Newspaper Page Text
Who Will Care for Niggers Now A Pabody on Who will Care for Mother Now? List to rue, plantation niggers, Ae Iin dis mud-hole lie: Though I feel starvation's rigors, .Let me say a word and die. .Niggers, does dis look like freedom? I can't see it anyhow; Blacks are fools, and white folks lead 'em; But who cares for nigjera now? Choscs: Look heah! niggers, I am dying, Seethe death sweat on my brow; Dis am Freedom, no use crying; Who will care for niggers now Some say nigger's good as white folk, m Gizzard foot and Eboshinl Don't beiiebe it, 'tis a tight joke Handsome but you can't come in Well yon libed on old plantation, Earning, wid a sweating brow, Plenty clcthes and plenty ration! Bnt who cares for niggers now? Cuobcs: Look heah! niggers, &c. White folks say dey gib ns Freedom; What dey gib is all in my eye; Free to suffer, free to die. Free to starve, and free to languish, No potato, corn-cake, bacoo, We must to starvation bow; If dis is Freedom, IVa mistaken But who cares for niggers now? Ciiorus: Look heah! niggers, Ac. The Moon and Weathee. Mr. Merri im, lately deceased, probably watched the weather, arid made more close and accurate observations with instrument?,'for over 30 years, than any man living, declares that in all his experience he has never been able to perceive that the moon had the least influ ence upon the weather. Atd yet, to what multitudes is this rank heresyl How they ran to the almanacs to see when the moon ia 'new,' wheD it 'quarters,' and when it is full," and predict chan e8 in the weather at these points. The fact is, the moon is mw, or quarters, or is full, once a week the year round and in our variable climate the weath er changes often about onca a week when it does cot remain ucaltered for weeks, and so, if a change ia the weather takes place anywhere near the change in the moon, she is the author of the change. I hare known educated men to cling to this notion instilled into the'r childhood. I hav known men who are careful not to plant especially beans in" the old moon. And I put it to my reader, who, as I have doubt, is wjse aDd well educated, and free from all superstition, had you Dot a Meetle' rather see a new moon over the left? Don't you always think of it when you see the new moon? Can you tell why? It is one of those old roots which time and Christi anity has not yet removed. So many bad rather see a crow fly over the right should er than over the left a remnant of the old Roman notion of omecs. The number and variety of superstitions which still linger and burrow in the world, like the remnant of the old Cauasnites whom Israel 'could not drive out,' is far larger than most sup pose. My wonder is, not that there are so many roots of the old tree remaining, but that Christianity has done so much toward removing them. I see do time when we may expect them all to be removed-. Dr. Todd. The fact that a negro was auctioned off and sold for $1200 in the streets of Chilli cothe on Monday, has occasioned considera ble comment. The bidders were Abolition ists men who abhor the trafSj ia human fleah . Chillicothe A dver ft sir. W. P. COONS, Attorney at Law, OFFICE, west side Court St., aug 13 1S64. MAYSVILLE, KY, GEO. W. WROTEN, Homoeopathic Physician, SECOND STBEET, MAYSVILLE, KY. J5?OlHcc at Mrs. Wbotkn's. mar.10 W. S. FRANK, Attorney at Law, COURT STREET, Maysville, Ky. l57Prompt attention oaid to Collecting.. february lStli, 1SS1. J. K. SUMRALIi, " ATTORNEY ;AT LAW, MAYSVILLE, KY, WILL practice in the Courts of Mason and ad joining counties. OFFICE Wot-side or Court Street. janl5,lS68-lv E. C. PHIS TE R, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OlflCE ON TEE WEST SIDE OF COURT ST. mavsvii.le,i:k Y. August 14 ,lSt2. 