Newspaper Page Text
r i, 1. i i Hi i . 4 f ' 1 i -i pi k 1 i :9 1 : V The Song of the Raven. A raven eat on a blood-stained stone And pecked away at a fleshless boner Singing his eong in a raven's tone, That echoed wild as a spirit's moan War! Wat! War! Then he napped his wings and hopped away Over the ground of the dreadful fray, In search of a more nutritions prey, Still shouting aloud his omiDCuslay Wai! War! War! Still flapping his wings he hopped around To a form stretched on the ground, ' A human frame on an ancient mound, Still shouting aloud the doleful sound War! War! War! ' Then lightning thereon the hero's breast, Where a form of beauty once found rest "Where a fond affection was ever blest He cried as he plumed his raven crest War! War! War! Boon the mouldering flesh was torn apart With a raven's skill and a raven's art, Till the evil bird had reached the heart, Crying again with an angry start War! War! War! The heart that had once so proudly beat In the quiet borne or busy street, With its hopes of life, was a raven's meat. Mixed was the song with the morsel sweet War! War! War! When the red moon lighted up the east, The bird of song prolonged his feast, With his idle time from Satan leased, And hoarsely croaked like a savage beast War! War! War! And with fiendish pride he sank his beak, Tearing the flesh from tho manly cheek, Swallowing still each quivering fieak, Whilst the echoes catch his angry shriek War! War! War! Then be lifts his head of the blackest dye, The blood-stained beak strikes the hero's eye, And in echoes reaching to the sky Still hoarser comes the raven's cry War! War! 7.rar! That cheek, that eye so kindly smiled With a loving trust so pure and mild, To bless perhaps, a wife or child, Was food for the bird that sang so wild War! War! War! Obichx' of Mules ij the United States. Up to the year 1773 there were scarcely any males to be found in the Uni ted States; those few bad been imported from the West Indies, and were of a very inferior order. When WAsnisoTON return ed to private life at-Mount Vernon, he be came convinced that mules would be better adapted for use in the agriculture of the Southern States, as they lived longer, were less liable to disease, require less food, and were more economical han horses. On his iewsbecoming known to the King of Spain he sent him a Jack and two Jennies. The Jack was sixteen hands hijh, of a gray col or, heavily made, and of sluggish disposi tion. About the same time he aho received a Jack and some Jennies from Lafayette, which where procured on the island of Mal ta. These proved more ferocious and active. By crossing the breed, Washington availed himself of the best qualities of the two, and thus introduced excellent mules for farming labor Into this country. Such was their superiority, that at the sale of the General's o Sects, one wagon team of four mules old for $800. At this day theso animals are extensively used in the Southern and Middle States. W. P. COONS, Attorney at Law, OFFICE, west side Court St., aug IS 1S64. MAYSVILLE, KY, GEO. W. WROTEN, Homoeopathic Physician, SECOND STREET, MAYSVILLE, KY. "Office at Mrs. Wkcten's. mar.lO W. S. FRANK, Attorney at Law, COURT STREET, Maysville, Ky. ISyTrompl attention oaid to ColIccting.i febrnary 13th, 1SG4. J. K. SOMRALL, "ATTORNEY . AT LAW, MAYSVILLE, KY., WILL practice in the Courts of Mason anil ad joining counties. OFFICE West-side of Court Street. jan!5, 1SG8-Iv E. C. PHISTBR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 01TICE ON THE WEST SIDE OF COTJItT ST. MAYSVILLE ,1 Y. Apgn-rt 14 ,1362. 