Newspaper Page Text
THE BULLETIN. MAYSVILLE. M A 12. I8M Increase of the Price of the Bulletin. The Subscription price of tbe Bulletin trill hereafter be On Dollar and Fifty Cents per year, instead of One Dollar. (Official dispatches have been receiv ed by the War Department from tbe ad vance, announcing the inocessea of the Fed eral arms. Our loss In killed, wounded and missing is set down at 12,000. Tbe greater portion of the wounded are set down aabut light'y injured. Thanks. We are indebted to the cl erks of the steamer Magnolia, Capt. Lew. Mob bis, and bis assistants Thrasher & Pat terson, for late Cincinnati papers. CrThe Alabama put into Capetown for coal and supplies on March 20. Semmes baa destroyed, during bis Indian sea cruise, seven snips. He reckons the damage to the Federals at $5,000,000. " OrAccounts agree that Beauregard Is confronting Butler with 20,000 troops. QT-Three citizens of St Louis were ar rested oo Thursday, charged with counter feiting United States currency. They bad in their possession SS75000 in counterfeit Treas ury notes, and four plates med in printing the notes. (7-A soldier shot and killed a butcher last week, in Memphis, and thea tried to to escape from the guard, and was, in turn shot dead himself Or-The Confederate Loan advanced two per cent, on the newa of a frejh rise in gold. (7-Io tbe month of April the receipts from the internal revenue were $ Tbe London correspondent of the New Tork News, says in his letter: I am justified In informing yon that the Lincoln Govermeot has diplomatically bound itself not to interfere and not to offer any practical opposition to the establishment of the empire of Mexico. fjy-Ia the General t'ooference of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Philadel phia, tbe address of tbe college of Bishops to tbe Conference was read. The address referred, among other subjects, to slavery, -i a v n(nnn iTiot atuvAhnlders should not be allowed to be members of the chorea. This was received with great ap- plause and sbonts of 'Glory to Uodl Oy-There is in store at"St. Paul, Minne sota, over 500.000 bushels of wheat, the largest amount ever accumulated in that place at one time. (Krlrelandas lost 2,500,000 of its pop ulation by emigration in ten years, and the exodus is still going on at tho rate of 120, 0C0 a year. Pic-Nlo. There will be a Pic-Uic atW. W. Bald win's Woods, 1J miles from this City, near the Lexington tnrnpike, on Saturday. May 21st, 1864. All are invited to come and bring their well filled baskets. A good time is expected. Wadsworth was captu red by the guerrilas who stopped the train at Piedmont, on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad. They did not recognize him and released him with the other passengers. fjr-On Sunday moring last In the Pres byterian Church at Danville, the ordinance of baptism wai administered to sixty-seven converts, tbe immediate fruit of the deeply interesting revival that has been in progress In that Church for some weeks past. fjA fire at Wilmington, N. C, is said to have destroyed property worth from three to five millions of dollars in gold. (EfTbe fastest vessel in Secretary Welles aval fleet was built in England.. Oy-The Paymaster Burton, who bad charge of the $2,500,000 burned on tbe Ruth, has bean relieved of the responsibili ty. ' fj3rTbe Concert at Nativity Hall, is postponed until Friday Eve., May 20ih, at which time it will positively be given. fj-It is reported thai Marmaduko baa captured a Federal train, numbering 240 wagons, 1000 prisoners and seven pieces o artillery. Qjlt any of our readers desire a cool glass of Soda or a dish of splendid Ice Cream, we would advise them to go to J KO. Bboseb 3c Son's. (7-Col. Zekb Clat, of the Confederate