Newspaper Page Text
4 I THE BULLETIN. MAYSVILLE, SEP. 8 1864 Increase of the Price of the Bulletin. The Sabscriptlon price of tbe Bulletin will hereafter be One Dollar and Fifty Cxsts per year, instead of One Dollar. Peace The Ohio .Lagle, printed at Lancaster, Fairfield county, publishes nine olid columns of Dames, which have been signed to call for a peace meeting at that place. The people are crying 'peace! peace ! because they locg for its blessings and re pose. 0"The slang word 'shebang,' so very fre quently used in the Army of the Cumberland and meaning tents,quarters, or resting place is derived from the Irish word 'shebeen,' a groggery. Guerrilla Outrage. We are informed that Henderson is full of guerrillas, and that they bad killed a gnnboatmao who had in cautiously gone ashore from the Fair Play on Sunday. Lou. Dam. A 0C7-The Collector of the port of New York gives as tbe amount of his income last year 60,000. fj-Tbe Chicago Evening Journal, an Abolition sheet, says tbe registered arrival at tbe Chicago Convention, from Saturday noon up to Tuesday night, were 243.016. OCrThe Confederate guerrillas have been making incursions into Missouri, in the neighborhood of Charleston. 07"Sberrnai8 official dispatch of the capture of Atlanta is received. A battle was fought on the 1st, in which the rebels lost 10 guns and 1,000 prisoners. The en emy are said to have destroyed 27 locomo tives, and 81 cars loaded with ammunition and stores at Atlanta. OSEAP LAM PS! 200 COAL OIL LAMPS OF EVERY SIZE AND STYLE AT FROM 50 CEaTS TO $6. CHIM NEYS, SHADES, WICKS, etc., at dec!7 R. ALBERT'S 2d street. BOOTS SHOES ! For the Fall Trade !! I HAVE A SPLENDID STOCK OF TIIE favorite brands, anon as White's Bovd rft Casey's and others, Lace Boots and Balmorals: Allen &Flagg's,Bigelow's,Forbush'a, Whitney's and Eatcbeldcr's calf, coarse, kin. and mntJ uoou?, ana snoes rormen, boys, youth and child ren ; also a few cases Home-Made Kip Boots, Most of which were bought in May. June and July and will be sold LOW some of them LOWER than they can cow be had at the Manufacturer's. Merchants Please Call and Examine!! For the multitude I have an infinite varietv from common to extra fine and can suit you all in price and quality. TEKM CASH! Also, as usual, a general variety of Leather & Findings! S. S. MINER. Ma sville, Ky., Sopt. 8, l$C4-lra TO THE PUBLIC ! ADAMS' EXPRESS ! o DR EXPRESS FOR CINCINNATI is carried on the fno Steamers REGULAR CINCINNATI & MAYSVILLE The fine side-wheel MePint-r JENNIE BROWN. Capt. WM. Hi A' IN, Master: W. II. KEYT.Clflrk. 'Wftrn -WiU leave MaybvUlo for Cin WEDNLMjaY and FRIDAY, ut 10 A. M. Ke- BOSTONA, No. 3 and MAGNOLIA. Accommodating messengers will be found i )0th boats. Bills aro closed as follows: On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 5 ('clock, I. M. On ruosduvs. Thursdavs and Saturdays. 9. SO OCIOCK,A. ai. This rulo is positive, and will ha sr.r!ctiv ad hored to. ADAMS' EXPRESS CO. A.M. JANUARY fc SON, Agents. Maysvillo, August 4th, 1864-tf Maysville Marble Works! H. GILLMORE, M ui'kot y troct, MAYSVILLE, KY. ft ORDERS from Country solicited. Persons desiring work, bv com municating the same, will be promptly waited upon, august 4th, J S64. ,.m!1"Vwl" 'cave Cirninnati every TU.fc.SD AY, HUlODAYand SATIJRHA V t i. t lreijrlit or p:is.