Newspaper Page Text
From the Cincinnati Enquirer. The Cavalier's Serenade. T COLONS. in, . bawkihs, or (rsuoMU or wab.) TZKKXaSXX. O, come to the heart that is beating for tbee! Bj the hope of raj freedom, mj Bride thon shslt . .; be. . w Come," dear one, come bright eyes, let's gallop ' r T ar; far to the southward, ere dawn of the day ; A' prond steed awaits thee My'band'a In the v . . ' vale ', " ' Q haate thee, love, haste,' ere the sight walohes rail. . Along my bold legion together will ride, And my gallants will honor their Cavalier's - . ! Bride . . O, fear not that flash where the rivulet gleams, All still and nnconacions the enemy dreams: That clang? bnt a warrior trying bis blade Their heart's are of iron, O, be not afraid. That light! bnt the sheen on a bright-barreled gnn: That murmur? they talk of the deeds we have done! Our chargers are matihless and, bounding alonf. Thy beauty shall gladden the chief of the throng! The moon's pallid beam ehineth brigbtly afar, And fondly doth twinkle eor love'a happy star; Then eome, dearest, come to my tun-brightened .clime Where even the water run rippling in rhyme; wnere the breezes are laden with the odor of flowers. And beauty andgladne8s"lend wings to the hours : When sleeping, my sentries thall watch o'er the lawn, And, my silvery bugle shall wake thee at dawn. Where the oak throws it shade o'er the wild mus- . . cadine, Where the mock-bird is singing, tby ' love shall be mine. On thee, in the greenwood, the sun shall not glare As thy white hand in wreathing thy soft silken hair; Thy .bright eyes snail glance their encourage ment sweet As my braves sally forth on their coursers so . . f . fleet, . And returning with captures and spoils to thj ' ' ' side, Thy kiss shall reward me, my darling, my Bride! The lovers of Southland are tender and true, And brook no denial when passion they sue: Then eome, love, sway to the camp of the free. The scout of the woodland bends only to thee; A ladder of silk from the window is thrown, One leap, and thy soldier shall hold thee his -'..own: Sound the rally, my lads, then sway like the .deer, ' -. . And guard well the bride of your, bold cavalier! Important Arrest of Counterfeiters. Col. L. C. Baker, Chief of the National Detective Police at WashinztOD. restorday aftercoon, aided by bis posse and Chief of rouce xtamo, made rather an unexpected descent upon s sanz of counterfeiters that had been for some time past harboring about UincioBati, Covington and Newport, captur iDgVin ' the neighborhood of half a dozen persons. Col. Baker, who was mainly in strumental in ferreting out the band in the Treasury Departments in Washington, hav ing some private business for the govern' meet, landed in St Louis a few days ago. ana wuile tbere bis attention was drawn to the large amoual of counterfeit Treasury notes that were in circulation in that region of country, and be set himself to work to unravel the mystery. He succeeded in capturing some ten or a dozen persons en gaged in counterfeiting U. 3. Treasury notes, toe plates upon which the notes were executed and about $190,000 in the coun terfeit notes. From them the Colonel doubtless learned what might be accom plished in Cincinnati; at any rate, he im mediately turned hu attention to this city, rescuing nere yesterday morning. Upon n.s arrival, be put himself in communica tioo .with the chief of police, and before dark last night be was successful in tnakicz lL . . r I . iue nucBk oi nve persona, w nose names are Chas. Bordell, Lewis