Newspaper Page Text
v ,11- r'r-. tt 'irM It ii ii !f ', i ' t If R 3 Si 'I' in n & I ft M 9 I- f Ii : A MODERN ECLOGUE."- -- Interlocutors. 'Ajfoir omsti contraband. bcxme near WASHINGTON, i-"- - General T ' ' ,: " " ' : . "Unfcytnnato brother! say, where are you wond- - lug? 4 Rough i tbe road, and its bottom wants raend- .o .tug; : .; r -Night drawetb near; soon the 'Eeba' will bo scnd ing ' , , Around the patrollersl "Contraband brother! the profits of disaster "re, ;?. .yoo clJeeki though they're not alabaster"; . r. . S ' I aee .by yonr ragsja'nd those tears, that eur maswr , r .- ; Ill-treated yon basiiy'f ? "T . flV 1 i '. - ----- r"w me tno marts where he cut gashes, into , YonT back. wkbr the thonga of hie villainous lashes; -"'. See! my pity wells forth In weeping that washes - Away tho contumely! " . : Did yon resist, in the rage of your madness? -Was your .soul crazy with slavery's sadness? Never aga'n.will smiles' with their gladness .-. A , DaLce over your features? "Tell rce Ms name, that our troops, in their fury, xr. v.-,. -v: " j . ' . . ' j unu uiiAi iu . " pj paus verujet or jury, And tell me your own, oh brother, for yoa'r a r - Martyr of Freedom!" ' " " 00NTBABA2TD. - "My name,sar,yp'n axeftf Et'a Jnlicnm Cassar: But 'dfod , sarins pusson's done wallopod he ear, 'Doag H I'd raver Lab lotty a-dty dan stay frecar, Among dese, by ar Tankeesl 'I np -from Werg'iriny ;olo mars went to battle"; De Yankees dey cam an' dey stole all de cattle, An' '8uaded.di fool off, like a chilo wid a rattle, '' u " Wid dere cussed ola Freedom ! - "I fjllered 'em cl'ar to dat mis'able city; An' dar"l'se bin libbin, an objac'o' pity, . . On bacon da. rotten, an' bniacnitaso- gritty - - ' Dey 'a brcaked all my teef out! " ; "I'so gwine to go home; dis life I cant swallcr, No more'n dat bread; ole mars'Jl let me foller De oyen oncAt more; is yoa please got a dollar, " To git some 01o Eye' widf" ' r . C . OEXEJIAL. "GIV8 yon a doljarl Yon spiritless creature! Yoa insect, Jron worm,diigracoto your'natnro! No! lacker of shoes, I'll find yoo a teacher Provost! to the Guard House!" , . yqoira Jack was a cabinet-maker and nndertaker, ktown far and wide as a mast er workmaD,,' Ooe day a couple cama to bis oKe lo get married. The man's face was tain i far to the 'Squire, and be ordered him off in thU wise; "I3a gone yoo jBcoun drell You aavn't paid me forVyour ifirst wife's c&GSn. W. S. FRANK, Attorney at' Law, . - COURT STREET, ? . Maysville, Ky. IrifPrompl attention oaid to Collcctiug.j february IStb, 1SG4. J. K. SCTMRALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MAYSVILLE, KY.t TTILL practice in the Courts of Mason and ad- II joining counties. OFFICE West-side o" Coart Street. Janl5,JS6P-1y H. C. PHISTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE OJT TSE WEST SIDE OF COTBT ST. MAYSVILLE, ;i Y. August H ,1S62. VALITABLB PAaMr'rciIcl1 aRtI English China, Glass, - for sale: BY.Virtno of a judgement of the Mason Circuit Court, rendered in lha unit pending of W. P. Watkjns an-1 others againrt Lonia Gcbhart and'otkorj, I will, as Cotumiseiouer, upon the Sa!urJaj,lhe II ih Jaj of Jaric,lGJ, Soil at Public Auct:on to the highest bidder, that vln:ibr tract of land known a;: the"GEBHAIif FAKfl." This farm contains 18() ACRES, Ljinznpon the waters of Limes'one Creek, Ma n CoBnty, Ky.. and within a mile of tho City of Maysviilj.