-age upply on boaid. or to sepi 8, 1?04. J . M. LOVE, Agent. PUIJLIC SALE OF Four Family Residences ! IN AltEIC IEE., OHIO. To the Tax-Payers of Ma son County. BY an act of the General Assembly it is made my duty, immediate! v after tho 1st nf .Tnnn to proceed with the Collection of the public Kover.uoas speedily as possiblo. By the same act it is made my duty to runort, at the July, 6op tombcr and XSovuiuber " County Courts, the amount of taxes collected un.I to the Auditor. 1 urn authorized under said act to notify the Tax-Payers by public notico stuck up at the Court housedoor, and in the different Precincts or districts of tho Countv. tlmr tain days between the 1st of October, and the 15th of November, I, or iny deputies, will attend at th place of holding election in such districts and receive their taxes. It is made the dutv of tlm RED CORNER CLOTHING STORE! Blum & Heckinger's GREAT WESTERN Emporium of Fashion WE take pleasure in informing our Patrons and the public generally, that we have MULLINS & HUNT'S, NEW WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE! THE" SUBSCRIBERS TYMfl ttSTATt L LISIIED in a largo retail Dry Goods business I ly filled in Maysville, would call the attention of Coun try Merchants to their recent addition of an ex tensive Wholesale Department; which will be conducted on a STRICTLY CASH PRINCIPLE. Tho many years of experience possessed by our buyer, combined with a perfect knowledge of the Kentucky trade, a thorough acquaintance ship with all the Manufacturing and Importing Houses in the East, and the fact of ur pur- w WiW K. BOAIi, una- 132 West Second Street, between Kaci db Mm' Streeiff CINCINNATI, 6.- Wir.L Attend to the Sale of all Kinds of" PRODUCE, and make immediate Returns Orders for any description of Groceries" projfr-' REFERS BY PERMISSION TO John A. Robinson, Esq., Gallipolis, OV j. w. insKiRK. Kso.. Portsmoutn. u. Hon. L. T. Moore, Oatlettsbufg, Ky Capt. W. Hoirsiiij-T T . " Jno'. N. Riohabdson, Esq., D. D. (teigeb. Esq.. IIcgh Means. Eso.. Ashland. Kv. Wat. T. Niciiolls. Esq., Ahland, Eyv Wjc. L. Geiger, Esq., Ashland, Ky Geo. Wbbts, Esq-.,. Greenupsburg, Ky. E. J. Hock ada y, Esq., " " Louis 1. R0s, Esq., " " Capt. Z. Shirley, Louisville, Ky. Hon. Thos. E. Bbamlett, Frankfort,- Ky. chases being made for "Cash," together with a just received, and are continuing to receive.from firm determination to sell at a mere commission .new Xork, Baltimore and other Eastern , t ouvbucii vu x-uai.eru vosi. win do suincient guaranties to CLOSE CASH BUYERS that we cannot be undersold by any WESTERN JOB BING HOUSE. Our Stock .will be found better adapted to the wants of of our customers than it is usual to sale r our t rained Reaidotice.-, iu Aber leen, hi "cciijr ojjiohno iuo 07"A wealthy gentleman in New Jersey a' few days since enlisted as a substitute a stalwart and patriotic Canadian, paying him orwt 7 ,i : : j t i .. . , , , .. . ' , awi njiuuuiuj; a cons iu erauia sum viijin-iy Miuaint on front otreut for an outfit. When they parted the re tax-payer to attend on Mich days and pay the Mime. If this is not done, after thut date they will have to iav the sami nt thn Cinrt 1,,.,,.... j and, if not done there within the timo prescribed' OV o titi)t .i , x 11:11 r1-' cciji. upon me aiuouiu isadued. At i , . i:th.(!,f,f SEPTEM- ThiiH it will Le ,cc, that it will bo to the intere . . l3'Jt. the . remits. 1 will t.tV.-r iV.r ! of the tax-nuvnr. t f ;t t v i.- .". .- -- . . ----- , w ..v, . . Luuk Liiviii ru I-aitl, witl.iu tho timo irecriU(J by law, adulter t. to itv of livw!lln L'.. i liut ; . I 1... 1 1 : i i.i . . ' 'I'll. - w.: I . J , -j--..