Newspaper Page Text
v : -" The Children BY THE "vilLA-az SCHOOLS ASTIB." . ; ; i When the lemons and tasks arc all ended, And Ujc pcbool for the day is dismissed, ' TbelitCe enesg-atner around me To bM me good night and be kissed ; . I the HttJe white arma that encircle Aly neck, in their tender embrace, 5 OJ the smiles that are haloe of heaven, Shedding Etrnsbina of love on my face. And wlicn Hicy aroruac, I nit dreaming ! 3 Vf nij ehiMhood, too lovely to last! Of love that ray heart will remember While it wakes to the puhe of the past '.Ere the world aud ita made mo A paitner of sorrow and fin; .When the glory of God was about me, , .r.'Aiid ti e glory of gladness within. 0! my heart prows as weak as a woman's, . '. And the fount of my feelings will flow, ' When I think of tho paths steep and stony, .Whero the feet of tho dear onea must go; Of the mountains of .-in hanging o'er them v Of the tewpcsU of Fato Muting wild, ,0! there's nothing on ennh half s holy, .' Aa Ilia innocent heart of a child- Tliey are idols of hearts and of ltouf eholda J- They are angels of God in dieguise; - Tins suuligLt .-till sleeps in their tresses.; Ilia glory Mill gleams in their eyes: ", .O! those truants from home and from heaven, ' They have made mo more manly and mild; Arid I know, now, how Jesus could liken -:' .. The kingdom of God to a child. I asi not a life for the dear one All radiant, a others have dono, But that Ufa may have just enough shadow To temper the glare of the sun; I would pray God to guard them from evil, -. -But my prayer would bound back to myself. j Ah! a seraph may pray for a sinner, - . Bat a sinner must pray :or himself. The twig ia so easily bended . I have banished tbo rnle and the rod; I have taught them the goodness of knowledgo ' - Tliey have tanght me the goodness of God; - My heart is a dongeon of darkness Wl ;ero I shut them for breaking a rule, My frown is sullijieiit correction, My lave is the law of the school. I shall leave the old house in the autumn, To traverse its tbrcshhold no more; Ah! how shall I sigh for the dear ones That meet me each morn at the dixr! - 1 phall miss the "good-nights," and the kisses, ..And the gush of their innocent glee, The group on the green, and the llowers That are brought every morning for me. J shall miss them at morn and at eve Their gong in the school and the street; I bhall miss the low hnm of their voices, And the tramp of their delicate feet. When the It-sons of life are all ended, . And death says, 4,T he school i-i dismissed!"' May the little one gather around me, To bid me good-night and be kissed. A letter from Texas to one of the leading Manchester manufacturers, is published in the Engliehed in the English papers. The writer says Texas is in a flourishing condi tion, and go many negroes have been brought into the country during the war that labor is abaodant, and a large cotton cropisgrow iDg. He says the product of Texas the pre sent year will be at least 5C0.C00 bales, but he thinks the crop of the other Confederate States will not exceed 400,000 bales. The nerve f a tooth, not so large as the finest sewiDg needle, will sometimes drive a man to distraction. A mosquito can m ike 38 elephant absolutely mad. The corol rock, which