Newspaper Page Text
"-"IV"Migktr Hare Been." vi J.y.i v ... J - Hand Mailer on tummer'i day, Eaked the meadow, sweet with hay.. tfl v j6 ' . -: V.--5 i 3 j';.' -' ' ' -Beneath her torn hat glowed the wealth Of aim pie beauty and rustic health. ' fiitgmg, she wrought, and her merry glaa The roock.-bird echoed from his tree.' : KuC;wBcmhe. glanced in the far-off town, Wiitefrom its hill elope looking down. The sweet song died, and a ragno nnrest And nameless loDging filled her breast. ATwisb; that aha hardly dared to own, , For something bolter than she had known. . ; The Judge rode slowly dewn the lane, Smoothing his horse's chestnut mane. Co drew his bridle in the shade a Of the apple trW, to greet the maid. And aik a draught from the spring that flowed Through the mwdow across the road. .'''. . . She stooped .where the cool epring bubbled up, Aud filled for him her small tin cup. And blushed as she gave it looking down On her feet so bare, and her tattered gown. "Thanks!" said the Judge, a "sweeter draught From a fairer hand was never quaffed." . i : i - .- lie spoke of the grass and flowers and trees, Of the'singing bird and the hamming bees, Then talked of the baying, and wondcrrhethor The cloud in the west "would briDgfonl weather. And "Maud foigot her brier-tora gown, And her graeeral ankles, bare and brown; And listened, whiWa pleased surprise -Lck4 from, her Iflng lushed hazel eyes. At lost, like one who fairer delay Seeks a -vain excuse he rode away. Maud Miller looked and sighed: "Ah me! That, 1 the Judge's bride might be! . - "He would drese me up in his silks so fine; And praise and toast me at his wine. "My father should weara broadcloth coat, My brother should sail a painted boat. "I'd dress my mother so grand and gay, And the baby should have aUew toy each day. "And I'd" feed the hnngry and clothe the pocr, ' And all should bless mo who left our door." The Judge looked baek as he climbed the bill, And saw Maud Mailer Handing still. "A form more fair, a faeo more sweet, Ne'er hath it been my lot to meet; "And her modest answer and her gracefal air, Show her wise and good as she is fair. ".Would she were mine, and I to-day, Like her a harvests of hay; No doubtful balance of rights and wrong?, Nor weary lawyers with heavy tongues. "But low of cattle and song of birds, And health and quiet and loving words." But he thought of his sistei proud and cold, And his mother, ; vain of her rank and gold. So, closing his heart, ths Judge rode on, And Maud was left in the field alone. Bat the lawyers smile 1 that afternoon, When he hummed in court an old love tune; And the young girl mused beside the well, Till the rain on the unrated clover fell. He wedded a wife of richest dower, Who lived for passion as he for power, Yet oft, In his marble hearth's bright glow, He watched picture come and go: And sweet Maud Miller's hazel eyes Looked out in their innocent surprise. Oft when the wine in his glass was red, He longed for the way-sfce well instead; And closed his eyes en his garnished rooms, To dream of meadows and clover-blooms. And the proud man sighed, with a secret pain: "Ah, that I were free again! "Free as when I rode that day. Where the barefooted maiden raked her hay." Sho wedded a man unlearned and poor. And many children played around her door. But care and sorrow, and child birth pain, Left their traces on heart and brain. And oft, when the summer snn shone hot On the new mown hay in the meadow lot. And she heard the littlo spring brook fall Over the roadside through the