Newspaper Page Text
A SIMILE. BY A. BAKEB, V. D. ' Not by some transient thing of time, "Wonld we essay true worth to praise; The monument must be publime, None else to honored men we raise. Far in tho depths of ocean 6tood A rock through ages etill the came; Around it spread the wat'ry flood. Above it hono the; starry frame. Oit had the artillery of heaven Struck it with fury frem the sky ; Against it mountain wavea were driven, - Yet Etill it reared its head on high. Thus virtne, founded deep and tare, Resists temptation's mighty sway; Thus shall the good life's ill eudure: Thus stand when rature fades away. For when the storms of life are o'er, The wise and good of earth remain In endless happiness secure. As kings and conquerors to reign. Yon bare been sorely tried, said a sym pathizing neighbor to old Joe Crewdon, weeping over the coffin of his third wife. Yes,' responded the bereaved one, 'I have always had the dreadfullcst luck with the An incensed female, who bit off the end of her bnsband's nose in Chicago last week, declared it was the 'BweeteEt morsel she ever tasted.' Doubtless she had previously called him her 'honey.' Prejudices are like rats, and a man's mind like a trap; they get in easily, and theD per haps can't get out at all. The captain of a vessel is not governed j by his mate, but a married man general is. Better have no dumplings in the farailv", than make them of the apples of discord. Rexehbeb Pack your cares in aa small Epace as you can, so that yon can carry them yourself and not let them annoy oth ers. Gir's.'rjone too yonng to be in the nursery, make their three and four toilets a day. To which the Boston Post adds: Tho little babies change oftener. The Song of the were boys together. Siamese Twins We The Emperor of Abyssinia has offered his hand to Qaeen Victoria. Gen. S. P. Cary begins an Indiana cam paign for Gov. Morton in Jeffersonville this evening. The General is a good old man, but, like neighbor Terges, he will talk. We used to bear his garrulity in our State a few years ago. It was like tbo waters of the artesian well, very pungent, and coming from a great bore. Louisville Journal. Stonewali. Jackson's Gf.ave. A gentle man who was in Crook's expedition, when it passed through Lexington, visited the Virginia Military Academy, which rivals in architectural beauty its great prototype, West Point. One of the features of the town, he says, is the grave of Stonewall Jackson, who was"formerly a Professor in the Military Institute. It 13 a plain little mound, with a wooden headboard, and nothing to mark it from the common save , a pine flag-staff, upon wh'ch each morning at daybreak the cadets would elevate the rebel flag and remove it at dark, each cer emony being accompanied by music from their band. W. P. COONS, Attorney at Law, OFFICE, west side Court St., tng!3 1S64. KIAYSVII.LE, KY, GEO- W. WROTEN. Homoeopathic Physician, BECOND STREET, JIATSVILLE, KY. tOiHce at Mra. Wboten's. mar.10 W. S. FRANK, Attorney at Law, COURT STREET, Maysville, Ky. 3yPromplatteution oaid to Collecting.,! febrnary ISth, 1S64. J. 13L S (JMR ALL, ATTORNEY .AT LAW, MAYSVILLE, KY., WILL practice in the Courts of Mason and ad joining counties. OFFICE West-side of Coart Street. jan!5,lS6f-lT E. C . PHISTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE 05 TSE WEST SIDE OFCOTJET ST. MAYSVILLE,! ;iC Y . Angnet 14 ,1362. 