causes a navy to founei, is the work of worms. The warrior tht h s with -stocd death i'd a thousand forms may be tilled by an icsect. Why do hens always lay in the day- time? Because at night the become roosters. W. P. COONS, Attorney at Law, OFFICE, west side Court St., anglSlS6i. MAYSVILLE, KY. G E 67 W.WR OT El NT . Homoeopathic Physician, SECOND STREET, MAV9VILLE, tt"Oi!ice at Mr?. Wroten's. KV. mar.10 W. S. FRANK, Attorney at Law, COURT STREET, Maysville, Ky. TWPromvi attention oaid to Collccting.J fubrnary lSth, 1S64. J. K. SJMRALIi, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MAYSVILLE, KY., TTTILL practice in the Courts of Mason and ad V joining counties. OFFICE Wot-side of Court Street. jan 15, lS'J?-lv B. C. PHISTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OITICE ON TELE WEST SIDE OF COURT ST. , m a ys vi r.LE,i;ii y;. Angrr;l U ,1302. NATIVITY HALL! s -" . " - o "... REV. F. H. GREGG, A. M., Eector. MBS. Mr G. CALDEE, Principal. XIIE FTHST FEPSIOX r,r th's SCHOOL L Fon jn;L, v.::i .r n oU 31 ON DAY, SEP.TEJIRLR.iTII, ISfil. ILM.ti. CAl .DEP.. tl j is 11 l.idv of larye experience and attt.innienU, so tl:al 1 i;e pupils will ct;ot rrt c!:l-s privi.cL'Cs. The branches taiitrht euiurnc' 1 :-i n t i r Mid Drawin": t'r.-nch; .Music, Instrnmei.ti-d and Vocal. Pa?- j t?c:;iar at'.eri'.ion given to the o.uinic.i: bra::clics. ' ll.e new School bmloiiiK is eligibly locate 1 011 Third Street, is easy cf access iu all Staifous of the year, and possesses tho modern i i;:prove rhnti for heating and venUIatinjr. The furni ture of the School rooms is new and excellent. Lt For tcrrt!. and other particulars, apply to F. M. It l! ECU. 3Iuyville, Ky., Aiunst lith, ; LI. (J. LLO 1 1. " Wit. II. KICHa'kDSON Lloyd & Eichardson; . WHOLESALE DEALERS EM GROCERIES, . WINE S, LIQUORS, TEAS & TOBACCO, FORWAHDING& COMMISSION ; M Eli CHANTS, orrosiTK oopuAftn house, if A ME UTS TULET, - - MA YSYILLE, KY. 7E WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL VV jour attention to the abovo card, and solicit a portion of your patronage, promising to fill orders promptly and satisfactorily. We have established ourselves for the pur pose of inducing Merchants lo flvako their pur chases here instead of elsewhere; and as onr good.i arc bought imttcT from fiiist hanks in the i:atcni Mail. el, by our Biokcr, wo make this proposition to Met chants: That we will duplicate any bill bought iu Cincinnati, aud if goods are uot what we represent them, they can be sent back at our expense. Wo have just received from the East 20 llhd. Choice new N. O. SUGAR; tO " Prime " " " oO Bids. Lovikino's Philadelphia REFINED '; SUGARS Crushed, Granulated, Powder ed and CoiTue A. jO Bags CLoico Yellow .V; Bright Green COFFEE 310 LASSES Old and New Crop; LJtEL in all sizes, direct from Bos ton, last Crop 1SG3; lO Keg.i Newcastle ENGLISH SODA; TOBACCO a large lot in Boxes, Caddies, &c. TEAS a Superior lot of all kinds, selected for this portion of the Country. In addition to our stock of Heavy Groceries, we have a large assortment of Fancy: CIGARS, at all prices; Fancy Wash and Shaving SOAPS; Whole aud Half Boxes new M. E. and Layer RAISIN; SARDINES; FIGS; PICKLES; TEACHES, Cove and Spiced OYSTERS; MUSTARD, in boxcr-;0 