,q i
new movesnt ebsall Int ip to pevet
the 4dilo Met s a taewpes
ra -.renteee
The House committee on Public Lrnds
made a report, Feb. 11, which, if sustained
by the action of Congress and the President,
will settle the destiny of the present North
rn Pacific railroad company and cause a
veritable earthquake,. for eighty miles wide
from Bismarck to Paget Sound. As will be
noticed, the committee has recommended
tLe forfeiture of the land grant to the rail
road company on this line. It involves
35,000,000 acres of land, and covers all of
the grant through Montana. The charter of
the company was adroitly framed for the
company, providing, not that Congress
should forfeit the lands, but that in the fail
ure of the company to construct as required,
Congress might do whatever was necessary
to expedite its completion, which would cer
tainly not be by forfeiting its lands, unless a
money subsidy were given instead. This is
our recollection of the charter, and it al
ways seemed to us, even after the time of
construction had elapsed and the road was
still incomplete, that the company had the
advantage of the Government if the life of
the charter could be continued. The report
of the committee covers all road not com
pleted July 4, 1879, on the ground that the
life of the charter expired on that date, but
unless we are in error, the company, by an
other adroit move in claiming right of way
through an Indian reservation on the Yel
lowstone, secured Government recognition
of the life of the charter long after the road
had passed Blsmarck and entered Montana.
We do not have any idea that the measure
will pass even the House, as reported by the
committee on Public Lands. It is not right
that it should do so now, although the
Northern Pacific company, as a company,
has dealt with the people arbitrarily and
oppressively in many instances in relation to
these very lands. The road has been com
pleted, fulfilling all conditions of the grant,
save and except the matter of time, to which
the Government did not take exception at
any time between the date of expirati n of
charter and the completion of the road. It
is too late, in all equity, for the Government
to come in now, two, or three, or seven
years after the road has been constructed,
with money secured by bhypothecatirng this
land grant, and declare the lands forfeited.
This teems to us to be the fair, common
sense view of the matter, even if the tech
nical point that th'^ charter died July 4, 1S79,
can be sustained. Beside, the Go' ernment
and the people would be but little gainers.
The Government has sold its even sections,
or holds them for sale at $2.50 per acre. If
the forfeiture takes place they will be re
duced to $1.25 per acre. requiring restitution
to those who paid $2.50. It' is doubtful if
the sections remaining unsold would bring
that price. Altogether the m ave looks a lit
tle demagogical. That such a forfeiture
may apply where the road is not yet construc
ted is a different matter, and depends upon
the charter rights. While there seems to us
no probability of this report being approved,
the importance of it is such that the action
will be watched with anxiety, not only by
the railroad company, but all those who
have purchased lauds from it.
-----~-~ - _--
If "the blood of tihe saints is the seed of
e the church," Dennis Kearney cannot have
o much more blood left in him. His sand-lot
cry, " The Chinese must Go," has been taken
e up all over the Coast, and long after be has
g taded out as an arrant fraud his disciples are
s preaching his doctrines and applying his
methods in localities where the law cannot
be as quickly and rigidly enforced against
mobs as could be done in San Francisco.
Last week we had the Seattle affair, in
e which the mob prevailed until the militia
were called out. Succeeding that the mob
agitators showed up in Olympia, but a clear
r headed sheriff and law.abiding citizens soon
squelched them and their purpose. Next
came an anti-Chinese congress in Portland,
t which adopted one series of resolutions of
L the wind pudding order, and another series
demanding that congress support the Seattle
mob and impeach the officers who suppressed
it. It also "boycotted" a couple of Portland
papers that have had the honesty to de
nounce all these unlawful prodeedings. The
Idea of a congress of ostensibly sane men
adopting such resolutions is scarcely credi
ble. They propose to "politely invite the said
Mongolian race to remove from Oregon and
Washington to San Francisco or elsewhere
where they are desired by the people," when
it is a well-known fact that San Francisco
has always suffered more from the competi
tive Chinese labor than any other place in the
United States, and has advocated all lawful
methods to be rid of them. This is the same
spirit that prevails, or did prevail, in some
parts of Montana, where really the Chinese
coma but little in conflict with worthy wbhte
labor-drive the Chinese out, unlawfully,
upon communit!es that are already suffering
from their presence. If the blatant fellows
who are around preaching and teaching that
kind of doctrine would go to work, instead
of oumming off workingmen and stirring up
cranks, and take into consideration the fact
that though their folly is tolerated some
times, Uncle Sam will wear them out when.
ever it comes to a show-down, it would be
better. We believe the Government will
seek to suppress by fair and lawful means
the Chinese infliction on the people of the
United States, but that end will not be at- 1
tained, by mob law or mob dictation. The
only thing it can result in, if persisted in, is
conflicts between the mobs and the authori
ties, and it is not difficult to determine
which will prevail. Dennis Kearneyism has I
sprouted up- pretty thick lately, but it will I
be short lived. It is oneofthose things that I
will not grow healthily in American sell. t
It will have its day and die.
