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THE NEW NORTH-WEST. •JAMES H. MILLS, PUBLISHER. EXi~rKEDn IN TaDE)nER LODEE, MONTANA, POSTOFFICE FOR TRANSMIR.ION AS SECOND CLASS MAIL MATTER.. '"uTs President aud a. number of friends have. Just male a cruise to Fortress M unroe. He laid his ciurse for O11 P.,int Comufort when be got married. THE climate of Montana doesn't seem to agree with the St. Paul journalists who re cently went thither to.instruct the barbs rlans.-Minneapolie Tribune. (fl?). Tea Demoeratic central committee is calt4 to meet in Helena July 19, to deter -rwthe ttms-ma plta es.'loldtnig the Ter ritorial Convg.tion. Tht is the first gun of thecampualg J - ."Tnh Walli fWuion says: The Be publican nven.Bnvenlon will be composed gates. Wals W Walls sends 17 delegates and Seattle 80. It will be the largest conYentlon ever held in 'ashington Territory. GLA'STONME is in "the heart of Midlo" The eyes of the world follow "the grand old man."-Miner, June 26. Haso't the Miner erred? If we mistak* sot, "The Heart of Mid-Lothian" Is the old T.lbooth jail in Edinburgh, made known to all the world by Sir Walter Scott's enchanted pea. It is to be hoped Gladstone is not in jail. ELECTIONS were held In Washington Ter ntory last Tuesday under the local option law. The returns so far as received indicate that prohibition was defeated in all the larger towns except Chehalis, Centralia, La Conner and Pomery. Seattle, Walls Walls, Spokane Falls and Sprague gave large major ities against prohibition. A very large vote was polled, with but little excitement. The ladies throughout the Territory took great interest in the success of the prohibition candidates, and worked actively in many localities. AccoRDING to the NEw NORTH-WEST, U. S. Marshal Kelley says that with one or two exceptions the convicts pardoned by Governor Hauser have only been released a day or two preceding the expiration of their time, and this only in cases where the crime was not one of depravity, and where exem plary conduct in prison was certified by the Marshal, the men being simply granted the pardon to restore them to citizenship. Mis soilla county kniows to its regret three ex ceptions to the rule, being the three Indians sent the last November term of court for assault with intent to kill. It Is to be hoped the Governor will not be so free with his pardons hereafter.-Mifsoulian, 25th. A &TrIKE of railroad switchmen was In augurated at Chicago last Saturday, and they carried matters with a high hand for a day or two, on the Lake Shore and Milwaukee & St. Paul roads. By Monday, however, the police, 200 strong, and the Pinkerton men, armed with Winchesters, got the top hand and re-established freight operations on the roads. There were seventeen arrests made. The strikers had demanded that eight men who had remained in employ of the Lake Shore Company during a former strike, be discharged. The Company refused to do this, stood its hand, appealed to the courts, and insisted that its trains should run. The strikers weakened. T.s so-called "Vindication Bill" of Fitz John Porter, passed by Congress and now in the bands of the.President for approval, is a fraud. Either Porter is guilty or not guilty of the offenses as charged. If he is guilty, be sbould not be reappointed a Colonel o0 the U. S. Army. If he is not guilty, he should have been restored to rank and pay from the date of his suspension. There is no honest middle ground on which a cnm promise. could be made. While we have always believed the case as presented by Senator Logan, we would rAther see him re instated and to receive all pay from date of suspension than to see the highest legislative body of the United States disgrace Itself by such manifest shystering. A New YORK boycotter is to be placed in a position where e can easily pursue a non intercourse policy towards the whole world, and boycott the happy hours away. He was the first man to be tiled under the new con spiracy laws made and provided fir just such cases as his, and he has been found guilty. His sojourn in the penitentary will amount to the establsbmentoe a mutual boycott be tween himself and society.. Both parties will be benefited by the situation, this being the only kind of boycott that operates pleas antly and advantageously. This New York law ought to prove popular and result In the withdrawal of a good many people from par ticipation in the ordinary affairs of society. It's a poor rule that doesn't work both ways; and the boycotter who is logical should not object to the New York law. If an indi vidual has the right to boycott at will, cer tainly soelety has the same right. Add .in boycotting a boycotter sociery shows a fine sense of poetic justloe.--k. UNDea a statute passe by the last Legs lature of New York, boycatting is a crime, and- already one nonvlctlo has been bad under the statute, and lbq boycotter Is serv ng the State underthe stripes, with the stars left off. And fbllowing this up, Judge Sloan of Wisconsin, has held, in. a very clear and able decision, that the chief organizer of the Kntgh4b of Labor In that State is liable un der the statutes for a crimial offense r avleitg a boyott. He says a man's bull nes is as much property as houses and lands ad will be protected by law. In the close of his oplanie he says: "In our social and lndustrial llfe, and our eovearmaet the so cialist, anarchist and the boycott have no place."-Herald. ",Boyestt!" It seem. to as we have heard that wdrdibeflbr*. Obi,, . w.r we sel t. ber. The GQa.ison Alssamlry, Knights of Labor, boyated the New Noam-Wser leet sdter, after we frouukreed bydoattluii**ea republican, un-de.oratle .un-American, and an imported Infapny." A1y the wayrs lou4er if they ever ilted th tiye4tt. We dan't eare a uostimeal, ealy as asttr of news, but t wtould be IDo at lui toWkwi whether it was revoked or fell on Itself and got killed. Tar peiai le pot of DeLaido'buty bolealag p aeme. smnihibre bdge cltjasesoemouliee politdita dentintes or this esat- iutt sinemored at the a eoutp hteogb anid ureMet o4 bid itr a shares . taik lese'w-es. t e should be disebated dlbte lise I-s n,4 eseladtet a ier~w d llr*the'pepi le there stoeld eb an St lIfno all agen -~ y attit dam s the faalt of 4W f.resmiia lfk M ' W; zQr 1' ft1(V 4 iftil.