army, and who was wounded in the skirm ish at Psintsville, Ky., passed down the river last Thursday night.on the Telegraph. He was accompanied by Surgeon Lightfoot, also of the Confederate army. Dr. Light foot was formerly of tbia city. Ths Marbiaob Relation. Tbe cele brated English writer, Addison, has left on record the following sentence: "Two per sons who have chosen each other out of all tbe species, with design to be each other's mutual comfort and entertainment, have in tbe action bound themselves to be good hnmn,. ofTahla dUcreet. forgiving, patient and joyful with respect to each other's frailitiea sod imperfections, to the end of LUOIT 11IM." Britannia and Japanned Ware! XriHK STOCK, or BRITANNIA WAR AND TKA TRAYS AND WA1TKKS, very clteap, at dedcl7 - B. ALBERT'S 2d atreftt. . MARRIED. On Monday tho 9th dav of May. 1S4. by Rev. Father McMahon.Mr. MATH I AS CLAKK, of Carlisle. Kv., to Mies CATHARINE GRADY, of Maysville, Ky. Ob Thursday, May 5th, "884. bv President J. K. Rogers, Captain M. B ATEMAN, of Cincin nati, formerly of Mason oonnty, Ky.,to MisaM. ALICE BOULTON, of Columbia, Missouri. On Tuesday, May 8d, 164, at the residence of Mr. James Brewoter.m this county, by theKev. J. W. Fitch. Mr. J AMES H. RAINS, of thiscitr, to Mm. MARY E. DO WNS, late of Fayette coun ty, Ky. " On the 10th inst., by Elder J. W. Cox. Mr. FRANK LONG, of Maysville to Mias L1DE HORD, daughter of Abnkb Hobd of this county. Our friend Long has our warmest congratula tions for self and his fuir and bashing part ner. May their pathway through life be ever atrewn with the choicest blessings of thin world. Religions Notice. The Old School Baptist will hold Three days meeting, at the Mt. Gilead Church, commencing (to-morrow) Friday, May ISth, 1S64, and con tinue over Sabbath. WANTED CORRESPONDENCE. rnwo of Uncle Sam's Confed. Smashers, who I -1 r . . . . I. I A v m vr f it ma n rt are v oierann ui iiiw iu vimj wii-a, dor Sherman, witthes to open Corre"podeuce with a goodly number of Young Ladies from Ohio and Kentucky. View fun, I -ve, or the consequences. Send on yonr descriptive lists and receive one in ratnrn. in one dui ma true Soldiers' friend need reply. Address Z. Z and if. R , Co. II, 70th Regc. O. V. V. I., 15th Army Corps Sjottiboro, AlabaTia. MUSICAL SOIREE AT NATIVITY HALL, Friday evening, May 20th, Admission SO Cents. Maysville, May 12tb, 1S64. Magazines for May. HARPER S MAGAZINE FOR MAY; GODEY'S LADIES' BOOK 4' Received nt G. YV. 11 Li A. 1 TEK MAN'S Bookhtorb, Maysville, April 23. 2cd Street. SILVER PLATED WAREl CASTORS SPOONS. FORKS. TABLE CUTLERY, etc., at LOWEST CINCINNATI PRICES dec!7 R. ALBERT, 2d street. Special Notices. fcifLct those who have doubled tho virtues of Bull's Cedron Bitters, ifany such there be, read the following Certificate from gentlemen well known in this community, and doubt no more. Ita eencral introduction into the army will save the lives of thousands of our soldiers. Louisville. Ky.. June 3d, 1S63. "We, the undersigned, have seen tne good ef- fccU produced by tbe use of Dr. John Bull e Cedron Hitters in case of general debility and prostration of the system, and believo it general nse would prevent disease and relieve much suf fering. Anions our so.dicrs particularly would this be the case, especially those who are exposed to miasmatic ioflueuce in the Southern climate. Maj. Philip Speed, Col. Int. Rev. 8d Ky Chus. B. Cotton, Col. Port of Louisville. Ky, Col. K. Dent, Prov. Marshal Gen'J of Ky. Rev D P Henderson; Vice Pres. Sanitary Com. Harney, Hughes & Co., Publishers, Democrat. Geo. P. Doom, Prop. Louisville Anzeiper. Hushes & Purkhill Wholesale Dry Good Dealers, Main St. Louisville, Ky. Davis, Green & Co. Wholesale fcnoe sealers, Main St. Louisville, Ky. Hart & Mapother, Lithographers, corner 01 Market and Third Sts. Louisville, Ky. Julius Winter, Clothing Merchant, corner of Third and Market Sts. Louisville, Ky. Cart. S. F. Hildreth, of Steamer Maj .Anderson Maj. L. T.Thusten, Paymaster U. S. Arroy. C. M.Metcalf, National Hotel, Louisville. Col. Jesse Baj lea, 4ih Ky . Cavalry. George D. Prentice. Louisville Journal. See advertisement in another column. For ale Wholesale and Retail by SJSATON fc BKODK1CK, Maysville, Ky. