Newspaper Page Text
-Fw readers can be-ware," until they hava bad occasion to tent the fact, how much labor of research ia often saved by nch, table as the following the work of one now in hlf grare. If 'History is Poetry,' as one wbo ia a true poet himself forcibly remarksthen here ia 'Poetry personified:' '. "ltOTi "Virginia-'' first settled by the English. 1614. New York first settled by the Dutch. 120. Massachusetts settled by the Poritans. ' J ' New Hampshire settled by Pu.i tans. . 1624." New Jaraev aettlad bv the Dutch. 1627. Delaware settled by Swedes and Fins. 1635. Maryland settled by Irish Catholics. 164. Omnocti cut "Settled by the Puritans. 168.r Rhode Island settled by Roger WUliams. 1650..' North Carolina settled bj the English.-' 1670. South Carolina settled by the Huguenots. 132. Pennsylvaniaaettled by William Penn. 1788. Georgia afc led ty General Oglethorpe. 1791. . Vermont admitted into the Union.. 1792. " Kentucky admitted into the Union. 1796. Tennoasee admitted into the Union. 1802. . Ohio admitted into the Union. . , 1S1I. Louisiana admitted into the Union. ' 1816. Indiana admitted into the Union. 1817. Mississippi admitted into tho Union. 1818. Illinois admitted into the Union. 1S19. . Alabama admitted inro the Union. 1820. ' Maine admitted into the Union. 1821. Missouri admitted into the Union. 1886. ' Michigan admitted into the Union. 1888. Arkansas admitted into the Union. 1S45. " Florida admitted into the Union. . 1845. Texaa admitted into the Union. - 1846. Iowa admitted into tba Union. 1B43." Wisconsin admitted into the Union, lb 50. Caliiornia admitted into the Union. New England and Wab. Tho follow ing stanza were very popular in New Eng land,' where they were extensively publish ed and admired in 1847, the year of tbe Mexican war: " - "As for war, I call it murder, There on have it plain and flat; I don't want to go no fnrder , "; Than my Tcstyment fcr that. - -6od has said bo -plump and fairly; It's as long as it is broad, And you've got to get np airly . Ef you want to take in God. No description of a Yankee has ever been givon so thoroughly characteristic aa this;- He'd kiss a qneen till he'd raise a blister With his arms round her neck- and his old felt hat on; Address a king by the title of Mister, And ask him the price of the throne he sat on. Neal Dow it aick at Portland. -.- His lodg: ing in Ibby prison didn't seem to agree with him. Perhaps he may be troubled with 'pianos' on the brain. The Pacific Echo (Cal.) says: 'The name of our Presidential candidate is' at the head of oar columns, Thomas II. Seymour, of Connecticut, whose political record wears no blemish, whose voice baa ever been on the side of peice. We are ready to follow him, or one like him, to defeat or victory; in either event, conscious of performing our duty to oor conBtry and mankind.' Prentice, of the Louisville Journal, says: 'Some of onr military officers, if they ever have occasion for wooden legs, will we pre -same, get curved ones. They so like to go on benders." - At Baton RoogoLa., the following in scription may be fonnd in the grave-yard: "Here lies the body of David' Jones. His last words were, 'I die a Christian and a Democrat.'" . 5 Prentice asks what's the use of paying yearly $3,000 apiece to members of Con gress? There are enonsb persona wbo would pay the Government $3,000 Tor the privilege of being members, and probably they would sot be much worse than the present set. In olden times, women were prohibited from marrying until they had spun a set of bed furniture, and hence they were called spinsters until they married. Now-a-days they spin street yarn. COFamers, hold on to your breadstuff wheat, corn, &e. There are squally times ahead. Don't bold it for higher prices, but hold it for charity's sake, for hu manity, that the poor and suffering in your neighborhoods may be served in the hour of their dire necessity. We are no alarm ist, but out of pare regard for truth and ha inanity, we make these suggestions. Lay mem up, ana remember them.