-- -
The Chinese Government Taking a Hand.
WAtsaroTox, Feb. 18.- The Chinese
Minister called at the State Department to
day and laid before Secretary Bayard sundry
long telegrams received by him from Cali
fornia to the effect that there is a concentra
ted movement in progress to drive out the
Chinese from all towns and cities In Cali
fornia except San Franeisco, and that the
Governor of the State and the Sheriffs of the
various countles ovince no disposition to
protect the Chinese in their rights. Tbhe
telegrams al assert that the threatesaid
esose will not .only be disastrous to the h
Chinese labor i bat yuseous to Chinese I
merchants 1i San Franelsel..' Ii snder.
stood thai the representatlons nadeb t he
Chimese Iaister have a doable puese aIn
iew-&sr , to Ino th proCeeti of bthe I
Federal Govermmrs s t,;e- toeied, Ijy the
I*mdlomn for e taoo-nt uy smat
sfnilar to lte Ira that Md. e6 ad
bar bf eashe Walt i e4 Itir:
ieries s'st"l 1i _ia In la
Iali: a tt
t s s.i'
Denounce Officials and Boycott Newspapers.
PorTLaAND, OR., Feb. 13.-The anti Chi
nese Congress assembled here this afternoon
About 150 delegates were present. The
usual committees on credentials, permanenl
organization and resolutions were appointed
Burnett G. Haskell was the chairman of the
resolution committee. The following is the
principal resolution :
e WHEREAS, It is a portion of the common
e law in this land, solidified into universal
- and immemorial custom and usage, that the
inhabitants and locality which are infected
with any immoral and undesirable class ol
people, have a right peaceably to assemble
and request said obnoxious elements to re
a move to other localities; and
WHEREAS, The Mongolian race In the
State of Oregon and Territory of Washing
ton are a class of people who are constant
violators of all the health and police laws
a immoral, degraded and undesirable in every
e sense of the word-as well as a constant
menace to free institutions, to home and to
t Resolved, That this Convention calls upon
- the citizens of every locality to peaceably
e assemble and politely request the said Mon
golian race to remove from this State and
Territory of Washington to the city of San
Francisco, or any other place where they are
y desired by the people, and this within thirty
_ days from the date of said meeting.
Resolved, That an exe zutive committee
n be appointed in every community to carry
d out the spirit and intent of these resolu
tions, and
Resolved, Further, that the delegates to
this Convention, upon returninlg to their
a homes, proceed to call mass meetings of the
t citizens of their localities to ratify the action
9 of this Convention and appoint an executive
committee herein provided for, and the date
for, and the date for such meetings to be
February 22.
There was a long debate over the resolo
tions. About fifteen speakers participated,
each being limited to five minutes. The
general sentiment of the speakers was in
favor of the peaceful removal of the Chinese,
f which the delegates from Tacoma explained
meant marching the Chinese out of town, as
was done at Tacoma. The speakers were
greeted with great applause. One delegate
stated he was prepared to lead in the move
ment ; that ti had been in jail five days for
having done so before, and was willing to be
incareersted for a year, to do so again. The
speakers who attempted to debate against
the resolution and tried to say the Chinese
were here under the authority of law were
coughed and booted down by the noisy lobby.
The following resolutions passed without
WIIEREAS, In defiance of Art;cle 1, Sec
tion 9, and Amendment 5 and 6 of the Con
stitution of the United States, and in utter
violation of law, Governor Squires, of Wash
ington Territory, has, with all the insolence
of imperialism, suspended the writ of habeas
corpus, free speech and the liberty of assem
blage, and declared martial law, in defiance
of the laws of the land, as declared by the
United States Supreme Court in 4th Wallace
in the case of Mulligan; and
WHEREAS, In addition to said illegal act;
a mob of his supporters wantonly fired upon
an assemblage of the people, killing one and
wounding three other people in the city of
Seattle, Feb. 10, 1886; and
WHVIIEREAS, Said Squire has illegally im
prisoned and deprived of liberty various cit
izens of the United States, without due
procecs of law;
Resolved, That our Representatives in
Congress be instructed to prefer articles of
impeachment against said Governor, and
present the same for the action of the House
of Representatives at once.
