Newspaper Page Text
I t4 1: - 4 ii I-: - - - -Prom tie CbfistTttAfenafUmoc " ' Unblushing Impudence.' 1 THB AUDACITY OK HYFOCRIST 4f DISHOSESTT. ; ;The Federal goTerctuenthaaseyer'al tithes sent raiding parties on different routes to wards Richmond, with orders to destroy mills, railroada, wheat, com, Irf'ehort, food 6f evorytind, and the reports of such ex peditions hare ben of oniTorra tenor 'vast destruction of mills, houses, villages, rail roads, wheat, corn, and all thatgoea to suf tain life in man or beaat destroyed.' Atd almost directly on the heels of these raics there goes through the North a howl so loud sod dolorous, bo fierce and terrible, that the whole couDtry id started and appalled-.' It announces that the Federal priitonersat the Libby prison, at Richmond, are being star ed to death, and thereupon a Congressional Comrqittee is appointed to investigate, the matter. It is done. A volume of. the ev idence in the case, to which photographs of the the emanciaaed prisoners is published I The North sees the fact, and straitwny calls for vengeance. Thisconscientiouscoromittee forgof,in thefirst place to SAytth&lAbratom'3 raids,' destruction of mill and everything eatable, came very near starvine the Confed erates ont of Richmond and that consequent ly, the Prisoners suffered greatly for want of food. And secondly, ihit buodreds of just uucb. skeleton eaten, as appended to their report, can be photographed from the hos pitals around Washington; men who contrac ted disease from exposure iu the service from which they never recover. That com mittee of honest men, perhaps, forgot these points. Again, it was the boast of some of Gen. Shermans officers, on their way up the Mis sissippi river, after the fall of Vick.burg, that thev'were with the Ynzzon e-cimdilirm said publicly on board the steamboat, that for thirty miles iu length and twelve in breath,' to a building ol any kin 1 but had been destroyed, and every thing that would sustain life, and they grew exceedingly mer ry over the cousternation of tbe women and children, when they woke up in the niht and found their houses io tUmes. 'It was such fun to see them running out to the tcooJs in their night-clothes, frightened tJ death'.' n And, in Sherman's recent march from Chattanooga to the Ciiattabooehie, devasta tion has marked every step cf the way. lie destroys as he goes. Id fact, his theory is to subsist the army cfT the enemy, and what he cannot use to destroy. These facts being premised, the hypo critical efiectation of evmpathv for Tennes- seans in the region of Chattanooga, living in ; the wake of Sherman's army, by the corrts- j pondent of the Louisville Journal, whose j letter is copied into the Sunday Motning Chronicle, doubtless, with mmv tenrs aiii heartfelt sympathy for the oor sufferers, will be apparent. All such hypocrites un derstand tbe tbe importance of appearing humane and sympathetic before tbe guito with which LUcfe-bearted and villianous editors insert them in their papers. The Suffering Tenne?8ean3 A more sorrowful spectacle one could not imagine than that presented by the disappointed poor who have applied to our commissary here at CbattaoDog since tbe order of General Sherman forbade the iesue of rations to tbe destitute citizecs within our lines. Aged women are seen at Captain Cson's begging for bread, but military necessity it an inexorable law, and hearts that pity are impotent to respond with the aid solicited. At his office every day women, marriage able girls, children, cripples, and needy, of every age and of both sexes, may be seen here in rags and wretchedness, barefooted, in tears. .The mother that weeps at the door Is not suffering from hunger. It is not bread that will dry her tears It is food for the little ones at borne. that