Newspaper Page Text
THE BULLETIN JUNK Increase of the Price of the Bulletin. The SabscriDtioo price of the Bollktih .,, i .... f.. k n.v Dor.tAB and Fifty miii nereiiboi w. w Cists per year, instead of 0s Dollar. ft-7-Gold closftd firm, in New York, on Jloody, at 192 ft-r"Dnrirjz this and the past week, negro enlistments have been going on in this city (t a rapid rate. From three to fonr bnn- Ati nesroes. from this and adjoining coon- tifi.baTe been sworn into the Federal ser vice, and sent to Greenapsbnrg where they will be armed and equipped. Tb'ey are itill coming in at a rapid rate. Q-"We cal! the attention of oar readers to the adtertisement of Mr. H. Bibtbam. Mr. BiBtBAJt has lately rtfitted and altered bis business house in such a meaner that it ii now a handsome store and an ornament to our city. In this house can be found a large and well selected atock of Boots and Shoes of every variety . If you cannot be suited in his resdy-made assortment, then leav your measure and gt an elegant and fashionable pair of Boots or Shoes. Our rriend. J. W. W BOTES , is connected with this establishment, and be invitee a'j bis old friends and patrons to give him a call; afsuring them that he will give them greater bargains than tbey can obtain else where. Remember thesignof the Big Boot, 2nd street, two doora west of Market. Compliments of Mrs. Taos R Calvert to the E litor? of the Bulletin' Such was the language of a Card Bert with a neat looking basket; and upon looking fof the complimeau' we discovered that they con -listed of a luscious array of thefinestStraw berries we ever tasted, of which we ate a part Dii sent the rest to our sweetheart. Mrs. Calvert will pleaseacceptthe thanksof the Bulletin Office. OyWe call attention to the advertise ment headed "Valuable City Property For Sale. The property consists of that well known building, the Parker House, on 2nd Street. .It is a splendid location for either a school or a hotel. O-Gen. Washington's gold medal has been purchased for $5,000. and is to be presented to Lieut. Geo. Grant. ftTThe amusement lovers of our city will be glad to know that Miss Alice Kinos- ALICKJios- bcbt. a vonnz. beautiful and talented actress, will make her debut before a Mays ville audience, at the City Hall, next Tues day tight. Mi Br Kinosbubt is making a starring tour daring t ie summer months, and has already visited several cities, creating a furore npon each appearance. At Pike's Opera House she is a great favorite, never failing to please even the most critical au diences. With youth, beauty and talents sbe will certainly draw crowded houses in Maysville. We append a notice of th is charming actrees, copied from the Cincinnati Enquirer: Alice KingsBOby.-We briefly announced on yesterday the return of this sprigntly and versatile little actress from a three weeks' starring engegement at Co!umbutJ aod it gives us pleasure to add that the 8n eaaeroent was. if not extremely brilliant, at least highly satisfactory and successful, and was a capital commencement of what we sin cerely hope may be a fortunate career. Dur the three weeks, she produced the new and beautifnl drama, entitled "The Cinld of the Savan," of which the Columbus papers, without exception, pronounced equal in in terest and incident to any plav of modern t'mes Some idea may be formed of the enthusiasm created. Irom the expressions of the press. The State Journal of i he 21st, z nf hpr Fanchou." Sflld: "We are speaking