Newspaper Page Text
THE BULLETIN. MAVSVILL SEt. 1 (KrTh blockaJa Is comparatively a pa par one, as mails, pas?eogera and munition , of war leave British ports with an adver tised regularity for Babel ports, and abont nineteen reaseU out of every twenty safely pass through tbe blockade line. fjrNearly a thousand American vessels have been sold or transferred to other flags; sod not a single American ocean steamer is afloat which, under the stars and stripes carries tbe mails to a European port, leaving all tbe mails, passengers and paying freights to go In fore'gn bottoms. (0"IIe who pays a dollar to an Abolition political preacher might aa well pay an in cendiary to set lire to his own house. 0OThe notorious John O. Fee has been permitted by tbe military authorities of Kentucky to return to the State to do more mischief. fulason and Bracken Agricultural Asso ciation. The Directors cf the Association have de termioed to hold a Fair, on the 27th of this month on their Grounds, near Germictowo. The Fair Grounds are beautifully situated, and surrounded by every convenience for vititors and exhibitors. The citizens of Germanlown and vicioily are noted for their hospitality, sod persons from a distance can rely on having a tltasant time. Old Abb About tj Change Base A Sprit gfield (III.,) letter says: "It is stated by friends ol Mr. Lincoln that he does not expect to return to Illinois after his term of office, but will make Bjston his future home. O-The Seamen iu tbe U. S. Navy cm D"t get their jji'ze money until their term t'rm i f service expire?; and while tbe men b e often thousands of dollars due them, they are utable to obtain it for lh relief of their guffdring lamilie, whi!n the Navy I - putment has the use of the mocey, wbicb i is worth something to lorn. Jack wi I nevtr receiv enr of im-rt' mt-eyl 07"The R emu mkI E.viu.i..:r ..i iu 16 h i siystbat the total numb.r ol Yii.kj pri- j toiers in tne L. i by nan eibt bin tired and twenty-seven, inciudiig hfx'y-fi'ur oei:ro prisoners. For:y-f.urolu -era are held there. 0C"7"T' e PhiUd!phi- G-izette, speaking f a new prima rlunia recently beard, s.: Her vuico is an ot as a roll of velvet and us teuder as ajuir cf b'op-tbop pantalfloni--. Cf"The iiutiiber of young in the shell of . . , I V. ., n, ...t.i..... I I n m .. . ' . I I n I- n I ... uiiu i.ii.,, l3 Saiu iu uc , I.80O.0U). (j-'l h e Chicago Tribute say there is more than double tbe amountnf and corn in store in that city than there was a vear ago. fj-5-The COl d-jjers if Pennsylvania Lava mi'le a general Jemtnd for higher wiei, They have forseveral months been r'eca:viri four cents per bushel for d gin. Coal is sixteen ctu'.a ier butl el in Pittsl ur and the paper charge the blame as well ou dealers a on the miners. CrThe Domination of McCIellan for Prefidtnt aa generally conceded yelerday in Chicago. Peace Meeting. Nearly ail of our ex changes in the West come to us with ac counts of Peace meelitii s just hell in their respecii vi-localities. The people rccon;ze but (De issue in the present crisis, and that j n ... it I eace or v r OCT" The Indian war Las commenced. Tbe Indians bave attacked tfia tesidenis along the Overland Mail rout, in Wes'ern Kansas. Tbe settlers are leaving. The mail btagejore Etopped. ftTAd vices of tbe 10th instant eny Ihe . eteamersCherk and Atlantic No. 2. while i A ; !r,r nn lha Vanrt river', 0oBtullou rKu..w- -" re reported to have been