- The improvements upon it are good. -It has a (rood RRICK DWELLING. HOUSE. tnd also Three other FRAME TENEMENTS npon jt. and also a pood road McAdmized Jead Init totho farm. Itis well watered. and in a fair state of cultivation. It will bo divided into three small Farms, each with a Tenement npon it, and will be sold altogether, or thus divided, to sni: purchasers. Tho plat cf division cao be seen by caliinjr at my Ofllce in Maysville, Ky. x ne proximity oi tni larm to Market, makes it valuable, and it offers a lino opportunity for thoM desiring to invest. TERMS OF SALE: OneTblrd Cash, the balance in Six and Twelve months with interest from day of sale: the pur chaser to pivo bond with good security, hav-n the force and effoct of sale bonds under Execution". BU will commence at 2 o'clock, 1'. M lfay 19, 133Ir-4T Commiajioner. . INTERIOR ADORNMENTS! JU3TEECEIVED A CHOICE SELECTION of new and desirable styles of - PAPER HANGINGS, from the rich and ornate to the most chaste and simple patterns, appropriate for Parlors, ttujls, jJiun2-oms ana I'Uamoer. FIU$ BOAED PBI3TS new designs; . . - ' of any required style, bruize, on hand or "made . to order. -. ' , GHiT MOULDING, OVAL- PCCTURS FElA.ME3e riCTDKE CORD S TASSELS, snd all the trimmings fLr frames. 1 V FRAMING uONE-'OM SHCRf NOTICE ! Tho-lovc tJools arc all new nod will beold chetr rlt:m nr b-f irj .-? T in tlii- eit- -. A C; ' :.- .- '. i i 1 J., jfj tiii'h:-' tl I 1.'.:., t . purLi.-:iliui.l't.cJvilj- . . j. t;. Ar v. s- ko(;;i:s, liOOESELLEKS t lbTTIOMrtS, MayavHJe, Ky., April 21, 1661. " rStreot. Wm. Lloyd & Richardson, WnOLESALE DEALER3"IN GEOCEMJESj wines, liquors; - ; TEAS & TOBACCO, FORWARDIKG& COMMISSION M,E R CHAN T.S, j - OPF081TX OODDABD BOUSE, .- 11 A. BEETS TJZEET, - MAYSYILLEKT. E WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL tout attention to tbe above' card, and solicit a portion of your' patronage, promising to fill' orders promMly and satisfoctorilly. " We -have established ouri-elvea: for the ppr pose of inducing Merchants to. make- their pur chases here instead of. elsewhere; and as our goods are bought direct from tirst hands in the Ka-tern Market, by our Btoker, we make this proposition to Merchants: . . , That we will duplicate any bill bought in Cincinnati, and if goods are not what we represent them,' they can .be. sent back at oar expense. We have just received from the East 20 nhds. Choice bow Ni O.'SCGAEV lO " rrlmo ":?' A SO Bbls. Lovebinq's Philadelphia REFINED SUOAES Crushed, Granulated, Powder ed and Coffeo A. . . SO Bags Choice Yellow As Bright Green COFFEE MOLASSES Old and New Crop; ' MACKLIIEL in all sizes, direct from Bos ton, last Crop 1S63; . y 40 Kegs Nowcastlo ENGLISH SODA; ' -TOHACCO a large lot in Boxes, Caddies, Ac. TEAS a Superior lot of all kiuds, selected lor this portion of tho Country. In addition, to our stock of Heavy Groceries, wo have a large assortment of Fancy: CIGAES,at all prices; Fancy Wash and Shaving SOAPS; Whole and Half Boxes new M. K. and Layer RAISIN; SARDINES; FIGS; PICKLES; PEACHES, Covo aud Spiced OYTEES; MUSTAED, - in boxes; 50 fc 25 lbs. boxes assorted CANDIES; CHEESE; CU ACKERS; INDIGO; MADDEE; SPICES, grain and ground: ALUM; Eace & Ground GINGER;COPPEAS; BLACKING, large and small; BLACKING BRUSHES; FAUCETS; CINNAMON, ground and in matts; CAPS: SHOT: LEAD; I EXT. LOGWOOD; STAECH; , ; GERMAN SOAP; A large variety of CAP, NOTE & LETTER PA PER; ENVELOPES, buffand white; &c. &c. tS7In addition to the above, we offer induce ments to the trade in ' EECTIFIED WHISKY sold at Cincinnati prices. GINGER WINE, GIN, BRANDY, and with a superior lot of OLl BOUKCON WHISKY at all prices. Respectfully, LLOYD & UICUAJiPSON. Maysrille, Ky., March S, 1S34. ( fiJElV CHINA, GLASS AND Queensware House!! IMPORTER AND DEALER Second Stroot, One door leuto Geo. Aithur't