2.5 lbs. boxes assorted CANDIES; CUKE S E; CRACKERS; INDIGO; MADDER; SPICES, grain and ground; ALUM; Race 6c Ground G ING ER ; COPPERAS; BLACKING, lar'c and small; BLACKING BRUSHES; FAUCETS; CiNNAMON, ground and in ruatts; CAPS; SHOT; LEAD; EXT. LOGWOOD; STARCH; GERMAN SOAP; A large variety of CAP, NOTE & LETTER PA PER; ENVELOPES.butrund white; &c. Ac. Cffln addition to the above, we odor induce ments to the trade in i o ul orsl RECTIFIED WHIsKY sold at Cincinnati prices. GINGER WINE, GIN, BRANDY, and with u superior lot cfOLD IIOtJIIIJON WHISKY a t ail prices. Respectfully, LL0YD.& RICHARDSON. Maysville, Ky., March 3, 1SC1. NE17'CKINA GLASS AND dueensware House ! ! ALBERT, IMPORTER AND DEALER Second Stroot, One door htlow Gen. Aithut 't G infect Utner M-yrt K .EtrS UU.NM'AiMLl I) llADALAKOE Wtl.L ttLfXTtD STOCK jW T? 1. 1 r i! 1. r-i pi.. I' IT I1U1 UUU illlUMl tllillU, uiuss QUcENSWARE& FANCY GOODS, in great variety, as Vac. Toilet ''ct in China Parian Marble and Buhcmain Giaad, JJewel Boxes; Fancy and Toy Boxen, Toy Tea icta, etc. DINNER AND TEA SETS, of all qualities, WHITE, ORNAMENTED AND FINE GILT. Silver Plated and Britannia Tea Sets, Castors, Etc., Plated Table Ware; Ivory, P.nne and Wood Handle! Forks and Knive.-i Knives; Tea Trays iia v niters, ei all nzas ana varieties, Imported Direct from the Manufactories in 1ST 1: U It O I E . Also, the largo and rnoul comt.lete stock of GOAL OIL LAMPS, of il sizes aud styles, from 50 cents to $10 each BUBNEE5, CHIMNEYS PAPEi: SHADES and WICKS; ThB Very Best of PURE COAL OIL. CANS, ETC.; all tf which I will sell for CASH at the VERY LOWEST CINCINNATI prices. Zdg Accommodation to tlie wants of enstom crsqniek sales and small profit: are the govern in si principles of my bus-ines?. Cali.secand judrfs for yourselvet.! It. A LREKT. ? : 1 1 t.' 1. a 1 c LADIES, YOU V ILL FIND AT THE HARDWARE HOUSE, ?d Street, 1VOUY HANDLE KNIVES, ' PLATED TA RLE KNIVES. l'LATED DESSEUT KNIVES, ' PLATED FORKS SPOONS. PLATED NAPKIN KINGS, BUTT EI! KNIVES. CALL REELS TABLE MATS, .' Cj'ntta l"n-li KNIVES tfe FOKKS, BREAD .v FRUIT TKAYS, - WAITERS, Ao.. vc, i vr for fcV..-h. OWKNS d- UAP.KLEY. Oool o 'ICE! IT 1 CE!! YY J"E have commenced rni.r.iiiir our Ice V u;oh, i.n 1 will deliver l:e tj auy f-art 01 Clio jvy. 6r7 1 crsons .iCHnnir ice throngli tl 0 d.iv, can 1 o!tafi it at Richard Wail street, or i.1 V.' Ul! s' ric;rv Mire. on 1 1. ':! ';i:js' on .Market ' WM. ' ATKI.Vm UiCiiARD WAi'KI.S. Msy 10,li0?. GROCERIES AND LIQUORS. W. L. & JXPE AR.CE Wholesale Grocers COMMISSION M E R CHAN T S, SUTTON ST., (opposite Lee House) MAYSVILLE, KY. Our personal attention will be gven to Receiving & Forwarding all Goods consigned to onr care. All orders sent m shall he filled in the same manner, to 'th reference to quality and quantity , as if the parties purchasing were personally present. Below will bo found an enumeration of somo of the articles included in our stock, which wo olfer to the trade low for Caijh o r Country Pro duce: 21 Hh.Is. Choice N.O. Sugar; S Jlhds. Prime N. O. Sugar; oO Lbls. LoverLig's Rciined Sugar.; IO Crushed V; 2-5 " Pulverized do; 13 " A. Coffee do; 51 Bags Choieo Rio Coffee; 5 " Prime Rio Cotlee; 35 Packages Golden Syrup, :n Half Ebls. and lOgal. Kg?; Hi