-Untie.-. Got. Medary, editor, of the Crisis, pub lished at Columbus, Ohio, says: "There can be no doubt the fact, that any attempt to transfer the Democratic party on to a war platform will be resisted with more deter mination than some men, who would sell the country for an office, suppose. They want neither Lincoln nor any of bis Major uenerals. i he strength, and the only strength of the Democratic party, from first to last, has been opposition to the war, un holy, barbarous and ruinous," The Iowa Weekly Bugle rays: "Is it the popular sentiment of the Democrats, of the Northern States? We answer no! The popular sentiment of the l)pmncrt nf ihn Northern States is, (hat the Union cannot le-'l restored by war, and therefore being in favor oi me restoration or ine.union, they are op- posed to the war. believing with the lament- a it. r . i a wt . . ed Douglas, that 'WAR IS DISUNION, FINAL, ETERNAL SEPARATION.' " k-VT I RTALiATioa. The Springfield (Mass.) republican, discussing the law and practice Of retaliation, tarnishes the following histo rical parallel. During the war of 1812, there was no in- atance or retaliation by the Infliction of death though the right was repeatedly asserted In the strongest terms. The most notewor thy Instance was wneo, alter the battle of Qaeenstown, the British selected twenty three Irish prisoners to be sent to England and tried for high treason. Scott threaten ed retaliation, and ao equal cumber of Brit ish prisoners were set apart to await the fate of the Irish. The British thereupon im prisoned forty-six Americans, end forty- sir British officers were immediately seleo ted acd held as hostages for their safety and restoration. The matter finally subsided, with no executions on either side. The Washington Constitutional Union tays: "There ia a newspaper published in Aionuik, said io oe ueneral Uutler'g organ. wnico is also stated, by twenty five soldiers detailed for the purpose, edited vjr vapiaiu, buu uperioienaea Dy a co lonel, all coder government pay." Little drops of rain brighten the mead ows, and little acts of kindness brighten the world. An exchange says the country cannot dis pense with Gm. Butler's services. did hrarthat h go! tu rne v-ry valiMl!e servi cts (of plfp n L ).i is-u. but we thought he intended them for himself and sot lor the Coantrj. Prentice. II. C. LLO ID. Wm. H. RICHARDSON Lloyd & Richardson, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, ? VY 1 N E S, LIQUORS, ? TEAS & TOBACCO, FOSIARirNGIEOMMISSM M E K C H .A N T S,; . OPPOSITE OODDABD HOrSI, . , MASKETS TBEET- -, MAYS VILLE, Y. V7E WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL v T your attention to the above card, and solicit a portion of yonr patronage, promising to fill orders -promptly and satisfactorily. . ."" We have established ourselves for the pur pose of inducing Merchants to make their pur i . . . - - cuacca iiero msieaa 01 eisewiiere; and as our goods are bought dibect from first hands in the Eastern .Market,' by our Bioker, we make this proposition to Merchants: .. .. ? ... , That we will duplicate any bill bought in Cincinnati, and if goods are not what we represent them, they' can be sent back at oar expense. ' ' We have "just received from the East " J SO Ilhds. Choice new N. O.BUGARr -10 - " Prime " " . ; . ,.-. t-r. SO Bbls.-LovEamo's Philadelphia. EEFINED 8UGAKS Crushed, Granulated, Powder ed and Coffoo A. 50 Bags Choice Yellow fe Bright Green COFFEE MOLASSES Old ind Now Oop; ' ' .