Resolved, That fifty thousand copies of
these resolutions be printed and forwarded
to every labor organization, anti Chinese
League, Grangers' Association in the United
States, with the request that each such.
organization ratify, and adopt, and approve
these resolutions and order them sent to
their Representatives in Congress, endorsed
with their urgent demand for proper action
Resolved, That a telegram be sent to Ben
jamin F. Butler, requesting him to conduct
said impeachment proceedings on behalf of
all lovers of American liberty.
The above two resolutions were the only
two which the committee on resolutions had
prepared, but they recommended that three
of the large number of resolutions which
had been handed to the committee by vari
ous delegates should be adopted. The first
was a tesolutio calling on Congress to abro
gate all existing treaties whereby immigra
tion from China to this country may be
stopped, except as regards diplomatic rela
tions. The second resolution commended
certain newspapers which endorsed the ac
tion of the rioters at Seattle and Tacoma.
The third resolution placed a permanent
boycott on the Oregonian and Evening Tele
The Oregonian defies the boycotters and
rioters and stands up for order, humanity
and laIr.
C. P. Huntington Favors It as a Conimercia
NEW YORK, Feb. 13.-Something that
troubles the New York Chamber of Comr
merce is the steady increase of Western
grain shipments at Newport News by the
Chespeake & Ohio. Some of them inti
mated to C. P. Huntington that they do not
see bow a great capitalist who has so many
financial ipterests identified with New York
can justify this diversion of commerce from
the latter. Huntington replied : "New York
is a great port, but it is a mistake to suppose
that it islthe whole country. True, I have
important interests centering here, but these
interests are closely identified with the
Trunk Line Railway system, that stretches
nearly across this continent, and when this
la fully developed, as it soon will be, I ex
pect the bulk of the foreign grai tr.i.de o
the West will find its natural deep-water
outlet through the terminus at Newport
News. The port charges there, compared
with those bf New York, are a mere baga
telle, and our storage facilities at all seasons
of the year are, or will be, ample.enough to
accommodate the commerce of the continent.
Steamships of the heaviest draught can come
right up to our wharves' elevators and take
on their cargoes at all stages of the tide and
with such ready aeess to the sea that they
can come in and go out without the assist
ance of pilots, a very important conslders=
lien when the question is one of cost."
Bismarck and the Vatican.
B-arU., Feb. 15.-There is great excite
ment in Berlin over an apparently well au
dhentisated report that Bismarck is preparig
o. yield entirely to the Vatiean in the religl
eas diute which has been waged by
Prussia against Papaey for the peat I5 years.
Sbill has been deposied by the ~overn
e. wltb hes Uppre soerosof the L teadg
evoking, whith a few trivial aeeepia, all
hariu of the May laws which : have been
* edius to the Cba " llufef G naya .
OLYMPIA, W., T., Feb. fl-The U.it
te i er t bn. the r d k
`the Bpd of a Long, Busy and Useful Life,
UTICA, N. Y., Feb. 12.-Ex-Gov. Horatio
Seymour died at 10 o'clock to-night at the
residence of his sister, Mrs. Roscoe Conk.
ing. He began to fail perceptibly at 4
o'clock this afternoon. Shortly afterward
he rallied a little, but soon relapsed into
unconsciousness. During his illness he
suffered little if any physical suffering, and
to-day leaves him wholly without pain.
Mrs. Beymour, who is very ill, sat with her
husband during the afternoon. Most of the
time the ex-Governor rested peacefully, and
his condition could only be distinguished
from natural sleep by the ashen pallor of his
countenance and labored breathing. At 8:30
he was sinking rapidly; his pulse could
scarcely be counted, and the respiration was
more and more difficult. He expired with
out a struggle and as peacefully as if falling
asleep. The beginning of Gov. Seymour's
physical ailments dates from a sunstroke
wyilch befell him in the summer of 1876,
while he was at work on the roads of his
town as path master, an office which be was
wont to say he had asked for. The imme
diate cause of his death was cerebral effu
sion, the usual process of death in old ace.
As yet no arrangements have been made for
the funeral.