100,000 Shingles! JUST Keceived and for sale by ALEX. MADDOX, Waysviile, June SO, IStM. Wall Street. NATIVITY HALL ! o EEV. F. M. GREGG, A. M., Hector. MBS. M. G. CALDER, Principal. THE FIRST SESSION of this SCHOOL FOK GIRLS, will open on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5TII, 1SG1. Mbs. M. G. CALDER, the Principal, is a lady of large experience and varied attainments, to that the pnpils will enjoy first class privilccs. The branches taught embrace Fainting and Draw-in"; French; Mneic, Instrumental and Vocal. Par tleilar attention given to tLe common branches. The new School building is eligibly located on Third Street, Is easy of access in all Seas-r.ns of the year, and possesses the modern improve xnents for heating and ventilating. The furni ture of the School rooms is new and excellent. t5F"For terms and other particulars, apply to F. M.cJEEGU. Maysville, Ky., August ISth, lSS4-tf Wm. II. RICHARDSON Lloyd & Richardson; WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, 'WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS & TOBACCO, FOMARDIM&COMMISSIi MERCHANTS, OfVOPITE GODDAKD HOUSE, MARKET STREET, - - MAYSVILLE, KY. ajE WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL TV vour attention to the above curd, and solicit a portion of your patronage, promising to fill orders promptly and satisfactorily We have entablisdicd ourselves it tho pur pose of inducing Merchants to make their pur chases here instead of elsewhere; and as our goods are bought dikect from fiiist hands in the Eastern Market, by our liioker, wc make this proposition to Merchants: That we will duplicate any bill bought iu Cincinnati, and if goods are not what we represent them, they can be sent back at our expense. Wo have just received from the East 20 Hilda. Choice new N. O. SUGAR; lO " Prime " " " SO Bbls. Lovekinu'm Philadelphia (IE FINED SUGARS Crushed, Granulated, Powder ed and Co'lec A. oOKags Choice Yellow fc Eright Green COFFEE MOLASSES Old and New Crop; MACKEKEL in all sizes, direct from Los ton, last Crop 150 3; lO Keg Newcastle ENGLISH SODA; TOIIACCO a largo lot in Poxes, Caddies, &c. TK.S- Superior lot of all kinds, .selected l'or this portion of the Country. In addition to our stock ol" Heavy Groceries we Lave a large assortment nf Fancy CIO A1IS, at all prices; Fancy Wa.-haud .having SOAPS; Whole and Half lioxcs new M. K and Layer RAISIN; SARDINES: FIGS; 1TCKLF.S; PEACHES, Cove and Spiced OY-Vf EKS; MUdTAhD, in boxes; j0 it 'J lbs. boxes assorted CANDIES; CHE E S E; CRACK KRS; INDIGO; MADDER; SPICES. grain and ground; vLUM; Pace & Ground GlNGRRjCOPl'DRAS; BLACKING, lart'o and small: BLACKING BRUSHES; FAUCETS; CiNNALION, ground and in ruatts; CAPS; SHOT; LEAD; EXT. LOGWOOD; STARCH; GERMAN SOAP; A large variety of CAP, NOTE fc LETTEK PA- j PR;ENYELOPES,butl"uud white; fce.fcc. J3?In addition to the above, we oiler induce- j mcuts to the trade in Ijiq'ULors 2 RECTIFIED VlIIsKY sold at Cincinnati prices. GINGER WINE, GIN, BRANDY, and with a superior lot of OLU IlOt itUON WHISKY at all prices. Respectfully, LL0YD.