Newspaper Page Text
r 1 1 ; ' I! . ' i ; t I: ? H '7 & if i ill 3 1 I I - . - Klghieea-Vears Since. "W bop w thall not be accused of trea son for republishing for the benefit of all concerned, the following choice relic of the paat: XJin. Enq.' From the New Tort Tribune, Jnne 1,1845. - CHRISTIANITY ASD WiB. If tone pestilence were now raging in our Sonth-wettern border, mowing down a hun dred or two human being per day. and threatening to overspread the land, what a profusion of prayers, and fastings, and depre- eatlona of Ood'a wratnlnl justice would De heard from all our ten thousand churches! .If news had bnt arrived that the inhabitants of the valley of the Rio Grand e, no matter 00 -which back re&iding, were pining and dying for food, what thrilling appeals would be : made. to Christian benevolence through our newspapers! What meetings would be held to raise supplies of corn and cattle for our suffering dying fellow-men! Yet now, when we hear of hundreds recklessly slaughtered there dying in agony and scorching thirst, their life-blood oozing gradually away into the burning sands, and their -bodies Inmbled hurriedly into holes like cation, mobs assemble to shout and daoce over the 'glcrioos tidings;' and every ear is" strained fer more bulletins of butchery. We bear that the Mex;cn army is starving, after bein subsisted many days on barley, corn and salt, in a region where fresh watvr Is often a rarity and we think not or care not that when an array begins to starve the people must have starved alreadv, and our patriots hurrah 'That's right! Give it to em! Block tip the mouth of the Rio Grande! . Lat iheta have nothing to eat! Humble them! CbastUe thorn! Cut them dowul Such is war such is the devilish spirit which creates and is cherished by it. And what is our Christianity, what is the church (in which term we include all organ- 1 ized societies of Christians) doing to arrest this complication of crimes and horrors? Some of Mr. Chase's friends say that be 'resigned' the Treasury portfolio; but it is the better opinion that his case was like that of the Irishman who, on beinz asked why be joined the army, replied. "Be jabers they forced me to volanteet!'' Hartford Times. - ' A 'Nigger' Bcll We have heard of Irish bulls,' but the following ' Nigger bull' berts them all.. and deserves a wide ranie in the jokers pasture: A negro preacher in Cynthiana, Ky .; attracted to his chnrch ser vices by his eJoqueice, his loyalty, or his ebony congregation, a number of soldiers of miscegen proclivitie-, belonging to an Ohio regiment stationed there. Upon 'jjiners being called for, one of the m'scejens presen ted' himself for church membership. The colored clergymen was cot a little astonish ed, and said, 'Brother, we can't you in this church; we take only colored folks. If you want to jo'n meetin' you must go to Mr. 's cburcb. lie takes white folks.' The soldier was considerably back set at damper upon bis pious sspirations. A sym pathizing colored member commisserating his' discomfit nre, cried ont, 'Brother Jilson, take him; take him! Ifheia a white man he's got a black heart.' . . Fate of the Apostles. Matthew is supposed to have suffered martyrdom, or was slain with the sword at the city of Ethiopa. Mark was draged through the streets of Alexandria, in Egypt, till he expired. Luke was hnng upon an oliv9 tree in Greece. John was put into a cauldron of boiling oil at Rome and escaped death. He after wards died a natural death at Ephesu3, in Asia. James the Great was beheaded at Jerusa lem. James the Less was thrown from a pin nacle or wing of the temple, and the beat en to death with a fuller's club. Philip was hanged np against a pillar at Hleropolis a city of Phrygia. Bartholomew was dared alive by the command of a birbarous king. . Andrew wa3 bound to a cross, whence he preached to the people till be expired. Thomas was run through the body with a lance at Corormodel, iu the East Indies. Jude was shot to death with arrows. Simon was crucified in Persia. Tbult Swert. 