100,000 Shingles! JUST Received and for sale by ALEX. MADDOX, Maysville, Juno 30, 1S61. Wall Street. OWENS & BARKLEY HAVE IT! LADIES, yoa wish to save your carpets F and awtep uithout Juet. Imv one of the (Iront Carpet fcweepcrs of OWENS & BARKLEY LADIES!-After having used one of the Car pet Sweepers, you would not be withont one. Call and see it. OWENS tt BARKLEY. OWENS & BARKLEY HAVE IT! THE PA TENT CARPET S WEEPER Maysville, July 7th, 1364. BLOCK AND TACKLE An a?8ortrot embracing all sizes of au; trior c-oustUctioa ALEX. MADDOX. Wm. H. lilCUARDSO Lloyd & Richardson; WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS &. TOBACCO, FORWARDING& COMMISSION MERCHANTS, OPPOSITE OOUDAKD HOUSE, MAS KET STREET, - - MAYSVILLE, KT. 7E WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL i -our attention to tho above card, and w solicit a portion of your patronage, promising to fill orders promptly and satisfactorily. We have established ourselves for tho pur pose of inducing Merchants to make their pur chases here instead of elsewhere; and as our goods are bought direct from first hands in the Eastern Market, by our Bioker, we mate this proposition to Merchants: That we will duplicate any bill bought iu Cincinnati, and if goods are not what we represent them, they can be sent back at our expense. We have received from tho East 20 Ilhds. Choice new N. O. SUGAR; lO " Prime " " " SO Bbls. LovekisoV Philadelphia REFINED SUGARS Crushed, Granulated, Powder ed and Coffeo A. 50 Bags Choice Yellow rtc Bright Green COFFEE MOLASSES Old and New Crop; MACKEREL in all sizes, direct from Bos ton, last CroplSGS; lO Kegs Newcastle ENGLISH SODA; TOBACCO alarge lot in Boxes, Caddies, tc TEAS a Superior lot of all kinds, selected for this portion of the Country. In addition to our stock of Heavy Groceries, we have a largo assortment of Fancy: CIGARS, at all prices; Funcy Wash and Shaving SOAPS; Whole and Half Boxes new M. K. and Layer RAISIN; SARDINES; FIGS; PICKLES; PEACHES, Cove and Spiced OYSTERS; MUSTAKD, in boxes; 50 fc 25 lbs. boxes assorted CANDIES; CHEESE; CRACKERS; INDIGO; MADDER; SPICES, grain and ground; ALUM; Race & Ground GINGERjCOri'ERAS; BLACKING, large and small; BLACKING BRUSHES; FAUCETS; CINNAMON, ground and in matts; CArS; SHOT; LEAD; EXT. LOGWOOD; STARCH; GERMAN SOAP; A large variety of CAP, NOTE fc LETTER PA PER; ENVELOPES, buff and white; &c. &c. t5FIn addition to the above, we offer induce ments to the trade iu x of ul ors: RECTIFIED WHISKY sold at Cincinnati prices. GINGER WINE, GIN, BRANDY, and with a superior lot of OLL BO UK HON WHISKY at all prices. Respectfully, LL0YD.& RICHARDSON. Maysville, Ky., March 3, 1S34. NEW CHINA, GLASS AND Queens ware House ! ! JEl. ALBERT, IMPORTER AND DEALER Second Stroot, One door heloio Geo. Arthur's Gmfectioner Store, KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND a largs AND WELL SELF.CTED STOCK OF French and English China, Glass, QUEENS V ARE Ss FANCY GOODS, in great variety, as Vases, Toilet Sets in China, Parian Marble and Bobemain Glass, Jewel Boxes; Fancy and Toy Boxes, Toy Tea Sets, cte. DINNER A N D TEA SET S, of all qualities, WHITE, ORNAMENTED