Newspaper Page Text
''I THE BULLETIN, MAYSVILLE. JULY 14 Increase of the Price of the Bulletin. Tha SabscriDtton Drice of the Bulletin - 4. , Will hereafter be Ow Dollab and Fifty Cints per year, Instead of 0n Dollas. Fdn Ahead. There ia to be Grand Pto Nio, near Mayallck, next Saturday, ia Abraham Johnson's Woods. A fine band of Mnsio has been engaged, and good time a anticipated. 0OWe call the attention of our readers, to the postponement of the Sale of that desirable property, known as the "Pabkeb House," and the proposition to sell or rent thejsame. Dbowned. An interesting son of Samuel JSaston, agea r.ignt years, was arownea in the Ohio, last Monday, while bathing OCrTwo Dew joint stock companies are advertised in Liverpool, to ran steamers between that oort and the St. Lawrence in the summer, at.d to Portland in the winter. The capital of each is fixed at 1,000,000. OCTThe pirate Florida has been making sad havoc among the merchantmen and coast ers off the Virginia Capes. The crews of four or five of the vessels destroyed have . .... arriveu at a uuaueipuia. fXTThe Great Eastern has taken three thoussnd tons of coal on board, and will shortly leave Liverpool for Sbeerness or Deptford, where she will be fitted with wa ter tanks, in which the Atlantic cable now making by Messrs. Glass, Elliot & Co. will be stowed as fast as it is completed. 07-The Ohio Statesman says that three thousand farms in Obio are left without a man to attend to them thousand of fialds re left to wither for the the want of hands to cultivate them; this, loo, at the very sea when every working man in the State is re quired at home. (0Abel Stearns, of Los Angolos, Cal., is the largest cattle and land owner in the United States. This year bis stock consis ted of 43,000, besides 9,000 calves. He lost 7.000 cattle last winter through want of food. These six the peevish, the niggard, the dissatisfied, the passionate, the suspicious, and the man who lives upon others' meaui are forever unhappy. A pretty girl in Poughkeepsie.N'. Y., has brought grief to her father's beart by elop log with a gambler. A machine in Bridgeport, Conn , makes pair of ad's shoes in fifteen minutes. Brandy one dollar a drink' is tie pla card in the widdow of a Broadway liquor aaloon. Good fob a Dutchman. We do not mean the slightest disparagement of our German friends in usuing this frequent phrase, bat it comes So pat with the follow ing from the Peoria Staaz Zetug of the 26th olt: A Bad Placb to Nomisatb a. Presi dent. Martin Van Buren was nominated at Baltimore and defeated. Henry Clay was nominated at Baltimore and defeated . Lewis Cass was nominated at Baltimore and defeated; Stephen Douglas was nomiuated at Baltimore and defeated Abe Lincoln wb? again renominated at Baltimore, and we hope to God that be will be defeated too, aod if he shall break his nuck and legs all the people will say 'Amen, Hallelujah'.' True as Pbeachiso. A Republican ex change saya the politicians are trying to defeat the people. That is true the ofll cers, contractors, plunders and all the vast hordes of paid pimps and lick -spittles who npon the treasury of the Nation are trying to fasten Lincoln upon the country for an other term of four years. The people, how ever, wno love i.oenv ana nave 10 iy who love liberty and have to bv those nn- ...iJ.n.nj.nt.H nr.r.r wND and ! principled bloodsuckers, prefer wise nil Constitutional Administration of the Gov- ernment, and will maKe tneir wisaes k.i.jwu through the ballot-box at ensuing Presi dential election. 