. UTICA, N. Y., Feb. 16.-The funeral of
er-Governor Seymour took place from the
old Trinity Church at 2 o'clock to-day. Rev.
Mr. Goodrich, of the Calvary Church, offered
prayer at ex Senator Roscoe Conkling's resi
dence with the family and relatives of the
deceased. At 1:30 p. m., after funeral ser
vices in the church, the remains were taken
to Forest Hill Cemetery and placed in the
Chapel of Roses, where the sculptor, David
Richard, took a cast of the face preparatory
to making a marble bust of the ex- Governor.
The weather is cold and disagreeable. At 9
o'clock the doors of the Conkling mansion
were thrown open for the public to view the
remains of the illustrious dead.
Horatio Seymour was born in Onondaga
county, New York, in the year 1811. He re
ceived a liberal education and studied for the
bar, commencing practice at Utica. He was
very successful in his profession, and his
fame as a lawyer soon spread beyond the
boundaries of his county. In 1842 be was
elected a member of the Legislative Assem
bly, and held the position until 1845. In 1850
he was nominated for Governor of the State
of New York by the Democratic party, but
was defeated after a sharp contest. In 1852
the Democrats again chose hinm as their
standard bearer, and le was elected by a
large majority. He signalized his term of
office by vetoing the "Maine liquor bill."
The next election, in 1854, was very keenly
contested by four candidates, nearly half a
million votes being polled, resulting in the
election of Clarke.
In 1856 Mr. Seymour's name was put for
ward by his friends as a candidate for the
Presidency, but the movement met with no
success. In 1862 Mr. Seymour was again a
candidate for Governor of New York in op
position to Gen. Wadsworth, and defeated
his opponent after a very hot canvass. He
took his seat Jan. 1, 1862, and adopted a very
conservativa line of policy. When the in
vasion of Pennsylvania took place in June,
1863, he promptly forwarded more than the
quota of militia required by the Governor of
that State, though he sorely offended the
Republican party by his opposition to the
conscription bill passed by Congress, which
gave the President power to call out for
military service all able-bodied men between.
the ages of 18 and 45. Nevertheless, Mr.
Seymour used his utmost endeavor to allay
the ill feeling provoked in New York City
by the conscription and to suppress the riots
which during four days disturbed the city.
In 1868 Mr. Seymour became the Demo
cratic candidate for the Presidency, but was
defeated by Gen. U. S. Grant. Since that
time he has lived in retirement, seldom be
ing heard of in the political world, except
that his name has once or twice been men
tioned in connection with the Governorship
of New York.
The Method of Introducing Home Rule.
st NEW YORK, Feb. 13.- The Telegram's
D_ London special says: The Pall MallGazette
, publishes the outline of what it asserts is
i Gladstone's plan for the granting of Home
I Rule in Ireland. The publication attracts a
d great deal of attention, not because it is nec
essarily a correct statement of the Premier's
present intention, but because it is generally
it believed to be put forth with his knowledge,
as another feature to provoke discussion and
to elicit the views of other publicists with
d out committing Gladstone to anything. The
y present plan as published in the Gazette is
vague as to many important details, but it
expressly provides for the establishment of a
Parliament in Dublin. This body is to con
sist of' but one Chamber; its members are to
I be returned by the same electorate as is now
established by the latest extension of the
franchise. The Irish peerage is to have no
'other Parliamentary representation either in
Dublin or London than is provided by the
twenty-five Irish representative peers now
e sitting in the Imperial House of London.
The country is to be redistricted for the pur
poses of Parliamentary elections in such a
way that the membership of the new Parlia
ment shall exceed the present Irish repre
sentation in the Imperial Parliament by
about three to one, making the membership
in the new body a little over 300.