AND FINE GILT. Silver Plated and Britannia Tea Sets, Castors, Etc., Plated Table Ware; Ivory, Bono and Wood Handled Forks and Knives Knives:TcaTrays anl Waiter, of all sizes and varieties, Imported Direct from the Manufactories in lif E U It O I E . J Also, the large and most complete stock of COAL OIL LAMPS, of ail sizes aud stylos, from 50 cents to $10 each BUENEBS, CHIMNEYS PAPER SHADES and WICKS; The Very Best of PURE COAL OIL. CANS, ETC.; all of w hich I will fell for CASH at the VERY LOWEST CIJxCINXATI price. Accommodation to the wants of custom ers, quick sales and Email profitsare the govern ing principles f my business. Cali.seeand judge for yourselves,! It. ALBERT. Maysville. Feb 4, 1$34. CJ ATAN'S Devices and Believer's Victory, O Parsons. Natural History of Secession, Goodwix. Ihree months in the Southern States, Lt. Col. Fkeemaitle. The last Times Seiss. Private Miles O'Reilly, Hi9 Book. Specifies for Young Eyes, S. W. Lander. The l;rry Boy and Fiuaucior a lifo of Secre tary Chase. ALSO: A new lot of WAT L PAPER and OIL SHADES At KOPEKS' Ilookstore. Maysville, Ky., May 6,1S64. C2m clb B, LADIES, . YOU WILL FIND AT THE HARD WAKE HOUSE, 2d Street, IVORY HANDLE KNIVES, I'LATED TABLE KMVES, PLATED DESSEUT KNIVES, PLATED FORKS t SPOONS. PLATED NAPKIN RINGS, BUTTER KNIVES, , CALL BELLS A- TABLE MATS, (inttn IVrcha KNIVES ,fe FORKS, . BKKAD v FRUIT Ti: AYS, WAITERS, iV-c. Ac, Lcvfor Cash. OWENS BARKLEY. H.C. LLOiD. GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. W. L. & JVL. PE ARCE Wholesale Grocers AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SUTTON ST., (opposite Lee House) MAYSVILLE, KY. Our personal attention will be gven to Receiving & Forwarding all Goods consigned to our care. All orders sent us aiall le filled in the same manner, w'th reference to quality and quantity, as if the parties purchasing were personally vresent. Below will be found an enumeration of some of the articles included in our stock, which we offer to tho trade low for Cash o r Country Pro duce: 24 Ilhds. Choice N. O. Sugar; 8 Ilhds. Priino N. O. Sugar; 50 Bbls. Lovering'd Refined Sugars; lO " Crushed do 23 " Pulverized do; 15 " A. Co flee do; 51 Bags Choice Rio Coffee; 25 " Prime Rio Coffee; 35 Packages Golden Syrup, in Half Bbls. and 10 gal. Kgs; 1(1 Bbls. New Crop N. O. Molasses; G5 Packages Mackerel, in Bbls, Hf. Bbls, ir. Bbls. and Kits; 25 Ilf. Chests Choice Gunpowcr Tea; 3 Black Tea; 20 Gross Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco; Choice Smoking Tobacco, iu Half Pound and 5 Pound Packages; 50 Caddies Choice Chewing Tobacco; 20 Butts Chewiug Tobacco; SO, OO Cigars, assorted brands; 73,000 White and Buff Envelopes; Cap, Note and Letter Paper; 500 Boxes Sardines, halves and quarters; 35 Doz. Cove aud Spiced Oy sters, in 1 fc 2 lbs. Cans; lol Baskets Chamraigne Wine; 12 Boxes Native Wines;1 Choice Old Kourbon "Whisky, in Barrels and Bottles; Common Whisky; Rectified Whiskey; French lirand y ; iii n ; (ii Hger Wine Raisins; Figs; Almonds; Buckets; Tubs, in nests Wrapping TajKir; Fancy, Toilet and Bal Soaps Washboards; Brooms; Cordage; Matches; Spices Star aud Tallow Candles; Cheese; Crackers Shot; etc. We invite the attention of Country Merchants particularly to our stock of goods We respectfully solicit the orders of tho trade generally, promising satisfaction In all cases. W. L. & J. L. PEARCE, Nos. IS & 10 Sutton St., (opp. Leo House) March 24, 1S64. MA YSVILLE, Kx 