wall. In the shade of the apple tree ajrain 6he aaw a rider draw his rein, And, Kaiing dorm with timid graoe, She felt his pleased eyes read ber face. Sometimes her narrow .kitchen walls Stretched away into stately halls; The wear, wheel to a pinnet tnrned, The tallow candle an astral burned; And for him who sat at the chimney leg, Dosing and grumbling o'er pipe and mng, A manly form at her side she saw, And joy was duty and love was law. Then she took np her burden of life again, Say only, "It might have been." Alas for maiden, alas for judge, For rich repiner and hoasebold drudgel Ood pity them, both! and pity ns all, Who vainly the dreams of youth recall. For all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest ate these: "It might have been!' Ah, welll for us all some sweet home lies Deeply buried from human eyes; - And, in the hereafter, angela may Roll the stone from its grave a way I ' I W. J. ROSS. VJEWELL. ezo. W. 30SS, JB ROSS & NEWELL 1111 lM . . . . ' w nuutSALE GROCERS AUD DKALEHB m Foreign, and Domestic Liqnors, TOBACCO, CIGARS, Etc. Corner of MarJtet and Thud Streets, MAYSVILLE, KY GEO. W. WROTEN. Homoeopathic Physician, any one to ever Of lent SECOND 8TBEET, MATSVILLE, KT. "Office at Mrs. "Wbotxn'b. mar.10 Ohio. Wii. H. RICHARDSON Lloyd & Richardsoii, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GEOCEEIES, WINES, LIQUORS, ; TEAS & TOBACCO,. . F9BWABDISG& COMMISSION MERCHANT S, OPPOSITE GODDABD DOreB, BASKET STREET, - - MAYSVILLE, KT. TE WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL r T your attention to the above card, and solicit a portion of your patronage, promising to fill orders promptly and satisfactorily. . We nave eatabJibiied ourselves tor the pur pose of inducing Merchants to make their pur cnases nere instead ot elsewhere; and as our goods are bought dibect from r met hands in the Eastern Market, by our Bioker. we make this proposition to Merchauts: That we will duplicate any bill bought . . J Id Cincinnati, and if goods are not what we represent them, they can be sent back at our expense. We have just received from the East 20 Hhds. Choice new N. O. SUGAR; 10 " Prime " " " SO Bbls. Lovebino's Philadelphia REFINED SUGARS Crushed, Granulated, Powdor- ed and Coffee A. 50 Bags Choice Yellow Bright Green COFFEE MOLASSES Old and New Crop; MACKEREL. in all sum, direct from Bos ton, last Crop 1SGS; 40 Kegs Newcastle ENGLISH SODA; TOBACCO a largo lot in Boxes, Caddies, &c. TEAS a Superior lot of all kinds, selected lor this portion of the Country. In addition to our stock of Heavy Groceries, we have a largo assortment of Fancy: CIGARS, at all prices; Fancy Wath aud Shaving SOAPS; Whole and Half Boxes new M. R. and Layer RAISIN; SARD1NES;FIG8; PICKLES; PEACHES, Cove and Spiced OYSTERS; MUSTARD, . In boxes; 50 A. 25 lbs. boxes assorted CANDIES; CHEESE; CRACKERS; INDIGO; MADDER; SPICES, grain and ground; ALUM; Race & Ground GINGER; COPPERAS; BLACKING, largo and small; BLACKING BRUSHES; FAUCETS; CINNAMON, ground and in matts; CAPS; SHOT; LEAD; j EXT. LOGWOOD; STARCH; GERMAN SOAP; " A large variety of CAr, NOTE & LETTER TA PER; ENVELOPES, buff and white; fce. ic. E3?In addition to the above, wo offer induce ments to the trade in RECTIFIED WHISKY sold at Cincinnati prices. GINGER WINE, GIN, BRANDY, and with a superior lot of OLl BOUKBON WHISKY a t all prices. Respectfully, LL0YD.