Newspaper Page Text
fiJ sElr v Thy gorgeoua youth began, ont not to fade. When all thy sinter planets Lave decayed; ,When wrapt in fiimes the realms of ether ITrew .And heaven'a last thunder shakes the world be low " , Than nndismsyed, ahalt o'er the mine B;Iie Aod light thy torch at Nature's faneral pile. '' Hopo is a compound principle, formed of expectation and desire. There may be ex pectation without desire, or desire without expectation, and yet no hope Indulged, De cease the two mast be united before we can 'bo'salcTlo hope. . -Human life, nniebeered by the sunshine, and nnbrfgbtened by the radiance of hope, , .wonkl. Indeed, be a labyrinth of sorrow, dark and painful. Life would be an insup portable burdeo without the angel-presence of boe glorious and bright-starred hope. t. And Deity-has very .wisely planted this divine principle in the human heart, that we may rise superior to all the sorrows and disappointments of this ever-changing life, and be continually rejoiced to realize that "the eternal God is our refuge and under neath are tbo everlasting arms." When storms howl in fury overhead and clouds of sorrow darken the brightness of our sky, hope bids the angry storms to cease, sod gently spsns the : overhanging cloud with the rainbow of peace and joy. Thank kind Heaven for hopel It sweetens pain, as suages grief, removes Sorrow, dissipates fear, triumphs over death, and lotrodaces the - blood-washed spirit to the bliss and im mortality of heaven. The poet may well say: "Here spring. eternal In the human breast; Man never i. but alwaya to be, bleet, C The aoul. unt asy and confined from home. KeaU and expatiate on a life to come." A BEAcnroL Extract. I saw a mourner standing at eventide over the grave of one dearest to bim on earth. The memory of joys that were past came crowding on his eool. In this hoar of his ?ony, the form of Christianity came by. He beard the song acd transport of the great multitude which Bo man can number around tbethroue; there - were the spirits of the just made perfect, there the spirit of ber be mourned. Their happiness was pure,permaoent and perfect. "The mourner then wiped the tear from bis eye, took courage and thanked God; "all the days of mv sppointed time," said he, 'wli; I wait till change comes;" and be turned to the duties of life, no longer sor rowing as those who have no hope. He who has a high forehead will have bis eyes under it, and will live all the days of bis life. - He who bss a long nose will have the more to blow and the belter to handle. He that is bald will have no hair but if be happens to have any, it will not be on the bald place. . - Women who have curious eyebrows, will, . '- Id all likelihood, have eyelaahes under them and be beloved, if any one takes a liking to 'Them. - The New York Times, an administration paper, says: "The property of the wealthy should not be voted away by, or in anyway under the control of the laboring classes, and the right of suffrage should be regulated between the rich and poor according to their wealth." Pbisk And PuVkbtt. There are 300 families that that have co fmall income, .- and yet tbey are poor -and wi.l remain so, for life unless they turn over a new leaf, and live as ought. The members of such families are proud and extravagant, and expend a amount to keep up appearances and continue In the ranks of fashion. We Can point to many such people who might sow be independent circumstances, were it not for their prido. The children of such families are furniihed with everything to gratify their folly, as if the outward ap pearances were a sure guarantee of their re. pectability and future success. If there is anything we despise, it is the union of pride and poverty the keeping tip of all appear ances to the