1 AND JLJ I J lsJ z STRICKLAND'S Anti-Cholera Mixture, Is a composition of astringents, absorbents stimulants and carminatives, which every phy sician acknowledges is the only preparation that will ellect a permanent cure ot Uiarrriuea and Dysentery. This Anti-Cholera Mixture is now in use in several of our airny hospitals where it gives the greatest satisfaction, lt has saved the lives of thousands of our soldiers and citizens, and we will guarantee it to be the best remedy in the world lor Diarrhoea and Dysentery. Mr. Woods, of Covington, Ky., will be most happy to satisfy any one as to the virtue of Strickland's Anti-Cholo' a Mixture; in fact we have a great number of testimonials from pa tients who have been cured after being pro nounced incurable by their p):yicians, some after taking only one bottle of St rick land's A nti Cholera Mixture. If you sutler with Diarrhtca and Dysentery try one lott!e. SOLDIERS! You ought not to bo without such a valuable medicine. Tho Cincinnati National Union, of April 21th, says; that thousand of our soldiers have been saved by the use of Strickland's Anti Cholera Mixture. For sale by Seatcn & Brodri?k,at 50 cents per bottle. General Depot, No. G East 4th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. june 2, lS04-ly nicooMs, Alarge supply of best quality, for sale by mar BEN PHISTER C. Gailerer, C. Nelson, Lateof Mason Co.,Ky. Late of Mt. Sterling, Ky. T. A. Matthews, of Maysville, Ky. Merchants' Hotel, ( FO 1 1 M E tl I. Y I E N N I S O N ill O US E ) CALLEHER, NELSON & CO., Proprietors. 3F"if tla. stroot, noar 3Vrva. CINCINNATI, O. r?This house having been thoroughly reno vated and newly furni.-dicd, is now open. Cincinnati, O., May 19th, ISrtl-Smo. J CORDAGE Hemp and Manilla ropes of all sizes from a plough linetoa ships cable always on hand. ALEX MADDOX HEAlfQlLARTjtiRSFOR- HAItlMVAllE, SADDI-KUY, TIKI: I'HOOF SAFES, l'LATFOIOl SCALES, COUM'KU SCALES. Cah. OWENS & BARKLEY. Maysville, August 13, 1S64. OF ALL KINDS, At SEATON tfe BRODRICK'S aug. 25 New Drug Store. MAYSVILLE LITERARY IISTI1I! MALE :El'!A.ltT3JLErT. r',HE next Session of this Institution will com 1 mence on he FIUST MONDAY OF SEP- TEMEEli, NEXT, and continue Twenty weeks. TERMS. Tuition in Primary & Junior Department $15 00 " Middle cc Senior jf20 uu ts7A limited number of pnpilscan be accom modated wKh board 'ii the lamilv of the Prin cipal. M. 11. SMITH, Maysville, Aug IS. 'C4. Principal. HiAljlTlLriGSTS! JJ"- P'-i'' Co.i Oil, some very fine, direct i'imu inn York lor sale by , may 19. SEATON BKODRICK. GRAIN, GROCERY, AJSV COMMISSION HOUSE Corner of 3rd & Market Streets, MAYSVILLE, - KENTUCKY. I HAVE JUST OPENED A UKAliN, GROCERY AND COMMISSION STORE in the honae formerly occupied by Jaa. C. Brook- over, uorth-east Corner ot imra x jsiarnei ois. I will pay the highest market price is cash or WHEAT, RYE and BARLEY. I havcjnst reioived a full stock ot lirocenes, SugarMolasses, Coffee, Tea, Rico, h tab, 1 obacco, Salt, fec.,&c.,togetner wun a general assort ment of all articles in he Grocery lino: all war ranted to be of the best quality. My goods have been bought exclusively for Cash, and will be sold for Cash or Country Produce, at very small pronts. I have also on hand a largo etock of PURE OLD BOURBON WHISKY. Commission, Storage fe Forwarding .business nttniiilml to with nromntness. All persons desirous of getting tho worth of their money, will please give me a call. june 