Newspaper Page Text
THE BULLETIN MAYSVI HE. MAY 19. 1864 Increase of the Price of the Bulletin. . The Sabscriptlon price of the Bullktih will hereafter be 0w Dollar ahd Fifty Cents per year, instead of One Dollab. OCrThe steamer Greyhound, a new iron screw steamer of about five hundred. tons harden, with cargo of army cloth, soda iron, steel, &&, and the steamer Micnle, la- Sen with cotton, turpentine, and tobaoco hare been captured by steamers cff Vil- miDgton, North Carolina. '. ... - The New England States lack six thous of completing their quotas. The deficit of Massachusetts is four thousand and seventy. 0rThe Indianapolis Sentinel thinks that if Broogh, Morton & Co., bad called for eighty-five thousand men, to plant corn and gather the harvests, they would have been entitled to more praise than they can now claim. - ftr-The balance of trade against IheU. S. for the first three -months of this year, '-and which must be paid in gold,' is thirty-three millions. Thia is going to bankruptcy at railroad speed. (0The Now York sfews charges the Ad ministration with having sold Mexico to the French. It esys that Maximilian has the assurance of recognition by this Govern ment. We-will aee. ' - Pic-Nic. There will be a Pic-Nic at W." W. Bald win's Woods, 1 miles from tbia City, near the Lexington turnpike, on Saturday, May 21st, 1864. All are invited to come and briog their well filled baskets. A good lime is expected. - - (KTWe hope our readers will not forget the Musical Soiree which takes place to morrow Evening, at Nativity Hall, ad joining the Episcopal Chorch. The object for which the Concert is given, is a laudable one; and, in all respects, worthy of the liberal patronage of the public. OrTba army under Burnside on the lower Rappahannock, containa 5000 nigger soldiers and two full companies of Indians'. That is playing the same game practiced Upon our forefathers. In those days it was called beastly, brutal and derilisb, and the British have been compelled to carry the blackest odium npon their shoulders ever since, for the act. Bat the old British ty rants were gentlemen and Christians com pared with the rascals who now rule us. Portsmouth CN. 27 States .f Union. Tbb Month of Mart. The present nionta is especially devoted by the Catholic Church to the service of the Blessed Virgin, and is called the moctb of Mary. (Krlt is reported that the Attorney Gen eral has decided that colored chaplains are entitled to the same pay as white. 07An entire family, consistiog of five persons, was burned to death at 210 Chit ham square. New York, on Monday morn, ing of last week. '- . OCrThe Spiritualists in the United States are said to number five millions of person? , 0"The beer houses in London, if placed side, by side would make a row thirty-nine miles in length. From the Atlanta (Qa.) Confcdcrancy. A Liberal and Patriotic Offer. We copy below, from the Register of this ity.lhe liberal and patriotic offer of Hon. E. M. Bruce, member ol Congress from Kentucky, to every Kentucky soldier who bas been disabled from service during the war. Mr. Bruce has displayed considerable generosity toward h's fellow exiles since this unfortunate war commenced and has expended, with a lavish hand, largo sums if money on the gallant Kentuckians who are in the service and to those scattered over the Confederacy. 