Newspaper Page Text
' Troth willSome'daycome to the Surface. The Northern peoplebT put the knife to their own throats. They here lost, for- - Ter lo'it, ffcs great Southern artery of wealth by tbia fanatical Abolition war. Few per hape among us now believe it. Time will re lorjg reader, her decision. - . . We don't feel the. lorce now of wtat we above laid bnt tie' day is not" far ahead when we shall.' - ' The North haa forever lost the Sonth. The AbblUionisU hare atroek a Wry blow at their awn exiatance. They have by the war made the Southern people a self-sustain--Iog nation. They ha?e made them rely np- in Sontherq Industry, and inganaity for heir etlstencel , They have bnilt up Sonth ern manufactory, ' and crppled that of the 'North.' ";Tbey . bare forced the; Southern people to "become an agricaltnral population and sow depend a poo their own fields for -'bread, and not oa those of the North. ' r " They bare made thetn a commercial people, and will never again employ North ern ship owners to bring .their Mercbadie'. . From present appearancs they will soon cope with ns on the broad waters of the Ocean. Gentlemen of the Abolition brother-hood, yonr market in the Sontb, are at an end. "When the war is over; they-will beve all the elements of a great' people. It will make no difference to them; whether they are in the TjDion. or ont of it,'.tbey will have the means in their owg hands to cat Joose from Northern markets. You have made tbem fall bock upon their necessities and re sources, and that baa made them a great and self sustaining people. Hamilton (0) Telegraphy - The population of the city of Lexington, Kentucky, according to the Assessor's-rata ros just made, is 9,383, showing an increase of 435 daring the past year. The total val uation of real and personal property in the ity Is 83,085,680. A Fact Not Geseb ally 'Knows. The largest boilding upon the American conti nent is the cathedral in the city of Mexico. 500 feet in length. 400 in breath, and will comfortably seat 30.000 persons. One pic tare alone, representing Virgin -Mary, is or namented with such a profusion of costly jewelstbat it reached the enormous estimate of 824,000,000, while its various appurten ances exhibit the most extravagant degree of magnificence throughout. Facts to bb Considered. Io the year 1800 the West Indies exported 17 000.000 pounds of cotton The Unl'ed States ex- j ported less than 18,000,000 pounds. Thirty-three years later slavery was abolished in ths British Westlndia Islands. Six years after emancipation the West Indies export only 866,156 poands of cotton, and the United States 743,941,001 pounds. In 17 90 the value of the exports of Havti was $28000,000. In 1800, or sixty years after emaijclpat'pn.the, exports from Havti amounted Vb only about &23 ,000.000.' . . :j "A Case of Modesty. An exchange pa per gravely informs us that a young man who was. recently, bathing in' the Missouri River, seeing a number of ladies approach, drowned himself from motives of delicacy. Doh't Cheat the Printer A grain of carmine will tinge a gallon of water, so that io every drop the color will be perceptable and a grain of muss will 6cent u room for twenty tears Just so, if a man cheat the printer, the stain will be. forever visible on the minutest atoms of bis minute soul, and will leave ascent of rascality about an indi vidnal strong enough to make an honestman turn up his cose in disgust, and him out of bis presence, if be can't set rid -of him in any other way. Printer's Cabinet Old Abe's Last Joke. We do not know what joke Old Abe made when he heard the news of the surrender of Plymouth. Io regard to the Fort Pillow affair he made a Epneby speech, but no joke. His last joke Of which we have anv knowledge, occurred when Secretary Chase was starting on his trip to New York. Old