& UICIIAHDSOX. Maysville, Ky., March C, ls'M. Mm CHIPMi OLA' AND Que ens war 8 House ! ! IMPORTER AttD DEALER Second IStroot, One door below Go. A,th:rs G.fcdiour .Store, KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND a iakce AND WELL SELECTED STOCK 09 French anil English China, Glas?, QUEEN3WARE& FANCY GOODS, in great variety, as Vases, Toilet Sets in China, Parian Marble and Hobcmain Glass, JJovel Boxes; Fancy and Toy Boxes, Toy Tea Sets, etc. DIN NK It A N l T K A SETS, of all qualities, WIIITE, ORNAMENTED AND FINE GILT. Silver Plated and Eritaimia Tea Sets, Castors, Etc., Plated Table Ware; Ivory, Bone and Wood Handled Forks and Knives Knivc;Tea Trays and Waiters, of all sizjs and varieties, Imported Direct from the Manufactories in 237- i: v n o i i: . Also, the large and most complete stock of COAL OIL LAMPS, of ail sizes at.d styles, from 00 cents to 10 each , BULNEP.S, CHIMNEYS PA FEB SHADES and WICKS; The Very Best of PURE COAL OIL, CANS, ETC.; :t:i of which I will sell for CASH at tho VEBY LOWEST CINCINNATI prices. ST" Accommodation t the wants of custom ers, quick sales an. 1 smali profits are the govern ing principles ol my basil e:-s. i. all. see an. I ' iu.l-e for vor.rsclvcs! It. ALIJI-MtT. i &:iysvi;'h;. Feb i, LUCK AND TACK LK An assortment embracing all sizes of hm er ior i-oiistructiop ALEX. MADDOX. ; LADIES, ' YOU V ILL FIND AT THE HAunu aist: iioi:si:, d street, rVOKY IIANHEE KNIVES, ' PLATED TAULK KNIVES. J'LATKD Dl SSKIM KNIVES. PLA'i KD FoiiKS S1MiNS. I'LATl.l) NAPKIN KINGS, i I'l'rri'p i-vni-.i ' CALLliMI.lN.v TAKLE MATS, It a INtrctia KNIVES : FOKKS, PKKAD A- FKl'IT TKAYS, W AIT EES, Arc. Ac.. I cw for Cash. OWENS ,f- UAKKLEY. I Tursiip Sceil r IOR SALE BV 1 aug 4 SKATON IJKODR1CK. Mustard eed Wanted, YTE will pay the l.izhest .Market Price, in i ? T i.ami. t r Aius'.ard s.d, citlier in large or small .-iiniitit: s E A TO N & B RODRI Cli. Maysviilo Ky., July 2li liol. II. C. LLOID. K0CE1UES AiND LIQUORS. ( o W.L.&J.L.PEARCE Wholesale Grocers AND COMMISSION M EPtCIIAN T S, SUTTON ST., opposite Lee House) MAYSVILLE, KY, Our personal attention will be gven to Receiving & Forwarding all Goods consigned to our care. All orders sent us shall he filled in the same manner, to:l7i reference to quality and quantity , as if the parties purchasing were personally present. Below will bo found an enumeration of some of the articles included in our stock, which we oiler to the trade low for Cash o r Country Pro duce: 21 llhds. Choice N. O. Sugar; S llhds. Primo N. O. Sugar; 5() Lbls. Loveriiig's Kc fined Sugars; 10 " Crushed do; 23 " Pulverized do; 15 " A. Coiieo do; H Dags Choice Ilio ColFec; 23 " l'rimc Kio Coil'ee; 33 Packages Golden Syrup, In Half Dbls. and 10 gal. K--gs; l(i Pbls. New(.'rp N. O. Molasses; G5 Packages Mackcicl, in DbU, Ilf. Pbls, r. lllils. and Kits; 23111. Chests Choiec Juupowcr Tea; 5 " " Plaek Tea; 2() Gross Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco; Choice Smoking Ti bacco, in Hull" l'ound undo Pound Packages; 30 Caddies Choiec Chewing Tobacco; 2( IJutts Chewing Tobacco; 30.00 Liars assorted liran-ls; 73,000 Wliitc and Dull' Envelopes; Cap. Nolo and Letter Paper; 3()() Hoxes Sardine. halves and quarters; U3 DoZ. Cove and Spiced Oj sU'ls, in 1 A; 2 lbs. Can.- ISjiSasketh Champaigne Wine; 12 LoXe.- Native Wines; C'hoici' Old Houiboii liisky, in JJariels and Hottles; f'oiiiniou Whisky; Kictified Wln-kry; I'reucli Hi and y ; ii n ; .'ins;fr Wnir j Kaisins; Figs; Almonds; IliicUcts; Tulm, in nests J Wrapping l'ajer; Faney, Toilet and Hal Soaps; j Washboard--; 1J rooms: C"rd.tgfJ Matches; Spices; i Star and Tallow Candies; Cho-isc ; Crackers; j Shot; etc. We invite the attention of Country ! Merchants particularly to our stock of goods. Wc respectfully solicit the orders' of the trade generallv, promising satisfaction In all cases. " W. L. & J. L rEARCE , Nos. 13 ifc 15 Sutton St., (opp. Lee Hourc) March -21, IS'! 