& f triSe corporations .se ssetist ad pd ceaof the "grinding heel" eompi4nsd o C lAt econtry, and especially by La.bor imioel.o is W ttei ble to them, it .eo.m a4ot# ti .ltldote to some extet 4t Id e9s p son that is infused lnte *bst iriduut sritstes of the natio. We there ii mrIht . sinreatful vietoussiees, de sggem eat s lbaees in muh of the aeitledt Labor orements" of the da, this bt he floith Mi fame oecasionoa by an agtj tisat behasto and saubstance at the bottom. It is undoubtedly to a crest extent true that "the rich are growing richer and the poor -poorer;' In the United States, more markedly I thae past twenty years than before, and that with the increase of great corporate and ledvtdual wealttb and the ex haustion of public lands, we are rapidly ap proaching the same conditions that exist in the old countries, where lineage and firmly invested capital establish social caste, busi ness limitations, and a labor status, above which, with rare exceptlob, It takes genera tions or genius to ris. This is not the American idea, socially, industrially or po iitically; and yet the fortunes accumulated by the war, by shrewd speculation in devel oping the vast resources of the country, or in the skiliflai, if not always ponscientious, manipulations of corporate stock, have cen tarllzed such vast wealth In the control of corporations or particular individuals whose soli object is to get more wealth, and whose methods are too frequently oppressive of those within their power, that we have lat terly made great strides toward European conditions. Observent men have long no ticed this cloud upon the sky of our future, and within the past few years its shadow falling on the laborers of the land, has re sulted in labor organizations who too often have gone beyond legitimate and sensible methods for redress, and thereby brought additional distress upon themselves and obloquy upon their cause. These, it is fair to say, are in some instances endeavoring to retrieve themselves, and may yet, by the elimination of bad elements and the adop tion of better courses, commend at least some of their purposes to sympathy and sup port. But while the labor organizations have failed, and will fail, in their violent methods, it remains that no statesman has yet solved the problem of curbing greedy capital or controlling the mob spirit without resort on the one hand to practical confisca tion-or on the other to guspowder. Greed is a growing incident of capital, as the mob spirit is of any civic organization that ap peals to the prejudices and relies on coercion as an ultimate contingency. To formulate a method that will reconcile these discerdant elements that enter into the problem will be an inspiration, and we do not seem to have any inspired statesmen. But while the politicians .and agitators have been posing and proclaiming, the busi ness element of the country has been quietly developing methods that strike as as a ma terial solvent of the hard lines that are drawn between capital and labor. Aind, strange as it may appear, it is practically upon the theory that "the hair of the dog is good for the bite." It Is the general forma tion of mercantile and industrial corpora t;ons, of which we have recently had in stances in the incorporation of E. L. Bonner & Co., Butte, and of Murphy, Worden & Higgins, in Missoula. These are by no means the first in the country, but their local character and the established reputa tion of the firms incorporating render them fit instances to illustrate the plan. In speaking to Mr. Bonner in relation to , it, he said: "Individval firms are limited in Sduration. Life is short, and although the a names of established firms are capital in y themselves, it is practically lust when tnose who compose it pass away. Corporate firms may be perpetuated. It has been our cus e tom, as you know, to encourage our efficient y and worthy employees by giving them part nerahip interests, as circumstances would permit; but even this method has its limita * tatious. Too many members of a firm com plicate business, makes it unwieldy, and has other objections. A corporation disposes of ,f many of the objections to large firms and a enables us to make our deserving employees (if theydesire) parties in interest with us over and above their salaries. I believe it will prove beneficial all around; at least we have concluded to give it a fair trial." Mr. B. did not claim any purpose beyond this; but it seems to us this method will increase, and that its generalization in commerce and the Industries would tend greatly to restore b and maintain the good relations which should exist between capital and labor t really the right and left hand of industry and which should never be raised against each other. Another method is that adopted by the Pillsbury Flouring Co., of Minnesota, in reserving a certain percentage of profits, which is distributed at the close of the year, pro rats, among employees. Through such movements and agencies as these we think there is more hope of a satisfactory adjust meat of the great question than by legisla t tion. The latter, locally at least, should be now carefolly directed to such regulations relating to corporations as will fully protect stockholders, and to such amendment of the lien law as will give laboring men better and less complicated means of securing their wages than now exist. We believe firmly in the protection of capital, and as firmly in securing the laborer his wages. The less I swindling and squeezing, and the less strik ing and rioting, the better will be the con dition of all. Tan manifesto of the Compte de Paris, according to a Paris dispatch, has crested a profound sensation in France. The Prince has made the strongest possible statement of his case. When it is remembered that last October not less than 3,200,000 votes were recorded for the Conservative candidates, and 8,55,000 for- the Republican ticket, it will be seen that thlpresent Government is far from belngthe auanlious cholee of the electors. Of course, r O 0et.4, 1885, many thoasands of Repabllpiid voted t Cotiie vstve ticketecLaee ttdr alsbd to rebuake the dangesptsicesses MAe. $las of atheir prtu, but the party. " manage et hm not keoted en ..sMea e si. e lrs Pasion, ind thert ish no 0abt fsat the large eient of aeoams ,Rpypblican s la Pagend to; see a ato as abh l koa I o;f thePainceswiek, to say the lsM $i waL entremely impolitic; and mIa i tls to of a 7,'i b Freed., he asWslsn.:, *AO"e..iaesw Mau. Lomona, Jaune St.