07There are nicety millions of dollars doe the soldiers, that the Printing Machine cacnot piint Greenbacks fast enough to meet the demand. As afflictions and years may improve in dividuals, so battle fields aod centuries may improve nations. SILVER PLATED WARE! CASTORS SPOONS, FORKS. TABLE CUTLERT, etc , at LOWEST CINCINNATI PRICES dec!7 R. ALBERT, 2d street. Absence Proper fob Husbands Miss ilnlock, says: "A lady of ray acquaintance ivea it as her sine aua non of domestic felicity that the m- n of the family should j be absent at least six hours in the honrs in .... . I the day." And traly a mistress or a larany, ; however strong her anection lor the male , n.mluri nfit. cannot bn acknowledge this ' as a great boon. A house where papa" or j 4,the boys" are Iwar h-.nt. nonninr in ! and ont at all hours, everlastingly wanting ing something, or finding fault with some thing else, is a considerable trial to even feminine patience. And I beg to ask sex cenerallv in confidence, of course it is not the greatest comfort possible wh the masculine half of tha Tamsly being cleared out for the day, the house settles down into regular work aod orderly quiet ness ua'.il evening. A160, it Is good for them as well as for us to have all the in evitable pe'ty domestic bothers got over iu their absence; to effect which ought to be fee of the principal aims of the mistrals of a family. Let tbem, if possible, return to quiet, sniilicg borne, with all its smtll annoyances brushed away. like the dust and cinders from the grate, which en pastint. ia odb of the first requisites to make a fireside look comfortable. It might be as well, too. if the master could contrive to leave the worldly mud of tha day at tho scraper out side tho door. f AugustEiectiom Oar terms for an thia head are Tkrea Dollar in. advance. FOR SHERIFF. We are authorized to announce HENRY 8 JEFFERSON as a candidate for Sheriff at the ensuing August election. "We are authorized to announce WALTEB E, NEAL as a candidate for Sheriff at the ensuing August Election. FOR JAILOR. We authorized to announce WILLIAM H QUEEN as a candidate for Jailor at the ensuing August Election. "We are authorized to announce WILLIAM II, EDMONDS as a candidate for Jailor at the en- euing August election. "I've Come to Stay!" geant a candidat0 for Jailor ,t the m' Angust Election. We are authorized to announce JERKY McNEELY (the present incumbent) as a candi- date for the olHoe of Jailor of Mason County, at the ensuing August Election We are authorized to announce W.D. CRAW FORD as a candidate for Jailor at the ensuing August Election. CHEAP LAMPS ! 200 COAL OIL LAMPS OF EVERY R17.V. AVn RTvri? AT FROM 50 CENTS TO ifi hhtac I W " NEYS. SHADES, WICKS, etc, at decl7 R. ALBERT'S 2d street. . A. WALL1NOFORD. w.A. P. LCKTXT. Prospectus OF THE YOUNG LADIES' ACADEMY OF TOE VISITATION MAYSVILLE, KY. This Establishment is roiidm-tnrl hv thn T?ji;- ious Sisters oi tlio Visitation, au order foun.Iu l by St. Francis d Sales, in 161i. The me.nbor of this Institute dovoto themselves chiefly to the instruction of Younsr Ladies, Iu piinciplen of Virtue aud iu tho Turius branches of a nihod English and Ornamental Education. Ihe course of instruction coininisea Ortho graphy, Keaiincr, Writing. Arithmetic. Gram mar, Ancioiit and Modern Uooaraihy, the use of .uapsana oiooes; i rose. ai;a J.'otUcal Uompo.-i tiou: Sacred and Profane llistorv. CIir.mofiOTv Mythology, Rhetoric, Criticism, Lucie, liitii leetudl ai d Natural I'hilosoi.h v: Ohemistrv Astronomy, Mineralogy, Uotany, Algebra, Book Keepiutf: French: Herman and Latiu Lanifuuiros Music on the Harp, Piano Forte, Mclodeou and Guitar; Vocal Mu-Jo, Dr.iwin;r, Puituing in watr eolers, Arc, fcc; l'iuin uud OrnatUintal c-edld Work 1 a :'; ry, tfec, $z;. Those charged with tiie immediate Supervision of the Young Ladies, will be vigilant iu rmiuir- liiir au fcxact obervai-C3 of the rules of the I us i tution, and strict attention to a polito and an.iable deportment. In the coimo of the Acadomicyear, two examinations wiil takj plac-; the fir.