sacrifice of comfoitand health. The money that has been expended by such persons for the last two or three years, if taken proper care of, wonid now place ,. them in comfortable citcutnstaoces if not be sufficient to purchase d welliogs to shelter them in the decline of life. . Liberal dealings is better than almsgiv ing, for it tends to prevent pauperism, which - is better than to relieve it. A woman being enjoined to try the effect ' of kindness on her husband, and beirjg told .. would heap coals of fire on bis head, replied that she had tried "bilin' water" and it didn't do a bit of good. - bOMETHiaa WOBTH riNOWIFG. It IS a I fact, perhaps not generally known to farm ' era, that there are two parts in the potato, wh;ob if separated and planted at the same .time, one will produce potatoes fit for, the table eight or ten days sooner than the oth- : er. " The small end of the potato, which is generally foil of eyes, is that wh icb produ .' ces the earliest; the middle or body of the potato produces late, and always larger es. fc Slanders issuing Irom beautuui Sips are . ,like spiders crawling from the blushing heart 01 a rose" . " : Mb. Chase's Pbistucq Expebihent. The New York Tribune oontaioa the fol - Uwtng telegrams from Washington: r"Th Impolicy of the government tnrn lo'g engraver and banknote priuter is uo - hatdlv Id the carrel to and the cellar of thk treasury. .. 1 wcitf .V-twe hydrosatic pres. ss are plica opemasqea. orincro ma. chlnlats. who supposed tbey were selling to Uncle Sam instead of an Irresponsible and nwnUtii on between, are 'out about s;xt fir, Ibonsaod dollar,, and age io thejr BTimt -Vhrn-mnrnmint ia 'ooi la eiDeri- maota and Uilores about on boaired and tbirtj-fiva thousand dollars? aod tbo Coag- -t- - - - - BiBcDt treasury butlJing baa .received permaeeot it-jury from the settling of the iron floor of a part of the upper story, fiom .excessive weight. .... . - There happened lo grow up- between ; .ratrcK ana orgging dowa-eter, a ery fierce CODtfSt as to the comparative size-of . different ftDtmala aod insect in this and the bold coanlhrT." when Mr. Flarhertv de-' clartd thkt in Ireland th "baaa ware asbig" . as hpe. ' . ....... . "Very weli," Interrnpted lchaood, "bow big are the hive?' VV' ' "A big aa roiirn. be jher?!'! ' Then - Low r!o the bees get into their Paddy scratched L;j LeaJ, at;d, after a few momeoti reflection, replied, ' Och , thai'e their own look oatl? ; ' Wu. H. RICHARDSON Lloyd & Richardson; ' WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS & TOBACCO, FOBWABBIie& COMMISSION , MERCH ANTS, OPP06IT OODDARD HOUSB, JT KET STREET, - - MAYSVILLE, JET". W E WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL jonr attention to the above card, and solicit a portion of your patronage, promising to 611 orders promptly and aatiafactorilly. We have established ourselves for the pur pose of inducing Merchants to make their pur chases hero instead of elsewhere; and as onr goods are bought direct from tikst hands in the Eastern Market, by our Bioker, we make this proposition to Merchants: That wo will duplicate any bill bought In Cincinnati, and if goods are not what we represent them, they can be sent back at our expense. We have just received from the East 20 lihds. Choice new N. O. SDGAE; IO " Prime " " 0 Bbls. LovebikqVi Philadelphia BEFINED SUGARS Crushed, Granulated, Powder ed and Co ffoo A. 60 Bags Choice Yellow As Bright Green COFFEE .MOLASSES Old and New Crop; MACKEREL in all sizes, direct from Bos ton, last Crop 1S63; - 40 Kegs Newcastle ENGLISH SODA; TOIJ ACt'O alarge lot in Boxes, Caddies, Ac. TEAS a Superior lot of all kinds, selected for this portion of the Country. In addition to onr stock of Heavy Groceries, we have a large assortment of Fancy: CIGARS, at