-'"-- ; MACKEREL in all sizes, direct from Bos ton, last Crop 1S63; -- 40 Kega.Newca'stle ENGLISH SODA; - TOBACCO a large lot in Boxes, Caddies, Ac. TEAS a Superior lot of all kinds, selected lor tins portion of the Country. In addition to our stock of Heavy Groceries, we have a large assortment of Fancy: CI3ARS,at all pncesjFancy Wash and Shaving SOAFS; Whola and Half Boxes new M. E. and Layer RAISIN; SARDINES; FIGS; PICKLES; PEACHES, Cove and . Spiced OYSTEES; MUSTARD, in boxes; 50 & 25 lbs. boxes ' " -assorted CANDIES; CHEESE; CB ACKERS; INDIGO; MADDER; SPICES, gruin. and ground; ALUM; Kace & Ground GINGER ; COPPERAS; .BLACKING, large and small; BLACKING BRUSHES; FAUCETS; CINNAMON, ground and in matts; CAPS; SHOT; LEAD; , EXT.' LOGWOOD; STARCH; i " GERMAN SOAP; A large variety of CAP, NOTE & LETTER PA PEE; EN VELOPES, buff and white; &s.&o. ETIn addition to the above, we offer induce ments to the trade in 1 O TXOHTS I EECTIFIED WHISKY sold at Cincinnati prices. GINGER WINE, GIN, BRANDY, and with supe-ior lot of OLD BOCJIIBON WHISKY at all prices. Respectfully, LLOYD & RICLIARDSOK Maysville, Ky., March 8, 1864) NEW CMIfJA, GLASS AND Queensware House ! ! E. ALBERT, IMPORTER AND DEALER Seoond. Street. One door below Geo. Aithur't Confectioner Slorel 0 . T7"EEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND a laros AND WELI. SEL.KCTED STOCK OV ' French and English China, Glass, QUEENS WARESs FANCY GOODS, in great variety, as Vases, Toilet Sets in China, jrariun juarDie ana isonemain mass; -JJewel Boxes; Fancy and Toy Boxes, Toy Tea Sets, etc. , DINNER AND TEA SETS, of all qualities, white, - - .. ".' -:. U-KJNA.UJiiN i.JiL AJNJJ .... - . - FINE GILT. Silver Plated and Britannia Tea Sets, Castors, Etc., Plated Table Ware: Ivory Bone and . Wood Handled Forks and Knives Knives; Tea Trays . and Waiters, ef all sizss and varieties, Imported Direct from the Manufactories ia t-.E U R O P E . ei .: Also, the large and most complete stock of rr A rT ATT A TlfDC ' UUAL JLLj lillHL O- . . ' of all sizes oud styles,' from SO cents to $10 each BURNERS, CHIMNEYS ' " ' - ' PAPER SHADES and WICKS; Tbe Very Best of PTJRE COAL OIL, CANS, ETC.; all of which I will sell for CASH at the VERY LOWEST CINCINNATI prices. ' EtT-Accommodation to the wants of custom ers, quick sales and small profits are the govern- mg principles or my Dusinexs. Cali.seeand judge for yourselves! It. ALItEKT. MaysviUe, J?et 4, 1S64. THE LEE HOUSE, Corner of Front & Sutton Streets, MAYSVILLE, - "- - KENTUCKY. HORD & PEPPER Proprietors. THE Undersigned take pleasure in an nouncing to the people of Maysville and Mason county, and to the traveling mM . It . 1. .. . U u i , . r' n y, mat iuoy uo jeuwu Ilna DODulsr nrl enm- modioos Hotel for a series of yearr, and have opened it for the reception of boarders nd th accommodation of transient customers. It is convenient to. the steamboat Landings, and is the office for the Stage lines to the interior of tha State. 1 be House is Dei rig thoroughly re paired and refitted throughout, and no paint wiii be spared to mate it. in an re.-pecis toe best Hotel in North Eastern Kentucky. Especialcare will be bestowed upon the table, wbicn will al ways be Mippiied with the luxuries of the Mays villeand Cincinnati market-. mar 31, 'o 6.n - HOltD & PEPPER. 00,000 MORE MEN WANTED! POM ERO V COAL ! ! Z . ' J 1QNSTaN f LY ou Land ai:d for side on Com J miasion by CilAKLES PHISTER. Maysville, March 17th, 1 864-tf . .. . W. S. FRANK, A t torney at L a w, v . . COURf ' STREET, -; .V-.,1 f LMaysville, ;KyL tPrompt attention oaid to Collecting.,! february 18th, 1864. J. Z. BUMRALL, h ATTORNEY : AT; LAVV,:. 1 ' . J MAYSVILZE, -KTjM WILL practice in the Courts of Mason and ad joining counties. OFFICE West-side or Court Street. jan!5,136g-lv B. C. .-IH 1 3 T.ER, - ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE ON TfiE WEST SIDE OF COURT ST. MA YSV1LLE, :K Y;. August U ,1S62. ' - IIi. JOHN ISUll.Xv'H CECRO J 'BITTERS!.: Tho Latest and Most Important Discovery NO MAN'S NAME IS MORE INTIMATELY connected with the history of the Materia Medica of the Unitod States, or more fnvorahlv known as a pioneer in medical di.