dispassionately when in mnnv nar'icuUrs she equals. if she does not excel. Maggie Mitchel.,ie this exceedingly Interesting and instructive play. Her appearance in the shadow dance was true to nature and to life. Indeed, through out the entire play, there was so much life thrown into ber delineations that it was dif ficult to believe aught than the original signature of the author was passiog iu re view before us." The Express, of the same date says: 'Alice Kinesbnrv never appeared more bewitching, csptivaiio'g the hearts of all present Her rendition of Fanchon' entire met the ex pectations of the audience, many of whom were desirous of drawing a comparison be tween ber and Miss Maggie Mitchell, who WO tosocb golden iaur.isiui.naiuii.iij onf city a abort time since. The general in expn ,r. mMthalAl 51 niuuui rMuo' ed Miss Mitchell in every part, and surpass ed ber in many respects. We are gratified in recording the triumph of our talented young towDSwoman whohas ...n u.Hnrmiilkert. Wet ate fla.ure in lending a helping band to those ambitious to excel; and from the energy, beauty and accomplishments ol Miss Kings bury we can entertain no doubtof her ulti mately attaining the eminence io the career on which she has made so resolute and hap py beginning, THE TJ. S. 10-40 LOAN. ructions to the National Banka acting lot loan agents were not usae .rom iu. as Tre snry at Washington until warcn The Banks did not generally ceg.u .obscriptions ontil one week later, aod ceiv in ji.i.nt nana of the coontry n.. j. ID uio -- I . . Wun to work. but the sobscriptions reported by mail to the Treasury opto April 22d, amounted to over $33.00Ow. Bd the anm actually subscribed but not yet reported at that date is much greater- The attempta ot interesioa y - - - the Secretary of the Treasury --- rate of interest on this loan have failed. The experience ol me i- weeks gives os every re.aon to believe that 11 the money the Treasnry desires to bor row, can be obtained for five per coot. la tere tt in gold. Musical. To-morrow (Friday) evening a Concert will b vivnn at the Rohrt Hodki. by several of our amateur musicians, and we trust that the publio will turd out en masse, and thereby ahow their appreciation of such a laudable undertaking. The entertainment given some weeks ago, at Nativity Ball, consisted of Glees. Chorusee. Quartettes and Solos, of a high order, and drew forth the applause of a delighted audience, lo-mor-row night several of the best peices sung at the last Concert will be repeated, together with choice selection of new pieces. Our citizens should encourage home enterprise and home talent by giving a liberal support to all efforts of this kind. The Soiree to morrow eve will well be worth double the admission fee, and we hope to see a crowd ed bouse. New Boot and Shoe House. Messrs. Bdckneb Wallinofobd and William Lubtet have formed a partoer- ehip for the purpose of carrying on the Boot and Shoe trade, in all its branches, lney have taken the commodious building on 2d street, formerly used as a Shoe Store by Chables White, and have on hand and ar9 constantly receiving a fine assortment of Boots and Shoe, which they offer for sale at the lowest prices. 1 nnn Prmmn Tha above reward will ha atven In an nernon who C8D fur nish a prescription for coughs, colds, whoop, ing-cough! a.