Newspaper Page Text
THEBULLETIN. .... tliS BUUeun. Increase of the Price ol tne o ' The Sabscriptlon price of the BULLETIN n.,T .( ivn ViWY . . will hereafter be us Ckstb per jearinstead of On. Poe. To Correspondents. We are conatanliy recu w lions to which no name Is attached., we . . ... V. distinctly understood that we wish, it U w wm t publish any - - - paper, unless it is accompanied by tne an ; , v. -Knt Vi1f rBt rj7Last Tuesday night, about nan pass nine or ten o'clock, a origin ugu in the direction of East MaysTille, causing n alarm of fire. Upon vu u fpot w. discovered that a log tenement owned by Mr.. Lucr.tia Bobiksoh. and occupied as a residence by Mr. Habrisoh Walkeb, was on fir.. The great distance from the city rendered aid from the fire de partment impossible, and the:bouse was speedily consumed. It is supposed that the fire originated in a lot of wood near the cook, ing stove. The loss sustained amounts to fire or six hundred dollars. Q-The Methodist Church, familiarly known as Salem Church, situated about three miles west of Germantown, was des troyed by fire, on last Thursday night. The fire was supposed to hare been the work of an incendiary. 'AcciDEirr.-Mr. Wm. Payne, a son of Mrs. Paj ne of this city, and a soldier in the Army of the Cumberland, had bia arm cut off by a train of cars passing over it in the neighborhood of Chattanooga. lie was on picket dut) at the time. (7Geoeral Sigel baa been superseded, end Hunter takes his place as commander of West Virginia and the Sheuandoah Val ley. . . GSrOovernnr Seymour, of New York, has directed the District Attorney to procure Indictments agsinst all thoe who were en g g-d in the llegal seizure of the officers of the New Yrk World and Journal of Commerce. WHT? Mr. Chase went to Philadelphia to have his teeth filled with gold. Why didn't he use greenbacks? lie says they are just as good as gold. (CTGeneral Lee's army is estimated at 100.000 men. Merchants' Hotel, Cincinnati, O. We take pleasure in calling attention to the card of the Mebchants Hotel., which appears in to-day's paper. The bouse is in ep'.eodid condition, having been repaired BDd modernized at great expense, acd tboroug bly renovated throughout. Messrs. Galleheb, Nelson & Matthews are gen tlemen well known to this community, and they will nse every effjrt to make the st?t of tbeir guests as pleasant as possible. Oy-The Concert given at Nativity Hall, on last Friday evening, was one of the best home concerts ever given in Maysville uuuio - I The selection of pieces were excellent, and the singing throughout adm'rable. Every . body was deligbted It is proposed to give a second en,erU,D- - a. rnent on Friday evening, the 3rd ofdnne, at the Court House, for the same laudable ob ject. We advise every body to attend. Admission only 25 cents. Godey for June. The June No. of this chaste and elegant Marina is on onr table, full of Interesting matter, el usual. This is one of the best and most popular Magazines now published Pie-NiC. There will be a Pic Nic in Dr. Dimmitt's Woods, near Lewisbnrg, on next Saturday. May 28ib. A good Band of Music has been en"aed for the occasion. Let every body gond be sure to take their baskets well fi'led. (Tlt " rumored that quite a number of the delegates elected as Lincoln men to the Baltimore Convention, are secretly pledged to vote against him. fj7-A magnificent theater so called is to be built in Carson Ctly. Nevada Territory. The building is to be of stone, and so ar ranged as to be suited as well for concerts, bal's and public meetings as for theatrical representations, having capacity to accom modate six hundred persons. 