Newspaper Page Text
THE BULLETIN- 1 MAYSVILLE. JULY. 11 1801 - Increase of the Price of the Bulletin. The SabscriptioVprice of the Bulletin Jill hereafter be Osb Dollar akd Fifty Cehts per year, instead ofOs PoB. Pio-Nic. There will be a Pic-Nic in theWoods of Mrs. Lloyd, two miles east of the Fair Ground, on th Lewlsburg dirt road, next Saturday, Angust 13th. y-We call attention to the fact that the Teachers of Mason county will hold a meet ing at the Court House, in this city, on Saturday next, August 13th.. beginning at 10 o'clock, A. M. We are not informed of the object of this meeting, but thiols that subject of importance will be discussed. It Is earnestly derired that tho attendance be large. (7-The rebels assert that-they" obtained about 1,700 recruits,, dnripg their raid in Maryland. -- - Qy-Grant's army' has Dot been paid for four months,' and the troops in the West have been without mooey for six months. (7"Th3 Annua1 Meeting of the Christian Church, will begin in this City on Thursday, August 18th. Oy-The Annual Coufereuce of the Meth odist Episcopal Church, South, will be held in Maysville, on Wednesday, Septlh. QCrA nine months armistice has been agreed to at Vienna, between Germany and Denmark. fXTltJs said that Postmaster General m.'r contemnlates reVrinz from the Cabi net. ( havA iikwi f Washington of - J the capture of General S'.onran and a por tion of his command by the rebels.' 03The Chattahoochee is a small, shal low stream, fordable. at ordinary stag", at almost any point. The banks are lined with beautiful Iringes of willow; and wber- ver the primitive forests still remain on the baok, the Iuxriance of Southern foliage is seen in its first beeirninss. Oaks, poplar, and beeches attain a gigantic size, and the leaves of the wild cucumber tree bush themselves out to the length of a yard. fj-Very destructive fires have been ra ging in the woods of Ma:ne for some time past. On the 20'h ult. the fire, fanned by a gale, swept upon the village of Salmon Brook and destroyed nearly the whole place upwards of twenty-5ve buildings. Ma ny sheep and cattle io the vicinity were al so burned. The Quota if Bracken. The number cf men required to be furnished by our neighboring county under the recent call is 156. . . . OyTbe number of vessels lost at sea du ring the month of July was thirty-three. Or'this number five were Bteamers, ten were barks, three were brigs and thirteen schoon ers. Of the above, nine were captured and burned; one captured, fate unknown; one sunk after collision; two foundered; two were burned and one is missing, supposed lost. The total value of the property lost destroy ed, captured and missing, is estimatedat $2,- 359,000 P.'ebel rBi.0NEBS.-It is estimated that the number cf rebel prisoners of war receiv ed at the military Prson at Loisville since September, 1862, will amonnt to 32,000. These prisoners were captnred by our ar lnies opiating south of NashvUIe and ,n Eastern Kentucky2 Philadelphia was recently, purchased by . dtizen ofthat place.and ed. The house was occupied by J .enc in l?CO, and in this house his J was born.. It now about M5fT"J" ou 7ud i the last relic of the PwafAmily. fc7-The new opera house, in Paris, is raiK its' monstrous bead day by day. ;marine a theater which, with us depen Snei... will cover eight acres of ground, and then imagine wbiMtwi.l cott. Uow to Sustain tocb Local Pai-eh. SaJu! advertising to the CfiHe'lp make the paper interesting by end -ic- items -f local interest to the editor. Lay "iJyu fear3 lh"1 lb 6 grow rich. . i. -f ths centlest, mildest and ' , , . ,u.;r own bomes.were ueau 8S5S-i -.! - the follebtDd-tbe reddest. . . PpanTTS A member of the 2J wLrsinRKms us