alone will make her hap py. lbioK ot :t. I o walk nitcen, twenty. tnirtr or eren forty miles for a few poimds ' Of proTender. to keep together body and ! soul! IIow can the mother return to her hungered children who wait for bread? If j our breasts had windows, I am 6ure that j through these we could read a despair, to ! depict which words would fail. The army const have bread. The unity of the States j and the supremacy of the laws may . real j upon this campaign. ' ' Tbe stake is too mighty to admit of any j remissness lo allow even the voice of suf- ; fering to hold us back. If we feed the ; needy we may starve the sold'ers. The j soldiers fights "for all. If he suffers h e may fa'!, and with that ailure we are all poor j indeed, and a nation are sufferers. Il we! suffer for a period atd cheer him, we en- chance his chances for victory. II id success is national gain, ai.d national prosperity is individual. Hot tears may scald the cheeks : of mothers, and banger pinch thousand of needy o&es, and yetthe succes. of the Union cause is worth all that sacrifice, even months ol painful hunger. To give the reasons for the sufferings and starvation of women and children, and the facts of the case, would spoil the entire ef fect and romance of these letters. Tbe whole thin is glossed over, and covered up by suck sentences as these. 'The stale is loo nighty lo admit of any remissness to al low even Vie voice of irffeiing icomen and chil dren to hold us backl' 'Aged women are seen at O.ptain Cissoa's beging for bread, but military necessity is an inexorable law, and hearts that pity ! are impoteot to re Bpmd with the aid sol cited P Yes, and ii Gsi.l. Sherman had conduc ted this war according to the rules ot civil ized warfare, aud not a-uiiet women and children ru suh rnaui.ei as Lut few savage ratio! s bve done within several centurira past ffcere wenid have teen uo 'agd 0- i men or mothers, beg-:ng icod for their star- ! vitjg cbildretiJT Iu jussitication, wiih that ', stolid indifference to human woe whicu is supposed to. ba'one of the j redomiuaut j tr.t of the Arch Fiend bimseli, we are) tohJ that 'the succetof the U jioii cause is -worth all this sucr fi. e, aud eveu mouths ot : painful bcrgrp Aud what ot him who makes this kibd oi war on women and! would taive them to death by the huu- : dred thoucaud, uoi to preserve tbe Uticii as j the Lotki:iuiin to raise tut mack inu to an tqoulity with tho while. W. J, KuSs, A. i. KtWtl.1.. .OtO. W. KOfS, i& XlOSrJ & N2WELL, ''. tK.i I 'Uii''.!! ?ll:i 1 t i,'i-j i;t u.iil 'flttiil fJ.iter.!.. ' iv;vii.I.r'. K V 170R salel'v wx. ii. eiciiaedson; Lloyd & Richardson, ! 1 1 WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, 3V1N E S, LIQUORS, f TEAS TCBACCQ, F OR W A H D I U G & C Q M M I S S I GEF MERCHANTS, I OPPOSITE eODDAKD BOViB, - J- HA SKETS TE ET, - - X AYSVILLE,KY. 7E WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALI f t your attention to tho above card, and solicit a portiou of your patronage, promising to fill orders promptly and satisfactorily. "We have established ourselves for the pur pose of inducing Merchants to make their pur- 't chases here instead of elsewhere; aud as our ' goods are bought direct from fihst hands in the atern Market.' by our Bioher, wo mako this proposition to Merchants: ' TJiat we will duplicate any bill bought in Cincinnati, and if goods are not what wa represent them, they can be sent back at our expense. Wo have just received from the East . 20 Ilhds. Choice new N. O. SUGAR; lO " Prime " ' " ' SO Bbls. Lovkkixg'b Philadelphia fiE FINED SUGARS Crushed, Granulated, Powder ed and CoJTeo A. 50 Bags Choice Yellow Brisrht Greou COFFEE : MOASSKS-OM and Now Crop; MlfUl'lll'l ii .: -ir . -r tj ton, last Crop lid"; 40 Kegs Newcastle ENGLISH SODA; TOIIACCO-a lor in Uoxe, Caddies, Ac. T12AS u Superior lot of all kinds, selected ior this 2'oniou of tLe Country. In addition to our btock of Haavy Groceries, we l.ave a l.iro as-orttncnt. of FuULy: CIGARS, at all price; Fancy Wa.