07-Latest ad vices quote Gold at 86 premium. Ji 'ggers, siso, ' (scented.) fjy-Sailors dread a ZfS-shore in time of storm. Has the army of the Potomao im bibed the popular prejudice? A tuition Slate Convention for il a. u Bonth Carolina was to have met at Beauford on the 17tb lost, to elect delegate, to the Baltimore Convention. ft-Tbe Government advertiser 800. .000 more horses-the last man, the last dol- 1 ar and the last horse! fr-Tbe real estate record of Chicago mentions fifteen buildings and block, that are to be put op in that eity this aeason cos ting, in the aggregate. $700.000- Cannel Coal. JUST Received a 1 ad of Cannel Coal, on fommiaaion. Now is the time to nny. Call quick and lay in a supply for jour family before you 'gfinIiES P,STER. Msj.villfi, March J7, '64 Efilo copy-tf MARRIED. m i .v . : i . .rii. Lji.t. father, bv Rev. J. H. Condit. Mr. WILLIAM WORTHINGTON to Mi JANE, .daughter of JoHKBBOuoH.Esq., all of Mason County, Ky. it loin, ioo, D7 x.iuei i. onra, n. SAMUEL CURRY ami Miss MARY WILSON n of Maaon County, Ky. ,i Z "". by HtaT.T.fcWr. DIED. iiosr mis Mir. ou neanesuij muruiug , 25th, 1864, HA REY C. HOKD, youngest son of F. T. Hord, Esq., aged Twenty yeara. XT - i TTT- 3 J f Ua his Parent, this (Thursday) Afternoon, at 0,cloclt. Hacks will start from the Preebyterii Church at halt past One. Friends of the Fami are invited to attend. In Friday. May BOth. 1864, Mrs. L0UISA w5fs of tB, ,ata jAlfE, H. Mitchell. WHITE TAYLOR, oldest ion of Bobt. D. and EtlZABETH TATt0K agej 19 years, 8 months and o u,s. t t i r V viR(1t I n stunt ISAAC, youngeat i-on of W. H. and Solona, aitnoldp, agea inree yearn. Britannia avA Japanned Warel FINK STOCK O BBITANNIA WABB AHD TEA TBATS and "waiteks, very cheap, at dedc!7 B- ALBERT'S 2d street. Special Notices. tJTLtt those who have doubted the virtues of Boll's Cedron Bitters, if any such there be, read tha fnllrtwintr Certificate from srentlernen well known in this community, and douht no more. Its general introduction into the army will save the lives of thousands of our soldiers. Louisville, Ky., June 3d, 1S68. Wa. the nndersiffned. have seen the Good ef fect produced by the use of Dr. John Bull's Cedron Bitters in case of general debility and prostration of the system, and belie vo it general uite would prevent disease and relieve much suf fering. Among our so.diers particularly would this be the case, especially thoee who areezposcd to miasmatic influeuce in the Southern climate. Maj. Philip Speed. Col. Int. Rev. 8d Diet. Ky Chas. B. Cotton, Col. Port of Louisville, Ky, Col. KDent, Prov. Marshal Geu'l of Ky. Kev D P Henderson; Vice Pres. Sanitary Com. Harney, Hughes fe Co.. Publilion, Democrat. Geo. P. Doern, Prop. Louisville Anzeiger. Hoahes & Parkhill Wholesale Dry Good Dealers. Main St. Louisville, Ky. Davis, Green & Co. Wholesale bhoe ueaicrs, Main St. Louisville, Ky. Hart & Mapother, Lithographers, corner of Market and Third Sts. Louisville, Ky. Julius Winter, Clothing Merchant, corner 01 Third and Market Sti. LouisviHo, Ky. Capt.S. F. Hildrcth, of Steumer Maj. Anderson Maj. L. T.Thusten, Paymaster U. S. Army. C. M.Metcalf, National Hotel, Louisville. Col. Jewse Bayles, 4th Ky. Cavalry. George D. Prei.tice.