Newspaper Page Text
THE BULLETIN. MAYSVILLE. JULY 28 Increase of the Price of the Bulletin. . TV, a SV,.rint!on nrica of the BULLETIN will hereafter be Own Dollar and Fifty Cents per year, instead of One Dollar. O-The first iron-clad war vessels ever constructed fn Biisaia have just bean safely launched from the new dockyard in St. Pe tersborg. Their Dames are the Netron Men ya Tonch-me-not and the Smertch Wa- ter-spoat. . 07"Jndge Stephen Vail, one of the best machinists in New Jersey, died on Tues day last. He built the engines of the first eteamer that ever crossed the Atlantic. fj-Locnsts are appearing in Wisconsin by the million. They appeared last, in 1818, fifteen years ego. Many cattle have been bitten to death by them. 03"It is reported t bat a formal demand for the surrender of Capt. Semmes has been made. The Secretary of State is said to be determined to require of 'England ber ob servanceof international law. Skibmish ih Owen County. A scouting party of twelve men, in command of Cap tain Davis, of the One Hundred and Sixty- second Ohio, National Guard, fell into an ambuscade of rebel, guerrillas, about five miles from Owenton,Owen county, Kj., a few days ago. A brisk fight took place and Captain Davis, being largely outnumbered had to retreat. Two of his men were cap tured and one wounded. The rebels alio captured six six horses. OyLleut. G. M. Bureett, One Hundred Bod Forty-fifth Illinois (one hundred day men) has been dishonorably mustered from the tervice for leaving his post to trespass on the rights of private citiben?, and, while io trespassing, permitting a quiet, peaceable citizen to be shot in his presence, without Using sny endeavors to prevent it. The Liverpool and London Insurance Com pan y. Our readers will ren.einber the great fire that occurred in Louisville several weeks ago, by which several millions of dollars of property was destroyed. The Jonrnal of Friday, July loth, contains a card from six well known firms in that cily, the most re liable in Louisville, aBd heavy sufferers by the fire, returning thanks to the Louisville agent of the Liverpool and London Insur ance Company, Tor his promptness in adjust ing their losses by the fire. The aggregate amount of their losses was 45,714, which was on that day paid in full, without any deduction for interest. 3uch conductis in deed praiseworthy, and will afford gratifica tion to the many persons who have their property insured with the Corapaoy. It has an immense capital, not fictitious but paid io, rever faila to adjust ita losses with the utmost promptness and filelity, and with ai little trouble as possible to policy holders. W'j take pleasure in recommending it to the public. Mr. Samuel C. I'earcb is the agent for Maysvilld, and those who are ac quainted with his character as an attentive and trustworthy man of business will feci additional cot-fiJence in the Company of which be is the agent. JcnssoN's Island, O., July 15, '64. Casualties of the 2od Kv. Bat. Cavalry, fiom June 7'h to 13 h, 1864: Company A, Capt Jno T Williams, Com ; not e. Company B. Lieut II A Daruall, Com. Wounded Jno W Ililligast, leg amputated. Captured J II EckmaD, Sanford llowye aid Sergt W II Darnall. Corapary C, Cpt N P Laforgu, Cora. Wounded Capt N P Laforgu. in arm and aide; Lewin Dol; Milton Lyons, mortally, once died; Iva Hunily, mortally, aince died; Orderly Sargt Joseph Schoolf.eld, mortally, sirjee died; Jtm s Drdiman. fclightly; Henry Kissic; Wm Todd; Capt J P Sk lira an; SamM