Bids. New Crop N. O. Molasses; 05 Packages Mackerel, in Bbl, Hf. Bbls, r. Bids, and Kit"; 25 Hf. Chests Choice Gunpower Tea; 5 " ". Black Tea; SO Gross Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco; Choice Smoking Tcbaceo, ia Half Pound and 5 Pound Packages; SO Caddies Choice Chewing Tobacco; 20 Butts Chewing Tobacco; 50.00 Cigars, assorted brands; 75,000 White and Buff Envelopes; Cap, Note and Letter Paper; 30O Boxes Sardines, halves and quarters; 35 loz. Cove and Spiced Oytstcrs, iu 1 tfc 2 lbs. Cans; 157r;askets Chanipaigne Wine; 12 Boxes Native Wines;' Choice Old Hoiiiboa Whisky, in Barrets a'nd Bottles; Common Whisky; Itt'Ctilicd Whiskey; French Krnii!y;(in;C.iii-r Wine Hair-in.-; Figs; Almonds; Buckets; Tubs, in uests Wrapi'ing Paj-or; Fancy, Toilet and I5:U Soaps; Washboards; Brooms; Cordage; Matches; Spices; Star and Tallow Candles; Cheese; Crackers; Shot; etc. We invito tho attention of Country Merchants particularly to our stock of goods. We respectfully s lieit the orders of the trade generally, promising satisfaction In all cases. W. I, & J. L. PEARCE, Nos. 13 fc 15 Sutton St., (opp. Lee Hon-e) March 24, 1S04. MA Y.b VIl.LE, Kr . AND Jj TJ X. STRICKLAND'S Anti-Gliolera Mixture ! a composition ol astringents, a')sor!t'iits tiimilaiit. aud carminaii vcs. which every phv sician acknowledges is the only preparation that win ciio..-t a permaient lire ot Drirrhu'a ant; Dysentery. This Ar.ti-Cho'cra Mixture is now in use in several of our ai my hospitals where i irivus the greatest atislactinn. It has saved the lives ot thousand of our soldiers and citizen's and we will rn;irnritoc it to be th; best remedy 111 1 lie worit tor liarrljuca aii l xsysuiilery. Mr. Woods, i Covinirioti, Ky., will be mos happy to s;iiisl'y any on." a- to the virtue o Strickland's Anti-Cholca Mixture: in fact w iavc a jrrcat nemwr ot tisnmonia.s ;rom pa tients who have been enred after luinj; ro- rionncca mctirao.e i.V tlieir ptivsicians, wurie lifter tukini en I v one bottle ol StricklaudV Anti Cholera Mixture. If von sulfcr with Diarrl.ica 11 ud Dysentery try ni e b . SOLDIERS! You oiiirht not to be without such a valuable medicine- Tho C'ncinnati National Union, o April 2ith, says; th it thousands ot our soldier have been saved by the use of Strickland" Anti- t li'.lcra .Mixlnro. For sale by Sieaton 5f Rrodri-jk, and by J. J WY-o'', at i.O cents ner brittle. Oeneral Depot, No. 0 East 4th St., Cincinnati Ohio. ' juno 2, ISiM-ly imoons, Vlareiiupply of best finality, for Hale by mar REN PlIISTER. C. ! ALl.KIIKIt, C. NtlLSO.V, Luteof .Ma.oii Co., Ky. LatoofMt. Steriin'',Ky T. A . Matthews, of M ay.-iviJ'c, Ky . o Merchants' Hotel, (rOXOIEKI.Y DEXNISON .HOUSE) CALLEHER, NELSON & CO., Proprietors. 3T"fTtla. stroot, licsxx TVXfxxoa. CINCINNATI, O. lnisnonsc naving neen 1 nor. -lis; my reno vated and newly furnished, is now open. Cinciunuti,O..May 19th, lStU-Gmo. ORDAGK Hemp and Manilhi ropes of Vy all sizes Irom a plongh lineto a slims calil always on hand. ALIA MA DUO A HEAD QUARTijR3FOH H Alt D W A It E SA DDLERY, HUE IMtOOF SAFES, . PLATED It, 11 SCALES, CO UN T EIC MCA . ES, Ca ll. OWENS & BARKLEY. Maysville, August IS, 16GL F ALL KINDS, At . bEATON HEODrjCK'S axis. 2d ivct urn's Moie. MAY5VIILS mARY : . IISTIME I 3XXli: D13PAKT3IEIVT. T HE next Session ort' is Institution will com-ir.cnc-r o he FIRST MONDAY OF SEP TEMBER, NEXT, and continae Twenty weeks. : TERMS. v Inoi r D 'i:!rtmont $l"i On A- .