all prices; Fancy Wash and Shaving SOAPS; Whole and Half Boxea new M. B. and Layer RAISIN; SAED1NES;FIGS; PICKLES; PEACILES, Cove and Spiced OYSTERS; MUSTALD, in boxes; SO & 25 lbs. boxes assorted CANDIES; CHEESE; CRACKERS; INDIGO; MADDER; SPICES, gruin acd ground; ALUM; Race & Ground GINGER; COP PER AS; BLACKING, large and small; BLACKING BECSUES; FAUCETS; CiNNAUON, ground and in roatts; CAPS; SHOT; LEAD; EXT. LOGWOOD; STARCH; GERMAN SOAP; A large varioty of CAP, NOTE & LETTER PA PER; EN VELOPES, buff and white; &c. Ac. tS7"In addition to the above, we oftaz induce ments to the trade in ia uors : RECTIFIED WHISKY sold at Cincinnati prices. GINGER WINE, GIN, BRANDY, and with a superior lot of OLD BO UK BON WHISKY at all prices. Respectfully, LLOYD & RICHARDSON. Maysville, Ky., March 8, 1SG4. CHIMA, GLASS AND Queensware House ! ! IR. ALBERT, IMPORTER AND DEALER Second. Stroot, One door helow Geo. Aithur's Confectioner Store, T7-EEPS -CONSTANTLY ON HAND A laboe ii. AND WILL EELKCTED STOCK OV French and English China, Glass, QUEENS WARE&FANCY GOODS, in great variety, as Vases. Tonot fets in China, 1 ariun Mamie una iioncmam uiasa, JJevel Boxes; Fancy and Toy Boxes, Toy Tea Seta, eto. DIN NEK ANU TEA SETS, of all qualities, WHITE, UHNAM.t.ISlt.U AINU FINE GILT. Silver Plated and Britannia Tea Sets, Castors, Etc., . Plated Table Ware; Ivory, Bene and Wool Handled Forks and Knives Knives:TeaTrays ana w altera, et all eiz3 ana varieties, Imported Direct from the Manufactories in . VST E UBOPE. B5i Also, the large and most complete stock of COAL OIL LAMPS, of all sizes ad styles, from 50 cents to $10 each BTJENEE3. CHIMNEYS PAPEK SHADES and WICKS; The Very Best of FTJRE COAL OIL, CANS, ETC.; . all of which I will ell for CASH at the YZEY LOWEST CINCINNATI prices. ESfAccommodittion to the wants of costom- ers, qniclt sales and small profits are the govern intr principles of my buaiuen. Cali.cand judge lor youreelvea! . , It. ALIIEltT. Si ay Yill- f et 4. 1SB4. THE LEE HOUSE, Corner of Front & Sntton Street!, MAT3VTLLB, - KENTUCKTT. HORD & PEPPERr PfOprielOrS. avA.ww.w rIHE Underiignnd t-tke pleasure in an JL BJUncinjt to the people of Maysville and .tmson L-vuiiiy.anu to tlie imvelinir nub tp ffuiier- ul.'y. llmthev liuv leased this KpuUr andcoin mouionM "Hotel for a- eriCj "bf VeurrfeAn(t Iiuva opened it lor the retention of bonnieni mt aceommodation cf transient etintomers. It is convenient .to trie steamboat Landing. -and I tne omee lor -vne -Jiga nnrs t the interior of thaSt-tte. The House beiny thoroughly re paired and refitted- throughout, and no Dairu. wlil De yarea to muse 11 in an rereci tne beft I lot el 10 North J-.u ultra KentueWy. ifpeemtcare will be bestowed upon thetaoie, wnicn win al- w-aj bo fnppiied with the luxuries of the Mays- villeand Cinolnnati mf- ' mar 81 , 'o 6.11 nunn A- PRPPRIt. 300,000 MOKE 31 EN WaKTeIH POMKBUVrCOAll t -CONST ANTLY on hi'iid ami for sale on Com- J 1aiihou by , CllARLEi Pil. PUISTER. Maybville, March I7tb, 1 664-tf i ili.C. LLOlD. M33M W. S. FRANK, Attorney at Law, COURT STREET, v Maysville, Ky. l3F"Prompl attention oaid to Collecting. SF february ISth, 1S64. J. K. SOMSALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MATSVILLE, KYn WILL practice in the Courts of Mason and ad joining counties. OFFICE Vest-side o" Court Street. janl5,lSSP-lT B. C. PHIS TE R, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE ON TEE WEST SIDE OF COTBT ST. MAYS V1LL E , ;K Y.'