-, . fiiaii iumiuui,) uiiu iiib lull perccn 1 .use ridoiKvsureiriKood repair, very suitable (imposed bj law. to their lists when I,,ni .or small lam i lie.-, command a irood rent, and eolloc. This 1 shall bo comr,,.l..rl to do I aro ciltii-IV Mtuattil on Km, it : i il, 1. ...1 .1 t. ' . . . .ill,,,. ' -.iii. .i , . ,, . " ' ; , . '-'"cu iiiu iwevenue uuc oy such m l -..11 .. i ; " jtaiuuu koou. i """M"i "u eniorce paymeul at once with Tbe and dbi.r ri-.b : ':ih:5r::.,.vp' i time, residence is tjoparuto and distinct, and ample . The only duleriiee beiiifjr, that they shall give h .r t u 1 r u iiu .1..:... ' tii- t .. I... . . 1 a- j . . . . - . . . ii . - " ' - v. wiia HMii-r v-fc.-j 1 111 1 -11 1 ?J III acij. rti it vmm laorl af h a roiiinct r his 1 ItTlvinuv r f .. . ...III.. . . ... J " " "4U"" r''u-jV. ; , , "J; 3 .'. vr L"l-':'''t "1 Hie t'hiu ' uun to tiie mutter and thiuwiil cipal, to write at the rust opportunity gentleman was a little surprised at receiv ing a letter from his man dated Quebec, in forming him that his money bad enabled the substitute and bis wife to set up a cor ner grocery, and that they were doin well, and it his patron Would give hiui a call he sboald have a drick gratis. ,. . "UJ!,ra uciiigcwii iwj I iuu inuiicr aucuuon themselves and see to its series hiffh with Kitchen... i the ells of each. payment at the times and places prescribed, in i V; I-nvately before ai.l date, they will tead of the old way of having the Sheriff call bcsoie separately or tosether, to t-uit purchasers, ' half dozen times, more or less, for their taxes. ont ho .lay above inoicated. Tho law is plain, simple, and to the pointlaud I k7 tor teriii..f hilie, Mtuation, Ac., of prop- i in end to comply with its provisions and cnlorco crty, apply to TlIO.s. J.TIli: (!'. in MnvsvSil.. I its i.cnall i.H .mi. I tl.w ri;... , . i. .u 07" An unusual'teatnre ot the specie ship rbents from New York last week wai $10, ! 000 in copper coin, (frOa SuLday a man named McDanie1, was shot by a volunteer in the 53rd lufan try, name Waters, and instantly killed. The quarrel arose about some money ad vanced by Waters to McDaniel, who had or Al AME LEASLEV. in Abirli-in. win. uln , utti-ntion ot tin. ....... .... . . i tut.oploa.-uie in show iri!r the property, and giving may bo douo any one, in coii.-oqueneo of their all information , rard toil. I ignorance of the law. Tho time and rlaco at bept. lt,l!5..4. W. E. in:i:.S. which l.or my deputies, will attend in the dif- i fvrent Precincts to receive tsxes between the 1st Mocinn Pmin tt TT,OY-m o ! OI '0ctobi;r. tho loth of Kovcmbor; will bo -LVXdbOli OOUIiLy anil at adverted by public notice Muck up as icquired I oj iaw. in mo mean time, let every one p.iy up hat can. w hen called upon between thisaudthal ., Uiat a good account of the promptness of -Tir T TV wr m a -n nnrmv . ! Uie,.l,,i0P10 1,1 l'ie ouuty may bo reported to the f ILL. L.L. fcULD Al AUCTION, on the auditor ut the July and .September terms of our ' ' premises, on j Court. Kespectlull v. H. S. JEFh El:.SOX, SherilT Masoii Co. PUBLIC AUCTION.. satuiiav,scpti:mui:h i7th, isoi, promised to enlist, and we learn that the ; ucar thc norUl M -c of lho Ma,9;i;io auJ M- r no.ifioJ ... IIENI.Y s. Jvvpv.:ii. Carmel 1'uriipike. 7 miles from Mavsvill... un.l ' .. :n ........... ... ,, . ' tin. uilchu ul iuo loiiowiug piaecs, on tlio davs the farm, of .loromj I killing was done in sel.' iiirnpike. 7 miles from Mavsville. and OIlO Illilc WU.