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THE BULLETIN. MAYSVILLE JULY. 23 1864 Increase of the Price of the Bulletin. The Subscription price of the Bulletin will hereafter be Oss Dollar and Fifty Cents per year, instead of One Dollar. The Raleigh (N. C.) Confederate says that General S. D. Lee recently arrived at At lanta from Mississippi with a large number of reinforcements, and participated in the Jute battle. QjA number of citizens banished from 2aducah to Canada by General Paine, have gone to Washington to lay their gievances and the arbitrary conduct of General Paine before the President. It is said that one-half of Lee'a army is in the Shenandoah Valley. Fort Morgan is now besieged by land as Veil as by sea. General Paine has been relieved of hi? co tran and at Columbus, and ordered to report at Memphis for duty, C&A thousand dollars is now being asked and freoly paid for substitutts. The rebels are said to have S3 000 mops at Ailanta. (KT'It U repotted that a train going from Kof xville to Chattanooga was captured by the rebels on Thursday. The Tallahassee has left Halifax. She has destroyed about thirty vessels. x MarysvUle, Kansas, ninety miles weft of Si. Joseph, M issouri, has been sacked by the Indians. tCr-He who is struck by Birlercorc is tpt to stragger under the blow: fJ"To hear a declaration of love , ayoung lady will give her ears. K7When it rail s ha'dstones as big as bet's eggs there's a r.iin of terror. fj"The most reckless of ar,imls are the bats and mole; they always go it blind. QA junior partner in a firm on Front street concluded to raise a mbstitute, and applied to a stout darkey, who was Ending on the opposite coner, when he received this reply; ' Lord ble-syou, I've got eiuht hun dred dollars home tor to buy a white man for myself ."--Exchange. CHEAP LAM P S! 200 COAL OIL ! LAMPS OF EVERY SIZE AND STYLE AT FROM 50 CENTS TO $6. CHIM NEYS. SHADES, WICKS, etc., at declT R. ALBERT'S 21 street. OrOver two hundred negro substitutes have been put trie army oy citizens of Evansville during the pist ten days. Poor men are apt to fare bally every where. It is a lan 1 of plenty if you hive plenty of land. It is asserted that Maximilian has already sent a commissioner to the rebel authorities at Richmond. A statue cf the Express Joephine is tr be erected in Parid on the square Defore the Alma bridge. A man at n circus, in Paris, li'N up a cisk of wine with his teeth, with a m in aeatad npon it playing the fi idle. The country wants men. It must have them or perish. --Albany It needs brain more. --New Hampshire Republic in. Aud common honesty much more.--0. S. Register. An Atlanta pipar boasts that there are not now less than a hundred officers in ac tual Rebel service with but one lej apiece. fc fjMaysville his long been celebrated for the number and txcellerice of her School. In this respect, it ia far ahead of any ot;er place in Northern Kentucky. Situated in an eligible and healthy location, our city i. peculiarly inviting to those, of both sexes, who are endeavoring to fit themselves for future usefulness and happiness. Amongour many institutiecs of learning, none are mora worthy ol the attention and patronage of the public, than the Maysville Literary Institute the Male Department of vhich is in charge of