-,laIlrsan TI7 Passni its candidates wllimsteetselhem opposition, snd 7 sent will be meteil ed. lle Lohlon 91 ra teg ',t pp. le l 8ct iadd the Uloaiet hi aly a cThoej aa s'D iit o k e s o' l ·e e Ahepiat. ass a hpetpster as liui pabtiMe :ag a Ikbe' sp ed ieM alwe s ~te hs tit it. PUBLIC LANDS. The land law act before Congres repeals the pre-emption and tlhher ch!ture laws, but provides that nmy.perai e who has blt exhausted b's prp ealgion 4ight and has fled under the hbomestead act and f~iled to petect title, may smakl,& second hoesteatd ysgry. The desert land law is amended to limit- the claim to .00 acres, on whlcb-2i eats per ase of earnest money must be plpMd in, andtbht 83 per acre reclamaion, at a rat .of not less than $1 per year, must be expended on the pses before title is as paired. Then, at expiration of three years, and payment of $1 per acre more, patent may be had. It is provided also that any person entitled to a homestead may enter 320 acres of maout tainous lands in the mountain States and Territories as a homestead, three fourths of such land being utit for the plow or for cultivation, and its character to be fully described by regulations of the Interior Department. Section 2289 of the U. S. Statutes is amended to read as follows: "Where settle ment with a view to pre-emption or home stead has heretofore been made, and Where settlement with a view to homestead shall hereafter be made, before the survey of the lands in the field, willeb are found to have been made on sections 16 or 36, those sec tions shall be subject to the claim of such settler under the pre-emption or homestead law; and if they, or either of them, have been or shall be reserved or pledged for the use of schools or colleges in the State or Territory in which the lands lie, other lands in like quantity are appropriated in lieu of such as may be patented to pre emptors or homestead settlers; and other lands are also appropriated to compensate deficiencies for school purposes where sections 16 or 36 are fractional in quantity, or where one or both are wanting by reason of the township teing fractional, or from any natural cause what ever." The Commissioner of the General Land Office holds that school lands are public lands within the meaning of the order relat ing to fencing publie lands. Thiu is an im portant matter to many Montanians, and although a modification of it is hoped for, it is by no means certain. The bill has not yet become a law, but is very likely to, and it behooves land claimants to keep a sharp lookout that they are within its provisions. --- ~ tL---00 - THE CUSTER MASSACRE. Thrilling Story of the Details as Narrated by Chief Gall. ST. PAUL, June 25.-A special to the Pio neer Press from the Custer battlefield, Mon tana, descrrbes the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the battle by a few of its sur vivors. The great Sioux Chief, Gall, went over the field and described the manner in which Custer's command was destroyed. Gall is a fine looking Indian, 46 years old, and weighing over 200 pounds. He was reticent at first. Finally he told his story with dignity and animation. "We saw the soldiers early in the morning crossing the divide. When Reno and Custer separated, we watched them until they came down into the valley. A cry was raised that the white soldiers were coming and orders were given for the village to move immediately. Reno swept down so rapidly upon the upper end that the Indians were forced to fight. SITTING BULL and I were at the point where Reso was attacked. Sitting Bull was the Big Medi cine man. The women and children were hastily moved down the stream, where the Cheyennes were encamped. The Sioux at. tacked Reno and the Cheyennes Custer, and then all became mixed up. Women and children caught the horses for the bucks to mount, and then the bucks mounted and charged back on Reno. They checked and drove him into the timber. The soldiers tied their horses to trees, came out and fought on foot. As soon as Reno was beaten and driven back actoss the river, the whole force turned on Custer and fought him until they destroyed him. Custer did not reach the river, but was met about half a mile up the ravine, now called Reno creek. They fought the soldiers and beat them back step by step UNTIL ALL WERE KILLED. e [One of Reno's officers confirms this, saying: 'It was probably during this interval of quiet on Reno's part that the Indians massed on Custer and annihilated him.] The Indians ran out of ammunition and then used ar h rows. They fired from behind their horses. The soldeirs got their shells stuck in their guns .ad had to throw them away. .They then fought with little gu.s (pistols). The Indians were in couples behind and in front of Custer as he moved up the ridge to take his position, and there were just as many in in the grass. The first two' companies b (Keogh's and Calhoun's), dismounted and k fought on foot. They never broke, but re tired step by step until forced back to the ridge, upon which they all finally perished. They were shot down in. line where they stood." ,SENTIBENT IN STA'IBSMANSHIP. Gladstone Grows Poetic and Pathetic. Y Loznox, Jane29.--Mr. Gladstone, in the course of his speech, delivered yesterday at 8 Liverpool, said: 'It was here that I first drew breath; I have drawn it now 76 years. - The time is not far disteat when I shall pay my debt in nature, add these are possibly the last words I shall ;speak in iAverpooL" M' r. Gladstone quoted from the -balld, " "Chevy Chase:" "Thb child abborn shall rue the hunting of that 'day,"andi eclaimed: "If idle and shiallow pretexts bhwilder the minds of the people, or If power,: wealth and e rak overbes the National sageq, i c8l84 unborn shall rue the voting of tiat day. 1 entreat you to resolve .that, tmh civilized world shall no loger aert that Ireland is IBngland's Poland, and to determine that I- Z id shall no longer hav* a Poland. She hb hbad Itongeaeagb. Listen toprudeee, courage and boer,-- ring out the old, frin rin the new,' ttg out b o noiof miemo. and discord, rlngy in the blessea reign of a time of peace l" ST. PAUL, June 28. -Informatt reeived here s~e ay fiusl'Wa nge gives uppn what is believed to bE go eborhy, PeGopdlg VlaMei ls m binet. isearland I tesign s iklrnOmebbt red the Prgssldeutn for iiueriaw prini u Bis at.fe , Siw York, wil; 1 is thoght, take his place. In order to maintate the geographical balance of the eateeel It a"aM thiat ztenator sUlearom ab sas e sea e it Is letwe red caile dui l h t arbrfie s -0 ba 'ass .tibi -Na NEWS NOTED AND MENT1ION. Intelli was received by Glu. Ruger; yestesday irneoo by wire, fromDivlslon head s~t that 6 bid b edelded to ssend he So teeu Rejispeaag jfantry to the D * t ; the Platte to replace the M th In.~gaty. which bas b enordered to the D6part~t of Arina.e The mee ment will take place at an, early day, but whether or not it will occur beore the end of the present flhai year, wh;9ebend on the 30th isat., is -ot; yet know.. Thil~ Beven teenth has been stationed iu.thfeepartment of Dakotaso oleppand has becmae so thor ougbly identlit with its history and its people, that the dews of its early departure will cause universal regret. At present the headquarters of tfie regiment and the band are at Fort Yates, Dak., where also are sta tioned OmpabhiesB (Green's), DfO'Brien's), and E (Howe'A. .. Copanies A (Van Horne's) and G (Rogers's) are at Fort Abraham Lin coln, Dak.; C (Sharp's), F (Bennett's), and I Roberts's), are at Fort Totten, Dak., and E (Gatretty's) and K (Troxel's) are stationed at Fort Custer, Mont. Col. Thomas L. Critten den was In command of the Seventeenth upon its arrival here, and continued to act as regimental commander until the date of his retirement in 1381, when he was succeed ed by Col. Charles C. Gilbert. Maj. James S. Casey is now in actual command of the regi ment, and will conduct the movement to the Department of the Platte.