-t ol'Or :inrr..,,,r,r nn.l .nrr. iin.UI 1... I -iii"ti..i.i(i, . . ... ...... ... T I. a. . . J 111. fill'. I Trt m....i.-A M.a!. 1... . .Hal niiL'li. Jolin Joo. ' int.. i.i.vio. Ports, a full, laroe and varied stock or GENTLEMEN'S READY-MADE CLOTHING; Of tho very latest Eastern Styles. Dress Coats, Business Coats Promenade Coats, Pants and Vests, Of all stylos and descriptions, all of which we will dispose cf at the lowest Eastern prices. We have paid tho most particular TEKSONAL ATTENTION in the selection of Goods for our MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT, And have purchased only the MOST CHOICE and FASHIONABLE kinds and Styles. Hav ing made and EXTENSIVE ADDITION to this branch of our basinet, we havo now tho best FACILITIES to Manufacture to Order, at ti e SHORTEST NOTICE. Our celebrated and ex perienced Cutter, JKItltY 1 YOUSCJ, will superintend the getting up of all work in tho Merchant Tailoring Line, by experienced work men ONLY. The Stock consists of tho finest Foreign and Domestic Cloths; French and English Cashmeres; Silks, Satins & Cashmeres for Vest- ings. Mr. YOUNG has also procured Genio's, C. Scotl 's, Glencross' & West's latest Fatcrn Sheets. 23FWill niako liberal artv Coe? ments of Produce. mar 8,18G4-6m M. THOMPSON, Umbrella, Parasol, AND WALKING CAN E MANUFACTORY, find in the generality of JOBBING HOUSES; Mail! Street, bet. 4th & 5th fF"Repairfng promptly attended to. roar? DUHME & CO. SW Cor. 4th and Walnut gtreets CINCINNATI, O. VT anufac tni?ei?s9 Retail & Wholesale Dealers in DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. THEY Keep on hand a large stock of Cheap" Watches, Jobbing Material, Spectacles, &o.t for the Trade. ISf-Old Gold and Silver bought fo Caen, march 3, 1S64 ly Our Stock of GEXTLEHEA'S FURXISHhYG GOODS James W. Brewer, aud Mrs. The Farm contains Winslow l'arkcr. Ji 12 ACKKS, and tho improvements aro: A FKA.M E DWELL- Magnolia. Hie justly lanious pacKei ; wiiliam l.'oc. Mr.- Magnolia, in command of Captain James PkaTHER, has been on the docks at Cincin nati ulipra kh rernived a tbnroil'rh over- hauling, and now looks as nice and trim a. tf ."oOTlo a Dew pin. Tbe lime corps of gentleman- frame Chicken llou-w,- luriro an i vxceliont 15am, , . ... j i i i . "orn Crib, Waon-Shed, and other outbuildings. ly officers that commanded her last season j Ki,.e Wjitur CV(jry ,ot A (lI,,1.n,ii(1 ,loW St,-10 are 0U board. Fence through the farm, and all th-j fences in j giod onlcr. Twelve aims is fruit, graflod and ... ,. er :r ! "fsuperior q iality Apple.-, I'caehe.-., Cherries (7"Jrarnillei at a aistatce, uuenuS aijJ iwarf l'Cars. Al.-o, at the sumo Uiue, 30 Acre of Land, adjininy tho abnve, immedi::toiy on tl.o north hide of .-aid turnpike, and between the farm an I the turnpike; half fl it recently cleared aud very rich. No biiildii.'s of any ltitid. !57Sulo t-j ci'ininence at 10 o'clock, A. M. TEKMs. Oiij-lialf t'a.-h; balance in one and two year.-, with six per cent,, payable annually, (T al. ea-n, it the puiclia.