1. MA Y.S VII. I. E. Kt L STRICKLAND'S Anti-Cholera Mixture, Is a composition of astringents, absorbents, stimulant! and eariiiina'iviis, which every phy sician aeVnowlo-lgPs is the only preparation that will cirji.-t a pernia-.i-iit euro of Diarrhoea and Dysc-ntery. Tiiis Ai.ti-Cholera Mixture is now in u-c i n several of on r ai my ho.-pitais where it gives tho L'leate-t satisfaction. It has saved the lives of thousand ol'our soldiers and citizens, and we will' c- it to be tli; best remedy j in the world lor Diarrho-a and Dysentery. Mr. o'-, ot Coyinglon, Kv.. will be most ' '"'I.'Vr t- ;-itifv any one a. to the virtue of i Strickland .- Anti-Chole Jl'xture; in tact we have a great number ot testimonials irom 'a tienLs who have been cure 1 after being pro nounced incurable l.y their physicians, some after takirg only one bottle f Strickland's A nti Cholera Mixture. If you sutler with Diarrhua f nd Dysentery try one bottle. SOLDIERS! You ought not to bo without such a valuable medicine. The Cincinnati National Union, of April tilth, says; that thousands of our soldiers have been saved by the use of Strickland's A nli Cholera Mixture. For sale by Seaton A Brodrik, and by J. .1. Wood, at ."0 cents ter bottle. General Depot, No. ii East 4lh St., Cincinnati, Ohio. junc 2, iNU-ly IJItOO.MS, A large sujiply of be---t quality, lor sale by 1 V mar BEN P1IISTER. (-'. G AI-LEMFP., C. Nl.I.SON, Late of Mason Co., Ky. Late of Mt. Sterling, Ky. T. A. Matthkw, of Maysvil'e, Ky. Merchants9 Motel, (FOZt.Mr.ItLY DKN.MSON JIOllSi:) CALLEHE.T, NELSON & CO., Proprietors. 2TilTtli stroot, noar TA-Xolxi. CINCINNATI, O. This house having been thoroughly reno vated and newly furnished, is now oi en. Cincinnati, O., May lltth, l;i-l-Gmo. -nidt mi.' n, i nr.,:n. r f . ' J l'I'.V V- all sizes from a plough linetoa ships cablv always on hand. ALHX MADDOX HEAD QQARTajRSFOR HAKim.uti;, SA DIlLt.ltY. . J'JIIK I'ltDOF SATES, l'hA'ITOIMI SCALES, COl'M'Wt SCALES. Ca ll. OWENS vfc BAI.KLEY. Mavs iMe, August 1, lbOl. O F ALL KINDS, At SEATON KKODRICK'S aup. 'Zo ie-.v Jjrutr fMore. MAYSVILLE LITERARY IITITIE 3i.vti: 1310 iviirr,3iit:rsrr. I "IIEncxt Session of this Institution willcom- '. T EMBER. NEXT, and continue Twenty weeks. i TERMS. Tuiti- n in V -l -i 'ii r Department $lo 00 " " iMia.i.p to Senior " jf'JO t'O j i t7A limited i,u:r.ber of pupilscnn beaccom : modated with board ,-n the family of the Prin cipal. M. H. SMITH. Jlay-vil,.;, Aug 15. ''"4. Principal. HALL LIGHTS! 70R IJ:in:!i.c C.-.l OW, svnic very fine, direct I ll'.'in icw iol" or oy raay 12. if EATON a- UEODRICX. i AND GEAIN, GROCERY, COMMISSION HOUSE Corner of 3rd & Market Streexs, MAYSVILLE, - KENTUCKY. I HAVE JUST OPENED A GRAIN, CKOCEKY AND COMMISSION STOKE in tho house formerly occupied by Jas. C. Brook over, north-east Corner of Third fc Market Sts. 1 will pnv the highest market pries in cash or WHEAT, KYE and BAIiLEY. I havciust rc-eived a full stock of GrocenSif, Sugar, Molasses, Coee, Ten . Pics, Fish, Tobacco, Salt, iVc, &c., togetner witu u. pnremi ment of all articles in ho Grocery line: all war- .i t i.a imst. nmilitv. Mv eoods have I itlltVlll .v ' -J v. -' " " ' - -i - ... been bought exclusively for Cash, and will be sold for Cash or Country Produco, at very small OLD BOUKBON WHISKY. Commission, Storuiro ite Forwardiug Business attended to with promptness. All persons desirous of gcttinz tho worth ot their money, will please give mo a call. .iunoltUh,lS.!2. ."Elt. 0 HUSHED, Powdered and Granulated Sugar, of bust quality, in store and t'orsalo low by BEN 1'HISTEK, jnnc 19 Cor Crd & Markot streets. OYKUP.