Newspaper Page Text
Material for Another Major General. r ,j Tbaloctf editor of th Cleyeland Herald bu drawn a prize. Hear bow he rejoicetb. 1nitjT , . - , - : x ""Grafted iwto thb Abmt. We csn'l Im agine what made Provost Marshal Nash do is .We hty requested him repeatedly not no-pntoar-Dame-io-tbe-box.-Bat he-d'uJ, aed'yesterday "grafted ns Into -tbe army." We nerer thoa-bt he Would "go back on a feller-what be knew.- Ue ia perfectly awtra we haven't coorajreenongh for a br d'wr; 'moch leaf's eonomon soldier. And then we are a peace man a more of a peace man now than ever. Wouldn't care if the ' rebels should lay down their arma to-morrow and g!re op, in fact wonld be rather glad" of it. But we suppose Uncle. Sam '.wanta ns jnst as bad as we don't want to go "'and that's pretty bad. The army needs men, most have men, and cur advice is, that all abonld volunteer. We always advocated that way of raising men;' It , is decidedly more agreeable to these who don't want to go, add does away with the draft. ' Are more in favor of that eystem than ever before. Wouldn't even object to have an able-bodied alien volun teer to go as .our eebetitnte. We'll consent to stay at home and look after his business, it it's profitable. However, we must say we have felt a iprinkliDj: of patriotic pride since we have ..teen ia the service of oar country. It is a SfWions thing to die for one's native land, end la defease of its hearthstones and its bomes.:,' ? ,- ;" ' " Whether on the scaffold Tiigh i i. c " Oi in the battle's van. ' Tbe fittest place for man to die la where lie dies for man." ".' We wonld respectfully reqnestour friends, Mr they have any respect for our feelings.not to continually remind us of onr misfortune by saluting our ears with,-'Uow- are you, conscript?" We haven't heard it over five i bund red times in the last twelve hours.. -- We are not to blame for being a con script.. If we could have our way, we would have the drawing over again. There area large nomber in the ward we wonld rather see go than go ourselves, and wouldn't quar rel with them about making better soldiers. '.We have in onr mind several who would make altogether better marks for rebel bul .leta than we woclT. But 1t seems Uncle e 8am wants up, and as we haven't $300 right handy, suppose we shall have to go. - N.'B. A suit of second-hand clothes for " (ale cheap. Possession given in ten days. 1 in tne meantime our friends will more agreeably consult our feelings and wishes by refraining from calling ns "conscript," and quietly placing within our reach illuminat ed 'portraits of onr beloved President and Secretary Chase. None of less value than five dollars accepted. . TbeKichmond Examiner says there have beea 97,000 prisoners received ia Juibbv Prison since the first battle of Boll Ran. ; The msple sngar crop of 1864 will great ly exceed that made in previons years in all probability 25 000.000 lbs. worth, at the low estimate of 15c a ponnd, nearly $4 000,000. 'Nobody has a monopoly of free speech. The rights of one citizen to give his views ; upon public affairs ia as perfect as that of ' another. The man wbo maintains that be ' baa a right to talk and neighbor has not, is a fool and an enemy to the public peace. . At a Sunday School meeting in Ohio.the . subject of the slim attendenco of pupils at the school being nnder consideration, a promising lawyer offered the following res ' olotion: . Resolved, That a committee of young - ladies and gentlemen by appointed to raise ' children for the Sabbath School. ' Lij:ouags or the American Flao. The followicg explanation of