-Loi'isville Journal. See aJvertiMjment in another column. Vnr wln Wliolcoule and Retail by SEATON B BKODK1CK, Majtsville, Ky. WE ARE PAYING THE MARKET PRICE, IN CASH, FOR WOOL. THOMAS DORSEI. Maysville, Ky., May 26th, lS64-2m Eagle copy 2 months IK. MAllVFL'SNEW BOOK. SEVEN STOKIES BY TUB auihuk ur " Rjverie of a Bachelor," "Farm at -dif- of the above delizhtful work recciv.d this day by Expre.s. Mail orders shall rece, e prompt BLATTERMAN, Maysville. May lao uoumoi.w. i AT AN 'S Devices and Believer's Victory, s Parsons. natural History o owmi Three months in the Sout,,"nc3t1atBKMAJ,TLK. Tll8 la!!t Tjraes r . a a ft. 1 : 1.. C SEIah. Private Miles O'Keilly, His Book. lr. 1 I'rn. W.IiANDEK. U he Ferry Boy and Fiuaucier a iifo of Secre- tnrtf Chase ALSO:-A new lot of WAIL PAPER and OIL SHADES At KOGEKS' Bookstore. Maysville, Ky., May 26,1S8. C.Gauiber, C;.Nt"o:f' -tr Late of M ason Co. , Ky . Late of M t. Men i ng , Ky. T. A. Matthews, cf MaysviKe, Ky. Merchants' Hotel, (FORMERLY DENNISON MOUSE) GALLEHER, NELSON & CO., Proprietors. Fiftli st root, near aVEi-tt CINCINNATI, O. I-Thishouse having been thoroughly reno vated and newly furnished, is now open. Cincinnati, May 19th, 1864-Smo. ESTABLISHED UNDER ClTT ObDINANOE IN 1857 WHEELER TOBBACCO WABEDOGSE, PHISTER & HOW, Proprietors, For.the Inspestion and bale oi LEAF TOBACCO 14 WEST FRONT ST.. ?JTdS CINCINNATI. OHIO, Tobacco Sold at Anction or Privately. as Owner may esire. & iTr-riiiNS SALES: TUESDAYS. TUUKSDAYS, & SATURDAYS. (Ky-Storage to Shippers Three Months Free Cincinnati, O., May iu-o.- Eagle copy 8 months .nd cnarge juuu.i ICE! ICE!! v ---Vtf v.... umnurmil mTinincT onr Ice VV Wagon, and will deliver Ice to aay part 0 r3Peraons desiring Ice through the day, can . W.tVJui.' (iracerv Store, on Wall atwet or at Wm. Watkin.' on 'Market St, Wall street, or at "roWM WATKINS; M19.1S64. KlUliaitu wAiamo a ppLE BBAMJl- oiaiuamoiw" w quality, u store ana VgmR French China. Glass and Queenaware! A fine new dock at and below Cincinnati price, J it AT.nERT'S declT Model China Store, 2d Streo. GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. wt ' - v TIT T Q- T T TT7 A T?rVFT. JU,lXtJ J-i X t ll H t it CkV Q. II JL&VPJLUOCftJLW A. J J J Mt m AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BUTTON ST., (opposite Lee House) MAYSVILLE, KY. O Our personal attention willbegven to Receiving & Forwarding all Goods consigned to our care. All orders sent us shall be filled in the same manner, to'th reference to quality and quantity, as if the parties purchasing were personally present. Below will be found an enumeration of some Of the articles included in our stock, which we offer to the trade low for Cash o r Country Pro duce: 84 Hhds. Choice N. O. Sugar; 8 Hhda. Prime N. O. Sugar; BO