-Philadelphia and Baltimore Syrups, O in barrels, hall" barrels and 10 pal. kesrs, tor sale low by 11 KN PHISTEU, June 19 Cor. 3rd Si Markcttreets. ri"OBACCO of all grades and prices, for sa I By BEN P111STEU, for sala jnnc 19 Cor. Did Vs Market streets. 7 INEGAK of the best quality, for sale by ' June 19. liKN !'IIl!LrEl!- li. II. IiOiG, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ALL KINDS CF EMU PlBUa. TOBACCO. SILT. SC.. Corner of Wall & 2nd Streets, MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY j inc 19, lSti-2-ly rrs. .toiiiv ijij.fJiis C011P0QD GEUROX DiTTEUS! The Latest and Most Important Discovery of the Ninsleo.itii Century. VTi.) MAN'S NAME IS MOKE INTIMATELY J.N connected with tho history of the Materia Medica of tho United States, or more favorably known as a pioneer in medical discovery, than that of JOHN BL'LL, of Louisville. Ky. His i n iuiitahle j.roparation of Saisaparilla has long stood at the head of the various com pounds of that valuable, drtnr. His compound Pectoral oi Wild Cherry has become a household word throughout the West and South; and his Worm Lozenges, in Ic-s than a year alter their intro duction, attained a reputation as widespread as the continent of North America. But theerown ing glory ol" his life remains to he attained in his latest discovery, or rather combination, for he docs not claim to have been tho discoverer of CKDKON, which is the basis of the Bitters now oil'crcd to the public. That honor bolonsrs to the native inhabitants of Central merica, to whom its virtues have been known for in-re than two hundred years. Armed with it, the Indian bids deV'ance to the mo--t deadly malaria, and handles without l'car the most venomous serpents. It is a belief with them that while there is breath left iJi the body the Cedron is tent to cure, no mat tet hat tlie disease may bo. While Dr. Bull is not "prepared to indorse this extravagant pretension, hu is nevertheless satis lied from a thorough examination of the evidence relating to its virtues, that, as a remedy and preventive for all diseases arisinf-from exposure littier to changes of weather and climate or to tho miasmatic influences, it stand-.i without a rival, and justly d'-serves the refutation it has so long enjoyed iu Central America and the West Indies. In DYSPEPSIA and its attendant train of symptoms, it acts more like a charm than a medicine. There is nothing in the whole range ot'the Materia Medics that can lor a moment bear a comparison with it iu this disease. A full account of this wonderful plant may be found in the eleventh edition of tho U. S. Dis-pci-atory, pages 10:7 and ICiS. A series of" experiments, iu which Dr. Bull has been tor years engaged, Las just bein brought to a successful termination, and be is now enabled to offer to the public a combination of Cedron with other improved tonics, the whole preserved in 'he best (piality of copper-distilled iVurbon whisky, which he is continent has no cqu.-il in the world. lie might furiii.