pnii' JIJIEDIý ýý I"II F RIIIAY. ý,. ý nili Iii;( ·i:s ( GL. CPILS TWENTTYIV E CENTS. iPoetrv. TlIiE GLOW-WORM. t o m)ei'ig on~l content, Sgi ,vr-.rurrn b upon the ground, .1118cuu of the light shre bon.t ile dttgiited wortun around. 1'.. ou t a niO'SY bed close by, tt+iA crept forth the wotitn to ;iew. ''lC.1 fla gbý. t1h an (Vil eye, iý.ceilt 0t the Pt igh I thling thcov.: Gi. '-a'. what har0 tinI cc tIs1 to thee,'. The ' .axn Žxclitai v-, :I cant iiu:Ei \'it p, the load erualiell :05 i 4.', E ot:< 1'i:. t o 1>0 . rtiven up lI:- ItI, eil ;i . ;I1i' lil''t aS int . tivc In 'u naiajt' i it I i (05i a ,Oi Si l~el' lltlltiUF t>l\ tp eit of ale i lia ý :.rntirg ti·. and ,o, I~t~t t u nt1t bcgtie t - :;.ce r:- Ir ntc lvrr-: the Ilil ýi tin m:;('kl aiouIle hel bat t seem 0t Ii1t' t(I mutat di teare teu itlt'i l it ( (1 ? Si, len C it - Ji(,lo.t -th'i eanli-n ls .1~ tt ut11a l'i'. iuo'lad i foii, Mfii) ' P~cll Sl an i. n C'CI 1> lt-et rn e lii aun cittl , orl t hic nit t cw c -i th rea nti Slhch 1h V lIoi ClOl t lj;tes l S s do g, bet 11 lre l ii 3d Vt' i t liiU (17 Se!j'll '1' 1( 1 1c' 1 0(U tiC th u Initl (''"to'd ttp ~it1lC! . iih iii'± th U Za I iii. 0ltn e itrti l!'r-' t fCo Cd I it ittiav iIool itSS C 1) (" 1 s en s ' 1r 1i ij~i ae the iis e em1--- tiii tiouite resiult diIi er ji i-rllt 1o ien I I ltt I fe A b t '' they itr th = ,ii' Vfo tel1(, fri td g ,bI ult Itt' aztcl : tisin' most heall8" nose t 'iti, a=1 Ci AL tnnttliri -in e 5 bf t 111 11 the tiii:-uii i Cnt l' ,]t 1ti itttr1l L1 . Ia t11 (' ti' i'i (t~it rta-Iec'1tn f tiltj't , lond'1ý(1 jul'S~iet 1. ed b tc fr ,.hý h tt1 , 0 't. ' t. t tc' * irný1"tri e lit' thOf cu Matcy i-'1d a tmc ,l I '' l 1rnh i te ii' tO tllliC' !0 it) ' t e i mi J ItO mli hlerea u 1'r't 1 :. :l lnhe1 a ndv si ea~te U~rn to ct ti-li Wl~th1 (,~ 6l~ reeiieSt~ (S, s tl iv C thi' I'ead in~ 'i1e, aS trII~ t- e-.i'tt tutcn ,h lii'ong they ne Cia lI) in toe Sitle tss ti the t,:itti "'Mu wolf ! mad wolf"it About the firs.. of A ugust, ' :32, the.ri - al camps of the several fur comrn panies theni contendingr for the supremac in thIe west. were clustered near each other in the val iey of the Green River. One night a mad wolf ente-red the camp of Fontenelle, whoi ipresente.l the intererst of the American For (ompany. and passing rapidly by the r..ecunilnt alni sleeping men, proceeded among the hiorses, several of which iti it, and eseapetd in the darkness. The alarm was spread thronh all the camps., and the followin.. day a 1ilnl cer of tents were erc't ,.d by the more prudent men for their bct i tr pr'otection shOuld the wolf return. In the cnamp I FIitzvpatrick and Campbell, five inie1: distant from that of Fontenelle, but one tent was ,pit'clced. the occupants at night bar,'r, iiling the entrance with pack a ,dles; lot as the nights were pleasant the remainder of the men preferred to take their chlnices in the open : ir, laughing at and joking their mire prudent companions not a little for thle precautrons they had taken. Niglut eame, and silence fell upon the ncmp;, only broken at intervals of twen tv minutes, when the chicf of the guard soundel the cry of"Ali's well !" which was taken up and repeated successively by the drowsy sentinels, who, forbidden by the rules cf the camp to pace their beats lest they should be made a target for the feath t-red shafts of unseen foes, could scarcely hee.p awake in the recumbent or sitting postures they were required to maintainin t-ome darIk nook on the verge of the camp. Blat. ptresOntly. a shaggy form steals past the nodding sentinels, and reaches undis tvtredtC the centre of the camp. It ap plroahces the, sleeping form of George Ilower who, wrapped in his blanket and resting on his left. side, leaves quite unpro tected his right ear and cheek. 