Newspaper Page Text
THE BULLETIN - HAYSV1LLIS. JULV. 18 1864 Wr. of tHa Price of ths Bulletin The Sabacription price of the Buluitin ... t f... u. n- Dollar ahd Fifty win neroaiici w v,- Cmts per year, in.tead ofO DoLiA.B. ft-T-The Looia villa Journal states that faonse in that city has been taken by the .nihnritles and transformed into a xj uivai j u" military prison, to be devoted to the con fioement of females. A large number of iuch prisoners are already in that city, and they are daily received from Georgia, lenn esiee, and Kentucky. 0OThe drooghTof 1864 may justly be con aidered one of the most severe that has pre Vailed in this country for many years. From the 27th of May to the 24ih of July inclusive, a period of fitty-nine days, only two inches end forty-three hundredths of rain fell. fjT Willis Craig. of company D, Sixteenth Kentucky, died at Chattanooga Teoa.,on the 8th instsot. Lie was interred the next day in the National Cemetry, in section F grave 30 L. (CT-Tbe oil welts of Pennsylvania are producing greater excitement than ever, several new wells bavins been struck re cently, some of which are producing sixty barrels per day. (KrA fellow from Ohio, who was engaged in stealing negroes from Kentucky Union men and selling them as substitutes for Ohio AbolitiouisU, was arrested this morn ing by Lieutenant Pettit, of the Fortieth Ktntucky. lie was placed under guard of several negro soldiers. Though a Black Republican, we. believe the fellow had a white skin. Lieutenant Pettit is acting as Provost Marshal in Maysville, and has been an efficient officer in that position. Eagle. OyTbe rebels under Colonel Johnson , estimated at 1,500, have captured three steam-boats on the river, near Shawnee ton, Illinois. They were loaded with fat cattle belonging to the Government OOGeneral Burnside has been relieved of his command. General Wilcox succeeds him in the Ninth Corps. OyGeorge A. Mason" was arrested a few days sgo for offering $500 in gold to pro cure the aesasination of Major General Bur bridge. His esse will be investigated by Major Burnett, Judge Advocate of that de partment. OrThe New York World's special says that the rebels are at Cedar Creek, 1l the Shenandoah Valley. They are command ed by General Gordon, of E well's corpa. The Federal force is at band, and a battle is possible. QrTbe citizens of Chicago have sub scribed a handsome sum to purchase a home for the widow of tbe late Colonel Mulligan. 0ll will be remernbeted that some twj weeks ago, John Harris made his escape from tbe Keutucky Penitentiary, where he was placed on account of hid salting fira t the Hardware House of Messrs. Owens & BABfcLEt of this city. In acswer to a note of uquiry sent by O. & B., they have re ceived the following from tbe Keeper of tbe Penitentiary: OrricE of Kentucky Pknitentiaby, Fbakkfobt, Aug. 13, 1864 Messrs. Owens & Babkley, Maysville: Yours to baud. You may make your selves ea?y about Jno Harris. He has been recaptured was out only 3 lays. Inavebim well ironed and keep him under double lock every oieht. Yours Kespeclullv. ' 11. J. TODD. 03rtVe Call the attention of our reader ti the advertisement of Nativity Uali, a l7ew School for girls. fjr An Eastern exchange says Lincoln's two greatest generals are General Taxation and General Conscription. Tbe Adjutant General of Pennsylvania was beard to say , on a late occasion, 1 he last draft has been made.' We have little doubt that be spoke truly. We do not be lieve that the 500,000 last called will