100,000 Shingles! JUST Received and for sale by ALEX. MADDOX, Maysville, June SO, 1S64. Wall Street. OWENS & BARKLEY HATE IT! TIE PATENT CARPET SIEflEi!! LADIES, IF yoa wish to save tocb carpets and Sveep without Dutt. buv one of tho Great Carpet Sweepers of OWENS & BARKLEY. LADIES! After having used one of the Car pet Sweepers, yon would not bo without one. Call and Bee it. UVE'S fc BARKLEY. OWENS & BARKLEY HAVE IT: THE PA TENT CA RPET S WEEPER ! ! MayBville, July 7tb, 1S64. Tnrnip Sceal ! OR SALE BY HcTlLOID. Wm. H. RICHARDSON Lloyd & Richardson; WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS & TOBACCO, FOmRHM&CflMISSIi MERCHANTS, OPPOSITE flODDABD HOUSK, 21 A 5 SETS TJ! BET, - - MA 1 SI ILL, A . WE WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL your attention to the above card, and solicit aportion of your patronage, promising to fill orders promptly and satisfactorily. We have established ourselves for the pur pose of inducing Merchants to muko their pur chases here iotcad of elsewhere; and us our goods are bought dihect from first uaxds in the F ii. torn Market, bv our liiokcr. wo make this proposition to Merchants: That we will duplicate any bill bought in Cincinnati, and if goods are not what we represent them, they can be sent back at our expense. We have just received from the East 20 Hhds. Choice new N. (). SUGAR; IO " rrime " " " 50 Cols.'s Philadelphia REFINED SUGARS Crushed, Granulated, Powder ed and Coffee A. 50 Bags Choice Yellow .V. Bright Green COFFEE illOL ASS ES Old and New Crop; MACKEREL in .all sizes, direct from Bos ton, last Crop lo..; )lV; 40 K.-gs Newcastle ENGLISH SO TOUACl'O a large lot in Boxes, Caddies, 1'C TEAS a Superior lot of all kinds, selected lor this portion cf.thc Country. In aJcitlon to our stock of ileuvy Groceries, we have a large assortment of Fancy: CIGARS, atall prices'; Fancy Wash and Shaving SO-AFS; Wholo and Half Boxes new M. R. and Layer RAISIN; SARD1NES;FIUS; PICKLES; PEACHES, Cove and . Spiced OYSTERS; MUSTARD, in boxes; 50 it 25 lbs. boxes assorted CANDIES; ; CHEESE; CRACKERS; INDIGO; MAD DEB; SPICES, grain and ground; ALUM; Race & Ground G1NGEB ; COPPEKAS; BLACKING, lare and small; BLACKING BEL'SHES; FAUCETS; OiNNAMON, pround and in ruatta; CAPS; SHOT; LEAD; EXT. LOGWOOD; STARCH; GERMAN SOAP; A large variety of CAP, NOTE & LETTER PA PER; ENVELOPES, bulfand white; &c.&c. S5f In addition to the above, we offer induce ments to the trade in Xa iq.ixors I RECTIFIED WHISKY sold at Cincinnati r rices. GINGER WINE. GIN, BRANDY, and with a snpefior lot of OLD liOURKON V111SK at a 'J prices. Respectfully, ; LLOYD & RICHARDSON. Msjysville, Ky., March 3, 1S)L WEWCHINA, GLASS AND Queensware House ! ! R. ALI3EET, IMPORTER AND DEALER Socoud Stroot, OneoorUlow Gen. Aithur's Confectioner Store, o KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON II AND a lakoe AND WELL EELKCTED STOCK OF French and English China, Glass, QUEENSWARE& FANCY GOODS, in great varictv. a- Va-cs. Toilet Set! in China, Pariiin M;iMc and JJohumain (iiats, Jovel Boxes.; Kanc.v and Toy Uoxch, Toy Ten Si ts, lc. DIN N E II A SI) TEA SETS, of all qualities, WHITE, ORNAMENTED AND FINE GILT. Silver Plated and Britannia Tea Sets, '. Castors, Etc., Plated Table Ware: Ivory, liono and Wool Handled Forks and Knivca Knivc;Tca Trays and Waiter.