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE!!! I OFFER FOi: SALS MY BUItK I'ESI DKNCE. situated on tho hill side in Mays ville, Ky. The hotiso contains nine w ;.,.Vi. Pinirv ni Ollnr. Theie is up'n riuvo w --'-' - . tlsolot a Dairv and Brick Stable. The lot is larpe, having upon it about One hundred bejr iTrnii T,.. Vin.&of tlift finest ana'itv. Also, well t-ct in Shrubbery and Flowers, Ruin and Wei) water abundant during the entire year. 1. ..llnllinr vr V 1 r:lh -O hntlli Ullll will be Bold tor Greenbacks, much less than it cost in Gold. Enquired r. diiuuiuh N. B. Avt liable for City R.dlroad debt. Maysville, Ky., May 5,15G4-tf REMOVAL! rv-IIW. TTnWai0ned would resDertfully an - X nounee to the Citizens of Maysville and th wirroundiatr Country, that they will On MONDAY next, the 2nd day of May, Open their NEW STORE on Sejond Street, the same foimerly occupied by Mackey A Wood as a Drug Store, and next door to Messrs. Mullitis fe Hunt, where they will be prepared to show a Naw. Larsre and Elegant Stock of Dry G-oods and Carpats! Suitable for the present and approaclnii(t season. rr.t...i frthi 1 Kuru 1 n:ilriniiira liftrernlnre bestowed upon them, they hope by adhering to their lormer mono: "-1111:1 , vt.i Goods, Hiid TeinfiN Chf to merit a coa- tinuation and increase 01 me same. RICKETTS. WELLS & CO. Maysville, April 23th. 1364-lm. - - W.J.ROSS. A. i. Kiwilt. eio. w. soss, i B ROSS &. NEWELL, WHOLESALE GROCERS NO DIALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Liquors, TOBACCO, CIGARS. Etc. Corner 0 Market and Thiid Streets, MAYSVILLE. KY GEO. W. WROTEN. Homoeopathic Physician, SECOND STREET, MAYSVILLE, KY. KSfOffice at Mrs. Wkotem's. raar.10 Notice to Farmers ! TT7E ARE NOW MANUFACTURING TT at our Foundry, our celebrated SUGAR CAKB MILLS, TirvinVi w a ,,,.nt (a itirniM an v now in nse. Give us a call and examine our Mill, as- we are confident it will give satisiaciitn. JAMES JACOBS SON, april 21-lm Matsvilxe Fockdbt. GROCERIESAM LIQUORS. wIl.&j.l.p.eaece Wholesale Grocers AND COMMISSION MERCH ANTS, BUTTON ST., opposite Lee Bouse) MAYSVILLE, KY. Our personal attention willb 9 jveu to Receiving & Forwarding all Goods consigned to our care. Ml orders sent us sJiall lefiVei in the same manner, to 'th reference to quality and quantity, as if the parties purchasing were personally present. Below will be found an enumeration of some of the articled included in our Btock, which we offer to the trade low for Cash or Country Pro dace: 24 Hhds. Choice N. O. Sugar; 8 Uhds. Prime N. O. Sugar; 60 Bbls. Loveriug's Refined Sugars; lO " Crushed do; 25 " Pulverized do; 15 " A.Coffee do; 54 Bags Choice Rio Coffee; 25 Prime Rio Coffee; 35 Packages Golden Syrup, in Half Bbls. and :0gal.Kgs; 16 Bbls. New Crop N. O. Molasses; 65 Packages Mackerel, in Bbls, Uf. Bbls, Qr. Bbls. and Kits; 25 Uf. Chests Choice Gunpower Tea; a " Black. Tea; 20 Gross Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco; Choice Smoking Tcbacco, in Half Pound and 5 Pound Packages; SO Caddies Choice Chewing Tobacco; 20 Butts Chewing Tobacco; 60,000 Cigars, assorted brands; 75,000 White and Buff Envelopes; Cap, Note and Letter Paper; 50O Boxes Sardines, halves and quarters, 35 Doz. Cove and Spiced Oysters, in 1 & 2 lbs. Cans; 15CBaskete Champaigns