ever be obtained, either by enlisting or drafting. The Mast man' will be reached long before that comber Is obtained. Tbe 'last dollar' of real money was goce long ago. Day Bjok O-Thr se in want of Straw Cutters, will read Owens Babelkt'8 advertisements in today'a Bulletin. frt-Tbe Washington Constitutional Union ays: 'Men Hvere invited to enlist for a hundred days, with tbe understanding thai they were to be employed solely in garrison duty. No sooner bad they reported in Washington than tbey were ordered to the front.' if any of these 100 day men are al ready eternity men. They might just as well have gon for a hundred thousand days. Tailoring and Renovating ESTABLISHMENT! I ! SECOND STHEET, opposite City Hall, MAYSVILLE, K"3T. rvMIF Undersigned would respectfully inform T fheciS of Maysville and vicinity that bTi. prepared to make up suits of any style and r KETK CLOTHING and remove all kinds of Grease, Pamt or Dirt. rXre the goods to .U original gloss and frS "Vh&TIAN ALTMEYER. French China. Glass andQueensware! A fine new stock at and below Cincinnati pruts, It. ALBERT'S decl7 Model China Store, 2d Streo. RAGS WAITED! -I ftlti l LBS GOOD CLEAN COT lOOyUOU TON OU LINEN RAGS, for which 1 will nay the highest Market Price. Wanted to Purchase! A Negro under Twenty or over Forty fmQj five years of age, to so as a ootdier sua.pi ly at THIS OFFICE Maysville, Ang. 18, lS84-lm W. P. COONS, Attorney at Law, OFFICE, west side Court St., aug 18 1S64. MAYSVILLE, KY, Save Your Pickles. 9 J BARRELS PURE CIDER VINEGAR, In tore and tor Hale by B. F. fc O. II. P. THOMAS. Maysville, Ky., August 18, 1364-3m MAYSVILLE LITEBARY INSTITUTE ! M-A-I-E DEPARTMENT. o rPHE next Session of this Institution will com I mencenn ha FIRST MONTI A V O K RJTP icshbek, isucr, and continue Twenty weeks. TERMS. Tuition in Primary & Junior Department 15 00 44 II II! f. O L - . niuuig ocmor " f ZDUO t? A limited number of du rile can h wnm- mod a ted with board 5n tlte family of th Fr.n C'P'- M. 11. SMITH. Maysville, Aug 18, '64. Principal. NEW CASU HARDWARE IIOUSE! o SIGN OF BIG SAW. HEADQUARTERS FOR Sanfof d's Straw Cutters CASH l OWENS & BARKLEY. Maysville, Aug IS, 1S64. Second Street. headquarters f6r Hardware SADULKUY. F1UK PROOF SAFES, PLATFORM SCALES, COUNTER SCALES. Cu b. OWENS & BARKLEY. Maj-sville, August 13, 1S64. PROSPECTUS or THE MAYSVIltE FEMALE ITOITETE. MAYSVILLE, ST. THE NEXT SCHOLASTIC TEAR OF this Institution will commence on the FIRST MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER. Under the direction of Miss JANE R. PARKE, as Principal. The Institute occupies a commanding sitnalion n an elevated portion of the citv. and i.t well adapted to the health and comfort of the pupils. BOARDING DEPARTMENT. The residence of the Principal. South-Kant corner of Third and Limestone StreetR. will an- commodate twenty-five young ladies. Tbe rooms are large ana wen ventilated. Thev are all arpcted. and furnished with everv artin.a f furniture necessary for comfort aud convenience. rso pains or expense has been (pared in render ing tbe houite neat, comfortable aud pleasant. t he domer-tic deparlmeut will le under the im mediate supervision and munagomi'Dt of Mrs. JULIA V. PAhKER, a lady oi large experience anil mature judgment. Mbs. M. L- CADV, will take chargre of the classes in Eu(flih Cuinposition aud Belles Lett res. jiis adui s. i akm, win assist in tha in- i Mf.rni.tiim fit'i-lH.iwa tn tlii. Vnnluh.Lii.Hnm.t ,,. ,. r .ir-MM!'. 