The. Radicals bitterly denounce the plan,
and say it is a long step in the direction of
the disintegration of the Empire. The lead
.erxi of the Radical voters, who comprise by
t Pl tlhe l]rgest proportion of the manufac
r turers and skilled workmen In the English
parties, say to the manufacturers that the
Sgfnting of Rome Rule means a paralysis of
tira, lnd to the citizens that it means the
shuttigg down of the mills and furnaces and
the taking of the bread from the British
wprkmen's families to enrich the Irish man
ufacturers. The new Parliament is to be
auniliary, in most respects, to the Parlia
meat at.Westminster, The latter body is to
retain absolute control of the taxation in
Ireland, and is given power to veto any act
of the Dublin Parliament. The Irish repre
sentation in the Imperial Parliament is to
remain numerically the same as at present,
but the Irish members will have a vote only
on such measures as directly or indirectly
atect Ireland. The most imt6ediate efect t
ofthe publication of this plan has been to t
emphasize and widen the breech between I
tbe Whig and Radical saigs of the Liberal t
The McCormick Reaper Works Closed: t
CailAeo, Feb. I6.-The extensive Me
loreik Reper Works closed down this
.ateig,+ and 1,400 employees are forced I
out. The threat of certain men to pree.pi. I
ta le a mesria als the non-union men p
tl4^ i0tI meniding departaset were c
o have been the ease for a
(uarMlnea. At a meethg of is
la " s algu h ;i t t cosa. 11
t:weSpgn x 3aIexor
s thins . eemuad a
b*als4 al yesterdq' ee.
Details of the Action in the Committee.
10 Special to Pioneer Press.
1A WASHINGTON, Feb. 11.--With but two
t' dissenting votes, those of Maj. Strait and Mr.
4 Jackson of Tennessee, the House Committee
d on Public Lands to-day voted to recommend
0 the forfeiture of the Northern Pacific grant
1e from Bismarck westward. The committee
d was in session all day, and the ground was
* fought inch by inch by Maj. Strait. He pro
ir posed six amendments, one after, another,
ie and forced a vote on each. He first brought
d forward the most objectionable proposition
d of the forfeiture, viz., that of the lands from
s the Columbia river to Puget Sound. That
0 was voted down. Then he moved the prop
d osition, which Judge Payson of Illinois in
' troduced in a bill, to forfeit the grant from
' Wallula to Kalama. This, too, was voted
g down. Mr. Strait then moved to amend the
' bill so as to protect the purchasers of land
e in the grant to be forfeited. This was re
3' fused. He then moved that they be allowed
is to have title to 640 acres, but in vain. A
8 motion to allow each purchaser 320 acres
was approved, however, and subsequently an
- amendment carried to allow the land re
. stored to the public domain to be sold at
r $1.25 per acre. This concession has greatly
elated the friends of the road. No other
f reason was assigned for supporting the for
e feiture than that the road had not been con
r. structed within the life of the grant. Maj.
d Strait said to-night, as did a number of other
I- Congressmen, that the bilr would never pass
e the House as it stands. The measure, they
say, is too sweeping.
n The amount of land to be forfeited, accord
e ing to the bill, is 35,000,000 acres. Hon.
d Joseph Jorgensen was allowed a hearing
y before the committee to-day while the for
feiture was under consideration. He ap
9 peared in the interest of settlers, who had
a purchased land lying between Dayton and
e Walls Walla. In 1880 the Secretary of the
Interior and the Land Commissioner made
a line running almost directly east from
a Wallula, the southern limit of the Northern
Pacific grant. Nine months later this order
e was revoked, and a line running northeast
s from Wallula was declared the southern
s limit of the grant. During the nine months
e intervening between these two orders, nearly
s 500 settlers bought land from the railroad
company between the two lines. These
lands were purchased for $2.60 per acre, and
have since become very valuable, being
2 worth from $20 to $60 per acre. In the event
r of a forfeiture of the Northern Pacific grant
a from Wallula, these valuable lands would
f be thrown open to settlement to adventurers,
and the purchasers from the Northern Pacific
9 ould lose the result of years of toil and
oney expended in improvements. They
erely ask that they may be allowed to pur
base from the Government at some fixed
rice, thus settling the question of title.
nless some measure of relief is passed,
ese pioneers will be ruined. The com
-ittee will embody In the forfeiture bill a
I ovision allowing purchasers from the rail
ad company to buy 360 acres from the
S vernment.
Tbe President Disposed to Stand by Him.
WASHINGTO-N, Feb. 12.-The connection
the Attorney General with the Pan-Elec
c Telephone scandal has been the subject
several heated discussions between the
President and members of his Cabinet.