& RICHARDSON. Mayaville, Ky., March 0, 1361. mm C.TO, GLASS AND Queensware House ! ! E. ALBERT, IMPORTER AND DEALER Second Streotf One door below Geo. Aithur's Ounfectitmer Store, KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND a larqb AMD WELL SKLKCTKD STOCK Of Brench and English China, Glass, QUEEN S WARE& FANCY GOODS, in great variety, as Vases. Toilet if'ets in China, .ran an ilarblo and Jiohomain Uiass, JJewel Boxes; Fancy and Toy Boxes, Toy Ten, Sets, etc. DIN NEK AND TEA SETS, of all qualities, WHITE, ViiAiLKHTKU AND FINE GILT. SUver Plated and Britannia Tea Sets, Castors, Etc., Plated Table Ware; Ivory, Bone and Wool Handled Forks and Knives Knives; Tea Trays ana waiters, et an nz and varieties, Imported Direct from tho Manufactories in IST" EUROPE. Also, the large and most complete stock of COAL OIL LAMPS, of ail sizes sLd styles, from 50 cents to $10 each BUENER3, CHIMNEY8 PAPER SHADES and WICKS; The Very Beat of PURE COAL OIL, CANS, ETC.; all of which I will sell for CASII at the VERY LOWEST CINCINNATI prices. t3f"Accommodation to the wants of custom ers, quick sales and small profits are the govern ing principles or my business. Cali.seeand judge for yourselves! U. ALBERT. May vine, teb 4, 1SG4, HALL LIGHTS! 170R Burning Coil Oil, some very fine, direct ? from New York for sale by may 19. SEATON BEODEICK. n- C.LLOiD. CURES Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, A.sth'na, f Darkness and Daylight by author of Tem and Consumption. It isorily neecsfiarv tor pent and Sunshine. 1 one troubled with thesa complaints to try Habits ul Gocd Society, 1 bottle of Claudine, StnVlanrl' TWoniflnATt. nmX, x,i 1 Handbook of the New Testament McWharton. vuusu jja.xaa.ia Sfch convince them that it is th h- r,r.Mr,.,;., Bi,h..., n.nkJn . sivr. 1 so I y"T"u,.i"?'" 8el'"; Leather, Web I need. It nt , n lr mi.i,. .K.r. 1 " : H,,A frr";', 1'.' .i ' ihe Throat and Lnnra hni ;i Vi.1. fining oi rsioon, and is an pargio f.,r any kind of Sore Throat. peasant to take, and a hafe medicine for infanta, i'nee o) oentH per bottle. 2H?.T. &.?ODEICK, Corner! . -I w ii'i CI., LIUCIDOilll, Uno a, iS5i-ly AND LIQUORS. T WX.&JX.PEARCE Wholesale ; Gf roc e r s J AND COMMISSION ME RCHANTS,. SUTTON ST., opposite Lee House) , MAYSVILLE, Ky. , f Onx personal attention will be gven to Receiving & Forwarding all Goods consigned to our care. All orders sent us shall be filled in he same manner, io:'th reference to quality and quantity,' as if the parties purchasing were 'personally present. Below will be found an enumeration of some of the articles included in our stock, which we offer to the trado low for Cash or Country Pro duce: 21 nbds. Choice N. O. Sugar; . 8 Hhds. Prime N.O. Sugar; ' ' .' 50 JO 25 15 Lovoring'a Refined Sugars; cc Crushed ' do; do; da; Pulverized A.Coffee 54 Bags Choice Rio Coffee; 25 ' . Pri me Rio Coffee; 35 Packages Golden Syrop,In Half Bbls. and lOgal.K'-gs; 16 Bbls. New Crop N. O. Molasses; 05 Packages Mackerel, in Bbla, Uf. Bbls, Qr. Bbls. and Kits; ' S . ' 25 Hf. Chests Choice Gunpowcr Tea; 5 " Black Tea; 20 Gross Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco; Choice Smoking Tcbacco, in Half Pound and 5 Pound Packages; 50 Caddies Choice Chewing Tobacco; 20 Butts Chewing Tobacco; 50,000 Cigars, assorted brnnds; 75,000 White and Buff Envelopes; Cap, Note and Letter Puper; SOO Boxes Sardines, Lul ves unJ quarters; 35 Doz. Cove and Spiced O biers, in 1 & . 