Confectioner Store, o KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND a l'ahgk ANO WELL ttLKCTtD STOCK OW QUEEN S V7ARE& FANCY GOODS. in great variety, a Vases. Toilet Sets in China, Parian Mnrble aixi Bobemain Giass, yovel Bjxc!; Fancy and Tfcy Boxes, Toy Tea Sets, etc. DIN NE It ANO TEA SETS, of all qualities, WHITE, ORNAMENTED AND FINE GILT. Silver Plated and Britannia Tea Sets, Castors, Jbtc., Plated Table Ware; Ivory, Hone and Wool Handle-l Forks and Knives Kuivcs;TcaTrays and Waiters, et'all fciz-js and varieties,. Imported Direct from the Manufactories in EUKOP i: . Also, the large and most complete stock of : COAL OIL LAMPS, of all sizes ai.d styles, from 50 cents to 10 each BUENER3, CHIMNEY8. v PAPER SHADES and WICKS; The Very Best of PURE COAL OIL, CANS, ETC.; all of which I will sell for CASH at the VERY LOWEST CINCINNATI prices. t57"Aceonimodaciou to the wants of custom ers, qnick sales and small profits are tho govern ing principles of my business. Culi.seeand jndee lor yourselve.1 It. ALBERT. Maysville Feb 4, 1S64. THE LEE HOUSE, Corner of Front & Sutton Streets, MAYSVILLE, - - - KENTUCKY-. HORD & PEPPER', -Proprietors. KpHE u I JL , noun Ddersigned take pleasure in an- ncinz to the reorl or Mv.ri'U nnrl Mason connty, and to the traveling public gener ally, that they have leased tliisDODnl.rin.ionm. moaionx Jiuwi Jr Kn ot year, and have opened it for the reception of boartlers and tlm i . T r . l r .. 1 - v accommodation of transient customers. It is convenient to the steamboat LanJmg... 0nd is the olSce for the Mugo linrs t the i7ntrior of tha State. The House is being thoroughly re paired and refitted throulout, and no poini, wid be spared to make it in all reypecta the bet Hotel in North Eastern Kentucky. Especial care will ho bcstoweJ np--n the table, whicii will al was bo i:jn)iic'l witli the luxuries of the Mays-vilk-and t'uif innati mat kutv. mar 31, 'o4 O.ii JlOltl) Ar PRPPKR. . A 300,000 MOIJK A1I5N- W KT vU! I'Olll.itOV COAL J I ' CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale on Com mission' by CUAliLliS PiUSTEB. Maysville, March 17tb, : 884-tf u ' .' : ," ; Call U-jC.LLOiU.l U. BlCHAEDSpNpnPttPTPC A T"H T THTTHP Q W.L&J.L.PEAECE Wholesale i&do c eft s AND COMMISSION MERC IL A T S, 3 -' SUTTON ST., opposite Lee House) MAYSVILLET KY. rrr r- Our personal attention will be gven to Eeceivig Forwardmg aU; floods consigned to our care. - - All orders sent us sliall le filled in the same manner,.iD in reference toy imnig purf qtutftt'tffr as , tj vie parties purcnasing were persomauy present. Below will bqfo2nd an enumeratioji of soma of the articles included in our stock, which we offji to the trade low for Cash o r Country Pro duce: . ... - ... . . . 24Hbds.aiojceN.O.Spgar; : - 8 IlhdH. Prime N.O.Sugr;';.rt j ....... , 60 Bbls Ltovcrliig's Refined SngareL 7 , 10k " .Crushed 0 .. s. :,jdo;.T c . 1 23 " Pulverized do; 1 - I r- - - r - - . ,- ........ . "-A.JDpffee i r J ;lo; oi Bags Choice Bio Coffee; " 25 " . rrimtfKjo Coffee;' T r t t 35 Pufto Golden Syrup, ?n Half Bbls. and :0gal.K"g!; lO Bbls. New Crop N.' O. Molasses; 3 7 65 Packages Mackerel, jn BbU, Hf. Bbls, Qr. Bbls. and Kits;- 25IIf. CI,csts Choice Gnnpowor Tea; v- "r -Black Tea; 20 Gross F.ine Ckit Chewing Tobacco; Choice SmoMnjr Tobacco, in Half Pound . . and a Pound. Packages; 50 Caddicrs Choice Chewing Tobacco; 20 Butts Chewing Tobacco; .. 