There is a decided conviction in the m nds
I of several of the President's advisers that
Garland should resign. That gentleman,
however, shows no disposition to leave the
Cabinet; in fact, he apparently seems at a
loss to comprehend why any person should
criticise his acceptance of a block of stock as
a gift in consideration for the influence he
could exert in behalf of the company. Two
at least of the members of the Cabinet have
urged the Preside+ t to ask for the Attorney
General's resignation. There is every rea
son to believe that one member of the Cabi
net has said that he would resign if Garland
did not. Cleveland, however, is not dis
possed to request Garland to step out, and
the Attorney General has no intention of
asking to be relieved. Mr. Cleveland has
absolutely refused to request Garland to
resign, but he is not insensible to the clamor
of leading members of the Democratic party,
and as a middle course will advise the At
torney General to dispose of his Pan Electric
stock. It is suggested that the Attorney
General give tbhis stock to some one or more
charitable institutions in time, so that if the
suits to set aside the bill patents be success
ful, the Pan-Electric stock may have a value.
It is not known, however, that Garland will
consent to give away his stock. If he does
so, it will be construed as a tacit admission
that he was in the wrong to own it during
the period -that he has been at the head of
the Judicial Department of the Government.
If he declines to part with it the President
may be influenced by his closest friends to
request the Attorney General's resignation.
The whole subject at present is in a muddle,
and It cannot be safely predicted whether
Garland will leave the Cabinet or not.
The Head and Front of Polygamy Nabbed.
SALT LAsE, Feb. 13.-,-George Q. Cannon
was arrested this sI.ernoon at Winnemucca,
Nevada. No partlculars.
SALT LAKE, Feb. 14.-To day Marshal
Ireland went to Nevada to receive the fugi
tive George Q. Cannon from the Nevada
sheriff at Winnemucca. The United States
Marshal had offered a reward of $500 for
Cannon's arrest. He has been hiding nearly
a year. Cannon was secretly put on the
sleeping car "Santa Clara," which was
hooked on as a dead car to a regular train,
and thus it was hoped to get him away from
the officers. The action of the Central Pa
ciic officers in doing this has caused a good
many uncomplimentary remarks. There is
great rejoicing here among the loyal men at
Cannon's alrest, as he is regarded as the
chief mind in the Mormon church and the
one whose authoritative voice from his retreat
has cansed the reported orders to the faith
ful to stand firm and uphold polygamy.
The De!aware Idea.
NEW CASTLE, Del., Feb.! 13.-Harr son
and William Rothwell, John Peacham and
George Norris, all colored, and Frank Play
ford, convicted of larceny at the preseni
ters of oourt, were publicly whipped on
their bare backs in the New Castle s1l
yard this morming, receiving from five to
twenty lashes each. Edwin J. Holligs
worth was conined one hour in the pillory
for forging cheeks on the First National
Bank 'of Wilmington. The' thermometer
was near zero, adding naturally to the legal
punishment and greatly aggra ating the pro
cess of tortare. The Arst mlan whipped,
although but 22 years of age, has beeii an
inmate of the jai 920imes, for terms vary
.ng fom 8 to I moonie, and bas -been whp -
peduaerly every time. His b .tber William
i..oemger, but is treading the same Infa
mous path.
c x. Gtihsr, of .hom! s.aha , ; ,F w
air ted this 'week on eoaplaat 1
4assae [er aes.*4.q u s c s r
assu see .re c _al r e ,de t
IMaras, Fillers ai all Classes of Hlorses for ie.
We have for sale a l:arge number of young Imported Draft
Stallions. Also Full Blood and Grade Stallions of our ovn
raising, which we offer for sale on reasonable terms.
Who won the First Prize at the last Territorial Fair for the best Draft Stallion
of any breed. Also
Who won First Prizes as Three-year-olds.
C7°Several of the Grade Stallions also won first prizes. We Invite horsemen to call and
examine the horses before purchasing elsewhere. Remember, the horses are thoroughly
acclimated, and will be sold cheaper than you can buy them from importers East.
WiWe have also for sale some fine JERSEY COWS, HEIFERS AND BULLS, AND
Come and Look at the Stock, if you Don't Buy.
B. F. POTTS, Manager.
Townsend, Montana, (on N. P. R. R.), Feb. 8, 1886. 866 3m
Alleged Kidnapping at an Early Age.
JERSEY CITY, N. J., Feb. 11.--On Friday
nigbt last Mrs. Charles S. Hogan, the wife of
a Pennsylvania Railroad conductor, who re
sides in an apartment house aiJersey Avenue
and Eighth street, called to a little boy who
was passing to get her a physician. She was
about to be confined, and as Dr. Holcomb,
who lived near by, had attended her, she
asked the boy to summon him. In a few
minutes tne boy returned with a man who
said he was Dr. A. T. Sayers. As Mrs.
