Newspaper Page Text
THE BULLETIN. Jtf AVSVIf.f.K. . JUNE 30 Ihcrease of ths Price of tha Bulletin . "The Subscription price of the Bdlletiw will hereafter be Onb Dollar and Fifty Cents per year, instead of One Dollar. O-The Presbyterian Church has lately been improved by the addition of a splen did bell. "Workmen are engaged in repair ing the Cupola, and are giving it a coat of paint. Bather a dizzy occupation. LOST! By a Young Lady, in this city, on Wed nesday morning, June 29th, a Bound Gold Pin, about the size of a Ten dollar Gold piece, it has two small charms attached a bell and locket. The finder will receive a reward, and the thanks of the loser, by leaving it at THIS OFFICE. Have you a sister? Then love and cher ish ber with a holy friendship. Weanoik. And if you have cone, why love seme body else's sister! . CiTAt a recent meeting of the Washing ton Fire Company, the following members were chosen to office: President JOHN R. RUDY. "Vice President Wm 3. Bridges. Secretary W. C MoClanahan. Treasurer Con. Rdpy. Messenger H. JoHtfsnN. Ch. Stand. Comt. C. H. Frank. 1st Direc. Niagara Henry Rudy. 2nd " " TTenryBopie. 1st " tl. Clay Abch Sccpdeb. 2nd " " Jas. Easton. (7By reference to Mrs Jul! a Owens advertisement in another column it will be seen that the sale of the "Parker House" has been postponed until the lGth of July. (CrThe Fine Fruit Farm of Tiio's G. DowDEN, near Minerva, will be sold next Saturday, at 10 o'clock. Persons having Greenbacks to invest, can never have a Setter opportunity. See advertisement. OZrWe call the attention ofthe Ladies to the advertisement of Mrs. Laura G. Collins. She offers a lot of splendid Furni ture for sale, at Public Auction, on fteXt Saturday morning, at 9J o'clock. SILVER PLATED WARE! CASTORS SPOONS. FORKS. TABLE CUTLERY, etc., at LOWEST CLnCINN'ATI PRICES decl7 R. ALBERT, 2.1 street. 0rlf you intend to go on a fishing ex cursion on the Fourth, you can provide yourself with fishing tackle at Owens & Barkley'3. Tbey have a style of hooks that are very "catching." NATIVrrr FEMALE SCHOOL. A Female School, nnder the name and litle of Natiyity Hall, wjll be opened, on the first Monday in September, in the new iuilding adjoining the Episcopal Church. Competent and experienced teachers will have charge of the school, so that first class privileges will be afforded the pupils. Erpecial attention will be given to the common branches which are now so sadly neglected in many of our schools. French, Painting, Drawing, and Music, both Vocal and Instrumental, will be taught; Drawing and Vocal Music regularly and without additional charge. Even the youngest pupils may exercise in these branches with pleasure and profit. Vocal music, embracing cultivation of the voice, will be taught for the purpose of making good readers and speakers, as well as gingers. The school Is only a family of larger growth, so that the discipline of it should be that of a christian home, and this the teachers at Nativity Hall, will endeavor to maintain. No public examinations, for reasons ap parent to all, but accurate monthly reports of recitations, will be made to parents. The school buildiog eligibly located, pos sesses the modern improvements for heat ing and ventilating, so necessary for com fort and health. Tebms moderate. For particulars, apply to the Rector, Rev. F. M. Gregg. OCT Colonel Wolford of this State has been arrested at Lebanon byorderof Gen eral Borbridgs. O-The Washington correspondent of the New York Post thinks the repeal oftbe 300 claose will be carried in the new con icription. Pic Nic. A Grand Pio Nic will be given on the FOURTH OF