-. r ' ' o() i.i .nr ofpuj ils can beac-OTii- j rd r:i tl.e ijiniU of the Friii- I M. 11. SMITH, -V iilliili't 1 i - i i-'- i b. : Muy.-viih-. Ave 13 "iii.- Principal. j S! r.ui!.. (' ..1 Oil RODiHi'K'.' Drug Store. j 0 Mav ysvilic, Ky., may l'.. l 111 -ir . 1 vfffflwJffm HXT 33 "VST GRAIN, GROCERY, AND COMMISS ION HOUSE Corner of 3rd & Market Streets, MAYSVILLE, - KENTUCKY. I HAVE JUST OPENED A GRAIN", GROCERY AND COMMISSION STOKE in tho house formerly occupied by Jas. C. Brook ovor, north-east Corner of Third ifc Market Sts. I will pay the highest market prica if cash or WHEAT, RYE and BARLEY. I have Inst received a full stock of Groceries, Sugar, Molasses, Coll'cc, Tea. Rico, Fish, Tobacco, Salt, fcc., &c., together with a general assort ment of all articles in he Grocery line: all war ranted to be of the best quality. My goods have been bought exclusively for Cash, and will be sold for Cash or Country Produco, at very small profits. . . I have also on hand a largo stock of PURE OLD BOURBON WHISKY. Commission, Storage fc Forwarding Business attended to with promptness. All persons desirous of setting the worth of their money, will please give 1110 a call, jnne,lSi2. 1U:N llllSTEItL CRUSHED, Powdered and Granulated Sugar, of best quality, in store and 'jrsalo low by BEN PlIISTER, juno 19 Cor. 3rd it Marker streets. O YKUP. Philadelphia and Baltimore Syrups. O in barrels, half barrels and 10 gal. kesrs, for sale iow by jnne 19 BEN PHISTEK, Cor. 3rd ifc Market streets. ''I',OBACCO of all gradosand pri-cs, for sal X liy REN PlIISTER, junu 19 Cor. 8rd Market streets. V1NEUAII of the best quality, forsale by june 19. REN PLIISTER. L,. II. Ia OiG, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN ALL KINDS C2 BRAIN. FIIIR. TOBACCO. SALT. SC.. Corner of Wall & 2nd Streets, MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY jicc 19,lS62-ly DK..TOI I fvi 5 1 J JEV-sS COIII'OOM) GEDROX BITTEBS! ThcLntost and Most Important Discovery of the Niuatce.ith Century. "VfO MAN'S NAME IS MORE INTIMATELY LN connected with the history of the Materia Mcdica of tho United States., or more favorably known as a pioneer in medical discovery, than thatof JOHN DULL, of Louisville, Ky. " ilisin iuiitaMe preparation of Saisuparilla has lonjr stood at tho head oftlie various compounds of that raluablo drutr. I lis eompound Pectoral of Wild Cherry 1ms become a household word throutthout tlie We.-t and South: and his Worm Lozenges, in Jess than a year after their intro duction, attained a replication as widespread as the continent of North America. Hut the crown ing plory of his life remains to be attained in his latest discovery, or rather combination, for he docs not claim to have been the discoverer of CEDKON, which is the basis of the Bitters now ollered to tho jiublic. That honor belongs to the nativo inhabitants of Central America, to whom its virtues have been known fornurc th:m two huinlrc l years. Armed with it, the Indian bids deviance to the most deadly malaria, and handles without fear the most