-t iu January, and the second in Jui.e. At Ihe cloe of the first a Soiui-aiunial report is transmitted to tho parents of each Vountr Xadr, frivin an account of her proficiency in her btu iius, &e. The iotins Ladies at the end of each month aro asscmblo t in tho presence of their leacuers, v lieu a renort is inaau 01 their advance mout in thoir Studius, and thoir attention to the ruleti of tho School. Tiie Academic year com mences on tha first Monday in September, and endaon thi) lat day of June. It is divide J into two Sessions. No deduction, can bo madu for those who may bo wilhdra'.vu before tho expira tion of tho S.'ssion, unless in case of protracted eickness. A public distribution of 1'rjmiuma takes piace at the cloe of the year, after the Second examination. Parents and friend of tho Institute, are admitted on prucnlitg an author ized ticket at tha d ;r. As regards the exact ob servance of rulus, polite daporlineat, and zjuI for advancement, the louti" Ladies arc divided into two cla.-'.-u.s; a crown is awar led as the l'nza of honor ia eucli clitsj. To gain the gold Mudal, the pupil must receive tr.e crown and the first premium in the highest clu.-scs of the principal btudies. The termination of the Sjliolastic yoar, is fol lowed by tha annual vacation. In rder to avoid interruption of classes, visits to pupils, are cunniiud to Thursdays; and can be made ouiy ly their pureu'.s, sisters, aunts and uuc!e; none others will be received uulc.-s forrnaMy authorized by purcuu or guardians. The pupiU will be allowed to visit thjir parents or guarJiuus, on the Erst Thursday ot every mouth, leaving the Academy at about S o'clock, A.M. aud hl.trn'.u before nightlail. Freuunt visits have been found detrimental to the im provement of me pnpi is. and. unless particularly requested by tho pareu'.s, it is protero-l that thoy should vi.-it only at the Specified ti.-ucs. The Ladies who uuvo charge of tho Institution, profess tlio Cathoiic Faith jot, while the exer ciscsot reiii.'ious worship urj Catholic, lnombsrs of fcvtry o.hcr re'iious douoiuiuation are re ceived, with whom uointlueucoisnsed to change i their behfct but it is rcq'iirerl for the maintaiu- ance of good order; that thuy assist with pr pabl'c duties of religion nithth. ig. 6 pro- cir Terms for Hoarders. Entrance Fee, iSoard and Tuition, including bed and bedding, washing, Infirmary charges and doctor's fees, per Session, $5 00 02 00 ICxtcrns or Day Scholars. Tuition for c!as!-es in tho Senior Circle, per Ses sion, 20 00 Tuition for classes Intermediate, per Session 13 00 " " 1'iimary, " " 10 00 Extra Charges. For each of the Foreign Languages, per Ses sion, tio 0J Muio on Piano Forte, per Session, 20 00 " an ilelodeon, 4 011 the Harp, u on Gnitur, Use of Piano, &o., Use of the H.-ri, 20 00 0 00 80 00 b 00 T SO 10 00 20 00 u t( u Drawing Painting in Water Colors, c per Sv-asion Pa:nticiiu Oil, per Session, Use of Chemical and Philosophical Ap paratus, per Session, 10 00 School books, iKC, at Store prices. Payments for each Session must bo made in advance. The pupil are required to briuu; with tbem tna orcjinary tablo furniture, coneisting of a knife and fork (silver lurk prcteretl), a silver li'-u:rt snoon. a silver tumtler, tour table Nap- kms, ana six lowei. 11 ! "". lU!"J' to at iiomo; a ueauo-iou v. c w . w- The unii'orm in Winter will be Brown Merino dresses, and black aprons, iu iSumrner blue lawn or mn.