19th, 1362 U EN I'll 1ST E It. CRUSHED, Towdercdand Granulated Sugar, of best quality, iu store and for salo low by BEN PH1STER, june 19 Cor. Srd fc Markestreets. SYRUP Philadelphia and Baltimore Syrups, in barrels, half barrels and 10 gal. kegs, for ... ' tit I '11 1 1 sale low Dy iinoix.., june 19 Cor 3rd di ftiarKCi strecis. IOBACCO of all grades and pri'-cs, for sa I By HEN PIIISTEli, ale june 19 Cor. Srd ife Market streets A71NEGAR V j"ie 19. of the best quality, for sale by L.. II. IiOiG, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IS ALL KINDS CF 6RAIW. FLOUR. TOBAECO. SALT. &C. Corner of Wall & 2nd Streets, MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY j ir.e 19, lS(52-ly Ti. .TO I LIS" HULL'S COBPOCXD CEDROX BITTERS! The Latest and Most Important Discovery of the Niuatee.itb Century. "XJO MAN'S NAME IS MORE INTIMATELY Jl connected with the history of the Materia Modica of tbe United States, or more favorably known as a pionoer in m-sdical discovery, than tbatof JOHN BULL, of Louisville, Ky. " Hisin iniitable preparation of Saisaparilla has long stood at the bead of tho various compounds of that valuable drug. 11 is compound 1'cetoral of Wild Cherrv has become a household word throughout tlie West and South; and his Worm Lozenges, in Jess than a year after their intro duction, attaiued a reputation as widespread as the continent of North America. But the crown ing glory of his life remains to be attained in his latest discovery, or rather combination, for he does nut claim to have been tho discoverer of CKDRON, which is the basis of tho Bitturs now ollcred 1j the public. That honor belongs to the native inhabitants of Central America, to whom its virtues have been known for m re than two hundred years. Armed with it, the Indian bids deauce to the most deadly malaria, and handles without fear the most venomous serpents. It is a belief with them that while there i breath left in the body tho Cedron is potent to cure, no mat tet what the disease may be. While Dr. Bull is not prepared to indorse thi extravagant pretension, ho is nevertheless satis lied from a thorough examination of theevidence relating to its virtues, that, as a remedy and preventive for all diseases urisin from exposure either to chauges of weather and climato or to the miasmatic i nil nonces, it stands without a rival, and justly deserves the reputation it has so long enjoyed iu Central America and the West Indies. In DYSPEPSIA and its attendant train of symptoms, it acts morcliko a charm-tlmn u medicine. There is nothing in the whole range ofthe Materia Mcdica that can for a moment bear a comparison with it i n this disease. A full account of this wonderful plant may be found in the eleventh edition of the U. S. Dis pensatory, pages luS7 and 18S3. A scries of experiments, iu which Dr. Bull has been for years engaged, has just been brought to a successful termination, and he is now enabled to olfor to the public a combination of Cedron with other improved, the whole preserved in '.he best quality of copper-distilled Bfur'oon whisky, which ho is confident has no tquil in the world. He might furnish a volume of certificates, but the public have long since learned to esti.. ate such things at their true value. Tho safest plan is for every one to lest for 1 imself the virtues of a new medicine. Give the Cedron fitters one trial, and you will never use any others. It is not necessary to publish a