-h aud Shaving SOAPS; Whole and LLilf r,cxe uew M. Ii. and Layer RAISIN ; SARIINS: FIGS; PICKLES; PEACHES, Cove and Spiced OYSTERS; MUSTARD, in boxes '0 & 25 lbi. boxes . aborted C A N D f E S; " CHEESE; CRACKERS; INDIGO; MAPPER; SPICKS, prtiiii ;:nd ground: ALUM; Rac; Sj Ground G INGER; OOPPKRAS; BLACKING, Ure atid tinall: BLACKING BRUSHES; FAUCETS; CiNN'AMoN, ground and in raatt; CAPS; SHOT; LEAP; I1XT. LUGWOyl); srARCJI; :' GEJiMAN SOAP; A larpre variety of CAP, NOTE V LETTER PA PER; EN VELOPES.buiTuuJ while; !ce. ic. tiIn addition to the above, we offor indncc mei;ts to tha trades ia iqnors 2 RECTIFIED WHISKY nold at Cincinnati jriced. GINGER WINE. GIN, BRANDY, und with a up:rior lot of OLD IJOUKCON M'ISK at all pricca. Respectfully, LLOYD & RICHARDSON. 3Jay.sil!e, Ky., March 3, ladl. mi CHINA, GLASS AND Queansware House ! ! :r. albert, TrjlDnTJTir 15 filtH riFM TP 1111 UlAl Hi 1JE.H.1-E.r StooorxcL Stroot, Onedoorlelow Geo. Aithnrs Ur.faiuner Slornj 0 jrvs CONSTANTLY ON. HAND a iabge J AND VEr L EtLKCT1;B $T0C5 o - , . rfCBCll aU(l LnliIi Cilina, blaSS. QUEEN 3 WARE& FANCY GOODS, in great variety, r.s Vase. Toilet Sets in China, Parian Marble and Buhomain Gluss, Jewel Boxes; fancy and Toy Boxes, Toy Tea Sets, etc. DINNER AND TEA SETS, ofall quhlitie.-, WHITE, ORNAMENTED AND FINE GILT. Silver Plated and Britannia Tea Sets, Castors, Etc., Tlated Tul le Ware; Ivory, Bone and Wooll Handle) Porks and Knives Knives;TeaTrays and Waiters, ofall siz:-s und varieties, Imported Direct from the Manufactories in sr cuuo i i : . Also, the largo and most complete stock of COAL OIL LAMPS, of a.l sizes ad style", from 50 cents to 1 1 0 oach BURNEC3, CHIMNEYS PAPER SHADES and WICKS; The Very Best of PURE COAL OIL, CANS, ETC.; all of which I will sell for CASH at tho YEEY LOWEST CINCINNATI prices. J3?-Accommodation to the wants of custom ers, quick sales and small profits are the jrovern ine principles of my business. Cali.seeund i judtfu for yourselves! It. A L LIEUT. ' amisvtlle Keb 4, 15fi4. HALL LIGHTS! F OIZ Unrnms Co .l Oil.?ome very fine, direct from New York tor sale by may ltt. S EATON t- BEODEICK. rirlis. oh or It i b c-s3 ' T-ir.t, Astb ody re-.-vsi rv for otn is o t r an.' C" -'K'ipMon , ; : ny one trov'ili.U Witt: oil.- b'-tr oi" Strirklr.rcl . .. i 'lr'.. .. .- N":ii t i 1 '.e - it i- ? f- ."'. --fi . t ..r- ".' i I. 1 .'di.:iif 1- r tn'Ui: : r isol b i i-.A'L'L' s .v, ii O'jF.iC.i, ! A " I 1 i v i - Gi i.eri.1 'Ohio. pn "H'O.LLOID."- ' 1 rvi:v.. c il c. o t.asc -MM t , liic-ir.-iiiiti, f ijuaa 2, lS44-ly j GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. W. L. & JVL. PE AECE Wholesale , G vlo te r s AND COMMISSION MERC II A N T S, SUTTON ST., (opposite Lee House MAYSVILUE, KY. r,r : Our personal attention will be gven to ReceivLsg; &. Forwarding all Goods consigned to our care AH orders sent us shall be filled in the same mmmer i to'ilt reference to qvaKfy aud quantity, as if the parlies purchasing icere' personally preseu t. Bolow will bo found an enumeration cf some of the articles included in our stock, which wo oiler to the trade low for Cash o r Country Pro duce: T . -" -. 21 Ilhds. Choice N.0. Sugar; ; " . 8 lihd.s. Prime N.O. Sugar; ..,'.. . 5i Lbls. LoverLig's litfinod Sugars; JO . " Crushed. ... . do .' , 23 " Pulverized "do; 13 A. Coffee ;'do;! 51 Bags Choice Rio C fT'6; ' ' " 23 , " v Prime Rio Cfocj - . 33 Packrfges Goide!i Syriip,!n Half Bbls. and 10 ifal. K- rs; IO Bbl.. New Crop N. O. Mobsses; -Oj Packages Muckere', in P.bU, Hf. Ebls, tr. Bbls. and Kit; 23 Hf. Chests Choice Guupowor Tea; 5 ' . " . Black Teaf , . 