Abe is like Crom well, without bis military genius, and is j r . : f i ferjr iuuu ui piayiug practical jOKes upon his associates. It is said after Cromwell had signed the warrant for the execution of King Charles he turned round to one of his colleagues and smeared bis face with the Ink. thought capital fun. Old Abe's jokes are of about the same quality. when Chase called upon him to say good by tbe Secretary of the Treasury asked for some information about the probable end of the war, saying that it would help him greatly in getting more money in Wall street. "Do you want more money?" asked Old Abe, and then quickly added, "What! Has the printing machine gin out.'" This joke is fully equal to Cromwell's. (New Xorfc Herald. . ' : - Beauty thou art twice blessed: thou bl ea se th the gazer and tbe possessor; often at once tbe effect and cause of goodness! A sweet disposition, a lovely soul, the lips, the brow, and become the cause of beauty. the other hand, they who have a gift that commands love, a that opens all hearts are ordinarily inclined to look with happy eyes upon the world; to be cberful and se rene; to hope and confide. There is more wisdom than the vulgar dream of, in our aeep aa miration ot a fair lace: The Multiplication Table. Bill S - is a good accountant, but, like .all men will sometimes make mistakes, and in one of bis bills figured up that -8 times 8 are 83." The debtor was not slow in discovering the mistake, and demanded an explanation. Bill examined tne account and saw that he was'"dowD," but did not like to admit it: o, putting oo a ooia isce, ue said: "Tbatie all right." 'How so?" was tbe inquiry. "It's all owing to the inflation of the cur rency," said Bill, "tbe multiplication table, like everything else, has gone up." The Heart. Tbe little I have seen of the world, and known of tbe history of mankind, teaches me to look upon tbe errors of otbera in sorrow, not in anger. VVben 1 take the history of oar poor heart that has atoned and suffered, and represent to myself the ttroggies and temptations it has passed through; the brief pulsations of joy; of the fevensa inquietude of hope and fear; tbe pressure of want; the desertion of friends, . the scorn ol tbe world that has little charitj; tbe desolation ol tne souls snctuary, and threatening voices within, health gone, bsppinera gone, I would fain leave the err iogsool of my fellow man with him from whose bands itcme. LongfcUow. 'I corse iV.e hour that e were married, ete'iin.J a nt.rbii'ti m h'n bi-t tt-r h-.Il, to whiebl aha miluly replied, 'Duu'i my dcr, for that was the ocly happy boar we hare ever leen,' : Wm. H. BICUARDSO- Lloyd & Richardson r ' r r "WHOLESALE DEALERS IN - GEOCEEIES, WINES, LIQUORS, , TEAS &. TOBACCO, - fOBIAOIMCKSIlI MERCHANTS, ' OPPOSITE GODDARD HOUSE',' , "' ' MASEET STREET, - - MAYSVILLE, KY. W E WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL jonr attention to the above card, and solicit a portion of your patronage, promising to fill orders promptly and satisfactorilly.-- Wo have established ourselves for the par- pose of inducing Merchants to make their pur chases bore instead of elsewhere; and ' as our goods are bought direct from first hands in the Eastern Market, by our Bioker, we make this proposition to Merchants: . . That we will duplicate any bill bought In Cincinnati, and if goods are not what we represent them, they can' be sent back at our expense. -'J ' - We have just received from the East 1 20 Ilhds. Choice now N. O. SUGAR; ' . .. 10 , " . Prima " . " . . ' . 