2 lbs. Cans; 15?Baskels Chnrapaigno Wine; 12 Boxes Native Wines; ' Choice OitI ISourbou Whisky, in Barrels uud Bottles; Common WlilsUy; Rectified Wbitkey; French Itranily ; ; f.inger Wine Raisins; Figs; Almouds; BuckeU; Tubs, in nests Wrapping Paper; Fancy, Toilet and Bal Soaps; Washboards; Brooms; Cordage; Mutche; Spices; Star aud Tallow Cundlue; Cheese; Crackers; Shot; etc. We invite the attention of Country Merchants pariicahirly to our stock of goods. We respectfully solicit the orders of the trade generally, promising satisfaction In all cases. W. L. & J. L. PEARCE, Nos. IS Jk 15 Sutton St., (opp. Lee Honte) March 21, 1364. MAYSVILLE, Er . rm. AND FLUX. STRICKLAND'S Anti-Cholera Mixture, Is a composition of astringents, absorbents. stimulants and carminatives, which every rdiv- sician acknowledges is the only preparation that win eujet a permanent euro ot i'lurrbcca and Dysentery. This Anti-Cholera Mixture is now in use in several of onr aimy hospitals where it gives tho greatest satisfaction. It has saved the Jives of thousands ofour soldiers and citizens, and we will guarantee it to be the best remedv in me worm lor uiarrncea ana uyssnlery. Sir. Woods, ot Covington, Ky., will be most happy to satisfy any one as to the virtuo of Strickland's Anti-Chole a Mixture: in fuet we have a great number of testimonials from pa tients who have been cured after being pro nonnccd incurable bv their phvsicians. some ufter taking only one bottle of Strickland's Anti Cholera Mixture. If you suffer with Diarrhoea and Dysentery try one bottle. SOLDIERS! You oueht not to be without such a valnablA medicine. The C-'ncinnati National Uninn f yvprn 2ta, sajsi toil i:Kusanis or our soldiers have been saved by the use of Strickland's Anti- Cholera Mixture. ior sale by Seaton & 50 cents rcr Dottle General Depot, No. G East 4th St.. Cincinnati. Ohio. I iuce 2. lS64-lv J CHANDELIERS ! OF Varions Patterns, for bnrninj Coal Oil At SEATON de BKODKICK'S ilaysville, Ky., may 19. Drug Store. TEA -a very eojeiior article, tho best import ed, in store aud lor sale by in: 1 BEN PHISTER' BKOOJIS, A large snpply of best quality, lor sale by war BEN PHISTER. ICE! ICE!! WE have commenced running our Ice . , wKon, and will deliver Ice to any part KTI'ersons desiring Tee through the day Jean viam 11. 01 lutiiarM y aim uk' u rocery t tore, on Wall street, or at Wm. Watkins' on IMarket St. WM. WATKINS; Alayl9,lS64. EI CHARD WATKINS. UKUAbL Hemp and Manilla ropes of -v an fizes irom a Dion ah linorn sh m naTlo always on hand. . ALEX MADDOX ftEW BOOKS! SEVEN Stories, b Ik Marvel. $1 SpekeV Joornaf of the discovery of the 75 source of tho Nile. 8 75 k6 00 150 1 SO 2 00 2 60 Life of Charles the Bold.-Kirk, Nepenthe. - - - - -Caxtoniuna, Friends in Council. - : - - GROCERIES Old Helmet, Husks. 1 50 Haunted Heart bv Author cf Lrmpli?hter. 1 50 50 - Sacriflee il t.on. hvll J P I 1 Kft . eXvC!-i "riaa: tve,- soutliworth, 1 50 ' Ir Family FriJe, bv the anihorof Tione. 1 50 I sold r. o-.oi.Mirn.- hy -lJosa," 1 50' From CiipeCod to Dixie, by Miickie, 1 65 Ti e above, with many other iod books, re t)ld ceived and lor sale by down G. W. BLATTEKMAN, July 7, 1S54. Second Street, GRAIN,. GROCERY; COMMISS ION HOUSE "Corner of 3rd & Market Streexs, MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY. I HAVE JUST OPENED A GRAIN, CROCERY AND. COMMISSION STORE in the house formerly occupied by Jas. C. Brook over, north-east Corner of Third & Market 8ts. I will pay the highest-market price tv cash or WHEAT, RYE and BARLEY. I have just reseived a full stock of Groceries, Sugar, Molasses, Coffee, Tea. Rice, Fish, Tobacco, Salt, &c, fcc, .together with a general assorl mentof all articles in he Grocery line: all war ranted to bo of the best mialitv. Mv coods have been bought exclusively for Cash, and will be soId for Cash