5?f.T? Po Se?wo" of lenty. weks' 9? x uii,uu iu m r.mary epanmeni, 10 oo Junior IStW " Middle & Senior Department, atinand French iu cuuuection with Eng lish brant he, Instrumental Music, Use ot Instrument, 10 00 ; I ? 5 2ii 00 6 00 All hills for nriA-tiiilf rf fri RcwiAn a rA ' - - "- w vuw v nv .-woavrM miw due in advance. It is d.t-irable they should be paid at the ojn-ninjt uf the Session, unless special airaugeiuenls are made to the coutraiy. ' Communications for admission of pupils may ' be addressed to tin Principal, Mm J. R. rAKKE, aug 13, lS64-lra Maysvillk, Ky. NOTICE TO ALL CONCERNED ! T AS.S. PEPPER, Administrator of JEFFER- SOiS THOMAS, dee'd, will meet all the Creditors at said Thomas, at tbe Oliico of Judge j I'uistek, iu Mavsville, on Aueust 29th, 1864 aug 13,ls64 Jw J AMES S. PEPPER flATlfTY HALL I m RLV. F. M. GREGG, A. M., Rector. MRS. M. G. CALLER, Principal. T1 HE FIRST SESSION of this SCHOOL FOR UIRLS, will open on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5TII, 1864. Mbs. M. G. CALDER, the Principal, is a lady of large experience and varied attainments, so that the pupils will enjoy first clas privileges. The branches taught embrace Paintiug and Drawing; French; Music, Instrumental and Vocal. Par ticular attention given to tbe common branches. The new School builuing is oligibly located on Third Street, is easy of access in all Scatous of the year, aud possesses tbe modern improve ments lor hating and veniiluting. Ihe furni ture i-f the School rooms is new aud excellent. 3TFor terms and other particulate, apply to F. M. GREGG. Maysville, Ky., August ISth, lS64-tf W. S. FRANK, Attorney at juaw, COURT STREET, Maysville, Ky. J37Prompl attention oaid to Collecting.l february 13th, 1S64. J. K. StJMRALL, i ATTORNEY AT LAW, MAYSVILLE, KY., WILL practice in the Courts of Slason and ad joining counties. OFFICE West-side of Court Street. jan 15, lS6e-ly B. C. PHISTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, office on the west side of 00ubt st. maysvili.e.uky:. August 14 ,1862. Mustard oeed Wanted. :m n-v thn hi o-hest Market Price, iu VV CASH; for Mosta'd Seed, either iu Urge or small quantities. SEATON & EE0DEICK. TO THE PUBLIC! ADAMS' .EXPRESS !. TkUR EXPRESS FOR CINCINNAT J during low water is carried on the fine o learners HIGHLAND CHIEF and NANNIE BYERS. Acooramodatinir messengers will be found on both boats. Bills are closed as follows: a On Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays, o'clock. P. M. On Tuesdays. Thursdaya and Saturdays, O'ClOCKjA. M. This rule is positive, and will De stricuy aa hered to. ADAMS EXPRESS CO. A.M.JANUARY & SON, Agents. Majgvillo, August 4th, 1364-tf Maysville Marble Works! H. GILLMORE, ti r- lc e t Street, MAYSVILLE, KY. ORDERS from Country solicited. J Persons desiring woik, by com municating tbe same, will be promptly waned upon. august 4tn, .' S04.J Machine Oils. T A lit) OIL and other kinds lor Machinery, Ai Cun be had at SEATO n & BRODKICK'h aug 4 Cor. 2ud A Court Sts. T ONQ GREEN CUCUMBER SEED, X-i At SEATON & BRODRICK'8 Maysville, Aug. 4. Drugstore. PRIVATE SCHOOL. IUE Fourth Session of my School will comm-nce the FIRST MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER, in the basement of the Methodist Juurch (South). tTerms ot Tuition per montn. july 23, 1864. MOLL1E E. GILl'IN MACHINES! MILLS 1 MILLS!! MILLS!!! sugar can e mills; cider and wine mills, threshing machines; grain drills; corn shellers; cutting boxes; For sale by J. II. RICIIESON. Maysville, July 14,lS64-5w MAYSVILLE AND