. August 14 ,1362. COMPOUSD CEDROS BITTERS! -The Latest and Moat Important Discovery of the Nineteenth Century. NO MAN'S NAME ISMOKE INTIMATELY connected with the history or the Materia Mcdica of the United States, or more favorably known as a pioneer ia medical discovery, than that of JOHN BULL, of Louisville, Ky. Hi in imitable preparation of Satsaparilla has long stood at the head of the various compou nds of that valuable drug. His compound 1 ccloral of Wild Cherry has become a household word throughout the West and South; and his Worm Lozenges, in )esthaD a year uflcr their intro duction, attained a reputation aa widespread as the continent of North America. But the crown ing glory of his life remains to be attained in hie latest discovery, or rather combination, for he does not claim to have been the discoverer of CEDKON, which is the basis of the LSiltcrs now offered Ut the public. That honor belongs to the native inhabitants of Central America, to whom ita virtues have been known for m. re than two hundrea years. Armed with it. the Indian bids defiance to the most deadly malaria, and handles without tear tbo most venomous serpents. It is a belief with them that n hi le there is breath left in the body tho Cedron is poteht to cure, no mat te t w hat the disease may be. While Dr. Bull ia not prepared to iudorse this extravagant pretension, be is nevertheless satis fied from a thorough examination of the evidence relating to its virtues, that, as a remedy and preventive for all diseases arising from exposure cither to changes of weather and climate or to the miasmatic influences, it stand without a rival, and justly deserves the reputation it has ho long eijoyeaiu Centrul America and the West indies, in DYSPEPSIA and it attendant train of symptom, it arts raoreliko charm than a medicine. There is nothing in the whole range of tho Materia MedicH that can for a moment bear a comparison with it in t liia du-ease. A full account of this wonderful plant may be found in the eloventli edition ot tlie V. b. Via censatorv. rmzes 1S37 and 1333. A scries of which Dr. Bull hns been for years engaged, has just been brougrit to a successful termination, and be is now enabled to otfer to the public a combination of Cedron with other improved, the whole p'eserved iiv' ba best quality of copper-distilled jorbon whisky, which he is conndcut has no equal in the world. He might furnish a volnme of certificates, but the public have long tinee learned to eli.. ate such things at their true value. Tho safest plan is for every oue to test for I imsclf tho virtue.) of a new medicine. Give the Cedron xiitters one trial, and you will never use any others. It is not neceiary to publish a Ion? lint cf lis easea lor which the Cedron Hitters are a specific, In all diseases of the STOMACH, BOWELS, KIDiSEYS, or L1VEK; in all affections of the Bit A1N depending up on derangement of the Stomach or BowoN; In UOUT, KIltUMATISM K IS tUKiL.(jl A; And in i KVEKAM) A UJ; It is destined to supersede ull other remedies. It tnot only cures all these diseases but it pre vents them. A wine glass full of the Bitters taken an hour bolore each meal will obviate the ill effects of the most unhealthy climate and screen tho person taking it against disease under the most try:ng exposure. Sold by Druggists and Grocers, generally. Dr. JOHN HULL'S Principal Office, fifth street, Lonisville, Ky. Sold Wholesale and Retail by SEATON fc BRODKICK. Cor. 2nd and Court Streets, mar 7, lS64-ly Maysville. Ky. Come down in the center, That's what it means ! SADDLERY. THE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW SITUATED so as to give his undivided attention to the Manufactory of every article connected with th SADDLE AND HARNESS TRADE I Ho has now on hand and in process of makinsr, a splendid assortment of Gentlemen and Ladies1 Saddles; Saddle Bags; Buggy, Carriage, Biake and Sulkey Harness; Wugon and 1'low Gear; Riding Bridles, with Racking, Port and SnatUe liitis; waggon, liuggy, oacn, bulkey and Kid- ing whips; liog and Kipekin Collars; Horse Covers, suitable