or Country Produce, at Vrfhkvo afno on hand a large stoc ree stock of PURE OL.U .BOUKJiUN WHISKY. Commission, Storage & Forwarding Business attended to with promptness. All persons desirous of getting the worth of their money, will please give me a call. junel9th,lS62 . JBKN P11ISTER. CRUSHED, Powdered and Grannla'.ed Sugar, of best quality, in store nod for sale low by BEN THISTEK, june 19 Cor. 3rd fc Marked streets. QYRUP Philadelphia and Baltimore Syrups. O in barrels,' half barrels and 10 gal. kegn, for sale low by BEN PHISTER, June 19 Cor. 8rd tfc Market streets. ''POB ACCO of all grades and prices, for sale A. By BEN PHISTER, juno 19 Cor. 8rd & Market streets. VINEGAR of the best quafity, forsale by jnne 19. BEN PHISTER. jcw, Grain Store! HAVING Retired from tho Arm of Ales. Poweb & Co., I will continue on my own account in the Grain Trade, on Wall Street, next dooT to Alex. Muddox, and solicit all our old customers to give ino a call, as I have a large number of Sacks and feel confident of my ability to give eutiro satisfaction to all who may bo pleased to deal with me. ALEX. TOWER. Maysville,Ky., July 1, 1863. Ia. II. liOJV G, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER mi fii.i5 silt, .. Corner of Wall & 2nd Streets, MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY j ice 19, lS62-ly .' . 1)1 JOHN I5XJIL.IL.S C03IP0UAD CEDR0. BITTERS! The Latest and Most Important Discovery of the Nineteen)) Ccutury. -VfO MAN'S NAME IS MORE INTIMATELY iN connected with the history of tho Materia Mcfiica of trie Unitod States, or more favomblv known ns a pioneer in medical di.-icnvery, than that of JOHN HULL, of Louisville, Ky. Hiin imitublo preparation of Sat safari 1 la has loujr tood at tins head of the various comnou.ula of that valuable drug. His compound 1'cdoral of Wild Cherry hn bt-come a household word throughout tho West and South; and hi Worm Lozenges, in less than a year after their intro duction, attain k1 a reputation us widespread us the continent of North Amoricu. But thecrown- in ST rlory ot Ins Ji to remains to be attained in his latent discovery, or rather combination, for he does not claim to have been the discoverer of CKDRON, which is the basis of the Hitters now ollVrod t the public. That honor boloiifrs to the native iuhabitnnt of Central -nicrica, to whom its virtues have been known for in- re than two hundred yenrs. Armed with it. the Indian bids duauco to the mot deadly malaria, and handles without fenr the most venomous heipcnts. It is a bcltet with them that while there is breath left in the body tho Cedrou is potent to cure, no mut -let hut the disease may be. While Dr. Bull is not prepared to indorse this extravagant pretension, he is nevertheless satis fied from a thorough examination of tbeevideneo relating to its virtues, that, ns a remedy and preventive for nil diseases nrisiivfrom exposure cither to changes of weather and climate or to the miasmatic influences, it stand? without a rival, und justly deserves tho retmtation it has so loDg enjoyed in Central America and the West Indies. In DYSPEPSIA and its attendant train ot symptoms, it art" morehko a charm than a medicine. There 5 nothing in the whole range of the Materia Medics that can lor a momout bear a corapnrwon with it in this disease. A full account of this wonderful plant may bo found in tho eleventh edition of the U. S. jUis- pensatory, pages 1C37 and 1333. . " "-" "fimouu.iu which jr. nun nas bceu ,or J ears engaged , has just been brought to a successful termination, and ho is