Newspaper Page Text
Increase; of th Price of tb Bulletin. The Subscription price of the Bci,letih ..1 i. k. n. Doiui aho Fifty toad of Ohb Dollar.,-, Ckst per year, ins (Ey-We are authorized to ay iu w.p.. Wic. D. Cobtkll ia not a caodidata for Sheriff, the ooming Angnat election. (Ey-The Illiooie farmer are offirio three dollar., a day farm hands and can find no takers.', . .; ! - ' - CTheNew York Aaaociated Bank and Mr. Fessenden have failed. to agree npbo tertna for the $50 000.000 loan, and in con teqqence gold advanced, closing at 275. - - (y About seventy thousand dollars .in gold was recently found in an old cellar in Kcir Hampshire. - - - (v-Bamum's fat woman, M:ss Jane Pish on, formerly exhibited as Miss Jane Camp bell, died at Brcokald;C-., the other day . Ten men were employed to get her into her cofSn, which was so wide that the door of the honse bad to be enlarged to enable its removal. ' . OO-Rev. Dr. Kennard.of the Tenth Bap tist Chnrch in Boston, bae preached ten thousand aermane, baptized two thousand and thirty-tbree persons, roarr':ed four thou aand and eighty-nine couples, ard attend ed three thouiand nine hundred fanerals in forty-six years. ' . . O-Alxx. CALH3tJ, clerk of the steamer Cleona, will plane accept our thanks for late files of Cincinnati papers. fjirFor the accommodation of the travel ing and business community, the elegant parsebger s'esmer Cleona, baa been placed in the Maysville and Cincinnati trade. She is neat little craft, and of such light draught that a good thick fog will enable her to pass the bars. " Tha Cleona is com manded by Capt. A. F. PowEB, and the wants of pasoeneers attended to in the ofSce by Mr. Alex. CALHobK.- These gentlemen are well known in this community as reliable and experienced river men. The Cieortd will leave Maysville on Mon days, Wed neadsys and Fridays, and return on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. (Krcln last Monday afternoon, a colored wemao belonging to Mr L. C. PeabcE, was shot ar.d killed; The following is the ver dict of the Coroner's Jury: Maysville, Kir . inly i87 is64. We the Coroner, and Jury summoned by ssid Coroner, state that Locirda. -a colored woman, the property of Lewis C. Pearce. was bronzht ta her death by a gun shot wound; inflicted by the hands of some per son unknown to Of aaid body being fodnd tapon the prerotsea of said Parc. Jia. D." M abtis, Formao. JcfiS ScbtDEB, Coroner Mason Co. What the Rebels Accomplished In the Maryland Raid. Mr. William Swintoh the accomplished amy correspondent of the New York Times, in a review of the rebel raid in Marvland, says: "What the rebels actually accomplished mav be summed op as follows: 1 Th esiablUhed. for a time, a be of Supplies for Lee's army io Maryland. There rn he no doubt that they have been only too successful in the capture of stores, cattle. torses, etc., which the have mde. In tbls pan of their programme they have probably tun aa Fueeessftfl as they could have booed . If one could look down the high ways of Vir ginia, he would see filing adown them long trains filled with the rpolia opima of this raiding campaigo in Marylud. " . 