-ihrai, and consumption. which is equal to Dr. SincKlandM Melli fluous Couch Balsam. This balsam will cure the above complaints, also iitting of blood and nisbt sweats.' Ooe 50 cent bot tle is sufficient for any one to try. The worst cases of chronic cough, asthma, whonrinr.rnti jh and nrimarv cases of con sumption are cured by Dr. Strickland's Mel- I Huoiia Uouxh Baleim. It can oe naa ai si. ir Hrimii'aL'c tt m different from anv other cough mtdicioe we have known in bis couutry. Britannia and Japanned Ware! A FINE STOCK OF BRITANNIA WARE AND TEA TBAT9 AKD WA1TB3", very cheap, at ,ledcl7 R. ALBERT'S 2 1 street. Special Notices. I"Lct those who have doubled tho virtue ,f Rnir Ce.lron Bitters, if any suchtlicrobe, reaj the foHowinu Certificate from gentlemen well nown in this community, and douht no more. Its eeneral introduction into the army will save tha lives of thousands of our soldiers. Louisville, Ky.. June 8d, 1S68. We. the undersigned, have seen the good ef- rjn,.i k ,, of Dr. John Bull' nr ff(,neral debility and VVUivu a v - '- Q nrntrition of the svstem. and believe its general use Would prevent disease and relieve much suf fering. Among our bo diers particularly would this be the case, especially those who are ezposed to miasma'ic inflr.euces in tho Southern climate. Maj. Philip Speed, Col. Int. Kev. 8d Dist. Ky Chas. B. Cotton, Col. Tort of Louisville, Ky, Col. K. Dent, Prov. Marshal Gen'l of Ky. Kev D P Henderson; Vice Pres. Sanitary Com Harney, Hnghes & Co., Publishers, Democrat. Geo. P. Doern, Prop.Louisvi'.le Anzeiger. Hughes & Parkhill Wholesale Dry Good Dealers, Main St. Louisville, Ky. Davis, Green & Co. Wholesale 8hoe Dealcre, Msin St. Louisville, Ky. Hart & Mapother, Lithographers, corner of Market and Third Su. Louisville, Ky. Julius Winter, Clothing Merchant, corner of Third and Market St. Louisville, Ky. Cait.S.F. Hildreth, of Steamer Maj. Anderson Maj. L. T.Thusten, Paymaster U. S. Army. C. M.Motcalf, National Hotel, Louisvillei Col. Jesse Bayleft, 4ih Ky. Cavalry George D. Prentice. Loi'isville Journal. See ttdvertiseraent in oilier column. For cule Wholesale and Retail by SbATON rt! BKODKICK, Maysville, Ky. BOYS IF YOU WAST A PAIR OF FINE SHOES, OXFORD TIES or- BAL.3IORAL.S Call at B. A. WALLING FORD & CO.'S, I iune-21 2nd Sireei;. MuysviMc.Ky. WE ARB PAYING TUB makivci PRICE, IN CASH, FOR WOOL. THOMAS DOKSEY. Maysville, Ky., May 26th, lS64-2m Ea?le copy 2 monthf tk: MAllVFL'S NEW BOOK. CFVEN STORIES BY THE AUTHOR OF S ' Reveries of a Bachelor "Farm at K.l,e- Wa Lr "rWy of the above delightful work rectiv. dl- Jlfby Expre, Mail orders .ball receive prompt attention. BLATTRMANf Maysville, May 28, 136. NEW BOOKS ! HTSTUH.Y of Charles the Bold, by Kirk; Seoo.d Year of the War, Pollard; Confederate Report of Battles; Old Helmet; m.ri. Mv Farm at Ed ire wood, by Ik Marvel, TsMiMjrables, bound in I vol nine, ttfeof Stonewlll Jackson by Judge Darnels; Hannah Thurston, Bajard laylorj ... .. f . Wmside Inns Faith Gartney Girlhood Kelivio Medici Peculiar; Lonie' Last Term: Household Fnendsf Owen Meredith's Poems M vDays an S'n iguts on the; U rThe aheve, with nnmerous otter valuable 1 ne anwvo, Eat-tern pneea. feb'e'vBo'il O. w!bLATTERM AN. OUINGLES. -2-0,000 Mg JJS?j? O andiorsaleby Ju- March 17 'B4 u noons, , large supply of best quality, lor sale by nfar BEN PUISTER. A Cannel Coal. -rnST Received a 1 ad of Cannel Coal, on I . ... ih time to bnv. commissiuu. - Call quick and lay in a anpply for your beroreyou 'RLES PUISTER. Maysville, March 17, '64 Eagle copy-tf ATTENTION BLACKSMITHS YOUGIIIOGUENY COAL I I TTJST Received, on commission, a load of Pure O Yougtuogaen, pmBTEB Maysville. March 17th,1864-tf (KT'M other,', said Ike Partington, 'did you know that the. iron horse' has but one ear? One ear! mercifull gracious, child, what do you mean? 