that during the thre wi.coup. regiment has been vears nara " h by cfficial record, received from turr-irs and funds of the country in, it the San the enormous catalogue oi giwuo, follows: One Needle Case, One Cotton Shirt, 20 ct. $1 60 cts SI 80. Grand total inuated that the Let those who have ins i tUyrw fmm S i - their jaw. Lacros Democrat. Turnip Seed! French China. Glass and Qneenswarel ... J.' rLaM A fin new ttockat and below Ltncmw r-.; It. ALDEirrs -Model China fctore,2d Stree. decl7 Washington Correspondent of the Cincinnati inquirer. '' - r c. ? cWashikqto, August 6, 1864 'General Grant and staff arrived here this morning from City Point. General Booker rrived from the West last evening. These notables are stopped at Wizard's and have been, the greater part of the day, in consul tation with the President and hia Chief of Staff, Halleck, and Secretary Stanton, Be fore this reaches you it is probable yoa will have beard, by telegraph, something of the results of the conference now being held by these high officials, but up to the moment of writing this nothing is known of the pur pose of this convention nor of its delibera tions. There are raaov coniectures. idle and unfounded, afloat, that I will not troub le you with. There is scarcely a doubt, however, that the statement in my last let ter that Hooker is to take command of ail the forcea north of the James and for the defence of Washington, is correct, though at nine o'clock this morning Gen. Hooker bad not been advised of the purpose for which he was ordered here. The Veteran Invalid Beserve Corps, sent their brass .band in front of Willard's Hotel last night at 10 o'clock, to serenade General Hooker. After the band had play ed three or four pieces, and some two hun dred persons bad collected around, a call was made for Uooker, and he appeared at the window of his room. A speech was demanded and the General attempted to make one, but it was evident at once ihat speech making was not his forte. He indi cated his contempt for oratorial accomplish ments, and said there had been enough speeches made since the war began to put dow-o forty such rebellions as that we are now fighting. It was a great struggle for the gallant General to get through with his brief speech, and he must think the Chron icle, was poking fun at him when in its no tice this morning, it said "In this part of his speech in which he (Hooker,) tabooed mere speech-making, be was unusually great in argumentativeness- I J A 1 1 the leaders and directors of the armies are now here, save Sherman and Meade. 1 h:s announcement is not contraband, be cause by the time this letter reaches'you.ail military chiefs will have jiined their sev eral commands. There is, at the moment I write this, a more numerous convocation of military chieftains and staff officers in consultation with Mr. Lincoln, Gen. Hal leck and Mr. StaLton, than has been brought together since the war commenced. The disaster at Pete sburg last Saturday, together with the threatning aspect of af- fuira in tKia Vtpinilo art A tlia fihinanilnoli ' Valley and north of it, have entirely chang ed the order of procedure, and it is believed by many who should, from their positions, know what is going on, that Grant will not return immediately, and perhaps not at all to City Point, but that Meade will be left in charge of thai portion of the army which will be retained before Petersburg to bold the works. It is known that Grant is reluc tant to give up, at this time, the attempt to take Iiichrnond, because be has continally asserted that he would have the confeder ate capital before be returned with his ar- mv northward, lie has promised that he 'will fight it out on this Hue if it takes all the summer,' and you know we have only got through with two-thirds of the hot sea- sou, and be has only lost about two-thirds of Lis army. HAMILTON. To the Tas-Payers of Ma- ' son County. 