Bbls. Lovering'a Befined Sugars; 10 " Crushed do; 25 " Pulverized do; 15 " A.Coffee do; 64 Bags Choice Rio Coffee; 25 " Prime Rio Coffee; 85 Packages Golden Syrup, in Half Bbls. and lOgal.Kpgs; 16 Bbls. New Crop N. O. Molasses; 65 Packages Mackerel, in Bbls, Hf. Bbls, Qr. Bbls. and Kite; 25 Hf. Chests Choice GunpowerTea; 5 " " Black Tea; 20 Grow Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco; Choice Smoking Tobacco, in Half Pound and 5 Pound Packages; SO Caddies Choice Chewinc Tobacco; 20 Butts Chewinz Tobacco; 50,000 Cigars, assorted brands; 75,000 White and Buff Envelopes; Cap. Note and Letter Paper; 50O Boxes Sardines.halves and quarters; 35 Doa. Cove and Spiced Oysters, in 1 & 2 lbs. Cans; 157 Baskets Chamralgne Wine; 12 BoxeaN-tive Wines; Choice Old Bourbon Whisky, In Barrels and Bottles; Common Whisky; Rectified Whiskey; French Brandy ;Gin ; Ginger Wine; Tfoisins: Fi?s: Almonds: Buckets; Tubs, in ncstbi Wrapping Pajor; Fancy, Toilet and Bal Soaps; Washboards; Ilrooms; Cordage; Matches; Spices; Star and Tallow Candles; Cheese; Crackers; Shot; etc. We invite the attention of Country Merchants particularly to our stock of goods. We respectfully solicit the orders oi me iraue generally, promising satisfaction In al oases. W. L & J. L. PEAKUIi, Nos. 13 & 15 Sutton St., (opp. Lee House) March 24, 1S64. MA T& Y1LLE, Kx TO FARMERS! FIRST CLASS MACHINES. o TI1E KENTUCKY UA A VJSs TJua, a Cnmliinnl kroner and Mower. TUE KENTUCKY BROAD QUAQE REAPER, cuts a sioar'h cf sevm feet. TUE KENTUCKY CLIPPER, a first Class Mower. rnnESE machine have been in snccessuu vVk I l t fivn voara. Their repu tation is established. I will offer ereat induee mcnts to tUose who call early, as machines may advance materially before the season arrives tor cutting. Prices now are low compaiw .uu other macnines. T ur'V0"-' n,mri7cnxT March 17 '64 J"- ki'-"""- OEEDS. --Clover, limoiuy, rnuu ui-0, v. O and Garden Seed,, f?r aa!e by .n . . i n I t nn f March 17 63 J iw. n. wiv.nvi.. W. J. ROSS. A.J. NEWELL. otu. vr.,. ROSS & NEWELL, WHOLESALE GROCERS AMD DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Liquors, TOBACCO, CIGARS, Etc. Comer of Market and Third Streets, MAYSVIL.f.E. KV Notice to Farmers ! 7E ARE NOW MANUFACTURING at our Foundry, our ceieoraiea SUGAR CANS MILLS, Which we warrant to surpass any now in use. Give us a call nhd examine out Mill, as we are april 21-lm Maysville Foundry. VALUABLE FARM for sale: ... . ..i. . t : . -f-jY Virtue Of a lUClgemcntoi ino.utnuu wnim l n - -;n lha unit rKnrlinc of Wi U louri,, rcnucitu -- - : p, v, : 1. Watkins ana otners again, .uumo wwum and others, 1 will, as ooiuiiBoiuucr, i J I 0 1 1 1 J - O J uv Saturday, the 1 llh day of J nne, Sell at Public Anction to the 'S?6 ' valuable tract ot land Known ar. mo uuouj. FARM." This farm contains ittO ACRES. LVmsnpon the waters of Liroes'one Creek, Ma- J A tr Ithin n mi a of the CltV of Maysville. The improvements upon it are good, it lias a houu mrir-K niVKLLINU nuusii, and also Three other FRAME TENEMENTS UPOn ll, ana mou ev.vv - -- inir to the farm. It is well watered, and in a fair . : it will h divided into three small Farms, each with a Tenement upon it, and will leold aitogeiner. or