Dollman, Ben. Dean, reter AloUue and Wm. Minzer the last tamed acting throughout the western coun try as "shove master general," all of whom were captured in Covirgton. Among the enecta fouod in their den up toe Licking river, wsre plates of 50-cent factional cur- reucy, just as perfect as tbo genuine, from which, the Colonel informs us, that upwards oi $zuu,tw in postal netes bad been stricken off; the plates for s $500 U. 9. Treasury note partially finished: a largo tea-chest filted with tbe postal currency, and the press Upon which they were printed. The whole party were put in double irons, and last tight in charge of Col. Baker and his posse, leit in the ten o'clock traiu for Washington. 1 W. S. FKANK, Attorney at Law, Maysville, Ky. E7Prompt attention oaid to Collecting.ffl r fobruary 18th, 1S84. 3. K. SOMRALL, IIATTORNEY . AT LAW, . r MAYSVILLE, KY WLLLv practioa in the CourU of Mason and ad joining counties. -OFFICE West-aide of Court Street. Janl8,188-lT B. O. PHISTER, "ATTORN E Y 'A Tr L A W , 0J7XCS OX TEX WEST 8ISX 07 COV&I 8T. ' juysville,i;ky:. . 3. Jtosa. A.J. HXWZLL. ezo. w. . boss, n rj ; ROSS & NEWELL, " .WHOLESALE GROOERS f " AMD PCALXOa I Foreign, and Domestie Liquors, TOBACCO, CIGARS, Etc. - I . Corner of Market and Third Streets, MAYSVILLE. KY Mustard freed Wanted. WE will pay the buneat Market Price, iu CASH, for Mosta-d Seed, either iu large or small quantities. SEATON & BRODRICK. M; avUla, Kj., Jul 21, 1364. , v m Llovd & Richardson. - WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Gf R O CE B, I E S W l N E S, LIQUORS, . TEAS & TOBACCO, tOBiMome&coMissios MERCHANTS, opposrrx soddard bows, JfASST3TT, -- MAYSF1LLZ, KY. o- W E WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL your attention to the above card, and solicit a portion of jour patronage, promising to fill orders promptly and satisfactorllly. we nave esiaojisned ourselves for tbe pur pose or Inducing Merchants to make tbeir pur- cuasea aero instead oi eisewiiere; ana as our i i . j . , goods are bought direct from riser hands in the Eastern Market, by our Bioker, we make this proposition to Merchants: That we will duplicate any bill bought In Cincinnati, and if goods are not what we represent tnem, they can be sent back at our expense. We have just received from the East 20 Hbds. Choice new N. O. SUGAR; to " Frime M " SO Bbls. Lovuiko's Philadelphia REFINED SUGARS Crushed, Granulated, Powder ed and Coffee A. 50 Bags Choice Yellow te Bright Green COFFEE JHOLASSES-Old and New Crop; MACKEREL in all sizes, direct from Bos ton, last Crop 1S68; 40 Kegs Newcastle ENGLISH SODA; TOBACCO a large lot in Boxen, Caddies, Ac, TEAS a Superior lot of all kinds, selected for tlius portion of the Country, In addition to our stock of Heavy Groceries, we have a large assortment of Fancy: CIGARS, at all prices; Fancy Wash and Shaving JsOAfS; Whole and Half Boxes new M. E. and Layer RAISIN; SARDINES; FIGS; PICKLES; PEACHES, Cove and Spiced OYSTERS; MUST AM), in boxes; 50 & 25 lbs. boxes assorted CANDIES; CHEESE; CRACKERS; INDIGO; MADDER; SPICES, grain and ground; ALUM; Race & Ground GINGER COPPERAS; BLACKING, large and small; BLACKING BRUSHES; FAUCETS; CINNAMON, ground and in matte; CAPS; SHOT; LEAD; EXT. LOGWOOD; STARCH; GERMAN SOAP; A large variety of CAP, NOTE & LETTER PA PER; ENVELOPES, buff and white; &e.