1x an act of the General Assembly it is made y my duty, immediately after the 1st of June. to proceed with the Collection of the public Revcnueas iicedily as possible. By the same act it is made my duty to ropoit, at the July, Sep tember and November County Courts, the amount of taxes collected nud pay the same over to the Auditor. 1 am authorized under said act to notify the Tax-Payer by public notice muck up at the Court house door, and in the different l'rciinct or districts of tho County, that on cer tain days between the 1st of October, and the 15th of November, I, or my deputies, will attend at the place of holding election in such districts and receive their taxes. It is made the duty of tho liix-payer to attend on Fuch days and pay the fame. " If this is not done, after that date they will have to pay the same at tho Courthouse; and, if not done there within the timo prescribed by law, ten ier ceut. upon the amount is added. Thus it will be -ee:i that it will be to tho interest of the tax-payers to gee to it that ther taxes are paid, witl.iu the time proscribed by law, as after that time I shall invariably add the ten percent, imposed b law, to their lists when 1 como to coliecu. This I bluili be compelled to do as I shall haC toadvanco the Revenue due by such delinquents uud enforce payment at once with the osts to reimburse myself. By paying atten tion to the matter and promptuea.- ,tne thing will worli first rate. Tho people have thesame lime, as heretofore, within which to pay their taxes. The difference being, thai they shall give the matter attention themselves and see to its payment nt tho times and places prescribed, in ittead of the old way of having the Sheriff call half dozn times, inoro or less, for their taxes. The law is plain, simple, and to the point;and I in end to comply ith its provisions and enforce its penalties, and this notice is given to call the attention ot tho people to it, so that no liarin may bo done any one, in consequence of their iriK iaiae of the law. The time and place at which I, or my deputies, will attend in the dif r.wnt Precincts to receive t:ixetj between tho 1st of October, and tho lotb of November; will be ; a lveriiscd by pnbhc notice stucK up as required ; bylaw. In tho mean time, let every ouo py up , that can wh.n called upon rwtween misanaiLat ti-r.e, that a good account of the promptness of the people ol tho county may be reported to the auditor at the July and September terms of our Court. Respectfully, H. S. Jidf-t ERSON, Sheriff Mason Co. According to the above, the Tax-Payers are notified that 11ENRY B. JEFFERSON, Sheriff, will attend at tho following places, on the days named, to leceive their taxes: At Mt. Gilead.Hth and 15th days of Ootober. At Preston's, 17th day of October. At Helens, lath day of October. At Mayslick, 19th and 20th days or Octooer. At Sard is, 21st and 22nd davs of October. 11. S. JEFFERSON. S. M. C. - CHARLES E. TABB, Deputy, will attend at the following places, on the dy named: Orangeburg, 7lh & 6th of October, at W. II. Pol- JitH Store. , Lewisburg, 11th and 12th of October, at Jno. Larew's Store Washington, 15th and 14ih of October, atU. w. Wood's Store. Maysvillo, 15th and 17th of October, at the Clerk's Office. PERRY JEFFERSON, Deputy, will attend at ti e following places, on the days named: Dover, 1Kb and 12th of October, at R. T. Evans' M-SvlStta and 14th of October, at Cap t. GermantowTsth and 17th of October, at Jno. WwlffioK mb nd 19tK of October, at Jno. It of October, at Thomas Daultou's Stable ,. . : . August Uth, lS6i-tf TO, THE PUBLIC ! ADAMS' iiEXPEESS !, fUR EXPRESS FOR. CINCINNATI V during low water is .carried on the fine 0 learners ...... HIGHLAND CHIEF NANNIE BITERS. Accommodating messengers will be found on both boats. Sills are closed as tollows: On Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays, o'clock. P. M. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 9.80 o'clock. A. M. This rule is positive, and will be strictly ad- nered to. aiAJ1!7 iiA.i-invsa w. A.M. JANUARY & SON, Agents. Alaygville, August 4th, lS64-tf Maysville Marble Works! H. GILLMORE, Market Street, MAYSVILLE, KY. BDERS from Country solicited; 1 Persons desitintf wot k. by com- munKating the same, will be promptly waited upon. august 4th, 1 St) 4. Machine Oils. T A ED OIL and other kinds for Machinery, JLJ Can be baa at fcEATOM BKOUMlU14.'H aug 4 Cor. 2nd & Court Sts. LONG GREEN CUCUMBER SEED, At SEATON & BKODRICK'S .Maysville, Aug. 4. Drug btore. PRIVATE SCHOOL. THE Fourth Session of my School will cominanna the FIRST MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER, in the basement of the Methodist Church (South). KIerms ot Tuition per mourn, july 23.1SG4. MOLLLE E. GILf IN Teachers' Meeting! A MEETING OK THE TEACHERS OF MA SON COUNTY will be held at the Court House in Maysville ou SATURDAY, AUGUST 13th, 1804. A full atteudauce is solicited, as there will be business to be transacted in which all are interest ed. Meeting to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. Angust 4th, iat4-nw. . - MACHINES! MILLS ! MILLS ! ! MILLS ! ! ! SUGAR CANE WILLS; CIDER AND WINE MILLS. turesuinc; machines; grain .drills; CORN SIlELLEItS; CUTTING BOXES; For sale by J. II. R1CHESON. Maysville, July 14, 1S04-5W H. BERTRAM, SECOND STREET, Maysville, - - Kentucky, 'IAKES great pleasure in informing the JL citizens of Maysville, and the public generally, that he is now occupying his OLD PLACE OF BUSINESS, On Second St., 2 doors west of Market. The house bus been remodeled throughout, at great expense, and is one cf the Handsomest Business Houses in tho city. He has on hand, and is constantly receiving, a large and well assorted stock of Ladies', 3Iistes and Children's Shoes. Gentlemen's and Youth's Boots & Shoes. He is also prepared to manufacture all kinds of work in his line, at the shortest notice, and in the best and most fashionable style. He has sacured the services of Mr. J. W. WROTEN, Whose knowledge of the Boot and Shoe busi ness is nnsurpa?sed, and who will be glad to see all his old friends snd customers. Mr. BERTRAM Tetnrns his thanks to the public for their past liberal patronage, and ro tpectfnllv solicits the continuance ef the same. Maysville, Ky., june 2, 1864-2m Tailoring and Renovating ESTABLISHMENT! ! ! SECOND STREET, opposite City Hall, MAYSVILLE, KY. 'PIIE Undersigned would respectfully inform I the citizens.of Maysville and vicinity that he is prepared to make up vuits of any style and warrant I hem to give satisfaction. 1 am prepared to RENOVATE CLOTHING and remove all kinds of Grease, Paint or Dirt, and restore the goods to its original gloss and beauty. Give me a call. juae23,'64. CHRISTIAN ALTMEYER. OWENS & BARKLEY HAVE IT! LADIES, TF you wish to bave your carpets and Sweep without Dvtt, buy one of the Great Carpet Sweepers of OWENS & BARKLEY. -- ADIES! After having used one oftheCar- pet Sweepers, you would not be without one (jall auj gce fu OWENS & BARKLEY. OWENS & BARKLEY HAVE IT! TIIE PA TENT CARPET S WEEPER ! ! Maysville. July 7th, 1S64. . LOOK HERE! THE NEW Boot & Shoe Store!! SECOND STREET, (In the House formeily occupied