20 Gro Fine Cut.C'l'cwinp Tob::ccf'; Choice Pmnkhifr Tf haoco," iu Half Pound , . and o Pound Pa cleaves; ' ' 50 Caddie Chr ice Cliewiriv; Tobacco; SO Butts Chewing Tobauco; 01). OO Cigars, as.-irtcd brand; 73,0OO White ai.d lir.iV Envelope; Cap, No'.c and Letter Paper; OOO BuXcs Sardines, halves :uld quarter?; ' 33 Dt. Cm and Spiced Osters, n 1 ) ' 1 yibitCans ' ; : ' 13riia.kcUi CliamTlgne Wine; 12 Boxes Native VVines; Choice Oid Itoibon AVhiky, in Barrels and Bottles; Common lilky; Ilrctific-d Win-key; ' French Hi nml v;f iin ; fJin-pr Wine Ruisin; Fi'-: Almond.-; Bucketc: Tnli., in nests Wrapping Par; Fancy , Tilet and Rai tSoapn; Vat-hboard; JJroorns. Crdn?e; Matche-; Spleen; Star aud Tallow Candle; Checne; ('rin!l'crs. Sliot; etc. We invite tho attention of Country Merchant. particularly t3 our sioek of giodf. We respectfully s dicit the orders of tho trade generally, promi-jiufj taliol'acti')u In alJ cacS. W.L.&J,L.ri:ARCK N( i.liit 1.' Sutton St.. f "pp. T.C! Ion--c) MA '. Y1U.E, E . AND FLUX. . STRICKLIND'S Anti-Cliolera Mixture, Is a coinpcsiti ni of m-trinsrents. u '"i b.-nt.-, .-ti:uula:its aud c:irniin:i'ivi-s. wliii-h ev ry ihv- siciiin ai-knoledpes if tbooniy prupuriition that will i-lfi-t a irmaloTit wiirc of Piirrl.tei and Dysentery. This'!era Mixture is now iu ue i n s-ver:il nr nun y hc-pH ils whi-re it trivrs the sfie.itust sutisi.i'-lion. It ha- s.ive 1 ' ho lives of th-'Uiands ofur siddicrs und citizens, und wa will (ruan.iteo it to be lh best rcincdi in the world for Di;rrl-(je:i ami D.vsiiilerv. Mr. Woods, of Cov'iiirioM, Ky.. wiii bo mnst hnppv t' sai.isfy any one as to the virtue of Strickland's Aiiti-Clmlo a Mixture; iu faet nc Iiave a p; t of testlnioiiiais frt'm p t:et5ts who bavn liemi cured after hiiing pro nonncrd incirab'e by the:r physicians, s rne afte r tu kinsr only one bottle of (Strickland's A nli Cholora Mixtiiro. It'yn sc.rl'cr with Piurrhoea and PysenU-ry try oik- hott SOLDIERS! You ouzht bo without such a valuable mciiicine. Tha Cincinnati National Union; of April 2i:li, says; th it tli-Misan Is ot our soldiers have been saved by the ue of Strickland-V Anti- Cholera Mixture. . ...... Por sale by Scatcn fi Brodri-jk,at oO cents per bottle. ... . . (ienerul Depot, No. C East 4Mi St., Cincinnati, Ohio. L.)line -t lMJt-ly CH AIM JU LjXjLCj -s : o F Various Patterns, for burning Coal Oil At EATON V BROJRICK'S Muy.-villc. Ky., m ly 19. Drujr Store. '"IEA a very suf crior article, the best import L ed, in store and ior sale by jus:it BEN Pinsn-:R 11KOO.HS, A larjre supply of bet quality, lor Fale by L mar BEN PUISTER. ICETTCE!! TE have commenced running our let Wagon, and will deliver Ico to any part if lh . Pif v Persona d csir ins Tec through the clav.ycar, ' obtain it at IiiehuT.1 Warkim.' Grocery eore, on j all street, or at Win. Watkins' on l.uarket St WM WAIKINs; May 1S.1SG4. L1C1I A i;t W A l'KINS . CQRDAGE Hemp and Manilla, ropes of J all nizea from a plough line ton shipt cable always ou hand. ALEX MAUDOX Orchardist Wanted ! rWih lo M-rnre t h services vf soma good, fs" lu-r and industrious, who u'ld'Tstands lh CuUnre of Fruit Tre- s. 1 vi ! give good wu2t-s to such a man . He must jri . e poo l refer ence?. Or I will Fed tho portion'of land set out in Fruit Tree, cmbratiuar about 3-3 norft. Also. I will seil IO iii'rfi of good pasture, on w hich i a iiaver t"a:liri2 Spriuf. A ny one w ish-I ir. to p'' will ca;l ou me, 2 miles oast of ', Mi- l: va. ly 14, BENJ. KIRK. J; lSbl-tf CLEaIN YOUR TBBTII! wi ri! - Aromatic Tiiist -Mrrh ! ! .V l'.:.r I 'id j IP i 1 1 'III nil ' n-.:io -to the 11 1'. 11. TRY IT ONCH j d v.-e 'i:i--.w you wi 1 ! o - i'it.tie its use. As j art. 1 :y:usitJS si'pnior to. all 1'i her washes Mareh 21, 1S-H. ,v,r lcau. j,llie 9. 