-, ofall i-izj! and varieties, Imported Direct from' the Manufactories in EST" E U It o l i: . Also, the large and moin complete stock of COAL OIL LAMPS,- of ail sizes ai.d stylos, from 50 cents to $ 1 0 each BUENEE3, CHIMNEYS PAPEK SHADES and WICKS; The Very Best of PURE COAL OIL, CANS, ETC.; all of which I will Fell for CASH at tho VERY LOWEST CINCINNATI prices. t2f" Accommodation to tlie wants of custom ers, quick sales and Email profits are the govern ing principles of my business. Cali.seeand judge for yourselves! It. ALKEKT. Maysville. Feb 4, 1SG4. HALL LIGHTS! r70R Burn'ng CotI Oil, some very fine, direct IIVIII A ' V V' may 19. SEATON ( D ROD KICK. CURES Conghs, Colds, Sore Throat, Asthma, and Consumption. It is only necessary for any one troubled with thesa eomjdaicts to try one bottle of Strickland's Mellifiuous Cough Balsam to convince them that it is the best preparation ever used. It notcnly cuicsthe above atfectio-s of tho Tliroat and Lungs, but it cures Night Sweats ad Sjiitling of Blood, and is an excel lent gargle for any kiud of Sore Throat. It i p easnnt to take, and a safe medicine for infants. Price iA' fcnts t battle. Por tal by SEATON .fc BRODRICK, Ccrntr '2r.n Sf Ci i; M;iTsili , Ky. ;t::t,'tl f cct, -o. j J.u.t 41!! St.. Cincinnati, GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. W. L. & J.L. PEARCE Wholesale Grocers AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SUTTON ST., (opposite Let House) MAYSVIL LE, KY. Our personal attention will be gven to Receiving & Forwarding all Goods consigned to our care. All orders sent us sliall le filled in tlie same manner, w'th reference to quality awl quantity, as if the parties purchasing were personally present. Bdow will bo found an enumeration of some of the article included in our stock, which we off.-r to the trade low for Cash o r Country Pro duce: 24 Hhds. Choice N. O. Sugnr; 8 Hhds. Prime N. O. Sugar; SO Lbls. Lovcring'a Refined Sugars; IO " Crushed do; 83 " Pulverized do; 15 A. Coffee do; 31 Bags Choice Rio Coffee; 25 " Prime Rio Coffee; 35 Packages Golden Syrup, :n Half Ebla. and logal.lvgs; 1G Bbls. New Crop N. O. Molasses; G3 Packages Mackerel, in Bbls, 11 f. EM, Or. Bbls. a,nd Kits; 23 II f. Chests Choice Gunpowcr Tea; j 5 Black Tea; 20 Gross Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco; Choice Smoking Tcbaeco, in Hall Pound and 5 Pound Packages; oO Caddies Choice Chewing Tobacco; 20 Butts Chewing Tobacco; 50 .OO Cigars, assorted brand; 75,000 White and Buff Envelope; Cap, Note and Letter Paper; 600 Boxes Sardines, halves and quarters; 35 Doz. Covo aLid Spiced Oysters, in 1 fc 2 lbs. Cans; 137 Baskets Champaigne Wine; 12 Boxes Native Wine; Choice- Old Boi.ibim Whisky, in Barrels and Bottles; Common liiky; Rectified Whiskey; French Ilrandy;tini;C;iiigfr Wine Raisins; Figs; Almonds; Buckets; Tubs, in nests Wrapping Paper; Fancy, Toilet and Bai Soaps; Washboards; Urooms; Cordage; Matches Spices; Star and Tallow Candles; Cheese; Crue'-ers; Shot; etc. We invite the attention of Country Merchants particularly tr our stock of goods. We respectfully solicit the orders or tho trade generally, promising satisfaction In all cases. W.L&J.LPEA11CK, Nos. 13 A, 15 Sutton St., (opp. Lee House) March 24, 1S.H. JJA S V1I.J.E, Kt . AND FLUX. STRICKLAND'S Anti-Cholera Mixture, Is a composition of astrin cents, absorbents, stimulants and carminatives, which every phy sician acknowledges is the only preparation that will ertVt a permanent cure of I'iurrlioe.i and Dysentery. This Ar.ti-Ch'.lera Mixture is now inusein several ofouraimy hospitals where it gives tlie greatest satistaction. It has saved '.he