'When I am in pecuni ary difficulties,' said a pensive bankrupt, 'my garden, my Sowers, all fresh and spark in the morning, console my heart., 'Irj deedl' asked bis sympathizing friend. ,1 should have though) tLey wouM have . reminded you of your trouble, for like your .bills, they are all over dew.' What will Mrs. GausDT Sat? An exchange paper is jubilant over the fashion Empress Eugene has lately set, and says her example will commend itself to the good senssible women. 'She, upon a re cent occasion, appeared in public with skirts shortened sufficiently to display the hand some, richly ornamented gxrlfs worn by ber.' A modest bachelor says that the printer hat evidently made a mistake; that gaiters not garters Is bight of this new fashion. - W. S. FRANK, .Attorney at Law, COURT S TREET, r; . Maysville, Ky. JSyPrompt attention uaid to Collecting.,.! febrnary lStfa, 1SS4. J. K. SUMRALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MAYSVILLE, KY., WILL practice in the Courts of Mason and ad joining counties. OFFICE We jan 15,1S6 t-stde or Court Street. : 23. O..PHISTSH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE ON T:IE 'WEST SIZE OF COURT ST. M YSV1LI. E, :K Y. August 14 ,1ST2. W. J. KOSS. A.J. S-tWtLL. OSO. W. KO3, JK ROSS & ITS WELL, WHOLESALE GROCERS J ,1 -j, ' AND DBAX.EBS XX 'Foreign and Domestic Liquor TOBACCO, CIGARS, Etc. -Corner of Uariet and Third Streets, 3JAVSVILXE. KY II-C.LLOiD. Wk. H. EICUARDSON, Lloyd & Richardson, WHOLESALE DEALERS VS. GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS &, TOBACCO,' FORWARDIIrJ&COMMISSIDS MERCHANTS, 0PP05ITC OODDARD IlOtiE, MARKET STREET, - - MAYSVILLE, KT. WE WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL jour attention to tho above card, and solicit a portion of yonr pat ronngo, promising to fill orders promptly and eatisfactorilly. "We have established ourselves for the pur pose of inducing Merchants to make their pur chases here instead of elsewhere; and as onr goods are bought direct from fibst iiAxnain tho Eastern JIarket, by our Eioker, wo make this proposition to Merchants: That we will duplicate any bill bought in Cincinnati, and if goods are not what we represent them, they can be sent back at our expense. "Wchave just received from the East 20 Hbda. Choice new N. O. SUGAR; IO " Prime " " " 50 Bbls. Lovebixo's Philadelphia REFINED SUGARS Crushed, Granulated, Powder ed and Coffee A. 50 Bags Choice Yellow fe Bright Green COFFEE MOLASSES Old and New Crop; MACKEREL in all sizes, direct from Bos ton, last Crop 1S63; IO Keg Newcastlo ENGLISH SODA; TOItACC'O alargelot in Boxes, Caddies, &c. TEAS a Superior lot of all kinds, selected lor this portion of tLo Country. In adJiUon to our stock of Heavy Groceries, we Lave a large assortment of Fancy: CIOARS, at all price?; Fancy Wash and Shaving SOAPS; Whole and Half Boxes new II. K. and Layer RAISIN; SARDINES; FIGS; PICKLES; PEACHES, Cove and Spiced OYSTERS; MUSTARD, in boxes; 50 te 25 lbs. boxes assorted CANDIES; CHEESE; CRACKERS; INDIGO; MADDER; SPICES, grain aDd ground; ALUM; Race & Ground GINGER ; COPPERAS; BLACKING, Iarje and small; BLACKING BRUSHES; FAUCETS; CINNAMON, ground and in matts; CAPS; SHOT; LEAD; EXT. LOGWOOD; STARCH; GERMAN SOAP; AlaTge variety of CAP, NOTE & LETTER TA