'Snapping at the exposed face, the shaggy intruder inflicts a severe wound, rousing Howe . rudely from his slumbera, with the cry on -I 5 VOL. II. FORT BENTON, M. T., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1876. O. 8. ____ - I ,is lips: "Ho ! I am bitten ! a mad wolf!'" The ] "A mtad wolf! a mad wolf !" echoed the now aroused sentinels, and every man !eap- "HI ed to his feet in consternation. But the this o wolf sprang quickly upon two other men with t and bit them in the face ere they could rise, nails and then, favored by the confasion and the ing, i d.trkness, efiected its escape. The next day o meorning mounted men scoured the plain and b in every direction in search of the Th. monster, but without avail; he seemed to (chair have gotue quite off, had further apprc1ehn- of lev .ion was quieted. In coiseqiuenee no .ad- .d dili,.na precautions were taken th' es-- QT ing nigh, but agoain, about m idnighit, .bar, the rv of "-_%.1d av!i" rant tirough~ e t e ''S canmp. This timne the creatote was anlo rtspe the cattle, and fled viler having bitten a ever fine, large ball, whicih wasv: debtined for circu Fort 'ilia.nm,''t 'the' mouth of the Yellow- "Y stn e, to i.e .il yd in breeling. The me i wolf night have e..n killed upon this oc- need ,.nasion, but for fear of accidenlts order laid a sj been given noit io fire iin camp l ie was, its et loiv,' r, not long .a', shot and kil- will 1 ICtl iv F'C;ntenelle' s i en . I A\ Rw1' uas sul:selquint to these events, and 'oiiiltendll an-d c(amp:bell Broke camp and "I startei d i t the Bi .i'rn iver,, the latter It is~ , on its av a st s i . itit1 the year's ir ouumula- " ti 1 of p.'l, .hi s, the forner to escorti hiu as doln Ifor as 'the iver eianmd. The biull that hd the been ,iliten at .leai i-ed to b, doing welt, and now, liowe's w- ouids ;w re rali:i-ly i, oaling bilt mac] 1%101en sentie two l: v:,' nuarch fr'om the Bi.g an icort, rie tll co nmetr- en el to C(:.ave "I -trans .ly, induti , in pJi ' iraeted fits o i ,veL ,:re,, b i,, teg, wh- le, Seauing at alte anls iiiouth a r - i n,\ti,:g - i' grount d with \i1- it r lence. It w. cidlent tial _:e was going to Ps , andti poir Iowe becanme dreadli y h av, lariedi for hims. e. .'.e was a young man hole .r-;m New York o( good " ily, " and well is si -,iucted, l.'s ha-d sought the West and and ,dop!ted th:e tr::ppier's vocatin, impelled thaus ol:lo]y l the spirit of adventure which leads so n-i" yitgi men to makie sacrifi- we C es of the aitdv: n:i ia.s of a good home and any the comnpanionship of frie',ds to plunge in- ttic to a li.e of harudnip and danger. Howe affoi had, niaong other trapper.s, an excellent triend named Lar-jenVtur, theu quite a clot o iutg man, who sfii , sequently passed tor- yon tv years on ti lplains, and beea'me well and Sknown ulp(.n 1- frtiiter. As they marched yea: Sal:: togetCher, ; itnesses of the mad antics thin and b tlowinga oftae bula , Howe, with white that (tIce and irembliig voicet , wuld s:: "Lair- m' i-unqdcurdon't you Lear the biul ssi e is 1' i r, gin' mad. I am be(ginning to get fright- guil enc.. Do you, ti.nn I sita ,i uV IS, .o ?ll,".. T'Pihe re sinc i1ato .a.iuca tho., o ti theat any , hrrtlf ;rsp"et. he ,., d ere sug again 1 break silence in a piteous appeal to his a p Milnd for the etm,.nrting assurance that he s e should probably escape so dreadfl a " i' Oe. I lapent'ur, vith a heart wrung with a i iinate~ sympathy, made to these quer mt ies in a voice of fi'orced steadiness as con- any i- Iol: t reply ais he nmight; but with the In eonvic tin itn 1: :eairt that htowe, was ' i- doo ti 1., his woreds but ,'rely concteatled hiis we llown t;-eb,.d;ns: The Bigi !irlt was reach wo' e i. d. Ctamp. eli ' party, including La'rpen al Stout', fell to work 0 p:.n t he boats of skins i. lea e which they were to float down the Big he e Ho.n I nu i Y 'llowstoie to the :issouri, ,.iii - while I,',onteneloi turned to scatter his Iand eu: i through the heaver gro'unds to begin thea'n '. season's trapping. Howe returned wti i. F ontenelie, and tius did niot witneiss the i pr in deathl of thie bIull whih occurred soon af- an '-t tr f'rom a well-developed cate o hlydro to phobia. But poor Howe was coistantl i iy tortured with dcread he seemed imtpressed wa 'with the,.ess of his escape, and thi d ib itter and terrible were his reflections at 1: Sthe prospect of thus miseirably perishing be i ifar from home and friends-fl'iends wm o iso n uight never know his fite. Alas! that I t had ever left them ! Wouild that upon this i August day he might stand again within tall cd herin:g of thie voices of the deal ones at ee Sthe door·-the door of his iather's house- e.p Io out of which., not