captured by the j Confederates. New Firm. The firm of lloss& Newell having been i ... T t . p ! dissolved, Messrs. W. J . lioss, ALEX. 1 ow e, , and Geo W. Koes, Jr.. have entered into a ! partnership under the firm name of Ross & FowER. Tbey ' vvill occupy the old stand.' on the Corner of Market & I bird btreets. wbere ibey will Hanssrt a general Orocery and Commission business. We comiuei.d these geiitleman to tbo liberal patronage of the public. Freeb Oysters! A. month with n "r" in it has arrived, and, according to tbe old saying, Oysters are of that delicious flavor wbich renders them -the delight of the ep:cure. The appet'zin? j bivatvtt can be louna t into. biKCtt 'i1! s Dinino 8aloos, on Market St., where . -Geo bob is ready, at all hours, to wait upon bia customers witb all tbe delicacies of Ibe season. Wheeler's Rajdkbs. The Nashville Union ol Sulurday ays: 'A gentlemen who came in yesterday from tbe front informs os that be heard on his way tip that Wheeler and bis raiders bad croesed the Tennessee above Loudon , and were making for McMinnville. It was thought to be his ioteiition to cut tbe Nashville and Chatt anooga railroad. French China. Glass and Queensware! jijine ntw tied at and Mow Cincinnati price, It. ALUEItT'S declT Model C hjna Store, 2d Stree. CUEAP LAM PS! 20UCOAL OIL LAMPS OF EVERY SIZE AND STYLE AT FHOM 50 CE.NTS TO $6. CHIM NEYS, SHADES, WICKS, etc., at decl7 R. ALBERT'S 2d street. AT PUBLIC SALE!! ON THE 5T1I DAY OF SEPTEMBER, I shall offer at Public Sale, at my residence, a large portiou of my Furniture, &c, consisting of Parlor, Bedroom and Dining Room FURNITURE; A. ROSEWOOD PIANO; ROCKAWAY AND HARNESS: A ;OOD 311LCII COW, and numerous, article useful in House-keeping TERMS. All sums under Twenty Dollaw. Cash; above that amount, a credit of three mouths. y Sale to Commence nt lO o'clock. O. W. BLATTEIUIAN. Maysville, Ky., September 1, lStfl-lw PU1JLIC SALE OF Four Family Residences ! IN ABEl&DUK.V, OHIO. ON SATURDAY the 17th day of SEPTEM BER, 1S64. on tbo premises. I will offur lor Sale Four Framed Residences, in Aber Icon, Ohio, directly opposite the Citv of Mavsville. Kv. Those residences are in good repair, very 8-jitablo ror smuii lanuacs, command a good rent, and aro eligibly situaUd on Front street in said village, w ilh good Cisterns, small garden spots, and sm-ill yards in trout. For persons doing business in Maysville, or engaged in tbe Ohio River trade, thev aUbrd an excellent in vestment. and desirable homes, for a small outlay. Ea:h residence is sepamle and distinct, and ample room fur Miiall family, tha ho.ises beingcach two stncs higii, with Kitchens in tbe ells of e itch. II not told privately before said dale, th y will Le soie separate I v or together, to suit ruirchas. rs. on tiiuiiay uD"ve luuicutcd. JfFor terms .f sale, situation, Ac, of prop erty, upplv t TII'KS. J. TUROOl'.in Mavsvillo, or .MA.-SlE BE VSLKY, in AbaPUo.i, wlio win tat o plcuMii c ill showing the property, and giving all i i: I r ru . t i ji in regard toil. Sep:. 1st, li'i-t. W. E. REES. Mason County Farm at PUBLIC AUCTION. A 7ILL HE b OLD AT AUCTION, ou lie V V ie:i:i.-es, on S ATL'IIDAV, S KPT KM III-: It lTlh, ISOl, th, .arm ol'GE K.iK O.X. Jr.. deceased, hiu, near t ho ii'.rui i e of the Masvi!lu and Mount C'.nuel I nrnpike. i mi!e- liom .Maysvill, niitl one in no w ..