-Pioneer Press, 25th. ch "Since Grant died," said Gen. George A. Sheridan in a lecture recently, "I have had ve a kindlier feeling for death than ever before. he Somehow I believe that the grim slayer, or moved by admiration for the soldier who de was making such a splendid fight against of him, and awed by the depth and majea of or the love that moved his pen across the weary so pages, held back the final shaft till the old hero's work was done and his soul could pass out tranquil and untroubled by thought of th danger to his loved ones." ng Revs. Sam Small and Sam Jones, the evan gelists, were in St. Paul last week. Just to give an idea of their style, the following is nd given from Jones' Thursday sermon at Red lic Rock camp ground: "But how Christ did at- lam it to 'em. I've been preaching for thir -. teen years, ard have had a lot of abuse. But nd I was never abused by anybody except by a it member of a church or a preacher. I stand square on the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount, and if the fellow that abuses me stands on the same platform, I've FP no quarrel with him. How Christ did love I* these poor sinners the Pharisees crowed over so! The shepherd didn't go out with a club to bring back the lost sheep; he took it up tenderly in his bosom and carrieditbank to by the fold. The hour is up, but if there's any one here who don't want to stay any longer, he can leave. The rule is when I'm preach lu ing that a fellow goes out when he gets his n- cup full. You can stay as long as you want th to." Nobody stirred. nt DEATH OF DAVID DAVIS, Ex-Vice President, at Bloomington, Ills. d. d, BLOOMINGTON, ILLS., June 26.-David as Davis d ed at 6 o'clock this morning. He ry sank into a comatose state 12 hours before be the end and passed painlessly away, sur 0e rounded by his family. d, During the early part of last evening he to appeared to be failing, and it was felt certain te that he could not live through the night. At 'u 11 o'clock he revived somewhat and was o0 given milk and stimulants in bmall quanti Id ties. The effect was for the worse, however, for he at once relapsed into a comatose con dition. His pulse became very feeble. Dur is ing the succeeding four hours he failed i. gradually, his respiration growing noticeably re weaker until the end came. The cause of 18 Davis'. death was Bright's disease of the kid. t. neys, aggravated by weakened condition .of d the syastem, dating from the time when he d becamoe afflicted with a carbuncle. .0 d .Judge Davis first saw the light of day in d Cetil county, Md., March 19. 1815, and was educated at Kenyon College, Ohio. He stud d ied law with Judge Bishop in Lenox, Mass., and in the law school at New Haven, Conn. I" n 18:6 he settled in Bloomington, Ill.,where e he has since resided. He began active polit 11 ical life in 1845, being elected a member of b the lower house of the Illinois Legislature. p He was a member, also, of the Constitutional y Convention which framed a new Constitu tion for the State in .1847, and in 1848 was elected Judge of the Eighth Judicial Circuit of Illinois, and re-elected in 1855, and again in 18(1. Judge Davis was a warm personal friend of Abrah-am Lincoln long before that distin n guished man was named for the Presidency, s and be was one of the most ardent support ers of Mr. Lincoln's election for that office. As a lawyer Mr. Davis stood at the head of r the bar in Illinois before he became a Judge, and President Lincoln, recognizing his great abilities, appointed him, in 1862, an Asso ciate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. e In 1872 the Judge was strongly urged as a Liberal Republican candidate for the Presi dency, and was nominated by the Labor Be I form party, but the Liberal Convention, which met later, nominated Horace Greeley, a and the Democratic Convention endorsed him, so Judge Davis was out of the field. His friends say he was greatly disappointed at the failure of the Liberal Republicans and Democrats to nominate him for the Presi dency. After serving an honorable career of 15 1 years on the Supreme Court bench, than I which it had no more popular member, Judge I Davis resigned to accept a seat in the United I SStates Senate. He was for six yearm one of Sthe most conspicuous members of that body. SPhysically, Judge Davis was the largest man who ever occupied a seat in the Senate. It was necessary, onhis admission to that body, to have ia ohar made large enough for him. He was elected to the Senate as an Indepen- I dent, and acted as one while a member. Mr. I Mahone, of Vlrgtpii, was the other Inde- I pendent-in the Senate, and the balance of s power rested with him sad Judge DaviS. g AI fter the death of Presaident Garfitleld Judge Davis was honored by being chosen Presal dent of tze Senaten , a poos. t whic him virtallfy Vice President of the Unite . States, MIr. Arthau having been sworn into a the Presidency. As a presiding oflocer he was very popal.r. Soon after retiring from ( the PresldencyinjiB, the Judge was mar ried, in seaond nngulb, to a niece of Judge Green, memberoi Cngress from an Eastern North Carcoha d'stect, a hlady of beauty and culture. Li lnge that time he resided quetly at bls i hople, Bloomigton, Ill. His estate is es- I mateda $l,OO o.or more. c Califtotina C ta~pit stsating flew Yoirtk Wild. g NEIW Oar , JTone 25.-The Post asya Holders of luag plots of ground in ist loetloesare each itlsterested in the opera, ( llons of a $15841 i syndIcate of California t eapitalasatH whitel Chatds Cre er an g Hapsin I: ?e* of trai1hrl are~ppoaen r to .,# t~j. fTare, , igates. Areal . aiU aginul a thlrtp4oasst asrestIs agent 4shEta esonpsoyn oq gtlstlsag fo-r s F trada. Atlready te bonCern has itirchased lb(st ratihur itr a onoadwa5 a L egpsct .uo steseq :r w i theowsrs, o ai laes.pledeef at theinteseatlof Baws tV ~ shIet Aenue, *ler aW ete ppsomesequ t amsia . ah meise ue -sr TUB EXILED PRINCES. Th Count Of Paris Puts Forth a Manifesto. s, Jurse 24.