uiusumutu, suit purchasers. The platcfdiviMon cao be . i- m nffl..o in MnvsviUe. Kv. seen dycuihuk 1,1 j - - ---v ' - . The proximity of this farm to Market, makes i it . . . .it - n. nnnrtnnitv for valuable, ana it uuum vrr those desiritigto io'est. TERMS OF SALE: One Third Cash, the balance in Six and Twelve chaser to (tive bond with good security, having the forceand enooioi ai oouua - Sale will commence , o '-jA May 19, 1864-4W Commissioner. GEE ANEELIEBS ! OF Various Patterns, fo'""1"1-011"" At SEATON BK0DICK Maysville, Ky., may 19. Drugstore. HALL LIGHTS! T70R Burn'ng Coal Oil, some very fine, direct I from JNev J,orK lor saie may 19. SEATON BR0DE1CK. RED CORNER CLOTHING STORE! -- Blum & Heckinger's GREAT WESTERN Emporium of Fashion WE take pleasure in informing enr Patrons and the rniblic trenerally. that we have just received, and are continuing to receive, from imiw xork, .Baltimore and otner jastebn POBTS, a VULL, LABOK 1MB VARIED- STOCK or GENTLEMEN'S EEADT-MADE CLOTHING; Of the very latest Eastern Stylea. Dress Coats, Business Coats, Promenade Coats, Pants and Vests, Of all styles and descriptions, all of which we will dispose cf at the lowest Eastern prices. We have Dai d the most carticular PERSONAL . - a ATTENTION in the selection of Goods for our MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT, And have purchased only the MOST CHOICE an(j FASHIONABLE kinds and Styles. Hav- and FASHIONABLE kinds and Styles. Hav ing made and EXTENSIVE ADDITION to Una branch of our business, we have now the best FACILITIES to Manufacture to Order, at the SHORTEST NOTICE. Our celebrated and ex perienced Cutter, JERRY F. YOUNG, will KiinnrintAnd lha o-etlinc UD of all work in tllO Merchant Tailoring Line, by experienced work men ONLY. The Stock consists of tne ucest Foreign and Domestic Cloths; French and English Cashmeres; Silks, Satins & Cashmeres for Vest- togs. Mr. YOUNG has also procured Genio's, C. Scot) 'a, Glencross' & West's latest Patern Sheets. Our Stock of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS! Comprises all appertaining to a Gentleman's outfit, and is too numerous and varied o men tion. The Genuine Patent FRENCH YOKE SHIRT, Can be got at our Store. FOR THE FINEST AND LATEST STYLE CALL AT THE RED CORNER. A FULL SUPPLY OF Trunks, Valises, Carpet Sacks, Umbrellas, &Ca, Always on hand. ALL PUECHASERS WHO WISH TO SAVE MONEY! AND GET THE LATEST STYLES ! WILL FIND IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE TO CALL AT THE RED CORNER STORE BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. FOB A FINE STYLISH SPRING SUIT! CALL AT BLUAL& HECKINGER'S BED CORJlER STOKE I Maysville, Ky., March 81, 1564. MULLINS & HUNT'S WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE! THE SUBSCRIBERS, LONG ESTAB LISHED in a large rotail Dry Goods business in Miyaville, would call the attention of Coun try Merchants to their recent addition of an ex tensive Wholesale Department: which will be conducted on a 8TBICTW CASH PRINCI PLE. - The many year of experience possessed by out buyer, combined with a perfect knowledge of the Kentucky trade, a thorough acquaintance ship with all the Manufacturing and Importing Houses in the East, and