-lin dresses, black aprons and white straw hats trimmed with blue. Each pupil must have es some arged to liquidate their hills. Letters to be addressod to the Directress of the Academy of the Visitation. All letters are in spected by the Directress of the Academy. N. B. Farenia and cuardians, are requested to have all tne linen of their children or wards marked with their names, b&fore they enter the Institution. As th3 numbers of board'.-rs will be limited, it is necessary to make immediate application. Recomuiendat ons required. Maysville, Ky., July U,lS64-lm GEO. W. WROTEN. Homoeopathic Physician, bEOOND 8TBEET, MATSVILLS, KT. ISTOfflce at Mrs..WOTtn'o, marJO my I a white swirs dress and veil aua a sun oonnei. iVi The parents aud guardiaus of Young Ludi "ni ! correspondent in tho ciiv. who will be ch $1,000 Reward. The above reward will be given to any person who ean fur nish a prescription for coughs, colds, whoop. ing-cough, agtbma, and consumption, which is equal to Dr. Strickland's Melli fluous Cough Balsam. This balsam will cure the above complaints, also spitting of blood and night sweats. Une 5U cent bot tle is suincient tor any one to try. iDe worst cases of chronic cough, asthma. whoopiDg-cough and primary cases of con sumption are cured by Dr. Strickland's Mel lifluous Couzh Balsam. It can be had at auy druggist's. It is different from any other cou2h medicine we have known in this country. French China, Glass and Queenawarel A Jin new tlocl at and below Cincinnati price, It. ALBERT'S decl7 Model C bina Store, 2d Stree. MACHINES! MILLS! MILLS!! MILLS!!! SI'6aR CANE MILLS; CIDER AND WINE MILLS. THRESHING MACHINES; GRAIN DRILLS; CORN S1IELLEKS; CUTTING BOXES; For sale by J. II. B1CIIESON. Mayavdle, July 14,lSG4-5w H. BERTRAM, SECOND STREET, Maysville, - - Kentucky, TAKES great pleasure in informing the citizens of Miivsville. and the public generally, that he is now occupying his OLD PLACE OF BUSINESS. On Second St., 2 doors west of Market. The bonso has been remodeled throughout, at great expense, aud is one cl the Handsomest Business Houses n the citv. He bus on band, and is constantly rwjoiving, a large and well assorted stocK 01 Ladirs', Misses' and Children's Shoes. Gentlemen's and Youth's Boots & Shoes. He is also prepared to manufacture all kinds of work in his :u.c. at t lie siioriest notice, ana in tho bet und most fashionable style. lie has secured the services of Mr. J. W. WROTEX, Whose knowledse of the Boot and Shoe busi ness is unsurpassed and who will be glad to see a:l his old tru-nds una customers. Mr. IiEIiTItAM returns his thanks to the public for their past liberal patronage, and re portlul!v solicits the continuance ef tho same. Maysville, Ky., juno 2, lS'34-2tn Tailoring and Renovating ESTABLISHMENT! ! ! SECOND STREET, opposite City Hall, -Mii-YSVILLE, KY. 'IHE Undersigned would respectfully inform X. the citizens of Maysville and vicinity that he is prepared to make up suits of any style and warrant tliein to give salisiaetion. I am prepared to KENOV ATE CLOTHING and remove all kinds of Grease, Paint or Dirt, and restore tho goods to its original gloss and beauty. Give me a eu',1. juno 23, '64. CHRISTIAN ALTMEfEB. LOOK HERE! THE NSW Boot & Shoo Store 1! SECOND STREET, (In tho House formeily occupied Cras. Wbite.) MAYSVILLE, KY. TnE UNDEKSIGNED KESPECTFULLY solicit tho patronace ol'tlie Citizens of Mays sville arid surrounding Counties. We have a full assortment of Ladies', Mi.-sos' and Children's Congress and Side Luce Gaiters. Lusting, Kii and Morocco Balmorals of tne best quality and latest style. Gent's Fine Kcots, Balmorals, Conirress Boots, Oxford Ties and Broains of tho latest stylo. LADIES' AND GENT'S BOOTS and SHOES MADE TO OKDEU ON THE SUOiiTEST NOTICE AND W A UK ANTED. We have aiso a good itssortmontcf LEATHER AND FINDINGS which we will sell at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Mr. CHAS. WHITE, will bo ready to wait on his oid triends and customer at all times. B. A. WALLING FORD & CO. Maysville, Ky., June 1(5. 