50 Bbls. Lovering's Philadelphia REFINED ' BUOAES Crushed, Granulated, Powder ed and Coffco A. 50 Bags Choice Yellow As Bright Green COFFEE MOLASSES Old and New Crop; , MACKEREL in all sizes, direct from Bos ton, last Crop 1S63; 40 Kegs Newcastle ENGLISH. SOPAj TOB ACCO a largo lot in Boxes, Caddies, &c. TEAS a Superior lot of all kinds, selected for this portion of the Country. In addition to onr stock of Ileavy Groceries, wo ' have a large assortment of Fancy: CIGARS, at all prices; Fancy Wash and Shaving SOAPS; Whole and Half Boxes new M. K. and Layer RAISIN; SARDINES;FIGS; PICKLES; PEACHES, Cove and Spiced OYSTERS; MUSTARD, in boxes; 60 Vs 25 lbs. boxes - assorted CANDIES; CHEESE; CRACKERS; INDIGO; MADDER; SPICES, grain and ground; ALUM; Race & Ground GINGER; COP PER AS; BLACKING, large ond small: BLACKING BRUSHES; FAUCETS; CINNAMON, ground and in roatts; CAPS; SHOT; LEAD; EXT. LOGWOOD; STARCH; GERMAN SOAP; A large variety of CAP, NOTE & LETTER PA PER; EN VELO PES, buffand white; &c. &c. tSjTIn addition to the above, we offor induce ments to the trade ia lci nor RECTIFIED WHISKY sold at Cincinnati prices. GINGER WINE, GIN, BRANDY, and with a superior lot of OLD IiOCUBON WHISKY at all prices. Respectfully, LIOYD & RICHARDSON. Maysville, Ky., March 8, 1864.. mxi mm, glass AND Queensware House ! ! H. ALBERT, IMnflDTcD A TJ Tl nlTAT CP imr UAl 1 faocona tx-oot One door beurui Geo. At inures Ikmfeclioner more, o- T"EEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A large I and well selected stock of T, . it i i ' rl m IrCIlCll 311(1 LngliSIl Ulina, UlaSS, QUEEN SWVRE& FANCY GOODS, in great variety, r Vasea, Toilet Sets in China, Parian Marble and Uouemain LHass, JJovel Boxes; Fancy and Toy , Eoxcs, Toy Tea Sets, etc. DINNER AND TEA SETS, of all qualities, WHITE, FINE GILT. Silver Plated and Britannia Tea Sets, Castors, Etc., Plated Table Ware; Ivonr,- Bone and Wood Handled Forks and Knives Knivca;Tea Trays and V alters, el all sizes and varieties, Imported Direct from the Manufactories in tST EUROPE. Also, the large and moat complete stock of GOAL OIL LAMPS, of all sizes at.d styles, from 50 cents to $10 each BUENKE3, CHIMNEYS PAPEK SHADES and WICKS; The Very Best of PURE COAL OIL, CANS, ETC.; all of which I will poll for CASH at the VERY LOWEST CINCINNATI prices. 57Accornmod;ition to tbe wants of custom ers, qnick sales and small profits are the govern- j ine principles of my business. Call, see and judge for yoursel vet! It. ALBERT. Mwyvill'? Feb 4. 1S64. THE LEE HOUSE, Corner cf Front & Sutton Streets, MAYSVILLE, ... KENTUCKY1. nORD & PEPPER, Proprietors. r I HE Undersigned take pleasare in an JL nouncing to the oeoDle of Mavsville and jMttsuu tvuinj, na loiiie traveling public gener ally, that they have leased this popular and com modious Hotel for a series of vaar. nrt Imn opened it for tbe reception of boarders and the accommodation of transient customer. It l convenient to the steamboat Landings, and is the olfice for the bta?e lines u the interior of the Slate. Ihe Honse is being thoroughly re paired and refitted throughout, and no painh wiil be npared to make it in all respects tho best Hotel in North Eastern Kentucky. Especial care will bo bestowed nr"n the table, whivn will al ways be nppiid with the luxuries of the Maji villeand Cincinnati matkets. mar81,'e4 6.t HOItl & PEPI'KK. 300,000 MORE MEN W.NTD! l'oiiiiuuv co a Ij r : CONSTANTLY ou hand and for sale on Com mission by CHARLES PUISTJER. Maysville, March 17th, 1 864-tf u.c. W. S. FHANK, Attorney' atIaw, COURT STREET. Maysville, Ky. t2yPrompl attention oaid to Collecting. fobrnary ISth, 1S64. J. K. SUMRALL, t ATTORNEY AJ LAV f " ' r ma yrvtt.t.k'1 irvl n T : : WILL practice in the Courts of Mason and ad joining counties. OFFI9Eyest-slde o.f Court Street. janl5, 1S68-1T B C .. P H I S.T ER, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE ON THE WEST SIDE OF COTTBT ST. M A Y S V 1 L L E , : K Y.'. ' An gust 14 ,1362. C011P0UXD CEDROX BITTERS! TbeLatest arid Most Important Discovery of tho Nineteenth Century. : ' .- . 