-icovery, than that of JOHN BULL, of Louisville, Ky. Ilio in imitable preparation of ' Sarsaparilla has loutt stood at the bead of the various compounds of that valuablo drug. His compound Pcoloral of Wild Cherrv has Tccomo a household word throughout the West and South; and his Worm Lozenges in lees than a year after their intro duction, attained a reputation as widespread as the continent of North Aioorica. But the crown ing glory of bis lil'o remains to bo attained in his latest discovery, or rather combination, for he does not claim to have been the dixcoverer of CEDRON, which is tho basis of the Bitters now offered U the public. That honor belongs to tho native inhabitants or Central America, to whom its virtues have been known for m re than two hundred years. Armed with it. the Indian bids deiiance to the most deadly malaria, and handles without rear tho most venomous serpents. It is a belief with them that while there is breath left in the body the Cedron is potent to cure, no mat tet what the disease may be. While Dr. Bull Is not prepared to indorse this extravagant' pretension, he is nevertheless satis fied from a thorough examination of the evidence relating to its virtues, that, as a remedy and preventive for all diseases arisin-from exposure either to changes of weather and climate or to he miasmatic influences, it stand without a rival, and justly deserves the reputation it has so long enjoyed in Central America and the West inaics. id - - DYSPEPSIA end its attendant train of symptoms, it acts l cnarm than a medicine'. There is oothine in the whole range of the Materia Medica that can for a moment bear a comparison with t in this disease.- : r- A fnU'accomit of this wonderful plant mav bo found in tho eleventh edition of the U. S. Dis pensatory, pages 1837 and 1358. A scries of experiments, which Dr. Bull hns been for years eneueed, has just been brought to i a successful termination, ami ne is now enabled offer to the public a combination of Cedron with other improved tonics, the whole p-cs-erved ii be best quality oi . copper-distilled iKurbon whia ky, which he is confident has ao equal in irorld. the Hom'nrht furnish a volume of certificates, but the public have long since learned to estim ate such thincrs at their true value. The safest tlan is for every one to lest for 1 imself the virtuoj of 'new medicine, (nvc the Cedron x3itt era one trial, and yon will never use any others. It is not necessary to publish a Ions list tf dis eases for which tho Cedron Bitters are a specific, in all diseases ol the STUAlACli, BOWELS, KIDNEYS,-or LIVER; in all affections ol the BRAIN depending up on derangement of the Stomach or Rowels; in GOUT, RHEUMATISM fe NEURALGIA; And in FEVER AND AGUE; It is destined to supersede all other remedies. It Inot only cures all thee discuses but it pre- vcuis incm. A wine glass full of the Bitters taken an hour before each meal will obviate the ill effects of the most unhealthy climate and screen the person taking it against disease under the most trying exposn re. Sold by Drnggists and Grocers, generally. Dr. JOHN BULL'S Principal Office, Fifth street, Louisville, Ky. , . Sold Wholesale and Retail by SEATON tfe BRODRICK. Cor. 2nd and Court Streets, mar 7, lS64-ly Maysville, Ky. Come down in the center, That's what it means ! - -. N. C SADDLE R'Y rjHE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW" SITUATED L so as to give his undivided attention to the Manufactory of every article connected with the SADDLE AND HARNESS TRADE ! He has now on hand and in process of making, a splendid assortment of Gentlemen and Ladies' Saddle; Saddle Bags; Buggy, Carriage, Biake and Sulkey Harness; Wagon and I'Jow Gear; Kidiner Bridles, with Kackina. Port and Snaffle Bitls; Waggon, Buggy, Coach, Sulkey and Kid ing Whips; Hog and Kips kin Collars; Ilnrse Covers, suitable lor ad seasons; Leather, Web and Kope Halters; Worsted, Cotton ;.nd Hemp Girths; Eed top and Iron strant II a me: Drnv and Cait Harness; in short every thing usually kept in a Saddlery Establishment, which will bo sold at Wholesale and lie tail, at low prices, to punctual dealers; 5 per . cent off for cash. gfA)l Kepairiue attended to at once, at mv Old Stand, on 2nd street, to find which. "Come down in the Center," between Market & Sutton. X. rL. KICKRIIS. Maysville, March 26ch.lS63. HANDLES. Star & Sumnror Mould Candles J fof best quality, at BEN PHISTER'S MACKEY & WOOD. W1 E HAVE REMOVED OUR DRUG STORE to the EaM Side of Sutton Street. 