-The Due de Chartres w -compsay the Count of Paris to Rog landmnd afterwards return to France. The Due d'Aumalg and the Prince de Joinville will live together in retirement. The sannual huntaing meetings at Chantilly foreets have been atopped. Prince Jerome (Plon-Plon) is at Geneva, ea route to Italy to bring the Princes Clotllde, his wife, and their daugh ter, to spend three months at Prangins, Switzerland. The Count of Paris left the .Chateau d'Eu at 11 o'clock. Just before his departure he stood surrounded by his family in the principal entrance of the chateau; and bade farewell to the 1,200 persons who had called to convey to him their sympathy. The assemblage was sorrowful, but orderly. The journey from the chateau to Treport was made without any demonstrations. The Count embarked at Treport for England at 1:30 o'clock this afternoon. He will assume the title of Marquis of Harcourt and remain incognito while in England. THE EMBARKATION. Customs officers and mounted police pre served order. The route to the quay was lined with two companies of regulars. There were many Seeators, Deputies and other friends of the Princes at the quay. On the arrival of the carriages cries of "Vive La France," "Vive la Compte de Paris," and "Revoir" were raised. When the bridge was hauled up the Count raised his hat and exclaimed : "Vive Ia France," which was met by renewed cheers of "Vive la Compte de Paris." The steamer departed amid en thusiastic cheering. The Princes stood at the stern, of the vessel waving their hats. The crowds dispersed in an orderly manner. The Countess of Paris will return to the Chateau d'Eu to-morrow. n- WELCOME AT DOVER. to LONDON, June 24.-The Count of Paris and his party arrived at Dover this evening, id and met with an enthusiastic reception. The ir- party consisted of the Count and Countess at of Paris, the Duke of Orleans and fifty com a panions. They were received by a large id crowd. The Mayor and Chief Magistrates 3e of the town boarded the vessel, welcomed at the party and expressed sympathy with them re and presented an address to the Count of re Paris, to which the latter made a feeling reply, in which he said he rejoiced that he had so many friends in England. An ad to dress from Frenchmen in all parts of Great y Britain was also presented to the Count. , THE INEVITABLE MANIFESTO. The Count of Paris has issued a manifesto, Ssaying : "I am constrained to leave my country. I protest in the name of justice against the violence done me. I am passionately at tached to my country. In prosecuting one, vengeance is taken in my person on 3,500,000 voters who, on October 4, condemned the id faults of the Republic which sought to in le timidate those daily detaching themselves re from the present regime. In one is prosecu r- ted the monarchical principle transmitted as a trust by him who had so nobly preserved ie it. It is decided to separate from France in the head of a glorious family which guided Lt her course nine centuries in the work of as national unity, and which, alike in good I. and evil fortune, founded her prosperity and r, grar deur. The hope was cherished that 1- France had hot forgotten the happy, peaceful r- reign of my grandfather, and the more recent d time when my uncle and brothers fought y loyally under her flag in the ranks of her f valiant army. These calculations will prove I- fallacious. Taught by experience, France )f will not be misled as to the cause or author e of the ills she suffers. She will recognize that traditional monarchy, of -hIch I am the representative, can alone furnish the n remedy. With the aid of God and the co Lv operation of all those who share my faith in - the future, I shall accomplish it. The Re public is afraid. I have confidence in France, and at the decisive hour I shall be e ready." THE EVIL TO COME. NEW YORK, Special Telegram, June 24. I Mail and Express London Cable: The ex pulsion of the French Princes has caused much uneasiness in Paris. It is feared that serious trouble may result. The better class of people severely condemn the issue of the decree against heads of the old mon archical families. They regard the step as an evidence of weakness on the part of the government, and dread the effect of its con fession in this way on the uneasy spirits f which always are ready for revolution. They hold, too, that the expulsion of the Princes has given undue prominence to them and their political position will tend to unite the monarchical and Imperial interests in a com mon hostility to the Republic. The wide spread influence of this measure Is already seen in the immediate disturbance which it has made in diplomatic circles and in the stand which it has obliged some of the most able statesmen and former friends of the government to take sides with the Princes. Many more resignations of officials are ex pected, and the men of culture and social position display an inclination to withdraw from all participation in the affairs of the nation as at present conducted. This is likely to be a serious blow to the Republic, particularly in its intercourse with other countries. Several of the persons arrested yesterday for exhibiting their sympathy with the departing exiles were released at night, it not being thought expedient to hold them in view of the dangerous temper of the peo ple. Le Crt du Peuple, the virulent radical newspaper, to day demanded a new measure for the immediate expulsion from France of all other royalists. This is the legitimate result of yesterday's decree, but would be a I perilous step to take. 4 THE FULL LIST. 1 SThe members of the house of Bonaparte affected by the expulsion bill are : Prince Napoleon and his wife, Princess Clothilde of Savoy, and their children, Praince Victor, Prince Louis and Princess Marie; Princess Matthilde (Princess de San Sonato); Prince Roland Bonaparte, son of the late Prince Pierre Boaqput& Of the hoese o France (Orleans-Bourbon): Prince Phillippe (Oupte de Paris) and Wifet, Prin crs Isabetlle G otpensier, a;nd bildren, PrnlacessAmele (erwa pr.maeess of Porta gal), Paince Philippe (Duea d'Oresan), Princess Me lene, Princess Iabelle, Prineess Lonig, Prignce Feriland, Prince Robert (ehin4e Clrtreesan4 lis wife, Princess a FrancoisedJe Joienvlle aa children, Prince Heen, Princess Marguerite, Prinie Jean, . Prince o"ts rauc e .3emonus), and hisi wif~ e, Frs i aeSd~'toie eBas-eboar a et Gotha nk d ebildrea; Prince Pb-ilpe (Duei'at.eA ne~ ibtulbwite? Prisisi a sesa e Nv airta, aid ehud.iei, Prinuiss it. (Ptisea s a; er.yskt ), PlacqssI.ehe; I Paace Fsreds (P8We. e Jie lhti), is vitA lsrrins p ·ao eobdie .t Basilsand 41- tge., Princess Fase de ha , ?ui~ u"P~he; ' (1uO~;OR~Tte nttlevre), A Dee 4wm~n~ ~c~i itse0dMn 411l~i fph~v ~ 7 TELEGRAMS IN BRIEF. LoxNox, June 28.-Two men sailed for New York from the Clyde to-day in a boat nineteen feet long. They took rdvisions for two months. . NEW YORK, June 25.-Austin Corbin, who has been quite ill for seven weeks, ho re covered sufficiently to drive out. HEiUiE go to the country next week. PrITTSm G, aone 26.-The Knights of La .bor are circulating petitions reguesting the United States Senate not to pass the bill placing a tax on oleomargarine. BUCHABEBT, June 28.-A servant in a fam ily in this city to-day murdered his mastef and mistress and their five children, then stole 10,000 france and fled to Bulgaria. WASHINGTON, June 28.-The following named postoffice inspectors were ta-day dropped from the rolls of the Departmrent: T. B. Bannerman, Cal., T. F. Tracy, J. A. Small, San Franciscn. AUT.tTSTA, Jhne 28.