many months belobre, hie co ie had joyously passed, seckimg adveuture, dri eid an: only achieving an enid like this! Would ,. it, that the brown and treeliss prairie which ti im ihe now traversed in such dosponileney and oI ie horror, might be rt-p!laed by the green Igrass upon which he had gamboled in boy ht- ood, a i0 O'e leafy cove'rts whose grace- il jfi, si4iade had shelteired him f'rom the sum- yI Simer heiats on mtiany a dav like this i vu Butt let us dwell no longer upon his sui t1 al ferin9gs. This mental anguish, th-is driad 1' ik- of the impeniding liftte-o..e of the earliest't nt symptoms of ihydrophobia-was soon .ol ike lowed by other symptoms more pronounc- 0: at ted. He would turn pale at sight of the : ns small streams oni the route, crossed them a, ad with trembling, and finally, overcome by I on his dread of water, dared not cross them en- at all. It became necessary to cover himn I rd with a blanke~ t and carry him lacross, the -as mere sight of water throwing him into con- d the vulsions. At length it became aifficult to the get him along at all, and one afternoon, Lest not far fiorro the proposed camping ground, th- he was left behind mn care of two men un ely til he should recover from a fit into which ing he had fallen. The attendants soon wearied n in of their ttsk, and came into camp. without cp. him. Fontenelle immediately sent back a Vast party to bring him in, but when they arriv die- ed at the spot where he had been left they all- found only the toru remnantsof his clothJl. rge ing, which he had evidently. stpped off and in his paroxysumi, and thien fled: firked in pro- to the wilderness. He was never found, uing and undoubtedly perished miserably in Ider 1 this forlorn condition, withoit ii compaimonl owe t6 solie his dying moments' or a friendly on hand to bury his rvmains.-,.i - -~ - - -· The Exciting Adventure of a Clothes Pin Seller. "IIHo~ many tickets will it require to take this outfit to a good circus ?" asked a man with a Grecian nose, long hair,dirty finger- has nails and a diamond pin, vesteirday morn- old ing, before he had the compliments of the thr day off his smiling receptacle for fried eggs s and baked potatoes. i all The devil very civilly handcd him a e( chair, a printer brought him the pitcher C of lemionade, the foreman gave him n eigar, to ,nd we proceedad to enaumerate the forc: - '"To printers-two tickts apiece arl fee oar, the devil is fire, and ourself and wife te are seven--seven tickets, sir,' we said very tit respectful v, fo r ie was the first man we l M( ever eard s anythng anthin bout ubringing a sol r ircus to this burg. co "Yes sir. Speaking of your wife reminds th me that I lave here something that is - neeed in every family," he said, o;pening th, Sia small hand trunk, "Something that saves ch , its cost every year that it is used. and it C< l- will laCst b ,liti e. "Don't bother yourself; we have one, , and it works like a charm," we began. I "But. mIy dear ir, you ddon't know what a 1 it is," truth mull suggested the agent. "No differei'nce -we don', want one--we Sdou't nee- ai'y w-,e haver't room tfr all (i the potent d,)tofunles we get on advertising i now," we persisted. The agent had hiai it machie on t.he table, and was waiting for an opportultity to explain. i S "This, you see, is a ceo;,les line t'hsto ner. ) , t ecryi' o;y has trouble fixing clotheslines, ' } ,n, this SU1.lies a want ng tt. sually i- r equire`s t.:clve minues to put a l Wne'i- P' 4 tshape. but with this contrivance you T y i:ae only to slide heth line through this C a, hole, press upon that latch while the rope 11 is stretheh d, let go the 'at.hl, tilti the rope (I and the task is; completed in a little less d than two minutes. The loss of--" i h "We 've no doubt you have a big thing,' i E- we explained, "but, you see, twe don't keep s id any clothes line-we hang clothes on the p 'm- fence and the gooseberry bushes. W' can't ii e a afford any of this high toned nonsense " e it "Think,' he insisted, "of the loss in torn ii a clothes, and the saving in time. This saves n or- you ten minutes every week; five hundred i1 ! and twenty ruiiute.s every year, and in fifty a Ad ears it will save you .just eighteen days- es