-l . licuoiirir. umi surrnu ic.i ny the f.ini- ol .l.r.iiij l. Mavhuirh, John Koe, William II o. Mr-. Jan es W. l!reer. and Mrs. Window I'ai Ucr. The Farm contains Oi 12 ACRKS, and Mi improvements are: A KK AM E DWELL 1Nt lIOUE, with ix rooms and pantry, very a id i-oriif.iit.ib! :; I ; sm.ik i lI'ti-o; fn-ne u U i i Uoi.-s:'.j and wxcelitn.t li.trri , Corn Cii-i, ''u ni-Shf-1. and ot !ier on tbu i I li n-. L". . w . : I. .i . ..1 1 :.l i i i.u tiuui i , ttn ivl. n puitu'ini new .'ijno Feiiei ih rou -li the lurm.and all tlu fi-i:ce in inrou.ii i in: lurm, an i ail liu i-i:ce in ' g i -M or.ter. 'i'weive acres i.l fruit, grafted and. i ....i i u.i.itL. " ,Ll 1 , ..u. .aw 1 . . - . . and Uwarl 1'caM. A Iso, at t lie sumo tl III i, 3U Acre of Land, adi'ininff tho ah -ve. immediate. y on the north side of said lurnpi K, and between the farm mi I the turnpike; halt ol u ncent ly cleared and very rich. iNu biiil liugs of any kind. ?Salo to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. T HUMS.-On -half Ca-h; balance in one and two years, with six er cent, interest, payable annual. y, or uK cash, if tho purchaser prefers. Tne ill f-rrcd pavnients may bp arranged dif fcrentiy if doMicd. For lurlher particulars en quire of JOSEPH F. BkoDliiCK, or HEMiV II. COX, Maytville, Ky. September 1st, 1SC4. Copying Press for Sale! Letter coi' press and stand, 2 good as new, for sale Itw bv uug. 30, lifi. G. W. ULATTERMAN. Dissolution. rf"MlE partnernh'p heretoforn existing under 1 the name and tyle of Rcs3 tf- Kewkm, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. 'I persous indi bted to tbo llrm are rcquestal to make navmcnt. either to Wm. J Rossor Andiikw ! J. NiwkiL. Those having claims ajrainst tho I nn ili ptwent them for payment a', tbo limine of JIOS t POvVEK, who succeed the late firm i and nave assuincu lis iiuoiiilk-s. . , . . ... i i ? W. J ROSS, A.J. NEWELL, Aug. 13, 1SG4. GEO. W. ROSS, .Tb. W. i. IIOSS. ALEX. POWER. GEO. W. BOSS, JR. ROSS & POWER. ri fjE UNDEIlslGXED ) SUCCESSORS: I of tne late linn of ROSS .- kv.WV.1.1.. li:iv ! thi, a elltercd into partn.rsbip, i lJlirne aIit .yi,. 0KOS a VOW "EM ' UUder llie and will i continue the Commission. Grocery and Liquor business, at the old stand, corner of Market and Third streets. We invite consignments, and wi 1 keep constantly on Iniiid a large and well selected siipplv of tin bet Groceries, Liquors, selected supply cc ior sine in niuL.tiiu 'i i-. We .j.tiHUy Usl: a continuance of the favors so liberally lH.-tovjd upon our V': S"B- i3"' ' ' ' II' AVINO sold my interest in the bouse of ROSS ik NEWELL. I take ereat i lea- i sure in customers, Messis KOSS t POW ER, as beiuj; in every way wo. thy ol tl.eir patronage. Au'ust 13lh, 1S4. A J. NEWELL. . ni2 25, 1SG4 I tCl'l II llil lill 1 I. U I V III. V 14 lllbllll. NH i .v ..... , ,i 4v;.....i un.i i JEWELRY, MTCIIS. CLUCKS! SILVER WARE. y TJST received n large stock of FINE GOLD "... . ,..l1 . I T L..17 T' " UA 1.... . tl fc. ai;0 tt jari,0 as!Qrtiiniiit ot clock3 tnver Ware, Plated Ware and FANCY GOODS. A large stock of Materials to accommodate the Trade. "Jewelry und Silver Ware made to older. TJtsrcsxs cash: THE 1IIGIIET.CASII PRICE PAID FOR Old Gold and Silver! jjgT'Ciisromers will please call and settle up their accounts, as I wish to ,cloe my books as soon as possible. C. IT. IDUISETJ, Opposite the Ornc. Maysville, Ky., August 25th, 1S64. fc-S . RAGS WANTED! -(Ai w u LBS GOOD CLEAN COT J.UU,UUU TON OR LIXEN RAGS, for which 1 will pay the highest Market Pr.ce. G.