&c. t3F"In addition to the above, we offer induce ments to the trade in iquors I RECTIFIED WHISKY sold at Cincinnati prices. ni'vnT'n vtt t t- -win n . . uinux-a li'tr., lilix, jskapiU 1 , and with a snperior lot Of OLD BOUICIJON WHISKY a t all prices. Respectfully, LLOYD. & RICHARDSON. Maysville, Ky., March S, lSffl. NEW CHINA, GLASS AND Que ens ware House ! ! E. ALBEET, IMPORTER AND DEALER Sooond Street, On door htloto Geo. Aithur't Crmfectioner Store, O J. V. AND WELL SELKCTtD STOCK OF French and English China, Glass, QUEEN SWA RE& FANCY GOODS, in great variety, aa Vaes. Toilet "Sets in China, Aarian Alaroie and ttonemain Ulass, ;jewel Boxes; Fancy and Toy Cozes, Toy Tea Sets, etc. DINAEU AND TEA SETS, of all qualities, WHITE, PINE GILT. Silver Plated and Britannia Tea Sets, Castors, Etc., Plated Table Ware; Ivory, Bone and Wood Handled forks and Knives Kmves;Tea Trays i iir !-. -.11 i ... uu rw uisre, wi Mil Bisos ana vaneues, Imported Direct from the Manufactories la EUROPE. Also, the large and most complete stock of COAL OIL LAMPS, L,.t - j , r . J of ail sizes aud styles, from SO cents to f 10 each BUENEE3, CHIMNEYS PAFEK SHADES and WICKS; The very Best of PURE COAL OIL-. CANS, ETC.; all of which I will sell for CASH at the VEET LOWEST CINCINNATI prices. IdaT" Accommodation to the wants of custom ers, quick sales and small profits are the govern ing principles of my business. Call, see and judge for yourselves! R. ALBERT. Maysville, I et 4, 1804. HALL LIGHTS! FOR Burntog Coal Oil, some very fine, direct from New York for sale by may 1. - SEATON db BEODEICK. 4y pUKM Corifrrts, I'olrts, Sore Throat. -Anth na, vy niunjurapu.iu. niiouiy neci'Murrlnr any one irouMieu wuu iucsj com iair Is to try one bottle of . . ; ' id . . i , . Striciland's II ellifiuous Cougli Balsam to cenvin :o them that it is tho best preimru'ion ever nsed. It not nlv curcsthe above ttfe-.-rio-ji of the Throat and Lungs, bnt - it cures Niffht Sweats Ho i Spittinz ot blond, and is an excel lent parg.e lor any hind ot sore throat. It is Feusunt to take, and a safe medicine fur infants, rice oOents por bo! tie. - - . For sale bv SEATON & BRODRICK. Corni- 2nd & Coon greets M)ville, Ky. General Detot. No. 6 East 4th St . Ci nclnnatl. Ohio. GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. v j Wholesale Gro o or s AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, BUTTON ST., (opposite Lee House-) MAYSVILLE, KY. ; o Our personal attention will be gven to Receiving & Forwarding all Goods consigned to our care. All orders sent u slutll he filled in the same manner, to'th reference to quality and quantity. as if the parties purchasing were personally present. Below will be found an enumeration of some of the articles included in our stock, which we offer to the trade low for Cash or Country Pro duce: ' ? 24 Hhds. Choice N. O. Sugar; H Hbds. Prime N. O. Sugar; fiO Bbls. Lovering's Refined Sugars; 10 " Crushed do; 25 " .Pulverized do; 15 A.Coffee - do; 54 Bags Choice Bio Coffee; 25 Prime Rio Coffee; 35 Packages Golden Syrup, tn Half Bbls and iOgal.Kxgs; 16 Bbls. New Crop N. O. Molasses; 65 Packages Mackeiel, in BbU, Hf. Bbls, Qr. Bbls. and Kits; 25 Hf. Chests Choice Gunpower Tea; 5 " " Black Tea; 20 Gross Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco; " Choice Smoking Tcbacco, in Half Pound and 5 round Packages; 50 Caddies Choice Chewing Tobacco; 20 Butts Chewing Tobacco; " 50, OO Cigars, assorted brands; 75,000 White and Buff Envelopes; Cap, Note and Letter Paper; 500 Boxes Sardines,halves and quarters; 35 Dos. Cove and Spiced Oysters, in 1 & 2 lbs. Cans; - ... ..... I Baskets Chamraigne Wine; 1 2 Boxes Native Wines; Choice Old Bourbon Whisky, in Barrels and Bottles; Common Whisky; Rectified Whiskey; French Braudy;Gin;Ginger Wine Raisins; Figs; Almonds; Buokets; Tubs, in nests Wrapping Paper; Fancy, Toilet and Bai Soaps; Washboards; Brooms; Cordage; Matches; Spices; Star and Tallow Candles; Cheese; - Crackers; Shot; etc. We invite the attention of Country Merchants particularly to our stock of goods. We respectfully solicit the orders of the trade generally, promi.