l-r.. Ilarrv Sjiuhr: John Denton: Sarders Day;ll B Dobyns; J W Malay , j Bitnuel Lutlt; Jno 11 Harmon; J i viers; W H Barnes and Wm II Hurst. Company D, L'eut David Smith, Com. Wounded Lt Wm Harris, severely, arm amputated. Captured Samuel Mitchell; E Parson and Franklin Yorg. Company E, Capt J E Bradhaw, Com. Wounded Jessie Nelson. Captured Lt M B Haddor; Frank Fletcher; James Rob inson; 5olomon Pippin; J II Williamson; Wm Newcomb and Druve KeUo CompaDy F, Captain Wm P Conor. Com. Wounded Cspt W P Conor and Lt II bert Wells. Captured Sm Nixon; James Bur bridge; Ad Greei ; David S.varts; David Hoovermiil; David D.nui and Gilbert Gordon. G.W.JACKSON, Captain Commanding. WAN1EC! A GOOD COOK t'Uli A SMALL FAMILY. Address, J- W. BAND, july 2S-lt Vauccburg, Lcwiscouuty, Ky. i IlusUa. . A To tho Vcters of Mason County! Haunted Heartby Author of Lamplighter, 1 50 . i oo. i itsfit Darkness and Daylight by author of rcru MAT.ViLLE. KY-, July 22nd. 1864 VMM cst snd sunshine, 1 50 Being appointed by the County L-ourt u.Mlot Gooj Society, 150 Jailor of Matoo County, to fi!!. until the clau.line, r W .lection "be vacancy occasioned by the Handbook of the New TcsUmont-MsWharton. rtion'of WlLLUM B. . . g I have offered myself for e.ectiou U the j Uisl01 ot-ircsident Lincoln's Administra- for ili hlince of the term. I t on. bv H. J. Ravmond. 1 50 w :. !.., ih P.iurt and mv i aii'l my i Bl V BT'ETl'lli mw racial coneuciour.rg iu ' , have held the cflico will. 1 cope, oe recommendation a to say fi nes tor t e place. I have teD to a good deal of trouble jaud ex;ense in luovir.-j and taking posses sion ol the Jail and jniblic property cf the Couoiy, and should feel gratified if the pe pie would elect me to Ihe oflice for the bi. aure of the term. My official dutiss at bono require my at tention, o tbat I cannot go out to see you persocallj hence I have taken this mode of submitting my claims to your kind con sideration. Yours, respectfully, JEIUIY McNEELY. OF THE CONDITION OF THE NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., ON THE . FJRST DAY OF JANUARY 1S64, MADE TO THE AUDITOR, STATE OF KENTUCKY. The name of the Co. is, the NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. Located 112 & 114 Broadway, New York. NO CAPITAL STOCK. ASSETS: Cash on hand, $101,136 50 Real Estate unincumbered 117,430 24 Bonds and Mortgages first lien 879,430 00 Lann,on U S. and other stocks, the market val. Premium Notes, bearing interest. Due from Agents and in course of transmission, United States Stoeks, 622 Shares N. Y. City Banks' Stocks, 224 " Del. & And. Canal Co. N. Y. Central Park Loan, 6 BoBds, Watertown and Rome R. R. Interest accrued to Jan. 1st, 1SC4, Rents " " " Deferred Premiums, due subsequent to Jan. 1, 1364, Other property belonging to the Co. ' LIABILITIES: No liabilities to Banks. No Losses, adjusted and dr.o. Loaeea adjusted and not duo, " unadjusted, Claims resisted by the Co., Unpaid Dividends, Net Value, Dividend interest unpaid, being uncalled for, All other claiines against the Co., STATE OF NEW YORK, ) g g City fc Countv of New Yokk.( MORRIS FRANKLIN, of snid Civ. Pretidentof tho NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO beine duly nllirmed and WILLIAM II. BREED, duly sworn do, severally depose and say and each . i. ' i i i ii f . i , . wieir kuuwiuuito auu uener, mo annexed statement, is correci ana true; that the assets or said Com pany were at the statement Two Million. Seven Hundred and Five Thousand. Six Hundred A.iuoiiTrcu collars, auu were invested tuerein stated and set forth. MORRIS FRANKLIN, President. WILLIAM II. BREED, Actuary. Affirmed and sworn this Twenty-third day of February, A. DM 1364. TIIOS. T. SOMMERS, Notary Public. AUDITOR'S OFFICE, KY., Frankfort, April 16th, 1S64. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a True copy of tho original on filein this office. In witness whereof, 1 have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal, tho day and seal I year above written. W. T. SAMUELS, "",r Auditor. No. 129. Renewal. AUDITOR'S Tins is to CERrivT. That TIIOS. J. TI1ROOP. pany of New York, at Maysvillo, Muson County, h;is filed in this office the statements and exhibits rcuuircd bv the Provisions of an act. entitled An act to regulate Airim-irs of Foreign Tnsnranon Companies," approved MhccIi 3, 1556: and it havincr been shown to the satisfaction "of the under signed that said Company is jmssaseed of an actual capital of at least one hundred and fifty thou sand dollars, as required by said act, tho said Thos. J. Throop as Agent as aforesaid, is hereby licenced and permitted to tuKe risks and transact business ol insurance at his office in Mayaville, for the term of one year from tho date hereof. But this license may 'ks revoked if it shall be made to appear to the undersigned that since the filing capital or said Company has been reduced below in Iebtimony whereof, I have set my band seal $1,000 IIewabd. The above reward will be given to anv person who can fur nish a prescription for coughs, colds, whoop, ing-cough, att b ma, and consumption, which is equal to Dr. Strickland's Melli fluous Cough Balsam. This balsam will cure the above complaints, also spitting ol blood and night sweats. Oue 50 ceut bot tle is sufficient for any one to try. The worst cases of chronic cough, asthma, whooping-cough and primary cases of con sumption are cured by Dr. Strickland's Mel lifluous Cough Balsam. It can be had at any druggist's. It is different from any other cough medicine we have known iu this couDtry. French China, Glass and Queensware! A fine new StvcLal and belote Cincinnati pi ices, II. ALREIIT'S decl7 Model China Store, 2d Stree. AugustElection! Our terms for announcing candidates un do this head aro Threi VMara in advance. FOR SHERIFF. We aro authorized to unnouueo HENRY S. JEFFERSON as a candidate for SueritI' at the ensuing August election. We are authorized to announce WALTER E. NEAL as a candidal for ShcritTat the ensuing Angunt Election. FOR JAILOR. Wo ButhorizaJ to anuounce WILLIAM II. (JUEEN as a candidate for Jailor at tho ensuing Ansrust Election. We are authorized to announce WILLIAM II. EDMONDS as a candidate for Jailor at the en- eu'ins August election. "I've Como to Stay'." We aro authorized to "announce JOHN L GRANT as a candidate for Jailer at tho eusuing August Election. We are authorized to announce JERRY McNEELY (the present incumbeut) as a candi date for the office of Jailor of Muson County, at the ensuing August Election. Wo aro authorized to announce W.D. CRAW FORD as a candidate for Jailor at tho ensuing August Election. We aie authorized to announco ROBERT McCLEARY, Sit., as a candidate for Jailor, at the ensuing August Election CHEAP LAM PS! 200 COAL OIL LAMPS OF EVERY SIZE AND STYLE AT FROM 50 CENTS TO $6. CHIM NEYS, SHADES, WICKS, etc, at decl7 R. ALBERT'S 2d street. E. A. WALLING FORD. W. A. P. LURTEY. PRIVATE SCHOOL. THE Fourth Session of my School will commence tho FIRST MONDAY IN SEPTEM BEK, in tho basement of the Methodist Church (South). r-tTTermn of Tuition $1.50 per month, july 23, 1SG4. MOLL1EE. GILP IN NEW BOOKS! SEVEN Stories, b Ik Marvel. SI 75 SpekeV Joornal of the discovery of the nource of tho Nile, 8 75 Life of Charles the Bold, Kirk, 6 00 Nepenthe. 