2. By cutting the railroad, communica tions leading into Baltimore arid Wanhing ton. and drawinst (heir forces up impudent ly bercre the delences of the city, th'-y won ih nroaticro rtf havins for the time being thrown the capitol into a upecies of iege The fact of the real bollowness of this tri umph will not prevent i being taken abroad for a very significant demonstration of our weaknesa. " , ." o n- ik. fori nf the invasion the will pn.habl'y gaib, furthermore, the credit of havinasbowc that while we are besieging the rebel capital we are unable to project our own H. This also is, of course. noth tn more than specioua. bat it will be ac- j cepted ae Gospel by our enemies at home Snd abroad . . . . . . ... 4 They bave prodnced a great acare tbronghont all the country covered by their; crerationa, and far beyond; I should ex cept Trom this Washington City, which ba I (hroucboot maintained a certain dignified j composure: bOt from Martiniburg, Hagersr towti and Harper's Ferry, to Balumoie, and . e,en fiorih of tbat; they have spread terror wherever ibey or the report of i tbenv has kone. In Baltimore; especially, th e exbibl liona bave teen pitiial. There is no, ev! derce tbat that city bs evef been threaten ed by any thing more than a cavalry party, and a small one at that.. And yettbis equaa of men has been able to coop op a force strong enough to cbew np the rebels, or ten time their number, body and boots, while thiv have devoted themselves to burning jiouea in the suburbs, and have evin cap ored partie of onr men within tbe limits Pf the rity Itself. . . , -. 6 They nave been aoie rtio lines io front of Petersburg, for a brief period .at leeet. from the preesnre of a goodly num ber of Grant's army. ' They bave given a practical demon stration of one of tbe standing danger o jjoitir.g bar army out of position to cover Washington, aa it is before Petersburg.) namely, tbat tbe enemy can. by a vigorous feint toward ihe capital, throw the whole cenntry into aUrm respecting ita safety Thia is a danaeroue state of facta, for u m doce a ,.ressare which it becomes difficult for anv Executive to withstand. -FOUND! ' In this City, laKtTnesday eventn, Poclcat Book containing a small sum of Money, which the owner can gt by calling at tha Millinery 6Loo-of Misa Anha Butait, on SuiWn street, and proving property " . Mayvilo,Ky ,uly lt,16. 'OF- THE CONDITION OF ' THE N KW- VOUK LIFK INsUltANCK CO., ON THE , FIRST DAY Olf JANUARY 1S64, MADE TO The name of the Co. is. the NEW YORK BroMd wn . New York. NO CAPITAL STOCK. . , ' ' ' ASSETS:' Cashonhand, - - Keal fctaie unincumbered BomUiml UnrlMa.nitlicn ; ' Loana.un U S. and other stocks, the market val. of Premium Notes, bearing interest. Due from Agents and in course of transmission, United States StoeW, - 622 Shares N. Y City Banks' Stocks, 224 " Del. & Aud. Canal Co. . " N. Y. Central Parh Loan, t . 6 Bonds, Watertown and Rome E. B. , Interest accrued to Jan. 1st, 1S64, Rents . " " 44 Deferred Premiums, due subsequent to Jan. 1. 1364, : Other property belonging to the Co. .. . ' LIABILITIES: No liabilities to Banks. '.:.'' No Losses, adjra ed and due. ' Losses adjusted and not due, . 