50,000 Cigars, assorted brands; .73,000 White and Buff Envelopes; Cap, Noio and Letter Paper; 50O Boxes Sardrnes,halves and quarter?; 35 Doz. Cove and piced Oysters, iu 1 & 2 lbs. Cans; ' lojBaskels Champalgno Wine; 12 Boxes Native Wiues; Choice Old Bourbon Whisky, in Barrels and Bottles; Common Whisky; Rectified Whkey; French Brandy;in;Ginger Wine Eaiin.; Figs; Almonds; Buckets: Tubs, in nests Wrapping Paper; Fancy, Toilet and Bar Sonps; Washboards; Brooms; Cordage; Matches; Spices; Star and Tallow Candles: Cheese; Crackers; Shot; etc. We invite the attention of Country Merchants particularly to our stock of goods.. ' We Tespec'tfully solicit the orders of tho' trade generally, promising satisfaction In all Cases. ' ' . .)r,L.& J.L.PEARCE, Nos. 13 & 15 Sutton St., (orip. Leo House) March 24, lSt34. MA F6 VILLE, A'r;. TO FARMERS! FIRST CLASS MACHINES. THE KENTUCKY HARVESTER, a Combined Reaper and Mower, THE KENTUCKY BRVAD CUAOE REAPER, cuts aswar-U rf sevn feet. THE KENTUCKY CLIPPER, a first Class Mower. r lillLM-. machine. have been in snccessr-il opc- X. ration tor tho Iust fivo years, lhelr repu- laiion is es abJit-iicd. 1 will oiler sreat iniluee- mcnts to those wiio call e.irly, an inaclniics may advance ma t rially oetoro the hcaon arrives n.r cuttins. Prices now are low comnurad with oilior machines. 1'or t-ale by March 17 'oi JNO. II. IilCIIESON. EELS. Clover, Timothy, Blue Gra."s, Outa J an. I iianlen feucat, lor sale by March 17 03 JNO. II. KICHESON. JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS SILVER WARE ! ! ! "TUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK ft cf FIStS ;OM WATCH KS AM) JbHI,l,lt of tlie latest styles. Abo, alarge urrirncni 01 LLUI HS, SILVER WARE. PLATED WARE AND FANCY GOODS. t"A larc Stock of MATERIAL to accom modate the tiailo. Just l:ei-eived a larg-o 5?tock of POf'KF.T Ji'JUivs, l'tJUr.MU.M.NAIliS, COMDS AND AJiC'Y UU(JL6. sf JEWELRY d: SILVER WARE made to Urder. Cash Paid for California Gold and Old Miver. C. F. DUFEU, Next door to Minor's Shoo Store. Maysville, Ky., April 23th, 1364. nW'tS LIME. Ac 50 brl. Fresh Hv.lrnn. KJ lie Cement: 50 brls. Fresh Limo: 10 brls. Plaster Paris For sale by March 17 '64 JNO. II. KICHESON. ATTENTION BLACKSMITHS ! YOUOIIIOGIIENY COAL ! I TUST Ecccived, on commission, a load of Pare rj longmogueny tmi. CHARLE3 rniSTER. Maysville. March 17th, IStil-tf NEW BOOKS ! HISTOliY of Charles the Bold, by Kirk; Second Year ofthe War, Pollard; uonletierate Keport oi iiattles; Old Helmbt; My Farm at Ed eo wood, by Ik Marvel; Les Miernbles, boirod in 1 volume; Life of Stonewall Jackson, by Judge Daniels; Hannah Thurston, Baj ard Taylor; Tales of a Wayside Inn; ' Faith Gartney Girlhoot; Beliilio Medici; Peculiar; Louie' Last Term; - Household Fnendg; Owen Meredith's Poems; Lifj of Victornugo; , My Days and Niffbts on the Battlefield: H.f-s. fd3The above, with nnmerous otter valuable Books, received and for silo ut. Eastern prices. let) 4. G. W. BLATTEKMAN. SHINGLES. -20,000 und lor sale by7 " " March 17 '! soiiig'cs hist received JNO. It. IilCIIESON. BKOOJI.1?; larue supply of beat qualitv.lor sale by mar - BEN rillSTER. Cannel Oosl. Ij.- 'j: v -T ". ! i. t"if ;'.. -m 1 0t1t nrt ivn.-i-ii. N.-. ;J:it ;iu : i lui-.-j k u:;d lav ill a Sifly for onr :arr.iiv ; or.i bjcfore yon urc-draffttl . i ...... - i CHARLES PIlISTEft. "Maysville, March lfY5 ;r LEagle eepy-tf GRAIN, GROCERY, AND . COMMISSION HOUSE ' "Corner of 3rd & Market Streeis,-,-MAYSVILLE, - KENTUCKY. TinAVE JUST OPENED A GHAIN, J. i GEOCERY AND COMMISSION STOREin the house formerly occupied hy Jas. C. Brook ovdr. iinrt li.nast Corner of Third & Market Sts. " 1 wm pTiv the highest market prRre'lM CasB orWHEA'tVEYE an BARLEY.