-W. LLATTERMAN, j.1A HALE AND FEME SEMINARY rl'HE EIGHTH ANNUAL TERM of this Ml Institution (embracing two Sessions of i wenty Weeks each,) will commence on tne First Monday in September. CHARLhSM. MAY, Mayalick, Ky., Sept. 1, 1S64. Principal. TO THE PUBLIC! ADAMS' EXPRESS 1 OUR EXPRESS FOR CINCINNATI during low water in carried on the fine Steamers HIGHLAND CHIEF NANNIE BYERS. Accommodating messengers will be found on both boats. Bills aro closed as follows: On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 5 o'clock, P. M. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 9. SO o'clock, A. M. This rule is positive, and will be strictlv ad hered to. ADAMS' EXIMSESS CO. A.M. JANUARY & SON. Aoknts. Maysville, August 4tb,lS6-i-tf Maysville Marble Works! H. G1LLM0RE, 3X ai'ket Street, MAYSVILLE, KY. RDER3 from Country solicited. Persons desiring woik, by com municating lLo same, will be promptly waited upon. august 4th, . S04.J .a. To the Tas-Fayers of Ma frriTT to (J II UOunty, TY an net of the (Jetierul Assembly it is made IJ my duty, inunediately after the ls-t ofjune. to proceed with the Collection of tho public l.evcnueas speedily as possible. By tlio suine act it is made my duty to report, nt the July, Sep the July, Sep- tetnber and Movcmber County Courts, tho amount of taxes collected and pay the smiie over to tho Auditor. 1 um authorized under said act to uotifv the Tax-Payers by public notice tiucl up ut tho Court hosiedoor, and in the ditTerent I'recinctK or ditricts ot tho i'ounty, that on cer tain duy between the lt ol'Oetober, an 1 the 15th of Novcm'icr, I. or my deputies, will attend at the place A hnl.lin clei tiou in such ditricls mid -.w..;. ti....- , i, : ......i.-. .1..,.. t:.x-puyT t.. attend !! such days and pay the Mime. It' tlii.- is not di-iie, after that dale they will have to puy tlu sain1? at the t.'ourt liousc: iivfcMt ljai;. ii I? mauv Ilia null U( lilt; ' T" ten pc'r Uiemnounl iled! , Thus it will be -ee:i that it will be to the interest I .... 1 I ... - : I . . i . i ; of the tax-payers to seo to it that the.r taxes are ,UJ, witi.i-i the time prescribed by law, as utter t,ut time 1 shall invariably dd the ten per cent. ! in. i. li, iw i, 1 1 ,.; r l ,.,., tn cilice.. Tiiis I thill! be compelled to do as I MO .hall have to advance the Ke venue due by such . jsmi .1T;n! k. fi'mllTTlPrPS for Vpsf delinquents and enforce payment at once with OHKS, OdtlUS Ou WblHUertS lUf V e&L- liie osts reiin luirso m hel 1". 15 v oa inu aLLeti - i lion to the matter and proinptnes ,tnc tiling will j work first rate. The people have t lie sumo time, ! as heretofore, within hich to p iy their tuxes I The oily .hll'ci mc-.- beiiifr, thai they shall ' ve i , 1... ..... t . i ' i . . 1 1 iu iiitiiiui n icn Lio;j 1 1 1 c 1 1 is.i , es aiio see to 1LS : raj incut at the time.- and places Pt escribed : p.ij mciu at llie time.- anJ places prescriDel, m- stead of the old way vf having tbu Sheriff call v.vbwi. li 1 1 1 . .3 , 1 1 1 v I J Vl IVK I VI 111 n I I . .. . . .. . ' Thu law is plain, simide, and to tho loint:aud 1 iu end to comply with its provisions aud enfe-rte its cnaltie&, and this notice id given to call the atleiitiou ot the people to it.bO thut no harm may bo dune any one, in cjiiyeqnuncc of their iguoraui-e of the law. Tbe time and pluee at J which I, or my deputie., will attenJ iu the dif ferent Precincts to receive t:.xes between the 1st of