44 unadjusted, Claims repUted by the Co., ' - Unpuid Dividends, Net Value, Dividend intercut unpaid, being uncalled for, All other claimca against the Co., STATE OF NEW YORK, i J -v , w r A TC B7 Wff VliRff I S.S. A'OKRIS FRANKLIN, of suid Ciy, Prttidentoi the NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., beiug duly nfflrmed and WILLIAM H. BREED, of iaid City, Actuary of said Company, beinjr duly eworn do.beverally depose and say and each for .himself says, that nccordinir to the butt of their knowledge and belief, tho annexed statement, is correct and tm; that the asrets oOaid Com pany were attue sUUment Two Milhox. Seven Hundred ahb Fivk Tuovsand, Six Hundred and Six-it Six Dollars, uud were invented therein stated a ad ant forth. , . -.-.. juititiii rKAPALifi, rrsaiueuu. ' " WILLIAM II. BREED, Actuary. Affirmed and sworn this Twenty-third day of February, A. D., 1SU4. , -! ... THOf. T. SUMMERS, Notary Public. , . . AUDITOR'S UFFICE, KY., Frankfort, April 16th, 1 854. 1 hereby certify that the foregoing i a True copy of the orizmal on fiiein this office. . . In witness whereof, 1 have hereto tet my hand and alHied my official seal, the day and mil I year above written. . W.T. SAMUELS, - , - ; - - - Acditob. No. IZO.-Rrnrwal. AUDITOR'S UK ICE, Hbankfort. KT-, April I6tn. I5i. Tu.. m rFi,r Thl TIIOR. J. Til ROUP. HS Aent of the New York Li fo Insurance Com- rany of New York, ut Muysville, Mason County, him filed in thin otfice the btatements and exbiblls requirel by the provision of an act. entitled 4 An act to roulato Agencies of Foreign Insurance Companies," approved March 8, 1656, and it having been ahown to the s-at-iffaction of the under lined thut eaid Company ipowe,ed of an actual capital of at least one hundred and flt'ty thon- saud dollars, as rqnirej by fil act, tne saia idob.j. liiruupus agent aiinsu, lirented aud permitted to tune ristcs ana transact dukiiic oi iuuriucc at ui oui iu jjoh, c ,v i-nna cm, frr.m tV.A Hutpi hereof. Hal Ui'is licence mav 'e revoked if it shall be mude to appear to the undersigned thutsiuco the film? of the a atomenUaOove rererrea to, me avuilaoio capital of raid CoroLany haa been reduced below ono hundred aud nity thouuand dollars. In Ttimot Wuwior, 1 nave sei my nana SI COO Rewabd The above reward will be siven to anv person who can fur nish a prescription for coughs, cold, whoop. ing-cough, acinma, ana consumption, which is equal to Dr. Strickland's Melli fluous Coueh Balsam. This balsam will cure the above complaints, also spitting of blood and night sweats. Uue ou ceni doi- tle is sufficient for any one to try. i De worst cases of - chronic cough, asthma, wbooping-couh add primary cases of con sumption are cured by Vr. StriCKiana-a mel lifluous CoUitb Ualsam. 