- - - I bavcjnst received a full stock of groceries, Sngar, JJ olnsscs. Coffee, Tea. JUcevFishT(lbac90, Saltrfrc.;-&e.S together with a .general assorl mentof all articles in ho Grocery line: all war ranted to be ofthe best aualitv. - Mv coods have j L been bought exclusively lor Cusu, ana win oe sold lor Cashr Country i'roduce, at very small profits. . I have also on hand a large stock of PTJEE OLD BOUKBON WIIISK7.. Oommis.ioi, Storaeo Ss Fxrwardiug Business attended to with promptness. ' ' AH persons desirous of getting lh worth "of their money, will please gi ve mo n call. jnrrgiyth, 138-3. - MKN 1M11STER. C BUSHED, Towdered nd"Gr'annlacd Sniraf, of best quality, ir store and reule low by " BEN VHISTEli, -''jnnoig r '' Cor. 8 rl fe -Marco1 streets. " O YELP Philadelphia and Baltimore Syrups, O in barrels, balf barrels and 10 gal.-koss, for sile low. by jnne 10 BKN PI1ISTEE, Cor. Srd fc Market streets. ''pOBACCO of all grades and pri-en. for sala j ijy ncn riusi jnne 19 Cor. 8rd Vs Market strocts. V INEtJAR of tbe best quality, for sale by jure 19. BEN PHISTEK. jSe w Gfrain Store! HAVING Kctired from the firm of Alex. Power & Co., I wijl coctimio on my own account in the Grain Trudc, on Wall Street, next door to Alex. Mivhiox, and solicit all our old customers to give mo a call, as 1 have a larjre number of Sacks and fee! conlldont of my ability to givo entire satisfaction t) all who may bo pleaded to deal wiih me, ALEX. POWER. . Maysville, Kv.f July 1, lStJ'J. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL- DEALER is all Krxns CF GRflllff. FIOBH. TOBSCCO. SALT. SC., Corner of Wall & 2nd Streets, MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY j ire 10, 1862-ly COiiPOLlXD CED80AT BITTERS! Tho Latest and Most Import-int Discovery -T MAN'S NAME ISMOEE INTIMATELY JL l connecrod with the history of the Maturi:! Sleilica ol the United States, or moro favorably known as a hioneer in medical discovery. th;m tl...t .f lull V nil, T f-r .f "I.. iu.ilui uviiit ul i-i.. oii,nni.svi c.Kv. Hi n. inutublo preparation ot iai.s:ipurilla has Ion? (.umi ui me nenn oi ilia various comnoHiuls cl tintt vaiuublo clrn?. His compound Pectoral of wiia Clierry bns liecomo a household word tliroiiarliout tlio West and South; and his Woim L.ozen;es, in less than a year after tln-ir intro- ilnction, r.ttniucii a reputation as widespread as tliucontircnt of North America. But tliocrown ing glory of his lil'o remains to be att-iiiied in his latest discovery, or rather combination, for he ioes noi ciann 10 nave been the discoverer of L Y.vUKjss, wliicl) is the basis of the Litters now offered t- the public. That honor belongs to the native inhabitants ot (JentraJ rtnienca, to whom its virtues have been known for m. re than two hundred years. Armed with it, tho Indian bids do a nee to tlie most deadly malaria, ami handles wuniH iear tno most venomous semenis. Ir. i a belief with them that while there is breath left in tlie body tlio C'edron is potent to cure, no mat ieu w iiai. inu (iisense may OO. While Dr. IJull is not prepared to indorse this (5 'ivLeii-iiwii, iiu is iio ertnciess satis fied from a thorough examination of thecvidence relating to its virtues, Unit, as a remedy and preveiiuvu i n an inscases an.-iut-licm cxposnro inner iu ciiangcs 01 weaincr and climate or to tlio miasmatic influences, it standi without a rival, and justly deserves tlio reputation it has so long enjoyed iu Central America and the Wot indies. Ju DYSPEPSIA and its attendant train of symptoms, it acts morcuko a cliarin than n inelicine. Thero ?Sri uotlnnp m tlie wliolc ianro ot the inaican lor a moment Dear a cum it in tlii.i (li.