1S64. e&? IB. NEW CASH HARDWARE HOUSE! SiGi OFBIG SAW. FARMERS, WE HAVE NOW ON HAND TIIE BEST AR TICLE OF GRAIN SCYTHES, GRASS SCYTI1KS, BRIAR SCYTII ES, SCYTIIU SNATHS, GRAIN CRADLES, HAY FORKS, Ac, Ac, "Low for Ca n. OWENS & BAKKLEY. Mayhville,Jene 80, 1S64 Second Street. LADIES, YOU WILL FIND AT THE HARDWARE HOUSE, 2d Street, IVORY HANDLE KNIVES, PLATED TABLE KNIVES, PLATED DESSERT KNIVES. PLATED FORKS & SPOONS. PLATED NAPKIN RINGS, BUTTER KNIVES, CALL BELLS & TABLE MAT8, Gntfa Iei ch KNIVES fe FORKS, BREAD fc FRUIT TRAYS, WAITERS, Arc, Ac, Low for Cash. O WENS t B ARKLEY. OWENS & BARKLEY HAVE IT! THE FATEST CARPET SWEEPER!!! LAD IES, IP you wish to bavb toub carpets and Sweep without Dust, buv one of the Great Carpet Sweepers of OWENS & BARKLEY. o LADIES! After having used one of the Car pet Sweepers, you would not be withont one. Call aud see it. OWENS tfe BARKLEY. OWENS & BARKLEY II AVE IT I TEE PA TENT CABPET 8 WEEPER 1 1 Mayaville, July 7th, 1564. RED CORNER CLOTHING STOM! JD1UH1 06 Hfifik1Tlfyfi O GREAT WESTERN Emporium of Fashion WE take pleasure in informing eur Patrons and the public generally, that we have just received, and are continuing to receive, from Niw Yobe, Baltimore and other Eastkkn Pobts. a dli.. HBO and vABiiD btooe ow GENTLEMEN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING; Of the very latest Eastern Styles. Dress Coats, Business Coats, PrOlUCIiacle CoatS, POIltS clllCl VGStSa ui au styies ana aescripuons, an 01 wmcn we will dispose cf at the lowest Eastern prices. iv o uuve puia me mosiparncQiftr rii&UAAL MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT, And have purchased only the MOST CHOICE and FASHIONABLE kinds and Styles. Hav ing made and EXTENSIVE ADDITION to this branch of our businoss, we have now the best FACILITIES to Manufacture to Order, at the SHORTEST NOTICE. Our celebrated and ex perienced Cutter, JERRY I YOUNG, will superintend the getting up of all work in the Merchant Tailoring Line, by experienced work men ONLY. The Stock consists of the finest Foreign and Domestic Cloths; "PV TTWlIcV, r"noT, c. iisuwouu jjuucu uaoauicico, Silks, Satins &, Cashmeres for Vest- ingS. 0 Mr. YOUNG has also nrocured Genio's. C. ScoU's.Glencross'&West'slatotPatern Sheeta. Our Stock of GENTLEMEN'S FDMISHKG GOODS! Comprises all appertaining to a Gentleman's outfit, and is too aumerous and varied '6 men tion. The Genuine Patent FRENCH YOKE SHIRT, Can begot at our Store. FOR THE FINEST AND LATEST STYLE CALL AT TIIE RED CORNER. A DLL SUPPLY OF Trunks, Valises, Carpet Sacks, Umbrellas, &c, Always on hand. ALL PURCHASERS WHO WISH TO SAVE MONEY! AND GET THE LATEST STYLES ! WILL FIND IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE TO CALL AT THE RED CORNER STORE BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. FOE't FINE STYLISH SPRING SUIT! CALL AT BLUM & HECKINGER'S RED CORNER STORE Y Maysville, Ky., Match SI, lS6l! MULLINS & HUNT'S 7ST TT1W WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE! TTT V. RTTRSPPTH-poa t nvn -conrnu iatiAJ ma large retail Dry Goods business In Mayaville. would call tha try Merchants to their recent addition of an ex tensive Wholesale Department; which will be conducted on a STBICTLY CASH PRINCI PLE. The many years of experience possessed by our buyer, combined with a perfect knowledge of the Kentucky trade, a thorough acquaintance ship with all the Manufacturing and