1'. can oe una ai y drugget's. It different from any other cough medicine we have known in this codntry. Freiich China. Glass and Queeri3warei A fin new ilocl at and beloio Cincinnati prictt, It. ALUbKI'H deel? Model China fctore, 2d Stree. AugustElection! Onr terms ffr aninii ncine candidates un dc thia head are TAt lolUrs in advance. FOR SHERaFF. We are authoiized'to annouuee HENRY B. JEFFERSON as a candidate for Kheriff at tbe ensuing August election. . We are authorized to announce WALTER E. KEAL aa a candidate for Sueriff at the ensuing August Ejection. FOR JAILOR. We authorized to anuourice V7ILLIAM II. QUEEN as a candidate for Jailor at the ensuing August Election. We are authorized to annotfnee WILLIAM II. ED iiONDS aa a candidate for Jailor at tue en euing August election. . ' 'Tve Come to Stay!" We are authorized to announce JOHN L. GKANT as a candidate for Jailer at the ensuing Angust Election. . We are authorized to announce JERKY McNEELY (the present incumbent) as a candi date for the office of Jailor of Mason County, at tbe ensuing August Election. We are authorized to announce W.D. CRAW- FOED as a ca ndidate for Jailor at the cnbuing August Election. We aie authorized to announce ROBERT CLAEY, Sa , as a candidate for Jailor, at the ensuing Augusi Election. CHEAP LAM PS! 200 COAL OIL tiAMPS OF EVERY SIZE Al?D STYLE Al' FROM 50 CENTS TO $6. CllIM NEYS. SHADES, WICKS, etc , at decl7 R. ALBERT'S 2d street. . A. WaLLIWOFOBD. W.A. P. LCRTBY Mas t ar d e ed - Wante d m m TV mi 1 1 rtav will pay the hisrneet Market Price, iu VV CASn, for Moata'd Seed, either in large or small quantities.- SEATON & BRODRICK. Maysville, Ky., July 21.1S61. v . , MAYSVILLE AND CINCINNATI PACKET THE FAST RUNNING STEAMER, CLEONA, A..F. POVVEK, Master, Will Leave Mavsvine oionaujn, uu.j., V&y 0D ternate d Tha Cleona is new and USht with fine accom modations for passengers parage apply to . i . For freiiiht and J. jJI. LOVE, - v Apent, joiy xi, lao. Postponement of Sale. 1.,i't?'w-i il. .n.riir fnrmerlv I'nowD as I . : . ;.. Tr. l,irvTToi7 : In ctv of I i Mavaville. ia postponed. . . - ; . tne i a xv rwx,i nuut " i ville, ia postponed. - ... '; . j Kpcondflho! i uia Ta.wBu.x. -?y?'-J ; most nost bnines tree in me wj j i tends bacs IBS. , For a Hot hi ,; Private Boardiso Horsa, or s, mirablf adapted, fiaving thirty odd . J . . . : , . - i. ..... r.-xima in It. Desiaes muiir, ..... , godCiiternVa Well of most excellent Water and kil other neoe-sarycoovenieocea. - Persona desiring to EeM or Pntiw, will have it shown to them, upon application on the ' or Sa (if eold") One Thirr Oasli-the n,rauiader in Six aud Twelve mon ba, with In- ?mj:,f . possession' filven to Tenant or ftfScaser " JULIA OWESS. avUle, Ky., July litb, 23SMf THE AUDITOR, 8TATEOF KENTUCKY. LIFE INSURANCE CO. vLocated 112 Ot 11 : ' X: .' ; . :'. :' J" '.- . - . - .. . . :'- ' ' " " V ; ; '- ; ; $101,188 60 ; V; ;. .t iitasuz -879.480 00 which $182,279 SO, 96,400 00 825.477 60 61,465 43 MarVet value. . $827,782 25 63,569 00 ,, 89.872 00 . 6,750 00 . -.6,10 00 I' 64,407 37 1,603 05 112,147 61 Par value. - 7yo,i6o 49,200 82,400 c 2S.00O ; . 6,000. .... v ' 2,075 84 42,200 00 ; . . - . ,. 