11 is last munificent offer to edacate all disabled soldiers from bis State, cannot fail to endear him in the hearts of hia countrymen, and we feel cer tain that the blessings be designs to confer upon bis countrymen, if it cannot win for him a brighter name, will cause many men to recollect bis generosity, with feelings of earnest gratitude. .We trust that the Kectuckians to whom the offer is made, will not be slow io ac cepting the advantages oi a gooa education, tut will avail inemgeives oi me noeramy t " I We are authorized by Hon. E M. Bruce, of Kentucky to say that be will pay the ' tuition of every Kentucky soldier who may bave lost a leg or an arm , or been otherwise disabled in the service during the war, who will attend school. Having earned their board and clothes, if they elect to waive a discharge, they have now an opportunity to secure a eood education. Ail teachers in towns; placea in wnicn nospitais are located, w . ... . I are desired to see all who are entitled to the benefits intended, and induce them to go to school. All bills will be paid on pre sentation to Mr. Bruce at Richmond, prop erly authenticated, lie advises all to atudy the Eoglish grammar, penmanship and mathematics.thereby prepapriug themselves for clerical or commercial pursuits and the great battle or life after peace shall again reign in our distracted land. - As the Ken tnckiana are scattered in every town iu the Confederacy, we hope the presa will geoer ally copy, thereby , ad visiDg the 6oldierJof his opportunities." . Impobtant Obdebs. Captain Berry, Pro vost Marshal of Covington, has received orders from General Barbridge, commander of the District of Kentucky, to accept all cegroes who may offer themselves as recruits, regardless of the wishes of their ovners. Any person interfearing wit tne drafting or ' en listment of nejjroes, will be promptly arres ted. Captain Berry bas also received in structions to accent negroes as substitutes for white men. r; Britannia "an3, Japanned "Ware! A VINE STOCK or BRITANNIA WARS AND TEA , . . t . .-. r . '. - -. TRAYS AND WAITERS, very cheap, at dedc!7 R. ALBERT'S 2d street. Special Notices. EfLct thosewho have doubted', the virtues of Bull's Cedron Bitters, if any such there be, read the following Certificate from gentlemen well known in thia community, and doubt no more Its general introduction into the army will RATA trift liVA iliATiMnanf Anr nl I at. Louisville, Kr., June sd, 1868. We, the undersigned, have seen the good ef- fecta. produced by the use of Or. John Bull's neuron outers in case oi generat aeouuj auu wwvaf f T Mm lT Via rDfam amH haliatr. ira rvonArfll I use would prevent disease' and relieve much auf- fering. Among otlr soldiers particularly would thia be the case, especially those who are espoeod to miasmatic Influences in the Southern climate. Maj. Philip Speed, Col. Int. Rev. 8dDist. Ky. Chas. B. Cotton, Col. Port of Louisville, Ky, Col. K. Dent, Prov. Marshal Geu'l of Ky. Rev D P Henderson; Vice Pres. Sanitary Com Harney; Hughes & Co., Publishers, Democrat. Geo. P. Doern, Prop. Louisville Anzeiger Hughes & Purkhill Wholesale Dry Good Dealors. Main St. Louisville, Ky. Davis, Green & Co. Wholesale Shoe Dealers, Main St. Louisville, Ky Hart & M another, Lithographers, corner of Market and Third Sta. Louisville, Ky. Julius Winter, Clothing Merchant, corner of Third and Market Sts. Louisville, Ky Capt.S.F. Uildretb, of Steamer Maj- Anderson Maj. L. T.Thusten, Paymaster U. S. Array. C. M.Mctcalf, National Hotel, Louisville. Col. Je.-sc Bayles, 4tb Ky. Cavalry. 5eorge D- Prentice. LopUville Jonrnol. Bee advertisement in another column. For fhle Wholesale and liotai) by SKATUN & BBODH1CK, Maysville, Ky. C. RiiiiDti.' P. NEtaow. Late of Mason Co.,Ky. Lateof Ml. T. A. Matthews, cf M ayavil.e, Ky. Merchants' Hotel, (FORMERLY DENNISON MOUSE) CALLEHER, NELSON & CO., Proprietors, 3T"iftl3. street, near JVEaLa CINCINNATI, O. f"This house having been thoroughly reno vated and nenrly furnished, is now oten. Cincinnati, 0.,ilay 18th, 1364-3mo. . ESTABLISHED UNDER ClTT OrDINAKCK IN 1857. YHEELEB TOBBACGO WAREHOUSE PHISTER & HOW, Proprietors, For the Inspection and Sule of LEAF TOBACCO 14 WEST FRONT ST.. t. Main fc Walnut Streets.) nivrnTWimr nmn near the Steamboat Landing.? WM01M.1A11, UI11U. o Tobacco Sold Ht Auction