the fact of nr pur chases being made for "Cash," together with a firm determination to sell at a mere commission advance on Eastern Cost, will be sufficient guaranties to CLOSE CASH BUYERS that we cannot be undersold by any WESTERN JOB BING HOUSE. Our Stock will be found better adapted to the 1 - t - i' . i , I wants oi oi our customers man it is usual to i fl . . ... . roTfRTwa TTnrTQFQ.T find in the generality of JOBBING HOUSES, as it will embrace a greater variety of goods than is ordinarily met with In an exclusive Wholesale Establishment. The departments alotted to .XJS -a JVT ID 0-A.3FS AND !N" otions , Will be at all times especially attractive as par ticular atten fion will be paid to them, and a LAKGc STUCK Kent constant! v on hand. We would impress upon our friends that in sending ns orders they may reiy upon navinz tnern execute a to tne iui ebtcxtentof our ability. MULLINS & HUNT Cheap Dry Goods Store, 2nd Street, Maysville, Ky. Maysville, Ky. Jan. 8,1363. NEW CASH HARDWARE HOUSE! si;gn bi'g saw. WE Take pleasure in announcing to our -vl A fVtAnsla an1 iimirnmaro fTiaf na ViAVA again opened a IIAKDWAKE HOUSE, on Second Street, in the house formerly occupied by Mr. H. C. Lloyd, where we will be pleased to see any who may favor us with a call. We are now in receipt, and will continue to receive new additions to our Siock weekly. We purchase our eoods direct from the AMERICAN MANU FACTURERS and FOREIGN AGENTS for Cah, and propose to furnish goods at as low figures as can be bought Wei-t. We also continue the W HOLES ALKJUOOT & SHOE BUSINESS and request Merchants to look through our Stock before buying elsewhere. OWEAS & BMW. SIGN BIG SAW. Maysville, Ky. BUILDING HARDWARE; SADDLERY HARDWARE; COACH HARDWARE; TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY; TEA & BREAD TRAYS; CARPENTERS TOOLS; COOPERS TOOLS; SHOVELS; SPADES & RAKES; TKACE & OTHER CHAINS; FAIRBANK SCALES to weigh TOO pounds to 6.000 pounds. FIRE PROOF SAFES. Maysville, Ky., March 8, 1864. INTERIOR ADORNMENTS! TUST RECEIVED A CHOICE SELECTION of new and desirable styles oi PAPER HANGINGS, from tlie rich and ornate to the moBt chaste and sirrtple patterns, appropriate for Parlors, Halls, Dining-Kooms and Chambers. FIRE BOARD PRINTS new designs; WINDOW SHADES, of any required style or size, on hand or made to order. GILT MOULDING AND VAE, PICTURE FRAMES PICTURE CORD & TASSELS, and all the trimmings fcr frames. RAWING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE! tu. licnAn urn nil new and will be sold cheaper than ever before sold in this cit . KTA call is solicited irom persons wisnmg to purchase the aboye goods. J . V K. itwriva, Booksellers & Stationers, Maysville, Ky., April 21, 1S64. 2d Street- WATCHES, CLOCKS SILVER WARE!!! 1UST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK fj of r lntr. iiULii nAiwiM Ait JEWELKY ofthelatestBtylc8. Also, a large . .fri rtrK SILVER WARE. PLATED WARE AND FANCY QOOD3. K3v-A lartre Stock of MATERIAL to accom modate thetiade. BOOKS, POKTMONNAIEtJ, COMBS AND r-JEWELRY & SILVER WARE made to Order. , & Cash Paid foT California Gold and Uia Silver. ' C. F. DUFEU, Next door to Miner' Shoe Store. Maysville, Ky., r"-i gSth. 1864. ti,PKT