'ill --r- ' . , O MAN'3 NAME IS MORE INTIMATELY connected with the history of tho Materia .Meuiea or i tie umtcatiaie.-s or more iavoramy known ae r fiioneor ionotlical -diKcovery, than that of JOHN BULL, of Louisville. Ky. Hi in imitable preparation of Saisaparilltt has lone stood at the head of tbe various compounds of that valuable dm;. His compound l'cctoral of Wild Cherry ha beeomo a lonseliold - word throughout the Wert and South; and his Worm Lozeuifca, in les than a rear. after their intro duction, attained a reputation as widespread as the continent of North America. But thecro-wn-iDg jrlory of hhj life remains to be attained hi his latesf dVcovcrv. or rather' 'combination, for Le does not eUitu to have been the tlipeovcrcr of CEDKOif. which is tbe basis of tho Bitters now offered t the public. That honor belongs to the native inhabitants of Centra America, to whom its virtues have becu known than two hundred years. Armed with it. tho Indian bids defiance to the most deadly malaria, and bandit ." without fear llio most vcuomou serpents. It is a belief with thorn that while there i breath left in tbe body thofCcdron is potent to cure, no mat tec what tbe dirasc may be. - - - While Dr. Bull is not prepared to indorse this extravagant pretention, he is nevertbeles.s satis fied from a thorough examination of the evidence relating to its virtues, that, ns a remedy and preventive for all di.scaee,-from exposure either to changes of weather and climate or to the miasmatic influences, it stand-" witnont rival, and lustly deserves llio reputation it has so long ejvjoycd iu Central America and the West Indies. In DYSPEPSIA and its attendant train or symptoms, it act" more like a charm than a medicine. There is nothing in the whole range of tbe Materia Medics that can for a moment bear a comparison with it in this disease. A full acconnt of this wonderful plant mov be found in the eleventh edition ot the U. t. JJis pensatory, pages 1CS7 and 1BS3. A series of experiments, in which Dr. Bull ha been for years eneuped, hfts just been brought to a successful termination, ana no is now enaoien to offer to tho public a combination of Ccdron with other improved tonics, tho whole p-eserved in 'be best tiuulity of copi er-disiilled Jtoorbon whisky, which ho is confident has no equal in the world. llemizht furnish a volume of certificates, but the public have lone tince icarncd to estimate sicch things a", their true value. The stfe.-t plan is for every one to test for 1 imse'f tho virtue.! of a new medicine. t..-ivo tho Cedron fitters one trial, ond you will never nso any others. It is not necessary to publish a lonar list cf dis eases for which the Cedron Bitters area specific, In all diseases of the STOMACH, BOWELS, K1DJSEYS. or L1VEII; In all affections of tho BKA1N depending up on deranjrement of the Stomach or Bowels; In GOUT, KUEUM ATliSM oi NEURALGIA; AndinFt.Vb.KAMJ AIK; It is destined to supersede all other remedies. I It not on'y cures all these diseases but it pre vents them. A wine elas full of the Bitters taken an hour before each meal will obviate the ill effects of the most unhealthy climate and screen the person taking it against disease under the most try:ng exposure. Sold by Drngprists and Grocers, generally, br. JOHN BULL'S Principal Office, Fifth htrctt, Louisville, Ky. Sold Wholesale and l.etail by SEATON BKODRICK. Cor. 2nd and Court Streets. mar7,lR04-ly Maysville, Ky. Come down in the center, That s what it means ! S A DDL ER Y. THE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW SITUATED so as to give bis undivided attention to the Manufactory of every article connected with the SADDLE AND HARNESS TRADE J He has now on hand and in process of nutkine, a splendid assortment of Gentlemen and Ladies1 Saddles; Saddle Baprs? Buggy, Carriage, Biake nd Sulkev Harness; Wagon