Hogan was in a critical condition, she ac
cepted, his services. He immediately, she
says, put her under the influence of ether.
When she recovered from the effects of the
drug she was alone in the room. The child,
of which she had been delivered, had disap
peared, and the only evidence of its exist
ence left in the room was a small package,
which contained a little curl of golden hair.
Mrs. Hogan is of the opinion that the Doctor
either killed the child by mistake or was
trying to secure a subject. There is no
physician in Jersey City of the name of
Sayers. The police are searching for the
alleged physiclan and the boy who brought
him to the house.
Morrison's New Tariff Bill.
NEW YOIRK, Feb. 12.- Tribune's Washing
ton: Morrison's new tariff bill will be more
moderate than the last one offered by him.
Lumber, salt and iron ore are to go on the
free list, together with a number of other
"crude products and raw materials." Pig
iron is to be reduced from $6.72 to $6 a ton;
steel rails from $17 to $12.50 a ton; iron
beams, glrders, etc.: from 1 cents to 1 cent a
pound. The rate on steel wire rods will not
be indreased, and it is proposed to put tin
plate on the free list. Sugar duties are to
be reduced 20 per cent. Slight reductions
are proposed in that part of the schedule of
earthen ware and pottery which now imposes
a rate to exceed of 50 per cent. The sched
ule of cotton and cotton goods and wool and
woolen goods It is not proposed to change,
except to reduce some of the duties on the
former, which are regarded as exorbitant.
It is estimated that the reduction by the bill
as offered will amount to about $20,000,000,
one-half of which will be on sugar.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 12.-Representative
Moarow presented in the House to-day a
petition signed by citizens cf California en
gaged In the manufacture of lumber in that
State and in Oregon and Washington Terri
tory, asking the Pacific Coast delegation to
use their influence and vote against any
change in the present tariff on lumber. The
petition was signed by the leading lumber
men of the Coast.
.. ..,.m .-.4b . m..O -
Death of George C. Bates.
DENVzE, Col., Feb. 12.-Hon. George C.
Bates died late last night of inflammation of
the bowels, after an illness, of less than a
week. He was 71 years of age, and was a
native of New York. He moved to Migchi
gan in 1834, and headed the party which was
in opposition to the General Government.
During the administration ,f Jackson he
was one of the organizers of the Whig party,
and a delegate to the National Convention
which nominated Harrison inl 1840, and Clay
in 1844. He was a bosom friend of these
statesmen and Webster. He was United
States District Attorney of California under
Filmore. In 1870 he was appointed to a
similar office from Illinois to the Territbory
of Utah, where he became famous in defend
ing John D. Lee, the leader of the Moun
tain Meadow Massacre. He came to Colc
rado in 1879. where he resided until his
Beware of Canned Salmon.
PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 12.- The Times has
the'following: The wife of Special Officer
Robert Wlhlams, of the American District
Telegraph Company, ate from a can of pick
led salmon on Saturday laIt. Shortly after
eatingashe was taken with convulsions. The
physician on arriving at the house learned
that Mrs. Williams had boogirt a cant of
pickled salmon the night before, and that
she and Mrs. McMullen ate saimon for sup
per. Dr. Lopez said the women had been
poiolned, and that the salmon was undoubt
edly bad when packed. The physician ap
plied remedies and Mrs. McMullen got bet
ter, but Mrs. Williams grew worse, Yester
day the women were pronounced out of
danger. The grocer from whom the salnon
was bpught had just purchased it from a
wholesale house. When he learned of the
poiaonsug he returned all the salmon to the
brocer* from whom he purchased it.
---- - -rr ~- -
Who Hesitates is Lost.
L.oswDb r, Feb. 13.-I- is rumored that the
Government remains undecided as t to the
advisability of prosecuting the Socialist
leaders who are deemed responsible for the
riotis.g ib4 o. llo)wed the Trafalgar Sq#ore
m ee4tid Monday. The better classes of
LI be thoroughly aroused to thse
real aSk renemdpyloyed and a fund o
abees .lreadyeubaedbed during
at e B ýýI ýtaoºfb all
Henry Watterson was improviLg at last
John B. Gough is critically ill. He had a
stroke of apoplexy.
Schuline Bros., the heaviest merchants at
Spokane Falls, have failed. Liabilities,
The opinion at the War Department is
about unanimous that Howardtand Terry
will succeed Hancock and Pope.
PORTLAND, Ogn., Feb. 17.-The Erening
Standard, the Democratic organ, suspended
publication co-day. It was a morning putli
cation for eight years, and last July ', I.