1 80 : CHXtoniana, nu ! Ffiends in Council, 2 00 ; Oid Helmet, 60 Tli UriJa! Eve. Southworth. 1 50 The uriual tve, Boutnworin, 50 C,r " "Rosa." 1 50 From Capo Cod to Dixie,- TLo above, with many other good books, re cciveda,iJlorsalebywiLATTEiiMAN) July 7, mi. Second Street. GEO. W. WROTEN. Homoeopathic Physician, SECOND STBEET, MATSVUXB, KT. t-OlEco at rs, Wboten's. mar.10 of which f 132,270 50, 96,400 00 825,477 50 61,465 43 Market value. $S27,732 25 53,569 00 89,872 00 26,750 00 6,120 00 54,407 87 1,608 05 112,147 51 Par value. $790,150 4S.200 22,400 25,000 6,000 2,075 84 -82,705,660 74 42,200 00 41,000 00 15,000 00 513,820 IS 7.S25 04 9,171 79 MORRIS FRANKLIN, President. of said Citv.Actuarv of mirf rnmnnnr. heAno for himself says, that accord ine to the bett of . . ' . . . . OFFICE. Fbankkokt. Kr.. Anril 16th. 1864. as Azent of the New York Lifelnsurauce Com of tho statements above referred to, the available one hundred anu fifty thousand dollars. the day and year above written. WM. T. SAMUELS, Auditor. MACHINES! MILLS! MILLS!! MILLS!!! Sl'GAU CANE .HILLS; CIDER AND WINE MILLS. TIIICKSHING MACHINES; (J IS A IX D KILLS; COltX SIIELLEKS; CUTTING BOXES; For sale by J. II. BICIIESON. Maysville, July 14, 1S64-5W H. BERTRAM, SECOND STREET, Maysville, - - Kentucky, rIAKES great pleasure in informing tha I citizens of Msyevillc, and the public generally, that he is now occupying his OLD PLACE OF BUSINESS, On Second St., 2 doors west of Market. The houses has been remodeled throughout, at great expense, and is ono cf the Handsomest Business Houses in the cit3'. Ho has on hand, and is constantly receiving, a large and well assorted stock of Ladies', Misses' and Childien's Shoes. Gentlemen's and Youth's Boots & Shoes. He is also prepared to manufacture all kinds of work in his !ilc, at the shortest notice, and in the bcxt and most fashionable- style. He has socured the services of Mr. J. W. WISOTEX, Whose knowledge of the Boot and Shoe busi ness is unsurpassed, and who will be glad to see all Ins old iriunus ana customero. Mr. BERTRAM returns his thanks to the public for their past libera) patronage, and re spectfully solicits the continuanco of the same. .Maysville, ity.,juno z, ibb-2m Tailoring and Renovating ESTABLISHMENT! ! ! SECOND STREET, opposite City Hall, MAYSmLE, KY. 'jpHE Undersigned would respectfully inform X the citizens of Maysville and vicinity that ho is prepared to make up suits of any style and warrant them to give satisfaction. I am prepaid! to RENOVATE CLOTHING and remove all kinds of Grease, Paint or Dirt, and restoro the goods to its original gloss and beauty. Give mo a cull. juno23,'64. CHRI-TIAN ALTMEi'ER. OWENS & BARKLEY HATE IT! PATIT CARPET SWEEPER ! ! I LADIES, F you wish to save tour carpets and Sweep without Duet, buv oue of the Great Carpet Sweepers of OWENS & BARKLEY. o LADIES! After having used ono of the Car pet Sweepers, you would not be without one. Call aud see it. OWENS A BARKLEY. OWENS & BARKLEY HAVE IT I THE PA TENT CARPET S WEEPER ! ! MaysvilleJuly 7th, 1S64. LOOK HERE! THE NEW Boot & Shod Store!! SECOND STREET, (In the House formally occupied Cbas. White.) MAYSVILLE, KY. THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY solicit the