and I'Jow Gear; Riding Bridles, with Racking, Port and Snaffle Bitls; Waggon, Buggy, Coach, Sulkey and Rid ing Vhips; Hog aiid Kipskin Collars; Horse Covers, suitable for ail seasons: Leather, Web and Rope Halters; Worsted, Cotton and Hemp liirths; Ked top and iron straps liamcs; Lruy and (Jait Harness; in short every thing usually kept in a Saddlery Establishment, which will be sold at w holcsalo and Kotail. at low prices, to punctual dealers; 5 per cent on tor cash. 3r7AIl Repairing attended to at once, at mv uid M itHi, on 2nd street, to nnd which. "Uoino down in the Center," between Market fe Sutton J..-. Jrv. KICK-ErT5. Maysvillo, March 2Cth.lSti3. "HANDLES. Star & Slimmer Monld Candles J of best quality, at BEN PUISTER'S MACKEY & WOOD. WJE HAVE REMOVED OUR DRUG T T STORE to the Eat Side ofSiitton Street. 2nd door from Second, to the New Stork luted up exj ressly lor oar business; where we have opened a New and Extensive Stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, 'DYE-STUFFS, PER FUMERY, ALL ARTICLES OF TOILET, And Everything in the NOTION LINE. ALSO, Paint, Oils, Lamps, Chimneys, Garden Seeds, Ac.. Ac. trwe hope all onr old patrons will continne their favors, and that new ones will call in and see us, for we promise Eargaint. MACKEY & WOOD, Maysville, Mar 8, 1SG4. Sutton street. MAYSVILLE SOAP & CANDLE FACTORY. Third Street, beiween Sulton V Mall, OpiKit. Chat. Ptitter's .umber Tard. 4 GOOD SUPPLY OF MOULD AND 1 SUM MRU CANDLES.' GERMAN AND EANCY SUAl'S Coutamly on hand- E57AzeH for Starch & SturCaadles. fSfCash t-aid for Tallow and Snp Grease Doc. 10 JAMKb SMlfU. "IEA a very superior ariicle.llie be&t imjK)rt- L ed, m store ana ior eie cy jus; 19 BEN PHISTER3 GEAIK; GrllOCEUY, COMMISSION HOUSE ' "Corner of 3rd Q, Market Streets, MAYSVILLE, . - KENTUCKY. I i HAVE JUST OPENED '. Ai GRAIN, CROCERY AND COMMISSION STORE In the honse formerly occupied by'Jas. C. Brook over, north-east Corner pf Third & Market Sts. I wilTpay' "the highest market pric ix cash or WHEAT, RYE and BARLEY. - I havejest reieived a fall stock of Groceries, Sustar,' Molasses, Coffee, Tea . Rice, Fish, Tobacco, Saltoiic, Ac, together with' a general assort mentof all articles in . he.Groccry line: all war ranted to be of the best quality. My goods have been bought exclusively for Cash, and will be sold for Cash or Country Produce, at very small profits. - ' - . tt I have also on hand a large stock of PURE OLD BOURBON WHISKY. Commission, Storage & Forwarding Business attended to with promptness. ' All persons desirous of getting tho worth of their money, will please give mo a call. jtino 19th,1362. ' HEW PIIISTER. CRUSHED, Towderod and Granula'.ed Snsrar, of best quality, in store and fir sale low by - BEN PIIISTER, june 19 ' Cor. Srd & Market streets. ' O YRUP Philadelphia and Baltimore Syrups. k7 in barrels, halt barrels and ivjrai. segs, lor sale low by BEN PIIISTER, june 13 Cor. Srd & Market streets. rnORAnm of nil erradesand prices, for sale I . . .. Bv BEN PIIISTER, juno lfl Cor. 8rd & Market streets. 7INEGAR of the bast quality, for sale by juno 19. BEN PIIISTER. FISH.--Mackerel and White Fish, in barrels, hf. barrels quarter barrels and kits, of best brands for salo ut lowest rates by '" juno 19 BEN PIIISTER. N F. W AfjK K RF.t.' J BARRELS NO. 1 MACKEREL; 21 20 Barrels No 2 do. -. 