PER; ENVELOPES, buffand white; fec. &c. I"In addition to the above, we offjr induce ments to the trade in Ilia x c ua. o I RECTIFIED WHISKY sold at Cincinnati prices. GINGER WINE, GIN, BRANDY, and with a superior lot of OLD ISOCXIIOX WHISKY at all prices. Respectfully, LLOYD & RICHARDSON. Maysville, Ky., March S, 1504. fJEW CHINA, GLASS AND Queensware House ! ! IR. ALBEET, IMPORTER AND DEALER Second Stroeti One door btloio Geo. Arthur' Confectioner Store, 77-EEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND a labok J. V. AND WELL SELECTtD STOCK 0 French and English China, Glass, QUEEN S YARE& FANCY GOODS, in great variety, a Vases, Toilet Sets in China, Parian Marble and Bobemain UJass, JJewel Boxes; Fancy and Toy Boxes, Toy Tea Sets, etc. DIN NEK AND TEA SETS, of all qualities, WHITE, ORNAMENTED AND FINE GILT. Silver Plated and Britannia Tea Sets, Castors, Etc., Plated TaWe Ware; Ivory, Bone and Wool Handled Forks and Knives Knive;Tea Trays and Waiters, ef all pizjs and varieties, Imported Direct from the Manufactories in t&- EUKOPE. Also, the large and most complete stock of COAL OIL LAMPS, of ail sizes ai.d stylos, from 50 cents to $10 each BURNERS, CHIMNEYS PAPER SHADES and WICKS; The Very Best of PURE COAL OIL, CANS, ETC.; all of which I will sell for CASH at the VERY LOWEST CINCINNATI prices. "Accommodation to the wants of custom ers, quick sales and smali profits are the govern inff irincii)les of my bubiucss. Cul'i. see and jutigo tor yourselves! it. aiiULUl- ttiayyviile. Ftb 4, 1S64. LEE HOUSE, Corner cf Front & Sutton Streets, MAYSVILLS, ... KENTTJCKY. IIORD & PEPPER, Proprietors.- THE Undors-npd take plpasnre in an-, nounin? to the p.-ople of Maysville and Mason count v , anu to u.c traveling I'Ublic troner- I nKy. that the have leas.-,; ihU M.i,,:l:ir an: coin moJior.s Iloi'l far a i-eU year;, and have; it lor the reception of '.murders aud the' :iccoiiun"dat!on of trans'-.-nt ensu nters. It is corivericnt to the sta:iml)-.:!t Landtres. nnd is ! tho oliice tor the friace lint's tufcinlerif-r ot tiia Male. The House is being thoroujihiy re pidrc.l and reUttdl thronhont, and 1.0 pa'.r.s wiil bcsvar.-ii f. make i' i:i nil re.-pcels tho iwi Hotel in North East v Xer.tncky. Especialcare wiil bo bcioed np'ii the table, whicft wii! a!- wajs e siippnJ wiin the luxuries 01 tue aiais villuaiid Cincinnati markets, mar CI, 'cl lim IlOItD fc PEPPEK. HALL LIGHTS! T7OR Bnrninj Coal O:l,scmo very fine, direct 1 trcm ZSew lcrt forsale b.y may 19. SEATON ffi ERODEICiL GROCERIES AflD LIQUORS. W.L.&JX.PEAECE Wholesale Grocers AND COMMISSION MERC II A N T S, SUTTON ST., (oppost'fe Lee Lhuse) MAYSVILLE, KY. 0 On'r personal attention will be gven to Keceiving & Forwarding all Goods consigned to our care. All orders sent hs stall be filled in the same trimmer, to 'lh reference to quality and quantity. as if the parties purcftasing were personally vresent. EoJow will bo found an enumeration of some 01 tho articles included in our stock, which we otTot to the trade low for Cat-h or Country Pro duce: 24 Hhds. Choice N. O. Sugar; 8 Hhds. Prime NTo. Sugar; SO Bbls. Lovcring's Befincd Sugars; IO " Crushed do; 25 " Tulverizod do; 13 A. Coffee do; 54 Bags Choice Bio Coffee; 25 " Prime Bio Coffee; 35 Packages Golden Syrup, "n Half Bbls. and 10 ffal. Ks; 10 Bbls. Now Crop N. O. Molasses; U5 Packuscs Mackctel, in Bbk, II f. Bbls, Qr. Bbls. and Kit; 25 Ilf. CIjcfU Choice (iunpowcrTca; 5 " " Black Tea; 20 Gro;s Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco; Choice Smoking Tcboeco, in Ilulf Ponnd and 3 Pound Packages; SO Caddies CLcice Chewing Tobacco; 20 Butts Chew ing Tobacco; 50.000 C :gara, assorted brands; 73,000 White and Br.ff Envelopes; Cap, Note and Letter Paper; 30O Boxes Sardines. IirIvcs and quarters; 35 Doz. Cove and Spiced Ohttrs, in 1 S 2 lbs. Cans; JSlBaskets Cbampaigne Wine; 12 Boxes Native Wines; Choice Old liontbon Whisky, in Barrels and Bottles; Common lilsky; Rectified Vlnkey; French IJrandy;tiin;f;inser Wine Kais-ins; Figs; Almonds; Buckets; Tubs, in net-ts Wrapping Parer; Fancy, Toilet and Bai Soaps; Washboards; Brooms; Cordage; Ma'chc; Spices Star and Tallow Candles; Cheese; Crackers Shot; etc. We invite tho attention of Country Merchants particularly t") our stock of goods. We respectfully solicit the orders of the trade generally, promising satisfaction In all cases. W. L. & J. I, PEARCE, Nos. 13 & 15 Sutton St., (opp. Lee House) March 21, 1804. MA YS VILLE, K . JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS SIIVEr'wARE!!! TUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK tf of FINK COLD WATCH KS AND JEW ELSlV of the latest styles. Also, a large assortment of CLOCKS, SILVER WARE, PLATED WARE AND FANCY GOODS. fcs7A large Stock of MATERIAL to accom modates the trade. Jnst Ec--cived a larsre Stock of POCKET BOOKS, POUTMONN'AIES, COMBS AND FANCY GOODS. :i'JEWELR & SILVER WARE mado to Order. rCash Paid for California Gold and Old Silver. C. F. DUFEU, Next door to Miner's Shoo Store. Maysville, Ky., April 2Sth, 13tl. AND FLUX. STRICKLAND'S Anti-Cholera Mixture, Is a composition of asttingents, absorbents, ptimulants and carminatives, which every phy sician acknowledges is tho only preparation that will effect a permanent cure of Piarrhcea and Dysentery. This Anti-Cholera Mixture is now in nsein several of our aimy hospitals where it gives tho ereatest satisfaction. It has saved the lives of thousands of our soldiers and citizens, and we will guarantee it to be the best remedy in the world for Diarrhoea and Dysentery. Mr. Woods, ot Covington, Ky., will be most happy to satisfy any one as to the virtue of Strickland's Anti-Chole a Mixture; in fact we have a great number of tostimonials from pa tients who have been cured after being pro nounced inenrab'e bv their physicians, some after takinsr only one botllo of Strickland's A nti Cholera Mixture. If you suffer with Diarrhoea and Dysentery try one bottle. SOLDIERS! You ought not to be without such a valuable medicine. The C'ncinnati National Union, of April 24th, says; that thousands of our soldiers have been saved by tho use of Strickland's Anti- Cholera Mixture. For sale by Seaton & Brodrick,at 50 cents per bottle. General Depot, No. 6 East 4th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. june 2, lSC4-ly CHANDELIS3S! F Vfirionn P.itteriia, for bnrninrr Cnl OH Maysville. Ky., may 19. Drug Store. TEA a very sujerior article, tho best import ed, in store and lor sale by jus,; i BEN PIIISTER IJUOOJUS, Vlarae snrrdy of hot qualify, for snlc by n7ar BEN PUISTER. Keep Cool ICS TTCE ! ! lCTE have commenced rnrninjr onr Io6 1 1 von, ana wiildenvcr leo to any rart 01 111-1 i&j rsi8ons acjijripz leo inrongc rne fiay,ican cbtain it at Richard WatUiiii,' Grocery Store, oa Wall street, or at Wm. VTatkins' on IMarket St. WM. VVATKINS; Mav 19,le4. RICHARD W ATKINS. (CORDAGE Hemp and Manilla ropes of J all sizes from, a plongh linto a ships cbl Always cu hand. ALEX MALDOX GRAIN, GROCERY, AJXV C0MMISS ION HOUSE "Corner of 3rd & Market Streets, MAYSVILLE, - KENTUCKY. T II AVE JUST OPENED A UKAKN, CROCEKY AND COMMISSION STORE in the house formerly occupied by Jas. C. Brook over, north-east Corner of Third & Market Sts. 1 will pay tho highest market price 1M oxsn or WHEAT, RYE and BARLEY. I navejust re;civol