October, and the ldtli of November; will be! a iverlircJ by public notice blue ' up as icquned by law. Iu tho mean time, let every one u y up that can. when called upon between thisaudltul li r.e, that u gooil ueeouiit or the prnipluea ot the people oMhe couuty may bo reported to the auditor at the July and September terms of our Couit. Respectfully, II. S. JEFiERSON, Sheriff Mason Co. According to the above, tho Tax-Payers are notified that HENRY S, JEFFERSON, Sheriff, will attend at the follow ing places, ou the dajs named, to receive their taxes: At Mt. Gilead,14th and 15th days of Octobor. At Preston's, 17th day of October. At Helena, lit li day of October. At Maysliek, lutn and Utb days of Oetooer. At t-ardis, Ist and 2-ind days ol October. 11. S. JEFFERSON. S. M. C. CHARLES E. TABB, Deputy, will attend at the following places, ou the days named: Orangeburg, 7th & Sth oi October, at W. II. Pol- lil'i Stoic.- Lewisburg, 11th and 12th of October, at Jno. La row's Store. Washington, 13th and 14th. ol'Oetober, at II. W. Wood's Store. Maysville, 15th aud 17th of October, ut tho Clerk's OiScc. PERRY JEFFERSON, Deputy, will attend at the folk-wing places, on the days named: Dover, 11th aud 12lh of October, at R. T. Evans' Grocery. Minerva, 13th ana 14 tn ox Octo ocr, at Cant. Whiiin's Store. 1 wl, lTil. ..r n ... T eimuM lv wii, .vkuauui.u vi w ivwi, ubwuu. Lloyd s fctore. Washington, ISth and 19th of October, at Jno. Thompson's Grocery. Miiysviile, 20th aud lilst of October, at Thomas Duulton's Stable. August 11th, ltG4-tf IMATIVITYHALL ! REV. F. M. GREGG, A. M., Rector. MRS. LI. G. C ALDER, Principal. nUE FIRST SESSION of this SCHOOL L EOR vjIRLS, will open ou MONDAY, SEPTIC BE It 5TII, I8G4. Mbs. M. G. CALDER, the Principal, is a lady of large experience and v.tried attainments, so that the pupils uill enjoy erst class privileges. The nraueliJs laulil emorace t aiming and Drawing; Frenei.; Music, Instrumental aud Vocal. Par ticular attention given to the common branches. The new School builoiug is eligibly located on Third Street, is easy of access iu all Seatons of the yeiir, aud possesses tho modern improve ments tor h ;:itii:g and vcuiiluting. '1 he lurni lure f the School rooms is new aud excellent. ii?"For terms and other partieulais. "Pdv to F. M. GREGG. Maysville, Ky , August 15th, lS'i4-tf NEW CASU HARDWARE UOUSE! SIGN OFJUG SAW. HEADQUARTERS FOR Sanford's Straw Cutters CASH! OWEKS & BAEKLEV. Wavuvillw AnglS.1S64. Second Street. Machine Oils. LARD OTL and other kinds for Machinery, Can be had at SEATOX & BRODRICK'S oug 4 Cor. 2nd Court Sts. CLOTHING STOrXE! Blum & Heckinger's GREAT WESTERN Emporium of Fashion WE take pleasure in informing enr Patrons and the public generally, that we have just received, and aro continuing to receive, from Ntw York, Baltimore and other Eastern Ports, a full, lakok and varied stock cf GENTLEMEN'S ItEADY-MADE CLOTHING; Of the very latest Eastern Styles. Dress Coats Business oats Promenade Coats, Pants and Vests, Of all styles and descriptions, all of which we will dispose cf at the iowest Eastern prices. j We have paid the moet particular PEKSOXAL . ,,....,,. . , r-..i. ... A 1 AJ" 1 lu ' mrxnnfi i nin mill Aniatn rnLnLli AIM 1 lAlLUrilUU DEPARTMENT, And have purchased only the MOST CHOICE j and FASHIONABLE kinds and Styles. Hav I ing made tuid EXTENSIVE ADDITION to this j brunch of our busincw, wo have now the best i FACILITIES to Manufacture to Order, at tl-e ; , . m ..wM-fc---,. 