or Privately. as Owners may desire. AUCTIONS SALES: TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, & SATURDAYS. PRIVATE SALES DAILY. Or Storage to Shippers Three Months Free. Cincinnati, O., May 19th, lSG4-3mo. Eagle copy 3 months and charge Bulletin. I ICE ! ICE!! tTTK hnva commenced rnnninz out Ice V V Wairon, and will deliver Ice to any part of tin City. yrerons desiring Tee through the day, can obtain It at Kichard Watkina' Grocery Store, on Wall street, or at Wm. Watkins' on Market M. May 19, 1SG4. KICHARD W ATKINS. CHANDELIEBS! OF Variona Patterno, for bnrnins Cnl Uil At SEAT ON & BKODKICK'S Maysville, Ky., may iu. J-rug oiore. OR Burn'njr Coil Oil, some very fine, direct ' irom Pvew York torcale bv may 19. SEATON it B ROD KICK. BRONZE PARLOR LAMPS! F New and Elegant Styles Ornamental as V wellnsnseiul direct from the MnnnfiM. tory and tor nale bv SEATON & BKODKICK. Maysvilie, Ky., May 19, 1SG4. VALUABLE FARM BY Virtue of a judgement of the Mason Circuit Court, rendered in th2 suit pending of W. P. Watkins' and others Bgainnt Liouib Gubiinrt others, 1 will, as Commissioner, upon the premises, upon Saturday, the 1 1th day of June, 1864, Sell at Publio Auction to tho highest bidder, that valnablo tructoi land known a.-;uie"UJUUAUi FAKii." ISO ACRES, Lyineupon the waters of Liraea'one Creek, Mar ton County, Ky.. and within a mile of the City of Maysvills. The improvements npon it are good. It bas a good RIUCK DWELLING HOUSE. snd also Three other FRAME TENEMENTS enn as non it ,d .ls0 ft cood rPfcd McAdmized lead iiwtothe farm.-Itis well watored, and in afair state of cultivation. It will ne uiviaed into mree small Farms, each with a Tenement upon it, and will be sold altogether, or thus divided, to suit purchasers. The plat of division cao be seen by caliing at my Office in Maysville, Ky.--The proximity of this farm to Market, makes it valuable, andit offers a fine opportunity for those desiring to invest. TERMS OF SALE: One Third Cash, the balance in Six and Twelve months with interest from day of Bale; the pur chaser to givo bond with good security, having tho force and effect of sale bonds under Execution. Sale will commeuce at 2 o'clock, P. M. JNO. R. CLARKE, May 19, 1S64-4W . . -. Commissioner. MUSICAL SOIREE r .- AT . NATIVITY HALL, Friday evening, May 20th. AdmissloK 50 Cents. Maysville, May 12th, 1S64, GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. W.L.&J.L.PEAKCE Wholesale G rocers . : AND ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SUTTON ST., opposite Lee House) MAYSVILLE, KY. r our personal attention wiiiDe gvea tO Receiving & Forwarding all Goods I con8ignied to OUT Care . - . ... ,i, ,m. manner, tv'th reference to quality and quantity, as if the parties purchasing were personally present I Below will be found an enumeration of some of the articles included in our stock, which we I offer to the trade low for Cash o r Country, Pro- duce: 24 Hhda. Choice N. O. Sugar; . 8 Hbds. Prime N.O. Sugar; AO Bbls. Loveriog's Refined Sugars; IO Crushed do; . 25 " .' Pulverized - . do; 15 ' " A. Coffee doj 54 Bags Choice Rio Coffee; - 25 " Prime Rio Coffee; - ( 35 Packages Golden Syrup, in Half Bbls. and IOjral.Kgs; 16 Bbls. New Crop N. O. Molasses; 65 Packages Mackerel, in Bbla, Hf. Bbls, . Qr. Bbls. and Kits; 25 nf. Chests Choice Gunpowcr Tea; 5 ' ; " "Black Tea; 20 Gross Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco; Choice Smoking Tobacco, in Half Pound and 5 Pound Packages; SO Caddies Choice Chewing Tobacco; 20 Butts Chewing Tobacco; 60,000 Cigars, assorted brands; . 