the colors and ..symbolical meaning of the Stars and Stripes - was written by a member of the Continenta 1 Congress, to whom, with others, was com mitted the doty of selecting a flag for the infant Confederacy. The Stars of the new , flag represent the new constellation or Stars "rising in the West. Tbe idea was taken from the constellation Lyra, which, in the - hands of Orpheus, signifies harmony. ' The blue in the field was taken from the edzes of the Covenanters' banner of Scot land, significant of the league covenant of the United Colonies against oppression, in volving the virtue of vigilancs, presaver ance and justice. The Stars were in a circle, symbolizing the perpetuity of the Union; the ring, like the circling serpent of the Erpiians, signi fying eternity. The thirteen stripes showed,, with the stars, tbe number of the United Colonies, '. and denoted the business ordination of the States of the Union, as well as equality among themselves. . The whole was a blending of the various flags previous to the Union flag, viz: Tbe " red flag of the armies, and-the- whita-of floating batteries. The red color, which in tbe Boman day, was the signal of defiance, end the blue fidelity, and the white purity W. S. FRANK, Attorney at Law, COURT STREET, 1 Maysville, Ky. 3ProinPt attention oaid to Collect! ng.lFl February 18tu, 1834. - JT. K. SUMRALL, ! ATTORNEY AT LAW, j; v- MdTSVILLE, KT WILL practice In tha Courts of Mason and ad-.- joining counties. OFFICEWestside of Court Streti-janl5,18S8-lT J 23. O. PHISTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OinCE ON TSE WEST SIDE OF COURT ST. MAYSVILLE K Y.. ' Augwrt. U ,1862. w. Boas. A.J. XEWELL. SCO. W. BOSS, ja ROSS & NEWELL, -WHOLESALE .GROCERS . .S ADO BAla 1 , TForeign and Domestic Liquor ."mxr TOBACCO, CIGAB3, Etc. Corner of Marlet and Thiid Sireeis, MAYSVILLE. KY II- C. LLOD. Wm. H. RICHARDSON' Lloyd & Richardson, , WHOLESALE DEALER3 IN f . GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS & TOBACCO, FORWAHDING& COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ." . opposrra boddjid bomi, , MARKET STREET, - - MAYSVILLE, KY. W E WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL jour attention to the above card, and solicit a portion of your patronage, promising to fill orders promptly and satisfactorily We have established ' ourselves for tbe pur pose of inducing Merchants to make their par chases here instead of elsewhere; and ns our goods are bought direct from first hands in the .Eastern Market, by onr Bioker, we make this proposition to Merchants: That we will duplicate any bill bought ia Cincinnati, and if goods are not what we represent them, they can be seat back at our expense. We Lave just received from the East 20 Ilhds. Choice new N. O. SUGAB; lO " Prime " " " 50 Bbls. LovtKiNa's Philadelphia REFINED SUGARS Crushed, Granulated, Powder ed and Coffeo A. ... SO Bags Choice Yellow te Bright Green COFFEE MOLASSES Old anTNcw Crop; MACKEREL in all sizes, direct from Bos ton, last Crop 1S63; 40 Kegs Newcastle ENGLISII SODA; TOBACCO a large lot in Boxes, Caddies, Ac TEAS a Superior lot of all kinds, selected lor this portion of tbe Country. In addition to our stock of Heavy Groceries, we have a large assortment of Fancy: CIGARS, at all pricey; Fancy Wash and Shaving SOAPS; Whole and Half Boxes new M. R. and Layer RAISIN; SARDINES; FIGS; PICKLES; PEACHES, Cove and Spiced OYSTERS; MUSTARD, in boxes; 50 & 25 lbs. boxes assorted CANDIES; .CHEESE; CRACKERS; INDIGO; MADDER; SPICES, gruin land ground; ALUM; Race & Ground GINGER; COP PER AS; BLACKING, large and