11 3 1 i iuiior.. or ce.eoraieu auu - 1 perieii;od Cutter, JKItltY J-'. YOUNG, will ! kMrint.r.n.l i)ib cetti-itr tin of all work in the ' 1 ! h-nl Tailoring Line, by experienced work- I Iliun ONLY. The Stock consists ol the huest Foreigu and Domestic Cloths; French and English Cashmeres; ings. Mr. YOUNG has also procured Genio's, C. ' Scotl's, Glencrosa' & West's latest Patern Sheets, I ' Our Stock of GEXTLEMEiYS FLRMSHIXG GOODS! Comprises all appertaining to a Gentleman's outfit, and is too numerous and varied 'o men tion. The Geruine Patent FRENCH YOKE SHIRT, Can be got at ou r Siore. FOR THE FINEST AND LATEST STYLE CALL AT THE MED CORNER. A i CLL SUPPLY Of Trunks, Valises, Carpet .Sacks, Umbi'ellas, &;c., Always on hvnd. ALL PURCHASERS WHO WISH TO SAVE MONEY! AND GET THE LATEST STYLES ! WILL FIND IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE TO CALL AT TnE RED CORNER STORE BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. FOR A FINE STYLISH SPRING SUIT! CALL AT BLUM & HECKINGER'S RED CORAER ;STORE! Mayeville, Ky., March 81, 1S54T AIULL1NS & HUNT'S WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE! TH E SUBSCRIBERS, LONG ESTAB LISHED in a large retail Dry Goods business in Maysville, would call the attention of Coun try Merchants to their recent addition of an ex tensive Wholesale Department; which will be conducted on a STKICTLY CASH PK1KCI PLE. Tho many years of experience possessed by our buyer, combined with a perfect knowledge of the Kentucky trade, a thorough acquaintance ship with all tho Manufacturing and Importing Houses in the East, and the fact of nr pur chases being made for "Cash," together -with i firm determination to sell at a more commission advance on Eastern Cost, will be sufficient guaranties to CLOSE CASH BUYERS that wo cannot be undersold by any WESTERN JOB BING HOUtE. Our Stock will be found better adapted to the wants of of our customers than it is usual to find in the generality of JOBBING HOUSES; as it will embrace a greater variety of goods than is ordinarily met with in an exclusive Wholesale Establishment. The departments alotted to AND 1ST o t i o li & , Will be at all times especially attractive as par ticular attention will be paid to them, and a LARGE STOCK Kept constantly on hand. We would impress upon our friends that in sending lis orders they may roly upon bavins them executed to the fnl est extent of our ability. MULLINS & HUNT Cheap Dry Goods Store, 2nil Street, Maysville, Ky. Maysville, Ky.- Jan. S. 1 Si3. LADIES, YOU WILL FIND AT 1 HE HARDWARE HOUSE, 2d Street, IVORY HANDLE KNIVES, PLATED TABLE KNIVES. PLATED DESSEKT KNIVES. PLATED FOKKS& SPOONS. PLATED NAPKIN KINGS, BUTTER KNIVES, CALL BELLS ite TABLE MATS, Gutta I'ficlui KNIVES As FORKS, BREAD A: FRUIT TRAYS, WAI 1'EKS, Ac. Ac, Lew for Car-b. OWENS tfc BARKLEY. s uevices ana uenever s lciory, Parsons. Natural History of Secession, Goodwin. Three months in the Southern States, Lt. Col. Fkeemantlj;. The last Times Seiss. Private Miles O'Reilly, His Book, Spectacles for Young Eyes, S. W.Lander. The Ferry Boy and Financier a life of Secre tary Chase. LSt):-A new lot of WAT L PAPER and OIL SHADES At KOGKIIS' IIooKstoro. Maysville, Ky., May 0, lS6i. C. Gallkhek, C. Nelson, Late of Mason Co., Ky. Late of Mt. Sterling, Ky. T. A. Matthews, of M aysville, Ky . Merchants' Hotel, (FOKJ1HKLY DENNISON MOUSE) CALLEHER, NELSON & CO., Proprietors. 