JULY, at Mr. John A. Keitu"s Grove, four miles down the River, on the Kentucky side; a more delightful place could not be desired, it is both bady and pleasant. The proceeds to be expended in furniehins the Sisters House. The Aber deen Ferry Boat will leave the Maysville Wharf at the hours of 8 and IO o'clocK, A M., to take the people to the grounds; re turns at 4 and 6 o'clock, P. M., to convey them home. Tb trip on the Boat to an from the grounds free. The Committee of Arrangements will leave nothing undone to afford all an spportonity of spending a plea sant day: they will have an ample supply of all the necessary Refreshments, &c.,&c, all other persons are positively prohibited to take anything to the grounds for sale or amusement. A choice selection of Music will be furnitbed by the Maysville Brass and String Batds. All persons are respect fully invited. TICKETS AD3IITTIIVO ONE; 50 Cents. committee cf arrangements: Rev. P McMaiion, Stanislaus Mitchell, J. J. Mclxiss, Patrick O'Mara, Hugh Gilmorb. AugustElection! Onr terms for announcing candidates under this head are Thrtl Dollar t in advance. FOR SHERIFF. We are authorized to announce HENRY S. JEFFERSON as a candidate for Sheriff at the ensuing August election. FOR JAILOR. We authorized to announce WILLIAM II. QUEEN as a candidate for Jailor at the ensuing August Election. We are authorized to announce (WILLIAMH. EDMONDS as a candidate for Jailor at the en suing August election. Tve Come to Stay!" We are authorized to 'announce JOHN L. GRANT as a candidate for Jailor at the ensuing Angtist Election. CHEAP LAM PS! 200 COAL OIL LAMPS OF EVERY SIZE AND STYLE AT FROM 50 CENTS TO $6. CHIM NEYS, SHADES, WICKS, etc., at dec!7 R. ALBERT'S 2d street. B. A. WALL1NGV0RD. W.A. P. LCitTEY. DIED, On the 33rd inst-, in Cincinnati, at the resi dence of her Son-in-law, Sn-nuel McKee, Esq., jnrs. nAii w . ts.i.iviE.u. in tiio 64th year of her see. The funeral services wer conducted by Dr. Burt, asited by Dr. K. C. Grundy and tlie Rev. John Coons. Her remains were de posited m the Spring trove Cemetery. The deceased was a native of Kentucky and her character was strikingly impressed wi h that heroic fpirit which marked the era of her birth. Strength ofmind.a clear erception ofrijzh. and wrong, and an indomitable energy, were her recti! ar characteristic. I me to her convictions of dut y, she was ever firm aud resolute in the execution of her purposes. For thiity-sevor. years s:e nnd been a member 01 1 he 1 'resby tcrian Church, and was for some time under the pastoral charge of Dr. Grundy in this city, but at the time of her decease wan com ected with the Presbyterian Church at Fleminsrsbur?. Her Christian zeal Was eminent in h11 that concerned the Church, and she died as she had lived full of faith, hope and charity. May the mantle of piety, that adorned the deceased Mother descend to tiie only living Son, tho youngest member of her family, and who was during hor lat years, the object of her peculiar care aud affection. II. In this city, on Friday, Jnlie 21th, 1SG4, UKSULI A, the yonngest daughter of Lafayette aud Amelia Conk, aged 2 years and 6 mouths. A CHILD IS DEAD AN ANGEL IiOBV. 'An early summons Jesus scuds To call a child nbovo, Ami whiscrs to the weeping friends, This is the work of Jove. To savo your darling child from wco, And srnard him I'rjni all barms. From all the griefs you feel below, He culled turn to his arms." NEW CASH HARDWARE HOUSE! 