41,000 00 , . . , . .15,000 00 . . ; 18,820 18 7,835 04 - v ;- 9.171 79 ' . MORRIS FRANKLIN, president. me auy majwr ravswnua. MACHINES! MILLS! MILLS!! MILLS!!! sl'GAR CANE MILLS; CIDER AND WINE MILLS. . THRESHING MACHINES; GRAIN DRILLS; CORN SHELLEUS; . CUTTING BOXES For sale by J. 11. BICHESON. Maysv.lle, July U,lSo4-5w H. BERTRAM, SECOND STREET, . Maysville, - - Kentucky, 'PAKE8 great pleasure in informing the A. citizens of Msyi-ville, and the public tjenorally, that he is now occupying bis OLD PLACE OF bt7SINE.3S, On Second St., 2 doors west of Market. . The house hasbcon remodeled throughout, at great expense, aud is one r tno Handsomest Business Houses in the city. He has on hand, and is constantly receiving, a large and well assorted stock of Ladies, Mines' . and Childien's Shoe.. Gentlemen's and Youth's Boots & Shoes. He is also prepared to. manufacture all kinds f work in hin 1 i.e. at the sncriest nonce, ana jn he bet and mort lasmonaDie eijie sscured the services of He has Mr. J. w: WROTEX, utVa.. irnnwl.rirfl or trie Wool ana onoe ousi- nesf i nnsarpaved, and who will be glad to eee al his old triends ana customers Mr. R ERTKAll returns nis iuoi io iuw fr.r th.'ir nast liberal patronage, and re' hDOPtf'nllv solii-ifs the continuance ef the same. - Tailoring and Renovating ESTABLISHMENT!! I SECOND STREET, opposite City Hall, Mii.YSVI.LLE, KY, rpHE Undersigned would respectfully inform I me citizens ot JHayHviue ana vjviiuijr mut he is prepared to make up Miitsof any btyle and warrant t nem ro give s-nuiacuoii. I m rrepuved to KENUVal ft KjIaj iunu and remove nil kinds of Grcae, Paint Or Dirt, and restore the (rools to its original gloss and beuuiy. Give me a call. June 28. '64. dim liniii auimjn., OWENS' & BARKLEY HAVE IT! THE PA1EMT CARPET SWEEPER I ! ! LADIES, TP VOn W?h to PAVE T"DB CABPBT8 and I fiuitun icithmtt Dust. huV one of the Great Carpet Sweepera of OWENS & BARKLEY.. LADIES! After having ot ths Car- OWENS & BARKLEY HAVE IT! THE PA TENT CARPET S WEEPER ! ! Maysville, July 7th, 186 LOOK HERE! THE NEW . Boot & Shoe Store!! SECOND STREET, (In tho House occupied Chas. WarraO MAYSVILLE, KY. mHE TJNDEKSIGNED t I i;;t thA m.t ronae of the Citizens of mas s- nn. Counties PVl V- V Suv X - avi . Z,mttt nf T.adlas' M1.W , . . i ). iVn.Tr, irul SLlfl Lace Gaiters. ana wnureu -v".g.--- ; ... i ;,!,. Kia ana aiorouco . bet aualily and latest style. - - - ' . GintV F'ne Bcots, Balmorals". Conzresi. Boots, Oxford Ties and Brog"H of the latest style. " T A HTF AND GENT S BOOTS and SHoES MADE TO ORDER ON THE . SUORrEST NOTICE AND WAKE NTED. . f We have al-o a good assortment crLK Al Ui-B AND FINDINGS which we will aell a. tbe LOWEST CASH PRICES. . . ' Ir.CiiAS. WHITE, will ha raady to wait on hia old lricnda and customer at all Umes. , B. A. WALLINGFORD & CO. MaiBviUeJCy., June 16, 1S6.-- ; - HED CORNER CLOTHIN&OM! Blum & He ckinger ' s - "v GREAT WESTERN ; ' ; Emporium of Fashion W take pleasure in informing enr Patrons aud the public generally, that we have just received, and are continuing to receive, from Nzw Yobk, Baltimorb and other Uastebn Ports, a vcll, labob and vakIed stock of GENTlEUES'S READY-MADE CLOTHING; Of the very latest Eastern Styles. ' . Dress Coats, Easiness Coats, Promenade Coats, Pants and Vests, Of all styles and descriptions, all of which we will dispose tf at the lowest Eastern prices. We have paid the most particular PERSONAL ATTENTION in the selection of. Goods for our MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT, And have purchased only the MOST CHOTCE and FASHIONABLE kinds nd Styles. Hav ing made end EXTENSIVE ADDITION