20 half barrels No 1 do. ; 50 " " . " 2 do. , 25 Qr " " 1 'do. 25 " 2 ' do. ' 25 Kitts No 1 do. . r 25 " . " - 2 do. Just received direct from Boston and for lie at a small advance, ooiil2 At BEV PIIISll R'S. New Grain Store! HAVING Retired from tho firm of Alex. Power V Co., I will cor.tinno on my own account in the Grain Trade, on Wall Street, next door to Alex. Maddox, and solicit all our old customers to give me a call, as 1 have a larize number of Sacks aud feel confident of my ability to givo entire satisfaction to all who may be pleased to deal with me. ALEX. POWER. Maysville, Ky., July 1,1SG3. Braiding All the Go ! T HAVE LATELY RECEIVED A LARGE 1 variety of new Stylo STaMPS, which in addition to my former stock enables me to oftur a greater variety of BRA1 DING PAT 1EKS than can be found "in the iity, I am prepared to Stomp Ladies or Children's Dresses or Cloahs in the latent stjle, on short notice and at moderate rates. ' tsf Ladies are invited to call ami pee my atteiinh. ' Mbs. GEO. ARI1IUK, Maysville, Oct. 1 5. Second btrect Li. II. LONG, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ALL KINDS CF GRA1E HOUR. TOBACCQ, SALT. &C. Corner of Wall & 2nd Streets, MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY j tne 19, 1SG2-Iy THE HOWE X II AVE JUST DECEIVED A NEW LOT OF I. THK CELEBRATED ' HOWE SEWING M ACH INEb, direct from the Manufacturer, ond will sell them at the lowest possiblerato for Cash. These Machines are adapted lor heavy as well as ihu nncst sowintr Call and examinethem at the rcridenco of S. Shocklet, on Short street. . -Mbs. A.J. SMITH, Agent. Needles and Spool Threads can be had at S. Siiockley's Store, on Market street. Maysville, Ky., Feb. 25th, 1365. WHEELER & WILSON'S Sewing Machines ! Awarded tne First Premium as the best Family Sewing Machine, Foi three successive years at the UNITED STATSS FAIR; For five years at tho CINCINNATI MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. WITH IMPROVEMENTS! GLASS FOOT; UEilMER; CORDER & BRAIDER ALSO MACniNE NEEDLES, COTTONS, $ ESfFor sale by J. B. GIBSON, Agent, TELEGRAPH OFFICE, feb. 41h, 1S6L Matsville. BOOKS AND STATIONERY ! npHE undersigned would respectfully announce jl. mat naving maae extensive aUditicns to tneir establishment and stock of (roods, thev are now prepared to furnish all articles in their line as favorably as any house in Cincinnati. Our goods are all bought tor Cash, direct from the manufacturers in tne East. We keen constantly on hand a complete stock of WALL. LETTER, CAP and NOTE PAPERS: BLANK ACCOUNT and MEMORANDUM BOOKS: SCHOOL, LAW, THEOLOGICAL MEDICAL liUUKS: THE LATEST MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICA TIONS Or THE DAY, as soon as published; mgemer wun a spierjiiiii assortment of FANCY AKllJL,lis and NOTIONS. Wo invito special attention to our stock o; W AIT l . IT?I. i. unvinii7 CIT i itci e. wiiuuciii iimb in uuiui i vurieiy nna ciieupuess, it excel. anything ever brought lo this market. ESyCity and Country custom solicited. Orders from Country Mercnants, promptly filled at Cin cinnati prices. J. G". Jc C. S. ROUKkS, Myvilic, March I ". IS(14. Sivniul Stieet. CiitLSE The moot select brands ol rich pare, bluegraes cheese. ALEX. MADDOX. SEWING-MACHINE South side 2d let Court & Market St G. A, r& J. cCARTnEY.:- WE ANNOUCfi WfTH ; pleasure, the RE MOVAL of our Stock of CHINA, GLASS '. AND- . -' QUE ENS. W A R E, to tho buildin? fonnerly oc cupied by 3i.. Martin Sad Af.r. when) we are opening a large aid 'complete assortment of Goods, IMPORTED Br OURSELVES DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORIES- O ur stock is larec, containing groat varieties of PLAIN WHITE GOLD BAND AND FATTCY DECORATED Dinner and Tea .Setts;; , VACES; COLOGNE BOTTLES; TOILET SETTS; FANCY AND STAPLE - ARTICLES of every description; "Silver Plated KNIVES, FORKS, CARD BASKETS, &c. ; 2EA TRAYS', WAITERS; ' COAL OIL LAMPSof many varieties. Wliila thanVinr the pnblicand the trade for Mm lihoml ftni-niimrament extended to us in the mist, we bore thev will not forcret to call and Bee us ut our NEW cniNA STORE. G. A. & J. E. McCARTHEY, .Importers of Eakthesware, .' On South side 2d street. Mavsville, Ky., January Tth. 1SG4. G0Q0AR011QU3E, CORNE1V OF MARKET & FRONT, STS Opposite Steamboat