a tun siock 01 wrwenw, Sugar, Molasses, Coflee, Tea. Kice, Fish, Tobacco, Salt, etc., &c., toitother with a (tencral assort ment of all articles in ho Grocery line: all war ranted to bo of the best qxiahty. My goods have been bought exclusively for Cash, and will be sold for Cash or Country Produce, at very small profits. I have al-o on hand a largo stock of PURE OLD BOURBON WHISKY. Commission, Storage A; Forwarding .business attended to with promptness. All persons desirous of getting the worth of their money, will please give ine a call. june llth,lSi52. HEN PIIISTER. CRUSHED, Powdered and Grannla'.cd Sugar, of best quality, in store and frsalo low by BEN PIIISTER, jnro 19 Cor. Srd C Market streets. SYRUP. Philadelphia and Baltimore Syrups, in barrels, half barrels and 10 gal. kers, for salelowby BENPHISTEU, juno 9 Cor. 8rd A Market streets. THJBACCO of all STades and prices, for sato X By BEN PIIISTER. jane IS Cor. Crd Market streets. V INEOAR of tho best quality, forsale by j n 110 IS. BEN PIIISTER. Acw Orain Store! HAVINti Retired from tho firm of Alfx. Towf-b S Co., I will continno cn my own account in the Grain Trade, on Wall Street, next door to Alex. Maddox, nnd solicit all our old cu:-tomcr. to trivo mo a call, ts I have a large number of Sacks and fefd confident of my ability to gfCc entire satislaction to all who may be pleased to deal with me. ALEX. POWER. Maysville, Kv., July 1,I?o3. ff7. II, LOx G, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IS ALL KIN08 CF grain. Fira, mm salt. &c. Corner of Wall & 2nd Streets, MAVS VILLE, KENTUCKY j se 1M, 1562-ly 1)11. JOHN BUL.IL.'.S COBPOUSD CEDROX BITTERS! The Latest and Mst Important Discovery of the Ninetecith Ccntnrv. N1 TO MAN'S NAME IS MORE INTIMATELY connected with tho history of the Materia Medica ot the United States, or more lavorably known as a piiinwr in medical discovery, than that of JOHN HULL, of Louisville, Ky. " Hi in imitable preparation of S-trsapcrilla has lon;j stood at the head of the various compouuds of that valuable drucr. His compound Federal of Wild Cherry lias become a household word throughout tho West and South; and bis Worm Lozenges, in less than a year after tln iiv intro duction, attained a rrpnratioii as wiJcs-j re:id as tho continent of North America. Hut thuirown ins plory of hia life remains to be att-iined iu his latot discovery, or rather combination, for he does not claim to have been the discoverer of CE12RON, which is the basis of the Hitters now otfered ti tho public. That honor belonjr to the native inhabitants of Central America, to whom its virtues haobscn known-for m ro than two hundred years. Armed with it. the Indian bids defiance to the most deadly malaria, and handles without fear the most venomous serpents. It is a belief with them that while there is breath left in the body the Cedron is poteut to core, no mat tet what the disease may be. While lJr. Hull is not prepared to indorse this extravagant pretension, lie is nevertheless satis fied from a thorough examination oftheevidenec relating to its virtues, that, as a remedy and preventive fir all diseases arising from exposure tither to chanpes of weather and climate or to the miasmatic iiiiluences, it stand'? without a rival, and justly deserves tho reputation it has so long enjoyed in Central America and the West Indies. In DYSPEPSIA and its attendant train of Rvmntoms. it acts moreliko a charm than a medicine. There is I nothinirin the whole range oftho Materia Medics that can for a momeut bear a comparison with it in this disease. A full account of this wonderful plant may bo found in the eleventh edition ot tlie