now enabled to "er to the public a combination ofCedron w iin uiuer nujirvcu lumcs, ine wnoie p'eserved in 'ho besttjuulity of copper-distilled bourbon wnisKy, wnicu no is confident has no equal i 11 tne world. He might furnish a volume of certificates, but tho public have long since learned to esti.. ate huch tilings at their true value. The safest plan is lor every one to test lor J lmself the virtue., of a new medicine. Liive the Cedron fitters one trial, and you will never use anv others. It is not necessary to publish a long li.-t cf dis eases for which the Cedron Bitters are a spcciSc. 111 uii aisoases or me OiUfldUU. UUWELS. aiuBLis, or LllVJ-.tiJ . In all aifections of the BKA1N depending op on derangement of the Stomach or Bowels; In GOUT, RHEUMATISM & NEURALGIA; And iu FEVER AND AGUE: 11 is destined to supersede all other remedies. It Inot only cures all those diseases but it pre vents them. A wine glass full of tho Bitters taken an hour oeiore each meal will obviate the ill effects of the mow', unhealthy climate and screen the person taking it against disease under the most try:nw Sold by Druggists and Grocers, generally. i-r. JOHN BULL'S Principal Office, Fifth Etrett, .Louisville, Ky. Sold Wholesale and Retail by SEATON & BRODRICK. , , Cor. 2nd and Court Streets, mar 7, SHrlj Mayeville, Ky . Come down in the center, That's what it means ! S A DDL R Y. I ' THE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW SITUATED so as to give his undivided attention to the Manufactory of every article connected with the SADDLE AND HARNESS TRADE ! He has now on hand and in process of making, a splendid assortment of Gentlemen and Ladies' Saddles.; Saddle Bags; Buggy, Carriage, Biako and Sulkjv Ilarnexs: Wni.n n,i n... 2 I Ktding Bridles, with lectin ff, Port and Snafflo - - . ouiB, , wopgon, iufrory. toauli, Sullcey aad Kid- D. 1 n or Whins: FT nor n.l W i i-. I-: im . tr 1 a n "UHS V"'; orstea, Uotton md ! u Girths: Red too and Iron s r. Hum.. iV. f A and Can HarueVs; in short every thing usually N R Tt r tTi )S-T,F:,BK,J'R,CK-kept in a-sddiery Establishment. whi?b win Z C' :61:lb'e.forP.R lil.rod at Wholesale and Rr.tail. tln Z i ut low prices, to punctual dealers; per ceut olffor l. Repairing attended to at once, at my id, on und street, to find which. "Come the Center," between Market .fr Sutton Stiu in the Maysville, March 28th, 16C8. Tiir vnir lviiAirciin r. nrnun i ii i j ii n it it 1 1 1 ii riA 4 1; ii ivi iin i rtiu - - South side 2d bet Court & Market St G. A. & J. IkCARTHEY, , WE ANNOUCE WITH jplcasure, tho RE MOVAL of our Stock of china; GLASS AND Q (TEENS WARE, to the building formerly oc cupied byE. Mabtin Sad dler, where we are opening a largo asd completo assortment of Goods, IMPORTED BY OURSELVES DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORIES- Our8tockislarce,containing great varieties of plain warns, gold band and fanct decorated Dinner and Tea Setts; VACES; COLOGNE BOTTLES; TOILET SETTS; FANCY AND STAPLE . ARTICLES of every description; Silver Plated KNIVES, FORKS, CARD BASKETS, &c, IEjo. TRAYS', WAITERS; COAL OIL LAMPS of many varieties. ' While thanking the public and tho trado for the liberal encouragement extended to us in the past, we hot o they will net fonret to call and see us at our NEW CHINA STOKE. G. A. & J. E. McCARTHEY, IiipoKTERa of Earthenware, On South side 2d street. Maysvillc, Ky., January 7th,lS64. GODDARD HOUS CORNER OF MARKET & FRONT, STs Opposite Steamboat Landing, MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY Mrs. E. F. FLEMING, I'i opriet ress. 