for ail seasons; Leather, Web and Rope Halters; Worsted, Cotton and Hemp Uirths; Keel top and Iron t-trapt names; Uray and Cult Harness; 111 short every thine- usually kept in a Saddiery Establishment, which will be sold at Wholesale and Ketai I. at low prices, to punctual dealers; a per cent ou lor cash. tSfAII Repairing attended to at once, at mv Old Sttnd, on 2nd street, to rind which. ''Come down in the Center," between Market fe Sutton T. it. KICKS TS. Maj-sville, March 26tb. lSii3. HANDLES. Star & Smnnior Mould Candles J of best quality, at BEN PHISTER'S M ACKEY & WOOD. T713 HAVE REMOVED ODR URD t V STORE to the Kal Side of Sutton Si rrei. 2nd door from Second, to the Nicw StuBjc tilted up tx, ro-sly for ujr bunine-; where we iiuve opened a New. and Extensive Slock of- DKUGS, IdEDIClNES, D E STUFFS, . PER FUMERY, ALL ARTICLES OF TOILET, ; And Everything in the NOTION LINE. ALSO, ralnt", Oils, Lamps. Cbimucys, Gaiden Seed, Ac:. Ac. E7"We hope all our old patrons will continue lUeir juvcrs. una mat new ones win cnxi iu iuiu . - m . 1 . ... !il ..II i J tee us, for we promise JSarjuim. Maysville, Mar 8, 1S6. Sutton street. M-A-Y-SVtri. E SOAP & CANDLE FACTORY. Third Street; between SuitOu V all,: .. OppotiU Chat. PkUter't Lumber Yard. ' GOOD SUPPLY OH" 110U I V SUM M ER CANDLES; GER! EANCV SOAPS Coutan,ly on hau, LD-AND GERMAN AND ud EiyAgent for Starch fc Star Candles. ' Kf" Cash paidXor. Tallow and Sap Grease. ' Jtec.'l. ! ' ! r i. , 1 j VJAMES SMITH. 1 'EA a very sujeriur article, tbe best import A. ed.'iu store itud Sot tale by jus; 19 BEN rUlSTEUj i GMHCGROCEEY, AND COMMISSION HOUSE "Corner of 3rd & Market Streets, MAYSVILLB, -KENTUCKY. I HAVE JUST OPENED A GRAINS CROCERY AND COMMISSION STORE in the house formerly occupied by Jas.. C. Brook over, north-east Corner of Third & Market Sts. I will pay the highest market prico is cash or WHEAT, RYE and BARLEY. I havojust reselved a full stock of Groceries, Sugar," Molasses, Coffee, Tea. Kice, Pish.Tobacco, Salt, &c.,fcc, together with a general assort mentof all articles in be Grocery line: all war ranted to be of the best quality. My goods have been bought exclusively for Cash, and will be sold for Cash or Country Produce, at very small profits. I have also on hand a largo stock of PURE OLD BOURBON WHISKY. ' Commission, Storage & Forwarding Business attended to with promptness. All persons desirous of getting tho worth of their money, will please give me a call. june ltb, 1362. BEN 1'IHSTER. CRUSHED, Powdered and Granula'.ed Sugar, of best quality, in store and for sale low by BEN PHISTER, june 19 Cor. 3rd fe Marka- streets. SYRUP. Philadelphia and Baltimore Syrups, in barrels, half barrels and 10 gal. kesrs, for sale low by BEN PHISTER, june i Cor. 8rd & Market streets. rrOBACCO of all rrades and prices. for sala TEK. J. By BEN PHISTER. june 1ft Cor. 8 id & Market streets. V INEGAR of the best quality, for sale by june 19. BEN THISTER. -rTSH. Mackerel and White Fish. in barrels. 1. hf. barrels quarter barrels and kits, of best brands for sale at lowest rates hv iune 19 BEN PHISTER. NEW MACKEItEr.- BARRELS NO. 1 MACKEREL; 21 20 Barrels No 2 do. 20 half barrels No 1 do. 20 " " " 2 do. 25 Qr " "1 do. 25 " '2 do. 25 Kitts No 1 do. 55 " 2 do. Just received direct from Boston and for lie at a small advance. . apri!2 At BEN PniSIt Rg jew Grain Store! TTAVING Retired from the firm of Alex. il Power & Co., I will continue on my own account in the Grain Trade, on Wa'l Street, next door to Alex. Maddox. and solicit all our old customers to give mo a call, as I have a larjrc number of Sacks and feel confident of my ability to civo entire satisfaction t? all who may be nleased to deal with me. ALEX. POWER. MaypviHe,Kv., Jnly 1, 1S03. Braiding All the Go ! T HAVE LATELY RECEIVED A LARGE 1 variety of new Stylo STAMPS, which in addition to my former stock enables mo to offer a greater variety of BRAIDING PATTERS than con be found In the City. I am prepared to Stamp Ladies' or Children's Dressts or Cloaks in the latent style, on short notice and at moderate rales. Ef Ladies are invited to call and see my attekn. Maj. GEO. ARTHUR, Mayhv illo, Oct. 15. trcet. li. II. 