-ing satisfaction In all cases. W. L. & J. L. PEARCE, Nos. IS & 15 Sutton St.. (opp. Leo House) March 24, 1864. MA r&VILLE, Kt . AND JET L IT X. STRICKLAND'S Anti-Cholera Mixture, Is a composition of astringents, absorbents. stimulants ana carminatives, wnicn every phy sician acknowledges is the only preparation that win euect a permanent cure ot Uiarrncea and Dysenterv. This Anti-Cholera Mixture is noi in nsein several of our aimy hospitals where it gives tbo greatest atisluction. It has saved the Jives of thousands of our soldiers and citizens. and we will guarantee it to be the best remedy in the world lor Diarrhoea and Dysentery. Mr. Woods, ot Covington, Ky., will be most nappy to salisly any one a to the virtue ol Strickland's Anti-uiioie a JUixtnre; in tact we have a great nnmber of tostimonialu from pa tients who have been cured alter being pro nounced incuruo:e ov their pny.-U'ians, sume utter taking only one bottle of Strickland s Anti- Cholera Mixture. If you sulfur with Diarrhoea and Dysentery try one hott'e. SOLDIERS! Ton ought not to be without such a valuable medicine. The C'nciunati National Union, of April 24tn, says; mt thousands ot our soldiers have been saved by tbe ue of Strickland's Anti- tholera Mixture. r'or sale bv Scaton A 50 cents ner Dome. General Depot, No. 6 East 4th St.. Cincinnati. wnio. nunc z. 18B4-1V CHANDELIERS! VF Various Patterns, for burnin? Coal Oil V At EEATON & BKODKICK'S Maysville, Ky., may 19. Drug Store. ai"ea a very superior article, tbe best import- eu, ill eiure auu ivr sum uy jus;l BEN PHISTER A arge supply of best Quality, - tX mar BE1 lor sale bv BEN PHISTER. K.eep ICE ! ICE ! ! XTTE have commenced running our let v t Wagon, and will deliver Ice to any part i inViiy. I3y Persons desiring Ice throneh the day J .can obtain it at Kichanl Wat kins' Grocery Store, on Wall street, or at Wm. Watking' on IMarket St. w 31. wATKIN; May 19,1564. . B1CHAKD WATKINS tORDAGEHerap and Manilla ropes of V an sizes irom a piongn nneto a slurs cahl always on nana. ALiCJi mauuujL Orchardist Wanted ! I Wish to secure the services of some good, sober and indnstriens man, who understands the Culture of Fruit Trees. I will givo good wages to such a man . . He mustgi e good rvtVr- enoea. Or I will e!l tie )xrti'ii ot Ihii J -ei out in Krnit Ttve. enhrarii;? about 35 iicrf -Also, I will Hell IO t-r'- ot irod p:slnr-j. u rhich is a never lit ln.i' spring -An v one n ih - nig t purcnasc will can ou iip, -2 n lie i!iit i-f Miuei va. BENJ. KILK. July 14, 1! .t r CLEAN YOUR with Aromatic Tinct Myrrh J ! IT in ezeeUect for ii rilni cik the trums. remov in.' triui, ai,j impjrtiiij; frstrutice to the breath. ; . . . . THY IT ONCE ' ' A'd we know yyu will eoutinne its use. As prepared bi us it is si-fierior to all other washes tor the teeth. Prepared aDd Sold by . jane 9. SEA'iW BRODRICK. NEW GMIN, GROCERY, . AND :r COMMISSION HOUSE Corner of 3rd & Market Streets, ; MAYSVILLE, -KENTUCKY. I HAVE JUST OPENED A GRAIN, GROCERY AND COMMISSION STORE in the house formerly occupied by Jas. C. Brook over, north-east Corner of Third & Market Sts. I will pjiy the highest mnrket price lir cash or WHEAT, RYE and BARLEY. I havejnst received a full stock of Groceries, Sapar, Molasses, Coffee, Tea. Rice, Fish, Tobacco, Salt, Ac, &c, together with a general assort ment of all articles in be Grocery line: all war ranted to be of the best quality. My goods have been bought exclusively for Cash, and will be sold for Cush or Country Produce, at very small pronts. I have also on hand a larsre etock of PURE OLD BOURBON WHISKY". Commission, Storage fe Forwarding Business attended to with promptness.