think of that. At $3 a d:ay, you have $54 te that this fastener is actually worth to any a 1r- ma n who expects to live his time out, and s 1i aobnly charge you $1, le,.vig you If50 clear it- gain -just like making you a present of I' le aiythii - .firer than this ?' in We certaiinlv never d, so we maeadeli im is a proposition. at "Costs $4? a "Yes, sir; $4." c ith "Actually worth $34," we continued. er- "Every cent of it, sir; it's worth $514 to i an- anybody, and it I had the exclusive right, he I w ouldn 't take a cent less. as .V.". , just consider that our fastener," -is we ciremarked, turning tu the "eunt; "it*. Ich worth $,1, but, seeing it's you, take it n ialong for $10. 'We owe you $4, and that -in leaves $36 coming to u.I If you havC-n't ig ,he money xii you: you can isend it by Cri, ,'ai;tn or Post Oftice orderC, or pay it in cir i cus t:ce.-t-'we are niot o'oin5 to be har d the on you." ;th The agent, after spec:ding a inomenit ini the proCound meditat ion, boxied his maxchine, a- and said: ro "How large a place ii tl-e ncx town?" ill By the time we ha Ctld him, he iwas hal sed way down stairs, but he sent back his id I thiiank, and told a iman on thie sidew lk at hat he believed that editor uI, sitairs was ig born to stand at the h;ead oi the infatsi.. vho ists of this country. It was a mean man who got on the Clay ia street car and tendered the cond!uctor tour cents lare. Not wishing to stop the car to iu eject the liilow, the honest and generous iL conductor made up his mind to take it, andt, i drawing his punch to operate "in the pres ence of tho passencair' was astonished to ihar him exclaim, in excited tones, "!old on! don't shoot; here's the other cent." When an Oshkosh clergyman stoF.s in the middle oi'his sermon to remark, "Dear I beljoved, it's awfuil dry,"-a thrill ofiChrist ian sympatLy pervades the ectire cou,- '' gatioen and, in the twinkling of an eye, a hundred loaded pocket flasks are flastling i in the air. "Htow much tbr that broad-faced chicken on the fence ?" inquired an Irishman of a farmer on Staten Island the other day. *"That's not a chicken i it's an owl," re plied the farmer. "I don't care how ould he is ; I would like to buy him," says the Irishnian. When young men are led away into drunkenness they generally plead . "Out side influences" as the cause of their dis ' .race ; but the real culprit is the inside in *fluence which takes possession of a man's stomach and fools with his head. A colored gontleman who went to con t suit a lawyer, said: "Now I knows you is a lawyer, but I wish yon would tell me de tiuf about dat matter?" 1- The "Cattle Queen": of America is Mrs. if Robb, of Texas. She owns 75,000 acres a- of land, inclosed by twenty-three miles of 1, fence, on which 15,000 beeves per annum n` are fattenedfor mair .- Her husband, a who dit some years ie refused .an of Ly for f $110,000 for one brand of his stocky which has been larg: increased sice. TERRITORIAL NEWS. DIAMOND. W( [Frumnt the Htusbandimla.n ways A new channel was found by Wrn, Quin Th ist week, near the rimt, just back of the ladies Id town site, on Eldorado bar. We learn ers c: tat considerable excitement prevailed for Th little while, until the vacant ground had the I 11 been staked. The channel ia represent- than (1 to be fifteen feet wide. The gold is Th oarse and very rich. Mr. Quinn claims flte b a have vashed ot 1l0 from one pan' of They irt. Messrs Butterfield & Bro., own 600 "TB :et of this bar, and intend to commence to sel osrkin, in the new channel as soon as They hev nfish cleaning up their bed-ock. them Messrs Pilev, Manly. Welch, and the other It ortunate elaimants on thi, channel, all theat octemplate putting in the winter working of ce here. If this channel is as rich as it is have epresented to be, and extends through Th he whole length of the bar, we may truly aak htim that a new era has dawned Wpon reIor 1o:edcrate. Her yield of gold will be in- ?onn reased and times better. Dc The hail storm which passed aerass the Face. 4issouri valley on the 13th instant., dealt take severe 1luow upon several arnctes in that to c i to ct BctUctT. IO I IIU2T7. ;. of ev [From the Nine r] the At Olin's co'c(ieti:itrator the 1rodre crcsh inter