Wine; , 12 Boxes Native Wines; Choice Old Bourbon Whisky, in Barrels and Bottles; Common Whisky; Rectified Vhikey; French Brand v : Gi n ; Ginger Wine ; ttaisinp: Fisrs: Almonds; Buckets: Tubs, in ncsU Wrapping Pai-er; Fancy, Toilet and Bai Soaps; Washboards; Brooms; Cordage; aiaicnes epices, Star and Tallow Candles; Cheese; Crackers; Shot; etc. We invite tbe attention oi ounirj Merchants particularly to our stock or goods. W restrfictrullv solicit theordere of the trade generally, promising satisfaction In all cases. W. L. & J. L, PEAUUK, Nos. 18 & 15 Sutton St., (epp. Lee House) March 24, 1864. MA YS VILLE, Kjr . J.B.DESSAE.&CO. Have Received AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF Spring and Summer CLOTHING; URXISIIIXG AXD PIECE GOODS, Composed of Fine Clotll Coats, Beautiful Satft Coats, Late Style Cassimere Coats, VeStS of all descriptions, PailtalOOllS, a la mode, French Yolce Shirts, Comes tic Cassimeres, BLUE MILITARY CLOTHS, HATS $c CAPS, Furnishing Goods, &c. &c. &c. MANUFACTURED BY THEM Expressly for this Market, WHICH THEY PROPOSE TO SELL AT THE Eastern Manufacturers PRICES! Buyers will find it profitable to give them a call. -. M aysvijle Ky., 17th '.s : . J. B. DESSAR & CO. STILL CONTINUE TO MAKE UP CLOTHING TO ORDER, U ND EE THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF Mr. JACOB LAND GRAFF, IN THEIE USUAL WELL KNOWN STYLE OF ELEGANCE. AT POPULAE PRICES, AND AEE CONSTANTLY BECEIVINO New & Stylish Goods, WHICH WILL NOT FAIL TO PLEASE EVEN THE MOST FASTIDIOUS. Maysville, Ky., March 17th, 1864. ATTENTION BLACKSMITHS I YOUGmOGIIENY COAL. I I JUST Received, on commission, a losd of Pure Yonghiogaeny Coal. . CHARLE3 PH1STEB, Maysville. March 17tb,186-tf RED CORNER CLOTHING STORE! Blum & Heckinger's GREAT WESTERN Emporium of Fashion WE take pleasnre in informing our Patrons and tne Dublic eenerallv. that we have just received, and are continuing to receive, from azw xork, Baltimore and otber .Eastern Poets, a full, larob and varied stock or GENTLE HEN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING; Of the very latest Eastern Styles. Dress Coats, Business Coats, Promenade Coats, Pants anil Tests, Of all styles and descriptions, all of which we will dispose cf at the lowest Eastern prices. We have paid the most particular PERSONAL ATTENTION in the selection of Goods for onr MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT, And have purchased oclv the MOST CITOTOE and FASHIONABLE kincs and Styles. Hit- ingmaae anaii. j itrsoi vii. auuitujh to this branch of our business, we have now the best FACILITIES to Manufacture to Order, at the SHORTEST NOTICE. Our celebrated and ex perienced Cutter, JERKY 1 YOUNG, will superintend the getting up of all work in tlio Merchant Tailoring Line, by experienced work men ONLY. The Stock consists of the finest Foreign and Domestic Cloths; French and English Cashmeres; Silks, Satins & Cashmeres for Vest ings. Mr. YOUNG Las also procured Genio's, C. Scott's, G Uncross' & West's latest Pa tern Sheets. Our Stock of GEXTLEUEX'S FURXISIIIiYG GOODS! Comprises all appertaining to a Gentleman's outfit, and Is too numerous and varied 'o men tion. The Genuine Patent FRENCH YOKE SHIRT, Can be got at our Store. FOE THE FINEST AND LATEST STYLE CALL AT THE RED CORNER. A FULL SUPPLY Otf Trunks, Valises, Carpet Sacks, Umbrellas, &c., Always on hand. ALL PUECHASERS WHO WISH TO , SAVE IVIOroEY! AND GET THE LATEST STYLES ! WILL FIND IT TO" THE1E ADVANTAGE TO CALL AT THE RED CORNER STORE BEFOEE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. FOB A FINE STYLISH . SPRING SUIT! CALL At BLUM & HECKINGER'S - BED CORNER STOBBT MaysvHle, Ky., Maroh 81, ISM. MULLINS & HUNT'S 3ST E iV WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE! THE