to this bmnch of our business, we have now the best FACILITIES to Manufacture to Order; at the SHORTEST KOTICE. Our celebrated and ex-nerleu-.ed Cutter. JEUKY'F. YOUNG, will fcuperintond the gettiig up of all work in tho Merchant Tailoring Line, by experienced woru- men ONLY. -The Stock consists of tne Quest . I .1 ForpiP-n and Domestic Cloths; TYenori .md Enp-Hsh Cashmeres: Silks, Satins & Cashmeres for Yest- : mgs. Mr. YOUNG has also procured Genio'a, C. Scott 'a, Glcncro6e' & West's latoet Patorn Sheets. Our Stock of ; GESTlEMBiVS FURMSfllXG GOODS! Comprises all appertaining to a Gentleman's outfit, and is too numerous and varied men tion. The Genuine Patent FRENCH YOKE SHIRT, ' Can be got at our Siore. ' - FOR THE FINEST AND LATEST STYLE CALL AT THE RED CORNER. " . A ULL SCPFLY OF - - Trunlts .7" Valises, , , : Carpet Sacks, Umbrellas, &Ca, ' Always on hrnd.' - ' a'lL PUtCflASERS WHO WISH TO' 7 ' SAVE WE YJ ' "V-.-" -""AND GET THE t.'; v- LATEST STYLIlS ! WILL FIND IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE 7. " '; i : ,"TO CALL AT THE : . - RED CORNER. STORE BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE.! . FOB A FINE STYLISH' "i SPRING SXJIT! '.".V. CALL AT. BLUM & HECKINGER'S ; , RED CORNER .STORE f . MayevUla, Ky., March 81, 18S1.-' MULLINS & HUNT'S TH 13 SUBSCRIBERS LQNG ESTAB LISHED in a large retail Dry Goods business in if aysville, would call the attention of Coun try Merchante to their recent addition of a'n ex tensive Wholesale Department; which will he conducted on a STBICTLY CASH PRINCI PLE. ' The many years of experience possessed by our bnyer, combined with a perfect knowledge of the Kentucky trade, a, thorougli acquaintance ship with all the Manufacturing, and Importing Houses in the East, and the Tact of ur pur chases being made for "Cash,n together Vrith a firm determination , to Bell at a mere commission advance on Eastern Cost, will be sufficient guarantiee to CLOSE CASH BUYERS that ' we cannot be "undersold by any WESTERN JOB BING HOUSE. ; :'; ; Our Stock will be found better adapted to the wants of of our customers than ' it is usual to find In the "generality of JOBBING HOUSES; as it will embrace a greater Variety of goods than !a ordinarily met with In an exclusive Wholesale Establishment. The departments alofted to . A.TJ9 A.rZ O-a.0FJ3 . .AND . . 2ST o tions , Will be at all times especially attractive as par ticular attonfion will be paid to them, and a LARGE STOCK 1 Kept constantly on hand. Wo would impress upon onr friends that in sendmg ns orders tney ma relvxtpon having them executed to the fnl- est c xtent of our ability. MULLINS A HUNT Cheap Dry Goods Store, 3ud Street, Maysville, Ky. Maysville, Ky. Jan. 3. 196-3. i m ' I m NEW CASfl HARD WARE HOUSE1 SGJ OF BIO SAWi n - w A W TVTT1 H Q we have now on hand the best ab- I X lLiC UI grain scVtiiks. - GRASS SCYTHES, URIAH SCYTHES, StYTHK SNATHS, GRAIN CRADLES,. II AY KOItKS.