or and two are in il, operationi, and S tho, are runnini t~hrouoh a god q;nutily otde of ore per diem. to u J. M. W\etzcl, Esq., and bride, are ex We'" , sn aorn peoted on to-day's coach tfrom Deer Lodg. who h icy have taken rooms temnorarily at the Cen.ten.nial Hotel. ty y his OZEMrAN. In r [From the Avant Courir.] api We have associated with us in the pub lication and business of the Courier Jo- N seph W. Allen and Geo. B. Wright, both jand practical printers, and men of experience sen: in the business. By this connection we in h can safely promise our patrons regularity ftrst in the issue of the pater, and an improve- ab ment in its local character. The new co-partn-ership takes effect from cloy and aiter this issue. you All accounts due the office previous to lot this time for subscription, advertisements to r and job work are ;au able to the under- wl;, sig nedl. ho. e edttoI ' et,, n; ct,t of the paper will be code..d yte Jo1.plah Wri2,ht and her Joseph "W.' .' i'ne: JO.. i [IPH WRI[GHT. mm [Fronm the Bozeman 'Tinms.] No t A gentleman in Bozeman, pretty well bolt posted, informs uts that from the best cal- tier culation that can be made, there will be die, harvested in Gallatin Valley this fall, 2,- c1t 800l,000 pounds of oats. I1 oats is furnish- A ed to supply the new post at the mouth of a b Ttrngue river, the supply of oats will run nor short; if tot there will be phityc to sup- a g ply the contract at Fort Ellis, and a small col surplus left on hand for ordinary use. for one VIt'GL1A CITY. hat .. . . . -- - ci m [Frncm the Iadisonian.] We predict that in a vcrr few years Philipsburg will count her paying minirs by lthe h.udred, any one of which would justily the buildii;g and support of a large city and populatioln. The o:ther day a Silver Star miner lost his *iin cr and tabl e. It fell through an old shaft eighty fet deet deep, and left the min er holdirig his knife andti fork peeping down the hole ifter his gru.b pile. He swoic aome ;for foo, v! s short with himn on that particular day. Parker, vWr liaims & Co). of the Highland Flume mi:de a partial clean up of their dlume. Three hxes of the flume cleaned up a batch oldest valued at nearly $5,000 in currency. The company is now clean ing up, with every indication that theirr clean up will result in a profitable season's pay. DEER LOD GE. [From the New North-West.] The North-West Company shipped O400 pounds ofsilver throu1gh Dcer Lodge this week. Leon Quesnelle, who Las been over on thle Dearborn the past two or three years, is driving his cattle back and will re-locate nI he uplper Leer Lodge Valley. Mr. L. Belelrger, who bougLt some 300 head of horses about Wallula, will arrive with them in a few days. He will take them over to the Whoop Up country winter. The "Intelligent Compositor" is the im maculate scape-goat for many an editorial sin. Nine good compositors out of every ten set up matter better than their copy comes to them, and better than ten out of eleven writers can, or at least do, compose, spell and punctuate, and we, as one of those writers, never say our prayers with. out invoking continued life, health and en. durance to work for half-pay on the "I C's" of this office. Once in awhile, how ever, either the obscurity of the scintilla tion or the inflexible integrity of a com e positor to orthographic law induces a cor rtction that nips us. When we said las . week the Sioux were "the un-Terryfied' s the I. C. promptly and properly spelled i )f "unterrifled"_and-the pun as presente' i was oux-tablie for a semi-Terry and Tel 1, ryble e iifor a semi-Sioux. But let tf- pass. Whom the gods love hai: the: k sgouls harry wed by the latest improved az nriculturl impl ements BREVITIES. Women are a delusion, but men are al- Bel Lys hugging some delusion or other. $100,( The times are so hard now, that young For lies turn down the lights when their lov- ed to call to see thetm' year. The position of women is higher among Thl e Friends, usually known as Quakers, attribi an in any other society,. the co There is one rude and had habit which rimon e boys of New Orleans do not indulge in. A iev never throw snow balls at each other.s no "Biddy, did you put an egg in the coffee sive, , settle it ?" "Yes, mum; I put in four. 1the sc Tev were so bad I had to use four oft m." for hi em." c eivil v It is said that Byron's complexion was cn at of "antique marble, gilded by the suns ed ed E! centuries." What a hard cheek he x:ust away ye had. Ie There is pleasure enoughin thlii life to chur oke us wish to live, and pain enough to eoncile us to death when we can live no of night, r. i cried: Don't put green vails over your baby's A cc. A Troy (N. Y.) woman let her bab are fe ke in coloring matter enoagh in this way to t;e cause its death. drops If wisdom is the head, and honesty the ,athe art, energetic industry is the right hand i Thi every exlited vocation; without whic the N e shrewdest iesight is blind and the best tha.t t tentions are abortive. them Sometimes we a.void a stranger for no pell," Cher reason than because he is unknown Int us. though in very many cases we have ture. ore reason to shun the society of those in tlt ho are already known to us. lem r A young man rouch enamored of a wit- on th youag lady, yesterday attempted to put I Th is arm around lihr waist, when she re- ..a. a:rlked, quickly: "Don't you do it, tl:.-re. I a.d pinback there." Of course thce ,a. as. : Nothing so tends to draw out aii the time etd nd fervency in the maternal natur:e as t<, : end her six-year-old first-bor'-,r : o: ! - i' i , his extra. lest, to Sunday-schoci fi: the han rat time, and have him return home with I muc! black eye. havii "HIenry, why don't you keep a supply ofi )fan loves in your pocket ?" sail an Albany inve ouug lady to her escort al the Opera Ti .fuse recently; you wouldn't then have !inr: o run out after every act.; and I don't see Pt vhy vou are so anv ful fund of cloves any ,oW. • `; v.r.- daring Kentaeky girl lately rode Ti o,, ho.n oh-<',: _.n ta the edee of a yawn- I' ); f er I Ol' e O('i ....: t ') t~O fle e(nge - t II yat- l 1 - ii iC n: et:sc a and ,roudly ,efi,=d any ga-nt.i- reeabl ag wu the larr it) tnun eta ccUutugi.-j In mu i aot a soul siirrcd except one youth, 11ho youth r >oldlv backeid his horse into the same posi- perhapr ion, and, standing on his head in the sad- !etters. lie, dared her to do the same. She con- The luded not to do it. wearint At a prayer meeting the other evening in one brother, who was relating his experience, contait )ore testimony to the hact that religion had tuary' Sgreat deal to doin strengthening a man's camp r soueagC, and added: "I never had to run wich B, or my life but once, and that was the see- Spam ,nd week after I was married. If she to the 1 hadn't stumbled and broken her neck I Inaemou lon't believe I'd be here now." is el)SC Nelson was made an admiral in t:0e This e( British navy in a peculiar manner. He has al was only a captain at the time, and fifty- is not : third on the list. The Government had The ruessed that he was a man of great abilities has is. and wanted his services. Accordingly, of all fifty-three admirals were named of ,*hom capaci fifty-two were at once-placed on half pay, proprii and the hero of Trafalgar came to the diem s front. ized tl It is the boast of Lyd i Tetreau, ofWash- to pul ington. Mass., that in thirty-seven years of j themse married life she has given birth to twenty- I durins five children, ten buys and fiit-en girls- - is alsc with bat one pair of twins. "ixteen are ci pal living, two having died in infancy, and Copie! seven after getting their growth. The road t grandchildren already number thirty-three. A ce Mrs. Tetreau was one of a family of sixteen, Arguts and married at that age. twent; He skulked into a Fourth-street saloon. thamilý leaned over, and whispered : "Here years is my last ten cents. Ii you were me would and p you put it out for whiskey, or buy candy Aeco; for the children ?" "I'd bay candy," re- necks plied the bar-keeper. The man put up the the hb m.,ney, made for toe door, but halted as are c a happy idea struck him, and he returned, rich'l and said : "I guess I'll pay for the whiskey brunt and get trusted for the candy." hair At the breakfast table the other morning; verse a Detroit landlady= gave Mr. Jones a severe subj. look, and said : "Mr. Jones, I u'nderstand form, you have been circunlating injurious reports So about my house." "How, madam ?" "I thoui understand that you said you had used as a better butter than I have here to g rease man, wa Ons with." "I did say so, madam; but hour not to injure your house. I have used bet tradil tI er butter, madam, to grease wagons; but He f I would not do it again-I would sell it to Dut4 you !" She accepted the apology.