Petlengill, late of Vermont, bought it and
changed it to an afternoon paper.
NEW YORK, Feb. 15.-Fifty-five sailing
sailing vessels bounded into port yesterday,
between dawn and sunset. They formed the
biggest merchant fleet in respect of tonnage
that has arrived here in one day for several
years. Adverse winds and fogs have been
zeeping them outside.
ST. Louis, Feb. 17.-Sister Euphroeina, of
the Order of St. Francis, counmitted suicide
this morning by throwing herself froma
fourth story window of the dormitory of the
school of the Holy Trinity in this city. Itis
thought she was suffering from dementia at
the time, as she left no word explaining her
NEW YORK, Feb. 13.-The Sun's London.:
The victory of the bi-metallists in the Ger
man Reichstag has increased the importance
of the report already confirmed! that Prince
Bismarck's sympathy with the silver views
held by Senator Sherman and Congressman
Warner, of Ohio, is commanding the atten
tion of the leading liberal statesmen of Eng
I have-for sale a Percheron Norman, two-year.old
Stallion, out of a good American mare, by Figaro.
Dark bay, and fine colt in every respect. Will be
sold very reasonably, on easy terms.
Feb. 17, 1886. PHIL. I. EVANS,
167 tf Deer Lodge
Estray Taken Ulp.
Came to my Ranch in October, 188,
a red, line-hack Cow, brand 1110 ona
left hip. The owner is requested to
prove property. pay charsee and take
her away. 867 4t H. M, KgNB.
Elliston, Deer Lodge Co., I. T., Feb. 15, 1886.
Ranch for, Rent.
That 820-acre Farm, all under fence, 80 or 8J acres
broke, situated on Race Track. and known as the
"Hefferin & Hobbin Ranch," will be leased on reason
able terms for one year to good tenant. Ranch will
cut about 40 tons of hay. 8ntficient water for irngs
tion. Inquire ot W. T. KLLIOTT, Areat.
Feb. 1., 1886. 867 tt Raue Track.
Notice to School Teachers.
I will hold a public examination for Teac.hes'Cer
tlilcates at my office in Deer Lodge, on Naturday,
March 6, 1886, commencing at 9 a. is. Al persoas
desiring to obtain or renew certificates Rbr teaching,
are requested to be present at that time.
867 -t County Supt. of Schools.
1,500 head straight Ewes; natives; Lest
sheare.rs in the country; clean and healthy;
on DI)etopsey creek. Reasonable terms to
good party. Inquire of
86(. tf D)eer Lodge.
Estray Steer,,
COine to my ranch in the aeirer of
101-4, one yearlilng colt, branded B
on lett hip, red color, right ear cropped
atruitht off, ±lit ear cropped ewallow
fork. The owner is hereby notified to prove property.
pay clharges and take the animal away.
6Hfi 4t Near New Chicago, M.''.
Estray Horse.
Strayed from .I. C. C. Thorn
ton, at II).tte. Montana, in Octl>
her, 18853, a light Cheatrnt borrel
Horse, emall star in lace, one
white hind foot; weight about
1,100 pounds ; foxy mane and tIil;
trine years old: no brands. Was
last heard from near Deer Lodge.
A liberal reward will be paid for the return of the
animal, or information that will lead to his recovery.
Ariddess JAMES iI. MILLS,
806 tt Deer Lodge, Mont.
Nticeof Final Account and Settlement
In the Probate Court of Deer Lodge County, Ter
ritory of Montana.
In the matter of the estate of Robert A. Bates,.
Notice is hereby given that M. J. Fitz Patrick,
administrator of the estate of Robert A Bates,
deceased, has rendered and presented for settle
ment and filed in this court his final account of hi
administration of said estate, anti a petition for
the distribution thereof, and that Saturday, the
13th day of March AD. 1586, being a dsyof
the March term of this court, at 10 o'clock s ,
at the Court room of said Court, at the Court
House, in the town and county crf Deer L0dq.
has been duly appointed by said Court for ti
settlethMt of tfinal account and for the dis
tri.utioa of sai4 estatQ, at which time and place
any person in'erested in sid4 estate may appear
and file his exceptionsa h writing to the aid
final account and to the distribution thereof and
contest the samq,
8 .8RY a D8YVIS, Clerk.
Dated Feb. 17, 18 VIS, Clerk.
California Wire Work,
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