2nd door from Second, to the New Stoee ntted np exi ressiy lor onr business; where we nave opened a JNew and Jixtensire btock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYE-STUFFS, PER FUMERY, ALL ARTICLES OF TOILET, And Everything in the NOTION LINE. ALSO, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Chimneys, Garden Seeds, Ac. &c. tdSTWo hope all our old patrons willcontinne their favors, and that new ones will call in and see us, for we promise Jiargutn. - . MACKEY & WOOD, Maysville, Mar 8, 1S64. Sutton street. MAYSVILLE SOAP & CANDLE FACTORY. Third Street, between Sutton V Wall, OppoiiU Chatf-PhisUr's Lumber Yard. GOOD SUPPLY OF MOULD AND SUMMER CANDLES. GERMAN AND FANCY SOAFS Conxtanilv on hand ier Agent for Starch & Stur Candles. CjyCash paid for Tallow and Sap Grease. Dec. 10 .... ;i, , - JAMES SMITH. IEA a very sujerior article, tho best import ed, in store and lor eale by - . . jus; 19 . , . BEN POSTER ..-' 33 "A". : -. w.-1 1" 'i- v GEAIJN1, GROCER!., : f .-V 1 A.ND, ujr-i- COMMISSION HOUSE V "Corner of 3rd fir Market Streets,' MAYSVILLE,-KENTUCKY. .r v r -'Mt.:f'i tfi I HAVE JUST OPENED" A GRAIN, GROCERY AND COMMISSION STORE in the house formerly occupied by Jas. C. Brook over, north-east Corner of Third & Market Sts. I will pay the highest market price in cash or WHEAT, BYE and BARLEY. ... I have jnst received a full stock of Groceries, Sugar," Molasses, CofleerTea . Rice, Fisb,Tbaeco, Salt," &c, &o. , together with' a general assort mentofall articles in tho Grooeryline:allwar-? ranted to be of the best quality. My goods have been bought exclusively for Cash i and will-be sold for Cash Country Produce, at very small -1 have'' also "on hand a large etock'of PURE" OLD BOURBON WHISKY. . v. -r- Commission, Storage & Forwarding Business attended to with "promptness. - All-persons desirous of getting the: worth of thoir money, wil please give me a call. - , : ., . jnnemth,lS62. DEN PUISTEH. - G RUSHED,-Powdered and Granula'.ed Sugar, of best quality, in store and sr sale low by .... BEN PHISTER, junO 19 s 1 ,- Cor." 3rd & MarbeS streets. SYRUP. Philadelphia and Baltimore Symps. in barrels, half barrels and 10 gal. kegs, for sale low by BEN PI1ISTER, . June 19 Cor. Srd.& Market streets. TOBACCO of all grades and prices, for sale - - : By BEN PHISTER, jane 19 " - Cor. 8rd fe Market streets. "7INEGAR of the best quality, for sale by y -. june 19. , .BEN PHISTER. T?ISIL Mackerel and White Fish, jn barrels. JL? hf. barrels quarter barrels and , kita,of best brands tor sale at lowest rates oy june 19 '" " : BEN PHISTER - NEW MACKEREL BARRELS NO. I MACKEREL; 20 Barrels No 3 ' f do- 21 ''20 half barrels No 1 : ao. "' 20 -..- a , .do... .-. 25 . r , " 1 do. 25 u-". ,t - 2 - - do."' ' 25 Kitts N6 1 ' - do. - ' 25 " . do. Just received .direct from Boston and for - lie at a smnll advance. ami!2 ' " At BE1? PniSltR'S. Ne w Crrain Store! TTAVINO Retired from the firm of Alex. L 1 I'oweb A Co., I will continue on my own account in the Grain Trade, on Wall Street, next door to Alex. Maddox, and solicit all onr old customers to give me a call, aa I have large number of Kacks and feel conn Jen tof my ability to give entire satisfaction to all who may be. pleaded to deal with me. - " " , . , ALEX. TOWER. Maysville, Ky., July 1.1S63. . Braiding All the Go ! T HAVE LATEjlY