small; BLACKING BRUSHES; FAUCETS; CINNAMON, ground and in matte; CAPS; SHOT; LEAD; EXT. LOGWOOD; STAECII; GERMAN SOAP; A large variety of CAP, NOTE & LETTER PA PER; ENVELOPES, bulTand white; &c.fcc. syIn addition to the above, we offer induce' ments to the trade in Lquors I RECTIFIED WHISKY sold at Cincinnati prices. GINGER WINE, GIN, BRANDY, and with a superior lot of OLD BOCK RON WHISKY at all prices. Respectfully, . LLOYD & RICHARDSON. Maysville, Ky., March 3,1364. NEW CHINA, GLASS AND Que ens ware House ! ! IR. ALBEET, IMPORTER AND DEALER Seooni Stroot, One door beloio Geo. Ailhur't Confectioner Store, T7"EEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND a lab 1 AKV WILL ClUUTtUBlUlkUr French and English China, Glass QUEEN S WARE& FANCY GOODS, in great variety, as Yaw, Toilet Sets in China Parian Marble and Bohemain Glass, JJewcl Boxes; Fancy and Toy Boxes, Toy Tea Sets, etc. DINNER AND TEA SETS, of all qualities, WHITE, ORNAMENTED AND FINE GILT. Silver Plated and Britannia Tea Sets Castors, Etc., Plated Table Ware; Ivory, Bone and Wood Handled Forks and Knives Knives; Tea Trays and Waiters, et all sizss and varieties, Imported Direct from the Manufactories ia 13T EUROPE. gpj - Also, tho large and most complete stock of COAL OIL LAMPS, of ail sizes aud stylos, from 50 cents to $10 each BURNERS. -CHIMNEYS - - PAPER SHADES and WICKS; The Very Best of PURE COAL OIL, . . . CANS, ETC.; - - - all of which I will sell for CASH at tbe VERY LOWEST CINCINNATI prices. tar" Accommodation to the wanta of custom ers, quick sales and small profits are the govern ing principles of my business. Cali , see and judge for yourselves! It. ALBERT, if ajsville, Feb4, 1S64. " THE LEE HOUSE, Corner of Front & Button Streets, MAYSVILLE, - - KENTUCKY. HORD & PEPPER, Proprietors. riIIE Undersigned - take pleasnre in an I nouncing to the people of Maysville and Muon county, and to the traveling publie gener ally, that they have leased this popular andcom modions Hotel for a series of yearr, and have opened it lor the reception of boarders and t.';e nroommodation of transient customers. It is rnnvpnient to tba ataamboat Landings, and is the office for the fcUe lines to the interior or the State. The House ia being thoroughly re paired and refitted throughout, and no pains will be spared to make it in all respects the best Hotel in North Easter Xentncky. Especialcare will be bestowed upon the table, whicn will al ways be stippiujd with the luxuries of the Mays- villeand Cincinnati market. mar 81, '64 6.T1 IIOUD Ar PEPPER. HALL LIGHTS!. I70B Burning Coil Oisomo very fine, direct . from New York lor sale by - ' may 1?. SEATON db BBODRICK. GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. W. L. & JZ. PE AEGE Wholesale Grocers AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SUTTON ST., opposite Let House) MAYSVILLE, KY. 0 Our personal attention will be gven to Receiving & Forwarding all Goods consigned to our care. All orders sent us shall he filled injjie same manner, to'th reference to quality and quantity, as if the parties purchasing were personally present. Below will bo fonnd an ennmoration of some of the articles included in onr stock, which we offer to the trade low for Cash o r Country Pro duce: 24 Hhds. Choice N. O. Sugar; 8 Ubds. Prime N. O. Sugur; 50 Bbls. Lovering's Refined Sugars; lO " Crushed do; 23 " Pulverized do; 13 " A. Coffee do; ' 51 Bags Choico Rio Coffje; 23 " Prime Rio Coffee; 33 Packages Golden Syrup, in Half Bbls. and I0gal.Kgs; 16 Bbls. New Crop N. O. Molasses; 63 Packages Mackerel, in Bbls, Hf. Bbls, . Qr. Bbls. and Kits; ' 23 Hf. CIicsU Choice Gunpowcr Tea; 5 " Black Tea; 20 Gross Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco; Choice Smoking Tobacco, in Half Ponnd and 5' Ponnd Packages; GO Caddies Choice Chewing Tobacco; 20 Butts Chewing Tobacco; 50,000 Cigars, assorted brands; 75,000 White and Buff Envelopes; Cap, Note and Letter Paper; 500 Boxes Sardines, halves und quarters; 33 Doz. Cove and Spiced Oysters, in 1 & . 