Prof. Smith. Comina among us a stranger, M r. Smith soon becarce well kcown as a teacher of youth and an Intelligent, courteous gentleman. Prof. Smith possesses, in au eminent decree, the power of rendering himself attrac'ive to youth, making himself a shjrer of their j y and sorrows. liis mode of teaching is at once simple ted clear, and the couwe of study thorough sod comprehensive. The next Session of the Institute begins on the first Monday in September and continues weeks. Godey for September Is received, aud a splendid number it is. The Beasonable story, Taking Boarders for Company, is continued, and increases in in terest. The engravings and fashionplatei are fice, as usual. French China. Glass and Queensware! A fine new stock at and bdoto Cincinnati prices, It. A L HURT'S decl7 Model China Store, 2d Streo. A large rebel cavalry force is reported concentrating at Jackson, Mississippi. The New Orleans Delta baa Alexandria advices to tbe 7th. Kirby Smith wa-j there . Buckoer commands Dick Taylor's troops. Taylor is at Atlanta and commands Polk's old corps. Sponges o FALL KINDS. At fcJiATOJi dk BKODKlCiv's 25 Kev Drug Stoie. Anibrotype Found! Found on Market Street, last Thursday, an Ambrotype of a Yonoij Lady. The owner can get it by calling at this Office. DIED. At bis father's lesidencc, in Lewis county, Ky., JAMES D. RUGGLES, in the 2'Jth year of his nsre. After a protracted illness he departed this life on the Slet day of July, 1SG4. The deceased leaves many friends to rnourn his less. Al though he made no particular manifestations of reconciliation or otherwise, the friends have every reason to hope that his"pcace, calling, and election is sure." W. Dissolution. THE partnernhip heretorore existing under the name and stylo of Koss J- Nkwelx, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Those persons indebted to tho rlrm are requested to make payment, either to Wii.j Rnssor Axnittw -J. NtwtLL. Those having claims a?ain.t the firm will picrctit them IV r p.tyiuent at tho house of ROS fc l'OWEK, who succeed the late firm and have assumed its liabilities. W. J. ROSS. A. J. NEWELL, Aug. 1?, 1S64. GEO. VV. KOSS, .In. W. J. KOSS. ALEX. I'OWKK. GEO. W. KOSS, ilt. ROSS & POWER. rP'IE UNDERSIGNED SUCCESSORS 1 oftiio latu linn of 1MSS .V N EW ELL, have thi ilay entered into partnership, under tiie nam ami style ot'KON A I'OMKIt, and will coi.tioue the Commis-M. n . (.'r..cery and Liquor ltisiii'-s. at the old stand, corner of Market um! Tliird streets. Wo invite e'iisisrt:melits, an 1 ii 1 kenj. constantly on h:.nd a lurire and v.e'l selected supply of th'? tet Groceries, Liiuors, ti.e..f r n:e at moderate prices. We ro-j vet fully al: a con'in'.iancc of the favors so lihuruliy buvtowed upon i:ir pr--.eeesxirs. August ii!i, 1S0$. K.S .V: l'OWEK. nAVIN'l sold mv interest in the hiu of KOSS & NKWKLL. I take arreat lc -Mire ill rccl tfm.n.lil ,r to mv n ,1 tYir,ii:l4 un.! ! customers. Mc-is. KoS ,fc KoWKK, us being I in every w ay wmliv ol natroiiiii'e. August lath, .bill. a. J. .NK .VKLL. ius 25, W,4 jEiiiErimjErwKs SILVElV WARE. J UST receive 1 n'Vtrck of FINK GOLD WATCHES and J KW'KLKY, of the J;,tc.-t st lc; Uiso, a !al,'J a.-ort:yjnt of Clocks, i ilver Ware, ?lated Ware and FANCY GOODS. A hirffp stoi-k of Materials t. a.