-h a volume of certificates, but the public have long since learned to csti.. ate such things at their true value, 'flu safest plan is for every one to tost for I imself the virtuejof a new medicine, (five the Cedron xiitters one trial, and you will never use any others. It is not necessary to publish a long list !' dis eases for which the Cedron Bitters are a specific, In ail diseases of the STOMACH, BOWELS, KIDNEYS, or LIVEK; In all affections of the B1JA1N depending up on deran-'cmont of the Stomach or Bowels; In GWUT, KlIKl'MATISM fc NEUKALGIA; And in FEVEK AND AGUE; It is destined to biipt-rsede all other remedies. It (not only cures all these diseases but it pre vents them. ' A wine glass full of the Bitters taken on hour before each meal will obviate the ill cH'ects of the most unhealthy climate and screen the person taking it against disease under the most trying exposure. Sold by Druirirists and Grocers, generally, nr. JOHN BULL'S Principal Ollice, Fifth street, Louisville, Ky. Sold Wholesale and Kctail by SEATON tt- BKODKICK. Cor. 2nd and Court Streets, mar 7, 1SG4-Iy Maj-sville, Ky. Come down in the center, That's what it means ! SAD DLERY. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW SITUATED I so as to give his undivided attention to the Manufactory of every article connected with the SADDLE AND HARNESS TRADE ! He has now on hand and in process of making, a splendid assortment ot iTcntlenien and Ladies' Saddles; Saddle Hags; Rsgy, Carriacro, Biake and Sulkey Harne.s; Wagon and Plow Gear; Kidiufr Uridles, with Racking, Port and Snattle Bitls; Waggon, Bugpry. Coach, Sulkey and Kid ing Whips; Hog aud Kipskin Collars; Horse Covers, suitable for ail seasons; Leather, Web and Rope Halters; Worsted, Cotton and llemp Girths; Red top and Iron strapt Hiyraes; Dray anil Cait Harness; in short every thin a usually kept in a ?addiery Establishment, which will be sold at Wholesale and Retail, at low prices, to punctual dealers; 5 per cent otffor cash. KfAll Repairing attended to at once, at my Old Stnnd, on 2nd street, to find which. "Come down in the Center," between Market Sz Sutton. T. K. RICKETTS. Maysville, March 26th. IStSS. ICE! ICE!! "TTTE have commenced running onr lee V V Wagon, and will deliver Ice to any part of the City. J3f?Perso!i8 desiring Tee through the day,Jcan obtain it at Richard Walkins' Grocery Store, on j W ali street, or at V m. W atkins on Market St. 11-.-. i Hay 19,1501. RICHARD W ATKINS . Tift SEW WHOLESALE & RETAIL CHINA STORE South side 2lbet. Court & Market St G. A, & J. eTmcCARTIIEY. WE ANNOUCE W 1 1 it pleasure, the PE MOVAL of our Stock of CHINA, GLASS AMD" QUEENS WARE, to the building formerly oc cupied by E. AtAJtTiN Sad- ..;ei , wnero wo " '!''"& a large amd complote assortment of Goods, rUfOKTED BY OTJltSELVES DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORIES. Our stock is larerc, containing great varieties of PLAIN WI1ITK, GOLD BAND AND FANCY DECORATED Dinner and Tea Setts;. VACES; COLOGNE BOTTLES; TOILET SETTS; FANCY AND STAPLE ARTICLES of every description; Silver Plated KNIVES, FORKS, CARD BASKETS, &c. 'IEjX TRAYS; WAITERS; COAL OIL LAMPS of nisuiy varieties. ei,:tn iii.itil.-tmr tlm rmblie and the trade for i. iiiiu r. , - - , the liberal encoura-remeiil extended to us in tne oast, we hoi e thev will not foitret to call and sec us at our NEW CHINA STOKE. G. A. fc J. E. McCAETHEY, iMl'OKTKKS OF EAUTllfcSWARE, Oil South side 2d street. Maysville, Ky., January 7th, 1:0-1. G000AR0 I300SE miiXKIl OF MARKET & FRONT, STS Opposite Steamboat Landing, MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY JIr. I-:. V. rLIMII.