TIME Ac 60 brls. Fret h Hydran- C 5fcS V vFresh Lime;1 brl8- "fiiShS rrM!lNOy.H.EICHESON. ATTENTION BLACKSMITHS ! YOUGHIOGHEJi COAL!! JUST Received, on commission, a load of Pure Yonghiogaeny pmSTEK. Maysville. March 17tb,l&64-tf , H.' A. CALVT, (of Ky. ): t. WITH1 . ; CHAMBERS, STEVENS & GO- T3fPORTERS WBOCX8-ALE DEALERS OF ', DRY GOODS, 110 & 112 Fearl Street, ' aril7-Sm ATIr K WM. K. BOAI, 3NTo. 132 ' West Second Stmt, between Mac o5 Elm Street, CINCINNATI O. ; ; WIT.L Attend to the Sale of all kindjf PRODUCE, and make immediate Returns, Orders for any description of Groceries prompt ly filled. REFERS BY PERMISSION TO John A. Robinson, Esq., Gallipolis, OV ' ": A. W, Btjskirk, Esq., Portsmouth, O.- "i . Hon. L. T. Moore, Catlettsbnrg, Ky. Cam. W. Hor shell, " . Juo. N; ErcSABDsoN, Epq., '.'' " T T ,t. form . Ki; , Hroa MxARs.Esq., Ashland, Ky. r x Wif. T. Nicholls. Esq., Ashland, Ky, ; Wm. L. Gkiger, Esq.. Ashland, Ky. Geo. Wvbts, Eq., Greenupsburg, Ky. E. J. HtoXABAY, Esq. , . " Loris D. Koss, Esq:, M " Capt. Z. Shirley, Louisville, Ky. ' -r :1 HON. IH08. JJRAMLtTT, s IttUliUil, n; "Will make liberal advance on Consign- ma 0fProdnce. . rmaT 8,18M-6- M. THOMPSON. Umb reila, Parasol, WALKING CAN E MANUFACTORY, " ' Ko. 167 Main Street, bet. 4th & 5th, CINCINNATI, o. , : "Eepairing promptly attended to. maT8 DUHME & CO. I! S. W. Cor. 4th and Walniit Streets, CINCINNATI, O. MI anu fa c tiarers, Retail & Wholesale Dealers m r DIAMONDS, WATCHES, .TF.WKT.KY & SlLVELlWAKHi.. THEY Keep on hand a large stock of Cheap Watches, Jobbing Material, Spectacles, &c, for the Trade. f01d Gold aud Silver bought for Cash, march 8,1 364- ly , J.B.DESSAE&CO. Have Received AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF Spring and Summer CLOTHING; FDRSISHISG AXD PIECE GOODS, Composed of Fine Clotll CoatS, Beautiful Sack Coats Late Style Cassimere Coats VeStS of all descriptions, Pantaloons, a la mode, French Yoke Shirts, Domestic Cassimeres, mill CASSIMERES Ai CLOTHS. BLUE MILITARY CLOTHS, : HATS CAPS, Furnishing Goods, &c. &c. &c Manufactured by TiiEM Expressly for this Market, WHICH THEY PROPOSE TO SELL AT THE Eastern Manufacturers PRICES ! Buyefs will find it profitable to give them a call. Maysville Ky., ltthlS !tj X . B. DESSAB & CO, J STILL CONTINUE TO MAKE UP CLOTHING- TO ORDER, UNDER- THE StTPERINTENDENCE OF Mr. JACOd LAND GRAFF, TNTFEIR USUAL WELL KNOWN STYLE OF ELEGANCE, AT POPULAR PRICES, AND ARE CONSTANTLY RECEIVING New&Stylish Goods, WHICH WILL NOT FAIL Td PLEASE EVEN THE MOST FASTIDIOUS. Maysville, Ky., March 17th, 1864; DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOfi SALEK! nrrrn -entry oaTu flPTrlt KESI ivr reft run nnuxi aux DENCE. eitnated on the hill "do njlaya ville, Ky. The house contains nine mu sideaKi'chen, Pantry aw Cellar. Tbera w npoa the lot a Dairy acd Brick Stable. The lot i larpe. having upon it about One hundred bear ;na Frnit Trftps ard Vines of the fioet quality. A well eUn Sbrabbefy aud Flower,. Rain fnd Wei wlter abundant dtnra ,t -itorethar a very desirabi horfta and win heffor nbaeksf nxnch lea. than Ucoet Gold. Enquire of .TOS. f-BBVj k. -N I B. Not liable for City Railroad debt. Maysrille, Ky., May 5, 184-tf commission mmm