1 n . SIGN OF I51G SAW. FARMERS, WE HAVE NOW ON II AND THE BEST AR TICLE OF GllAIN SCYTIIi:, fJICASS SCYTIIKS ItKIAU SCYTII ES; SIYTIII-; SNATHS. UK A IN CKAIM.rS, II A Y l()lthS,Ac.,.vc , Lotr for Ca fi. OWENS A BAl.'lvLEY. Maybville, June 80, lSt4. Second Mrect. LADIES, YOU WILL FIND AT THE HARmVARlS HOUSE, 2d Street. IVORY HANDLE" KNlVE, PL AT ED T ABLE KMT KS. PLATED DESPEKT KNIVEfJ, PLATEL KOHK8A SIMONS. PLATKD NAPKIN RINGS, BUTTER KNIVES, CALL BELLS A TABLE MATS, Gnltii IrchH KNIVES te FORKS, BREAD fe FRUIT TRAYS, WAITERS, Ac. Ac, Low for Caslw OWENS rf BARKLEY. SALE OF Household Furniture. INTENDING to remove to Cincinnati, I will offer at Auction, at 9 o'clock Saturday Morning, July 3,1864, At m v present residence, the old 'iParker House," a Quantity of Household Furniture, some of which is of Very superior qnality. Two Kichly- Ciirved, Solid Mahogany JiedsteadM 1 Marblo Top Washstands; 2 Sideboards: Sofa; Clock; Wardrobes, laoies; wanreww, iucnen furni ture, Ac. LAURA i. COLLINS. Maysville, Ky., June SO, lSfl-lt 100,000 Shingles! JUST Received and for sale by ALEX. MADDOX. Maysville, June au, ist. wan direct. Valuable .City Property TIIE Commodious and valuable property known formerly as the "PAHKER HOUSE" and for some time past ocenpied by Mrs. Lacra G. Collins as a ' Yonng Ladies Boarding and Dsy School," situated on Second street, in tho Citv of Maysville, is for sale. Tho lot fror.ts about 70 feet on Second street, and extends back lt6 feet. The House is large and roomy, and well adapted for a Boarding Hcnse, or for a School, or it culil readily bo converted into Store, of a cbaiacter now raucn in cemana in this City. . . , TERMS: One-third cash; balance in six and twelve months, Pcrsonsdesiringto examine fie property, wilJ have it shown to them upon appli F..,7 on the premises. JDLIA OWENS. f"If not sold bv lth of JULY, I will sell it at TUBLIO AUCTION to the highest biddr. Maysville, Ky.,juno 2, 1854-lm NEW BOOKS ! HISTOLY of Charles the Bold, by Kirk; Second Year of the War, Pollard; Confederate Report of Battles; Old Helmfet; My Farm at Ik MarTel, Les Mi-erablos, bound ui 1 volume; Life of Stonewall JaoUson. by Judge Daniels; Hannah Thurston, Haiard Taylor; Tales of a Wayside Inn; Faith Gartney GiflUood; Kelit'io Medici; Peculiar; Louie' Last Term; Household Friends; Owen .Meredith's Poems; 1 if f Victor Hugo; My Days aud Niguts on tho Battlefield; rsy-Tbe abeve, with nnmerous otter valuable --..-i j u . 1 .it F:it.trn nrieis. leb4. IS64. W.LLAlltUMAiv. HALL LIGHTS! T-'OR Bnrn'ng Coil Oil.fome very fine, direct P lr ru .ew York- lorsaie oy may 19. SEATON BRODEICKj $1,000 Rewabd. The above reward will be given to any person who can fur nish a prescription for coughs, colds, whoop. ing-cough, ustbma, and consumption, which is equal to Dr. Strickland's Melli fluous Cough Balsam. This balsam will cure the above complaints, also spitting of blood and night sweats. One 50 cent bot tle is sufficient for any one to try. Tbe worst cases of chronic cough, asthma, whooping-cough and primary cases of con sumption are cured by Dr. Strickland's Mel lifluous Cough Balsam. It can be had at any druggist's. It ia different from any other cough medicine we have known in this country. French China. Glass and Queensware! A fine new ttocl at and below Cincinnati pricet, It. ALBERT'S dec!7 Model China Store, 2d Stree. H. BERTRAM, SECOND STREET, Maysville, - - Kentucky, TAKES great pleasure in informing the citizens of Maysville, and the public generally, that be is now occupying bis OLD PLACE OF BUSINESS, On Second St., 2 doors west of Market. The houso hasbeen remodeled throughout, at great expense, and is one cf the Handsomest Business Houses in the city. He has on hand, and fs constantly receiving, a large and well assorted stock of