(J, Proprietress. rI"IIIS well Hotel, has been re X paired nnd refitted in a superior manner and is i ow open to the pi.blic. The Proprietress recently of Fox Splines, so lic:ts the patronage ol t'no traveling community. No pains will lo spared to ttive satisfaction to the guests of the house. ta-"Stues leave daily for all point-i in the in terior. Mrs. E. F. FLEMING. Feb. 12-Gm R 31 MOV .A. La . GE0GE ARTHUR Baker & Confectioner in Fruits, Nuts, Toys, fancy i o i , -., Has removed his Stock to MTTLLINS & HUNT'S Old Stand, on SECOUD STTIEET, WJiere he will be pleased to see and wait upon all Maysville, Ky., April SUh.lSiiS. JOHN A. SEATON, J.H. URODKICK SEATON &. BRODRICK WHOLESALE tVKETAl L dhu ggis rr ss AND DEALERS IN MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Paints, 'Oils, G-iass, Sec. COItNEK SKCOM) COUUT STS. AVIIEELEH & WmO Sewing Machines! Awarded tne First Premium as the best Family Sewing Machine, Foi three sncecs.-ive years at ibe UNITED STATES FAIR; For five years at the CINCINNATI MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. WITH IMPROVEMENTS! GLASS FOOT; HEMMER: CORDER & BRAIDER. ALSO MACIIINE NEEDLES, COTTONS, -c. ks?For alc bv J. B. GIBSON, Agent, TELEGRAPH OFFICE, feb. 41h, 18(U. Maysville. Tailoring and Renovating ESTAELISHMENT! ! ! SECOND STREET, opposite City Hall, MAYSVILLE, KY. rI",IIE Undersigneil would respectfully inform' X the citizens of Maysviilo and vicinity that ! ho is prepared to make up suits of any style and warrant them to give satisfaction. I ain prepared to RENOVATE CLOTHING and remove all kinds of Grease, Paint or Dirt and restore the goods to its original gloss and ucuuiy. liive me a call. June 23. '04. CHRISTIAN ALTMEfEE. CURES Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Asthma, and Consumption. It is only necessary for anyone troubled with thesa complaints to try one bottle of Strickland's Mellifluous Cough Balsam to convince them that it is the best preparation evemsed. It notonly cuiesthe above atlections of the Throat and Lungs, but it cures Night Sweats aud Spitting of Hlood, and is an excel lent gargle for any kind of Sore Throat. It is p-easnnt to take, and a safe medicine for infants. Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale, in Maysville, Ky., by SEATON & BRODRICK, Corner '2nd & Court Streets, aud by J. J. WOOD, Corner Market & Front streets J ixeneral Depot, JNo. 0 East 4th St., C mcmnati, Ohio. fjune 2r 1SG4-Iy CHANDELIERS! fXF Various Patterns, for burning Coal Oil- J At SEATON & ERODRICK'S Maysville, Ky., may 19. Drug Store. HPEA a very snrerior article,tl:e best iTirort- JL e-i, in store ana ior saic oy jus; 19 iiEN PHISTERJ MAYSVILLE AND CINCINNATI U. S. MAIL LINE. TUB PINE, NEW AND 8V LENDID STEAHKtt This fine Steamer S'i'TIV i For tho r,u,i - was built ex- pj rC , I naliundMavK prcssly sL3B3S2SBaiirii ville Trte. M J Gt 1ST O jLi'I a, J. H. PRATHEB, Commander. LEW. M0KR1S Clerk Leavesfoot of WalnutSt.,for Maysville, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, atl2o'clock, M Leaves Maysville'for Cincinnati, every Tues day, Thursday nnd Saturday, 10 o'clock, A. Y 3TEor Freight or Passage apply on board, o toGKAHAMite McNEELY. Freight received at all hours at the Maysville " Packet Landing. Cincinnati, Maysille and Portsmouth REGULAR TRLWEEKLY PACKET,- A c, ii ,. TtiE SPLENDID