2 lbs. Cans; loS Baskets Champ&igne Wine; 12 Boxes Native Wines; Choice Old Bourbon Whisky, in Barrels and Bottles; Common Whisky; Rectified Whitkcy; French RrandyjGin ; Ginger Wine Raising Figs; Almonds; Buckets; Tubs, in nests Wrapping Paper; Fancy, Toilet and Bai Soaps; Washboards; Brooms; Cordage; Matcho; Spices; Star and Tallow Candles; Cheese; Crackers; Shot; etc. We invite the attention of Country Merchants particularly to our stoc k of goods. We respectfully solicit the orders of the trade generally, promising satisfaction In all cases. W.L.&J.LPEARCE, Nos. IS Jc 15 Sutton St., (opp. Lee House) March 24, 1 SGI. MAYSVILLE, Kr . JEWELRY, WATCHES. CLOCKS SILVER WARE!!! TUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK of FINE iiOl.n WATCHES AND JEWELRY of the latest styles. Also, a large assortment of CLOCKS, SILVER WARE, PL A TED WARE AND FANCY GOODS. I37-A larze Stock of MATEKIAL to accom modate the tiade. Jn-t Received a largre Stock of POCKET BOOKS, PORTMONNAIES, COMBS AND FA NOV GOODS. CET JEWELRY & SILVER WARE made to Order. XZr Cash Paid for California Gold and Old Silver. C. F. DUFEU, Next door to Miner' Shoa Store. VaysvilJe, Kj., April 29th, 13i4. AND FLUX. STRICKLAND'S Anti-Cholera Mixture, Is a composition of astringents, absorbents, stimulants and carminatives, which every phy sician acKuowiones is me only preparation that win elfoet a permanent care or Jnurrneca and Dysentery. This Anti-Cholera Mixture is now rn use in several of our aimy hospitals "where it gi vu tho greatest satisfaction. It has saved tho lives of thousands ot our soldiers nod citizens, and we will trim ran loe it to bo the best remedy in the world for Diarrhtta and Dyssntery. wr. wooiif, ot uovington, rwy will bo most nappy to satisty any one as to tbe virtue ol MricKiana's .antj-UhoIoi a Mixture; int race we have a great nnmber of testimonials from pa tients who have been enred after being pro nounced incnrnble bv their physicians, sonre atter taking only one bottle ot MncKland s Anti Cholera Mixture. If yon snffer with Diarrhcca ana uyEcnteryiry one bottle SOLDIERS! Ton onsrbt not to be without such a valnable medicine. The Cincinnati National Union, of April 24th, says; that thousands of our soldiers have been saved by the use of Strickland' Anti- Cholera Mixture. . '- For sale by Seaton & rodri?k,at SO cents per bottle. General Depot, No. 6 East 4th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. I june 2, lS64-ly . CHANDELIERS! GF Vanotib Patterns, for bnrnmsr Coal Oil At SEATON & BKOD KICK'S Maysville, J4.y., may iv. , .--- irug tore. TEA a very superior article, the best import ed, in store and lor sale by jus;19 rlilSTER BROOMS, A large supply of best auality, tor sale by X Jl. mar BEN PIIISTER. ICE! ICE!! 1 r Live commenced running onr Ie6 V V Wagon, and will deliver Ice to any part of thi City. tTersons desirin? Ice through the nay.Jcan obtain it at Richard Watkitis Grocery Store, on Wall street, or at Wm. Watkins' on IMartet St. - - WM. WATKINS: Mayl9.1SC4. RICHARD WATKINS. CORDAGE Llemp and Manilla ropes of all sizes from a plough line to a ships cablf always on hand. ALEX MADDOX GRAIN, GROCERY, AND COMMISSION HOUSE "Corner