long list t f dis eases for which the Cedron Hitters are a specific. In all diseases of the STOMACH, BOWELSi KIDNEYS, or LIVER; In all affections ofthe BRAIN depending up on derangement of the Stomach or Bowels; In GOUT, RHEUMATISM A NEURALGIA; And iu FEVER AND AGUE; It is destined to supersede all other remedies. It not only cures all these diseases but it pre vents them. A wine glass full of the Bitters taken an hour before each meal will obviate the ill effects of the most, unhealthy climato and screen the person taking it against disease under the most try:ng exposure. bold by Druggists and Grocers, generally. ur. JOHN BULL'S Principal Ollicc, Fifth street, Louisville, Ky. Sold Wholesale and Retail by SEATON C- BKODRICK. Cor. 2nd and Court Streets, mar 7, lS64-ly Maysville, Ky. Come down in the center, That's what it means ! SADDLERY. THE UNDEKSIGNED IS NOW SITUATED so as to givo his undivided attention to the Manufactory of every article connected with the SADDLE AND HARNESS TRADE ! "lie has now on hand and in process of making, a splendid assortment of Gentlcmou and Ladies' Saddles; Saddle Bags; Buggy, Carriage, Biako anI Sulkey Harness; Wagon and Plow Gear; Kiding Bridles, with Packing, Port and Snaffle Bitls; Waggon, Buggy, Coach, Sulkey and Hid ing Whips; Hog and Kipskin Collars; Horse Covers, suitable for ad seasons; Leather, Web and Kope Halters; Worsted, Cotton and Hemp Girths; Ked top nnd Iron strapt Humes; Dray and Cait Harness; in short every thing usually kept in a Saddiery Establishment, which will be sold at Wholesale and Ketail, at low prices, to punctual dealers; 5 per cent oil for cash. T"A1I Kepairing attended to at once, at my Old Stand, on 2nd street, to find which. "Come down in the Center," between Market cfe Sutton. T. K. RICKETTS. Maysville, March 26th, 1S(53. ICE ! ICE!! WE have commenced running our lee Wagon, and will deliver Ice to anv part ofth-iCity. KT"Persons desiring Tee through tho dav.fcan obtain it at Richard Watkins' Grocery Store, on Wall street, or at Wm. Watkins' on .Market St. WM. WATKINS; MayllSGl. K1CHAKD WATKINS .' THE SEW WHOLESALE & RETAIL! CHINA STORE South side 2d bet. Court & Market St G. A, k J. E McCARTIIEY. WE ANNOUCE WITH pleasure, tho RE MOVAL of our Stock of CHINA, CLASS AND Q UEENS WARE, to thehnilding formerly oc cupied by E. Martin Sad ler, whero we are opening a large ni?d complete assortment oi uoous, IMPORTED BY OURSELVES DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORIES Ourstock is larzo, containing great varieties of PLAIN WHITE. GOLD BAND AND FANCY DECORATED Dinner and Tea Setts; VACES; COLOGNE BOTTLES; TOILET SETTS; FANCY AND STAPLE ARTICLES of every description; Silver Plated KNIVES, FOllKS, CARD BASKETS, &c. 'IE TRAYS; WAITERS; COAL OIL I. A SITS of ninny vaih'tios While thanking thfl public and the trade fo the liberal encouragement extended to us in li.e past, wo hoi o they u ill not f'-r'et to call and sec us at our NEW CHINA s lUlIK. (J. A. & J. E. McCARTIIEY, Imcokteks ok Eakthknwark, On Sou lb sul" M street Maysville, Ky., January 7th. 7- i. GODDARO HOUSE CORNER' OK MARKET & FRONT, S'I'S Opposite Steamboat Landing, MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY . Mrs. i:. T. FLi:.V!I;, Proprietress. rIMIIS well Hotel, has Viecn .re JL paired and refitted in a superior manner and is T ow open to the public. Tho Proprietress recently of Fkx Spri-itrs, so licits the patronapcof the traveling