1 rti'iiri-d i.i;d told bv SEA TON tfc'LRODKlCK. GRAIN&JOCEEY, C 0 M MIS S To N H O US E ' Corner of 3rd & Market Streets,' I MAYSVILLE, - KENTUCKY. T HAVE' JUST OPENED A GRAIN', JL GROCERY AND COMMISSION STORE in the house formerly oecnpied Jiy Jaa. C- Brook over, north-cast Corner of Third it Markot Sts. ' I will pair the hiprhest mnrket price im cash or WHEAT. RYE and BARLEY. " I haveiust 'rcieiveil a full stock of Groceries, Suirar, Molasses, Collce, Tea . Rice, Pish, Tobacco, Salt. Src.. fec, togrot her with u general assort ment of all articles in ho Grocery lino; all war runted to bo of the best quality. My goods have been bought exclusively for ('ash, and will he sold for Cash or Country Produce, at very small profits. I have also on hand a largo stock of PURE OLD BOURBON WHISKY. . 1 ' " Commission, Storaare iv; Forwarding Business attended to with promptness. .- All persons desirous of rel'tinjf the worth of their rfionov, will please ie me .a call. june lyUi, 13G2. . . MIX PIUSTEK. ClRUSHEP, Powdered and Granulated Suear, I of beat quality, iu store anl ve sa lo low by . . BEN PiUSTER, jnne 19 Cor. 8rofc Marb",: streets. OYKC P. Philadelphia and Baltimore Syrups. O in iarrcs,h;df barrels and 10 gal. kejrs, lor sale low hy . . - - : BEN PHIbTEU, june lt Cor. Srd te Market stroeb. . 'IOBACCO of all grades and prices, for sala I L iiy rtiiM r.ic. jure 1 Cor. 3rd te Market streets. A'INEO ,iun IAK of the biat quality, for sale by cw GJraiii Store! H AVING Retired from the "firm of Ai.ex. . Powxr t"fc 'o., I will cor'inne r n rny own account Jn the'irain Trade, on Wa'l Street, next door to Alex. Mad lor, and solit lt all our old customers to jri ve me a call, its I have a larce iiuiikbcr of Sacks and fee! confident of my ability to jiic entire satisfaction t all who may be i to deal with inc. - ALEX. POWER. M aysville, K v., .TulyJ , Jr.s. WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DEAL Eli IN ALT. KIKDB CF ORAlSf. F'CIli. TOBACCO. SALT. &C . Corner cf Wall & 2nd Streets, MAVSVITjLB, KENTUCKY j ire 1", l6:-ly 13. .joiirsrTiJtJjJL'rs- COJiPOLVI) "CED30X LIIITESS! The Latot rriA Most Import mt Discovery of the Niiu tcc.itli Century. XTO MAN'S NAME IS MORE INTIMATELY a.1 cori.i;c!i d wiili the liislory of the Materia Med.iea f U e United Mates. -r in ire I' kiiuii ii as a pt iiei r in medical discoveiv, th in thatt-f JOHN Iil'LL, ol Li uisville, Kv. "llisin ii.iilaliio prcparuli ti Sais.iinrilia ha.-, loii st I at the he ad of the various compounds of that valualdo dr'n;. Ilis lompo'iiid I'i'e: oral oi j Wild Cherry has become a household w rd ihrniibout the We-t and South; uiul his Wutn Li zeiies. iu lu-sthan a year after thiir intro diic'.ioiii atlaiind u rcj uiatii-u as widi j-j.re4ii us tho eorttiifnr of North A niericn. lint the rrwn in of his lite rcinr.i us to be attained iu his late.-l discovery, or rather combination, for he docs not claim to have b-en the discoverer o CEPRxN, which is tho basis of the (titters now ollercd I" tho pullic. Thnt honor belong, to ihe native inhabitants of Central Vmcrica, to ivh nu itsiiriue huvebecn known for m re than two lmndre.t year. Armed with it, the Indian bids dckiiiiieu to the mot deadly malaria. :md bundles without fear the mo.-t venomous serpents. It i a belief with thorn that whMc'hcie is breath leit in 1 lie hody tho Cedron is potent to cure, no mat let w hat tlie disCHse may be. hiie Pr. Pull is not prepared to indorse this extravapant pretension, hois nevertheless satis tied from : thorough examination of ihcevidenec ielatirir to its virtues, that, as n remedy and preventive fr all diseases arisin.