of 3rd & Market Streets, MAYSVILLE, - KENTUCKY. I HAVE JUST OPENED A GRAIN, CKOCERY AND COMMISSION STOKE in the house formerly occupied by Jan. C. Brook over, north-east Corner of Third & Market Sts. I will pay the highest market pric ijc cash or WHEAT, KYE and BAHLEY. I havejust received a full stock of Groceries, SugarMolasses, Coffee, Tea. Kico, Fish, Tobacco, Salt, &c.,&c., together with a general assort mentof all articles in he Grocery line; all war ranted to be of the best quality. My goods have been bought exclusively for Cash, and will be solJ for Cash or Country Produce, at very small profits. I have also on hand a largo stock of PTJ HE OLD BODliBON WH1SK7. Commission, Storage & Forwarding Business Attended to with promptness. All persons desirous of getting the worth of their money, will please give mo a call. juno Hub, 1S2: HEN I'll I ST ER. CRUSHED, rowdcrcdand Grannla'ed Snear, of best quality, in store and for sale low by BEN PH1STEU, junc 19 Cor. 3rd fc Markot. streets. OYRUP. Philadelphia und Baltimore Syrups. in barrels, half barrels and 10 gal. kngs, for low by BEN PHISTEK, sale iow by June l'J Cor. 3rd fc Market stroets. rfOBACCO of all grades and pri-cs, for sale X By BEN PIIISTER, jnno 19 Cor. 8rd & Market streets. V INEGAR of the best quality, for sale by june It. BEN PHISTER. jcw Grrain Store! TTAVINQ Retired from the firm of Alex J1 Power & Co., I will continue on my own account in tho Grain Trade, on Wall Street, next door to Alex. Maddox, and solicit all our old customer to cive me a call, as 1 have a larjre number of Sacks and feel confident of my ability to eive entire' satisfaction to all who may bu pleaded to deal with me. ALEX. POWER. M aysville.Ky., July 1, 1S63. 7ii. l.oj g. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ALL KINDS CF 61111. MR. TOBACCO. SALT, SC.. Corner of Wall & 2nd Streets, MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY jine 19,1362-ly rl. JOHN 15IJXTL.S COUPOCXD CEDROS BITTERS! The Latent and Most Important Discovery of the Niueteejth Century. N O MAN'S NAME IS MORE INTIMATELY Medica of the Unite 1 States, or more favorably known as a pioneer in medical discovery, than tnatot jwii.N aJL.L,, ot Juisviiie, Ky. hip in imitable preparation of Sais:tparilla has lonr stood at the head of the various compouads of that valuable drug, ills compound 1 ccloral ol Wild Cherrv luis become a honsehold word throughout tho West and South; and his Worm Lozeujies, in lefs than a year after their intro duction, attained a reputation as widespread as tho continent ot XNortu America, lint thecrown- inii tr'orr ot his lite remains to be attained in his latest discovery, or rather combination, for ho does not claim to have been the discoverer of CEDRON, which is the basis of the Bitters now offered tj tho public. That honor belongs to the native iniiaditauut ol Central America, to whom its virtues have been known for m ro than two hundred years. Armed with it. tho Indian bids dctiance to the most deadly malaria, and handles without tear the most venomous serpents. It a belief with them that while there is breath left in the body tire Cc.lron is potent to cure, no mat- let liui tne disease may De. in ic UT. iiii is isoi iireparcu to inuorse tins extravagant pretension, he is nevertheless satis- ned irom a inorougn examination oi tiieevidence rclatins to its virtues, that, as a remedy and prevent! ve for all diseases urisine-from exposure either to changes of weather and climate or to the miasmatic initticrrccs, it stand-) without a rival, and justly deserves tho reputation it has so long