lives of thousands of our soldier and citizens, anil we will guarantee it to bo tho let remedy in tho world for Diarrlioe:. and Dysjtilery. Mr. Woods, ol Covington, Ky., will be most happy t'j satisfy any one as to the virtue ol Strickland's Anti-Cholo a Mixture; in fan we have a great number of testimonial from pa tients wlio have been cured after being pro nounced incurable b.V tl.eir pl:ysician, some after taking only one bottle ol' St riek land's A nti Cholera Mixture. If you sutler with Diarrhtea and Dytenttry trjone bott!e. SOLDIERS! Yoi! ought no', to bo without sued a valuable'.-ino" The Cincinnati National Union, of April 24th, says; that thousands ot our soldiers have been saved by the use of Strickland Anti Cholera Mixture For sale by Scaton & Urodr'nk, at 50 cents per bottle. General Depot, No. C East llh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. " U'une 2, 1564-ly CHANDELIERS! OF Various Patterns, for bnrnina C":il Oil At S EATON tte BliODKICK'S Maysville. Ky., may 19. Drug Store. 'PEA-a very suicrior article, the best import 1 u.I, in store and lor sale by jUP;19 BEN PHISTER ItltOO.MS. V large supply of bc-t quality, lor sale by mur I5EN PHISTER. ICE! ICE!! have commenced running our let agon, and will deliver Ice to a.iy part of th': City. . I'orsonsdesirire Tee through the day,. car, obtain it at Richard Wai kins' Grocery Store, on Wall street, or at Wm. Watkins' on IMarket St. WM. WATKINS; Mayl9.1S64. RICHARD WATKINS . CORDAGE Hemp nnd Manilla ropes of all sizes from a plough lineto a ships cablr always on hand. ALEX MADDOX Orchardist Wanted ! rWish to secure the services of some good, sober and industrious man, who understands the Culture of Fruit Trees. 1 will give good wages to such a man. He must give good refer ences. Or I will sell tho portion of land set out in Fruit Trees, embracing about 35 acres. Also, I willsell IO hi i e of good pasture, on which is a never failing Spring. Any one wish ing to purchase will call on me, 2 miles cast of Mi.ieiva. BENJ. KIRK. July H,lSt4-tf CLEAN YOUR TEETH! WITH Aromatic Tinct Myrrh ! ! IT is excellent for hardening the gums, remov ing tarlai, and imparting fragrance to the bicath. i " ml '. '--If. - ''J1J-""-1 TRY IT CITCE A'.d we know yoa will cvnlb'.uo its rise. As prei'au d by ns it is superior to all other washes for the teeth. Prepared and Sold by jutuP. SEATON-& BEODK1CE. GRAIN, GROCERY, COMMISSION HOUSE Corner of 3rd & Market Streets, MAYSVILLE, - KENTUCKY. T HAVE JUST OPENED A GRAIN, 1 GROCERY AND COMMISSION STORE in tho house formerly occupied by Jas. C. BrooK over, north-east Corner of Third & Market Sts. I will pay the highest market price in oash or W HEAT, RYE and BARLEY. I have just revived a full stock of Groceries, Sugar,Molasses,Cotfco,Tea.Eicc,Fish,Tobaeco, Salt, Src.,&c., together with a gonoral assort ment ofall articles in ho Grocery line: all war ranted to be of tho best quality. My goods have been bouaht exclusively for Cash, and will be sold for Cash or Country Produce, at very small "bave also on hand a large stock of PURE mn r.nm?V.rN WHISKY. Commission, Storage te Forwarding Business attended to with promptness. All persons desirous of getting the wortn oi niniv will ulnusc civo me a call. june 11H l.,'l S02. ' It EX l'.jLiL- CRUSHED, Powdered and Granulated Sugar, of best Quality, in store and ?r salo low by BEN PHISTER, june 19 Cor 8rd &. Market streets. SYRUP. Philadelphia and Baltimore Syrups, in