3Jif tla. Htroot, near IVXnija. CINCINNATI, O. Ji?" This house haviug been thoroughly reno vated aud newly furnished, i now oi.en. CiucinnutijO., May litth, lSG-l-3mo. PKOSPECTUS OF THE MAYSVILLE FEMALE IMSTITDTE, MAYSVILLE, KY. THE NEXT SCHOLASTIC YEAR OF JL. this ins-.itution will commence ou the FIRST MONDAY IN SEPTEMBER. Under the direction of Miss JANE H. PARK3EJ, as Principal. The Institute oeeuuies a commanding situation in an elevated portion of the city, and is well adapted to the health and comfort of the pupils. BOAIiOINt; DEPARTMENT. The residence of the Principal, Soulh-East corner of Third und Limestone Street::, will ac commodate twenty-five young ladies. The rooms are I irge and well ventilated. They are all carpeted, and furnished with every articie of furniture necessars- for comfort and convenience . No pains or expense has been spared in rendsr ing the house neat, comfortable and pleasant. The domestic department will be under the im mediate supervision and management of Mr. JULIA A. PARKER, a lady ol large experience and mature judgment. Mks. M. L- CADY, will take charge of the classes in Eiig'ish Composition aud Belles Lettres. Miss ABLY S. i'ARKE, will assist in the In struction of classes in the English department TERMS. Boarding per Session of twenty weeks, $T0 00 Tuition in Primary Department, ly 00 " " Junior 15 00 " li Middle & Sjnior Department, 20 00 . atinan l French iu connection with Eng lish branches, . 20 00 Instrumental Music, o.i 00 Use ot Instrument, 5 00 ?A1I bills for one-half of the Session arc due in advance, lt is desirable they should be paid at the opening of the Session, uuless special airangements are made to the contrary. Communications for admission of pupils may be addressed to thj Principal, Ml-b J. R. PARKE, aug IS, 1551 lm Mavbville, Kr. MAYSVILLE IJTIRMI INSTITtlE ! MALL! 13 li! 1 V 1 i TMENT. rpH nest Session of this Institution will eom 1 menee on he FIRST MONDAY O F SEP TEMBER, NEXT, and coutinue Twenty weeks. TERMS. Tuition in Primary & Jm.iur Department 15 00 " Middle Senior " $20 00 E5TA limited nuinber of pnpilscan be accom modated with board u the lamily of the Prin cipal. M. 11. SMITH, Maysville, Aug 13, '64. Principal. " WITH W.M.- Ui BOAL., II! 3NTo. 132 nesi oecona isircti, tetween Mace ds Jum Aireew, CINCINNATI, O. TT7H-L Attend to the Sale of all kinds o" v T PEODUCE, and make immediate Returns lrders for any descrioticn of Groceries prompt ly filled. REFERS UY PEKJtlSSIOM TO ( John A. Kobinson, E-q., Gallipolis, O.' A. W. Bdskirk, Esq., Portsmouth, O. Hon. L. T. Moore, CatlctUsburg, Ky.' Capt. W. IIofbheli., " " Jno. N. Richardson, Esq., " D. D. Geioer. EBq., " " Hugh. Means, Esq., Ashland, Ky. Wm. T. icholls. Esq., Ashland, Ky.' Wai. L. Geioek, Esq.. Ashland, Ky. Geo. Wests, Esq., Greenupsburg, Ky. E. J.Hockaday, Esq., " Louis 1. Koss, Esq., " 11 Capt. Z. Shirley, Louisville, Ky. How. Thos. E. JJraulett, Frankfort, Ky." SVVill make liberal advanc on Consiflf r;' ments of Tj-oduce. mar 3,lSG4-6m M. THOMPSON, . Umbrella, Parasol, AND WALKING CAN E MANUFACTORY, BTo. 167 Main Street, bet. 4th & 5th CINCINNATI, 0. Zd8 Repairing promptly attended to. mar8 DUHME & CO. SW Cor. 4lh and Waluut Streets' CINCINNATI, O. S4" anufac tnreirsV Retail & Wholesale Dealers in DIAMONDS, WATCHES JEWELRY & SILVER WAKE. THEY Keep on hand a large stock of Cheap Watebes, Jobbing Material, Speetacles, c, for the