-er relcrs. The deft rred pa incuts may be arranged dif I fcrentiv if doircd. For further particulars en- lot ! quire of .lUSKl'll F. BIMDUiCK. or Jlr..M 11. COA, Wayville, Ky. September 1st, ls'.l. At Mt. Oilead, 14th and 15th days of October. At 1'rotouV, 17th day of October. Ac Helena, l;th day of ctoler. At Maysliclc, luth and 'JOth daj s of Octooer. At Sardis.'Jlst aud ud days of October. II. S. JEFFEIWON, S. M. C. Acute or Cnronic Disease, unable to secure IJomeopathic Treatment, by addressing Dr. WPiOTEN, Maysville, Ky., giving a careful description of Symptoms, Teinper ment, age of Patient, etc , enclosing one dol lar will secure with instructions, such medi cines as may be indicated. To ivhom it may Concern. Ra it known that the most desirable of Clothing, Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods in town and for s.ile at fair prices can befonodat Dlum & Ueckinger's Market street. ft7-Wboever pauses near Second and Wall Sts., cannot lail to notice! the elegant building improved and occupied j Copying Press for Sale! 4 LEl'TKK COI'YINU PUKS and STAND, .1.. rn,n,r nflxV poo l a.- new, lor r-al- l.nv bv iud 1S .. . ... , .,.T,-T,,r . v Dissolution. CIIAKLES E. TABB, Deputy, will attend at the following places, on thc days named: Oranjrebur, 7th & Slh ol October, at W. II. Pol Jil'i ttoie. Lewi-burs.', 11th aud 12th of October, at Jno. La re w 'a Store. Wafliinvton, loth and 14th ofOctober, at II. W. Wood' Store. MajsvilJc, l."ith aud 17lh of October, at tho Clerk's Ulliee. I'EIiliY JEFFEKSON, Deputy, will attend at the folk-wing place.-, on the days named : I), 11th aud 12th of October, at It. T.Evans' Orocery. Minerva, 15th and 14th of Ootj or, at Capt. W hipp'.- Store. Gerinaiiiowi), lMhandltih ofOctober, at Jno. Lloyd's Store. V-l,in.,'toii, lsth and 10th of October, at Jno. Thompson's- tiioccry. ilaj.-ville, 'J'Uhaiid 21st of October, at Thomas l)ault3ir.s Stable. j.UKnst 11th, lS04-tf NATIVITY HALL! o REV. F. M. GREGG, A. M., Rector. MRS. M. G. CALDER, Principal. Comprises all appertaining to a Oentleman's outfit, and is too numerous and varied o men tion. The Genuine Patent FRENCH YOKE SHIRT, Can be got at our Svore. FOK TIIE FINEST AND LATEST STYLE CALL AT THE RED CORNER. by Joseph Black. ; fyMlE partnership heretofore existinir under . . ..tH anl.TfiAfl aril f I tlitn;im.!ililKfvIifirl!r-R3.r-ri.-ivi.-r. Mr. liLACK nas rectu uy - - - .,. .7 t '. ..".i .. " i rrmR VIR-5T RKilV f ..:.. ooiiAAr tins ci;iy ii!..?i.'iini iiy iiiiitiiiii n-iieiiL. I JIOSO i I uu-jui v.i ut luia uuuwu a ... . t mis oay i!.-soivei iy niiuiiu modeled his business place until it is oe ot . sorig ilKi. l,tc,l to the firm tbe largest and most convenient warehouses make payment either to Wji. J i:.,.-.-or Andrew ! j10MAY. !S E IT EM B E K 3TII. o , . J. alwul. 1 hn.-e havin; claims lifaint tho ni", ire requested to ; F(J1: ulliLS, will open on 1SG1. ID tne City, lie nas s'-ar-eu a uc - tjrm Wil. p.ocnt Ih'Mii lor p .ymcnt at tho houe Mi'-s. M. G. CALDElt, tho Principal, is a lady of erain trade of Maysville, by introducing of KO.-S .V: Pt) WEI:, who Micccod the lato hrm large experience and varied attainments, to that B , n and have assumed its liabilities. the pupils will enjoy lirst clas privileges. Tho Steam machinery. By means of a noisele.s . W. J. KOSS. j brauehes taught embrace Painting and Drawing; Vint nowerful enir.e. placed in his cellar, be , A. J. NKWELL, Frencl,; Muic, luatiumental aud Vocal. Par- bnt poweriut en to. i Aug. 13, 1961. GKO. W. LOSS, .Tb. I lieular attention given to the common branches, cleacs and elevates wheat and Otner rain.. i Le new School builainj? is eliiribly locale 1 on with wonderful rapidity and ea?e. Such enterprise as this raust and will raeet the approbation and patronage of the community. The Steamer Jessie Bbown. This magnificent steamer has entered the Mays- W. i. JIOSS. ALK.. POWER. OE0. W. HOSS, JB. ivisw