V. a. Dts pensutovy, pages 1Ss7 and 10?3. A scriesof experiments. in which Dr. Bull hn been forycnTsensmsred, has just been brought to a succcsstul termination, und lie is noiv enabled to oiliir to the public a combination ofCedron with other unproved, the whole pesvred in 'ho best quality of copper-distilled Hoarbon whisky, which he is conhJeut has no cinal in tho world. He might famish a volnmc of ccrtsfleatcs, bnt the public have long since learned to csti.. ate such things at their true value. The safest plan is for every one to test for 1 imself the virtues of a new medicine. Give tho Cedrou Bitters one trial, and you will never use any others. It is not necessary to publish a long list cf dis eases for which the Cedron Hitters are a specific. In all diseases of the STOMACH, ROWELS, KIDNEYS, or LIVER; In all affections of the BRAIN depending up on derangement of the Stomach or Bowels; In GOUT. RHEUMATISM & NEURALGIA; And in FEVER AND AGUE; It is destined to supersede all other remedies. It not only cures all these diseases hut it pre vents them. A wine glass full of the Bitters taken an hour betbre each meal will obviate the ill effects of the most unhealthy climate and screen the person taking it aguiust discaso under the most try?ng exposure. Sold by Druggists and Grocers, generally. Lr. JOHN BULL'S Principal Oliice, Fifth street, Lonisville, Ky. Sold Wholesale and Retail by SEATON db BRODRICK. Cor. 2nd and Court Streets. mar 7, lS04-ly Maysville, Ky. Come down in the center, That's what it means ! S ADDLE RY. rrllE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW SITUATED 1 so as to give his undivided attention to the Manufactory of every article connected with thf SADDLE AND EAHNESS TRADE ! lie has now on hand and :n process of mnkirir, t-p'eudid iwso?iiii M!t of Gentlemen and Ladies' Saddles'? Sudd !a Busts; itosiiy, Carriasro, J'take :m 1 si:lk y ilarnvs; Waoa and 1'low t-idr.i: Kidin:; tJridlcs, with Racking, Port and Smiille iiilts: Wa'-L'on, 15a2V, ("oach, Salkcy and RM- insf Whip; Hojr and Kips-kin Collars; Horse Covers, (wimble for ad seasons; Leather, Web mid Kotxs Halter; Worsted, Cotton and Hemp i Girths; Red top and Iron (-trapt Haine-; lry and Cait Harness; 111 hiiort every U.injr Usually kept in a Saddicry Establishment,-which 9 ill be sold at Wholesale and Retail, at low prices, to punctual doaicrs: 5 per cent off for cash. I57A1I Repairing attended to at once, at my Old Stind, on 2nd street, to finrl which, "Come down in the Center," between Market & Sutton. T. K. RICELETTS. Maysville, March 2Gth,15t'3. THE 1VEW WHOLESALE & RETAIL CHINA STORE South side 2d bet. Court & Market St G. A, & J. lfcCAriTIIEY. WE ANNOUCE WITH pleasure, the RE MOVAL of our Stock of CHINA, GLASS AND Q U E ENS WARE, to the bnildinff formerly oc cupied by E. Martin Sad dler, where wo aro opening a large and completo assortment 01 uooas, IMPORTED BY OURSELVES DIRECT FRGM THE MANUFACTORIES Our stock is large, containing great varieties of PLAIN WniTE, OOLU HAND AND FANCT DECORATED Dinner and Tea Setts; VACES; COLOGNE BOTTLES; TOILET SETTS; FANCY AND STAPLE ARTICLES of every description; Silver Plated KNIVES, FORKS, CAUD BASKETS, &c, IE TRAYS; WAITERS; COAL OIL LAMPS of many varieties. While thanking the public nnd the trade for (the liberal eni-Miragemcnt extended to us in the i-ast. we hoi e thev ill n t f.r..'ct to ca.i atlU sec us at our i LV fill N A STOKE. G. A. & J. E. McOARTIIF.Y, IlM'OKTfcliS OF E A RT II E N W A IlK , On South iile 2tl street. Maysville, Ky., January Tth, 1?"4. A k- fit CORNER-OF MARKET & FRONT, STS Opposite Steamboat Landing, MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY Mrs. T. I'. FLKUINt:, Proprietress. T' HIS well fcnnwn llotrl, hn been rp paired nd rctitt.od in a srpenor manner and is r ow M (-n to the pnMip. '1 lie PrOT'netres-i receit!y of Fox Syiriisrs, fo lic;ts tlie patpmae ot thu traveling curnniunity. N pains will 1m sp-ircl to give hatislaotion tj the trusts of the house. ITStage lcavedailv fr all poirl in tln in terior. Mrs. E. F. FLEMING. Feb. 1-2-Om r ju M oy j. JL, . GEORGE ARTHUR Baker & Confectioner AND DEALER IN Fruits, Nuts, Toys, FANCY GO OI) &cc, Has removed his Stock to UnriLLNS & FUST'S Old Stand, on Wliero he will be pleased to see and wait npon all Maysville, Ky., April !)th,lS'J3. JOHN A. SEATON, J.H. BRODRICK SEATON a BRODRICK WHOLESALE ARETAIL DETiaaiSTS, ASD DEALERS IN MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Paints, 'Oils, G-lass, &c. CORNI.K SHCO.NI COURT STS. ""WHEELER & WILSON'S Sewing Machines! Awarded tne First Premium as the be.-t Family Sewing Machine, Foi three successive years at tha UNITED STATES FAIR; For five years at tl.o CINCINNATI MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. WITH IMPROVEMENTS! GLASS FOOT; - 1IEMMER; (.'ORDER & BRAIDER. MACniNE NEEDLES, COTTONS, $:. tff For alc bv J. B. GIBSON, Agsnt. TELEGRAPH OFFICE, fob. 4ih, IS'iI. Maysvit-le. THE HOWE T II AVE .1 UST RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF JL TiiK CELEBRATED HOWE SEWING M A C H I N E , d i ie t from the Manufacturer, t.nd will sell them at the lowest pos.--illerte for Cash. These M.ichi lies are adapted fV.r hea vy us well as ihe finest sewing. Ci.ll ani examine tlicm at the residonte of S. Shocklet, cn Short stieet. Misrf. A. J. S.MlTn, Asrcnt. I"Needles and Spooi, TunEADs can be had at S. SnooKLf T's Store, on Market street. Maysville, Ky.: Feb. 2."th, lSGo. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE!!! I OFFER FOR SALE MY BRICK V-ESI- DKN'V'E. situated on the hill bide H Mnjs ville. Ky. The honso contains nino rooms, be sides Ki'chan. Pantry and Cellar. The '"3 is upon the lot a Dairy nnd Brick Stable. The lot i? Iiircc havir.2 npon i about Or,e hv.iidred he:ir n Frui; Trees and Vine.-of the finest, qna'ity. A is?, well sc: in Shrubbery and Flowers, Ruin an . I Well water abundant during the entire year. It is altr.ether a very desi rah ;e homj and will be sola lor Greenbacks much less than it cost i Gold. Enquire of .IDS. F. BRODRICK. N. D. Si.t liable for Citv RjilroaJ Jcot. llajsville, Ky., 21 ay 3,lSG4-tf I"LOCK AND TACKLE An assortment J embracing all sizes of superior construction ALEX. MADDOX. O AKUSI Cho'ca hand prepared alwavs on A. MADDOX VjlkN3tvAW maysville and Cincinnati U. S. MAIL LINK. TBI riRK.NEW limsrUHDIDlTtlXII. Thts flno steamer ",'"r.l'k Fr tho Cincin. nati and Mavt- preaaly vme I rsde; 3. H. FBATEER, Commander. LEW. M0HK1S Clerk LenVf-sfoot nf ttr.ii,ni!i fnrU..T.:ii. - llonday, Wednesday and Friday, atl2o'clock, it Leaves MaVSVlllA frT Oiiir-tnTinti air..n " day, Thursday and Saturday, 10 o'clock, A. Y fctfr or rci rht or Passage apply on board, oi to GRAHAM & McNEELY. u,q, j; reigi.t reecivca at all nours at the Maysville" Tacket Landing. Cincinnati, Maysville and Port8mouth. REGULAR TRI- WEEKLY PACKET. j-i ,n THE SPLENDID STEAMS Bostona, Captain Wm. MoClatn, Cooircander, will con tinue iu the above trade, leaving Cincinnati every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and Porta- moiunnvery monaay, oonesaay-and r riday at 12 M. Stopping at Maysville either way between the hours of 5 and 7 P. M. 1 or lrejght or pas.