barrels, half barrels and 10 gal. kegs, lor bale iow by june 19 Cor. Srd fc Market streets. rpOBACCO of all grades iuno 19 Cor. Srd te Market stroets. A 7 IN EG A R of the best Quality, forssle by V .ju r WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ALL KINDS CF BR&1I. II01H. TDBAECO. SALT. &t. Corner of Wall & 2nd Streets, MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY j ire 1!, lSC2-ly 112. .roiiM JJTJJL'JS COHPOUU CEDROX DITTERS! The Latest anl Most Important Discovery of tho Niiietec.itli Century. XT) MAN'S NAME IS MORE INTIMATELY j coimcclid with tlie history of the Materia Mediea of the United States, or more favorably known as a pioneer in medical discovery, than that of .KMIN BrLL,orLo;i!sille,Ky. His in imitable preparation of S:iis iparilla has long stood at tho head of the various compounds of that valuablu drur. His compound Peel oral ol Wild Cherrv bus beeomo a hous.'liol.l word throughout the Wet and South; and his Woi m Lozeiu'os, in sthun a year after their intro duction, attained a reputation us widespread as the continent of North America. But tho crown ing glory of his life remains to be attained in his latest discovery, or rather combination, for he does not claim to have been tho discoverer of CKDRuN, which is the basis of the Bitters now offered t the public. That honor belongs to the native inhabitants of Central merica, to whom its virtues have been known for in-re than two hundrc'i years. Armed with it. the Indian bids de'.'unoo to the most deadly malaria, and ban. Hi s with Hit fear the most venomous seipenis. It is a belief wiih them that whilethcic is breath lei t in the body tho Ccdron is potent to cure, no mat tetwhatthe ui-ease may be. Whilo Dr. Bull is not prepared to indorse this extravagant pretension, he is nevertheless satis lied fioin a thorough examination of theevi.lenee relating to its virtues, that, as a remedy and preventive fir all diseases i;risin,-from exposure either to changes of weather and climate or to the miasmatic inllucnces, it stand" without a rival, and justly deserves the refutation it has so long enjoyed "iu Central America and the West Indies. In DYSPEPSIA and its attendant train of symptoms, it acts more like a charm than a medicine. There is nothing in the whole range oft he Materia Mediea that call lor n moment bear a comparison with it in this disease. A full aecount of this wonderful plant may bo found in the eleventh cditii n of the U. S. Dis i.cnsatory. pages 10s7 and 1C63. A sericsof experiments, in which Dr. Bull has been for years outraged, has just been brought to a successful termination, and he is now enabled to oiler to tho public a combination of Ccdron with other improved tonics, tho whole p-eservc l in 'he bestipiality of copper-distilled iUur'jon whisky, which he is conndeut has no iqnd in the woild. Ilcmisht furnish a volume of certificates, but the public have lonir since learned to osti.. ate such things at their true value. '1 lie safest plan is for every one to lest for 1 imsclf the virtue of a new medicine. (live the Cedron jJitters one trial, and you will never usc.any others. It is not necessary to publish a long list if dis eases for which the Cedron Hitters are a sjiecitic, In all diseases of the STOMACH, BOWELS, KIDNEYS, or LIVER; Jn all affections of the BRAIN depending up on derangement of the Stomach or Bowel; In iiUT. RHEUMATISM & NEURALGIA; And in FEVER AND AGUE; ll is Jcstined to