firm: ROSS & POWER. rpriE UNDERSIGNED SUCCESSORS X of the late lirm of 1IOSS ifc NEW ELL, have this day entered into partnership, under the! i I r. id. nm,nrt- i name ana s; iu oi x run bi(,anlwll Vllle ana uincm" - i foDllDne ti,e Commis-icn, Grocery and Liquor lation of passensers and shippers both of business, at the old i-taiid, corner of Market and . r.,j ;. an adirartaTa I Third streets. We invito consignment, and! whom have found it quite an advartae. ;!, ....,.,..,. nll ,r. ,,' .... i Captain W. U. KkYT presides in the officp, selected supply of th bet Groceries, Liquors, listed by his accompl .shed a-socUte W, . j lSaeJnce of the favors jAU will render every attention to pas- j so liboraliy botowed upou our predecessors. and make a trip on their 6uPetb! Auguat iSib, ISM. KOStWm craft entirely pleasant. 07" Conference of the Methodist Epis copal Chnrcb, South. The ministers repre aentini this body met In their church in this city on yesterday mornii g. In the ab oca of Bishop Kavanacgh, Rev. Mr. rr.ooicAW will nreside over their delibera- .1.UU1VW1- ..... j a is eliLMhl v Third Street, i.- easy of access in all Seatons of the year, and possesses the modern improve nikLiU lor hating and veu'.ilatiug. The furni ture of the School rooms is new and excellent. t?" For terms and other particular, apply to F. M. GKEGG. Maysville, Ky., August ISth, 1 SO-i-tt HAVING sold mv interest iu the house ofi:SS it NEWELL, I take ?reat plea sure in recommcndii:!r to my o.d frieuds and customers, Messis. KOSS it I'OWEK, as being in every way woithy of their patronage. August ISth, 1S64. A. J. .NEWELL, aug 25, ls64 PUBLIC SALE. U mi Tha various other denominations in ; fK TUESDAY the 13th day of September, lljns. lue yarious i c ! IS i,l will oiler lor Sale to the highest bildi.i t e o'lySbave invited the members of the, - Conference to preacn tor inera ira KEW CASH HARDWARE II0USEI SIGi OFIJIG SAW. HEADQUARTERS FOK Sanford's Straw Cutters CASH! OWEN'S & BAEKLEY. Mnysville. Aug IS. 1S4. Second Streot. A ULL SUPPLY 0" Trunks, Valises, Carpet Sacks, Umbrellas, &c, - Always on h:'ud. Machine Oils. LAED OIL and other kinds for Machinery, Can be had at aug 4 Eighty- r, . .1. ,.ri. ,. .. . , ..... . i . i t-itriaieu ai me --iiiu-.n cua oi asuinsin, ou tne day, ana me inriiauoo win uu '"p , Maysvillo mid Lexington Ttirnpiko Koad. Tho SEAT ON & BEODP.ICK'S Cot. 2nd Court Sts. Turnip Seed r I7"0K SALE BY aug 4 SEATON & BRODR1CK. transact business every i land is of fi:; quality and the location a very dc- mnroic? from 8 o cloc& until 1J. rreacii-, T T vi'mrvivi- 1 at nlrht. Septeaibtrlst, 13ii 2w t Conference will ,ornii) from in the afteruoou and at night. Mustard loeed Wanted. A7E will rny the higheet Market Priee, in V CASH, for Mustard Seed, cither iu large or small quantities. PEATON & BSCDSICK. MaysvUlo, Ey., July 21, lgtS4, ALL PULCIIASEES WHO WISH TO SAVE MONEY! AND GET THE LATEST STYLES! WILL FIND IT TO THEIR ADVANTAGE TO CALL AT THE RED CORNER STORE BEFOKE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. as it will embrace a greater variety of goods than is ordinarily met with in an exclusive Wholesale Establishment. Tho departments alotted to AND 1ST otion, Will be at all times especially attractive as par ticular attenfion will be paid to them, and a LARGE STOCK .mfiiuunnuiijr ou nana, wo would impress upon our iricnds that in sending us orders they may rely upon havin? them executed to the ful- est extent ot our ability. MULLINS & HUNT Cheap Dry Goods Store, 2nd Street, Maysville, Ky. Maysville, Ky. Jan. 8,1363. PROSPECTUS OF THE MAYSVILIE FEMALE 1ISTITIIII. MAYSVILLE, KY. 