-De- ed t( - troit Free 1Press. the "Hey !" said a man to a Kearney-street in h - car-driver as the car stopped on the ross- He; - sing. The man didn't g'.t on-and thedriv- gho, er didn't go on. "Why'don't you get oa ?" tam queried the driver. `"Why 4en't yoi go all-( ,t on?" quoth the man. -"Didn't you tell me tma " to stop ?" said the driver. "No, I didn't," vor it answered the man. "What did you say?" ehe d asked t`e drnirer. " said, bhey.H "y.? a'r, r Wh'at's hey, I like to know # demanded nU it the driver, getuing mad and very retd.-- hi ir "Hay is ATee dollars a ton," said tb pro- uf ; yoking pedestrian, and calmly passed o n.g down the street.-q MISCELLANEOUS. lelknap's trial oeqt the government .A 0,000. , pour million barrels of flour are requir to feed the people of New York for one r. hat is a practical, not a pretty saying, 0" ibuted to Miss Anthony: "Babies are coupons attached to the bon's of mat ony. fashionable suit this season is what nown as the divorce suit. It is expen , but attracts attention. Qhe leaders of the Servian agitation in a south of Hungary, have been indicted -.WA: high treason for conspiracy to excite i1 war. .n effort is being made in the Reform-. Episcopal Church, New York, to do MagWn Iy with the observance of Lent as a dil ireh fast. i bolt of lightning struck a tree in frnilt Chicago Alderman's house the other lit, and in his fright the city father Wa .d : " Hold on, I'll restore the money, k pair of canaries at New Castle, Pa., 11 fed by a little wren, which comes daily their side, and, sitting on their cage. >ps into it the seed it has managed to her. [here are so many pick pockets among S. : New York bootblacks and newsboys, ). C. ( t to check them it isaproposed to license T. H. 1 m, and some prop(;se that thpy be com led to wear a unitiorm. lnteresting to members of the Legisla- Paid e. The two gentlemen recently killed the sleeping coach disaster on the Hai a road, New York, were the only ones DESI the train who had free passes. The usual number of matrimonial en OF veiments between cadets and very young ie are reported from West Point. These ;Trans : .:-cints usually last six weeks. and GOLD Si; .hat children call a "big crying 'cI London Echo has again changed Intere' n;s, even Baron Graut, who has had so ach experience in managing newspapers, ving failed to make it pay. The failure an Echo to answer ought to be carefully vestigated by Prof. Tyndal!. This is the latest effort in the obituary 1 ; Put away the rope with handles, No more little Sarah srkip She has climbed the golden stairway, Sasi She has handed in her chips. The other day a Postmaster, on entering - otice, had his olibetory nerves disa-1 DO( eeably assailed. On questioning a boy Icc ultice so ,v O1t- Lui'ar, the co. :T O O )uth replied : "I don't know, sir; but I; Sbiu rhaps the smell comes from the dead tters." The occasional appearance of a man earing a duster, with a small demijolin i one hand and a package in the other, constar mntaiuing a copy of "Songs for the Sanc- ibr hen iary' and a euchre deck, shows that the at shorI emp meeting, season has arrived.-1br- _ ich Bulldin. ED F. B. Spain is not disposed to yield obedience the mandates of the Pope; and contu iacious Alfonso, now that the Carlist war Sclosed, w-ill, doubtless, resist his bulls. _ 'his course, in view of the fact that Spain as always been noted for her bull-fights?, Snot at all surprising. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company & ns i~ssued. for general information,a list uu, ~r eIB BARI ill hotels in Philadelphia, with their acity, location and charges. The hotel Fort I prietors have agreed to the rates per n setforth in the circular; have author- A, I the Pennsylvania Railroad Company publish the same, and have pledged raselves not to increase the chargee LLUnPT ing the Centennial Exposition. Thers lso a table of distances from the prin al Western cities to PLiladelphia.