SUBSCRIBERS, LONG ESTAB LISHED in a large retail Dry Goods business in Maysville, wonld call the attention of Conn- try Merchants to their recent addition of an ex tensive Wholesale Department; which will be conducted on a STEICTLY CASH PRINCI PLE. The many years of experience possessed by onr buyer, combined with a perfect knowledge of the Kentucky trade, a thorough acquaintance ship with all the Manufacturing and Importing Houses in the East, and the fact of nr pur chases being made for "Cash," together with a firm determination to sell at a mere commission advance on Eastern Cost, will be sufficient guaranties to CLOSE CASH BUYERS that we cannot be undersold by any WESTERN JOB BING HOUSE. Our Stock will be found better adapted to the wants of of our customers than it is usual to find in the generality of JOBBING HOUSES; as it will embrace a greater variety of goods than is ordinarily met with in an exclusive Wholesale Establishment. The departments slotted to TEA.T S AND 0.3EIS AND ZiST otions , Will be at all times especially attractive as par ticular attention will be paid to them, and a LARGE STOCK KeDt constant v on hand. We wonld im Dress npon our friends that in sending ns orders they may rely npon navinsr them executed to the lat est extent of our ability. MULLINS & HUNT Cheap Dry Goods Store, 2nd Street, Maysville, Ky. Maysville, Ky. Jan. 8,1863. NEW CASH HARDWARE HOUSE! SIGN BTO SAW. WE Take pleasnre in announcing to our old friends and customers, that we have again opened a IIAKD1VAKE HOUSE, on Second Street, in the house formerly occupied by Mr. H. C. Lloyd, where we will be pleased to see any who may favor ns with a call. We are now in receipt, and will continue to receive new additions to our S.ock weekly. We purchase our goods direct from the AMERICAN MANU FACTURERS and FOREIGN AGENTS for Cash, and propose to furnish goods at as low figures as can be bought W&i. We also continue tho WHOLESALE BOOT & SHOE BUSINESS and request Merchants to look through our Stock before buying elsewhere. OWEiVS & BMLEr. SIGN DIG SAW. JUaysville, Ky. BUILDING HARDWARE; SADDLERY HARDWARE; COACH HARDWAEE; TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY; TEA & BREAD TKAYS; CARPEiWTERS TOOLS; COOPERS TOOLS; SHOVELS; SPADES & EAKES; TEACK & OTHER CHAINS; FAIRB ANK SCALES to weigh TOO pounds to 6.000 pounds. FIRE FRCOF SAFES. Maysville, Ky., March 8, 1864. INTERIOR ADORNMENTS! JUST RECEIVED A CHOICE SELECTION of new and desirable btyles of PAPER HANGINGS, from the rich and ornate to the most chaste and. eiunple patterns, appropriate lor r-anors, Halls, Dining-Kooms and Chambers. FIRE BOARD PRINTS new designs; WINDOW SHADES, of any required style or size, on hand or made 10 oroer. , GILT MOULDING AND PICTURE CORD & TASSELS, and all the trimmings icr irames. FRAMING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE! The above Goods are all new and will be sold cheaper than ever before sold in this cit r. igj-A call is solicited from persons wishing to purchase the above goods. J. ti. V J. 5- KUUMia, Booksellers Stationers, ' Maysville, Ky., April 21,1684. 2d Street- WATCHES, CLOCKS JLJSJJ - ... SILVER WARE ! ! ! -sttst .RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK r FIKR fiOI.n WATCH ISS ANU JEWELKY of the latest sty lea. AlbO, a large atROrlineni oi lluvasi SILVER WAKE,' TLA TED WABE AND IANCY GOOD3. tA large Stock of MATERIAL to acoom modate the tiade. JtiKt Received a lare Stock of POCKET BOOKS, POKTMONNAIES, CQMBS AND lfKCVfiUODS. LjT JEWELRY & SILVER WARE made to Order. &tf Cash Paid for California Gold and Old UW CF. DUFEU, . Next door to Miner's Shoe Stoya. Maysville, Kv.. April 2gth, 1864. -wr no Trl. Frah Hvdran- March 17 '' JK0 H. EICHESON. YyfiLlt