'TMIE NEXT SCHOLASTIC YEAR OF TVERY BODY IS BEING CURED OF THIS1 -a. tnis institution will commence on the u"UBBlus u.o j uc oi fikst Monday in sEPTKMRRft I DR. STRICKLAND'S PILE RFMFnY.. Under the direction of Read what those say who have used it: . Mis3 JANE R. PARKE, aa Prfnrinal , Mr. Charles W. Landram, of Louisville, and T,. r ... . . I J. x . liazardo, Cincinnati, U.. wereaboth cured ine insiuure occupies a commanding sitnnti fill I i ftP r ncinrr fnt rxnt rf Tii- Cf rsr I nJla T: 1" in an elevated nortion ofth. c-itv. n.i ?I iT"r." JZ""T'"S."Z. l . t.i . ii . i.i i 7. J ' v . i.oiiicujr. iucj a y lucv nave irieu every imut? adapted to the health and comfort of the pupils, but could obtain no relief, but one Pot of Btrick- liUAKUlMi UlirAItTJlENT. land's Pile Remedy auected a perfect cure after. Tho residence of tho Princinal. Srmtfc-Foot suffering for many years with the worst kind of" corner of Third and Limestone Street.-., will ac- 7- 1 hey. reconi3iend every one who is suf- commodate twenty-five young ladies. Tho rooms ferine to try it. are largo and well ventilated. They are all y a Drupraists, 50 cents per pot. Mann' carpeted, and furnished with every articlo of factured at No. 6 East Fourth street, Cincinnati, furniture necessary for comfort and convenience . 0mo' Aek iot No pains or expense has been spared in render- DR. STRICKLAND'S PILE REMEDY' JULIA A PaI-KER adlad w .n,0nt f For sile SEATON & BRODRICK, Comef andmature fuS.' 01 ,arge esPerienc 2nd fc Court Sts., Maysville. June 2,''64-ly JIBS. JU. Li. VADY. will tnl.-o M.nro P n, - . V 1 KllQ i 1 limilftSihrtri un1 T A SURE CURE. classes in English Composition and Belles Lettres Miss ABBY S. PARKE, will assist in the lu- Dnuuuuu oi classes in tne -English department Boarding per Session of twenty weeks, ?0 00 Tuition in Primary Department, io 00 " " Junior 15 00 " " Middle & Senior Department, 20 00 . atin and French iu connection with Eng lish branches, go oo Instrumental Music, go 00 Use of Inttrumcut, 5 00 fc-Air bills for one-half of the Session are lEW BOOKS! SEVEN Stories, b Ik Marvel, $1 7& Speke's Journal of the discovery of tne fionrce of the Nile, 3 75- Life of Charles the Bold, Kirk , 6 00 Nepenthe, 1 10' Caxtoniaria, 1 f,ff Frieuds in Council,- 2 Off Old Helmet, '2 50 liusks, . . 1 50 Haunted Heart b pest and Sunshine,- rt bv Author of Lamtliirhter. 1 S0: Darkness and Dayliirht- by author of Tem- l 50' 1 to IK Testament MoWliarton . Communications far admission nf nnii. h'Vac,r.incf - . 5? be addrrssr.,1 tr. ti, P,ini.i nop nopKins on Slavery, 1 50 . V i D.m History ot rref aue in advance. It is d.irablo they should be I llablts ot t-oo" boeiety, paid at the onenintr of tlm S.; Clandine. arrangemeuts are made to the contrary. I Handbook of the T7ew aug IS, lS64-lm Mies J. R. PARKE. Maysville, Ky. JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS SILVER WARE. JUST received a largo stock of FINE GOLD WATCHES and JEWELRY, of th styles; also, a large assortment of Clocks, Silver Ware, Plated Ware and FANCY GOODS. A largo stock of Materials to T w tlJU v v iiiw .'im,i il tllU III ill III I.(t nriiir THE IIIGUEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR Old Gold and Silver! i?-Customcrs will please call and km1 their accounts, as I wish to 'close mv books ... ouuu as pos-ioic. O. X. DUEEU, Opposite the Exntass Office. Maysville, Ky., August 25th, 1S64. 