'I'IIIS well kncim Hotel, has been re JL paired and ronttod in a snpenor manner nnu is r ow oien to ine puduc. The Troprietress recently of Fox Springs, so licits the patronaeeof tho traveling comruunitv No puiim will bi spared to givo satisfaction to mo gnef ts ot trie house. tfifStaga leave duil v for all points in tho in terior. Mrs. E. F. FLEMING. Feb. 12-6m REMOVAL. GEORGE ARTHUR Baker & Confectioner AND DEALER IN Fruits, Nuts, Toys, FANCY GOODS, .Sec, Hos removed his Stock to m"LLIs & FTJKT'S Old Stand, on SXICOSJ!? STREET, Where he will be pleased to see and wait npon all Maysville, Ky., April !th, 1S63. JOHN A. SEA'ION, J.H. BKODlilCK SEATON & BRODRICK WHOLESALE AKETAIL DEUGGrlSTS, AND DEALEES IN MEDICLYES, CUEMICALS, Paints, iOils, Griass, &c. corni:k sEcoxi) court sts. WHEELER & WILSON'S Sewing Machines ! Awarded tne First Premium as the bcM; Family Sewing Machine, rot three successive years at che T-r -vr -r m tj rv OT a mno -n 4 t-i- UiNJLL.EjIy IJ 1 A llio 1HAI II: ... For fivo years at the CINCINNATI MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. WITH IMPROVEMENTS! GLASS FOOT; HEMUER; CORDER & BRAIDER. ALSO MACHINE NEEDLES, COTTONS, d-c. E3?For sale bv J. B. GIBSON, Agent, TELEGRAPH OFFICE. feb.41h.lS4. Maysyille. THE HOWlT SEWING MACHINE! T HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF X T1IK CELEBRATED HOWE SEWTNO MACHINES, direct from the Manufacturer, and win sen mem at the lowest possible rate for Cash. These Machines are adapted for heavy as well as inennest sewing. Call and examinethera at the residence 01 b. !hocklet, on Short street. -urs. A. J . smith, Agent. Cgf-NEEDLEs and Spoor. Threads can be hail at S. Shocklet's Store, on Market street. Maysville, Ky.. Feb. 23th, 1S65. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE!!' T OFFER FOR SALE MY BRICK T.'ESI-J.- DKNCE. situated on the hill bide in Mas v.' Ie',y Tne house contains nine rooms be sides Ki'.chen, Pantry and Cellar. There is upon the lot a Dairy and Brick Stable. The lot is tare, having upon it sihant OnA hnnji I ing Frni: Trees ard Vines of the finest quality. I Also, well i-et rn Shmbberv and Floors R,.;n uu water aounciant an J 1 1 - . ' " - . . iuccuuiocni. It IS A I tiMTAt n ,1a:.L :. I l , i Yi n rr tVin mil I n - .1 V '.'". 'u.- noma ana win ru,!UUCKs, much le.s than itcot in " - '"""'T'" . iM-tt BLOCK AND TACKLE An assortment embracing all sizes of superior oontmctior ALEX. MADDOX. OAK UAl Choice hand prepared A. always on MADDOX m vt. n n w LI npi iiTT t "o w , '-uiff at. . . r s x ii.1 'Wis. ; . I TH FIltK, HBW AITB gMBrBSTlAMjg pressly LEW. MORRIS, Clerk Leavesfoot of WalnatSt.,for Maysvilia MLavf8KvCn1ayfanFr dy$ Af'wu 8 M?8vllIe for Cincinnati, every Tn' toHSlcTLT aPP,y b"d rX&l'at aVtheMaysvnie Cincinnati, Mays trille and PommoTltli REGULAR TR1 WEEKLY PACKET i TLiE 6PLESDID STfiAMB Captain Wm. MoCi-ain, Commander ' will Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and Ports mouth avery Monday. Werln7!",1... at 12 M. Kfnr: ii " -, " Kf..... .l.-i. l t s f"ysvine eitner way uours oi o ana 7 p. M. e or lreisrnt or nnn(ro nnniv u. j .-. McNeelt, Agent. MaysvetKy, v w " S. SALOMON, WATCHMAKER, GOODABD IIOTJSE BuiLDINO, Mn-x-Icot Street, May 7, lS63-ly MAYSVILLE, KT. NEW "Tv Farm at Ed BOOKS ;ewood, by Ike Mar. vol iiannan inurston. bv iiavard Tnvlnr- i Talcs of n Wayside Inn, by Longfellow. 