Ladies, Misses' and Children's Shoe?. Gentlemen's and Youth's Boots & Shoes. He is also prepared to manufacture all kinds of work in his lit.e, a: the shortest notice, and in the bet and most fashionable style. He has secured the services of Mr. J. W. WROTEN, Whoso knowledge of the Boot and Shoe bnsl ness is unsurpassed, and who will be glad to see all his old friends nd customers. Mr. BERTKAM returns his thanks to the public for their past liberal patronage, and ro-t-pectfully solicifs the continuance ef the same. Maysville, Ky., june 2, 13G4-am ISTotice! TnE Undersigned are about closing their busi nw hrn. All tbosa Indebted to them will pleise come forward and psy the amount, and all those bavin); accounts against them will present them forthwith. All aceonnts not paid alter the lirst of July, will be lelt in the hands of a Collector. J. II. DESSAK & CU. J.B.DESSAK A CO. have some Hats and a few Trunks wricn they will SELL AT COST. Maysville, Ky., Juno 23, 1364. Tailoring and Renovating ES TA B LISHMENT ! 1 1 SECOND STItEET, opposite City Hall, Mii-rsVILLB, KY. rrMIE Undersigned wonld respectfully inform a. me citizens 01 luaysvuie unu vieiimjr mai he rs prepared to make up Miitsof any style aud warrant 1 hem to give Millsfaction. 1 nm rvr.MHre,l tr RENOVATE CLOTHING ond remove nil kinds of Grease, Taint or Dirt, and restore the roods to its original gloss and beauty: Give mo a call. - ... ....... w m 1 TIKlinitm JUn0 23,'U4: ClililMIAiN AL1.HI.I tli. GEO. ,W. WROTEN. Homceopathic Physician, SECOND STBEET, MAYSVILLE, KT. t37-Omce at Mrs. "VTnoTEn'e. mar .10 LOOK HERE! THE NEW Boot & Shoe Store !! SECOND STREET, (In thenoitsa formeily occtipied Ciias. White.) MAYSVILLE, KY. THE U KDJSKSltrJ!.U Kh.SrjiCli!tJL.Iji solicit the patronage of tho Citizens of May e- sville aud sarroindinfr Counties. Wo have a full assortment ot JLradles', Mioses' and Children's Congress and Side Laco Gaiters. Lasting, Kid and Morocco f almorals 01 tne best quality and latest stylo. Gent's Fine Bcots, Balmorals, Congress Boots, Oxford Tics and Brogans ofthe latest style. LADIES' AND GENT'S BOOTS aDd 1SUUES MADE TO ORDER ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND WARRANTED. We have alo a good assortment ct ljh.Alllf.U AND FINDINGS which we will sell at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Mr. CIIAS. WHITE, will bo raady to wait on his old inends and customers at all limes. B. A. WALLING FORD & CO. Maysville, Ky., June lfi. 1S64. Mason County Fruit Farm for sA.r-.xi:: I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION, ON SATURDAY, JULY 2ND, 1864, The farm on which I now reside, lying near the Turnpike road leading from Minerva to Madison WnrthinfTtou's. and i mile from the Tollzateou said turnpike, containing G2 i).cree( I Eight acies of which are well Timbered. There are also two acres well set in thnrty groves or uo ousts, and Thirty-fi--e acres of well het and fine) growing FRUIT TREES, consisting of 6.0 Hoes Vibotnia Cbab, of 8 years standing; I8OI1 J: EACH lKtes, 01 ciioice vnrieiira, wuicn have been annually wormed since they have Um nlint. snri hnndpd hwek the nast Srjrinc: 530 Pears, 81 varities, 200 Bartletts'; 200 Pltjim. 13 vaueties, ou vr aBnmgion b; 8OO Hokton'b Sezdllvo Goosibbrbjis, sow hearing; 30O Choice varities of Gbape; 200 Improved Orange Qcjncx; 125 Damsons; 12 S'.BERIATT CRAB, now In fall bearing; Almonds; Spauish Chestnuts; Mountain Chest nuts; Ornamental Crabs aad various Ornamental Shrubs and Cherry Trees. Also, a Family Or chard of 65 Trees of choice varietias. Also, an Orchard of 500 Trees, ccnei.'ting of Missouri GonaMns, Rawls' Gouatins, Home Beauty and Smith's Cider Apples. ,.