'resident Lincoln's Administra tion, by II. J. Raymond. 1 50 Tho Bridal Eve, Southworth, 1 50" Family Pride, by the author of Piq-de, 1 50' Woodburn, by "Kosa." l' 50 From Capo Cod to Dixie, by Maokie, 1 65 The abovo, with roaof other srood books, re-" ceived and for sale by . W. BLATTERMAN, Jn-ly 7, 1S64. Second Street. RAGS WAITED! 1 nn nnn LBs good clean cot- t-'iJJVf TON OR LINEN RAfiS which 1 will pay the highest Market O. W. BLATTERMAN, Office of the Adams Express Co. FOR A FINE STYLISH SPRING SUIT! CALL AT BLUM & IIEGKINGER'S RED CORNER JSTORE X Maysville, Kj., March 81, VS64. HPHE TRANSPORTATION of Freight, except unuer Jiuitary rerimt, being pro hibited by tho General Commanding the District of Kentucky, Patrons of this Company are here by notified, that we can carry nothing uules. accompanied by a "Permit" issued by the pro per Military Authority, as required by General Order No. 68. Freight coming from a distance, for persons in Kentucky, wiil be held at Cincinnati until the required permit, necessary to' accompany it in transit, is sent to the Agent at that City. By leaving permits at our Office, freight will be promptly forwarded. A. M. JANUARY & SON. P. S. Until further notice, no Packages for Prisoners can be forwarded. A. M. JANUARY & SON. Maysvillo, Sept. 1st, lSi54-tf Orchard is t Wanted ! I Wish to secure the services of some good, sober and industrious man, who understands the Culture of Fruit Trees. I will givo good wages to such a man . He must give good refer ences. Or I will sell tho portion of land set out in Fruit Trees, embracing about 35 acres. Also, I will sell IO acre of good pasture, on which is a never failing Spring. Any one wish "t to purchase will call on 1110, 2 miles east of M uerva. BENJ. KIRK. July 14, lS94-tf LOOK HERE! THE NEW ' Boot & Shoe Store! SECOND STREET, (In formeily occupied' Chas. White.)1 MAYSVILLE, EY. THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY solicit the patronage of the Citizens of Mays-" sville and surrounding Counties. We have a full assortment of Ladies', Mioses' and Children's Congress and Side Lace Gaiters. Lasting, Kid . and Morocco Palmorals of the' best quality and latest style.- Gent's Fine Bcots, Balmorals, Congress Boots, Oxford Ties and Brogana of the latest stylo. LADIES' AND GENT'S BOOTS" and SHOES MADE TO ORDER . ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND WARRANTED. We have also a good assortment cf LEATHER AND FINDINGS which we will eel! at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Mr. CHAS. WHITE, will be ready td'wait cn his old tnends and customers at all times. 13. A. WALLINGFORt & CO. Maysville, Ky., June 16, 1864. AKUM- iind -Choice prepares always ru A. MADDOT Save Your Pickles. (y .1 UAKKtLS PUKE CIDER VINEGAR, In' JdX Store and for sale by B. F. fc C H. P. THOMAS. sville, K f.,- August 18, 1864-llnr BUY MATCHES THIS MONTH t EXT . MONTH you will have to HEAVY TAX on them. W "h-v. . best brand, "Gates." aug. 25, 1S84. SEATON & BRODRICK. N1 FOR SAIiEJ SOAP & CANDLE FACTOKT, CHEAP FOR CASH ! TIIE tt)AP & CANDLE FACTORY, on' Third Street. ( opposite Pfiistera Lumber Yard) together with Candle Machines, Boilers, Kettles, Steamkig Tubs, c. Ibe Building is J ire-proof and welf adapted" for the Manufacture Of Soap and Candlas.- Tby whole will be sold at a bargain. For further particulars apply to JAMES SMITH, aug 2a, 1S04. Maysville, K7