cuminiiiiily. No pains will bo spared to give satisfaction to the guests of t lie house. p4yStages leave dail v for all point in the in terior. Mrs. E. F. FLEMING. Feb. l'2-6m n n: :Moy" .a. :l . GE0GE ARTHUR Baker & Confectioner AND DKAI.Ll: IN Fruits, Nuts, Toys, FANCY GOODS -V-., Hur removed his Stuck to MTTLLINS & HUNT'S Old Stand, on jSECOKTD STHEET, Where he will be pleaded to see and wait upon all Maysville, Ky., April !'th,lS). JOHN A. SEATON J. 1. BKODKICK SEATON &. BRODRICK WHOLESALE ABETAIL DETJGGISTS, AND DEALERS IN MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Paints, iOils, G-lass, &c. COKNFK SKCOND COITIIT STS. ft Maysville, 3E5Iy. " AY HEELER & WILSON'S Sewing Machines! Awarded tne First Premium as the best Family Sewing Machine, Foi three successive years at ilie UNITED STATES FAIR; For five years at the CINCINNATI MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. WITH IMPROVEMENTS! GLASS FOOT; HEMMER; CORDER & BRAIDER. MA CHINE NEEDLES', COTTONS, eye. J5T"For sale by J. B. GIBSON, Agent, TELEGRAPH OFFICE, fcb. 4lh, lSt4. Maysville. Tailoring and Renovating ESTABLISHMENT ! ! ! SECOND ST It E ET, opposite City Hall, MAYSVILLE, KY. rrMIE Undersigned would respectfully inform i t the citizens ot iviaysville and vicinity that he is prepared to make up suits of any style and warrant I hem to give satisfaction. I am prepared to RENOVATE CLOTHING and remove all kinds of Grease, l'aint or Dirt. and restore the goods to its original gloss and beauty. Give me a call, june 23, '04. CHRISTIAN ALTMEVER. rlURES Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Asthma, v ' uui vuiiMiiiiinron It is only necessary for any one troubled with these complaints to try one bottle of Strickland's Mellifluous Cough Balsam to convince them that it is the best preparation ever used, lt notcnly cut cs the above affections of the Throat and Lungs, but it cures Night Sweats and Spitting of Blood, aud is an excel lent gargle for any kind of Sore Throat. It is p easant to take, and a safe medicine for inft.nts. Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by SEATON & BRODRICK, Corner 2nd & Court Streets, Maysville, Ky. General Depot, No. 0 East 4th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Ijnne 2, 1SG4-Iy CHANDELIBHS! OF Various Patterns, for burning Coal Oil At SEATON A: BRODRICK'S Maysville, Ky., may 19. Drug Store. ""pEA a very srircrior article, the best import X ed, in atoro and lor sale lv LEN PH1STEE1 MAYSVILLE A N D CI N CIIN N AT U. S. MAIL LINE. THE PINE, NEW AND SPLEFDID STEAMEfc, This fine Steamers ui,"'M'k i Fr the CSnrin. was built ex- BTuT T-"' , I uatiandMay6. pressly mtv-i. ii'b -JTMii villa Trle. 3. H. P RATHER, Commander. LEW. MORRIS Clerk Leavesfoot of WaluutSt..for Mavsvillfi. Monday.Wedncsday and Friday, atl2o'elock, M Leaves Mavsville for flinoinnnti. nverv Tno day, Thursday and Saturday, 10 o'clock, A. Y EST or reiht or Passaero apply on board, o to GRAHAM & McNEELY. Freight received at all hours at the Maysville Packet Landing. Cincinnati, Maysville and Portsmouth REGULAR TRI-WEEKLY PACKET , y, THE SPLENDID STEAME bsila Bostona, Captain Wm. McClain, Comirander. will con tinue in the above trade, leaviLg Cincinnati every' iutru, i iiui.iuu huh ouiuiuiiy, ana x oris- moulli a very Monday, Wednesday and Friday , at 12 M. Stopping at Maysville either wavr between the hours of 5 and 7 P. M. For freight or passage apply on boaTd or to R. McNkely, Agent, Maysville, Ky. S. SALOMON, WATCHMAKER, Uoiiai:u House Euilding, 31 si r It i t Street, May 7, lSM-ly MAYSVILLE, KY. NEW B O O K S 7 M y Farm at EJgewood, by Ike Ma id 1 5t Hannah Thurston, by Kayard Taylor, 1 5 Talcs of a Wa side I nn, by Longfellow. 