Cbas. White.) MAYSVILLE, KY. THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY solicit the patronage of tho Citizens of May s sville and surrounding Counties. We have a full assortment of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Congress and Side Lace Gaiters. Lastinjr, Kid and Morocco Falmorals ol the best quality and latest style. Gent's Fin Boots, Balmorals, Congress Boots, Oxford Ties and Brosans of the latest style. LADIES' AND GENT'S BOOTS and SHuES MADE TO ORDER ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND WARRANTED. rTVTrc We have also a good assortment cf LEA I Ht.ll AND FINDINGS which we will sell at the LOWEST CASH TRICES. Mr. 01IAS. WHITE, will be ready to wait on his old tnends and customers at all times. n. A. WALLINGFORD &..c tfayBville, Ky., June 16. 1S64- . .,-'; HED CORKER CLOTHING STORE! Blum & Heckinger9 s GREAT WESTERN Emporium of Fashion WE take pleasure in informing ur Patrons and the public generally, that we have just received, and are continuing to receive, trom New York, Baltimore and other Hstkbn POSTS, a FULL, LARGB AND VABlEt STOCK O GENTLEMEN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING; Of the very latest Eastern Styles. Dress Coats, Business Coats, Promenade Coats, Pants and Tests, Of all stylos and descriptions all of which we will dispose of at the to west Eastern prices. We have paid the most particular PERSONAL ATTENTION in the selection of Goods for our MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT, And have purchased only the MOST CHOICE and FASHIONABLE kinds and Styles. Hav ing made and EXTENSIVE ADDITION to this branch of our business, we have now the best FACILITIES to Manufacture to Order, at the SHORTEST NOTICE. Our celebrated and ex perienced Cutter, JERRY F. YOUNG, will superintend the getting up of all work in tho Merchant Tuiloring Line, by experienced work men ONLY. The Stock consists of the finest Foreign and Domestic Cloths; French and English Cashmeres; Silks, Satins & Cashmeres for Vest- ings. Mr. YOUNG has also procured Geuio's, C. Scott 's, Glencross' & West's latest Patorn Sheets. , Our Stockof GENTLEMEN'S FUMISMKG GOODS! Comprises all appertaining to a Gentleman s outfit, and is too numerous and varied o men tion. The Genuine Patent FRENCH YOKE SHIRT, Can he got at ou r Store. FOR THE FINEST AND LATEST STYLE CALL AT TIIE RED CORNER. A fULL SUPPLY Off Trunks, Valises Carpet Sacks, Umbrellas, &c., Always on hand. ALL PULCHASERS WHO WISH TO SAVE MONEY! AND GET THE LATEST STYLES I WILL FIND. IT TO THEIE ADVANTAGE TO CALL AT THE RED CORNER STORE BEFOKE PUBCIIASING ELSEWHERE. "FOB A FINE STYLISH SPRING SUIT! CALL AT BLUM & HEGKINGER'S RED CORKER STORE I MaysvUle,Ky., March 31,1364. 1 MULLINS & HUNT'S tr - -v- j WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE! THE SUBSCRIBERS. LONG ESTAB- JL LISHED in a large retail Dry Goods business in Maysville, would call the attention "of Conn try Merchants to their recent addition of an ex tensive Wholesale Department; which will be conducted on a STRICTLY CASH PRINCI PLE. The many years of experience possessed by our buyer, combined with a perfect knowledges! the Kentucky trade, a thorough acquaintance ship with all the Manufacturing and Importing Houses in the East, and the fact of ur pur chases being made for "Cash, together with a firm determination to sell at a more commission advance on Eastern Cost, will he sufficient guaranties to CLOSE CASH BUYERS that we cannot bo undersold by any WESTERN JOB BING HOUSE. - ' Our Stock will be found better adapted to' the wants of of our customers than it ia usual to find in the generality of JOBBING HOUSES; as it will embrace a greater variety of goods than is