-from exjiosure titiiiT toehatires of weather and climate or to tho miasma! ie iiiilucncus. it stand ' without a rival . and justly deeerves i ho renntution it has so lonj cnjoyoii in Central America aud the West Indies. In and its attendant train Of symptoms, it act m relike u charm than a medicine. There is not hipff in t he whole range of the Materia Medie.n that can torn moment bear a comparison with it rn tins disease. ' A t'nll lo-eonnt of this wonderful plant may be found in the eleventh edition of the U. S. Dis pensatory, fi;res lis7 and 13SS. A scries of experiments, in which Dr. Bull litis been for years ensrurcd . has just bet n bronfflt to a snceesshil termination, and he is now enabled to olfr to the pnlilie a combination of Cedron with other improved tomes, the w hole p-eserved in'h'i best quality of copper-distilled itonrbon whi-ky. wliieh lie is conlidout has no equal in the world. Ilomisrht furnish a volume of certificates, but the public have loner since leuined to csti nUi sueb things nt tboir true valne. Th, safest plan is for every one to test for 1 imsolf the virtues of a new medicine. Oive the Cedron fitters one trial, Rnd you will nover u-e any others. It i not necesnrv to publish a loner list f dis eases for which the Cedron Hitters are a speciric. In all disease-ot tho STOMACH, DOWELS, KIDNEYS, or LIVER; In all ulTeetiung ol the DRAIN depending up on derangement of the Stomach or Bowels; In ;UT. RHEUMATISM A NELR.iLGIA; And in FEVER AND AOL' E; It is destined to supersede all other remedies. It ;iiot on'y cures nil those discuses but it pre vents them. A wine slass full of the Bitters taken an hour before each meal will obviate the ill effects of the mos. unhealthy climate and screen the person taking it against disease under the most tryng exM-iie. Sold by Prnsrsrists and Grocers, generally, r. JOHN 'BULL'S Principal Otfiee. Pifth trct, Louisville. Ky. s,jIa VVholcsnle and Retail by S EATON t- BRODRICK. Cor. 2nd and Court Streets, mar 7, IS'51-ly Maysville, Ky. Come down in the center, That's what it means ! SAD DLE RY. THE UNDERSIGNED' IS NOW SITUATED so &i to n't ve his undivided attention to the Manufactory of every article connected with the SADDLE AND HARNESS TRADE ! lie lias now on hand and :n process of makimr, a splendid as-sortmciit of Gentlemen and Ladies' Saddio: Saddle Bu!rs; Uussrv, Carriage, Biake land Snlki-y IIariic.-s; Wajron and t'jow Gear: I iii(i:n: irjiiiuB, whii jtaeKiiii;, i tin anil oriiiiiie i r:ll.. .1. l - r. l c ... . Bills; Wairof., Buj:;y. Coach, Sulkey and Rid-j i :isr WJiips; Hod and Kip.-lin Collars; Horse i Lovc-s. suu.ioic icr ail seasons: Leather. Vv cb i and Rope liaitert; Worsted, CoUou and Hemp, iare, 1 avjn-r npon it p.bout One hundred bear Girths: R: I top and Iron strapt Ilsmes; Dr.iy 1 ii .r Frrit Trees and Vine of tho nnaiitx-' and ( ait ll.irtics? ; mi short evetv itiinsr usuallv '. kejii in u .--addiery jtaii-(-hmeiit. which niU be . ao j s-il 1 at WJiole;tie and Rut.-iit. st Jow prices, to I I pun- rnal dealers: 5 per cei't off for cash . ' ; JTA)I Kcpuiriujr aUcnded to ut ouco. at i.iy ' ' li Mind, cn "Jud street, to rind which. "ComV ' down in tho Center," between Market t Sutton. T. KRICKBi'TS. Mavsvllle, March 2'th.lSii8. 1 Aft.ui)o. oaoica- rreparea always on t - A V T TT 1 r f T A . -Vykand - A. MAI'DOT THE. mi WHOLESALE & RETAIL CHIJN'A-STUIU Soulli side U bet. Court & Market St A. & J.: E. , McCARTIIEY, WE ANNQUCE WITH pleasure, the RE MOVAL of our Stock . of CHINA, GLASS - m " AND " queenswaiie, tothobuildinfr formerly oc cupied'byE. JIaiitin Sal- ... m ma urn AtiiintniT a largo and complote assortment of Goods, i i ' IMPORTED 15 Y: Oo RS ELVES? ' DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORIES- . Ourstoclc is larsro, containing great varieties of PLAIN WHITE, GOLD HAND AND FANCY DLCOBATED Dinner and Tea Setts; VACES; COLOGNE BOTTLES; TOILET SETTS; FANCY AND STAPLE ARTICLES of evry de-s. ription; fc ilver Plated KNIYES, FORKS. CARD HASKETS, &e. IL TEA YS WA ITER S; CO.VL OIL I.A.tirS o( manv variotir-. While thanking tha public anil the trado for the liberal uucouri jremeiil e.teiiiol to ns iu the int. wo Iit i' ttiov will n t f-rget to cad and see us at our N EYV 'IIINA STtiKE. G. A. & J. E. McCARTIIEY", liii'uitrtr.s or Eahtiimnwake, Uii Soulli side 3d street. Mavpvllle,' lv v., January 7th,l?''4." GQOTARelfOUSEj CORNER OF M AltK ET & FRONT, STS Cppo.