CINCINNATI PACKET THE FAST RUNNING STEAMER, 'U-kri CLEONA, fci V-r V-TTdi A. F. POWER, Mast aster, Will Leave Maysville Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 10 o'clock. Leaves Cincinnati for Maysville on alternate ays. The (Jleona is new and iignt witn nne accom modations for passengers. For freight and passage apply to J. M. LOVE, July 21, 1364. Agent. To the Tax-Payers of Ma son County. BY an act of the General Assembly it is made my duty, immediately after the 1st of June, to proceed with the Collection of the public Revenueas speedily as possible. By the same act it is made my duty to roport, at the July, Sep tember and November " County Courts, the I amount of taxes oollected and pay the same over to the Auditor. I am authorized under said act to notifv the Tax-Payers by public notice slucfc up at the Court housedoor, and in th. different PrecincU or JutricU of the County, that on cer- tninitm.-sKial rlii 1 af nt'Ontnhnr unA fl.A fit It cf Kovcmher, I, or my deputies, will attend at lh. nl...Ar hnl.lln. i.lant'inn in uit A A receive their tuxes. It is mado the duty of the tux-payer to attend on such days and pay the hame. It tnis is not ilono, alter tliat date they 1lu(.a . ... V. b .. m a u- a'Aa V. ... nail SJI V V f'nJ kll OMIII9 U 1UU VUUI UVUC. and, if not done there within the time prescribed by law, ten percent, upon the amount is added, Thus it will be een that it will be to the interest of the tax-payers to see to it that their taxes are paid, witliiu the time preseribed by law, as after that time I shall invariably add the ten. per cent, impoked bj law, to their lists when 1 como to collec. This I shall be compelled to do as 1 shall have to advance the Revenue due by sucl delinquents and enforce payment at Once with the osts to reimburse myself. By payins atten tion to tbe matter and promptness ,tue thing will worts first rate. The people have thesamo time, s heretofore, within which to pay their taxes. The difference being, that they shall give the matter attention themselves and see to its no t tin u ri t At t Vta rimaa 41 ni rl uauu ikrAuAriKikl Si 8teud of tU8 old way of bavin? lna Sheriff call half dozen times, more or less, for their taxes. Tbe law is plain, simple, and to the point; and I in end to comply with its provisions and enforce its penalties, and this notice is given to call the attention of the people to it, so that no harm may be done any one, in consequence of their ignorance of the law. The time and place at which I, or my deputies, will attend in tbe dif ferent Precincts to receive taxes between the 1st of October, and the 16th of November; will be advertised by public notico stuck up as tequired by law. In the mean time, let every one pay up that can. when called upon between thisaud that time, that a good account of the promptness of the people 01 the county may be reported to the auditor at the .July and bept ember terms of our Court. Respectfully, H. S. JEFFERSON, Sheriff Mason Co. According to the above, the Tax-Payers are notified that HENRY S. JEFFERSON, Sheriff, will attend at the following places, on tbe days named, to receive their taxes: At Mt. Gilead.Hth and 15th days of October. At Preston's, 17th day of October. Ac Helena, loth day of October. At Mayslick, 19th and 20th days of October. At Sardis,21st and 22nd days of October. 