venomous f-erpents. It is a belief w ith them that while there is breath left in t Ijo body the Cedron is potent to cure, no mat - tct wliat the disease may be. While Dr. Bull is not prepared to indorse this extravagant pretension, ho is nevertheless satis fied from a thorough examination of the evidence relatinz to its virtues, that, as a remedy and preventive for all diseases orisin,-from exposure citlicr 10 c 11 alines 01 wcaliicr ana climate or to tlio miasmatic influences, it stand' without - I i;.. t . 1 . .- .. rival, aim juwy uescrves inc reputation It nas so long enjoyed in Central America and the West Indies. Jn DYSPEPSIA and i's attendant train of symptoms, it act moreiiKo a cnarm man a medicine, lucre is nothing in the whole ranjrc of the Materia Medicu that can for a moment bear a comparison with il in this disease. A full account of this wonderful plant may be foil ud in the eleventh edition of the U. S. Dis pensatory, paires l-UsT and Uis. A s:ric-of uxiieriiiients. in which Dr. Bull has been for years cnraeel . hup just bc n brou?lit4o a successful leriiiiiitiiion, and he is now enabled to otl'.T to the public a combination of Cedron with other improved tonics, tho whole p-eservc 1 in 'he bcstiuality of copi cr-distilled Ib.arbon whisky, which he is confident has no equal in the world. lie niijflit furnish a volume of certificates, but the public have lonsr since learned to esti.. ate sue), things at their trim valnc. Tho safest plan is for every one to test for i imself tho virtues of a new medicine. Cive the Cedron -Jitters one trial, and you will never use any others. It is not ncces.-ary to publish a long list if dis eases for which the Cedron Rittcrs area specific, In all diseases of the STOMACH, BOWELS, KIDNEYS, or LIVER; In all a flections of the RRA1N dependinsr up on derangement of the Stomach or Bowels; in tiOLif. K11EL M ATISM A: N EUIiALU I A; And in FEV ER A Nl) AC UK; It ii destined to supersede all other remedies. It :not only cures all these diseases but it pro- vents them. A wine class full of tho Bitt ers taken an hour before each meal will obviate the ill effects of the nio-it unhealthy climate aud screen the person taking it against disease under tho most try:ng exposure. Sold bv Drnpgists and Grocers, generally. .r. JOHN BULL'S Principal Ollice, Fifth street, Lonisville, Ky. bold Wholesale and Lctail by SEATON f- ISKODKICK. Cor. 2nd and Court Streets. mar 7, 1801-ly Maysville, Ky. Coine down in the center, That's what it means ! SAD DLERY. T "HE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW SITUATED so as to give his undivided attention to the Manufactory of every article connected with the SADDLE AND HARNESS TRADE ! He has now on hand and in process of making, a splendid assortment of Gentlemen and Ladies' Saddles; Saddle Bags; Buggy, Carriage, Brake and Sulkcv Harness: Wagon and I'low Gear: Riding Bridles, with Racking, Port and SnalHe Bitts; Waggon, Loggy, Coach, Sulkey and Rid ing Whips: Hoff and Kipskin Collars.