enjoyed in Central America and the West Indies. In DYSPEPSIA and its attendant train of symptoms, it arts tnorciiKo a enarm iiu a medicine, llicra is uothing in the whole range oft he Materia Medics that can for a moment bear a comparison with it in this disease. A full account of this wonderful plant may bo lound in the eicventn edition ot tho U. s, Dis pensatory, rages 15S7 and 13S3. A scries of experiments, in which Dr. Bull has been for years engaged, lias just been brought to a successful termination, and no is now enabled to olfer to tho public a combination of Cedron with other improved tonics, the wholo p-eserved in the bcstualityot copper-distilled Bourbon wnrsity, which no v conuuvut nas no equal in tho world. He might frrrnish volume of certificates, but tho public hnvo Ion? f-iuce lcaind to estimate such thfDgs at thorr trne value. The safest pjan is for every one to test for 1 imself the virtues of a new medicine. Oive the Cedron i3 it ters one trial, and you will never use any others. It is not necessary to publish a long list cf dis eases for which the Cedron Bitters are a specific, In all diseases of tho STOMACH, BOWELS, lvIUAli.S. or Ldl V f.K; : In all slTections of the BRAIN depending up on derangement of the Stomach or Bowels; In GOUT, RHEUMATISM fe NEURALGIA; And in FEVER AND AGUE; It is destined to supersede all otlier remedies. It not only cares all these diseases but it pre vents them. A wine glass full of the Bitters taken on hour before each meal will obviate the ill effects of the most unhealthy climate and screen the person taking it against disease nnder the most trying exposure. . Sold by Druggists and (irocers, generally. Dr. JOHN BULL'S Principal Office. Fifth street, Louisville, Ky. bold Wholesale and Ketail by SEATON fi BRODRICK Cor. 2nd and Conrt Streets. marT, IS64-ly - - Uaysvillc, Ky. Come down in the center, That's what it means ! SADDLERY. TnE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW SITUATED . so as to give his undivided attention to the Manufactory of every article conneoted with the SADDLE AND HARNESS TRADE ! He has now on hand and :n process of makiDir, a splendid assortment of Gentlemen and Ladies' Saddles; Saddle Bags; Buggy, Carriage, Biake ana cuiKey Harness; wagon and JfJow Gear; Gear, maing unaies, wiui r.ucKiDg, .fort and Bitls: Waffon. Buwv. Coach. Snlkev and Hi.i. and Cait Harness; in short every thin "V ' . ii "r V- ,. . " r" "l3 -II t kept in a Saddiery Establishment, which will be sold at Wholesale and Retail, at low prices to punctual dealers; 5 per cent off for cash. ' I3fAll Repairing attended to at once,-at my Old Stmd, on 2nd Mreet, to find which. "Come down in the Center," between Market fc Sutton. -. T. K. RICKEXTS. Maysville, March 26ih, 1863. THE SEW WHOLESALE & RETAIL CHINA STORE o Sonth side 2d bet Court & Market St G. A. & J. TcCARTHEY. - o WE ANNOUCE WITH pleasure, the RE MOVAL of our Stock of CHINA, GLASS AND Q UEENSWARE, to the building formerly oc cupied by E. Maktin Sad dler, where wo are opening a largo aEd complete asstortmcnt of Goods, IMPORTED BY OURSELVES DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORIES- Ourstock is larec, containing great varieties of PLAIN Vfll ITU, GOLD BAND AND FANCY DECORATED Dinner and Tea Setts; VACES; COLOGNE BOTTLES; TOILET SETTS; FANCY AND STAPLE ARTICLES of every description; Silver Plated KNIVES, FORKS, CARD BASKETS, &c. 1EA TRAYS; WAITERS; COAL OIL LAMPS of many varieties. Wliilo thanking the public and tho trade for the liberal encouragement extended to u.s in the past, wo hoi c they will n t foreet to call