&c,c, Itow for Ca h. OWENS & BARK LEY. . Maville,Jone su, ism. becoua S'treet.. LADIES, . ' YOU V ILL FIND AT THE HARDWARE HOUSE, 2d Street, IVORY HANDLE KNIVES, PLATED TABLE KN1VKS. PLATED DESSEKT KNIVES. " PLATEU FOKKS & SPOONS. PLATED NAi'KIN RINGS, BUTTER KNIVES, - - -CALL BELLS & TABLE M ATS; Gntt Percha KNIVES fe FORKS, BREAD FRUIT TRAYS, WAITERS, Ac. &c, Low for Cash. OWENS dc BARKLEY. Q ATAK'S Devices and Believer's Victory, - - . . x ARSONS. Natural History of Secession, . . GoonwiN. Throe months in the Southern States, . .. . Lt. COl. rEEXAlTLE The last Times- ' ' !ei.-s. Prltuta Miln rVRotTlTr- - Ills Book Spectacles tor Young Eyes, fi- W Lander. Tno Ferry Boy aud Financier a life of Secre- . - " tary Chase; , ; . ALSO:-A new lot of WAIL PAPER and OIL SHADES .At KOGEItS? Bookstore Maysville, Ky., May 26, 1S64. ;, ... ; . r..Riuiniit. C. Nblsou. Late of Mason Co., Ky. Late of MU Merdng.Ky. T. A. Matthews, of Maysvil.e, Ky. o SlercHants' Hotels "(FOIUIEIli.Y DENNISON MOUSE) CALLEHER. NELSON &; CO., I Proprietors. E'iftla street, 3aoar 3VTajx CINCINNATI, O. FSThishouse having been thor oughly reno vated and newly furnished, is now 0-en.' Cincinnati, O., May 19th, 1884-3mOi ; . EiTAitisflEb iwdsr Citt Ordinance in 1357. . o WHEELER TOBBACCO WAREOOUSE, PH1STER & HOW, Proprietors, " For the Inspection and Sale of LEAF TOBACCO ;; 14 WEST FRONT ST.. Ret. Main fc Walnut Streets,? mMnraTfnr ' rarn nearthe Steamboat Landing. WttUimuui. vmv. Tobacco Sold at Auction or Privately as Owners may desire.' ' ' ' o . .- -. AUCTIONS SALKS: : TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, & SATURDAYS. PRIVATE! SALES D AIL X . ' (gj-Storage to Shippers Three Months Free. Cincinnati, O., May 19th, lS6-i-3nno. " Eagte copy 8 mohths and' charge Bulletin-! CLEAN YOUR TEETH! with . ' 'V ; Aromatic Tinct Myrrh ! ! wr : ...,iv.i c.v..ti;Fn tto tr'nroB, remov- -tn.,!. nd imnarUcg fragranco to the breath. -.'.' . . , " TRir IT ONCE : . And 'we koc-w yoa: will oiwUone its nse. -A nrenard by na it is superior to all other washes ,i,Ai(vith. .. rreparoa ana ooia ov- SEATWN& BEODRfCK. . GEO. W. WROTEN. HoxiiceopatEic Physician " becokd iiztir,' matsville;, if. fgrOffica at Mrs". VbVtkk's. mar H. A. ; CALVERT, (.of Ky. ) wrrri .5 . liKPOETEHSA WHOEEaAiaDKAESSO -': 110 & 112 Pearl Street, airil7.8m ' CINCIN-NATI, CrV WITH rao. 132 " -: ,', ', Wiit Sccoild Street, brtweeri Race & lth Streiti, CINCINNATI, "TTit-L Attend to the Sale' or all inda o V T PRODUCE, arid make immediate Returns.' Orders for any description of Groceries-prompt-' ly filled. EEFEBS BT PERMISSION TO John A. Robinson, Esq., Gallipoaff; O'. - A W. Bupkikk, Esq., Portamoufh, O'. - Hon. L. T. Moore, Catlettsburg, Kyv J Capt. W. Hovsheli., ' ' JKo. N. Richardson, Esq., ' ' - i". Tl n U,iocv Van " . Hugh Means, Esq., Ashland, Ky. " WrM. T. NlcaoLM. Esq., Ashland. Ky.' Wm. L. Geiseb, Esq.. Ashlund,Ky. ' Geo Wbrts, Esq.; (freennpsburg, Ky. "E. J.Hookaday, Esq., .r i.