supersede all other remedies, ltjnot only ciiresall theso diseases but it pre vents thorn. A wine glass full of tho Bitters taken on hour before each meal will obviate the ill ert'ects of the most unhealthy climate and screen tho person taking it against disease under the most try:ng e.vposu i c. Sold by PrngsristB and Grocers, generally. . r. JOHN BULL'S Principal Office, Fifth street, Louisville, Ky. Sold Wholesale and Retail by SEATON t- BRODRICK. Cor. 2nd and Court Streets, mar 7, lSi4-ly Maysville, Ky. Come down in the center, That's what it means ! SAD DLERY. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW SITUATED JL so as to give his undivided attention to the Manufactory of every article counccted with the SADDLE AND HARNESS TRADE ! He has now on hand and in process of making, a splendid assortment of Gentlemen and Ladies' Saddle; Saddle Bags; Buggy, Carriage, Biake and Snlkiy Harness; Wagon and I 'low Gear; Riding Bridles, with Racking, Port and Snaille Bitis; Waggon, Buggy, Coach, Sulkey and Rid ing Whips; Hog and Kip.-kin Collars; Horse Covers, suitable lor ail seasons; Leather, Web and Rope Halters; Worsted, Cotton and Hemp Girths; Red top and Iron strapt Hames; Dr.iy and Cait Harncssj'in short every thing usually kept in a Saddicry Establishment, which will be sold at Wholesale and Retail, at low prices, to punctual dealers; 5 per cent off for cash. 5gf All Repairing attended to at once, at my Old Stund, on 2nd street, to iind which. '"Come down in the Center," between Market it Sutton. , T. K. RICKETTS. Maysville, March 2Gth.lSi!3. PRIVATE SCHOOL. '"TMIE Fourth Session of my School will J. commence tho FIRST MONDAY" IN EPTEM BER, in the basement of tbo Methodist hnrch (South). i-sTT erms of Tuition 1.50 per month, july -JS, 1SG4. MOLL1EE. G1LFIN iYiacnine uhr v. L ARD OIL and other kinds r Machinery, Can be had r.t SEATO & DRODRICK'S TllU'EW WHOLESALE & RETAIL f CHINA STORE South side 2d bet Court & Market St G. A. & J.TcCARTIIEY. WE ANNOTJCE WITH Pleasure, the RE MOVAL of onr Stock of CHINA, GLASS AND Q U E ENS WARE, to the building formerly oc Vv E. Martin bad- where we are opening a largo aud complete assortment oi vjoous, IMPORTED BY" OURSELVES DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORIES Our stoch is laree, containing great varieties of PLAIN WHIT, GOLD BAND AND FANCT DECORATED Dinner and Tea Setts; VACES; COLOGNE BOTTLES; TOILET SI5TTS: FANCY AND STAPLE ARTICLES of every description; Silver Plated KNIVES. FORKS. CARD BASKETS, &c. IE. TRAYS; WAITERS; COAL. OIL I,A.1irs of many varieties. While thanking tha public and the trade for .i ... in i ....... ,mmi.nt extended to n s in tlie rmst. wehniethev will not torcet to call and see us at our NEW CHINA STOKE. G. A. & J. E. McCARTHEY", IsipoKTtns of Earthenware, Oii South side 2d street Majsvillo, Ky., January 7th. 1 SOI. CORNER OF MARKET & FRONT. STS Opposite Steamboat Landing, MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY. .Mrs. E. V. FLEMING, Proprietress. rlIIIS well kncTvn Hotel, has been re 1 paired nnd refitted in a superior manner and is i ow open to the public. The Proprietress recently of Fox Springs, so lieUs the p:itr..napcf the traveling community. No pains will bo spared to give satisfaction to the guests of the house. y-?SUios leave dailv for all points in the m ,?u7r h Mrs. E. F. FLEMING. Feb. 12-6 m JR IE Mjpjy .A. Ju GE0GE ARTHUR Baker & Confectioner AND DtAI.EH IN