Landing, MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY. Mr. E. F. FLEMING, Proprietress. THIS wpII known Hotel, has been re L. paired nnd refitted in a superior manner and is i ow 01 en to tne puonc. . The Proprietress recently of Fox Springs, so licits the patronageof tho traveling community. No pain will bo ppurcd to give satisfaction to tho pnests ol tne liouso. JfStage' laavcduilv for all points in thein- tcrior. mts. i;iiJCJiAi.j. Feb. 12-6m EEMOYAL GEORGE ARTHUR Baker & Confectioner AND DEALER IN Fruits, Nuts, Toys, FANCY GOODS, &.c lias removed his Stock to m"LLiNN ce .bust's uid stand, on SECOKTZJ STXiniFiT, Where he will be pleased to see and wait upon all Mavsville, Ky., April 9lh,lS63. JOHN A. SEATON, J.B. BKODRICK SEATON l BRODRICK WHOLESALE ARETAIL DETJG-aiSTS, AND DEALERS IN MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Paints, 'Oils, G-lass, &c. CORNER SKCOND COURT STS. Maysville, Seaton & Bfodrick, AUTHORIZE! AGENTS FOR -r hi v 3 .vr- MM HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE AND FULL aortment of those most CELEBRATED and RELIABLE Seeds direct from Philadelphia. They would call ppecial attentieo'to the fact that they are La ml roth's REGULAR AGENTS. nl tho Seeds com in? directly frorn him can be re lied on. PEAS. BEANS and CORN for srnln bv the quart or gallon. &fLanclrcth'a Rural Register and Almanac gratis. Feb. 11. 1S64. REMOVAL ! LOUIS ST1NE would respectfully inform his customers and friends thu". he has removed to Cadwalladcr's Bnildinff, in the room former' occupied by thoTelegrapn OUiee. Fall and Winter GoorJs ! Louis stine MERCHANT TAILOR AN If G ENTS F U IJ N IS 11 Kit, SECOND S TREE 2, MAYSVILLE, KY. 1 Hitiro CUNoTANTLY ON HAND A - noice assortment of a' 1 Seasonable Coods iu uis nne, wnicii lie is prepared to dispose of at,uaiwiuf n." tie solicits a call Irom his friends and plodges his best efforts to give Satisfaction. October 1, 1863 LOUIS STINE. NEW BOOKS ! . HISTORY of Charles the Bold, by Kirk; Second Year of the War, Pollard; Confederate Report of Battles; Old Helmet; My Farm at Er1rwootL bv Tk Marvol? Les Miserable!, bound in 1 volume; Lifo of Stonewall Jackson, bv Judcrn Tnninl.!. Hannah Thnrstou, Bayard Taylor; Tales of a Wayside Inn; -Faith Gartney Girlhood; Reliuio Medici; ' ' " Peculiars . Louie' Last Term; Household Friends: Owen Meredith's Poems; Lifo of Victor IIn?o: My Days aud Nights on tho Eattiefield; II.. .(-.. . Z33Tha above, with numerous otter valuable "wns, rccuiveaana icrsiie nt hnstirn prices. leb 4. 1S64. G. W. BLATTERMAN. SHINGLES. -2'H),00O and ior sale by s, nigiCi just received JNO. II. RICIIESON. - MareblT 'G4 IIUUOMS. A large supply of beat quality, lor sale by mar - - BEN PHISTER. was built ex pressly a. vuu Tr4e J. IL PEATHEE, Cbmrnander. ; ' ' ' ' LE W MO EE1S. ClSr'ii 1 - . Leaves foot of Walnut'St. for M Monday, Wednesday and Friday, fttlSo'clock vf Leaves Maysville for Ci'ncinniitr, every Tiles day, Thursday and Saturday, 10 o'clock, A Y Vrox I rei,?ht or Pasasre apply on board to GRAHAM &. McNEELY. u-.ara,o Freieht received it all bonm at tha xr-.i. Packet Landinsr, , r"" " r ' 'Jv;,lr Cincinnati, Mays title and Portsmonta REGULAR TRI- WEEKLY, PAtTR-pn THE SPLENDID S TJ A M E' 23ostoiia, Captain Wai.McCi.AjN,.Coairrander, -will con tinue in the above trade, lev:i.jr Cincinnati every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and Porls--moutb avery Monday, Wednesday 'and Friday at lii Ji. flopping at Maysville either war between the hours:of 5 and! 7P.3I. , For freight or passage apply on board or to E, McNeely, Agent,.Maysvil!e, Ky. "' b. c. Boss, . . ) , ... Wlt.COLVK ROSS & COLVIN, IOVSISIEI All DIIAHIITU Shop on 2nd Street, over Gurney's Meat Store MAYSVILLE. KENTUCKY. GRAINING. GILDING, GLAZING and PAPER HANGING, done in the latest and most approved stylo, and with dispatch. . jnue lith, 1SU2. '. ..... , S. SAIiOMON, ATCHMaER, GooDARD House Buildlno, 3X arkct: Street, May 7, lS60-ly MAYSVILLE, KY. NEW B O OKS. by Ike Mar- Farm at Edgewood, vel l si Hannah Thurston, by Bayard. Taylor. 