patronage of the Citizens of May s sville and surrounding Counties. We have a full assortment of Ladies', Mioses' and Children' Congress" and Side Lace Gaiters. Lasting, Kid and Morocco Falmorals of the het quality and latest style. Gent's Fine Boots, Balmorals, Congress Boots, Oxford Ties and Brogans of tho latest style. LADIES' AND GENT'S BOOTS and SHOES MADE TO ORDER ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND WARRANTED. We have also a good assortment cf LEATHER AND FINDINGS which we will sell at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Mr. CHAS. WHITE, will be raady to wait on his old triends and customers at all time B. A. WALLINGFORIX & CO. Maysville, Ky., June 16. 1S61. RED CORNER CLOTHING STORE! Blum & Heckinger's GREAT WESTERN Emporium of Fashion WE take pleasure in informing nr Patrons and the public generally, that we have just received, and are continuing to receive,from New York, Baltimore and other Eastern Ports, a vcll, large and varied stock ov GENTiEMEN'S KEADY-MADE CLOTHING; Of the very latest Eastern Styles. Dress Coats, Business Coats Promenade Coats, Pants and Tests, Of all styles and descriptions, all of which we will dispose of at the lowest Eastern prices. We have paid the most particular PERSONAL ATTENTION in tho selection of Goods for our MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT, And have purchased only the MOST CHOICE and FASHIONABLE kinds and Styles. Hav ing made and EXTENSIVE ADDITION to this braneh of our business, wo have now the best FACILITIES to Manufacture to Order, at the SHORTEST NOTICE. Our celebrated and ex perienced Cutter, JERRY F. YOUNG, will superintend the getting up of all Work in tho Merchant Tailoring Line, by experienced work men ONLY. Tho Stock consists of the finest Foreign and Domestic Cloths; French and English Cashmeres; Silks, Satins & Cashmeres for Vest- ings. Mr. YOUNG has also procured Genio's, C, Scott 's, Glencross' & West's latest Patcrn Sheets. Our Stock of GEXTLEMEiYS FLMSUIXG GOODS! Comprises all appertaining to a Gentleman's outfit, and is too numerous and varied 'o men tion. The Genuine Patent FRENCH YOKE SHIRT, Can bo got at our Store. FOR THE FINEST AND LATEST STYLE CALL AT THE RED CORNER. A ULL SU1TLY OF Trunks, Valises, Carpet Sacks, Umbrellas, &e., Always on hand. ALL PULCHASEES WHO WISH TO SAVE MONEY! AND GET THE LATEST STYLES ! WILL FIND IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE TO CALL AT THE RED CORNER STORE BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. FOR A FINE STYLISH SPRING SUIT! CALL AT BLUM & HECKINGER'S RED CORNER STORE !: Maysville, Ey., March CI, 1G. 'MULLINS & HUNT'S WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE! THE SUBSCRIBERS, LONG ESTAB LISHED in a large retail Dry Goods business in Maysville, would call the attention of Coun try Merchants to their recent addition of an ex tensive Wholesale Department; which will be conducted on a STRICTLY CASH PRINCI PLE. The many years of experience possessed by our buyer, combined with a perfect knowledge of the Kentucky trade, a thorough acquaintance ship with all the Manufacturing and Importing Houses in the East, and the fact ofJ ur pur chases being made for "Cash," together with a firm determination to sell at a mere commission advance on Eastern Cost, will be sufficient guaranties to CLOSE CASH BUYERS that we cannot be undersold by any WESTERN JOB BING HOUSE. Our Stock will be found better adapted to the wants of of our customers than it is