-.v The crop now on tho place will be sold with 1..- 1 ---;...t;n,T r.t iwn. Tobacco. Navv B-ans, Oats, &e.- Also, the half of 2o acres Of W heat. Also", Four head of Horses, Two head of Milch Cows, Twelve head of (Jood Hogs, 1 Two horse Wapon, Gearing. Plows and other Farming Im plements. Also, some Bacon, 1 Barrel of Mo Iaw.Snsrar, Ccflee, f-o. rgT"Ternis r'ade known on day oraie. aie oo.-iiive if a bid wmade. Plats ol the Orchard, Vc, can be seen oq tne premises the day of sale. K3TSaIo to take place at 10 o'clock, A.M. 1 refer to Charles DeitrLx, ofthe Kentucky Nurt-ery, or John B. Poyntz. J THO'S G. DOWDEN. JSf"Th3 serv.ces of a No. 1 hand, now on the the place.can bo procur.'d.if det-ired. thebiUnce of tho year to take oieofand ave the crop. His crop boing ijereby exprtly reserved. Mason County, Ky.jjunel6-3w. T-G.D. RED CORNER CLOTHING STORE! Blum & Heckinger's GREAT WESTERN Emporium of Fashion WE take pleasure in informing onr PatTons and tne public generally, that we have jast received, and are continuing to receive, from New York, Baltimore and other Eastern Ports, a vcll, large and varied stock of GENTLEMEN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING; Of tho very latest Eastern Styles. Dress Coats, Business Coats, Promenade Coats, Pants and Tests, Of all styles and descriptions, all of which we will dispose cf at tho lowest Eastern prices. We have paid the most particular PERSONAL ATTENTION in the selection of Goods for our MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT, And have purchased only the MOST CHOICE and FASHIONABLE kinca and Styles. Hav ing made and EXTENSIVE ADDITION to this branch of our business, we have now the best FACILITIES to Manufacture to Order, at the SHORTEST NOTICE. Our celebrated and ex perienced Cutter, JEltltY 1 YOUNG, will superintend the getting up of all work in the Merchant Tailoring Line, by experienced work men ONLY. The Stock consist of the finest Foreign and Domestic Cloths; French and English Cashmeresj Silks, Satins & Cashmeres for Vest ings. Mr. YOUNG has also procured Genlo's, C. Scotl 'a, Glencrosa' & West's latest Patern Sheets. Our Stock of GEXTLElIEiVS FCMISMG GOODS! Comprises all appertaining to a Gentleman's Outfit, and is too numerous and varied ' 0 men tion; Tho Genuine Patent FRENCH YOKE SHIRT Can be got at oflr Store. FOR THE FINEST AND LATEST STYLE CALL AT THE RED CORNER. A FULL SUPPLY OF Trunks, Valises, Carpet Sacks, Umbrellas, &c., Always on hsnd. ALL PUECHASER3 WHO WISH TO SAVE MONEY! AND GET THE LATEST STYLES ! WILL FIND IT TO THEIB ADVANTAGE TO CALL AT THE RED CORNER STORE BEFOKE fUECHASING ELSEWHERE. TOE A FINE STYLISH SPRING SUIT! CALL AT BLUM & HECKINGER'S RED CORNER STORE I Maysville, Kj., Marcn 811364i MULL1NS & HUNT'S WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE! TH E SUBSCRIBERS, LONG ESTAB LISHED in a large retail Dry Goods business ia Msyaville, would call tne attention of Coun try Merchants to their recent adctition of an ex tensive Wholesale Department -which will be conducted on a STRICTLY CASH PRINCI PLE. The many years of experience possessed by onr buyer, combinod with a perfect knowledge of the Kentucky trade, a thorough acquaintance ship with all tho Manufacturing and Importing Houses in the East, and the fact of nr pur chases being made for "Cash," together with a firm determination to sell at a mere commission advance on Eastern Cost, will be sufficient guaranties to CLOSE CASH BUYERS that we cannot be undersold by any WESTERN JOB BING HOUSE. Our Stock will be found better adapted to the wants