-ite Steamboat', MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY. .llr. 'IS. l PLIC'IlNt:, I'iopr:rtrj.. I IIIS well lintel, h is been re paired nnd retittod ii a biiiKrior manner und r o o) en to the puldlc. 'f he Propr.etri.s- receuiiy ot Fox Sprinirs. po licHs the pal routine f the tiavcliiijr coinaiunity. No pains will lu sp-ir-jil to give s.itiofacti.n tu the giie.-!.s.of the hutiso. '"Mucre k-uvcdailv for all point in the in terior. Mrs. E. F. FLEMING. Feb. 12-''iM GEORGE ARTHUR. Baker & Confectioner AN O L ALtll IS Fruits, Kuts, Toys, FANCY' GOOD J, ft: Has roirovcd Lis Stock to WLLIE & UUKT'S Old Stand, on S33C03MI3 3Tn33ET, 'liero Lo will be to see and wait upon all Masvillv, Ky., April !H h, ISC). JOHN A. SKATOX, J.P.. LUOUKU K 3EATON Sl BRODRICK WHOLESALE ARiiTAIL DEUGGISTS, AND OEALEES IN MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Paints, iOils, Glass, &c. CO It MR SSCONt) COIJKT STS. WHEELER & WILSON'S Sewing H acli ines ! Awarde I tne First Premium as the host Family Sewing Machine. Fi'i throe successive years at the UNITED STATES FAIR; For five yonrs at the CINCINNATI MEiTIAN:CS' INSTITUTE. ' WITH IMPEOVEMENTS! GLASS FUOf: ..11EMMER; - ' " CtHIDEK t BliAIDFP. MACHINE NEEDLES, COTTONS, d-r. tiTPor kid. bv J. B. GIBSON, Agent. TELhGiiAPli iKH''E. feb. 4.h, 1S)4. - M avsvii.j.e. "THE HOWE ft - iv - - SEWIft i HAVE JUST DECEIVED A NFW LOT OF TI1K CELEBRATED HOWE- SEWING MACJI INE. dirc.-t from tho Manufacturer, find will veil them ut the lowest possiblurate for Cash. Those VnchiiiCs ale adapted for heavy as well as the linest bewing. Call an t examine them at the residence of S. Shocklet, on Short street." , Mrs. A. J. SMITH, Asent. JSjNekoles and Sroot Threads can be had ut S.'s Store. in Market street. Maysville, Ky.. Feb. 2oth, 1SQ5. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE!!! OFHiK FOR ALE MY BRICK -RESI DENCE, situated on the hiil side in. M.ijs--i 'v" - -Tlio houivu cotitair.s nino rooms, bo- ville, sides rn'.ciifn. rs mrv ".: Joi ar. Tlicr? i mon tho lot a Dairv and Brick Stable 1 lie lot is ona ilv .lis. wen set in Shrntberv and Kl-ia-fcrs T.' NV.-ii wafer a'litiHaut clnrinsr the entire year, is iiitOLTvtlier a vervdjsirao o lion-..- irill bef. I 1 t.-.r Gn en Hicks', much I.-ss than it cost in G-.'ij... Euciuireof.. .IOS. P. illMDIMrk' !!. Att liable f-r City R.i'.r Maysville. Ky:, May S,lt64-tf !!. Alt liable f'-rCilv Railroad d.-ot. BLOCK AND TACKLE An assortment embracing ail bises of superior construction ' . ALEX. MADlOX. m MACHINE! Mf r s yule "and Cincinnati mi rial, If 1KB SFUXDIDlTItm, This fine Steamers -. hj j n r p. .. MA. GrTSTO 7 - --'tte. J.H.PRATHEK, Commander. IEW, M0KE1S ; Clerk Leaves foot of WalimtSt., for Maysville FrFay-ndSaturda 10 .y to illll A MP& McNEEL Y aPP'J D bard' PaFekeaDdrndat the Maysville Cjacinnatl, Mayilleknd Fommonth REGULAR TRI- WEEKLY PACKET A -"TTrn TdESPLESDll)STjjAJtl' ijsrtrM. J3ostoria, tain Wb. MoClain. Co,i Captai tinnc i lucKiay. rhursdav and R.,trj.,- Tj VJ mouth avory Monday, Wednesday Jknd FridaT ay .i,i.ii.vii iiiv inMir.- oi o ana v v. For freight or papyaore apply on board or to E. McNeely. Agent. Maysville, Ky. S. SALOMON, WATCHMAKER, f -1 "1 ill 1 Ill I 1 , . n T.... . Gojdakd House Building, Marhet fes t r e , May 7, 15.53-ly MAYSVILLE, KY. NEW B O OKS. Mv Farm at Elgewood, bv Ike Mar vel " ! j Hannah Thurston, by Bayard Taylor, 1 5 TuleKof a Wa tide Inn. y Longfellow. 