'Why, the engine-eer of course.' French China, Glass and Queenswarel A fine new ttock at and below Cincinnati prieti, II. ALBERT'S decl7 Model C bina fctore,2d Stree. B. WiLLIHUVOitO. vr.A.. p. i-UKTitr. NEW BOOT & SHOE STOKE! B. A. WALLING FORD & CO., Have taken the Store House formerly occupied by Chas Wflrrs, on Second Street, and have opened a fln and well selected stock of BOOTS and SHOES, of every Variety and etyle suitable for this market. Having secured the best work men, we are prepared to manufacture Ladles and Gentlemen's work with neatness and dispatch. Also-LEATHER & FINDINGS for sale. t3T" Call and examine our stDck before purchasing. f Maysville, Ky., juno 2, 1S64 Valuable City Property iroit sale : TfJE Commodious and valuable property known formerly as the "PAHKER HOUSE" and for some time past occupied by Mrs. Laura G. Collins us h "Young Ladies Boarding and Day School." situated on Socond street, in the City of Maysville, is for sale. The lot fronts alioul TO feet on Second street, and extends back 'h fent. The House is large and roomy, and will adapted for a Boarding Hfu-e, or for a School, or it cnM readily be converted into Stores, of a chaiacter now much in demand iu this City. TERMS: One-third cosh: balance in six and twelve months. Persons desiring to examino ta property, will have it shown to them npn appli cation on tho premises. JULIA OWENS. H7 ii not ,oid oy 1st oi Jniy. i win sen ii at PuMic Auction to the highest biddr. Maysvillo, Ky..juuo 2, 1864-lm H. BERTRAM, SECOND STREET, Maysville, - - Kentucky, rI"AKE3 great pleasure in informing the L citizens of Miiyi-ville, and the public generally, that he is now occupying his OLD PLACE OF BUSINESS, On Second St., 2 doors west of Market. The houso has been remodeled throughout, at great expense, and is one f f the Handsomest Business Housea in the city. He has on hand, and is constantly roeiviug, a largo and well assorted stock of I.ndip', Mi?e' and Childirn's Shoe?. Gentlemen's and Youth's Boots & Shoes. ne is also prepared to manufacture all kinds of work io his iii.e, nt the shortest notice, and in the be-t and most fashionable style. He has secured the services of Mr. J. W. WROTEN-, Whose knowledge of the Boot and Shoe busi ness is unsurpassed, and who will be glad to see all his old iriends nd customers. Mr. BKRTRAM returns his thanks to the public for their past liberal patronage, and re spivH'iiliy soli'-i.'s I lie continuance ef the same. Mays-ville, Ky., june 2, lStJ4-2m CURES Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Asth na, and Consumption. It is only necessary for any one troubled with thesa complaipts to try ono bottle of Strickland's Mellifluous Cough Balsam to convin:e them that it is tho best preparation ever used. It not nly cuies the above nffoetio-s of the Throat and Lungs," but it cures rught Sweats an 1 Spitting of Blood, and is nu excel lent gargle for any kind of Sore Throat. It is p eusant to take, and a safe medicine for infantsi Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by Drugtfi&ts generally. General Depot, No. 6 East 4th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. For sale by ull the Drr.gsfists in the.City of Maysville. jnno 2, 1864-ly A SURE CURE. T7VERY BODY IS BEING CURED OF THIS A2j distressing drf-ease by too use or DR. STRICKLAND'S PILE REMEDY Read what those say who have used it: w it i ku T.inilponi nf T.niiisville. and J. P. Hazarde, Cincinnnti. O., werejbolh cu'od after u.