1 Husks, by Marion Harland. "1 ; Thel.inp of Amasis, by Bulwer 'I Louie's Last Term, by Author of Rntledge 1 Soundings from the Atlantic, Holmes I Gentlemen's Book of Eliqnette 1 Beauties of English Poetry 4 Evenincs with the Poets "4 Longfellow's Poems, Cabinet edition 2 Heaven Our Home Ac 1 J3?Tbe above, with numerous other new and valuable publications, jus-t received by G. Vy . ELATTEEMAN, Booksellers. Second Street- V. 13. COCHKAIV'S FAMILY GROCERY STORE, No 23, west-side Market st., GALBREATH'si . c.r - Old Stand, f iTiaionii.i.ii ill. TST recei ved a larsre stock of Familv nf f J Assorted Groceries, such as Snsar, Syrup, Coffer, Teas, Mackerel i ivb, Nutmi'gs, Spices, Candles, Wil low nU Wooden Ware, 1 rooms, Tohaero, Cigars, Ac., c. Having bought all my Goods for cash, and my motto beinar "Ottick Sales atdSmai i: Pikiit " can jtsMiro all who mar trive me a cull, thar cliCBpest Groceries in tho citv EgrTlie best onalitv of COAL OIL nlw.nv. r hand and' for sale at tho lowest market tirice. A. B. COCHRAN. r. B. Fivo year Old Bourbon on tap. and the-' best of all kind of Liquors constant! v on hand.- Maysville.Ky., March 19, 1603. A. B.C. For Huts, JUicc, Koaches, Ants, Be Hugs, iljAth. in Furs, Vooleii. Src In jects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, &c. Pin up in 25c. 50c. and 1.00 Boxes, Bottles, aud t lasks. $3 ami $5 sizes for Hotels, Pcblio Ik STITCTIOSS, &C. ' Only infulliblo remedies known." " Frcu from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Ruts come out of their holes to die." 3?Sold Wholesale in all largo cities. JdETSoVl by nil Druggists A Ketailera everywhere tri.lBEWAitE!!: ot all worthless imitations. e that "Costab's" name is on each Box, Lottl.!, and Flask, von hnv Addrti-s HENRY It. COSTAR. 1-991 KITfCIAL DEPOT BROnwn- TC V. sT"Sold by all Wholesale & RetiiU DrncrirfKla- in Maynviile. Ky. mar 81, lSC4-6m. EEMOVAL I LOUIS STINE would respectfully inform his customers and t'rienda tbn h hnrumnUo.f to Cadwalladet's the room formerly occupied by theTelegrapn Oifice. Fall and Winter G-oorls S LOUIS STINE MERCHANT TAILOR AIJ tJKiVTS FUKNISIIEK, SECOND S TREE 2, MA YSVILLE, KY.. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON" UAND A Choice assortment of a'l Seasonable Cootis n his line. Which he is llrf-n:iril tn dienmu tf o the lowest rates for "CASH." He solicits a call from his friends and plods-es his best efforts' give Satisfaction. October 1, 1SS8. LOUIS STINE. INTERIOR ADORNMENTS! J UST RECEIVED A CHOICE SELECTION of new and desirable styles ff PAPER HANGING from the rich and ornate to the most chaste and" simple patterns, appropriate for Parlors, lJalls,Dining-Eooms and Chambers. FIRE B0AED PRINrS new designs; WINDOW SHADES, of any required style or size, on hand or mado to order. GILT MOULDING QVtXL PICTURE FRAMES. PICTURE CORD & TASSF.I.S nd nil tiw, trimmings fcr frames. FRAMING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE! The above Goods are all new and will hoanM cheaper than ever before sold in this cit J3TA call is solicited from persons wishinctrt purchase the above goods. J. . & C. S ROGERS, BOOESELLEKS d" STATIONERS, Maysville. Kv., April 21. 1S64. 2d Street IK. MAUVFL'S NEW BOOK. SEVEN STORIES BY THE AUTHOR OF " Retries of a Bachelor," "Farm at Edge wood," rfc.,fco. SI. 75 A large supply of the above delightful work receivd thi.-day by Express. Mail orders shall receive prompt attention. W. BLATTERMAN, Maysville, May 2H. 1364. Bookseller. ' rags waited? 1 fH W W ii I LBS GOOD CLEAN COT lUU,VUU TON Olf LINEN RAGS, for which 1 will pay the highest Market Price. G. W. BLATTERMAN, feb 4h, 1684. Bookstore, 2nd St. 50 25 50 25 60 25 60 00 00 60 00