and see us at our NEW CHINA STOKE. G..A. & J. E. McCARTIIEY, IiipoRTtns or Earthenware, . On South side 2d street. Maysville, Ky., January 7th, 1SC1. GODDARD HOUSE, COUNER- OF MARKET & FRONT, STS Opposite Steamboat landing, MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY. Mrs. E. F. FLEMIXfi, 'Proprietress. rlIlIS well known Hotel, has been re JL paired and refitted in a superior manner and i i ow open to the public. The Proprietress recently of Fox Springs, so licits the patronage of the traveling community. No pains will bo fp:ircd to give satisfaction to the trnes'ts of the hotia. I-i?StBges leave dail v for all points in t lie in terior. Mrs. E. b. FLEMING. Feb. 12-6m R EMOYAL GEORGE ARTHUR Baker & Confectioner AND DEALER IN Fruits, Nuts, Toys, FANCY GOODS, Ace. Has removed his Stock to MTTXLINS & HUNT'S Old Stand, on SECorvro street, Where he will be pleased to see find wait npon all Maysville, Ky., A pril JHh, 1S53. JOHN A. SKA'JON, J.B. BROURICK SEATON & BRODRICK WHOLESALE ARETAIL DEUGGISTS, AND DEALERS IN MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Faints, (Oils. Glass, &c. CORNER SECOND COURT STS. WHEELER & WILSON'S Sewing Machines! Awarded tne First Premium ns the best Family Sewing Machine, Foi three successive years at die UNITED STATES FAIR; For ve years jrt ts CINCINNATI MECHANICS' INSTITTTTF. WITH IMPROVEMENTS! GLASS FOOT; HEMMER; CORDER & BRAIDER. LSO MACHINE NEEDLES, COTTONS, rf-c. rur saie nv J. D. GIBSON, Agent, TELEGRAPH OFFICE. feb.4h,13G4. 1 a vsvi me. THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE! I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF .. :J.HK CELEBRATED HOw SEWING 11 ' cct rom lue Manufactnrcr, nd nl sell them at the lowest possible rate for Cash. T hese Machines are adapted for heavy ns well as wiumieni sewing, uan ana examine l nem at the retidcnce of S. Sijocklet, on Short street. Mrs. A. J. SMITH, Agent. tSfNtEOLEs and Spool Threads can bo had at S. Shocklet's Store, on Market street. Maysville, Ky.. Feb. 25th, 1SG5. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE!!! l'NC?ru,l,natCd n tL hil1 fcide in Ma3 v."e'V The house contains nine rooms, bo sides Kitchen, Pantry and Cellar. There is upon the lot a Dairv un.l KriL- &tKl iA large, hax-ing upon it about One hundred bear- AUr. .'Vcs ul lr,e ,nest qnaiity. .enquire ot .IOS. F. BKODRICK". U T . ... . . . ' N. B. Act liable for City Railroad debt. .maysvine, Ky., May 5,lS64-tf BLOCK AND TACKLE An assortment embracing all sizes of superior construction ALEX. MADDUX. OAKUM Choice Laud prepared always on A. MADDOX maysville and cincinnat, u. a. -MAIL USE, THE ri, HCW AIlDSFLCHDISaTKAVi. This One Steamer! uji.ii w- , . . MAGNOLIA J.H. PBATHEB, Commander. ' LEW. MORRIS . Clerk Reaves foot of Walnut St., for Maysvine v Monday, Wednesday and Friday, X- Leaves Mavsvllin f r::.s lurF - day, Thursday and Saturday, 10 o'clock, A. toRAHAM hMorTLTaPP,yn b0ard'M PackanS?dat thay8ville" Cincinnati, Maysville and Portsmouth ' REGULAR TRI- WEEKLY PACKET ' THE SPLENDID Si TE A it E " Bostona. Captain Wm. McCtAm, Coairrander, will COn tinue m the above trade, leav:Lfr Cincinnati every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and Ports mouth avery Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12 M. Stopping at Maysville either war between the hours of 5 and 7 P. M. J For freight or passage apply on board or to R. Mc KELT, Agent, Maysville, Ky. S. SALOMON, WATCHMAKER, Goddard House Boiloino, 31 a r k c t Street, May 7, lS63-ly MAYSVILLE, KY. NEW BO OES. by Ike Mar- I"y Farm at Edgewood, xt. vei i Hannah Thurston, by Bayard Taylor, 1 61 Tales of a Wayside Inn, by Longtellow. 