RECEIVED A LARGE 1 vuricty of new Style ST AM PS, which in addition to my former stock enables me to offer a greater variety ol UKAIDIJSU- rATr.EKS than can be found in tho. City. .1 am prepared to Stamp Ladies' or Children's Dresses or CloaTcs in the latent style, on short notico and at modorate rales. fcfi7 L.ADISS are invited to call and see my attebms. Mas. UEL. AKTUUB, Muysviiie, ucu io. ' . tecoiKi htroet. ; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. DEALER VS ALL KINDS cr I. SALT. &!.. Corner of Wall & 2nd Streets, MAYSVILLE, - KENTUCKY j ijie 19, lS62-ly - "THE HOWE G 1V1ACH! T HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF X THK CELEEEATED HOvvE SEWING MACHINE, direct from tho Manufacturer, and will sell ihcm at the lowest possible rate for C:ish. These Machines aro adapted for heavy as well as me finest sewing. Uull and examine them at tho residence of S. Shocklkt, on Short street. Mrs. A. J. SMITH, Agent. t3FNEEDi.Es and Spool Threads can bo had at S. Shocklet's Store, on Market street. Maysville, Ky., Feb. 25th, 1865. AVIIEELER & WILSON'S Sewinsr Machines! Awarded tne First Premium as the best Family Sewing Machine, Foi three successive years at che UNITED STATES FAIR; For five vears at the ' For five years at the CINCINNATI" MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. WITH IMPROVEMENTS! GLASS FOOT; UEMMER; CORDER & BRAIDER. ALSO MA CHINE NEEDLES, CO TTONS, c. t2T"For sale by J. B. GIBSON, Agent, " TELEGRAPH OFFICE. fcb.4lb.lS84. Matsvillb. BOOKS AND STATIONERY! THE undersigned would rospectfnlly announce .that having made extensive additions to tneir establishment and stock of (roods, thev are now prepared to furnish all articles in their line as favorably as any houso in Cincinnati. Our goods are all bought for Cash, direct from the manufacturers in tho JSast. u e keep constantly on hand a complete stock - j -- v..Jt..v,vw ..(.wi . or v ALtLi, BUFF and lli itHjar ana ixuii, r JixtS: W H1TE ENVELOPES; , ... BLANK ACCOUNT and MEMORANDUM BOOKS; SCHOOL. LAW, THEOLOGICAL & MEDICAL BOOKS; ...... THE LATEST MISCELLANEOUS PUBLTCA-.- TIONS OF THE 1 A Y.'as soon as published; together .with a splendid nssoriment of FANCY AR I'ICLEs and NOTIONS. vo invite Hpeciah attentisn to our stock nf WALL P.rEK & W1KDOW SHADES, feeling confident that in point tf variety and cheapness it excel- anything ever brought io this market- ' eu fctjty and Country custom solicited. Orders from Country Merchants, promptly filled at Cin cinnati juices. J. G. C. S. ROGERS - - Maysville, March 17, 1S64. , Second Stie'et. 1UEESE Tho most select brands of richv V- pure, tiuegraB9 cheese. . : - ALEX. MADDOX. - & RETAIL South side 2d beL Court & Market St GA.; i- J; McGARTHEY, " O . . , "7 ANNQUCE WITH VV pleasure, the RE r MOVAL of our Stock of C BIN GLASS Q (TEENSWARE, to the huildi ng formerly 6c cupled by E. Mabtin Sad dler, where we are openinjr a large and complete assortment of Goods, . IMPORTED BY OURSELVES DIRECT FROM THE MANUFCTOR!ES. .Our stock is larse) containing great varieties of tLiXS WRITS, OOLB BAND A' TANCIT; DEOOKATKD Dinner and Tea Setts; ; VACESf COLOGNE BOTTLES; TOILET i r SETTSr FANCY; AND STAPLE ;J ' K' ARTICLE of every description";; . v . - Silver Plated - KNIYES. FORKS, CARD BASKETS, &c, - ' " ' lEATRATSi WAITERS; COAL" OIL LAMPS of many varieties. While thanking tha public and the trade for tho liberal encouragement extended to us in the past, we hore they-will not forget to call and see us at our NEW . CHJNA STORE. . . : . G. A & J..E. McCAETHEY, ,rr ,. Impobtebs o Eabthenwakk, v . On South-side 2d street. "Maysville, Ky., January 7th, 1S64. . - G ODD ARD HOUSE CORNER OF MALKET& FRONT,: STS Opposite Steamboat Landing, MAYSVILLE, . KENTUCKY- Mrs. E. F. FLEMIiVG, Proprietress. 'TIIIS well ' known Hotel, has' been re- A paired and rentted in a superior manner and Is row open to the puolic."