-age apply on board or to K." McNeely, Agent, Maysville, Ky. S. SALOMON, WATCHMAKER, Goddard House Building, Zr arkct Sti-eot, May 7, ISfiS-ly MAYSVILLE, KY. NEW BOOKS. Mv Farm at EJgewood, by Ike Mar vel $1 51 Hannah Thurston, by Bayard Taylor, 1 51 Tales of a Wayside Inn, by Longfellow. 1 25 II neks, by Marion llarland. 1 50 The I.inp of Amasis, hy Bulwer 1 25 Louie's LiislTtim, by Anthorof Rntledge 1 5() Soundii ps from tho Atlantic, Holmes I 25 (ientlemeri's Hook of EMquette 1 50 P.c:'.iit:es of English Poetry 4 00' Kvc nniis with tho I'oets 4 00 Loiia'el low's Poems. Cabinet edition 2 50 1 lea ven Our Home Ac 1 0 I-t;!"Tlie above, with nnmerous other new and valuable publications, just received by O. W BLATTEKMAK, Booksellers, SecoDd Street. V. 15. COCHRAN'S FAMILY GIiOCERY STORE, Ko 23, west-side Market St., Oai.breatiiV Oi.D Staxo. )' iIA YSVILLR KY. JUST re.-eived a larsre stock of Family anJ Ass.oitod Groceries, such aa Sumi, Syrup, CotrrM", Tens, itlackrreU I"iSi. IS iinn-i:-, Spic-", Candles, W i 1 low niul WooiIpii Vssre, II rooms, Toliacco, Cisars, Ac, A-c. Ilavinir bought a!l my Goods for cash, and my motto b ;ii m lricK Sales and Small Profits," 1 can ;.ssore i-ll who may ive me a call, tha cheapest tJrocories in the citv i-TTYe best quality of COAL OIL always on hand and for sale at the lowest market price. A. B. COCHRAN. N. B. Fi?e year Old Bourbon on tap, and the Dot of all kiiids ot Li'iuors constantly on hand. Maysville. Ky., March 1S, 1S'3. A. B. C. For Knis, 31 ice, Koaehes, Ants, Bed Unss, .liotli in J'ur. Voolen, A-c, In srtls on Plant, fowls. Animals, &c. Pin np in 2.V. 5'c and $1.00 Boxes, Bottles, and Flask. and 45 aiz.-s for Hotels, Pdblio lx t-TlTCTIONB, Ac Only infallible remedies known. " Free from Poisons." "Not dansrerous to the Human Family." "R;its come out of tb'-ir holes to die." S3?So!d Wholesale in all larsre cities. Ls"ScVI by all Dru triiists .ft l.'etailers everywheia' J-f'!'H;KWAEi.!:: oi ail worthless imitations. JSeo. that 'Co'.tarV' name is on oaoh Box,- Bottle, and Flask, iefcre you bny. SlJ-Addn ss II F.N It Y It. COSTAK. Jrf?"l'niNcieAr. Dkpot 4-2 Broadwat, N. Y. 2-fcTSol.l oy all Wholesale fc Retail DmgRiHt' in Maysvi.ic. Ky. mar 31, lSi4-6m. RAGS WANTED! 100,000 LBS GOOD CLEAN COT- which 1 will pay the highest Market Pr.eo. G. W. BLATTERM AN, feb 4h, 1ST. t. Bookstore. 2nd St. EEMOYAL 1 LOUIS STINE would respr-etrull.y inform hia J enstomers and friends th:f ho has remove-i to ddwalladei's Building, in the room formerly occupied by theTelegrapii Oihce. o Fall and Winter Goods ! LOUIS STINE PflERCHANT TAILOR AMU GENTS FUUNIStIEK, SECOND SIR EE 2, MAYSVILLE, KY.. KEEPS CONSTANTLY OX HAND A Choice assortment of a'l Seasonable Cooda in his line, which ha is nrcrmred in rlisnncn nf at. the lowest rates for "CASli." lie solicits a call from his friends ami pledges his best efforts to give Satisfaction. October 1, ISS3. LOUIS STINE. INTERIOR ADORNMENTS! JUST RECEIVED A CHOICE SELECTION of new and desirable styles of PAPER HANGINGS, from the rich and ornate to the most chaste and simple patterns, appropriate for Parlors, Halls. Dining-Rooms and Chambers. FIFcE BOARD PSI3TT3 new designs; WINDOW SHADES, of any required style or size, on hand or made to order. GILT MOULDING AND QVAL PICTURE? FRAM8 PICTURE CORD & TASSELS, and all the trimmings fcr frames. FRAKIKG DONE ON SHORT NOTICE! The above Goods aro all new and will be sold cheaper than ever before sold in this cit. lijA cr.i! i" solicited fiom persons wishing to purchase the r.bove goods. . J. C. S- ROGERS, Booksellers tfe Station ns , Staysvi'le, Ky., Ajril 21, ISSi. 2d Street' W E ARE PAYING THE MABKET PRICE, IN CASH, EOS WOOL. THOMAS & HORSEY. JIaysville, Ky., iiay 26ti, 13d4-fm . JEagla copy 2 months .1 U i