-ease. A I'nJI account of this wonderful plant may be ivunu in uiu ciuvcmn ciiup n or tno I. S. l)w. censatory. imsrcs lo3l aim 13S3 A scries ol experiments. in wiiiidi T)p. Ttnll been for years encrnptd, 1ms just bti n brcuci:t to u sucrcssnii icrminauon, aim no is now enabled to olHjr to tho public a combination ofCcdron wiiu ouicr improveii, tlie whole p-eserved in 'lu best una 1 1 ty of coprcr-distillr.l itnri,. winKy. which no is conn. lent lias nn nn,-,..i s ti... i" " bill' IVI I u . ne miiriii inrmsn a voinmo or con ; i.t tho public have lontr since to csli!. ate mien iniiisrs in incir irue value. I h.i..,!,. s for every one to tost for 1 imself tho virtucjof a ucw iiicuicine. uivc uio Cedron fitters one trial, and you will never nso anv others Jt i not ncccsary to publish a lon lir . enscs lor winch the L-c.Jron I'.ittcrs are a specilie in all diseases ol the STOMACH. Kdwi'to KIDNEYS, or LIVEU: In all aflectious ol tlio BKA1N dcrendirT'nn- on derangement of the fetomach or H In GOUT. K11EUM AT ISM oi NEL'IJALGIA And in FEVEK AND AGUE; ' It is destined to supersede all othnr It not on'y cures all these diseases but it rm- VIJ19 LllUIil. - A wine "lass full ofthe Bitters taten nn ociorc each meal will obviate the ill effects ofthe mos unhealthy climate ana screen tho person taking it against disease nnder the most trv.-n v.v'iflliu. bold by Drngfjists and Grocers, generally. ur. JUIIM lithL'S I'uncioal Olllce. Fifth Btrect, lnirviiie. Ay. bold Wliolcsalo and l.etail by SEATON & BRODRICK. Cor. 2nd and Court Streets. mar 7, lS64-ly Mayeville, Ky. Come down in the center, JL'iiat's wliat it means r ' N. C. SADDLERY. "pnE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW SITUATED X so as to givo his undivided attention to the Manufactory of every article connected with the SADDLE AND HARNESS TRADE ! He has now on hand and :n processor making a splendid assortment ot Gentlemen and 1 Saddles; Saddle Basrs; Bugy, Oaniaco, Jiiake and nlk'y Harness; Waeon and Flow Gear: Eidinsr Bridles, with Racking, Port and SnatHe lit;s: waggon, isuggy, Coach, Snlkcy and Kid- mi u ni; nog ami Hipslin Collars; Ilnrsc Covers, suitable lor ad seasons; Leather. Web and Rope Halters; Worsted, Cotton and Hemp Girt lis: Red top and Iron strapt Humes; Drav and Cait Harness; in short every thing usually kept in a Saddlery E-tublishment. which will be sold at Wholesale and Retail, at low prices to j t'-ral ! tt-.-rs-; ." j.or cent ntT f -r cmi: ; if V! K-i :'''i:i Bttci-l-.-iS-t lit ni-. nt nv ! i 'iu M-m i, on ind str.-ei, t ninl vvuioli. -ttm J.uvi) ia thu Ccuterbe'-weeii Market Suttou. T. K. RICKErTS. t MaysviUo, March S6th4l(8. HIE - AEW. WHOLESALE & .RETAIL' CIliA STORE 1 South side Mbet. Gonrf & Market St rTjt ANNOTJCE WITH nleasnre, the KI'- rT r-'- MOVAL of bur Stock : of 1 CHINA, QLAS3 QMEENSWA.Er. i. to the bnldi ng formerly 00 ' 'ciipiedyE. Martin Sa 1- idlert wbore we are opocin? a largo aud comploto aasoj;l.niin,t pf Goods, IMPQRTED.BY. Ou ES ELVES . DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORIES- Our stock is large, containing great varieties of .. ' ' . n r - -. r "t- PLAIN WIIITIC, O0LD BAND ,AND FANCT DECOBATED ? Dinner and Tea. Setts;, : vace?';. Cologne "bottles; toilet - SE1TS; FANCY7 AND STAPLE ' ' ARTICLES of every' deacriptioD; ' . Silver Plated KNIVES, FOIiKS, (JAUD BASKETS, &c. 2EA TRA YS; ..WAITERS; CO All OIL LAMPS of many .varieties. Whilo tlumting. the piTBTTc and" the trijdo for, the liberal encouragement extended to lis in the past, we horethev wiN not fi-reet to call and sec ns at onr NEW CHINA STOKE.- ; G. A. & J.' E. MoCAETIIEY, ' Importrs ok Earthenware, ' On South side 2il street. Maysvillo, Ky., January 7th,lSG4. 