1 25 Husks, by Marion Harland. 150 The Kinp of Amasis, by Bulwcr 1 25 Louie's Last Term, by Authorof Rntledge 1 50 Soundings from the Atlantic, Holmes I 25 Gentlemen's Book of Etiquette 1 5C Beauties of English Poetry 4 fity Evenings with the Poets 4 00 Longfellow's Poems, Cabinet edition 2 59 Ilea ven Onr Home Ac 1 09 3f The above, with nnmerons other new and valuable publications, just received by O. W-BLATTEKMAH, Booksellers. Second. Street.- JSl. 15. COCHRAN'S FAMILY GROCERY STORE, No 23, west-side Market st., GAtBREATI!'8 Old Stano. f MAYSVILLE KY. JUST received a Tare stock of Family anc? Assorted Groceries, such as Snsur, Syrup, Collee, Teas, MaclrrrelV Fi.h, Niilnn';s, Spices, Candles, Wil low hiiU Wooden Ware, Brooms, Tobacco, Cigars, Ac, Ac. Ilavinjr boujrbt all my Goods for cash, and my motto being "(Jcick Sales and Small Pbofits,' 1 can assure all wbo may give me a call, tho cheapest Groceries in tbe city k?TI:e best quality of COAL OIL always oa hand and for sale at the lowest market price. A. R. COCHRAN. N. B. Five year Old Bourbon on tap, and tho best of all kinds of Liquors constantly on hands Maysville, Ky., March 19, 1863. A. B. C. For Itais, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bctl Hiiss, .Hot lis in J-'iirs, Woolen, &c, In sect" on Plants, Fowls, Animals, &c. I'm np in 25c. 50c. and fl .00 Boxes, Bottles, and Flasks. j3 btjxI f 5 sizes for Hotels, Pcblio In . ST1T3TI0NS, fcc. Only infallible remedies known." " Free from foisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." 'Rats come out of their holes to die." J3?"Sold Wholesale in all largo cities. SoU by all Druggists tfe l.'etailers every whcio' I-"!,"Reware!'.S ol'uil worthless imitations. iiTSee that "CfsrrAu's" name is on each Box,- Bottle, and Flask, before you buy. "Addrtss II RN UV It. COSTAR. irPKINCIfALDEPOT 4S2 Broadwat, N. Y. idT"SoM by all Wholesale As Retail Druggists inM nysville. Ky. mar 81 , 1 S64-6 m. RAGS WANTED! 1 Hi nnn good clean cot- -LVJVVJU TON Oil LINEN RAfiS fnr which 1 will pay the highest Market Pr.ce. W. BLATTEKMAN; feb 4h , 1 SU. ookstore, 2nd St.- LOUIS STINE wculd respectfully inform his customers and friends that he has removed1 to Cadwalhidei's the room formerly occupied by IheTelsgra-pn Olfice. o Fall and Winter Goods I LOUIS STINE MERCHANT TAILOR AND GENTS FURNISHER. SECOND STREE1, MAYSVILLE, KT.. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A Choice assortment of a'l Seasonable Goods J in bis line, which he is prepared to dispose of at I tllQ lnwpat rntca 1'r.r " A fill .nlmil. from his friends and pledges liis best efforts to give Satisfaction. -. , October 1, 1863. LOUIS STINE. INTERIOR ADORNMENTS! JUST RECEIVED A CHOICE SELECTION of new and desirable styles of PAPER HANGINGS, from the rich and ornate to the roost cbaste and simple patterns, appropriate for Parlors, . Halls, Dining-Rooms and Chambers. FIEE BOARD PEINIS new designs; WINDOW SHADES. of any required style or size, on hand or made to order. GrILT MOULDING YAL PICTURE FRAMEe PICTURE CORD & TASSELS, and all the trimmings fcr frames. - FRAMING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE! The above Goods are all new and will be sold ohoaper than ever before sold in this cit. .EHFA call is solicited fiom persons wishing to purchase the above goods. J. ti. & C. S- ROGEKS, Booksellers & Stationers, Maysville, Ky., April 21, 1364.' ' ' 2d Street. TT7E ARE PAYING THE MARKET T PRICE, IN CASH, FOR WOOL. TIIO.UAS A DOKSEY. Maysville, Ky., May 26th, 1864-2m Eagle copy 2 months '