-ci'inmodiitc tlio Trade. Jewelry uud Silver Wire made to order. rn:it3is o-vsii: THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE P.II FOR Old Gold and Silver! 5?C;i9toniers will please call ar.d settle up their acjounts. as I wi-li to .close lay books as so.ui as poiblo. j. riji:iaij, Opposite tl.c Kaunas OtTjoE. Maysvllu, Ky., 2.1: li, lvl. v o n & a a: z i.0AP & CANDLE FACTOItV, rilEAi I'D It ASH ! -IMIK SOAK & OA.NDLK FA(.n'OKV, on l Thirl Strc t. (i-pposite l'li:t-r's Lumber Yard ) toaelhiT with Caii.ild Mucl.iuus, Koilcrs, Kettles. Stt imin Tubs, .Vc. The 15'iiMini is Fire-proof and w.dl adapted fortnc M una fact ure of S .ap and Candle". Tho wU"l.: will oi; toia at a Lar';.ni. roriariner pai ticul.iri apply to uiil' 2", 11)4. JAM1 SMITH, Maysville, Ky. MAYSVILLE LjTMlARY IKM! 3IAL.E DIOLVXt'rJtXLlIVT. T II Ii next Sc.-moii o"tl i Institution willcom- TEMBEU, N1XT, and continue lwcnty weeks, j TERMS. Tuition in Triinnrv V: .Junior Department !jli 00 " " Middlu'.V nior " si'J'.'Oi X'-JX limited number of ilr-can bcaecom- i niodVed with board u the lainilv f tbe Prin- ly t cipal. May M. 11. SMITH, Principal. ville, Auir IS. 'ril. PKOSPKCTUS CF TUB MIYSVIL'I FEMALE IKSTITOTE. MAYSVILLE, KY. rpiIE NEXT SCHOLASTIC YEAR OF JL this Inslittilion will commence on tho FIKST 310M).Y I.N SKPTI-l.HBEft. Under tbe direction of Mis3 JANE R. PARKE, as Principal. Tbe Institute occupies a commanding situation in an e'evated portion of the city, and is well ada te I to the health and comfort of the pupils. HO A It I I N G I) Kl'A It TH EST. Tbe r-sidence of the Principal, South-East corner of Third and Limestone Stroetn, will ac commodate lvvcntv-riveyoui-.; ladies. The rooms are li'tro and well ventilated. They aro all carpeted, a;:d furnished with every article of f n iiiliire neee.-aury for comfort and convenience. No pains or expense has been spared in render ing tbe Iioums nca; .comfortable aud pleasant. '1 he domestic department will Ins under the im mediate siii'erv irion and i anajrement of Mrs. jl'EIA A. PAKKEIi, a la ly ol largo experience and mature judgment. Miis. M. L- CADV, -will tako charso of the c!a-esin K'jp'ish Cuii position and lielles Lettres. ' Mi.-s AilllV . i'Al.KE, will insist in thu In- . ftrucliou of classes in the English department ; TliKMS. Boarding per Sc-sion of twenty weeks, 70 00 Tidtiou in Primary Department, 10 00 " Junior " 15 00 ! " Mi.ldle & Senior Department, 20 10 ! alin and French in connection with Eng- ! ijh branchc-, 20 00 ) Instrumental Music, 200 Use ot Instrument, 5 y0 lf bills lor one-half of the Session are due in advance. It is durable they should be paid at the opening of the Session, unless special airaiigoments are made to the contrary. j Communications for admission of pupils may be addrc-ed to thu Principal, Mi's J. K. PAKKE, ; aug IS, 1 SO 1 Ira Maysville, Ky. Save Your Pickles. 0 BARRELS PUKE CIDEK VINEGAR, in 2s Store aijd for sa'e by B. F. te O. II. P. THOMAS. Maysville, K y., August Is, lS6:-Sm BUY MATCHES THIS MONTH ! -TEXT MONTH you will have to pay j HEAVY TAX on them. Wo Luvo tL ug? SEATON 4 BRODRICK. Mustard oeed Wanted. WE will pay the hisrncat Market Price, in CASH, for Musta-d Seed, cither in large or small quantities. t-t SEATON & Br.ODLICK. Maysvillo, Ky., July 21, 1S61. TO THE PUBLIC! ADAMS' i EXPRESS !. rUR EXPRESS FOR CINCINNATI during low water is carried on the fine Steamers HIGHLAND CHIEF NANNIE BYERS. Accommodating messengers will be found on both boats. Bills aro closed as follows: On Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridavs. 