of of our customers than it is usual to find in the generality of JOBBING HOUSES; as it will embrace a greater variety of goods than is ordinarily met with In an exclusive Wholesale Establishment. The departments alotted to t ATS -A. Gu3l.JT Si AND 1ST otions , Will be at all times especially attractive as par ticular attention will be paid to them, and a LARGE STOCK Kept constantly on hand. We would impress upon onr friends that in sending us orders they may rely upon havinsr them executed to the ful est extent of onr ability. MULLINS & HUNT Cheap Dry Goods Store, 2nd Street, Maysville, Ky. Maysville, Ky. Jan. 3,1363. NEW CASH HARDWARE HOUSE! SliGN BI'Gr SAW. WE Take pleasure in announcing to onr old friends and enstomers, that we have again opened a II A KD WAKE HOUSE, on Srcond Street, in the house formerly occupied by Mr. H. C. Lloyd, where we will be plensed to see any Who may favor r.s with a Call.- We are now in receipt, and will continue to receive new additions to ourStock weekly. We purchase our goods direct from the AMEBIC AN MANU FACTDKEKS aud FOREIGN AGENTS for Cash, and propose to furnish goods at as low Dgnres as can oe nought W.-t. We also continue the WHOLESALE BOOT & SHOE BUSINESS and request Merchants to looKtnrougn our btock before buying elsewhere OWEAS & BMLEV. SIGN BIG Maysville Ky. BUILDING HARDWARE; SADDLERY HARDWARE; COACH HARDWARE; TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY; TEA & BREAD TRAYS; CARPENTERS TOOLS'; COOPER'S TOOLS; SHOVELS; SPADES & RAKES; TRACE & OTHER CHAINS; FAlItBANK SCALES to weigh 70O pounds to 6,000 pounds. FIRE PROOF SAFES. Maysville, Ry., March 3, 1864. SATAN'S Devices and Believer's Victory, Parsons. Natural History of Secession, Goodwin. Three months in the Southern States, Lt. Col. Fbeematte. The last Times Seiss. Private Miles O'Reillv. His Book. Spectacles for Yoang Eyes, S. W. Lander. The Ferry Boy and Financier a lifo of Secre tary Chase. ALSO: A new lot of WAIL PAPER and OIL SHADES At KOGEIIS' Bookstore. Maysville, Ky., May 26, 1S64. CGiLLEBER, C. Nelson. Late of M ason Co., Ky. Late of Mt. Mening.Ky. T. A. Matthews, of MaysviI.e, Ky. o Merchants' Hotel, (FORMERLY DEN NISON MOUSE) CALLEHER, NELSON & CO., Proprietors. ZPHtJx street, uoar JVTaJLa. CINCINNATI, Oi This house having been thoroughly reno vated and newly furnished, is now oj.en. Cincinnati , O., May 19th, 1864-3mo. Established toder Citt Ordinance rx 1857. WHEELER T0BBAG00 WAREHOUSE, PHISTER & HOW, Proprietors, For the Inspection and Sale of LEAF TOBACCO 14 WEST FROtfT SO?.." Sto2 Ohio. 0 Tobacco Sold at Auction or Privately as Owners may desire. AUCTIONS SALES: TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, & SATURDAYS. PRIVATE SALES DAILY. 0-Storage to Shippers Three Months Free, Cincinnati, O., May 19th, lS54-8mo. Eagle copy 3 months and charge Bulletin. J CLEAN YOUR TEETH! wrrn Aromatic Tinct Myrrh I ! IT ;s excellent for hardening the gams, remov ing tartar, and imparting fragranco to the breath. . TRY IT ONCE And we know yo will continue its nse. As prepared by ua itis superior to alt other washes for the teeth. Prepared and Sold by juDBi" BEATON & BRODK1CK. ; . H. A. XALYRI, (of Ky. )-, ' -WITH. . , . - , ..- CHAMBERS STEVENS & Ctf 1 jjpoBTins A WnotESAi. dxalibs ot DEY GO OTIS, 110 3c 112 Pearl Street; apfil?-8m' CINCINNATI, Oi W. "W. Ti A.1VrAXty' WITH WM. K. BOAIif GROCER Si COMMISSION E1ERCBAGT. ONTo. XOQf Wht Second Street, Utween Eaci A Eldi Strtttty CINCINNATI, O, WILL Attend to the Sal of all kinds of PRODUCE, and make immediate Return's. Orders for any description of Groceries prompt1--ly filled. BEfEBS bV PER3riSSIO W Jon A. Koflmsos, Esq, GallipoMs, O'. A . W. Btjskirs, Esq., Portsmouth, O. Hon. L. T. Moobb, Catlettsburg, Ky.