11. S. JEFFERSON. S. M. C. CHARLES E. TABB, Deputy, will attend at the following places, on tbe days named: Orangeburg, 7th & 8th of October, at W. II. Pol- lit'i btore. Lewisburg, 11th and 12th of October, at Jno. Larew'a Store. Washington, ISth and 14th of October, at H. W. Wood"s Store; Maysville, 15th and 17th of October, at the Clerk's Office PERRY JEFFERSON, Doputy, will attend at the following placet, on the days named : Dover, 11th and 12th of October, at R. T. Evans1 Grocery. Minerva, 18th and 14th of October, at Capt. Whipp's Store. Germantown, 15th and 17th of October. atJno HAr'a Rtorn. Washington, 18th and l&tir of Octotef , at 3no Thompson's urocery. Maysville, 20tband 21st of Oetober, at Tfcomaa Dau ton's Stable. Angust lit!, 1864-tf IK. MAllVFL'S NEW BOOK. SEVEN STORIES BY THE AUTHOR OF " Reveries of a Bachelor," "Fami at Edge wood." c.,&e. a- ,. i , f17? A large supply of the abnve delightful work received this day by Express. Mail ordeW shall receive prompt atteution. . . rece t V Q BLATTERMANf Maysville, May 26, 1364. Bookseller. RED CORNER CLOTHING STORE! Blum & Heckinger's GREAT WESTERN Emporium of Fashion WE talte pleasure in informing enr ratrona and the public generally, that we have just received, and are continuing" to reccrve.from Nkw York. Baltimore and other Eastern Ports, a OLt, large and vabIed stock of GENTLEMEN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING; Of the very latest Eastern Styles. Dress Coats, Business Coats, Promenade Coats, Pants and Vests, Of all styles and descriptions, all of which we will dispose cf at the lowest Eastern prices. We have paid the most particular PERSONAL ATTENTION in the selection of Goods for our MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT, And have purchased only the MOST CHOICE and FASHIONABLE kinds and Styles. Hav ing made and EXTENSIVE ADDITION to this branch ofonr business, we have now the best FACILITIES to Manufacture to Order, at tbe SHORTESTIOTICE. Our celebrated and ex perienced Cutter, JERRY F. YOUNG, will superintend the gettiag ap of all work in tho Merchant Tailoring Line, by experienced work men ONLY. The Stock oonsists of the finest Foreign and Domestic Cloths; French and English Cashmeres; Silks, Satins & Cashmeres for Vest- ings. Mr. YOUNG has also procured Genio's, C. Scotl's, GlencroBs' & West's latest Patern Sheets. Onr Stock of GEMLEMEiVS FURXISIIIXG GOODS! Comprises all appertaining to a Gentleman's outfit, and is too numerous and varied o men tion. Tbe Genuine Patent FRENCH YOKE SHIRT, Can be got at our Store: FOR THE FINEST AND LATEST STYLE CALL AT THE RED CORNER, A FULL SUPPLY OF Trunks Valises, Carpet Sacks, Umbrellas, &c, Always on b?nd. ALL PURCHASERS WHO WISH TO SAVE MONEY! AND GET THE LATEST STYLES ! WILL FIND IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE TO CALL At THE RED CORNER STORE BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. FOR A FlNE STYLISH SPRING SUIT! CALL-AT BLUM & HECKINGEfi'S RED CORNER. STORE' t MajBvilleyKy., March 81,1864. MULLINS & HUNT'S NEW WHOLESALE ltw ma a UHY lil IN SI Kh THE SUBSCRIBERS. LONG ESTAR- JL LISHED in a large retail Dry Goods business in Maysville, would call the attention of Coun try Merchants to thoir recent addition of an ex tensive Wholesale Department; which will be conducted on a STRICTLY CASH PRINCI PLE. The many years of experience possessed by our buyer, combined with a perfect knowledge of the Kentucky trade, a thorough acquaintance ship with all the Manufacturing and Importing Honses in the East, and the fact of' ur pur chases being made for "Cash," together with a firm determination to sell at a mere commission advance