-ing one pot of Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy, tnev ay mey o in o.ij but could obtain no reiief, but one Pot ol Strick- .. i- t:i TfMnAa of!V(.tp,l a nnrinot enra after sntfering for many years with the. worst kind or niO. 1 tlvy rcwuijii.uu . . j - faring to try it. o. . J . . T ert ...t.fiMnAt Mann. Fold uy an uruirsisis. rcl - - . facturcd at No. S East Fourth street, Cincinnati, 1. : A clr frkP DR. STRICKLAND'S PILE REMEDY. General Oepot No. 6 East Fourth street, Cin- c:nnati,hi. For sale by all Druggist in tne City of Maysville. U" J. B. DESSAR & CO. STILL CONTINUE TO MAKE UP CLOTHING TO ORDER, UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF Mr. JACOB LAND GRAFT, txt TTTVi u ttsttaTj WELL KNOWN STYLE OF ELEGANCE. AT POPULAR PRICES, AND ARE CONSTANTLY RECEIVIM New&StyiisliGoods, .., miTT. KfiT FAIL TO PLEASE Wtlivn " EVEN THE MOST FASTIDIOUS. Maysville, Ky., March 17th, iaa. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE!!! T OFFER FOR SALE MY BRICK KESI I DENCK situated on the hill aide Majs ville, Ky. Tho house contains worn.; 1 be Mdes Ki'chen. Pantry ana Cellar, "ere is P the lot a Dairy and Brick Stable. The lot is large, having uon it about One hundred bear ing Fruit TreesW Vines of Also, well et in Shrubbery and and Well water abundant during the "'V!: It ia altogether a very desirable boms and will be sold for Greenbacksf much less J,ci5 ln GoH. Enquireof T0S-oF:1BKRh1tC& N. B. AY liable for City Railroad debt. Maysville, Ky., May 5,lS6i-tf RED CORNER CLOTHING STORE! Blum & Heckinger's GREAT WESTERN Emporium of Fashion WE take pleasure In. Informing ear Patrons and the public generally, that we have jtlst received, and are continuing to receive, from Niw York, Bactimokb and other Eastern POBTS, a VOLt, X.ABSX AND VABISD STOCK OT GENTLEMEN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING; Of the very latest Eastern Styles Dress Coats, Bnsincss Coats. Promenade Coats, Pants and Vests, Of all styles and descriptions, all of which we will dispose cf at the lowest Eastorn prices. We have naid the most particular PERSONAL ATTENTION in the selection cf Goods for our MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT, And have purchased only the MOST CHOICE and FASHIONABLE kincs and Styles. Hav ing made and EXTENSIVE ADDITION to this bruneh of our business, we have now the best FACILITIES to Manufacture to Order, at the SHORTEST NOTICE. Our celebrated and ex-Derieiw-ed Cutter. JERKY V. YOUNG, will superintend the gettiigap of all work in tho Merchant Tuiloring Line, by experienced work men ON LY. The Stock consists of tho finest Foreign and Domestic Cloths; French and English Cashmeres; Silks, Satins & Cashmeres for Vest- ings. Mr. YOUNG has also procured Genio's, C. Scott '8, Glencroes' & West's latest Patern Sheets. Our Stock of GEATLEMEiYS FURNISHING GOODS! Comprises all appertaining to a Gentleman's outfit, and is too numerous and varied 'o men tion. The Genuine Patent FRENCH YOKE SHIRT, Can be got at our Store. FOR THE FINEST AND LATEST STYLE CALL AT THE RED CORNER. A FULL SUPFLY OF TrunKs, Valises, Carpet 8acks, Umbrellas, a&c., Always on hscd. ALL PULCHASERS WHO WISH" TO SAVE IVIOIMEY! AND GET THE LATEST STYLES ! WILL FIND IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE ft TO CALL AT THE RED CORNER STORE BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. FOR A FINE STYLISH SPRING SUIT! CALL AT BLUM & HECKINGER'S RED CORNER STORE t Maysville, Kj., March 81, 13M. MULL1NS & HUNT'S WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE! TH B SUBSCRIBERS, LONG ESTAB LISHED in a large retail Dry Goods business in Maysville, would call the attention of Coun try Merchants to their recent addition of an ex tensive Wholesale Department; wbicb will be conducted on a STRICTLY CASH PRINCIPLE. The many years of experience possessed by onr buyer, combined with a perfect knowledge of the Kentucky trade, a thorough acquaintance ship with all the Manufacturing and Importing Houses in the East, and the fact of ur pur chases being made for 'Cash," together with a firm determination to sell at a mere commission advance on Eastern Cost, will be sufficient guaranties to CLOSE CASH BUYERS that we cannot be undersold by any WESTERN JOB BING HOUSE. Our Stock will be found better adapted to the wants of of onr customers than it is usual to find in the generality of JOBBING HOUSES; as it will embrace a greater variety of goods than is ordinarily met with In an exclusive Wholesale Establishment. The departments alotted to ZLTS .T 0-A.IJS AND T otions, Will be at all times especially attractive as par ticular attention will be paid to them, and a LARGE STOCK Kept constantly on hand. We would impress npon our friends that in sending ns orders they may rely upon bavins them executed to the ful- eotfXtentot onr ability. MULLINS & HUNT Cheap Dry Goods Store, Slid Street, Maysville, Ky, Maysville, Ky. Jan. S, 1363. NEW CASH HARDWARE HOUSE! SI.GN BIG SAW. WE Take pleasure in announcing to our old friends and customers, that we have again opened a HA ItDWAKE HOUSE, on Second Street, in the house formerly occupied by Mr. H. C. Lloyd, where we will be pleased to see any who may favor ns with a call. We are now in receipt, and will continue to receive new additions to our Stock weekly. We purchase our goods direct from the AMERICAN MANU FACTURERS and FOREIGN AGENTS for Cash, and propose to furnish goods at as low figures as can be bought We.-t. We nlso continue tho WHOLESALE BOOT & SHOE BUSINESS and request Merchants to look through our Stock before buying elsew'neie. OWENS & BMLEY. SIGN BIG SA1K. Maysville, Ky. BUILDING HARDWARE; SADDLERY HARDWARE; COACH HARDWARE; TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY; TEA & BREAD TRAYS; CARPENTERS TOOLS; COOPERS TOOLS; SHOVELS; SPADES & RAKES; TRACE & OTHER CHAINS; FAIRS A N K SCALES to weigh 700 pounds to 6.000 pounds. FIRE PRCOP SAFES. Maysville, Ky., March 8, 1864. SATAN'S Devices and Believer's Victory, Parsons. Natural History of Secession, Goodwin. 'V 1 . 1 . . f I.A CA....l.AV C f n f Lt. Col. Freejcantle. Tho last Times Seiss. Privute Miles OTJeillv, nis Book. Spectacles for Yoang Eyes, S. V7. Lander. Tho Ferry Boy and Financier a life of Secre tary LUAEE. ALSO: A new lot of WAIL PAPER and OIL SHADES At KOGKItS Bookstore. Maysville, Ky:, May 26, 1S64. LateofMasonCo.,Ky. Latooi' T.A.Matthews, ot Maysvii.e, Ky,. Merchants' Hotel, (FORMERLY DENNISON MOUSE) CALLEHER, NELSON & CO., Proprietors. "Fj -TfT-i street, near maiA CINCINNATI, O. r3Thishonse having been thoroughly reno vated and newly furuislied, is now open. Cincinnati, O., May 19th, lS84-3mo. Established under City Ordinance in 1857. WHEELER TOBBACCO WAREHOUSE, PH1STER fit HOW, Proprietors, For the Inp3lion and Sale of LEAF TOBACCO 14 WEST FRONT ST.. Bet. Main Walnut StreeU.I PTMrjINNATT. OHIO. r,orthfiSLea.