- " Louis D. Koss, Esq., . , . . M. 7 Capt. Z. Shirley, Louisville, Ky. Hon. Thos. E. Bramlett, Frankfort, Ky." BgWill make liberal advance on Consign' men is of Produce. mar 8,1864-6m M THOMPSON. Umbrella, Pairasbl ANO WALKING CANS ' ' MANUFACTORY ' ; No. 167 Main Street, bet. 4th- & 5tK; t CINCINNATI, O. , l"Repairing promptly utlended to.' . marff DUHME&CO. w ttt Aii n, TF1 2 aai. O M -LiUl. UI aim II Uiuui uiHtu CINCI.NNATI, Q. VI aiiia fac tn2?ers Retail & Wholesale Dealers in DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILYERWAHJi. THEY Keep ?n hand a larWe stock of Cheap Wntche. Jobbing Materia, Spectacles, &c.,' or the Trade. ' , . S-OId Gold and Silver bongnt lor uasn. march 8, 1864 ly A SURE CURE. T7VEKY BODY IS liElNti CUliiiU ui J2j distressing disease by the use or DR. STBICKIAND'S PILE REMEDY; Eead vhat those say who have used it: , . Mr. Charles W. Laodram, of Lonisville, and i J. 1 Hazardo, Cincincati, O., werebollv curea alter UKing one pot .of Dr. btncKianas , -ue Remedy. Thev say they have tried everr thing but could obtain no relief, but one Pot of Stride? land' Pile Remedv affected a perfect cure after suffering for many years with the worst kind of Piles. They recomSJend every one who is suf fering to try it. . . , Sold by all Druggistsx50 cents per pot. Manu factured at No. 6 East Fourth street, Cincinnati , Ohio. Ask for. .." "- - - . - vv - DR. STRICKLAND'S PILE ttEttLtlUX General Depot No. 6 East Fourth street, Cin- tinnati, Ohii. , .' . - Forsale by KJSATUIN K JtSKUWJil.Cl- r v.oruer 2nd Sta., Maysville. jnne 2, '64-ly MAYSVILLE SOAP & CANDLE FACTORY; Third Street; between Sutton Sc Wall, Opposite Choi. PhisUr's Lumber Yard. 4 : GOOD SUPPLY OIT MUUUi ClSxu -t RUMMER CANDLES.. GERMAN AND EANCY SOAPS Constancy on hand , -; v "Agent for Starch & Star Candles. E3F"Cash' paid for Tallow and Soap Grease. Pec. 10 JAMES SMITH. rtURF.S CouKbP, Colds, Sore x nroai,, Astnuar j. nl ConuinDtion . It fs only necessary for !my "ono troubled with' thes3 "complaicta to try ona bottle of. . o " -'' ' Strickland's Hellifluous Congli Balsairr to convince them that it is the best , preparation. ' ever uged. lt not only cuies the above atfoctiqia of the Throat and Lunga, but it cures uign Sweats aud Spitting of Blood, and is, an ecel-. lent carzie for any kind of Sore .Throat, lt is p eaaiint to taae, ana a tuie tueuiuiua jur lumuio. rnceiwcenu' per -For sle by &EATON & BRODfilCK, Corner n Tn. . r i- 3nl B Lonri oireew, ju-ajsviiie, iv y. G-neml DeLot. No. 6 East 4th St., Cincinnati,' Ohio. ; , '..-.-. Uo 2. 1864-iy IKv MAltVFL'S NEW HOOK. S EVEN STOBIES BY THE AUTHOR OF. " Reveries of a Bachelor," "i arm at Edge-L wood," o , &c. .... . , , ... . Ir iv above delizhtfolworki A. larffe.anrT!v rnceiv.d thidav by. Express iiau oraere eaau receive prompt ttSP,iJn EL ATTXSSi AN.. ISEW BOOKS! SEVEN Stories b Ik MarvoL-, . h? $JrT5 ' SotkeV Joninal of the discovery of th., . -I 1 r v:i DC Life of Ciiarles the Bold, Kirk, 0, 00 Nepenthe, i : . : '. I SO Cuitoniana, 1 M Friendam Council, : - - - - - , to Old lleliaot, i 60 Haunted Heart by Author of, Lkmp'ighterl M Darkness and Daylight author of Tcni' ;. peat and .Suimhine, ,- . , V HahiU ol Gocd Sccfcty, " 1 2 Claudine, . - .; -A! -Jj . Handbook of the Wew Testament xortmiwB. S'.f-Sact;f ee. - - i Bit-hop Hopkins on Slavery, . : - I 60 Uistoiy of President Lincoln's A dminisUa- t.r.n .hv H. J. Eavmond. 1 50 'Rril Ere.-SQUthworth, . I SO f amily trxice, oy " iu . v .i .v. e t:.. - oodbnrn,- by "Koaa," . , A C;Q eCoato jjixie, ty iiaome, im The above, with inany other gocd hooka, re ceived and lor aai by , - ' .10 1 July "185a.