Importing Houses in the East, and the fact of' ur pur chases being made for "Cash," together with a firm determination to sell at a mere commission I advance on Eastern Cost, will be sufficient guaranties to CLOSE CASH BUYERS that we I cannot be undeisold bv anv WESTERN .TflR bing house. Our Stock will be found better adapted to the wants of of our customers than it is usual to ana in me generality ot JUiiiiLNtt HUU&IS; as it will embrace a greater variety of goods than is ordinarily met with In an exclusive Wholesale Establishment. The departments alotted to AND Will be at all times especially attractive as par- ikjujiuh wiu 00 paia to tnem, and a I LARGE SXOOK u-iwuomuujf un uud a. we wotiJa Impress may rely upon havinir them executed to the ful- Mill T INC . miHT vueaj ury wooas ocore, May8vme,K;.7anTies,e3May8ViUe'KT- NEW CASS HARDWARE HOUSE! SIIGN BFG SAW. V7I5 Take pleasure in announcing to our I " . .rieuas ana customere, tUat we have "Sin openea a UAKU1VAKE HOUSE, on Mr-H-c- Lioyd, where we win be pleased to see any who may favor us with a call. We are now in receipt, and will continue to receive new additions to our Stock weekly. We purchase our 00,i! Lrelrom the AMERICAN MANU- chT .nd7"Po. to furnfsh goVdTatallow ugures hb can De oougnt west. we also continue the WHOLESALE BOOT at imn, -BU&tri.fcs and request Merchants to juumurQugo our cstocK Detore buying elsewhere OWEiYS & BAMLEF. SIGN BIG SAW. Maysville, Ky BUILDING HARDWARE; SADDLERY HARDWARE; COACH HARDWARE; TABLE & POCKET CUTLERY; TEA & BREAD TRAYS; CARPENTERS TOOLS; COOPERS TOOLS; SHOVELS; SPADES & RAKES; TRACE & OTHER CHAINS; FAIRBANK SCALES to weish 7UO pounds to 6.000 pounds. FIRE PROOF SAFES. Maysville, Ky., March 8, 1864. SATAN'S Devices and Believer's Victory, Parsons. Natural History of Secession, Goodwin, Three' months in the Southern States, Lt. Col. Frekvak.ti.ic The last Times Seiss. Private Miles O'Reilly, Hi9 Book. Spectacles for Young Eyes, S. W. Lander. The Ferry Boy and Financier a life of Secre tary Chase. ALSO: A new lot of WALL PAPER and OIL SHADES At ROGERS' Bookstore. Maysville, Ky., May 26, 1S64. C. Gallehek, C. Nelson. Late of Mason Co.,Ky. Late of Mt. Sterling, Ky. T. A. Matthews, of Maysville, Ky. Merchants' Hotel, (FORMERLY DENNISON MOUSE) CALLEHER, NELSON & CO., Proprietors. 3r"irtli street, near 3VXta. CINCINNATI, O; F?T"ThiB house having been thoroughly reno vated and newly furnished, ia now open. Cincinnati, O., May 19th, 1864-8mo. - Established tjndeb Citt Obdinance in 1657. o . . WHEELER TOBBACCO WAREHOUSE, PHISTER & HOW, Proprietors, For the Inspection and Sale of LEAF TOBACCO 14 WEST FRONT ST.. SSLSA CINCMATI, OHIO. o Tobacco" Sold at Auction or Privately, as Owners may desire. o AUCTIONS SALES: TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, & SATURDAYS. PRIVATE SALES DAILY. QO" Storage to Shippers Three Months Free. Cincinnati, O., May 19th, 1864-Smo. Eagle copy 8 months and charge Bulletin. CLEAN YOUR TEETH! WITH Aromatic Tinct Myrrh ! ! IT is excellent for hardening the gums, remov ing tartar, and imparting fragrance to the breath. TRY" IT ONCE And we know you will continue its use. Aa prepared by us itia superior to all other waihea f for the teetb. rrepared and Sold by juce 9. BEATON fc BEODRICK. H. A. CALVERT, (of Xy.J WITH ' CHAMBERS, STEVERS & IMPOST EES A WHOI.284XS DSAllzBS OT DRY Gr OO D S 110 & 112 Pearl Street, ar.ri!7-8m CINCINNATI, O. WITH Will. K. BOAL; efiOCER & COMMISSIOV MiflEEABf.- ONTO. 18 QT Wett Second Street, between Had & ln Street; CINCINNATI,. W1T.L Attend to the Sale of all kinds of PRODUCE, and make immediate Returns." 