-Blaine and his family will leave to-day for Bar Harbor. Blaine will there begin the preparation of a speech which be will deliver at the opening of the State campaign, during the first week in August. PARIS, Ju i 28.-The manifesto of the Count of Paris has been placarded in many of the towns of France. It was mailed to every elector in the Republic. The royalists will organize a campaign on the basis of the manifesto. HALIFAX, June 27.-One of the most severe storms in years passed over this city to-day, continuing for an hour. Several vassels are badly damaged. Lightning- struck a fire hy drant on Cornwalis street and passed into the ground and tore up the pavement for two blooks. MUNICH, June 28,-Prince Luitpold was to-day formally made Regent of Bavaria, to administer the affairs of the Kingdom dur ing thec occupation of the throne by King Otto, the insane successor of Ludwig. The ceremony was performed in the Throne room of Residez Schloss in the presence of the Ministry and a majority of Parliament. STONEMAN, Mass., June 26.-Fifteen of the shoe firms here are discharging men daily, the bosses telling the men that work is so dull they will not need them for five or six months to come. Most of the men who have been discharged are members of the Knights of Labor, and were prominent in the late strike. am DETROIT, June 24.-Rev. Charles Reilly, of D. D.,easurer of the Irish National League Dg of America, to-day remitted £12,000 to Hon. he Justin McCarthy and Joseph G. Biggar, ad- treasurers of the Parliamentary fund. This eat makes in all some £45,000. or $250,000, sent by Dr. Reilly since the Boston convention. Of this sum $25,000 were in Mr. Parnell's hands before the last election. to, NEW YORK, June 27.-The dead rhinoceros, Bombay, weighed two and a half tons, and I three elephants this morning dragged the he carcass from the iron cage where it lay and at- on to a truck, which carried it to a retired ae, spot where a post mortem was held. The )0O brute died of pneumonia. The skeleton and he stuffed hide will be placed in the museum of n- Natural History. FITZ JOHN PORTER. as The Bill Reinstating Him Finally Passes. ed ice WASHINGTON, June 25.-The Senate took ed I up the Fitz John Porter bill, and Logan of addressed the Senate. Logan opened with od an objection to the bill on a constitutional nd point in the bill. He said it provided for an tat increase In the number of persons on the re rul tired list of the army, provided the President Int appointed, certain persons to places; if he ht could not make that special appointment the er vacancy was not to exist. When did the ve Senate get power to name to the President ce the person whom be should appoint to an or office ? Where did the House of Representa ze tives get any power to name to the President im the person whom he should nominate to an he office ? Of course if the Senators were de 0- termined to ram the bill down the throats of in others, they must take the responsibility. e- Logan did not expect his words to have any in weight in the Senate, for he always noticed be that when the Senate was determined to do a thing, it turned a deaf ear to everything else, whether law or fact, that interfered - with its purpose. This case was not the x. trial of Porter. Porter had been tried and ed condemned. This was the trial of Abraham at Lincoln, of James A. Garfield, and of many er brave and distinguished officers of the army. se Logan asserted that Porter was the cause of n- the first Bull Run defeat by persuading Pat as terson to retreat from Winchester with 30, ae 000 men. "As God is my judge," said he, .- "I would stand over the dust of Lincoln and ts swear by all the gods to his act as being an hy honest and a just one." Logan had a pride as in the army and its glory, and before he id would drag into the dust the name of Abra ie ham Lincoln for the sake of this criminal, a. he would let his tongue and his arm become e. palsied. Yet the Republican Senators were ly willing to vote to give $3,000 a year to a it man who-was a traitor to his commander. ie So, if men wanted to be paid liberally by at the United States, they had only to be oe treacherous when they should be true. If a. you are true when you might be treacherous, r- you are vetoed. "That," said Logan, "is a ii strange thing to take place in this country." w Plumb, in opposing the bill, said the rein se statement of Fitz John Porter was the be. is ginning of an attempt to rewrite the history e, of the Union army; to put that which was ir disloyal and unfaithful above that which d was loyal and faithful. Plumb said he had h just been informed that the President had t, vetoed the bill giving $50 a month to the n widow of Major General Hunter, who had º- been the presiding officer of the court mar l tial that had tried Fitz John Portir. That e seemed a fitting accompaniment for the pass f age of the Fitz John Porter bill, but the e loyal people of the country would see to tt a that Mrs. Hunter did not suffer. Plumb offered an amendment to place Mrs. Hunter on the pension roll at $50 a month, Lost e yeas 19, nays 29. Logan offered an amendment to place on the retired list every volunteer officer who received wounds producing total disability. Rejected-yeas 18, nays 29. The bill was then brought to a vote and f passed-yeas 30, nays 17. The Actors Assert Tlsmselvas. Nuw YOK, Jane 26.--The actors and I actresses of the country want lewer matinees t and more salary. This was evidenced by I the applause which greeted the reading of a the resolautions yesterday afternoon at the 5 convention of actors of the Order of Friend ship at Madison Square Theatre. I I thbe first time in the history of the order that a public meeting has been held. The Order a of Ftiendship is distinctive from the Actors' ,_ Fund, though the aims of both are similar. n The meeting res ,lved that six evenings and a one matfee performances abhould constitte I a week'spro:bstionsl aertices, and all other a perfdb.ace~i given during aoy one week should i.ia considered extra and paid for at a .the rate of onse-venth of the week'ssaiary n for ease. I aogiven. Tiireolu- ri tion afvroulnA 0uday performtances at I any plicaa. aso adapted. p Ctsuiess Hlpor to so atMared, a I spoaeetdsbas he ba is goilg to mawsy Cosas o. do MAlamder se Speala pitttisa (COu ant and 1 4be (pea9 Iau*(sats p uis. te. uited disapeialts fres hea Ngwshe. NOTES OF 'EE DAY. The *pmblera hbo " e01};peloed from Tha chs o~lefrom Columbus, Ohio. The l~gMfound neor MIto, Penn., rasays from e0 .to 4BX0 atoa. One-fourth of the male population of Framb aris bakeless This ye ts wrd crop is the heaviest ever harvested i Osliforania Tom Fitb to "ti be the Fourth of July orator a; PooBl, Oregon. Cbhieao has women lawyers and 300 proaetiodig fes)e physicians. It will cost President Cleveland 360,000 to make his country residence habitable. A geological discussion