- ' All persons desirous of getting the worth of their money, will please give me a call. june 19th, 1362. BEN MUSTEK. . CRUSHED, Powdered and Granulated Sugar, of best quality, in store and tor sa le low by BEN FHISTER, june 19 Cor. 8rd & Market streets. SYRDP. Philadelphia and Baltimore Syrups, in barrels, half barrels and 10 gal. kegs, tor salelowby BEN P1IISTER, june 19 Cor. 8rd & Market streets. nPOBACCO of all grades and prices, for sale l Jjy UtPi rillSTEK, june 19 Cor. 8rd & Market streets. VINEGAR of the best quality, for sale by june 19. BEN PH1STER. jew Grrain Store! HAVING Retired from the firm of Alix. Poweb fe Co., I will continue on ray own account in the Grain Trade, on Wa!l Street, next door to Alex. Maddox, and solicit all our old customers to give me a call, as I haves large number of Sacks and feel confident of my ability to give .entire satisfaction to all who may be pleased to deal with me. ALEX. POWER. Maysville, KvM July 1.1S63. L.. II. LOIG, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER TIC ALL KINDS CT mi nun tobacco, silt. sc.. Corner of Wall & 2nd Streets, MAYSVILLE, - KENTUCKY jir.el9,1862-ly 13 It. .TO II IV liTJLIVH The Latest and Most Important Discovery of the Nineteenth Century. ATO MAN'S NAME IS MORE 1NTTM ATFT.Y connected with the history of the Materia Medica of the United States, or more fuvomlilv known as a pioneer in medical discovery, than that of JOHN BULL, of Louisville, Ky. Hi in iruitablo preparation of Saisanarillu has lone stood at the head of the various compounds of that vuliiablo drug. His compound l'ccloritl of Wild Cbcrrv lias becomo a household word throughout the West aud South; and his Worm Lozeujres, in los than a year after their intro duction, uttaincd a reputation as wiclesircad as the continent of North America. But thocrown- mg glory ot his lite remains to be attained in his latest discovery, or rather combination, for he does not claim to have been the discoverer of CEDRON, which is the basis of the Bitters now offered U the public. That honor belongs to the native inhabitants of Central America, to whom its virtues have been known form, re than two hundred years. Armed with it, the Indian bids detiance to the most deadly malaria, and handles without fear the most venomous serpents. It is a belief with them that while there is breath left in the body the Cedron is potent to cure, no mat- tet w hat the disease may be. While Dr. Bull is not prepared to indorse tliU extravagant pretension, he is nevertheless satis- nea irom a tnorongii examination of tbe evidence relating to its virtues, tbat, as a remedy and preventive for all diseases arisin.' from exposure cither to changes of weather and climate or to the miasmatic, lunucnces, it stands? without a rival, and justly deserves the reputation it has so long enjoyed in Central America and the West indies, in DYSPEPSIA and its attendant train of symptoms, it acts more like a charm than a medicine. There is nothing in the whole range ofthe