5 o'clock, P. M.- On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 9.30 o'clock, A. M. This rule is positive, and will bo strictly ad hered to. ADAMS' EXIMtESS CO. A. M. JANUARY S SON, Agents. Maysville, August 4tb, lS64-tf Maysville Marble Works! H. GILLMORE, 3X it r k e t Streot, MAYSVILLE, KY, RDERS from Country solicited. Persons desiring woik, by com municating the same, will bo promptly waited upon. aiiifiist 4th, .' Sti4. To the Tax-Payers of Ma son County. IY on net of the (Jeneral Assembly it is mnde 3 my duty . immediately afier tho 1st o' Juiio. to proceed with the Collection of tho imblic Kever.'.ieas sjicedily us possible, Ky the same act it is made my duty to roi it, at the July, Sep tember and XSovembcr " County Courts, the amount of tuxes collected and pay the same over to the Auditor. 1 um uulhorizcd under said act to notity the I ax-ray ers by public notice stuck ( up at the C.urt house d.'or, and in the didorcnt Kreciiuts or districts of the County, thut on ccr- I tain days between the 1st of Vtober, and the 15th 1 M'.'VT' f V Vr 7'l "ttend at . the plaecot Inddiii" elejlion in such districts and receive their tuxes. It is made the luty of the tax-j liver t attend on such days ami pay the same. If this is not done, after that dale tlicv will have to pay the sarii' at the Courthouse; mid, if nt done there within the time prescribed I by law, ten percent, upon the amount is added. Thus it will be -ce:i that it wid be to the interest of the tax-payers to see to it that their tuxes are fuid, the time prescribed by law. as after ttial lime I slu.b in var.ahiy :,.ld the ten per cent. ; . , k" .." . wjtvi.-.. inn eiiuii uc eein pei icti 10 iu as i shall have to ndvurce the Kevenne due bv such deliinjiieiits and enfirce payment at once with tiie os'.s t.' reimbuise myself. Hy pay irw atten tion to the matter and pr 'in ptties ,tne thili will work first r.ite. The people havo the same time, us heretofore, within which l p.iy tlieir taxes. The dill'eivnce beinir, thai "they thall i;ive I Do mailer atteiili'n themselves and see to maucr aueini n iiicmsei ves an J see lo us i payment at the times and places described, in- j stead of tho old way of Imvin.' the Shcrill call . half dczen times, more or less, for thoir taxes. The law is plain, simple, and to the pointjand I in end to comply with its provisions and enferco its penalties, n n. I this notice is given to call the attention ot the people to that no harm may bo done any one, in co nsequence of their ignorance of the 'aw. The time and place at which I, or my deputies, will attend in the dif ferent I'r- eiiiels to rcceivet: xes between the 1st of October, and the 1-ltli of November; will be I a'iveui.