- ,ies can be had gratuitously at the rail- Buld I ticket offices. k correspondent of the Petaluma (Cal.) Iron, ,t+ gus says that in the Red Woods, about i j mnty miles from Petaluma, there lives a ,ily who have a female child, about eight trs old, which has two well developed I peroectly formed heads and necks.- cording to this correspondent, from the lks downward, to all appearance, it is body of but one child. TLo two heads called Dollie and Ollie. Dollie has h'brovin hair, dark hazel eyes, and is a j unette. Ollie has a fair skin, auburn ir and blue eyes. They can each con- . c rse with different persons on different bjects at the same-time, and are well in rmed and intelligent. H v Some smart young man, the other night, ought it would be cunning to dress up TOm: a gihost and frighten a simple, Dutch an, who usually returns home at a late Direct )qr in the evening. So be donned the aditional white sheet and laid in wait.-- _ ,e didn't have to wait long before the Lutchman appeared and the ghost appear- A full a I to the Dutchman. '"Vos he scart ?" did FECi le simple Dutchman excltim, "Mine cott - = himmel, vosh ish dose?" No, he didn't. le just got out of his wagon and gave that ,host what he afterward described as "te atest licking vot a tam chost never cott, ll-e.vile, too soon a'ready." The Dutch- Ac nan chuckles over it thisly : "Don't schare and rorth a tam, aint it.- Nudder time ven a pubtie .host wrap himself all around a vite sheet s'ready, und get der middle of der nite, I aust sha1Dh my vagon out of me, like boel oi.efof 'a shot, by tam,-und lick him T of he vas wholbe kraeyrt., . oa. is de d iad oph muan I o. e't setstare verdi a tam:' PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. ADVERTISING RATES. o~~as I w. W . 3W. 4 w. 13 w. 12( w. 52 w. 1 inch. $2 50 $3 004 00 $5 00 10 00$10 00$24 o 2 " 41 5 '00 6 50! 8 60 14 00 20 00 30 00 3 6 0000 8 00 00 16 001 24 00 40 00 41 7 00 8 0010 0012 00 24 00; 36 00 52 00 5 " 8 00 10 GUn 12 60 14 00 30 00; 40 ((0 04 00 6 " 9 00 12 00 14 00 16 00 36 00! 50 00 80 00 8 " ,11 00 20 0024 00 28 0 50 00 80 001 0O 00 column 20 00 30 00 36 00 42 00 80 00120 60 200 00 W. G. BAILEY. MAIN STREET, HELENA, MONTANA. .h p.r~v.l to examine. Watches Repaired & Warranted. 4S4 OFWALT HA LENA.TCES. S.ding and hsoliday Presnt........................sident witk vrivilegc to exami ne. i). C. CouEt:, .... ..............Cashier T. II. Kuu' aruTr .....Assistat Cashier Paid in Capitol, $100,000, DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY OF THE UNITED STATES.! Transacts a General Baniing Business, and buys GOLD, SILVER, and COPPER ORES At Highest Mla:rket rates, Interest allowed on Time Deposites. col lections Promptly Attended To. SHAFFER & YERGY. Lower lain St., Helena, ., T., 'Sash, Door & Blind Factory, DOORS; WINDOWS, GLAZED SASH, Shuttoers, 1MoU:ings, Etc. SC2LO.AkA 54AW IN G+ 1IAll kinds of fnchy moulding and scroll work kept constantly on naud a d made to order. Wi cotla t l5 the erection or im'rouinent of private ad public buildings. Our facilities thr execuCIi g first bas wsark EFD F. F. ARRO. SA.. C!. S"WE,3 AvIA PL~ R00MLOO" ARRON & SOWERS, Proprietors. it Benton, D - MIontana , M. HOLTER & BBRO. Manul fcturcr:r of rnber, Lath, and Shingles. DaIers in ,ders' and Cabinet Hardware, n, Steel, Ielting , Mincre and M :a.nics' Tookie Hliena , io tana Territory. Sanford & Evans, IDEALE:RS IN I8r, LIt1i, 8hi t 8 1 Etc. - E2"-.,TA-, N- T_' ITOBRIS B ROS. Wholesale and Retail dealers in avana and Domestic Cigars TOBACCO, PIPE;, NOTIONS, CUTLERY, AM MUNITION, PISTOLS, Etc. rect Importers of Tropical and California Fruits. MAIN STRIEET, HELENA, .i.T. rull assortment of FRENCHI and AIMEIICAN CON PECTIONERY always on hand. 'Orders promptly ºttended to. W. KISSESYAUGH, TOLF CREEK HOUSE, Benton Road M. T. Accommodations fortransient guests. Goodstabllug id feed for animals. The patronage of the traveling blie is respectfully solicited. BOOTS and SHOE\. up1w1i ndemf led wiltl thes idtW: Fort Si Sbanufld vicinity uitlt C usrout Msi< Itn s acid ýboe, at:t short notice and on reaitiit* 1 3.' siring aestlyand promptly executed. JOSEPU V* 81TH} R 5evnea Tnfinntry Bs$, Port SMºirha ý