Materia Medio; that can lor a moment bear a comparison with it iu this disease. A full account of this wonderful plant mav be found in the eleventh edition of the U. S. Dis pensatory, pages 1537 and 1333. A scrieof experiments. in which Dr. Bnll ha been for years engaged, has just been brought to a successiui termination, ana ne is now enabled to olfcr to the public a combination of Cedron with other improved tonics, the whole d -emir veil in t he best quality of copper-distilled Bourbon wnisKy, wnicn ne is conndeut has no equal in the world. He might furnish a volume of cert.Rct.ttM. Imt the public have long since learned to estii. ate sued things at tlieir true value. Thosafest Dlan is for every one to test for limself the virtues of a new medicine. Give the Cedron fitters one trial, and you will nover use any others. It is not necessary to publish a lone c f dis eases for which the Cedron Bitters are a specific, In all diseases ofthe STOMACH, BOWELS. KIDNEYS, or LIVEK; In all affections ofthe BKA1N depending nr. on derangement of the Stomach or Bowel; In GOUT, RHEUMATISM & NEDRaLGIA: And in FEVER AND AGUE; It is destined to snnerRedA nil nttier -romotAa It 1 not ou'y cures all these discuses but it pre vents them. A wino ttlass full of the Bitters taken in linn. before each meal will obviate the ill etl'ects of the most unhealthy climate and screen the person laKmg it against disease under the most try? eg Kposnre. Sold by Druggists and Grocers, generally. .r. JOHN BULL'S Principal Office. Fifth street, Louisville, Ky. bold Wholesale and Retail by - SEATON A BRODRICK. Cor. 2nd and Court Streets, mar T, 1364-ly Maysville, Ky. uome down in the center, That's what it means ! SADDLERY. THE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW SITUATED so as to tfive bis undivided attention to tbe Manufactory of every article con ncoted with the SADDLE AND HARNESS TRADE ! He has now on hand and :n process of ninkiii.r . splendid assortment of Geutiemen and Ladles' &atldlep;saddle Bags? bittrgy, Carriage, Biakc and ilk,y Uarnes; VV uifon und flow Gi-ar; Eiditig Bridles, with Raokiug, Port and Snuffle Bius; Waggon, Buggy, Coach, Sulkey ami Rid inif Vhip; Hog aud Kiptkin Collars; Il-irse Covers, Hiiitable for ad season; Leather, Web and Ru Halters; Wor.std. Co-aon and Hemp Girths, Rod top and Iron stra(t Hume.-; Dray and Cult Harness; iu fhort every thing usually kept in a Saddlery Establ.shmeut. whiub will L sold at Wholesale and Retj.ii. at low prices to pum-tmil dealers; 5 per cent r! for cash. ' i5AII Repairing attended to at once, at mv id Stiud, on 2nd street, to find which. '-Come down in the Center," between Market Si Sutton T. J. RICKETTS. Maysville, March 26tb. 1SH8. OAKUM. CUoJCO prepared always on A. M.ADDOX THE AEW WHOLESALE & RETAIL CHINASTORE South side U bet Court & Market St G, A, & J. ITmcCARTHEY. WE ANNOUCE WITH pleasure,- the RE MOVAL of our Stock of CHINA, GLASS AND Q (TEENS WARE, to the building formerly oc cupied by E. Martin Sad, where we are openine a large asd complete assortment of Goods, IMPORTED BY OURSELVES ' DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORIES- On r stock Is larsre, containing great varieties of FX.A1N WHITS, GOLD BAND AND FANCY DECORATED Dinner and Tea Setts; VACES; COLOGNE BOTTLES; TOILET SETTS; FANCY AND STAPLE ARTICLES of every description; . Silver Plated KNIVES, FORKS, CARD BASKETS, &c, IE A TRAYS; WAITERS; COAL OIL LAMPS of many varieties While thanking the public and the trade for the liberal encouragement