75,000 White and Buff Envelopes; Cap, Note and Letter Paper; 50O Boxes Sardines, hnlves and quarters; 35 Dos. Cove and Spiced Oysters, in 1 & 2 lbs. Cans; IsTBaskela Champaigne Wine; 12 Boxes Native Wines; Choice Old Bourbon Whisky, in Barrels and Bottlos; Common Whisky; Rectified Whiskey; French Brandy ;Gin;Ginger Wine; Kaisins; Figs; Almonds; Buckets; Tubs, in nests Wrapping Paper; Fancy, Toilet and Bal Soaps; Washboards; Brooms; Cordage; Matches; Spices; Star and Tallow Candles; Cheese; Crackers; Shot; ete. We Invite the attention of Country Merchants particularly to our stock of goods, We respectfully solicit the orders of the trade generally, promising satisfaction In all oases. W. L.& J. L PEARCE, Nos. IS & 15 Sutton St., (opp. Lee House) March 24, 1861. MA T& VILLE, K& J.B.DESSAR&CO, Have Received AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF Spring and Summer CLOTHING; FLRAISIIIXG AM) PIECE GOODS, Composed of Fine Cloth Coats, Beautiful Saclc Coats, Late Style Oassimere Coats, VcStS of all descriptions, Pantaloons, a la mode, French Yolce Shirts, Domestic Cassimeres, BLUE MILITARY CLOTHS, HATS $c CAPS, Furnishing Goods, &c, &c. &c. MANUFACTURED BY THEM Espressly for this Market, WHICH THEY PHOrOSE TO SELL AT THE Eastern Manufacturers PRICES! Buyers will find it profitable to give them a call. MaysvilleKy.,17th:i;i. J. B. DESSAft & CO. STILL CONTINUE TO MAKE UP CLOTHING TO ORDER, UNDEB THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF Mr. JACOB LANDGRAFT, V IN THEIR USUAL WELL KNOWN STYLE OF ELEGANCE. AT POPULAR PRICES, AND ARE CONSTANTLY RECEIVING .. New&StylishGoods, WHICH WILL NOT FAIL TO PLEASE EVEN THE MOET FASTIDIOUS. Maysville, Ky., Maroh 17th, 1864. ATTENTION BLACKSMITHS ! YOUGUIOGHEJIlf COAL t I JUST ReceiTed, on commission, a load of Pure Yonghiogoeny Coal. - . - CHARLES PHISTER. Maysvillo. March 17th,lS&4--tX. RED CORNER CLOTHING STORE Blum & Heckinger's GREAT WESTERN Emporium of Fashion WE tafee pleasnre in Inrbrmlng onr Patrons and the public generally, that we have just received, and are continuing to receive, from xskw JCobk, Baltimore and other Eastern Pobto, a veil, taRGi and varied btook or GENTLEMEN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING; Of the very latest Eastern Styles. Dress Coats . Business Coats, Promenade Coats, Pants and Vests, Of all styles and descriptions, all of which we will dispose cf at the lowest Eastern prices. We have paid the most particular PERSONAL ATTENTION in the selection of Goods for our MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT, And have purchased only the MOST CHOICE and FASHIONABLE kinds and Styles. Hav ing made and EXTENSIVE ADDITION to this branch of our basinets, we have now the best FACILITIES to Manufacture to Order, at the SHORTEST NOTICE. Our celebrated and ex perienced Cutter, JERRY I YOUNG, will superintend the getting up of all work in tbo Merchant Tailoring Line, by experienced work men ONLY. . The Stock consists of the finest Foreign and Domestic Cloths; - French and English Cashmeres; Silks, Satins & Cashmeres for Vest- ings. Mr. YOUNG has also procured Genlo'a, G Scotl 's, Glencrosa' & West's latest Patcrn Sheets. Our Stock of GEIVTLEMEK'S FURNISHING GOODS! Comprises all appertaining to a Gentleman's outfit, ahd Is too numerous and varied 'o men tion. The Genuine Patent FRENCH YOKE SHIRT, Can be got at our Store. FOR THE FINEST AND LATEST STYLE CALL AT THE RED CORNER. A FULL SUPPLY OF Trunks, Valises, Carpet Sacks Umlirellas, &c., Always on hand. ALL PULCHASERS WHO WISH TO SAVE MONEY! AND GET THE LATEST STYLES ! WILL FIND IT TO .THEIR ADVANTAGE TO CALL AT THE RED CORNER STORE BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. FOR A FINE STYLISH SPRING SUIT! CALL AT BLUM & HECKINGER'S RED CORA ER STORE 1 . ; Maysville, Ky ..March SI, 1S4j MULLINS &- HUNT'S WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE! HT11 E SUBSCRIBERS. LONG" ESTAB' LISHED m a large fotail pxf Gfoods business in Maysville, would call the attention of Coun try Merchants to their recent addition of an ex tensive Wholesale