usual to find in the generality of JOBBING HOUSES; as it will embrace a greater variety of goods than is ordinarily met with In an exclusive Wholesale Establishment. The departments alotted to -A. TS CAPS AND ISP otions , Will be at all times especially attractive as par ticular attention will be paid to them, and a LARGE STOCK Kept constantly on hand. We would impress upon our friends that in sending us orders they may rely upon bavin? them executed to the ful est rxtent of our ability. MULLINS & HUNT Cheap Dry Goods Store, 2nd Street, Maysville, Ky. Maysville, Ky. Jan. S,1S63. NEW CASH HARDWARE HOUSE! SIGJV OFJLUG SAW. FARMERS, WE HAVE NOW ON HAND THE BEST AR TICLE OF GRAIN SCYTIIKS, GRASS SCYTHES, BRIAR SCYTH ES, SCYTHE SNATHS, GRAIN CRAOL.ES, HAY FdltHS Ar. "Low for Ca h. OWENS & BARKLEY. Maysville, June 80, 1S64. Second Street. LADIES, YOU WILL FIND AT THE HARDWARE HOUSE, 2d Street, IVORY HANDLE KNIVES, PLATED TABLE KNIVES. PLATED DESSEKT KNIVES, PLATED FORKS & SPOONS, PLATED NAPKIN RINGS, BUTTER KNIVES, CALL BELLS & TABLE MATS, Gutta Percha KNIVES & FORKS, BREAD & FRUIT TRAYS, WAITERS, &c, &c, Low for Cash. OWENS & BARKLEY. SATAN'S Devices and Believer's Victory, Parsons. Natural History of Secession. GoonwiN. Three months in the Southern States, Lt. Col. Fkeemantle. The last Times Seiss. Private Miles O'Reilly, His Book. Spectacles for Young Eyes, S. W. Landeb. The Ferry Boy aud Financier a life of Secre tary Chase. ALSO: A new lot of WAIL PAPER and OIL SHADES At ROGERS' llookstore. Maysville, Ky., May 26, 1S64. C. Gallebeb. C. Nelson. Late of Mason Co.,Ky. Late of Mt. Sterling, Ky. T. A. Matthews, of Maysville, Ky. Merchants' Hotel, (FOKMEItLY DENNISON MOUSE) CALLEHER, NELSON & CO., Proprietors. 3J"f tla. street, noar 3Vr.i.a. CINCINNATI, O. F"This house having been thoroughly reno vated and newly furnished, is now open. Cincinnati, O., May 19th, lS64-3mo. Established under Citt Ordinance in 1857. o WHEELER TOBBACCO WAREHOUSE, PHISTER & HOW, Proprietors, For the Inspection and Sale of LEAF TOBACCO 14 WEST FRONT ST.. Bet. Main fe Walnut Streets,) m MPT VAT ITT nam near the Steamboat Landing,? OUMttMll, UUiU. o Tobacco Sold at Auction or Privately, as Owners may desire AUCTIONS SALES: TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, & SATURDAYS. PRIVATE SALES DAILY. 0r Storage to Shippers Three Months Free. Cincinnati, O., May 19lh, 1364-Smo. Eagle copy 3 months and oharge Bulletin. CLEAN YOUR TEETH! WITH Aromatic Tiact Myrrh ! ! IT is excellent for hardening the gums, remov ing tartai, and imparling iVugrance to the breath. TRY IT ONCE And wo know you will eontinuo its irse. As prepared by us it is superior to all other washes 0iuntjrth- SEATaik C. PHISTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE ON TEE WEST SIDE OF COtWtl ST. in a ysville,?;k y H. A. CALVEUT, (of Ky. ) wrrrf I1IP0XTEBS A WHOLESALE UK ALMS O DRY GOODS, 110 & 112 Pearl Street, april7-3m'; CINCINNATI, C. WITH- Will. K. BOAli IIS ISTo- 132 West Second Street, between Jiace tk Ehn Streets f CINCINNATI,', WILL Attend to the Safe of all kinds ( PRODUCE, and make immediate Kettfrns Orders for any description of Groceries prompt-' ly filled. REFERS BT FEBMISSIOM TO' John A. Robinson, Esq., Gallipolis, O. A. W. BuskiRK, Esq., Portsmouth, O. Hon. L. T. Moore, Catlettsburg, Ky Capt. W. IIofsheli., " " Jno. N. Riohardson, Esq., " D. D. Geiseb. Etq., . . Hugh Means, Esq., Ashland, Ky. Wm. T. Nicholls, Esqf., A..hlaud. Ky. Wm. L. Geioer, Esq., Ashland, Ky. . Geo. Wubts, Esq., G'reenupsburg, Ky.