Fruits, Nuts, Toys, FANCV i O OI) &:o., lias removed his Stock to MTTLLIN & FUST'S Old Stand, on SfECOKTD sTnaaJT, Where he will bo pleased to see and wait upon all Muvsvillo, Ky , April nth, ISO!. JOHN A. SEATON, J. I. BUoURKK SEATON &. BRODRICK WHOLESALE ARETAIL DEU GGISTS, AND DEALERS IN MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Paints, tOils, Glass, &c. COItNEK SKCOND COURT STS. Maysville, Iy- WHEELER & WILSON'S Sewing M achines ! Awarded tne First Premium as the best Family Sewing Machine, Foi three successive years at the UNITED STATES FAIR; For five years at the CINCINNATI MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. WITH IMPROVEMENTS! GLASS FOOT; HEMMER; COEDER & BRAIDER. MACHINE NEEDLES, COTTONS, J-c. tsjf"For nib bv J. B. GIBSON, Agent, TELEURAPII OFFICE, feb. 4ih, lSi4. M avsvii.le. IK. MAUVFL'S NEW BOOK. SEVEN STORIES BY THE AUTHOR OF " Reveries of a Bachelor," "Farm at Edge wood,"' iC-c.,&c. $1.75 A large tiupply of the above delightful work reecivid this clay by Express. Mail orders shall receive prompt attention. . W. BLATTERMAN, Maysville. May 2. 1 S64. Booksol er. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE!!! I OFFER FOR .-ALE MY BKIt K I ESI DENCE. situated on tho hill cide in Majs villo, Ky. The house contains nine rooms, be sides Kitchen, Pautry and Cellar. Theie is npon the lot a Dairy and Brick Stable. The lot i9 large, having npon it about One hundred bear ing Fruit Trees and Vines of the finest quality. Also, well set in Shrubbery and Flowers, Rain and Well water abundant during the entire year. It is altogether a very desi rab ;e lionu and will be sola lor Greenbacks, much less than itcost in Gold. Enquire of .IOS. F. BRODRICK. N B. A'a liable for City R.dlroad debt. Maysville, Ky., May 5,lS64-tf Tailoring and Renovating ESTABLISHMENT! ! ! SECOND STREET, opposite City Hall, MAYSVILLE, KY. 'PIIE Undersigned would respectfully inform L the citizens of Maysville and vicinity that he is prepared to make np suits of any style and warraut them to give satisfaction. I am prepared to RENOVATE CLOTHING and remove all kiuds of Grease, Paint or Dirt, and restore the goods to its oi ginal gloss and beamy. Give nie a call. june28.'t!4. CHRP TIAN ALTMEf ER. headquarters for HariAvar i-:, saih)li.ry, Fl It 10 PKOOF SAFES, PLATFORM SCALES, COUNTER SCALES. CaH. OWENS & BARKLEY. MaysviMe, August IS, 1S64. OF ALL KINDS. At BEATON & BRODRICK'S aug. 25 New Drug Store. ! vii" and bum h n a:t i THE riHE, MKW AND 8P LBNDID STEAMER, This One Steamer I "TJTcnV 1 For 1118 Cincin-" was built ex- , I naUand May. pressly syfc-MTrfi..TiTTanfc Tills Trede. J.H. FBATHEB, Commander. ,u LEW. M0EE1S Clerk Leavesfoot of WalnotSt.,for Maysville, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 12 o'clock, M. Leaves Maysville for Cincinnati, every Tne? day, Thursday and Saturday, 10 o'clock, A. Y I3F"For Freight or Passage apply on board, Ok to GRAHAM & McNEELY. Freight received at all hours at the Maysville Packet Landing. Cincinnati, Maysville and Portsmouth ' REGULAR TRI- WEEKLY PACKET. TUB SPLENDID 8 TEA MB Bostona, Captain Wm. McClain, Conarrander, will con tinue in the above trade, leaviLg Cincinnati every" Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and Ports-" mouth ayery Monday, Wednesday and rriday.