- . - ; -' The Proprietress recently of Fox Springs, so licits the patronage of tho traveling community. No pains wilt b spared to give satisfaction to the ir nests of the house. Ef Stages leave duilv for all points in the in terior. Mrs. E. F. FLEMING. Feb. 12-6m . - - REMOVAL. GEORGE ARTHUR Baker & Confectioner - - ahd dealer n i , t - . ':i Fruits, Nuts, Toys, FANCY GOODS, .See.. Has removed his Stock to JFTLLIN & FUNTS Old Stand, on SSCONI STRE3E3T, Where he will bo pleased to see and wait upon all Maysville, Ky., April 9th, 1S63. JOHN A.' SEATON, J.B. IfKODRICK seaton & brodrick: WHOLESALE ARETAIL ' ' DEUG-aiSTS3 AND DEALERS IN MEDICINES, CUEMICALS, Paints, iOils, Glass, &c. CORNER SECOND- COURT" STS. Seaton & Brodrick, AUTIIORIZEH AGENTS FOR HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE AND FULL assortment of these most CELKRRATFn and RELIABLE Seeds direct from Philadelphia 1 hey would call sneeial nltentidn tr font tVot they are Landreth's REGULAR AGENTS, and the Seeds eominir direott.v from him pan k v lied on. PEAS, BEANS and CORN for sale by the quart or gallon, . , lbs? -L.andreth'8 iinral Register and Almnnac GXATrs. TFeb. 11. ISfiA. EEMOYAL ! LOUIS STINE would respectfully inform his customers and friends that ha to CuawalIaclcTT3 Buildinsr. in Iheroorm fnmri i i r7?T W Fal1 Winter QoodS LOUIS STINE MERCHANT TAILOR AND GENTS FURNISHER. SECOND STREE1, MAYSVILLE, KY jr EE PS CONSTANTLY ON HAND JLX. Choice assortment of a'l Seonnnhl pa . I'll VV.IQ in bis line, which he is prepared to dispose of at lunwuattB IW---V4CU," tie solicits a call from his friends and pledsres hia beet pffnrra tn October 1, 1S63. " LOUIS STINE NEW BOOKS HISTORY of Charles the Bold, by Kirk: Second Year of the War, Pollard: Confederate Report of Battles; Old Helmet; . My Farm at Edffewood. bv llr raoi. Les Miserable, bound in 1 vnlumo ' Life of StonewAll Jackson, n:i. . . . j 4auiglBi iuuisiun, xuj ara J. ay lor; Tales of a Wayside Inn: Faith Gartney Girlhood; I V . t : - . - j - . ' Peculiar: ' - - . Louie Last Term; Household Friends: - . - Owen Meredith's Poems; :.: . ; - Lifo of Victor Hnsro: My Days and Nights on the Battlefield; ' . - "The above, with nnmorn.rAiin Books, received and for sile at Eat-tern prices. jcu 4,ioo. ti W. ULATTERMAN. SU1NGLES.-20,000 - and lor sale by March 17 '64 shingles just received JNO. H.'RiCILESONi: i THE JVEW r 'y?tN3 WAW far , "V BKOOMS,' - t- A large supply of beat quality, for sale by ' I BEN PHISTER.- M. W'11.?.? Cl N cinmt, - tbs naa, kcw AXssPLBHBiDaraAifKR This llbe Steamer f s - ufi it ' ,v' , TtiJjtL Gt GST OIA I. H. PR ATHER, ?. Commander. . . s s LEW. M0 ER1S, Clerk.- Leavesfoot of Walnut St., for Mavsvilln . Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 18o'oIoVl -V Leaves Maysville for Cincinnati, every Til day, Thursday and Saturday, 10 o'clock, A. y ' l"For Freight or Passage apply on boar A v to GRAHAM & . MoNEELY. ; ard.oi Freight received at all hours at the Maysvili Packet Landing. ' -r , ' - . 1 .: Cincinnati, Maysfllle and Portsmouth REGULAR TRI- WEEKLY PACKET, ajs, atrx,x.n uiv . s TB AMR. Bostona, Captain Wit; MoCttN, Coaarrander, will con. tinue in theabove trade, leavnorCincinnBtion... Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and Ports, mourn nvery mununj,- r eanesaay and Jfridav at 12 M.'' Stopping 'at Maysville either war' between the hours of 5 and 7 P. M.; , ' For freight or passage apply on board or to B MoIfEEt, Agent.. Maysville, Ky. B. O. BOSS. Wrf.coivnt ROSS & COLVIN, EDISUICMlOHAIIilM Shop on 2nd Street , over Gurney's Meat Store . ; t. - MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY. GRAINING. GILDING, GLAZING asb PAPER HANGlN&.done in the latest and most approved style, and with dispatch June 19th," 1S62. ' , S. SALOMON, TOII MAKER, . , GODDARD JIotJSE Bt lLDINO, .Market Street, : May ?, 1363-ly.:.: MAYSVILLE, KY. NEW B O OKS, rarm at Edgewood, by Ike Mar by Ike vel tl si Hannah Thurston, by Bayard Taylor, 1 5 -Tales of a Wayside Inn; by Longfellow. 