shows that the loftiest peal in Denmark is only 535 feet high. The grass on the Texas ranges has again died out and cattle are in g very poor con dition. The cost to the Pope it creating and con firming,an American Cardinal is said to be $23,000. The Lick telescope at San Francisco, when finished and set In'position, will have cost $164,850. The total popular majority in Nova Scotia for secession from Canada is 12,000 in a vote or 60,000. Prominent Detroit (Mich.) breeders are charged with giving their cattle fraudulent pedigrees. President Porter, of Yale College, takes a spin in a shell on Lake Wmltney several times a week. A Philadelphia judge has given notice that mere technical defenses in the law will not be recognized. Colorado offers a premium of $2 per hian dred for every liie of trees maintained along ditches, fences and highways. The President gave Pastor Sunderland a draft for $500 for his marriage fee, instead of a $100 greenback, as reported. Gen. Lew Wallace has settled himself per manently at literature as a profession, at his home in Crawfordsville, Ind. Miss Rose Elizabeth Cleveland is to take up her abode in Chicago and edit the peri odical known as Literary Life. Galusha A. Grow will make another at tempt to secure the United States Senator ship in Pennsylvania, to succeed Mitchell. Some inquisitive person sent Sarah Bern hardt a set of printed questions to till out. Among them was, "What's your favorite animal?" She answered, "Man." St. Loui is getting granite for her streets from Hurricane Island, Me., cheaper than the Iron Mountain granite near, at hand in Missoutri can be bought and laid down. The Senate, June 24th, passed a bill pro hibiting Judges of the United States Courts from appointing to office under them rela tives of a nearer degree than second cousins. Senator Logan is believed, by persons who are near enough to him to catch some of his vague allusions, to have no idea of serving on the tail of any ticket in 1888. He will be either Caesar or nothing. Paul Wilzig was convicted in New York last week under the conspiracy law for toy cotting, he having assisted in the boycotting of George Thiess' concert saloon. The pen alty is five years' imprisonment. One of Patti's wedding gifts from Lady Rothschild was a brooch about four inches long, representing two large pansies in white brilliants, with nine blood-red rubies in it; heart all diamonds, with a large red ruby in the middle. of While speaking of marriage, a gentleman remarked that he would rather marry an old maid than anyone else. When asked to give his reason, he said: "Young ladies are so timid, widows are too forward, but old maids are such a thankful set." The eleventh Parliament under Queen Victoria, and the twenty-third since George III. was King, dissolved Saturday. It has )ok been the shortest Parliament since the first of William IV., which lasted only five th months and twenty-seven days. nal an FITZ JOHN PORTER'S CASE. re The "Vindication" Bill Passes Congress. ent he WASHINGTON, July 25.-The Senate to the day passed the house bill for the relief of the Gen. Fitz John Porter by a vote of 30 to ant 17. Five Republicans voted in the affirma an tive, namely Cameron, Hoar, Jones (of Ne ta- vada), Mitchell of Oregon and Sewell,and Rnt Riddleberger also voted for the bill. Sabin an and Stanford, who were absent, would have de- voted in the affirmative, and were paired. of Before the vote was taken on the bill several ty. Irrelevant amendments were offered, but re ny jected by an aye and nay vote. The bill will ed be laid before the president Monday; and, do notwithstanding the fact that President Ar ng thur vetoed a similar measure, it Is believed ed that President Cleveland will approve it. he Attorney General Garland, when a member nd of the senate, voted for the bill vetoed by im President Arthur, and again to pass it over ny the veto, which would indicate that be does 1 not agree with the opinion of his predecessor, of Mr. Brewster, that the bill is unconstitu tional. 1e, The bill passed the House on Feb. 18th, id last. It authorizes the President, by and an with the advice and consent of the Senate, de to appoint Gen. Porter to the position of he Colonel in the army, the same rank and ,a grade held by him at the time of his dis missal, and authorizes the President, in his discretion, to place Gen. Porter on the re. De tired list as of that grade-Gen. Porter, how re ever, to receive no pay, compensation or a allowance whatsoever prior to his appoint r. ment under this act. 3y be NOT SO ENCOURAGING. If - g Dames of Primrose League in the Canvass. , New YORK, June 25.-T. P. O'Connor cables from London to the 8tar: The e. Dames of Primrose League throughout Eng land are canvassing for the Tories. In a a majority of the constituences, these gentle sh ladies are going from house to house solicit id log votes, as Gladstone puts it, "to authorize id another era of coercion, bloodshed and ter e ror." In England their organization Is ex d tenelveand admirable. Their strongest bold I Sis ain the rural districts, that owe their en t franchisement to Gladstone. Here it is rea . sonable to expect they will succeed in dam 18 aging Gladstone more than all other ageneles I combined. b London remains the unsolvable problem r for the Gladstones. Notwlthst anding the great meeting at St. James Hall, the Pe- t mler's adherents are bound to confess that t the capital is still the hardest nut to crack I o of all. The metropolis Is to-day, as it has E . been so long, the stronghold of Torylim and Whigism. Here, too, the Dames of Prim- r d rose League are found hard at work, begging s votes from doOr to door. Summing up the situation, I fear it must s be admitted that the country still needs a d great deal of educating of Home Role, al s though the general Impression among the government men is that Scotland, Wales f and the north of England will go almost solidly for Gladstone. I ft Of Interest to Boycotters. t BIOGAIPTON, N. Y., June 24.-A new weapon against the boycott was brought out to-day. John H. Dann, John Doyle, Ed- b ward Barnes and George Sauipaueh, cigar tr makers, were arrested under the Fdesal laws for boycotting Fred. J. Hill; a cigar manufacturer. It is claimed that lHtl. ' yas payig lila i',ternal reveue tea. turr..v at Illlled the.rlghl& under the lternal t 1 i naelaws to -manutature ecgars, and that the rightasoacquredsis a right secured by he laws of the aulted 8t , a sections fiI provides thabt two or more persons c,. daie .n.Yhi suorenited S.aeirts -td ro -p-- ta The~#Weamgaof teuhj me1 THE ENGLISH CAMPAIGN. Reports From all Sides of the Question. NEW YOREs, June 26.