0 ODD ABO HOUSE, CORNER OF MARKET & FRONT, STS Opposite Steamboat Landing1, MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY. ; Mrs. K. F. FLKMINC, Proprietress. rpiIIS -well known Hotel, has been re a paired prt renttct iu a superior manner anci ,r i ow open to me public. The Protirietrcsa recently of Fox Snrinsrs. so licits the patronage of the traveling community. No pains will pparod to give satisfaction' to the guests of the house. rdEfttagcs leave daily for all points in the in terior. ' Mrs. E. F. FLEMING. Feb. 12-6m REM GEORGE ARTHUR Baker & Confectioner AHT DEALER IN Fruits, Nuts, Toys, ANCY OOOrS, &:., Has removed his Stock to SITTLLINS & HTJKT'S Old Stand, on SECQN".t3 STREET, Where he will oe pleaded to see and wait npon all aiaysviile, Ky., April SHh,lS.3. JOHN A. S EATON, J.B. BKtUEICK SEATON jS: BRODRICK WHOLESALE ABET AIL DETJ&GISTS, AD DEALEBS IN MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Paints, iOils, Glass, &c. COKNF.K 'SECOND COURT STS. WIIEELEK & WILSON'S Sewing Machines ! Awarded tnc First Premium as tho best Family Sewing Machine, r oi thrco successive years at the UNITED STATES PATH- For five years at tho CINCINNATI MECHANICS' INST1TTTTF WITH IMPROVEMENTS I GLASS FOOT; 11EMMER; CORDER fc BRAIDER. ALSO MACHINE NEEDLES, COTTONS, rf-c. tFor alo bv J. B. GIBSON", Agent, TELKGlkA I'll OFFICE. 4ih,13i4. Mavsville. fob. THE HOWE sewing mmm ? B T HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW LOT OP i..pV,,. B1!AUU HOWE SEWING MACHINE, direct irom the Mannfactnxcr, end will sell them at the lowest possible rate for Cash. These Machines are adapted for heavy as well as inonnest sewing. Call and examinetbem at the residenco of S. Sbocklet, on Short street. Mits. A. J. SMITH, Agent. S3F"Needles and Spool Threads can be had at S. Suoc&ley's Store, on Market street. Maysville, Ky., Feb. 25th, 1SG5. w. J. ROSS. A. J. NEWELL. EO. W. KOSS, JB ROSS & NEWELL, WHOLESALE GROCERS v - - ; AND DEALERS IM -- Foreign and .Domestic Liqaora TOBACCO, CIGARS. &e6. .. Corner of Market and Thfrd greets, ' - L L-.ii -. r ; i --: ! ' see HALL LiaH5?S! IOR Ei-.Vn;;jrt:Coil Oiliueryrfincr ctliccT; lri nvtfcw lork-afor sale by - may 9. . 6EATON cfe BRODEICK. ma y s YiUFANp;ci;KciHAT - TBI nxi. mw . ...... 4 - i - - -r - nnTC41fn This line Steamer M " u-'ii - uv. .v " J. H7PBA"THEll,T CTohitoaiiflerr - r : LEW.' M0EE1S Clerk Leavesfootof Wain n t Strfbr Iaysvnie , Terr, , Leave. Maysville Cindri day, Thursday and Saturdav. 10 k&ZT : - gfSaSfVj,! Mayavme ... Cincinnati, Mays rifle and Portsmoutn ' RE&XJLAR'a-SVEIiKiiY PAcKET .LLyppi TUB 8PLENDID ' TB A It K r -Bostoiia. Captain Wk. McCLAW. Cooiirander; will con -UnueinhaboyetradeIeavii.(rCinciiinaile,e?, Tuesday, Thiirsday and Saturday, and Porta-" Ti' bv My,Un Wednesday .nd Friday; at 18 M . , btoppmg .at, Maysville either wav between the hours of 5 and 7 p. M. r -For freightorTjawago apply on boaTd or to E." McNEZtT, Agep.t.Jtfaysvine.Xy., , . S; SALOMON,1 WATCEJIAKEE, GODDARD IIoDSE BuiLDINO, Mar kef Street, May 7, 1363-ly . MAYSVILLE, KY. NE W B O OES. My Farm at Edgewood.f bytjke Mar- ; vol 'i s Hannah Thurston, by Bayard. Taylor, 1 5 Talcs of a Wayside Inn, by Longfellow. 