-e.l ly public notice slue; up as required by law. In the mean time, let every oue p.iy up that c;-n when culled upon between thisaudthu'. ti r.e, that a jjood account of the promptness of the people ol the coni.ty may be rcjortcd to the .auditor at the July and September terms of our loUlt. f.espeettiiliv, II. S. JhFl-KIIs'uN, Sheriff Mason Co. ceordii2 to the above, tho Tax-Payers are not ed that HEN KY S, JEFFEKSON, Sheriff, will iUeiid at tbe following places, on the days namcc', to receive their taxes: At Mt.GiIcad,14th and 15th 'lays of October. At I'reiitniV, 17th May of October. Ac llelcn:.,l?th clay of October. At Mayslic, lt:i and Otb days of Octoocr. At Sardif.-Jwt and 22nd 'lays of October. II. S. JEL FEKSON, S. M. C. CHARLES:. TAIili, Deputy, will attend at the following pices, on the days named: Oranifebiirjr, Tthoi Sth ol October, tit V. II. Pof- lit': Store. Lewi.-burir. 11 th iud 12th of October, at Jno. Larcvv"s Sure-Va-hii.i;toii, lClh nri I4ih orOctober, at II. V . Wood's Store. Maysville, l."lh and 17th of October, at tho Cloik's Oilicc. PERRY JEFFERSON, Deputy, will attend at the folk-winq; places, on tls days named: Dover, 11th and 12th of Ocl.bcr, at R. T. Evans' Grocery. Minerva, IRth and 11th of October, at Capt. Whipp's S'.ore. ' (terinantown, 15th and 17th of lotober, at Jno. Llovd's !tore. Wusbinrton, ISth and 19th of Oitobcr, at Jno. i Thompson's Oroccry. I .11 II & V I I Je, VLIl UUM LL VA VHUUVIjUl XllOIlia? Daulton's Stable. August 11th, lSG4-tf NATIVITY HALL! o REV. F. M. GREGG, A. M., Rector. MKS. M. G. CALDER, Principal.' T 11 E FIRST SESSION of this SCUOOL .MONDAY, SEITOUKK uTII, 18G4. Mns- M. G. CALDER, the Principal, is a lady of larye experience and varied attainments, so that tho pupils will onjoy first class privileges. Tho branches taught embrace Painting and Drawing; French; Alu.-ie, Instrumental and Vocal. Par ticular attention given to the common branches. The new School buikdng is eligibly located on Third ftireet, is easy of access in all Seasons of the year, and pc-v-cstcs tho modern improve iiiciiU fur h --.-vting and veuiilating. Tho furni ture of the School rooms is new aiid excellent. Z4i For terms and other particulars, apply to F. M.tiREiili. Maysville, Ky., August ISth, ljt4-tf RAGS WAITED! 1 t't tU M Lli$ GOOD CLEAN COT IUUjVUU TON OR LINEN RAGS, for which 1 will pay tho big fa at Market Pr.ce. G. W. IS l.A 11 fAiM Art, NOIICE TO ALL CONCERNED! JAS. S. PEPPER. Administrator of JEFFER SON THOMAS, dee'd, wil meet ail the Creditors af s:.i 1 ! 'nv. at tbe Ollico of Judge PmtiEc, in Maysville. on Xujnst i!Uth.l84. aug lS,l:t4 i' JAMES S. TEPPEK. 2s EW CASH UAHDWARB UOUSE! 8IGi OFjSlG SAW. HEADQUARTERS FOR Sanford's Straw Cutters CASH! OWENS & BARKLir. Maysville, Aug 13, 1S64. Second S-eet. BLOCK AND TACKLE An assortment embracing all sizes of f"r-"or "or.r,otjop ALEX. MADDIX. i 0 REI CORNER CLOTHING STORE! Blum & Hecfeinger's GREAT WESTERN Emporium of Fashion WE take pleasure in informing onr Patrons and the public generally, that we have just received, and aro continuing to receive,from New Yokk, Baltimore and other Eastern Pouts, a full, large and vahied stock cf GENTLEMEN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING; Of tho very latest Eastern Styles. Dress Coats, Rusifiicss Coats, Promenade Coats, Pants and Vests, !()f stvlcH anj (lescr; ptios,all of which we i . J . , c ' wl" dispose ci ai me lowist u.