-T. . OCor, from London to the Star : The progress f the campaign has made the lard bI resso aible. Tlhe bill is dead antd buried beyopt the hope of resurrectitit by Glal.stn1e or any other man. Childers, Secretary of S a'e for the Home Department, anld several ler Gladstoneites, includinge soolie of the l're. mier's prominent coljeagues, are alr..dy pledged Uotronly against this propsa t any simuilar scheme. Public lf ijiui leads the Ministry in the ma ter. The laridlo.(s have jot just what they deserved, accoldlmg to popular ideas, by their s. seless opposi. tion to the bill. They were warned early in the fight by Gladatore, by Parnell and by hundreds of other voices that the terms oflered were the beat they would ever be likely Early in the campaign the Gladstone side found it necessary to abandon the measure in deference to the expressions of popular disapproval that could not be mistaken. LoNDON, June 20.-Richard Chamberlin, M. P., attempted to address the electors of West Islington last night, but was not allowed to speak. He was met with cries of "traitor," and the platform was stormed. Chamberlain and his friends escaped througt a back door. John Morley, speaking at Newcastle last night, said the defection of Bright was the most painful Incident of the electoral cam. paign. While he would ever revere Ikight as one of the purest of English statesmen, be must say that the gentleman's defection would not abate one jot or tittle of the policy adopted by one intellectually as great as, and in political grasp and foresight Qrpater than_ Rrieht Lord Randolph Churchill opened the cam. or paign at Paddington tornight in a twohours' . speech. The meeting hall was crowded rn- with an enthusiastic audience. Lord Ran. sut. dolph defended his election address, which has been so much criticised. Every word of ets it, he said, was gospel truth. He sat down tan to write it with resolution, to tell the truth .i and to shame the devil. Mr. Gladstone's schemes, he continued, placed the Governo arts ment in tLe hands of the Catholic Celtic )la- peasantry under the control of American ns. adventurers and an unscrupulous fanatical tho priesthood. He had nothing to say to Amer. ing ican dynamite and the dagger faction offering b old England a challenge, but our prisons are karg iand rope is cheap. We have plenty of oy- amateur hangmen, he declared, and for the ing first victim of dynamite or the dagger, we en- have scores of avengers. When the first Englishman falls, the lives and persons of hes the dynamiters and their allies will be placed rite at the mercy of an angry and outraged peo it; pie. Parnell spoke to-night at Plymouth. He an said the present struggle was a struggle of old the British and Irish democracies against o class. The landlords saved them any corn old punctions of conscience by idiotically refus ing liberal terms. Voting money to Irish ;en landlords was not out of the question. It e had not been and could not be denied, he rat continued, that Lord Carnarvorn agreed with ive him as to the main lines upon which auton omy should be.granted to Ireland. All that Lord Carnarvon said was that he could not agree to the adoption of Mr. Gladstone's bill, which nobody denied. Parnell did not desire to make further disclosures, but be to- thought It very probable that Lord Carnar of von's scheme included the retention of Irish to members in the House of Commons. Lord a. Carnarvon had for six months urged the e. - adoption of his views and the Cabinet had nd not opposed them seriously. in MANCHESTER, June 26.-Gladstone this ve morning appeared to be much exhausted as td. the result of yesterday's strain upon his ral powers. His voice was hoarse, but his spirit e- seemed as strong as ever. He received a ill delegation of Liberals from Salford across ad' Irweli, and made a speech in response to .r- their address. In this he said, among other ed things : 'There is to-day but one discotn it. tented province in the whole Brttish Empire er and that province is Ireland. It is time for by Englishmen to end this disgrace." After er this, Gladstone paid a visit to the Mayor of es Manchester and subsequently took the trayJ ar, for Liverpool. Is-I -.-------------.-----~~-- -- "WITH GREAT SOLICITUDE AND DIS FAVOR.)" h, id A Resolution Regarding DeLeseeps' Canal. e, of WASHINGTON, June 28.-King, of Louisil d ana, introduced in the House to-day the s following : e. Whereas, The French Government gave r- its aasUrance to the G.overnmernt of the tr United States that the project of DeLesseps' t- was a private enterprise, for which the French Government was in no wise respon sible. Whereas, The extraordinary expenditures by the Panama Canal Company have caused it to appeal for aid to the Government of sr France, to assist it by authorizlug a loan of 1e 600,000,000 francs for the purpose of con tinning the work-of construction. a Whereas, It is reported that the French e Government has recently recommended to t- the Chamber of Deputies to grant the neces :e sary authorization. r- Whereas, Such authorization will identify the French Government with tie euteprise: d therefore, S Resolved, That the United States will view with great solicitude and disfavor this contemplated action of the French Govern a ment, or any other measure calculated to illentify it with the Panama canal, as such action is opposed to the policy of the Ameri 5 can people as expressed by the Chief Execu Sthie of the United States at the inception of Sthis canal, and which policy is most emphat* t Ieatly repeated and reiterated by the United a States. S Resolved, That the Secretary of State be Srequested to send to Congress without delay ° I all correspondence bearing upon the subject ofsuch vast Importance, and fraught with l such danger to National interests. Ex-President Arthur. S NzW YORK, June 24.--Ex-President Arthur left the city this afleruon for Nera London, Conn. He stepped up to the plat form.alone but slipped and early fell at. the top step. Recovering himself he entered the car. The ex President looked pale aurb worn. Severml friends came to say good bye. To one of them Ie said: "'My only trouble 1 in may stomach ;" thenr be addec, liughingily : "You know how go,,i that usrd to be." Ila reply'to a qntestiorr, Dr. Petirs Said that his patient was progressing favor ably and without drrba wo.lid t i,, rtihed by the chaige of air. "'H hals had a siege Sof it," said the Doctor, ".but hIe will- get a long." Parliament Prorogued. LoneoN, June 26.-Parliament was pro-' rolgued to day. The following is the Quee.n's speech: .y Lords and G~enstlemen: I have deter mitsted to debase you from your high duties before the full aeeomplishsamnt of the regu lar work vf tire session, in order to ascer tain the euten c.f my people on the important pspoal! to establish a legslaltive body lI Ireland 10t thre anlaageabntt of Irish, as dis li.j bestr os lum Imperial, affairs. With this ! i45t aik e asy ilatenionl to dissolye larliS eii..t Cortinue to happily mainutalin the iSg kiirj relationas with foreign powers.