'LONG,. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ALL KINOS CF EHAlEf. FIOUR. TOBACCO. SALT. M . Corner of Wall & 2nd Streets, MAYSVILLE. KENTUCKY j lie 19, lS62-ly "TIIE HOWE SEWING MACK T nAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF 1 THE CELEBRATED HO WE SEWING MACHINE?, direct from the Manufacturer, nnd will yell them nt the lowest possible rate for Ctish. These Machines are nrlupted for heavy as well us tno n nest sewing, uuil and csfimmcuiem ut tlie residence of S. Sbocklet, on Short street. Mrs. A. J. SMITH, Agent. 3?Needles and Spool Threads ean be had at S. Shocklet's bitore, on Market street. Maysville, Ky., Feb. 25th, 13G5. . - WHEELER & WILSON'S Sewing Machines! Awarded tne First Premium as the bes-t Family Sewing Machine, F01 three successive years at the UNITED STATES FAIR; rornve years at tne CINCINNATI MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. with improvements! GLASS KOOT: I . - ' 1 11EMMER: COKDEK & BRAIDER. ALFO MA CHINE NEEDLES, COTTONS, $c. Azjt X sain uy J. B. GIBSON, Agent, TELEGRAPH OFFICE. feb.4ih,lS64. Matsvime BOOKS AND STATIONERY! 1 1 Air. nnuersi?neawouiarofrjecuiiiiy announce A ""at- having made extensive additions to their establishment and fctock of eoods. thov are now prepared to lurnivb all articles in their line a lavorably h anv tronse iu Ciricinisati. Our gvMxLH ur u'.l 'auf?Ut tor Cash, direct from the manutacturera in tlie .hast. -. , . ". . ; We beep conHtaiitly on hand n complete stoot of WALL. LETTER, CAP and NO IE PAPERS: BUFF and VlilTE ENVELOPES: BLANK -ACtOLNP- and "MEMJRANDUM - -BOOKS: - - . , - - SCI1 OOI,. LA W,TI1E0 LOGICAL &JIEDICAL hooks: . " - . TIIE LATEST W IRCELLAKKOTJS PTJBLTCA- TlOJSOr TIJEDA V, aasoou spqbUhod; ' together . with u splendid . nssorimcnl oi - FANCV ARMCLEo and NOTIONS. Wu invite npeoial attent'nn lo our stock or WALL PaPEKA WINDOW SUAOES. feelincr i-uiiuueni iiiukiu puiiiti i vaneiy ana cneupues, it excel- an vthiuz ever brought lo this market. u-i . .i. . .. . . c . . I EgfCity and Country custom solicited. Orders from Country Merchants, promptly f.lled st Cin cinnati prico. . 1 J; G. Jc C. S. RVGEKS, u fcliijsvillc, March 17. ISiU. Seeuiut Stieet. ' liEESE -The most select brands of rich pure, biuegrass cheate. . ' .;V ' ALEX. MADDOX. &' RETAIL THE NEW CHINA STORE o South side 2d bet. Court & Market St G. A.. & J. EeCARTJEIEY. WE ANNOUCE WITH pleasure, the RE MOVAL of our Stock of CHIN A, OIi ASS. .' " AND ' I " Q (TEENS W AM E, t the huildi ng formerly oc cupied by E. Mabtin Sad dler, where we are opening a large and complete assortment of Goods, IMPORTED BY OCRS ELVES DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORIES. Our stock is laree, containing great varieties of PLAIN wniTE, GOLD BAND AND FANCY DECORATED Dinner and Tea Setts; VACES; COLOGNE BOTTLES; TOILET . SETTS; FANCY AND STAPLE ARTICLES of every description; . Silver Plated KNIVES. FORKS, CARD BASKETS, &c. . IE A TRAYS; WAITERS; . COAL OIL JLAMPS of many varieties. While thanking the public and the trade for tho liberal encouragement extended to us in the past, we horc they will not forsret to call and see us at our NEW CHINA STOKE. C. A. & S. E. jrcCARTnEY, - f JupoRTtRS of Earthenware, - On South side 2d trcet. Kfavsvillo, Ky., January 7th. 1SCI." GODDARD HOUSE, CORNER OF MALKET & FRONT, STS Opposite Steamboat