Department; which will be conducted on a STRICTLY CASH PRINCT PLE. The many years of experience possessed by our buyer, combined with a perfect knowledge of the Kentucky trade, a thorough acqtfaintance ship with all the Manufacturing and Importing Houses in the East, and the fact of nr pur chases being made for "Cash," together with a firm determination to sell at a mere commission advance on Eastern Cost, will be sufficient guaranties to CLOSE CASH BUYERS that we cannot be undersold by any WESTERN JOB BING HOUSE. Our Stock will be found better adapted to the wants of of our customers than it is usual to find in the generality of JOBBING HOUSES; as it will embrace a greater Variety of goods than is ordinarily met with in an exclusive Wholesale Establishment; The departments slotted to . CuV. T IS .KTX) CAFE AND 1ST otions, Will be at all times especially attractive as par ticular attention will be paid to them, and a LARGE STOCK ivcju. cunsianuy on nana, we would impress npon our friends that in sending ns orders they may rely npon having them executed to the ful ett ( xtent of onr ability. MULLINS & HUNT - Cheap Dry Goods Store, 2nd Street, Maysville, Ky. Maysville, Ky. Jan. 8, 1863. NEW CASS HARDWARE HOUSE! SI.aN BI'G SAW. WE Take pleasnre in announcing to our old friends and customers, that we have again opened a II A It D W ARE HOUSE, on Second Street, in the house formerly occupied by Mr. H. C. Lloyd, where we will be pleased to see any who may favor cs with a call. We are now in receipt, and will continue to receive new additions to our Slock weekly. We purchase onr goods direct from the AMERICAN MANU FACTURERS and FOREIGN AGENTS for Cash, and propose to furnish goods at as low ngnres as can be Donent we.-t. We also continue the WHOLESALE BOOT & SHOE BUSINESS and request Merchants to lOOKtnrongn our Mock before buying elsewhere. SIGN BIG SAW. ; Maysville, Ky. BUILDING HARDWARE; SADDLERY HARDWARE; COACH HARDWARE; TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY; TEA & BREAD TRAYS; CARPENTERS TOOLS; COOPERS TOOLS; SHOVELS; SPADES & RAKES; TRACE & OTHER CHAINS; AIB.BANK SCALES to weigh TOO pounds to 6.000 pounds. FIRE PROOF EjAFES. Maysville, Ky., March 3, 1SG4. INTERIOR ADORNMENTS! JUST RECEIVED A CHOICE SELECTION of new and desirable styles of PAPER HANGINGS, from the rich and ornate to the most chaste and simple patterns, appropriate for .Parlors, Halls, Dining-liooms and Chambers. FIEE BOARD. PRINTS new designs; WINDOW SHADES, of any required style or size, on hand or made rooraer. . . G-IIi T MOULDING AND ....... PICTURE CORD & TASSELS, and all the trimmings Icr irames. , RAWING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE! The above Goods are all new and will be sold cheaper than ever before sold in this cit 13?"A call is solicited from persons wishing to purchase the above goods. EOOKBKLLERS t STATIONERS, Maysville, Ky., April 21, ISO. 3d Street. JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS AFU SILVER WARE!!! JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK of FINE GOLD WATCHES AND JE1YEL.KY of the latest styles. Also, a Urge assortment of CLOCKS, SILVER WARE, PLATED WARS AND FANCY GOODS, .' r' : rSfA large Stock of MATERIAL to accom modate the tiade. Just Received a laree Stock of POCKET BOOKS, PORTMONNAIES, COilBS AND ANCV OUOUti. B?" JEWELRY & SILVER WARE raado to Order. I3T Cash Paid for California Gold and Old Silver. C. F. DUtfiuu. Next door to Miner's Shoe Store MayavjUe, KyM Anril 2Sth, 1854 z-vpuptjT TIME &c 50 brK Fresh Hydrau- Plaster Pari. s? March 17 '4 JNO. H. RICHESON. T WILL PAY THE HIGHEST CASH 1 PRICE FOR 10,000 Bushels CORN, At my Warehouse, on Wal street. ... , . - ALEX. POWER. MayvHle. Ky., March 8, 1S64.- H. A. CALVERT, (of Ky. .'. - . . with '. . e . . ;J - IMPOBtfiHs WHOLESALE 4EAtEB8 0 DRY GOODS, lio & 112' Pearl Street, atirnsmj ; - Cincinnati, '.. -- , -r-WlTH . Will' - K.