-icin i'uot. We have paid the most particular KEKSONAL ATTENTION in the selection of Goods for our , . T . rrilT ATlIMr IY1ERCHAIMT TAlLUnlUU DEPARTMENT, Atid have purchased only the MOST CHOICE :and FASHIONABLE kinds and Styles. Ilav- and FASHIONABLE kinds and Styles. ing made and EXTENSIVE ADDITION to this branch of our business, we have now the best FACILITIES to Manufacture to Order, at tic SHOKTEST NOTICE. Our celebrated and ex perienced Cutter, J lilt It Y F. Y)U.J, will tupcrintend the gottiigtip of all work in the .. , . ., . T: i : erc.niui unions .ue, uy f.v.u,.u men ONLY. The Stockconsists of the lir.est Foreign and Domestic Cloths; French and English Cashmeres; Silks, Satins & Cashmeres for Vest inga. Mr. YOUNG has also procured Geuio's, C. Scot! 'h, Glencrosa' & West'ii latust Patern Sheets. Our Stock of GENTLEMEN'S FL'RXISUIXG GOODS! Comprises all appertaining to a Gentleman's outfit, and is too numerous aud varied o men tion. The Ger.uino Patent FRENCH YOKE SHIRT, Can be got at our Store. FOR TIIE FINEST AND LATEST STYLE CALL AT THE RED CORNER. A i!'CLL SU1TLY Oi Trunks, Valises, Carpet Sacks, Umbrellas, 4e., V Always on h?nd. ALL PURCHASERS WHO WISH TO SAVE IVIOIMEY! AND GET TIIE LATEST STYLES ! WILL FIND IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE TO CALL AT THE RED CORNER STORE BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. FOR A FINE STYLISH SPRING SUIT! CALL AT BLUM & HEGKINGEE'S RED CORAEIt STORE i Maysvillo, Ey., March 31, 1S61. MULLINS & HUNT'S NEW WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE! THE SUBSCRIBERS, LONG ESTAB LISHED in a large retail Dry Goods business in Maysville, wonld call the attention of Coun try Merchants to their recent addition of an ex tensive Wholesale Department; which will be conducted on a STRICTLY CASH PRINCI PLE. The many years of experience possessed by our buyer, combined with a perfect knowledge of the Kentucky trade, a thorough acquaintance ship with all tho Manufacturing and Importing Houses in tho .Last, and the lact ot nr pur chases being made for "Cash," together with firm dcterraination to sell at a mere commission advance on Eastern Cost, will be sufficient guaranties to UAbU.UUi.hKs tnat we cannot he undersold by any WESTERN JOB BING HOUSE. Our Stock will bo found better adapted- to the wants of of our customers than it is nsnal to find in tho generality of JOBBING HOUSES; as it will embrace a greater variety of goods than is ordinarily met with in an exclusive Wholesale Establishment. The departments alotted to AND !N" o t i o n s , Will bo at all times especially attractive as par ticular attention will be paid to them, and a LARGE STOCK Kept constantly on hand. We would impress upon our friends that in sending us orders they may rely upon bavins them executed to the ful est extent of our ability. MULLINS & HUNT Cheap Dry Goods Store, 2nd Street, Maysville, Ky. Maysville, Ky. Jan. 3,1363. OacfoJE3. LADIES, YOU WILL FIND AT THE HA It 1 WAKE HOUSE, 2d Street, IVORY HANDLE KNIVES, PLATED TABLE KNIVES. PLATED DESSERT KNIVES, PLATED FORKS & SPOONS. PLATED NAPKIN RINGS, BUTTER KNIVES, CALL BELLS & TABLE MATS, Gntta I'eixha KNIVES & FORKS, BREAD FRUIT TRAYS, WAITERS, &c., &c, Low for Cu!di. OWENS BARKLEY. SATAN'S Devices and Believer's Victory, Parsons. Natural History of Secession, Goodwin. Three months in the Southern Statss, Lt. Col. Fkeemantle. Tho last Times Seiss. Private Miles O'Reilly, His Book. Spectacles for Yoangr Ejcp, S. W. Lander. The Ferry Boy aud Financier a life of Secre tary Chase. ALSO: A new lot of WAT L PAPER and OIL SHADES At ItCHiEKS Bookstore. Maysville, Ky., May 2(5, 1S64. C. Galleher. C. Nelson, Lateof Mason Co.,Ky. Late of Mt. Stoning, Ky. T. A. Matthews, of M aysyille, Ky. Merchants' Hotel, (POIMIERIiY DENMSON xlIOUSE) CALLEHER, NELSON & CO., Proprietors. 