extended to us in the past, we hoi e they will not forget to call and see us at our is tw C11IIN A S1UKJS. G. A. & J. E. McCARTHEY, Isu'oiitebs of Earthenware, On South side 3d street. Maysville, Ky., January 7th.lSC4. GODDARQ HOUSE CORNER OF MARKET & FRONT, STS Opposite Steamboat Landing1, MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY Mrs. E. F. FLEMING, Proprietress. -m T "V W Oi V T T . ' i 'tiirs well KDewn iiotei. Das Deen re jl. paired and reutted in a superior manner and is i ow open to me puouc. me fropnetress recently ot irox Springs, so licits the patronace of the traveling community No pains will bd sparod to give satisfaction to trie guests oi the house. I-ifStages leave daily for all points in the in tenor. . Mrs. t. f. JL.EMlN(i Feb. 12-6ra EEMOVAL GEORGE ARTHUR Baker & Confectioner AND DEALER IN Fruits, Knts, Toys, FANCY GOOD JS, &c Has removed his Stock to jifxiiiiw oe jouj; i a via stand, on SXlCOSfX) STREET, Whore he will bo pleased to see and wait upon all Maysville, Ky., April 5lh, 1S63. JOHN A. SEATON, J.B. BKODEICK SEATON & BRODRICK WHOLESALE &RETAIL DEUGGrlSTS, AND DEALEKS IN MEDICINilS, CHEMICALS, Paints, iOils, Glass, &c. CORNER SECOND COURT STS. WHEELER & WILSON'S Sewing Machines! Awarded tne First Premium as the best Family Sewing Machine, Foi three successive years at ihe UNITED STATES FAIR; For five years at the CINCINNATI MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. WITH IMPROVEMENTS GLASS FOOT; HEMMER; CORDER & BRAIDER. ALSO MACniNE NEEDLES, COTTONS, frc. EsfFor sale by J. B. GIBSON, AgeDt, TELEGRAPH OFFICE. feb. 4ih,lS64. Maysville. THE HOWE SEWING MAME! T nJi7 JUST deceived a new lot of MACHINES.direet from the M will sell them at the lowest possible rate for Cash. These Machines are Hnnt.rl for lum. o mn me uuesi sewing, can ani examine them at the residence of S. Shocklsy, on Short street. . , "-. ; . . j w wcu as Mrs. A.J. SMITH, Agent. I"Neeoles and Spool Thkkads can be had ut S. Shlcklkt's Store, on Market street. MujHVille, Ky., Feb. 25th, 13(55. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE PGR SALE'" A,. Dr-C.E suuattd ..n Hie hill kle i i Mas V 16 'Kf- T.e house co-u,,,, s i r. oms oe j. KksKi-chen, Pai.try , e.lar. Thee i upon the lot a Dairy an t l.rk-: St,b!c. The lot is ursre: haying u!i if abont ine liu...rJd bear nijf trni: frers and Yhuoi ti c finest q.ia'itv ntV rh Set n ?'"''wy ad Kl.,ers, R;,in and U e water abnn Junt during the entire year It is altogether a very di rub e Loino aud will f'1" V." fwDwcks, lnu.-l. I..RS than iteost in Uoi i Enquire of -MS. F. HRuDRICK. N B. A a liable for City R .ilroud deot. Maysville, Ky., May 5, lS64-tf BLOCK AND TACKLE An assortment embracing all bizes of superior construction ALEX. MADDOX. Jiifl i 5 V I L L t A N D C I N Cf JVNAT7! V. S. MAIL LINE. THE n. HKW .B ThU fine Steamer. ' wm built ex aor li. I'm 1 1 t. pressly . ii mil ,r,,:"-y- J . H. PBATHEB, Commander. -CX ajsw. M0BB1S Clerk PaSiaSr " a" the Mvi,I0 TOInnat1' MayTrfiie and Portsmouth REGULAR TRI- WEEKLY FA THE SPLENDID STfiAJtfE Boston a Captain Wu. MoClaik, Coairrander ;n tinue in the above trade, leavitV r,3' con ' Tuesday, Thursday Vnd tJ&m?S-2vmf mouth ivery Monday y' nd Ports-- at 12 M. yStopPTnJ' aT MavfTlft8rid8y' between the hours of 5 "nd 7? M eithef S. SALOMON, " WATCHMAXER, GOODARD HOCSB BuiiDINO, Market Street, May 7, lS63-ly MAYSVILLE, KY. NE W BOOKS. My Farm at Edgewood, by Ike Mar vel 7 tl 6i Hannah Thurston, by Bayard Taylor, 1 51 Tales of a Wayside Inn, by Longtellow. 