Landing, MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY. Mm. E. F. FLEMING, Proprietress.. pHIS well known Hotel, has been re- JL paired nd refitted in a superior manner and Is low open to the pubhe- The Proprietress recently of Fox Springs, so licits the patronage of tho traveling community. No pains will bj pparod to give satisfaction to the pticsts of the honso. .' ' ' jfStaaes laavcdailv for all points in the in terior. . - Mrs. E. h FLEMING. Feb. 12-Gm GEORGE ARTHUR Baker & Confectioner AMD DEALER IN Fruits, Nuts, Toys, FANCY GOODS, Sec, Has removed his Stock to BTTLLLNS & FTJNT'S Old Stand, on SSCOICX) STHE3QT, Where he will be pleased to see und wait upon all Maysville.Ky., April 9th, 1363. JOHN A. SEATON, J.B. BRODKICK SEATON z BRODRICK WHOLESALE S:RETAIL DEUGGISTS, AND DEALERS IN MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Paints, tOils, Glass, &c. CORNER SECOND COURT STS. Seaton & Brodrick, AUTHORIZED AGENTS FOR HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE AND FULL assortment of these most CELEBRATED and. RELI ABLE Seeds direct from Phi ladelphin . They would call special al tentien to the fiit Hint they are Landreth's REGULAR AGENTS, and tho Seeds coming directly from him can be re lied on. PEAS. BEANS and CORN for hv tho qnnrt or gallon. fc i.anuretb'8 Knral Register and Almanac okatis. fFcb. 11. 1S64. REMOVAL ! IOUISSTINE would respectfully inform hii J customers and friends tha'. he has mmnm removed to Cadwalladoi's the room foimprli. occupied by the Telegraph Office. Fall and WinTer Goods ! 111,0 r-r-..r- uuuliJ OIIINC M K R f H A N T T A T T n P 'inifciun a nj 11 ' I.' 1 'i'w i.rr ii.i..n .... 1 uniiisiifcH, HM.UUJVD STRJSE1, MA YSVILLE, KY.. TEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A XV Choice in Ins line, which he is prepared to dispose of at mno mi iiou . - ne solicits a call from his friends and pledcea his beat effort t October 1, 1S63. LOfJIS STINE. NEW BOOKS ! rjISTOLY of Charles the Bold, by Kirk; l Second Year of the War, Pollard: Confederate Reoort of Battles: OU Helmet; . , ; My Farm tit Edgewood, by lb Marvel; Les Miscrablen. bound in 1 volume: : Life of Stonewall Jackson, by Judge Daniels; Hannah Iburetnu, Kaard Taylor; - Titles of a Wayside Inn; Faith Gartney Girlhood: " Relryhr Medrci-' ; ! PeculUrt.i ; ' UV Louie' Last Terra : Jiousehhld Friends: .. , . - Owen Meredith's Poems;" ' v v" wu- oi victor Hugo; . . My Davsuud Nizhts on the Batllpflot. ' - CSTTTIie abe?e. with nnmeroiia nlr v.lnnM. Books, received and forai-lo aUEattern- prices, feb 4. 1864. - - G - W. BLATTERM AN. T WILL PAY THE HIGUEST CASU 1 Pi.'lCE FOR ' 10,000 Bushel's (CORN, At iny Warehouse, on' Wall street. ' ' ALKX. POWER. UaygvUley., March 8,-1664. , ; f M A T S V t L L E A N D CINCINNATI THB FINK, WW AND aPUKDlDITIiuti This fine Steamer . Wl-t For t, , . was built ex pressly an J. H. PRATHER, , Commander. ' OT, MO KBIS.Clerk. Leaves foot of WalnutSt.. for Mr:iu . Monday , Wednesday and Friday, at 12o'cloVl V Leaves Maysville for Cincinnati, every Til day, Thursday and Saturday, 10 o'clock, A. IT "For Freight or Passage apply on boar to GRAHAM & MoNEELY. oard,o Freight received at all hours at the Mavsviliw Packet LandiBff. : ; - . MaJUl CinclnnaU, Mays lie and Portsmouth""" REGULAR TRI-WUBKI.Y PACKET Alio orLUJJDiu H TEA Mb DBostona, Captain Wx. McClad, Coairrander. will con tinue in the above trade, leaviLgCincinnaiiever Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and Ports- nioum avery oionaay, reanesaay and ridav 10 XT o : n r - i . . 