- E. J. Hookaday, Esq., " - fi Louis D. Eoss, Esq., " Capt. Z. Shirley, Louisville, Ky. Hon. Twos. E. Braklktt, Frankfort, Ky. J3FWill make liberal advance on Configil mar 8,-1864-6nr . ments of Produce. M. THOMPSON, Umbrella. Parasol, AND WALKING CANE MANUFACTORY, No. 167 Kain Street, bet. 4th & 5th, CINCINNATI, O. E3F"Repairing promptly attended to.- mar DUHME & CO. S W Cor. 4th and Walnut Streets1 CINCINNATI, O Retail & Wholesale Dealers in DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. THEY Keop on - hand a large stock Of Cheap" Watches, Jobbing Material, Spectacles, tc, tor the Trade. ESPOld Gold aiid Silver bought for Cash, march 3, 1 864-ly A SURE CURE. T7VERY BODY IS BEING CURED OF THIS5 i J distressing disease by the use of DR. STRICKLAND'S PILE REMEDY. Read what those say who have used it: Mr. Charles W. Landram, of Louisville, and J. P. Uazardo, Ciucihnati, O., wefejb'Oth cured after iibing one pot of Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy. They say they have tried every thins but could obtain no relief, but one Pbl of Strick land's Pile Remedy affected a perfect cure after, suffering for many j-ears with the worst kind of Pilo3. They recommend every one whoia suf fering to try it. Sold by all Druggists. 50 cents per pot; Manu factured at No. 6 East Fourth street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Ask for DR. STRICKLAND'S PILE REMEDY. General Depot. No. 6 East Fourth street; Cin cinnati, Ohio. For sale by SEATON fe SRODRICK, Corner 2nd te Court Sts., Maysville. june 2, '64-ly MAYSVILLE SOAP & CANDLE FACTORY Third Street between Suttou At Wall; Opposite Chat. PhisUr't Lumber Yard. 4 GOOD SUPPLY. OP MOULD AND SUMMER CANDLES, GERMAN AND1 EANCY SOAPS Constancy on hand' ESfAgent for Starch & Star Candles. dF"Ca8h paid for Tallow and Soap Grease. Dec. 30 JAMES SMITH. W. S. F&ANKj Attorney at LaW, COURT STREET, - . Maysville, Kyi 83Prompt attention oaid to Collecting.,! fcb?viary 18th, 1864. J. K. SUMRALLf ATTORNEY AT LAW MAYSVILLE, KY., WILL practice in the Courts of Mason' and ad" joining counties. OFFICE West-side of Court Street; jan 1 5, 1 SGJMv . . Postponement of Sale. THE iale of the property, formerly known aa. the "i'ARKER HOUSE," in the City of Maysville, is postponed. This valuable property fronts on Second (the most business Street in the City) 70 feet and ex tends back 103. For a HoTEr, Pkitats Boabdiw Hocbb, oir " Yo UNO Ladies' Bo AaDiNa and Dt Scaoot," it is admirably adapted, Having thirty odd rooms in it. besides the parlors; d lare yard, good Cistern j a Well of roost excellent Water and all other neoeiSary conveniences. Persona desirirr to Renter PffrcAage, will have it shown to them, upon application oa ti premises. . . Terms oFSA(if66Td)'One Third Cash tho remainder in Six and Twelva ntoa ha, with In terest. , , ,, tsyimmediato possession eiven to Tenant ot Piroher. JULIA CWINS. MaysvrJe, Ky., Jiriy nin, is4-ir MAYSVILLE AND CINCINNATI PACKET o -c TUE FAST RUSNIXQ STEAM EE, CLEONA, A. T. roWEE, Master, Will Leava MavsyHTo Mondays, Wedneidays, and Fridays, at JO o'clock., ... Leaves Cincir.nuti lor Maysville on alternttt day. . . . . .. The Cleona ia now and light with fine acebfu inoUtions or - passengers. " For freight and jmajre app,ly tor J LOVE, July21,isei . Asent. Mustard beed Wanted. WE will pay ' t7i hfliesi Market Price, iu CASH, for Mosta'd Seed, either in laigu or small oAittfiUties. . SEATON & liKODKICil Maysville, Ky., July 21, 150.