PAY TUB HIGHEST CASH X' PK1CE r OH 10, OOO Bushels CORN, At my Warehouse, on Wall street. ALEX. POWER. Maysville, Ky., March r 1864v H. A. CALVERT, (of Ky. ) . . WftH , , ; CHAMBERS, & C0. IMPORTERS A WHOLESALE DEALEB8 OF . DEYGOODS, 110 & 112 Pearl Street, acril7-8m CINCINNATI, O. W.W. K. BOALi, - rv 1 a a No. 132 West Second Street, between Race & JSln Streets CINCINNATI, O, WILL Attend to the Sale of all kinds of PRODUCE, and make immediate Returns Orders for any description of Groceries prompt ly filled. REFEB3 BT PERMISSION TO John A. Robinson, Esq ., Gallipolis, O. A. W. Bcbkibk, Esq., Portsmouth, O. Hon. L. T. Moorb, Catlettsburg, Ky. Capt. W. noFSHEix, " " Jno. N. Riohaboson, Esq., " D. D. Geiger. Erq., " " Hugh Means, Esq., Ashland, Ky. Wit. T. Nicholls. Esq., Ashland. Ky Wit. L. Geioeb, Esq., Ashland, Ky. Gso. Wvrts, Esq., Greenupsbnrg, Ey E. J. Hockadat, Esq., 44 4 Louis D. Ross, Esq., Capt. Z. Sbirlst, Louisville, Ky. Hon. Thos. E. Bbaklett, Frankfort, Kft E3J-Will make liberal advance 011 Cofts?gn ments of Produce. mar 8,1864-6m ROBERT T. ARMSTRONG, WITH ACTON, CLARK & CO, (Successors to ACTON & VOODMTl'.J ImTJorters and Jobbers of DRY GOODS, 103 Pearl Street, bet. Vine &Kace, mar3-2moj CINCINNATI M. THOMPSON, Umbrella, Parasol, AND WALKING CANE MANUFACTORY, No. 167 Main Street, bet. 4th & 5thr CINCnSTNATl, O. Repairing promptly attended to. marS DUHME & CO. S. W Cor. 4th and Walnnt Streets, CINCINNATI, O. VT anuf a c turers, Retail & Wholesale Dealers in DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. THEY Keep on hand a large stock Of Cheap1 Watches, Jobbing Material, Spectacles, &c.f for tlie Trade. , . t01d Gold aud Silver bought for Cash, march 8, 1864- ly - new Cheap Furniture Room! Corner of Market & 2nd Streets, MAYSVILLE, ----- - KENTUCKY. u AC IWWiVTl A FURNI l'URE STORE, and will sell articles in his line at ioweb figures than they havef ever been sold in this city. , . I will keep consUfitly on hand the following DIVANS; SOCIABLES; BUREAUS; WARDROBES; Center, Breakfast and Dining Table BOOK CASES; HAT HACKS; CHAIRS; LOUNGES XLATTRASSES; CRIBS; BEDSTEADS or all ivinu, And all articlse generally ttept in a Fawitnr Store. t . - . . . ict-A fine sssortment of Fine ana wmmon FuShrf for 3e at Cincinnati Retail prices. MEANS & COli YHiLL, Cor. of Market & 2nd street; Maysville, Ky., Match 10, 18b4. Caunel Coal. TT7oT Received a load of Cannei Loai, on Sail " andTiy Yn snpply for your family before you rodrAnLES PHISTER. Maysville, MtrchU.M i - TO TAMERS! FIRST! CLASS MACHINES. THE KENTUCKY HARVESTER, P V.A PEH. cuts a Bwui-" -j , TBE KENTUCKY CLIPPER. first Class Mower. v -f t - THESE machines have oeen.w reiu-: cnttinir. mces now ' - other machines. f V IT 'Ki - i - r hi Oramn Oatff yTBTurGraw, Oa Vns l! lover. Timotfty, . V linvl uhiuwm March IT ' - i . v nid and mellow tfi .pew Alitylf. and f Jjr clivesBeflectorliaxiteriil ,0 lHJMfWO OOAiOIt WITB0T7I i. CBHCrtTV TT poawses many qualities which highly coin-; TT med itT.nd is pronounced by all hi bav tcd Ua rnerita. altogether the jwst DaA3L uTJt they have met with, r -r . 1 . It gi vee a onre white lighWwithoirt Chimney. june i J. It stand QUICK MOTIOKS in any iw'"" lit at! from the oaibiafe 4. It is neat and compact m forn and "ze . ia; 5. It iafreo Jrom aojae' in mo v y'7',rR otherwise very substantial fS2t2!?v. . It haa the glass aides o arranged that b reak sge Isles? likely to crtSanineran terns, and in the event of breakage can. t rtfl rFVVX REFLECTORS which In- 1 L 22ftfe8 of the iarne; sert n? t same um r r- r-." -fcu-h i Very desirable. - S It la sold at a 1.0 WEE PRICE, with all ifr dvanUew,wn"ujr -which sumusoi iuo uaua "a from the outsiue. For sale by' BEATON fcBRC .r?iei Gov.-8B; -J ON MEHCIAST '7