3T"lTtli. street, nonr lVIja. CINCINNATI, O. This house having been thoroughly reno vated and newly furnished, is now 0en. Cincinnati, O., May l&th, 13G4-3mo. ESTABLISHED UNDER ClTY ORDINANCE IN 1357. WHEELER TOBBACCO WAREHOUSE, PHISTER & HOW, Proprietors, For the Inspection and Sale of LEAF TOBACCO 14 WEST FRONT ST.. Bet. Main it Walnut Streets,) nivrnrawjim nyin near the Steamboat Land! ngj hllUlilAll, UtliU. Tobacco Solrt at Auction or Privately, as Owners may desire. o AUCTIONS SALES: TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, & SATURDAYS. PRIVATE SALES DAILY. OJ-Storage to Shippers Three Months Free. Cincinnati, O., May 19th, lSG4-3mo. Kagle copy 3 months and charge Bulletin. I HEADQUARTERS FOR HARDWARE, iSADDLIiRY, I'lllK IMtOOF SAFES, PLATFORM SCALES, COUNTER SCALES. Cadi. OWENS & BAEKLEY. Maysville, August IS, IStU. T ONG GREEN CUCUMBER SEED, I i At SEATOM & BUODKICK'S Maysvillo, Aug. 4. Drug S:orr. PRIVATE SCHOOL. THE Fourth Session of my School will commence the FIRST MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER, in tho basement of the Methodist CUnrch (&outn). J3jFTerma of Tuition $1.50 per month. .july 2S, lS6t. MOLLIEE. GILI'IN Machine Oils. LARD OIL and other kinds for Machiuery, Can be had at SEATO & BRODRICK'. auo 4 Cor. 2nd k Court Sts. Tailoring and Renovating ... ESTABLISHMENT! ! ! SECOND STREET, opposite City Ilall, MAYSVILLE, KY. "pHE Undersigned would respectfully inform X the citizens of Maysville and vicinity that he is prepared to make up tuitsofaiy &tye and warrant iheca to rive satit-faetion. I am prepared to KEN OVATE CLOTHING and remove all kisds ot'Groaso, Paint or Dirt, aud restore the goods to its ongitiU ui.Z. beauty. Give me a call. junei3,'64. CHRISTIAN ALTMEl'EK. WITH ' K. BOAIi, II 3NTo. 132 Wat Second Stteet, httween liace dk Elm Streetfp C IN CINNATI, O ,-TXTH-L Attend to the S'nle of all kinds o T T PRODUCE, nnd make immediate Returns Orders for any deseriptk n of Groceries prompt- ly filled. REFERS BY PERMISSIOH TO John A. Robinson, Eq., Gallipolis, Ol A. W. Ruskikk, Esq., Portsmouth, O. Hon. L. T. Moore, Catlettsburg, Ky.-Cai-t. W. Hofshell, " " Jno. N. Richardson, Eq., " D. 1. (Jeioer. KfQ., " " liuoii Means, Esq., Ashland, Ky. Wm. T. Nicholls. K-q., Ashland. Ky. Wm. L. Geioer, Esq., Ashland, Ky. eo. brts, Esq., Greenupsburg, Ky.- E. J.IIockaday, Esq., Lor is D. Kovs, Esq., Capt. Z. Shirley. Loni Shirley. Lnntavllla. fTtr Hon. Tjios. E. Bramlett, Frankfort, Ky. 2Will make liberal merits of Produce. advancon Consig'a1 mar 8,lSG4-6m M. THOMPSON, Umbrella, Parasoly AND WALKING CANE MANUFACTORY, No. 167 Main Street, bet. 4th & 5th C1KCIXXATJ, 0. tSPRepairing promptly attended to.