-. . xt if :i, - 1 . ai la oi. ciuppiux -"laysviiie eicner wj " between the hours of 5 and 7 P. M. For freight or passage apply on board or to BY' MoNeely, Agent, Maysville, Ky. S. SALOMON, WATCHMAKER, Ooddard House Builoino, ZX arlict Street, May 7, lS)3-ly MAYSVILLE, RY. N B WB O O K S . My Farm at Edgewood, by Ike Mar vel 1 5 Hannah Thurston, by Bayard Taylor, 1 51 Taleofa Wayside Inn, by Longfellow. 1 25' Husks, by Marion Harlan I. 1 50' The Kinp of Amasis, by Bulwer 1 25 Louie's Last T'.rm, by Author of Rn! ledge 1 50 Soundings from 1 he Atlantic, Ho mes I 25 Gentlemen's Honk of Etiquette 1 50 Iieautie- of English Poetry 4 00 Evenings with the Poets 4 00 Longfellow's Poems. Cabinet edition 2 50 Ilea ven Our Home &e 1 00 J3f The above, with numerens otner now and valuable publications, jnt receive, cy O. W liLATTEKMAN, Booksellers. Second Street. For Kill. Mn--. Ilitaihes, Aiils, Bed IJii'-, .'oih in Fur. oulen. Ac. In M'l t" on ll!int-. Fowls, Aiinn.ils, &c. Pui up in 'J.")e. and 1 .'0 Boxes, Bottles, -Flasks. and 5 siz.-s lor Hotels, Pvolio Lf sTn etions. iiie. . 'Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." 'N..t ilaiiL' roiis to ht. Human Family." ''R:its eoine out of t h.-ir h0cs to die." j:T"Stild Wholesjile in all large cities. Irf Soil lv Ore 'u'isls ; l etitilers everywhere' -f!:.'i;twA!ti 'll 01 ail worthless imitations. jSce that '-i'itauV" name is on each Box, Bollix, and Fl;sk, icf ic vn bny. :5T Addr. . H UN It V K. 1'OSTAU. iS"l'itiNci.-Ai.DiiroT.4S2 Bi-.oa.'iway, N. Y. JSold oy all Wholesale A .Retail Druggist in Mnjsiile, Ky. mar SI, lS64-6m. THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE! I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF THE CELEBRATED HOwE SEWING MACHINE, direct from the Manufacturer, and will sell them at the lowest possible rat8 for Cash. Theso Machines are ndapted for heavy as well as ihe finest sewing. Call ana examine them at the re:-idenee of S. Shockley, on Short street. Mks. A. J. SMITH, Agent. 23?Needi.f.s and Spoor, Threads can be had at S.'s Store, on Market street. Maysville, Ky.. Feb. 25th, lSGS. REMOVAL ! IOUISST1NE would respectfully inform his j customers and friends tha; he has removed to Cdwalladet's the room formerly occupied by the Telegraph Olfice. Fall and Winter Goods! LOUIS STINE MERCHANT TAILOR AM) tiENTS FUltNISHER, SECOND S TREE!, MA YS VILLE, KY. . ! lEEPS CONSTANTLY OX UAND A ' IV. Choice assortment of a'l Seasonable 0 ooda in his linewhich he is prepared to dispose of at the lowest rates for "CASH." lie solicits a call from his friends and pledges his best effortst give Satisfaction. October 1. lSfi-3. ' LOUIS STINE. INTERIOR ADORNMENTS! JUS 1' RECEIVED A CHOICE SELECTION - of new and dtsirablo styles of PAPER HANGINGS, from the rich and ornate to the most chaste and simple patterns, appropriate for Parlors, ining-Rooms and Chambers. FIRE BOARD PRINTS new designs; WINDOW SHADES, of any required style or size, on hand or made to order. GILT MOULDING OVAL PICTURE. FEt&Ma PICTURE CORD& TASSELS, and all the trimminsrs l'cr frames. FRAMING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE ! The above Goods aro all new and will be sold cheaper than ever before sold in this cit. CA call is solicited from persons wishing to purchase the above goods. J. ti. & C. S- ROGERS, EOOKSELLEKS tk STATIONERS, MaysvPle, Ky., April 21, 1S64. 2d Street. Mustard oeed Wanted. E will I'.ij CASH". I r tin: hignest Market Price, iu .lusta'd Seed, either iu large or small quimiiies SEATON & BRODRICK. MayBville, Ky., July 21.1S6L ang4 SEATO.N A BRODK1CK. 1 Obi aug 4 Cor. 2nd ds Court St3