S TE A M E ' fea Bostona, Captain Wm. MoClain, Comrrandcr, will con tinue in the above trado, leavjLjr Cincinnati every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and Ports- mouinavery oioiuiay, Wednesday and riday;- at la . rtoppinjr at -Maysville either way between the hours of 5 and 7 P. M. For freight or passage ajply on board or to E' MoNeely, Agent, Maysville, Ky. S. SALOMON, WATCHMAKER, Ooooard House Bciloino, ZI a r k e t Street, May 7, 1SG3-Iy MAYSVILLE, KY. For Ital, 3Iic, Koacho, Ants, Ued 1 1 u -, i'lolli in En rs. Woolens, &c. In ixti on IMaiil-, Fowls, A n inmls, Jvc. Ptii up in 25e. 50c. and $l.o(l Poxes, 15. ttles, ai:d Flasks. AO and $5 sizes for Hotels, Plllic 1:1' STITL'TlONS, VC. 'Only inlalHIile remedies known." "Free from Poisons.'' ''Not dangerous to the Human Family." -'Rats come out of th -ir holes to die." J3F?Sold Wholoale in all larre cities. i-"S. -t.l by all I)riiristst; Retailors every whero' J-?' !!!''.i-.vai!k!!! oi all worthless imitations. I-e?"See that Costa it V lian:e is on each Box, I'.ottle, nnd Flask, he ft re yon buy. S?Addnss UI.NK Y IS. COSTA R. PniNci.-AT. Dr pot -l- ISkoadway, N. V. ;-So)d ovall Wholesaled Retail 1 IrusrL'isN in Maysviilo. Ky. mar 61 , lstJl-tiin. THE HOWE rHAVE .IUST RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF THE CELERKATED HOWE SEWING MACI1 INE, direct from the Manufacturer, ond will siell them at the lowest possible rate for Cash. These Machines are adapted for heavy as well as the tinest sewing. Call and examine them at the residence of S. Shockley, on Short street. Mas. A. J. SMITH, Agent. J5?Ni:kiilks an d Spool. Timikaos can be had at S. Shocklf.y's Store, on Market street. Maysville, Ky.. Feb. 25th, 1S(!5. EEMOVAL ! rOUlSSTINE would respectfully inform his -i customers an. 1 friends that he has removed to Cudwiilladei's Building, in the room foimerly occupied by the Telegraph Ollice. o Fall and "Winter Goods ! LOUIS STINE MERCHANT TAILOR and tiE.vrs FirctMsiiEie, SECOND S TR EE 1, MA YS VI L LE, KY. . KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON II AND A Choice assortment of a'l Seasonable Good? in his line, which he is prepared to dispose of at the lowest Tatcs for "CASH." lie solicits a call from his friends and pledges his best effortst give Satisfaction. October 1, 1SG3. LOUIS STINE. INTERIOR ADORNMENTS! JUST RECEIVED A CHOICE SELECTION of new and desirable styles of PAPER HANGINGS, from the rich and ornate to the most chaste and simple patterns, appropriate for Parlors, Halls. Dining-Rooms and Chambers. FIRE BOARD PRINTS new designs; WIlDOW SHADES of any required ttylo or size, on hand or made GILT MOULDING- AND QV&L PICTURE FRAMES, PICTURE CORD & TASSELS, and all tha trimmings fcr frames. FRAMING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE I The above Hoods are all new and will be sold cheaper than ever before sold in this cit. C2gr"A call is solicited from persons wishing to purchase the above goods. J. ti. & C. S- ROGERS, BOOKSELLEKS tf STATIONERS, Maysvi'le, Ky., April 21, 1S64. 2d Street; OWENS & BARKLEY HAVE IT! TIE PATIIT CARPET SWEEPER!! ! LADIES, you wish to save toor carpets and Sweep without Dust, buy one of the Great Carpet Sweepers of OWENS & BARKLEY. o rADIESl After having used one of tho Car--i pet Sweepers, you would not he without one. Call and see it. OWENS & BARKLEY. OWENS & BARKLEY HAVE IT! THE PA TENT CARPET S WEEPER ! I ilayaville, July 7th, SEWINGMACHIi t II