1 51 Tales of a Wayside Inn, bv LonglelJow. 1 25 Husks, by Marion Harland. 1 50 Tho I.icp of Amasis, by Bulwer 1 25 Louie's Lust Term, by Anthorof Rutledge 1 50 Soundii gi from the Atlantic, Holmes I 25 Gentlemen's Book of Etiquette 1 50 " Beauties of English Poetry - 4 00 Evemnir with tho Poets ; A 00 Longfellow's Poems. Cabinet edition 2 50 Heaven Our Home tc 1 09 tT"Tho above, with numerous other new and valuable publications, jin-t received by . . G. v- BLATTERMAN, Booksellers, Second Street. V. X$. COCHRAN'S FAMILY GROCERY STORE, No 23, west-side Market sA, OS's? maysviiae'- kv. JUST recci ved a largo stock of Family and Assorted Groceries, such as ; Snzar, Syrup, Coiree, Teas, Mackerel, Fish. Hiilmo;s, Spicf-s, Candles, Wil low and Wooden Ware, Broom) Tobacco, Cisrars, Ac, Ac. . ITaving bought all my Goods for cash, and my motto being "(,2cick Sales and Small Profits,'' 1 can assure nil who may give me a call, the cheapest Groceries in the city E3?Thc bcrt quality of COAL OIL always on hand and for sale at tho lowest market price. A. B. COCUKAN. N. B. Five year Old Bonrbon on tap, and the bestffall kinds of Liquors constantly on hand. Maysviile, Ky., March 19, 1363. A. B.C. For ISals, Mice, ICostches, Ants, lied Russ, fliotlis in l''iirs. W oolen, &c.. In sects on riant, Fowls, Animals, &c. ' Pin up in 25c. 50c. and $1.00 Boxes, Bottles, and Flasks. $3 and $5 sizes for Hotels, Poblio Ia- STITDTIONS, &C. 'Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to tho Human Family." "Ruts come ont of their holes to die." 3FSo!d "Wholesale in all large cities. ESoVd by all Druggists Ss Retailers everywhere' i? HBiware!!; of all worthless imitations. 3U "See that "Costar's" name is on each Box, rouii, ana xiasK, octcro yon bny. J3FAddrebs 11 ICN R Y It. COSTAR. t35f"PiuNcicAi.DEP0T 4S2 Broad-vat. N. Y. 2fSold by all Wholesale fc Retail Druggist in Maysvillo. Ky. mar 81 T 18G4-6m. . HAGS WANTED! 1 f(' fiHn LBS GOOD CLEAN OOT lVJUVJUU TON OR LINEN RAGS, for which I will pay the highest Market, G. W . ULATTEKIH AN, feb 4ih,lS64. Kookstore. 2nd St. . Scoks on Gardenine:, &c. rpHE American Horrie GanJeo - Watson. -I. Gardening forthe South Whrto Buist. ' Barry. lioope. Reemelm.. Pardee.' x lower dorden Directory Fruit (iarden Fiuit Book Vino Dresser's Manual Strawberry and Raspberry Culture torsaio oy G. W. BLATTERMAN, april7 ' Second Street CcnvesReflector Lantern! rOB BURNING COAL OIL WITHOUT A CHIMNEY. IT Possesses many qualities which highly com . mend it, and is pronounced by all who bvo teitcd its merits, altogether the most desirable anti-kn they have met with. 1. Itgive apure white light without Chimney. 2. It stands Ouiok Motions iu anv direction. 3. The flame is rezulated f rom the outside. 4. It is neat and compact inform and size; - 5. Itisfree from solder in the upper parts, and is otherwise very substantial in its strueture. 6. It has tbe class sides so arranged that break age isless likely to occur than in other Lan terns, and in the event of breakage can be easily replaced. It has CONVEX REFLECTORS which in ciease greatly the force of tho flame; serving at same time the put pese of shades to the eyes, which is very desirable, It is sold at a LOWER PRICE, with all these advantages, than any Lantern in tbe ma: ket which admits of the flame being regulated, from the outside. . For sale by SEATON & BRODRICK, ' npril 21 . Cor. 2nd & Conrt Sts. Gun-Po wder Teas, v . OF SUPERIOR QUALITY, just received and for sale at onr Drug Store, Corner 2nd & Court Streets. SEATON & BRODRICK. Maysville, Ky.,8rd March, 1964.. Thfs floe Steamer