- C.AVT- W ITnT.tittt Jko. N.,RicfiABDsoN, E3'., " D. D. Gkiqer, Eq., " " HtroH Means, Esq., Ashland, Ky. -W. T. jSicholls, Esq v. Ashland, Ky. Wlf. L. Geioeb, Esq.. Ashland, Ky. Geo. Wvbts, Esq., Greehnpsburg, Ky. E. J. Hook ada Y, Esq., " Louis D. Ross, Esq., . " Capt. Z. Shirley, Louisville, Ky. Hon. Thos. E. Bbamlett, Frankfort, Ky. BWill make liberal advance on Consign--menis of Produce. mar 8,1864-6m M. THOMPSON, . Umbrella, Parasol AND WALKING CANE MANUFACTORY, Ho. 167 MaiR Street, Tret.-4th & 5tlv CINCINNATI, O. "Rcpairing promptly atlend"ed otr mar DUHME & CO. S. W. Cor. 4lh and Walnut Streets, CINCINNATI, O. M! anil fa c tureTs Retail & i Wholesale Dealers m DIAMONDS, WATCHES JEWELlii & bILVxiliVv AKlv. THEY Kep on hand a large atocic 01 neay Watches, Jobbing Material, Spectacles, c.t- for the Trade. . . 01d Gold aud Sirver Dongnt iaran. march 3, 1864-ly 1 A SURE CURE. T7VERY BODY IS BEING CURED OF THIS Ci distressing disease by the use ot Dft. STRICKLAND'S PILE REMEDY Read -what those say who have used it: Mr. Charles W. Landram, of Louisville, and J. P. Hazards, Cincinnati, O., werejboth cured after using one pot of Dr. Strickland's Pile j Tl-nTT u att tiiav Viauo ir'ini wv.rv thine? but conM obtain no relief, but one Pot ofbtnek land's Pile Remedy affected a perfect cureafter. sntfering for many years with the worst kind or fering to try it. C l . 1 U oil Tirnwmdts KO 0Tlfjt Tr Trflfr. U1DI1- fnptnred at No. 6 East Fourth street, Cincinnati,- Ohio. Ask for BR; STRICKLAND'S PILE REMEDY. General Depot, No: 6 East Fourth street, Cin cinnati, Ohio. - or sate oy BJSAXUfl f atsxjjjriyjrk.,. corner 2nd fe Conit Sts., Maysville. june 2, '64-ly BOOK & STATlbNER RAVING Purchased tbe &tocKoi ...Airc sTiTiniSERY. WALL PAPER, Ac, of Messrs W. L. Peaboe & Co.,- t nniniK i.n Viuainpss at the old stand ih this Citt- I shall be continually sup plied with a full stock of all articles pertaining to the business and shall sell upon the most rea sonable terms. . j . A -.VrivA- MV BtOCK OI Ouuuli , STATIONERY is now eoinpleta and embrace all the classes ot books in uo oy ucwjjtoi.i Northern Kentucky and Southern Ohio. tbiW H .' IllJ A I 1 Ji.'U Sep.17, 1863. IK. MAUVFL'S NEW BOOK. SEVEN STORIES BY TJ1J5 AUiuua yi Reveries of a Bachelor," "Farm at Edge- W AdiarwCsnin'ly of the above elhzhtful work ,-ig. his iav bv Express". Mail orders shall receive prompt attention. . -MAN Maysville, Ifay S6. 1364. Bookseller. MAYSVILLE SOAP & CANDLE FACTORY.- Third. Street, between Sutton at wan, Oppciita Chat. PKUUrU Lvmbtr Yard. . 1 GOOD SUPPLY OF- MOULD ANI . cnuuifp fANrm.-FR. GF.RMA1M ANT EANCY SOAPS Constantly on Katid i - .-. t"Agent for Starcn & atar oanaies. r"Cash paid for Tallow and Soap Grease. jiec.lO ' JAMES SMITH. . AvRF-S Coughs, Colds, Sore 'hroat, Asthrria; I i n( Coasomption. U is only necessary for iZy one'troubted with- thew complaints to try on bottle of ' . . .. . Strickland's Mellifluous Cough Balsanr to convince them that it is the best preparation ever used. It not only cuies the abTe affections of the Throat and Lungs, but it cures Nijrht Sweats aad Spitting-of Blo6f, afni an excel lent gargle for any kind of Sore Throat. 1 1 la p easant to take, and a safe medicine for Infanta.' Price 50 cents per bottle. , i SK.ATtVN 'RT7fSTT?Trtir- Corner 2nd A Court Streets, Massville, Ky. . .- Ohio. , -. .Ijune 2. 1864-ly WE "ARB PAYING THE MARKET PRICE, IN CASH, FOX W 60L. -.. , THOMAS A DOCSCT' M:aysviJlie,Ky.,My 26th, ISff-2ni iagle copy i nt,h - 17