1 25 HusksJ.y Marion Harland. i Ihe Knip of Amasis, by Bulwer 1 25 Louie's Last Term, bv Author of RnitA i m Sin ; n . I a . 1 .... tt - - . Mvui mo niiamic, no mes Gentlemen's Book of Etiquette Beauties of English Poetry Evenings with the Pok I 25 1 50 4 00 4 00 2 50 Longfelrw'8 Poems, Cabinet edi Heaven Our Home fec I3fThe above, with numerous valuable publications, just receiv? G. W BLATTE Booksellers. Fi- on 1 00 ier new and by MA ?, nd ' net.' A. li. COCIlKAx'eS FAMILY GROCERY STORE, No 23, west-side Market St., 0AloB"18 MAYSVILLE KV. JUST received a large stock of Family and Assorted Groceries, such as S1?." ?,vrnn Coffee, Teas, Mackerel, ish, Nutmegs, Spices, Candles, Wil low Kiid Wooden Ware, Brcom. Tobacco, Cigars, Ac, Ac. Having bought all my Goods for cash, and my motto being '-Quick Sales and Small Pbofits," 1 Can assure all Who mav iriva rrAaall rk. cheapest Groceries in the city ' fc i i:e ocst quality ot COAL OIL always on band and for sa!a at tho lowest market price. xt t, A. B. COCHRAN. IS. B. Five year Old Bourbon On t.MT. nnrl bewtofull kimUor Lienors constantly on hand. -Maysvillo, Ky., March 19, 1S63. A. B. C. For Rnl. Mice. ltoai-he Ats ri Boss, Aloth in Furi.Wooten. in sects on Plants, Fowls. Animals. &t. Pin tip in 25c. 50c. and fl.00 Boxes, Bottles, aud Flasks. $8 and $5 sizes for Hotols, Pcblio In ST1TUTIONS, &C. 'Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats come out of thalr holes to die." tTSold Wholesale in all large cities. CiJPolu by all Druggists l.'etailers everywhere fcy!:!t5i;wARF.!:: of all worthless Sfee that "Coktar's" namo is on each Box, Bottle, and Flask, before you buy. 3?Addn3 III'Xllf orcTAT t?lKINCII'ALDKPOT 4S2 Buoidwit. TI V rSoldoyall Wholesale fe Retail Drnggists in Maysville. Ky. mar 81, lS64-6m. BEMOVAL ! LOUIS ST1NE would respectfully inform his customers and friendathat Vi h rum to Cadwslladet'a Building, in the occupied by the Telegraph Office. o Pall and Winter Goods! LOUIS STINE MERCHANT TAILOR AND tJENTS FURNISHER, SECOND STREE1, MAYSVILLE, KY.. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A Choice assortment of a'l Sm in bis line, which he is prepared to dispose of at the lowest rates for "CASH." He solicits a call Irom bis friends and pledges his rawr. effort.. give Satisfaction. Uctober 1, 1S63. LOUIS STINE. INTERIOR ADORNMENTS! JUST RECEIVED A CHOICE SELECTION of new and dsirable styles of PAPER HANGINGS, from the rich and ornate to the roost chaste and simple patterns, appropriate for Parlors, llalls,Dining-Rooms and Chambers. FIRE BOARD PRINTS new designs WINDOW SHADES of any required style or size, on hand or made to order. GILT MOULDING- AND OVAL eiCTU&B FRAMES. PICTURE CORD & TASSELS, and all tie trimmings fcr trames. . FRAMING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE! The above Goods nrn all nw nnrl ;u l.. arA cheaper than ever before sold in this cit r. "A -al; is solicited from persons wishing tn purchar-e the vbuve goods. J. (i. & C. S ROGIUS, Bookselleks rf-Stationers, M aysvi'ic Kv., April 21. 136. 2d Street I K. M A HVFL'S NEW BOOK. QEVEN STORIES BY THE AUTHOR OF 0 " Reveries o a Bachelor," -Faun at Edge wood." r-c..fco. 41.75 A large .stii.p'y of the above delightful work receiv d ihi.-.i a by Express. Mail orders shall receive prompt ntt.titiuij. -V. BLATXERMAN, Maysville, M.... -i, 1364. -Bookseller. RAGS WAITED! 1 TW i ( W l I LBS OOD CLEAN COT 1UU,UUVJ TON OR LINEN SAGS, for which 1 will, pay the highest Market Pr.ce. G. W. BLATTERMAN, feb 4b, 1864. Bookstore, 2nd St.