ordinarily met with in an exclusive Wholesale Establishment. The departments alottod to T J3 A.KTS O. IS AND 1ST otions , Will be at all times especially attractive as par ticular attention will be paid to them, and a LARGE STOCK Kept constantly on hand. We would impress upon our friends that in sending us orders they may rely upon having them executed to the ful- est extent ot our ability. MULLINS & HUNT Cheap Dry Goods Store, 2nd Street, Maysville, Ky. Maysville, Ky. Jan. 8tlS63. NEW CASH HARD WARB HOUSE! SIGN OF BIG SAW. FARMERS, WE HAVE NOW ON HAND THE BEST AR TICLE OF GRAIN SCYTHES, GRASS SCYTHES BRIAR SCYTHES, SCYTHE SNATHS, GRAIN CRADLES, HAY FORKS. Ac. Ac "Low for Ca h . OWENS & BARKLEY. Maysville, June 80, lSb4. Second Street. LADIES, YOU WILL FIND AT THE HARDWARE HOUSE, 2d Street, IVORY' HANDLE KNIVES, - PLATED TABLE KNIVES,. . PLATED DESSEKT KNIVES, -PLATED FOiiKS A SPOONS, PLATED NAPKIN RINGS, BUTTER KNIVES, , CALL BELL8&rT ABLE MATS Gutta Percha KNIVES & FORKS, BREAD fe FRUIT TRAYS, WAITERS, &c, Ac, ' , Low for Cash. OWENS k BARKLEY. SATAN'S Devices and Believer's Victory, Parsons. Natural History of Secession, Goodwin. Three months in the Southern States, Lt. Col. iilEEMANTLE. The last Times SeIrs. Private Miles O'Reilly, His Book. Spectacles for Young Eyes, S. W. Lander. The Ferry Boy and Financier a life of Secre tary Chase. ALSO: A new lot of WALL PAPER and OIL SHADES At ROGERS' Bookstore. Maysvillo, Ky., May 26, 1S64. V vrAL)iiCax.n . ai ijovi . Late of Mason Co.,Ky. LattfofMt, Sterling, Ky. T. A. Matthews, of Maysville, Ky. Merchants' Hotel, (FORMERLY HENNISON MOUSE) CALLEHER, NELSON & CO., Proprietors. nyiftlx stroet,noar TVTx CINCINNATI, Oi pSTThis house having been thoroughly reno vated and newly furnished, is now open. Cincinnati, O., May 19th, 1864-3mo. Established under City Ordinance in 1857. WHEELER TOBBACCO WAREDODSE, PHISTER & HOW, Proprietors, For the Inspection and Sale of LEAF TOBACCO 14 WBST FRONT ST.. . Bet. Main A Walnut Streets,) ptM(mj Jim - flUTCl near the Steamboat Landmg.J uuiuuuuiii, uuiu. Tobacco Sold at Auction or Privately, as Ownersmay desire. " : o 'i AUCTIONS SALES: . ; - TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, & SATURDAYS. , . PRIVATE SALES DAILY. Qjr Storage to SJiippers Three Months Free Cincinnati, O., May 19tb, lS64-8mo. . " - ::' Eagle copy 8 months and charge Bulletin. f 100,000 es! JUST Received and for sale by ' v ALEX. MADDOJt, Maysville, Jane 80, 1S64. Wall Street GEO. W. WROTEN. Homceopathic Physician, SECOND STBKET, MAT9VILLE, KT.' r-offico at Mrs. Wroten's. m'ar'.lO RAGS WANTED! 1 HA fC( LBS GOOD CLEAN COT 1UU,UUU TON OR LINEN RAGS for which 1 will pay the highest Market Pr,ce. - :. ,G. W- BLATTEKMAN,. .fub. jh, 1S6 4. Bookstore, 2nd St " H. A.' CALVERT, (6 T&J.) f . t 110 & lia Pear Street, . ai.ril7-3m CNCINNATI, O. with Will. 11. "BUilL- UUUUUU U UUiUiUlUUtUM jMiAwa " 3STo. 182 Wed Second Street, Itticeen Eace A Mm Stretttf CINCINNATI, O; WILL Attend to the Sale of all kind PRODUCE, and inate immedrato Returns Orders for any descriptk n of Groceries proropt ly filled. REFERS BT PERMISSION TO John A. Robinson, Esq., Gallipolls, O. " A. W. BnsKiRtf , Esi., PortSmftuth, OV Hon. L. T. Moobb, Catlettsburg, Ky." UAPT. W . IIOFSHELL, Jno. N. Richardson, Esq.,' . D. D. Geioer. Efa.. " r Hugh Means, Esq., Ashland, Ky.. j. Wir. T. Niohoim. Esq., Ashland, Ky.' . Wk. L. Geioer, Esq., Ashland, Ky. Geo- Wubts, Esq., Greeunpsburg, Ky E. J.IloCEADAT, Esq., " " Louis D. Koss, Esq., " ' " Capt. Z. Shirlet, LodlsTiJle, Ky. . - Hon. Thos.- E. Brahitt, Frankfort, Ky.