on Eastern Cost, will be sufficient guaranties to CLOSE CASn BUYERS that we cannot be undersold by any WESTERN JOB BING HOUSE. Our Stock will be found better adapted to the wants of of our customers than it is usual to find in the generality of JOBBING HOUSES; as it will embrace a greater variety of goods than is ordinarily met with in an exclusive Wholesale Establishment. The departments alotted to A.TS .A. TNT Ou?V 2P AND 1ST o t io ns , Will be at all times especially attractive as par ticular attention will be paid to them, and LARGE STOCK Kept constantly on hand. We would impress pon our friends that in sending ns orders they may rely upon ha vine them executed to the ful estfxtentof our ability. MULLINS & HUNT Cheap Dry Goods Store, 2nd Street, Maysville, Ky. Maysville, Ky. Jan. 8,1363. LADIES, YOU WILL FIND AT THE HARDWARE HOUSE, 2d Street, IVORY HANDLE KNIVES, PLATED TABLE KNIVES. PLATED DESSEKT KNIVES, PLATED FOKKS& SPOONS. PLATED NAPKIN RINGS, BUTTER KNIVES, CALL BELLS & TABLE MATS, Gutta Percha KNIVES & FORKS, BREAD & FRUIT TRAYS, WAITERS, &c, Ac, Low for Cash. OWENS db BARKLEY. SATAN'S Devices and Believer's Victory, Parsons. Natural History of Secession, Goodwin. Ttree months in the Southern States, Lt. Col. Fbeemamlk. The last Times Seiss. Private Miles O'Reilly, His Book. Spectacles for Young Eyes, S. W. Landkr. The Ferry Boy and Financier a life of Secre tary Chase. ALSO: A new lot of WALL PAPER and OIL SHADES At KOGEKS' Bookstore. Maysville, Ky., May 26, 1S64. C. Gallehek, C. Nelson, Late of Mason Co., Ky. Late of Mt. Sterling, Ky. T.A.Matthews, of Maysville, Ky. Merchants' Hotel, (FORMERLY DENNISON MOUSE) CALLEHER, NELSON & CO., Proprietors. Fxftla. street, near XbXciljtx CINCINNATI, O. FThishouse having been thoroughly reno vated and newly furnished, is now dpen. Cincinnati, O., May 19th, lS64-3mo. Established under City Ordinance in 1857. WHEELER TOBBACCOTyAREDOUSE, PHISTER & HOW, Proprietors, For the Inspection and Sale of LEAF TOBACCO 14 WEST FRONT ST.. Tobacco Sold at Auction or Privately as Otfners may desire. o AUCTIONS SALES: TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, & SATURDAYS. PRIVATE SALES DAILY. Storage to Shippers Three Months Free. Cincinnati, O., May 19th, 1364-3mo. Eagle copy 8 months and charge Bulletin.) 100,000 Shingles! JUST Received and for sale by ALEX. MADDOX, Maysville, June 30, ist4. wauoircei. GEO. W. WROTEN. Homoeopathic Physician, SECOND STHEET, MAYSVILLE, KY. JjfOtiiee at Mrs. Wboten's. mar .10 OWENS & BARKLEY HAYE IT! THE PATENT CARPET LADIES, TF yon wish to save yoob cab ets and 1 Aumo without Duet, buy one of tbe Great Carpet Sweepers of OWENS & BARKLEY. o- LADIES' After having used one of the Car- OWENS & BARKLEY HAVE IT! TEE PA TENT CARPET SWEEPER ! ! Mayuville, July 7th, 18C4.- S3 h. a. calvert, (0f Ky., WITH CHAMBERS TVSK 4 COf dry goods, 110 & 112 Pearl Street, m CINCINNATI, O. WITll . Will K. BO AIi West Second Strtet, between A'act & Elm Street CINCINNATI, O. WILL Attend to. the Sale of all kinds o PRODUCE, and make immediate Returns Orders for an v Aeswri ntir n of ( Jrotferies' nrnmnt- ly filled. r RE9KKS BT PEBMISSiOK TO John A. Robinson, Esq., Gallipolis, O; A. W. Boskirk, Esq., Portsmouth, O. Hon. L. T. Mooke, Catlettsbnrg, Ky; Capt. W. HofrsHEiI, " Jno. N. Richardson, Ecq., " D. D. Gxigeb. Efq., " Hugh Means, Esq., Ashland, Ky. Wm. Tf Nioholls, Esq., Ashland. Ky. Wa, L. Geiger, Esq;., Ahland,Ky. Geo. Wbbts, Esq., Greehupsbnrg, Ky; E. J.Hockadav, Esq., u " Louis D. Koss, Esq., " " Capt. Z. Shirley, Louisville, Ky. Hon. Tnos. E. Bramlett, Frankfort, Ky; I3?Will make liberal advanc on Consiffri ments of Produce. fmar 8,lSS4-6m M THOMPSON. Umbrella, Parasol AND WALKING CANE MANUFACTORY, No. 167 main Street, bet. 4th & 5th CINCINNATI, o. 3F"Repairing promptly attended to. marS DUHME & CO. " S W Cor. 4th and Walnnt Streds CINCINNATI Oi IsL a n il fa, c tni?ei?Si Retail & Wholesale Dealers in DIAMONDS, WATCHES JEWELRY & SILVEllWAKE. 