- BOAL, I 3Xo. 138 West Second Street, between Race & Elm Streeti; , CINCINNATI, O; W1! Attend to the gale of all kjnda ot n! t PE,0DUCE, and" niake immediate Returns: ly filled? aDy descriPticfl of Groceries prompt- T REFERS BY PERiirSSJOM 'TO aOH i Kobiwson, ., Gallfpolis, O. A. W. BrKiRK, Esq., Portsmouth, O. Hok. L. T. Moore, Catlettsburg, Ky. Capt. W. norsHEtt, " Ji0. NrRicHABbsou, Esq., c D. D. Geioeb. Esq., it Hugh Means Esq., Ashland, Ky. ' . Wk. T. Nicholls. Esa., Ashland. Ky: ' Wk. L. Geioeb, Esq.. Ashland, Ky, Geo. Wprts, Esq., Green upsbnrg, Ky. S. J.Hockadat, Esq., - - ; LonsD. Koss, Esq., " h: '; -9,ATT" Z- Shir-ey, Louls'viTle, Kvi -- - Hon. Thos. E. Bbaklktt, Fran k'fort, Ky; .J tSWill make liberal ments of Prodnce. fraar 3. 1864-6m M. THOMPSON. Umbrella, Parasol AND WALKING CASE manufactory No. 167 MsLiiL Street, ' Set. 4th & 5tti; . cixcixxati, o. "Repairing promptly attended to. mar? DUHME&CO. S. W. Cor. 4lh and Walnnt Streets; CINCINNATI; O; ML a 1111 fa c tniersV Jietau cc wnoiesaie Dealers in DIAMONDS, WATCfiESr JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. THEY Keep on hand a large Rtock of Cheap' Watches, Jobbing Material, Spectacles, fcc. for the Trade. - I"Oid Gold and Silver bought for Cash. march 8, 1864 ly ' ' Hew cue Ai Furniture Raom! Corner of Market &, 2nd Streets, MA YSVILLE, KENTUCKY.' THE UNDERSIGNED HAS OPENED A" FURNIIURE STORE, and will PeJlrticles in his line at iower tiodkes than they have ever been sold in this city. I will keep constantly on hand the following articles: DIVANS; ..SOCIABLES; BUREAUS; . WARDROBES; Center, Breakfast and Dining Tables' BOOK CASES; . HAT RACKS; CHAIRS; LOUNGES; MATTR ASSES; CRIBS; -- BEDSTEADS f all Kind", And all articlse generally kept in a Furniture1 Store. .' , T"A fine sssortment of Fine and Common ' Furniture for sale at Cincinnati Retail prices. MEANS & CORYELL, ; ; Cor; of Market & 2nd street." Maysville, Ky., March 10, 18b4. TO EARJIERS! FIRST CLASS MACHINES; ., TI1E KEN TUGKT . HA R YE3TER, a Combined Reaper and Mower, , THE KENTUCKY BROAD OUA 3E REAPER, cuts a swank of sevtn feet. I THE KENTUCKY CLIPPER, a first Class Miaver. " , . . THESE roAchirtes have been in anceessfu o'pe-: ration for the lafc five years. Their repn-' V tation is established. . I will offer great indqoe- r menu to those who call early, as machines may. advance materially before the season arrives for cutting. Prices now are low compared with,' oiber machines.- - For sale by , -"."I March 17 '64 . JNO. H. RICHESON. i. OEEDS.--Clover, Timothy, Blue Grafs', Oats : O and Garden Seeds, for sale by -March 17 '63 JNO. H. RICHESON. W J. ROSS ' NEWELL. GEO W. KOSS, J ROSS & NEWELL, 1 WHOLESALE G R O C E R S? AND DEA-IERS iW. Foreign and Domestie Liqnor' T0BACC6, CIG ARS, Etc. ' . Cornet ef Mdrlet end Thiid Streets,' MAYSVI Lf.E. KV ' " Notice to Fanners ! Tt7E ARE NOW MANTJFACTrjRlNfJf VV at onr Foundry, our celebrated SUGAR CANE MILL'S . Which, we warran to sarpass iffirnw in rao. , Give nsa call and examine our Mill, aa waara U iVnt it will flive Katisfaotit B. .confident H " j AJ1E8 jACUiiiS SO if, ,prj) gl-lm MATaViiu JfornoRT. "BEMOVAL! THE TJoderslsoed woul3 respectfully n-,' nonnoe to tho Citiaona of MaysViHo, find the surrounding Coaatry, thfct rtey wilr On aiONOAY next, the Zaii day of -May Open their NEW STORE on Second Street, tha' fnmarl (Mvarued ht MirVftV dt Wood Drne Store, and nexidoor to Mesra-. XaUtM A Uont, whera they nW bo jiegari atow New. Lare aad SUeaant Siook . , Dry Goods and CarpstsK Soitable for thft proeo and appr&achiuc aeaaon.-ThaalflbrtUl-hrl r-uonage retofow, BAstaw in them, tboy by act lien ng to diTerin Cab merit a coa tiuuation and inret cf the same, B1CKETTS. WJJI.L3 5k CO.' ' " MajavSle, April SsSth, 18W-imV