1 J 1 01 1 "j.. ci.uppiLij ui jjiaYBviiie enner wt ,M. For freight or passage apply on board or to B McN belt, Agent,. Maysville, Ky. B. 0. BOSS. - . , r . ' , WM.COLVni ROSS & COLVIN, HDUS1 SI6R AND 0R1VAMESTAL Shop on 2nd Street, over Gurney's Meat Start ' ' - v MAYSVILLE. KENTUCKY. GRAINING. GILDING, GLAZING ahd PAPER HANGING, done in the latest and n:ost approved style, and with dispatch. ' june lth, 1302. ... DEKIM HOUSE Fifth street, bet. Main & Sycamore, CINC I N N ATI , OH I O: CORBTN tBTN GALLEUER,) , . F. PERRIE, f Pbopbie JOS TORS. TniS POPULAR HOTEL HAS BEEN RE PAIRED and REFITTED THROUGHOUT, and is now open to the Public. The Proprietors, recently of tbo "Goddard Hoose,,,'Maysvilie, Ky., solicit th patronage of the travellin (com munity, and especially of those Kentiickians to whom they huve been known as the hosts of tb Goddarc'. No pains will be spared togivesaU faction to every guest of the Honse. COKBIN GALLEHEB, JOS. F. PERRIE. Cincinnati, O., Dec. 4th, 1862. S. SALOMON, WATCHMAKER, Goodakd House Buildino, X nrltet Street, : May 7, 1860-ly MAYSVILLE, KY. NB W B O OES. "VTy. Farm at Edgewood, by Ike Mar- i-JL .vol . 1 5 Hannah Thurston, by Esyard Taylor, 1 5 Talew of a Wayside Inn, by Longfellow. 123 llubks, by Marion UarlanJ. ... 150 The Kinp of Amusis, by Bulwer ' ' 1 25 Lonie's Last Term, by Anthorof Rntledga 1 50 Soundings from the Atlantic, IIoLmes I 25 Gentlemen's Rook of Etiquette 1 50 Beauties of EngliKh Poetry -4 00 Eveninjrs with the Poets 4 00 Longfellow's Poems, Cabinet edition 2 50 Heaven Our Home &c . 109 E3?The above, with numerous other new ana valuable publications, juM; received by . G. W BLATTEttSrfAN, BoolN-sellers. Second Street. V. 15. COCHRAN'S FAMILY GROCERY STORE,- No 23, west-side Market St., oL"f MAYSVILLE KY. JUST received a laTgo stock of Family and Assorted Groceries, such as Susar, Syrup, Coffee; Teas, Mackrrel Fish, Ntitmejrs, Spicfs, Can d lex, Wil low nd Hoflileii Ware, II room", Tobacco, Cigars Ac., &c. HavUioroiight all my Goods for cash, and my motto being "Quick Sales andSkall Profits," 1 can assure all who may giro me a call, the cheapest Groceries in the city tSfThc best quality of COAL OIL always on hand and for sale at the lowest market price. A. B. COCHRAN. JS.. B. Five year Old Bourbon on tap, and the best of all kinds of Liqnors tonstantly on hand. Maysville, Ky., March 19, 1863. A. B.C. For Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Buss, illoths in Furs. Wool sects on Plants, Fowls, Animals. &c. I Pmnp in 25c. 50c. and $1 .00 Boxes, Bottles, and - ouu v ajus jur xxoiCIS. r CSLIO A3 STITUTIONS, &C. 'Only infallible remedies known." ' "Free from Poisons." - s !,'?ot "nperoiis to tho Human Family . ''Rats come ont of their boles to die." "Sold Wholosale in all large Cities. 1 !dfoV.l by all Druggists A Ketailers everywhere 13rfnBi wahk!!! of all wortbless imi-tatjons. "See that "Costab's" name Is on oatin BoX Boltlrf, and Flask, before yon buy. EAddrcsa .... UI2NKY Jt. OOSTAR fcj?"PRINC!PAI.DEPOT 432 BitOADWATj N. Y. f"Soldbyall Wholesale 3fc Retail Druggists in Maysville. Ky. i mar SI , lS64-6m. RAGS WAITED! . Cl LBS OOOD CLEAN OOT- AVSWU-U TON OK LINEN BAGS, for which 1 will pay the highest Market Pr.ce. -.. . . . G. W .-BL ATTERM AN,1 feb. 4;h, lS64. ; , Bookstore. Snd St, Books oii Gardening, &c. American Home Garden . Watson. J-. " Gardoning for the South ' ' ! "White. Fiower Garddn Directory s --r i u t V.rAc.- Fruit Garden Barry. Fl nit Book - - Unnrm- Vino Dremer's Man0alr r Zi, t. k i TrnAmeim. Strawberry and Raspberry Culture Pardee. -, .v xor eaie ,oy. . ..... , : - G. W. BLATTERMAN, ' pn!7 . , " ' Second Street ; Gun-Powder Teas, . ; OF SUPEKIOR QUALITY; just received and for Kule ut our Drug Store, Corner-2nd fe Court Streets. SEA J ON & -BRODRICK, MaVtvie,"irf;'.'8rt Mtireh, 1S4. -; SU1NGLES.-2"0,000 Kniugles jnst received . and, lor Kale by, T JNU. 11, RICHESON. March 174 ' " 1 A A largo supply of best quality .'for "sale by 2Tn: .....ui. . .BEN PHISTEE