1 25 mii.-ks. oyjiaiion llariiinil. 'J he I.iup of Anwsis, bv P.ulwer Louic-s L:,st T-Tin, by Author of Rn'lodje SoiiUilines from tue At lantic, Ho mes " UcntlumuuV IJ-jok of K'iquetie Hcantie-of Enr!ih Poetry Eveninai with the Poets ' 1 50 1 25 1 SO I 25 1 50 4 00 4 00 2 50 LonteilowV Poi-ms, Cabinet edi Ilenven ur Home Ve lrfThe above, with numerous valuable publication, jnt reeii G. BLATTi- 1 c!.,iil'rv S' on 1 09 her new and by MA V. 15. FAiULY" GKOCKUY STOKE, Ko 23, west-side Market st., t i AT.BTtKATH H1 Old Ma. u. f iHAVSVU.LK KY. I -'ST fl A- I' received a larce stock of Familv and -Ported Groceries, such aa Suiriir. Svriip. CofT'-, Teas Mackrrcl, :u'm-o Spic , Ciinillos, Wil li v -iii! up df H Ware, llr, om, TehiH-i'o. C'iaars, Ac, vVc. ITiivinir biin'ht all my Goo N fdr cash, and my motto b-ir -(icicK Sales anoSmall I'rofitp," 1 c:ui :w-uri; r.ll who may ive n-.e a call, the chc:iC't Groceries in thecitv :-?Tl b.-t quality of COAL OIL always on hand and for a!e at the lowest market price. A. Ii. COCilliAN. N. 15. Five year Old Lourboi on tap, and the test "fall kinds cf Liquors i-onytantly on hand. Mnysville, Ky.. March 19, lStSJ. A. B.C. For ltrti-, Mici', lioiubcN, Ants, Itod Iiiitf, :;oili- iu I'urs. U'lieno. Arc.. In vit on riHnt, FhwIm, Anim ils, Ac. I'm up in '.."c. 50e. and 1 .00 Ei-xos, Bottles, ai:d Fln.ks. and .j. sizjs for Holds, Tcblio Is STITUTtONS tc. 'Only inftillihle remedies tnown." "Frci from Puisous." Not dangerous lo tbo Human Family." "Ruts come out of lluir holos to die." ISSold Wholesale in all largo cities. r-?'Srll bv all DrujraistsA- l'etailers everywhere ?"!:!liWAR::! of all worthless imitatibus. 3eS?"i-e that 'OostabV nitmu is on oach Rov. r.oiil.i and Flask, before you buy. STAddr-ss III.NiiV IS. COST A R. irvfPkiNci iA i. Dkpot.;42 Ekoadway, N. Y. SjfSid.l oy all W h dcsale A Rutai 1 Diugsist in .Vaysyj ;c. Ky. mar 31 . ISol-iim. :h.emoval i rOUIS STINE would rcspiK tfu I I.v inform his J customers and friends thh. lie has removed to Ciidwidlader's Kuildin, in the room foimerly ccupic-d by thoTelcrupn Glace. o Fall and Winter Goods! LOUIS STINE MERCHANT TAILOR A.N I (diM S I LTJiMSllIilt, SECOND S Til EE 7, MA YS VILLE, KY.. KEEPS CONSTANTLY OX II AND A Choice assortmeut of aM Seasonable Cooda -n his line, which he is prepared to dispose of at 'he lowest ratis for "CASH ." lie solicits a call from his friends und pledges Ilia best efforts:. give Satisfaction. October 1. 1SH3. LOUIS STINE. INTERIOR ADORNMENTS! JUS f RECEIVED A CHOICE SELECTION . of new and desirable styles of PAPER HANGINGS, from the rich aud ornate to the most chaste and simple patterns, appropriate for Parlors, Hall, Dimujr-Rooms and Chamber. FIRE BOARD PRINTSnew designs; WINDOW SHADES, of any required ttyle or size, on hand or mada to order. GILT MOULD ING QVtL PtCTURE FRAMES, PICTURE COIID & TASSELS, and all the trimmings icr lraines. . .. . , .. FRAMING Dp ME ON -5H0RT NOTICE The above Goods are all new and will be sold cheaper than ever before sold in this cit. I3?A ca i is solicited fiom persons wishing to purchase the above goods. J. ii. V C. S IIOG13KS, EooKstiLtEa i Stationers, ; Maysvi'le, Ky., April 21. 1864. 2d Street IK. MAllVFL'S NEW BOOK. ' O EVKN STORIES BY THE AUTHOR OF 0 " RoverioH of a Bachelor,-' "Parm at Edge wood," j'-c.1 ike. 81.75 A lari;e supply of the above delightful work receivid Liiisoay by Kxprej-s- Mail orders shall.' Teceive prompt' attei.tiou. - G H . BLATTERMAN,- Msysville, May 2oI l;S4i Bookseller. RAGS WAivTED! 1 (U ii iri'LBS GOOD CLEAN C0T IVjUjUUU ton or linkn kags, for- j which 1 will pay tho higliesK Market Pr.ea. '.' O. W. BLATTEKMAK, ! 1