1 25 Hiisks. by Maiion liarhmcl. 1 50 Tho I-.inp of Amasis, ly Unlwer 1 25 Louie's L:istT'.rni, by Authoruf Rutlcdge 1 50 Souii.lings fri ni the Atlantic, Holmes I 25 (iciitlcuicii's F.onk of Kli'iuctte 1 50 l'.c:ii;tic of English Poetry 4 00 EvoniiTirs with the Poets" 4 00 Longfellow'.- I'oems. Cabinet edition 2 o Heaven ur II in- Are 1 00 2r?The above, with numerous other now and valuable publications, just reetivrd ny t;. V 1 5 L A T T E y: m a n , Hooksellcrs, Secor.rt Street. For Kill-, Iif-. Uoiichrs, Ants, Red IJtur Uoih- in ln r, Woolens A-c. In sects on Phiiil-, Fowls. An i ma Is, Ac. Pui up in 2je. !V:. and $l.oo Boxes, Bottles, acd Flasks. and f . sizes for Hotels, Pdblic In - STI1 LTIONS. Ve. 'Only infallible remedies known." " Free from Poisons." "Not dah'jiTous to 1 1 10 Human Family." "Rats come out of their holes to die." ISohl Wholesale in all large cities. i-s?"s"H by all Druggists As l'utailers every whero 1-tT I! ' i; i: ai:i ! ! ! of ail worthless imitations. J-i?"See that "M'ostauV name is on each Box, Bottle, and Flask. iof re vou buy. "id lrcss II U'V . COSTAH. i'mSCIi-AT.DKPOTf-Ji BliOADWAY, N. Y. J-Sold oyail W lufk'sale i"c R-'tail Druggists in Mavsviilc. Kv. mar SI , ISO-l-Gin. "THE HOWlT mm J HAVE JUST i;KCKlVrED A NFW LOT OF S THK CKLEHRATEU IIOwE SEWING MAC11INE. direct from the Manufacturer, and will sell them at the lowest possible rate for Cash. Thcso Machines are adapted for heavy as well as iho finest sewing. Call and examincthem at the resilience of S. Shockley, cin Short street. Mi:s. A. J. SMITH, Agent. K?Nekhi.ks ash Spool TmiEifns can be had at SlldCi; I.I'V1 Sfri.r.. VI l.-.-.f ctr.tdt Maysville, Ky.. Feb. 'J jlh, 1SG5. EEMOVAL ! IOUIS.STINE would respectfully inform his customers and friends t ha' he has removed to Cadwalhulei's Building, in the room formerly occujucd by the Telegraph Oilice. Fall and Winter Goods ! LOUIS STINE MERCHANT TAILOR AND GENTS EUKNI81IEK, SECOND STREE7, MAYSVILLE, KY.. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A Choice assortment of a'l Seasonable Goode in his line, which ho is prepared to dispose of at the lowest rates for "CASH ." lie solicits a call from his friends and pledges his best effortst give Satisfaction. October 1, 1663. LOUIS STINE. INTERIOR ADORNMENTS! JUST RECEIVED A CHOICE SELECTION of new and dusirablo styles of PAPER HANGINGS, from the rich and ornate to the most chaste and simple patterns, appropriate for Parlors, Halls, Dinin-Kooms and Chambers. FIRE BOARD PRINTS new designs; WINDOW SHADES, of any required style or size, on hand or made, to order. GILT MOULDING A Nn OVA.L PICTURE FRAMI8 PICTURE CORD & TASSELS, and all tho trimmings fcr frames. FRAMING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE! lhc above Goods are all new and will be sold cheaper than ever before sold in this cit . ' S3-rA call is solicited from persons wishing to purchase the above goods. J. ii. A C. S- ROGERS, Booksellers & Stationers, Maysvi'lo, Ky., April 21, 1S64. 2d Street. Mustard toeed Wanted. "7E will pay the highest Market Price, in V V CASH , lor Mustard Seed, either iu large or small cnimtities. SEATON & BP.ODBICK. Mayavillo, Ky., July 21, 1264. W3 SEWIiB ili