1 25 Husks, by Marion Harland. - ? ' 150 The I.inp of Amysis, by Bnlwer 125 Louie's Last Term, by Anthorof Rntledge 1 6 Soundings from the Atlantic, Holmes I 25 Gentlemen's Book of Etiquette 1 50 ' Beauties of English Poetry 4 00' 'Evenings with the Poets ' 4 00 Lo'nsrfellow's Poems, Cabinet edition 2 50 . Ilea ven Our Home &c 1 00 "The above, with numerous other new and valuable publications, just received by . W- BLATTEKMAN, , Booksellers. Second Street.' V. 13. COCIIKAN'S FAMILY GROCERY STORE, No 23, west-side Market st Galtjbeath'i TH'rt nd. f Old Stan MAYSVILLE KY. JUST received a large stocft f-Tamily and Assorted Groceries, such aa i . . Sujar SyriiD. Coffee. Teas. IHnrborAl. I' ish, Nut moss, Spices, Candles, Wil low nd Wooden Ware, Bream, .' Tobacco, Cijrars, A;e., Src. , Having bought all my Goods for cash. and m motto being'-y oica Sales andSvau Paorm,1 1 can assure all who mav a'wm mas ,!! thn- cheapest Groceries in the city" ' SST-TJic best quality of COAL OIL always OH' hand and for sale at the lowest market price. ' A.B.COCHRAN. - IS. B. Five year Old Bonrbon on tan. and th. bestof all kinds of Liquors constantly on band. T.. lit.- ' , r i - . : . . . '"'."""i", ivjr., aiaraii i, isoo. A. a.u. : . For IJais. Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed ns, iJoth- in Fur, Woolen-, &c. In sects on lMant, Fowls, Animals, &cv Fm. up in 25c. 50c. and $1.00 Boxes, Bottles, ard' Flasks. 3 and 5 sizes for HotolR. Pni.m fcTlTBTIOXS, &C. , . 'Only infallible remedies known." . "Free from Poisons "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats come out of thuir holes to die." t7Sold Wholesale in all larjre cities. tfiiSoUl by all DTiijiiristsAt betailers everywhere' kT"!:.rUKWArtt!:: of ail worthless imitations. Zf$:o that '-I'ostar's" niiwu is on oach Box, Bottht, aud Flask, before you buy. -ZST" Addnss IIICNKY It. COSTARi il'niNciiAi. Depot 4S2 Broadwat, N. Y. ir"Sold ry all VYholcsale Js.Betail Dmsrghrtv in Miiysvillc. Ky. mar 81 , lS64-6m. RAGS WAiMTED! t Ol i Hf HI LBS GOI KLEAN COT- . 1JJ,JJ.J TON OK -LIN EN RAGS, for" which 1 will pay the highost Market , G. BLATTEKMAN, ' fob4ih,lSG4. Bookstore: 2nd Sfi! BEMOVAI: ! . IOUISST1NE would resectfnlly Inform InV;,-. J cu-jlomers and friends that ha has removed to CadwalladetV Buildinar. in tho room fotmerlv" ' ' occupied by the Telegraph Office. i ; . ' ' o i ".'. ;.-:?.: Fall and Winter Goods f - LOUIS STINE J :- ; MERCHANT TAILOR AMD tiEPi'f l-'UKNISIIEK,- . " SECOND S TREE 2, MA YS VIL LE 'KY.. ' . KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A -Choice assortment of a'l Seasonable Ca ' . in his Hue, which he 15 prepared to dispose of at tho lowest rates for "CASH." lie solicits a call ' from his friends and pledges his best efforte ta giVO Satisfaction. . : ... . , ? October 1. 1S63. LOUIS STINEL MAYSVILLE SOAP - & CANDLE FACTOR - ; Third Street, between Sutton' 4r Wall ,7 Opposite CicM.'PAister's Lumber Yard.-' ; A GOOD SUPPLY OF. MOULD AND" 4 X SUMMER CANDLES, GERMAN AND EANCY SOAPS Constancy on hand- . ' BTAgent for Starch & Star Candles. , E-Cash paid for Tallow and Soap Grease.' cg- JAMES SMITH'. .' ' TEA a very superior article.the best import-' ed, in store und lor sale by y i Jns;l9 BEN PHISTERJ MACKEY & WOOEU , A "I ti HAVE REMOVED OUR UK Lit1 STORE to the Kat Side of Sutton Street, 2nd door from Second, to the New Stobk fitted np 'exi resaly for oar business; where we have opened a New and Extensive Stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, DVE-S'TUFFS, PER-r. FU5IERY, ALL ARTICLES OF TOILET " And Everything in the NOTION-LINE. - ' ALSO, Paints, Oils, Lamps, Chimney?, Garden Seeds, Jrcr.. &c."' " ' " 3F"Wo hope all our old patrons willcontinue their favors, and that now ones will call- in and; " us, lor we promise Jiargaxm . Mackey&wood, -Maysville, MaT 3, 1S64 Sutton street. CHANDELIERS! r TVF Various r'alterns.' for Wrmn j Cra1 Oil J ' At SEATON Os BRODRICK'S ,. , ... , Maysviile, Ky., may 19. , Drug Store."