Trade. CSTOld Gold and Silver bought for Cash, mareh 3, 1804 ly A SURE CURE. TVKRY BODY IS BEING CURED OF THIS distressing disease by the use of DR. STRICKLAND'S PILE REMEfiY. Read what those say who have used it: Mr. Charles W. Landram, of Louisville, and J. P. Hazarde, Cincinnati, O., were jboth-cured . after using one pot of Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy. They ay they have tried every thing but could obtain no relief, but one Pot of Strick land's Pile Remedy affected a perfect cure after suffering for many years with the worst kind of Piles. They recommend every one who is suf fering to try it. Sold by all Druggists, 50 cents per pot. Manu- factured at No. 6 East Fourth Btreet, Cincinnati,' Ohio. Ask for ... DR. STRICKLAND'S PILE REMEDY. General epot: No. 6 East Fourth street, Cin cinnati. Oho. For sale by SEATON & BRODRICK, Corner 2nd fe Court Sts., Maysville. june 2, '64-ly NEW BOOKS? SEVEN Stories, bv Ik Marvel, $1 75 Speke's Jocruaf of the discoveiy of the source of the Nile, 8 75, Life of Charles the Bold, Kirk, 6 00, Nepenthe, 1 50. Caxtoniana, 1 M. Friends in Council, 2 00 Old Helmet, 2 50. Husks. . ... 1 CO. Haunted Heart by Author of Lamplighter, 1 50 Darkness and Daylight- by author of Tem pest and Sunshine, 1 50 Habits ol Good Society, 1 50. Claudiue, 75 Handbook of the New Testament MoWharton., Se'.f-Sacriliee $1 50. Bishop Hopkins on Slavery, 1 60 Histoi y of President Lincoln's Administra- , t on, by II. J. Raymond, 1 50. Tho Bridal Eve, Southworth, 1 50: Family Pride, by tho author of Pique, 1 50. Woodimrii, by "Rosa," 1 50 From Cape Cod to Dixie, by Mackie, 1 65 The above, with many other good books, re ceived and for sale by - G. W. BLATTERMAN, July 7, 1S64. Second Street. "LOOK HERE! THE NEW Boot & Shoe S tore!! SECOND STREET, (In the House formeily occupied Cuasv White.) MAYSVILLE, KY. np HE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY. I solicit the patronage of the Citizens of Ma a sville aud surrounding Counties. .: We have a full assortment of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Congresaand Side Luce Gaiters.. Lasting, Kid aud Morocco Paliuorals of tne best quality and latest style. Gent's Fine Boots, Balmorals, Congress Boots,' Oxford Ties und Brogans of the latest style. LADIES' A?:D GENT'S BOOTS and SH'FS MADE TO ORDER ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND WARRANTED. H'o have also a good assortment cf LEATHER AND FINDINGS which, we will Bell at tha LOWEST CAS II PRICES. Mr. CiIAS. WHITE, will bo ready to wait is his old lricnds and customers at all timea- JS. A. WALLIXGFOBD & CO. Maysville, Ky., June 1C, 1364. o A KUM Choice hand prepared aiwav8 on A. MADDOX Save Your Pickles. 24 BARRELS PURE CIDER VINEGAR, in Stoic and for sale by . - ... 5. r . fc U. 11.. TUOMAS. svills. K y., August IS, loGi-Sm UUY MATCHES THIS JUONTI1 I "VT.EXT MONTH von will have to pay a' 1 HEAVY TAX on them. W have the best brand, "Gates."-. . aug. 25, 186i. SEATON & BRODRICK. . F OK S ALE! MAYSVILLE SOAP & CANDLE FACTORY,' CHEAP FOR CASH I TnE ISOAP & CANDLE FACTORY, . on '. Third Street, (opposite Phister'a Lumber Yard) together with Candle Machines, Boileia, Kettles. Steaming Tubs, fc. Tbe Building is Fire-proof and well adapted for tne Manufacture of Soap and Candle. The,, whole will be sold at a bargain. Fop further' particular apply to JAMES SMITH,- aug 25. 1364. AlayBvillKy. GEGCER Si COMMISSION MESCHAM