1 25 Husks, by Marion Harlana. 1 5ff The Kinp of Amasis, by Bulwer "125 Louie's Last Term, by Anthorof Eutledge T 5a Soundirgs from the Atlantic, Holmes" I 25 Gentlemen's Book of Etiquette 1! 50 Beauties of English Poetry 4 Eveninas with the Poets 4 00 Longfellow's Poem, Cabinet edition1 2 59 'Heaven Our Home Ac - - 1 0 ESfThe above, with- numeronS other' new and valuable publications, just received by ' ' 1 G-. W-BLATTERMAlf, ' . Booksellers-. Second Street." V. JLi. COCHRAN'S : FAMILY GROCERY STORE, No 23, wesl-side Market s&, OTrlf. . - MAYSVIL1 KY. TUST received a large stock of Family ami!' j Assonea wrocenss, sucn asr Susar, Syrup, CotTe;, Teas-, MacCrrelj- isn, mnrmegs, spicf s, di n dies, Wil low h nrf Wooden Ware, Breams - Tobacco, Ciar, &cv; &. Havinff bought all mv Goods forcABir.-and mt motto being 'cica Sales auo Small PRoyiTs,1" 1 can assure all who mav rive me a call, the' cheapest Groceries in the citv " he best quality of COAL OIL always on' hund and for sale atthe lowest market price. A. li. CCJCllJtAIN. N. B. Five year Old LourbOn on taD. and th best of all kinds of Liquors constantly On hand.- uiawviiio, ui area iy, ltsoa. a. jj.j.- - For Itais, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Beif Bugs, ilJotli! in Furs, Woolens. &c.. In sects on Plants Fowl?, Animals, &c. Pm up in 25c. 50e. nd $1 .00 Boxes, Bottles, aud; Flasks. $3 and $5 sizes for I-' STITUTIONS, $SC. - - 'Only infallible remedies i knownt" ' ; - "Free from Poisona. "Not dangerous to the Human Family.''' "RaU come out Of their holes to di." i "Sold Wholesale in all large cities; : : . - - BSotd by all Druggists & Retailers everywher 3!:!Beware!:! of all worthless imitations. . "See that "Cost ab's" name is on each Box. Bottle, and Flask, before -ran hrrv. "Address - , H E1V RV II. CfVSTATt.- Pbinoh?ai, Depot 482 Broadway, N.. I"Sold by all Wholesale & Retail Druffffist9 in Maysville. Ky. mar 81 , lS64-6m. RAGS WAN TED? 1 no nnn LBs good clean cot- lVUlUUU TON OR I.TKFN RiflS fni which 1 will pay the highest Market Pr.ce. - -.W. JiliATTERMAN, feb 4jh , 1864. . - , . Bookstore. Snd St. : Books on Gardening, -ScCr rT,HE American Home Garden' Waton." -a. rardenin for the South ' Flower Garden Directory. - Emit Garden -- - : FiuitBook ' . Vine Dresser's Manual Strawberry and Raspberry Culture ' "White. - -Brtlsti-f ' Barry. Hoope-Reemehn-PardeeS- - r or sai- ey - .. -G. W. BEATTERMAN, april7 . - - Second Street, Conves Reflector Lant etnr T0B BtFKNINQ OOAL Oil, WITHOOT A CHIltNBT. . - . IT Possesses many qualities which highly com- i mend it, and is pronounced hy all who have -tested its merits, altogether tee most dbsixabuc . ANTtRN they have met with. ' 1. It gives a pure white lieht wf tbontChimnev " 2. It stands Quick Motions in any direction. 8. The flame is resmJated from tha ontside. "r It is neat and compact in form and size. 5. It is free from solder in the u pper parts, and is w . oinerwise very substantial in its strueture. .7 . It has the glass sides so arranged that break-" , agejs less likely to occur than in other Lah- " ' terns, and in the event of breakage can be ' -easily replaced . - ' -i. . : j ; A .'It haa CONVEX REFLECTORS which in 'j crease greatly the force of the flame; serving- f at same time the pui pose of shades to the eyes, which is very desirable. '" ' - ' - - . It ia sold at a LOWER PRICE; with all these 1 - - advantages, than any Lantern in the ma) bet " i which admits of the flame being . regulated . from the outside. -, - r; ; '..c. . For sale by SEATON & BRODRICK, ' april 21 , T . - ; Cor. 2nd. & Court Sts. , ; Gun-Powder Teas, ;v: OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, jut received and for sale at onr Dras Stora. Corner 2nd & Court Streets. ' SEATON & BRODRICK. . MayBville, Ky;, 8rd March, 1S14. ;' , " " " -$v 1