'X'HEY Keep on hand a large stock of Cheap1 J Watches, Jobbing Material, Spectacles, ftc.t- for the Trade; raroid Gold aud Silver bought for Cash. march 3, 1864-ly A SURE CURE. EVERY BODY IS BEING CURED OF THISt distressing disease by the use of DR.- STRICKLAND'S PILE ftFMEDY Punil li .i f fliiaa cau u'tin hou. nQUil If. Mr. Charles W. Landram, of Louisville, and J. P. Ilazarde, Cincinnati, O., werejboth cured after using one pot of Dr. Strickland's Piler Remedy. They say they have tried every thing but could obtain no relief, but one Pot of Strick land's Pile Remedy affected a perfect cure after, suffering for many years with the worst kind of Piles. They recommend evory one who is suf fering to try it. Sold by all Druggists, 50 cents per pot. Manu factured at No. 6 East Fourth Street, Cincinnati i Ohio. Ask for DR. STRICKLAND'S PILE REMEDY. General Depot, No. 6 East Fourth street, Cin cinnati, Ohio. For sale by SEATON & BRODRICK, Corner 2nd & Court Sts"., Maysville. june 2, '64-ly MAYSVILLE SOAP & CANDLE FACTORY Third Street, between Sutton & Wall, Opposite Chat. PhieterU Lumber Yard. 4 .GOOD SUPPLY. OF MOULD AND J SUMMER CANDLES, GERMAN ANDi EANCY SOAPS Constancy on hand JdAgeht for Starch & StarCandJes. l3FCash paid for Tallow anj Soap Grease. Dec. 10 JAMES SMITH. NEW BOOKS! SEVEN Stories, b ik Marvel, $1 75 Speke's Joarnal of the discovery of the source of the Nile, 8 75 Life of Charles tho Bold, Kirk, 6 00 Nepenthe, 1 5J Caxtoniana, 1 50 Friends in Council, 2 00 Old Helmet, 2 50 Husks; . . . 1 50 Haunted Heart by Author of Lamplighter, 1 SO Darkness and Daylight by author of Tem pest and Sunshine, 1 50 Habits ot Good Society, 1 60 Claudine, 75 Handbook of the New Testament MoWharton. Self-Sacrifice fl 5tf Bishop Hopkins on Slavery, 1 50 Histoty of President Lipcoln's Administra tion, by II. J. Raymond, 1 50 The Bridal Eve, Southworth, 1 60' Family Pride, by tho author of riqne, 1 50 Woodbnrn, by"Kosa," 1 60 From Cape Cod to Dixie, by Mackie, 1 6S The above, with many other good books, re ceived and for sale by . G. TV. BLATTERMAN, July 7, 1S64. Second Street. LOOK hebeT THE NEW Boot & Shoe Store!! SECOND STREET, (In the House formeily occupied Chas. Whit. MAYSVIIiLE, KY. rrHE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY X solicit the patronage of the Citiz'ens of May a svillc and surrounding Counties. We have a full assortment of Ladies', Misaea and Children's Congress and Side Lace Gaiters.' Lasting, Kid and Morocco Balmorals of the' best quality and latest style. Gent's Fine Boots, Balmorals', Congress Boots,' Oxford Ties and .Brogams of the latest style. LADIES' AND GENT'S BOOTS and SHOES MADE TO ORDER ON THE" SHORTEST NOTlCE AND WARRANTED. We have al? o a good a5sortmentcrx.r.a.iur.iv AND FINDINGS which we will sell at the; LOWEST CASH PRICE. - . ..... Mr. CHAS. WHITE, will be ready to waitinf his" old mends and ct3tomer at all times. B. A. WALLINGFORD Si CO. MaysVille, Ky., June" IS. 1864. Turnip Seed ! F OR SALE BY aug 4 SEATON & BKUDiCXUttV MatbyUJo, Ey., July SI, 1364.