-nooai .anaiog.) Tobacco Sold at Anclloh or Priatty, as Owners may uesire. nrTinxs SALES: TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, & SATURDAYS PRIVATE SALES UAIIiX. Storage to Shippers Three Monthi Free. Cincinnati, O., May 19:h, 13G4-8mo. Eag!e copy 8 rnontba fcndargoBalTttin ICE ! ICE ! ! hv8 commenced rnnnins onr lee Waonyand will deliver Ice to oy part f -Perona dealrine Ice rtrongli tne day, can KTtTft at Elchar.l Watkins' Grocery Store, on wXtr or al Wnl.Watkins' on Market St. Wall street, or ai CATKINS; . Mayl9.13M. E1CHAED WATKINS. H. A. CALVER1', (of Ky.; IlfPOBTERS 4k WHOLESALE DEALERS OT DRY GO'ODS, 110 & 112 Pearl Street, nrril7-8m CINCINNATI O. WITH Will. K. BOAIi 3NTo- 132 West Second Street, between Race t Flm Street CINCINNATI) O. WILL Attend to the Sale of all kinds of PRODUCE, and make immediate Return Orders for any description of Grroceries" prompt-' ly filled. REFERS BY PERMISSION TO Johjt A. Robinson, Esq., Gallipolis, O. A. W. Buskirk, Esq., Portsmouth, O. Hon. L.' T. Moore, Catlettsbnrg, Ky; Capt. W. HorsHELt, " " Jno. N. Richarososj, Eq., " D. D. Geioer. Etq., " " Hugh '.Means, Esq., Ashland, Ky. Ww. T. Nicholls. Esq., Ashland. Ky; Wx. L. Geioek, Esq.. Ashland, Ky. Geo. Wfrts, E-q., Greemipsburg, Ky. E. J.Hockadav, Esq., " Louis D. Ross, Esq., . .. Capt. Z. Shirley, Louisville, Ky. Hon. Thos. E. Bramlett, Frankfort, Ky. C5?"Will make liberal advance on Consign ments of Produce. fmar 8,1864-6m M. THOMPSON, Umbrella, Parasol AND WALKING CANE TW ATVITFACTORY. No. 167 Main Street, bet. 4th & 5tn CJSCIXSTATI, O. "Repairing promptly attended to. mar? DUHME & CO. S. W. Cor. 4th and Walnut Streets, CINCINNATI, O. JSL a mi fa c tnrers Retail & Wholesale Dealers in DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILVER WAKE. THEY Keep on band a large stock of Cheap Watches, Jobbing Material, Spectacles, &C. br the Trade. . . ' , . ETOld Gold and Silver Dongnt ior vasn. march 8, 1 864 ly XRDESSAE&CO. Have Received AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF Spring and Summer CLOTHING; TOMISfllXG fflD PIECE GOODS, Composed of Fine Clolll CoatS, Beautiful SicK CoatS Late Style Cassimere Coats, VcStS of all descriptions, PailtalOOIlS, a la mode, Frencli Yoltc Shirts TJomestic Cassimeres, ill BLUE MILITARY CLOTHS, HATS $c CAPS, Furnishing Goods &c. MANUFACTURED B THEM Expressly for this Market, WHICH THEY PROPOSE TO 6ELL.AT THE." Eastern Manufacturers PRICES I Buyers will find it profitable to give them a call; Maysville KylTthla''. AND IT Xj UX. ' STRICKLAND'S Anti-Cholera Mixture U a composition of """V-' : V pverv Dhv 'ti?1u,antrndcarmoa,.v fZnlt ,aB Tpermt-ienN " core of Diarrhoea and will effect ff"nA ti.CTl0leraMiictnre is bow PyM,ntr'veral ofour bospitala where it ' "TZZtLVtisUcilOo. It haasaved the e,vcB th0.'"!.ds 0f 0r soldiera and citizena; wm rnutee it to be .he best remedy rn fbe worldl-orDiarrLoea and Dysentery. . l.anny atify any one a to tbe Yirtne of ffikland'a Anti-Chole a MiStnre,' in fact we h ive a great number of testimonial .rom pa ij'eata who have been enred after being fro nonnccd inenrabie by their physicians, aome fte?Uking only one bottle of Strickland'. n Cholera Mixture. . If yon nffer with Dlarrboe and Uyteniery try one ornn- SOLDIERS! a vaVnabla Union, of T I Lv.- iZ ttV.5.l oor ,ldi. V)tffl0MM