1 era for any description of Groceries prompt-" ly filled. . BESBES BT FKB30SSIOK TO J ohn A. Robinson, Esq., Gallipolls, 0. A. W. Bcskirk, Esq., Portsmouth, O. Hon. L. T. Moobb, Catlettsburg, Ky." C4PT. W. Ho8HBI.I J NO. JN. KICHARDson. Tjiti t4 D. D. Geioeb. Eto.. ft Htroa Means, Esq., Ashland, Ky. Wu. T. Niohoxu, Esq., Ashland. Ky.' Wx. L. Geioer, Esq., Ashland, Ky. Geo. Wsbts, Esq., Greenupsburg, Ky." E. J. Hook ad ay, Esq., " " Lonis D. Ross, Esq., u " Capt. Z. Shibley, Louisville, Ky. Hon. Thob. E. Bbamlett, Frankfort, Ky. 3?" Will make liberal advance on Consi era1 I 01 jrroauce. mar B,lSt54-6mw M. THOMPSON. Umbrella. Parasoly AND WALKING CANE MANUFACTORY, No. 167 Main Street, bet. 4Ui & fith CINCINNATI, o, t3F"Eepairing promptly attended to. mart' DUHME & CO. O. V. L0r. 4U1 UUU IV ttinDl OlTeeiS,' CINCINNATI,' O. Ketaii & wholesale Dealers in DIAMONDS, WATCHES,' JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. THEY Keep on hand a large stock of Cheap)' Watches, Jobbing Material, Spectacles, feo.,' lor me i raae. E01d Gold and Silver boueht for Cash. march 8, 1864-ly A SURE CURE. T7VERY BODY IS BEING CURED OF THIS DR. STRICKLAND'S PILE REMEDY; Read what those say who have used it: Mr. Charles W. Landram, of Louisville,' and'' J. P. Hazarde, Cincinnati, O., we rej both cured, after using one pot of Dr. Strickland's Pilot Remedy. They say they bave tried every thing but could obtain no relief, but one Pot of Strick land's Pile Remedy affected a perfect cure after suffering for many years with the worst kind of Piles. They recommend every one who is Buf fering to try it. ...... Sold by all Druggists, 50 cents per, pot, Manu factured at No. 6 East Fourth street, Cincinnati Ohio. Ask for DR. STRICKXARTJ'S FILE REMEETf. General Depot. No. 6 East Fourth street. Cin cinnati, Ohio. . , For sale by BEATON fc BEODRICK, Corner 2nd fe Court Sts., Maysville. june 2, '64-ly BOOK & STATIONERY HAVING Purchased th Stock of BOOHS. STATIONERY. .WALL' PAPliR, Arc, of Messrs W. L. Pjcabob & Co.,' I propose to conduct Ihe business at tha old. stand in this City. I shall be continually sup-, plied with a full stock of all articles pertaining; to the business and shall sell upon the moat rea sonable terms. - Mv stock of SCHOOL BOOKS & SCHOOL STATIONERY is now complete and umbrae all the classes of Books in use by tie Sohoola i Northern Kentucky and Southern Ohio. Sep.17, 1868. . . IK. MARVFIS NEW BOOK. EVEN STORIES BY THE AUTHOR OF J " Reveries of a Bachelor," "Farm at Edw- wood," 6o.,&c. ft.Tft. A large supply of the above delightful. work' received this day by Express.' Mail orders ahali receive prompt attention. I. W. S1jAX11!,KMA, Maysville, May 26, 1864. Bookseller. MAYSVILLE SOAP & CANDLE FACTORY.- Third Street, between Sutton 6r Wall, Opjxmil Cha. PHieUr't lumber Yard. . 4 GOOD SUPPLY OV MOTTLD AKn SUMMER CANDLES. GEEMA1 AND EANCY SCAPS Constancy on hand fAgent for Staroh & Star Candles. CiT'Cash paid for Tallow and Boas Grease. Deo. 10 JAMES 6MITH. OURES Coughs, Colds, Sore Thr.oati',.. AstbmaJ and Consumption-. It is only necessary fof any one troubled with those complainta to try one bottle of. , , -, r t Strickland's Helluluons Coug Balsaia1 to convince them that it is the best preparation. ever usea.. it not oniy cuies tne above anecttons of the Throat and Lungs,, but it cures Night Sweats and Spitting of Blood, and 4a an excel-. leni gargie ior any Kina or bore, Throat , i f. a. P'easant to take, and a safe medicine for Infanta. iTice oO cents per bottle. . For sale by SEATON & BRODEICK, Corner 2nd & Court StTeets, Maysville,' Ky. BGeneral Depot, No. 6 East th St., Cincinnati;' Ohio." fjuno i, 1864-li' 100,000 es! JUST Received and for sale by : ALEX. MADDOX, . M ajsville, June 80, IBB4. Wall'StrootV i t