- marJf DUHME & CO. S W Cor. 4th and Walnut Streets' CINCINNATI, O. jVE anufac tnrers, Retail & Wholesale Dealers in DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. r"HEY Keep on hand a large stock of Cheap k. utciies, Jobbing Materia, bpectacJes, c., br the Trade. "3T"01d Gold and Silver bought for Cash, march 3, 1Si4- ly A SURE CURE. ITWERY BODY IS BEING CURED OF THIS li distressing disease by the use of DR. STRICKLAND'S PILE REMEDY, Read what those say who have used it: Mr. Charles W. Landrani, of Louisville, andf . lMIazarde, Cincinnati, O., wcrojboth cured after using one pot of Dr. Strickland's Pilcf Remedy. They say they have tried every thingf but could obtain no relief, but one Pot of Strick land's Pile Remedy affected a perfect cure after suffering for many years with the worst kind o 1 lies, i hey recommend everyone wlioia sui fcring to try it. Sold lv all Drnfffiists. 50 cents peFPOt. Manu factured at No. 6 East Fourth street', Cincinnati Ohio. Ask lor DR. STRICKLAND'S FILE REMEDY. General Depot No. 6 East Fourth street, Cin cinnati, Ohio. For sale by SEATON & BRODRICK, Corner 2nd rt: Court Sts., Maysville. jnne 2, '64-ly MAYSVILLE SOAP & CANDLE FACTORY. Third Street, betw een Sutton &WaII, Opposite Ckas. PAistnr't .umber Yard. 4 GOOD SUPPLY OF MOULD AND A SUMMER CANDLES. GERMAN AND EANCY SOAPS Constancy on hand' 5f Agent for Starch & Star Candles. ISfCash paid for Tallow and Soap Crease. Dec. 10 JAMES SMITH. NEW BOOKS! SEVEN Stories, bv Ik Marvel, $1 79 SpekeV Jonrnaf of the discovery of the . source of the Nile, 8 7 Life of Charles the Bold, Kirk, 6 OCT Nepenthe, 1 50T Caxtoniana, 1 Friends in Council, 2 Off Old Helmet, 2 50 HasSi.. 1 so Haunted Heart by Author of Lamplighter, 1 50 Darkness aud Daylight by author of Tem pest and Sunshine, 1 50 Habits ot Good Society, 1 jjO Claudiuc, 75 Handbook of the New Testament McWharton. Sc-lf-Sacrifico $1 5ff Bishop Hopkins on Slavery, 1 50" Histoiy of President Lincoln's Administra- t on, by H. J. Raymond, 1 5(r The Bridal Eve,-Southworth, 1 5CT Family Pride, bv the author of Pique, 1 50 Woodburn, by ""Kosii," 1 5 From Cape Cod to Dixie, by Mackie, 1 6 The above, with many other good books, te- ceived and for sale by G. W. BLATTERMAN, July 7, 1S64. Second Street LOOK HERE I THE NEW Boot & Shoe Store!! SECOND STBEETi (In the House formeily occupied Cnxs. Whits.)1 MAYSVILLE, KY. riAHK UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY l solicit the patronage of the Citizens of Mays-' svillc and surrounding Counties. . We have a full assortment ot Ladies', Misses" and Children's Congress and Side Lace Gaiters Lasting, Kid an 1 Morocco Palmorals of the be.t quality and latest style. (rent's Fine Boots, Balmorals, Congress Boot, Oxfrrd Tics and Brogans of the latest style. LADIES' ANY) GENT'S BOOTS and SHOES MADE TO ORDER ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND WARRANTED. We nave aleo a good assortment cf LEATHER AND FINDINGS which we will sell at the LOWEST CASH TRICES. Mr. C.I AS. WHITE, will be raady to wait on1 his old triends and customers at all times. H. A. WALUNGFOrtD & CO. Maysvilli, Ky., Tn io lfi. 1364. MAYSVILLE AND CINCINNATI PACKET" -o THE FAST KTJNNING STEAMER, 'W-Wl.ri CLEONA, mST-saeti A. F. POWER, Mast Master,- Will Leave Mavsvillo Mondays, Wedaesc'ays", and Fridays, at 10 o'clock. Leaves Ciucirsauti for Hayt villa on altcraatft- diVS. Tha C!io:in is new ard 'iIit with fine acctora--rr.odatioas Cur p-.jc-os. For freight and4 pai-sase-apply to J. SI. LOV", " July 21,156-tr Ageu-t