- IST'Will make liberal advancon Consign' ments of Produce. mar 8,1864-6m M, THOMPSON. TJinbrella, Parasol NO WALKING CANE MAMtPArTORY. No. 167 Main Street, bet. 4tS & Stir, CINCINNATI, O: , ta& '"E fA-i-v.rf . . DUHME & CO. S W Cor. 4th and Walnut Streets' CINCINNATI, O. MI anu df a c tiareiTsk Retail & Wholesale Dealers xri DIAMONDS, WATCHESv n w -w t w m x -WYT ft TXTl JEWELKi & SlLYHiltWAlii!. TIIEY Keep on hatid a large Stock of Cheap Watches, Jobbing. Material, Spectacles, &c.y for the Trade. .... , , ' igpTOld Gold and Silver aongnt lor uasn. march 3, 1864 ly A SURE CURE. XVERY BODY IS BEING CURED OF THIS1 J2j distressing disease by the nse ot . DR. STRICKLAND'S PILE REMEDY. Read what those say who have used it: , Mr. Charles W. Landranr, of Louisville, an J. P. Ilazarde", Cincinnati, O., werejboth cured after using one pot of Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy. Thev say they bave tried every thing but could obtain no relicf.bnt one PotofStrick land's Pile Remedy affected a perfect cure after , suffering for many years with the worst kind of Piles. They recomaiend every one who is suf fering to try it, . Sold by all Drngaists, 50 cents per pot. Manu factured at No. 5 East Ftfurth street, Cincinnati Ohio. Ask for r '. ; ' DR. STRICKLAND'S PlLxt REMEDY"; General Dep6t. No. 6 East Fourth street: Cin cinnati, Ohio. .. , . For sale by SEATON & BRODRICK,. Corner 2nd & Court Sta., Maysville. june 2, '64-ly MAYSVILLE SOAP & "CAHDLfi fAdTORt, Third Street, between Sutton &tVall,- Opposite Chas. Phisler's Lumber Yard: A GOOD SUPPLY OP MOULD AND EANCY SOAPS Constancy 6ri hand' - "Agent for Starch & Star Caridle's: ICaah paid for Tallow atid Bddii tifease. Dec. 1(J JAMES SMITH. Postponement of Sale. THE Sale of the property, formerly known ae? the "PARKER HOUSE," in the City of Maysville, is postponed. ', , .-, This valuable property fronts on Seconde1 most business Street in the City) 70 feat and ex tends back 165. For a Hotki., Private Boarding House, or, YoUns Ladies' Boarding and Day School," it is admirably adapted, Aaving thirty odd rooms in it. besides the parlors; a largo yard, good Cistern,' a Well of rtrost excellent Water and! all other necessary conveniences. . , Persons desiring to Rent or Purchase, will have it shown to them, upon application on the premises. Terms o Sale (if sold) One Third1 Cash th- rumainder in Sis aud Twelve monls, with in terest. - - i3Pimmediate poseessfo'n piven to Tenant or Purchaser. ... JULIA OWNSi Maysville, Ky., July 14thi lS64-tf MAYSVILLE AND CINCINNATI PACKET 0 THE FAST RUNNING STBAKEB,- . CLEONA, A. F. POWER, Master, Will Leave Maysville Mondays Wednesdays', and Fridays, at 10 o'clock, - . Leaves Cincinnati for MaySvilt on alternate' dayB. .... - v . The Ceona Is neW jindilight with fin's aicom-T modations - or passengers. -.For freight and" passage apply to ' J. M. LOVE, July 21, 1864. -:Agent. NEW BOOKS! ' 'CEVENStorioS; b Ik Marvel,' r r" ft 75" O SpekeV Journal pr ;ne discovery or tne fconrce of the Nile, Life of Charles thr Bold, YXrtt; '' Kepenffie; . ; . , Caxtoniana, - - $ 75; 5 oo, 1. K6S 00 S KO .Friends in CounciV,-- . .- Old ueimet,- - --- - - Hnakx. . to' Hauntid Heartby Author of LanipliAlter, 1 50' Darkness and Daylight by author of Tem pest and Snhshin'eV " t 50 Habits ot Good Soeiatv.- 1 .irt LClaudSne,- .... ... . ... . , 75 Handbook or the New Testament MoWbarton. Self-Sacriflce. . fl SlV Bishop Hopkins on Slavery, . 1 50" Ujatory of President Lincoln's Administra- t'-on, bv II. J. Raymond, X 5(f ? 5tf 1-60 1 50' 1 GS The Bridal Ive, Sonthworth," ' . Family Pride, bv the author of Pique,' Rosa,. . , ; From' Cape Cod to Dixie,' by Mactiej ' The above', will) ,maby pother gbod' bobks,' re" eeived a'nd lor sale by . - ; . . G. W. BLATTEBMAN, J"uly 7, 1S64V : ' ' . Second-Street