- Horse Covers, suitable for ail seasons; Leather. Web and Rope Halters; Worsted; Cotton and Hemp Girths; Red top and Iron strapt Hprnes; Dray end Cait Harness: in f-hort everv thinr nsnallv kept in a Saddiery Establishment, which will be j sola at wholesale and Ketail. at Iow prices, to punctual dealers; 5 per cent olffor cash. , t-isAll Repairing attended to at once, at mv Old St-md, on 2nd street, to find which. "Como down in the Center," between Market it Sutton. X. KICKEXT5. Maysville, March 20th, 1503. Turnip Seed ! OR SALE BY augi SKA TON & BRODRICK. Mustard eed Wanted J rE will pay the hisrest Market Price, in ! V CASH, for Mustard Seed either iu lare-o i r sr. all quantities. ! SEATON .c BRODRICK. j Maysvh!o Ky., July 'il , 15(51. KV H . mil ffi liKTAIL! CHINA STQKJtfl Sonlli side 2d bet. Court & Market St G. A. Ss I R McCARTHEY. WE ANNOUCE WITH pleasure, tho KE: MOVALofour Stock of OHIN Jif GLASS AND Q UE ENS WARE, to the building formerly oc cupied by E. Maktim Sad er. -whoro wo arc opening a largo aRd complete assortment of Goods, IMPORTED BY OURSELVES DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORIES- Our stock is larjro, containing great varieties of PLAIN WHITE, GOLD HANI) AND FANCY DECORATED Dinner and Tea Setts; VACES; COLOGNE BOTTLES; TOILET SI5TTS; FANCY AND STAPLE ARTICLES of every description; Silver Plated KNIVES, FORKS, CAPJ) BASKETS, &c. IE A TRAYS; WAITERS; COAT. OIL LAMPS of many varieties. While thankinr; tha public and the trade for the liberal encouriitrcincnt extended to ns in the past, we hoi ethey will not forirct to call and see us at our NEW CHINA STORE. . A. fc J. E. McCARTnEY, MfOl:TERS OF Eautiiknwake, On South suit' -Jd street. Maysville, Ky., January 7th, IS'U. 600DARD NOUS COllNER OF MARKET & FRONT, STS Opposite Steamboat Landing:, MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY. .Ir. F.. F. rLi:II(., Ii-iirielrcNs. rIHIS u-ell knr.-.yn Hotel, has been re 1. paired and relittod in a superior manner and is i ow open to tlio public Tho Proprietress recently of Kx Spri'ifrs, vo licits the patronage ot tlse traveling community. No pains will lu sp.ircd to K'va satisfaction to the pnests of tlie house. Irt?"laaes kavedailv for all points in the in terior. Mrs. E. P. FLEMING. Feb. 12-em GE0GE ARTHUR Baker & Confectioner AND DKAI.Kli IM Fruits, Nuts, Toys, 1 r o A' a o oi Has removed his Stock to m"LL.LN & HUNT'S Old Stand, on SECOKTD STHE33T, Where he will be pleased to see and wait upon all Maysville, Ky., April !'lh,13i53. JOHN A. SEATON', J.B. BPODKICK SEATON &. BRODRICK WHOLESALE A RETAIL DETJ GrGISTS, AND DEALKKS IN MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. coitNi:it si:coni court sts. Mttysvillo, XSCy. W HEELER & WILSON'S Sewing Machines! Awarded tne First Premium as the best Family Sewing Machine, F01 three successive years at die UNITED STATES FAIR; For five years at tho CINCINNATI MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. WITH IMPROVEMENTS! GLASS FOOT; . HEMMER; CORDER & BRAIDER. also MACHINE NEEDLES, COTTONS, Ac. IBS' i; or sale lv J. B. GIBSON, Agent, TELEUKAPII OFFICE, feb. 41h, !Sii4. Matsville. Tailoring and Renovatins; ESTABLISHMENT! ! ! SECOND NTItHKT, opposite City Hall, MAYSVILLE, KY. 'IIIE Undersigned would respectfully inform 1 the citizens of Maysville and vicinity that he is prepared to make up s.ui-sofany fctyle and warrant 1 nc-m ti ive satisfaction. I am prepared to KENOVATK CLOTHING and remove all kinds of Grease, Taint or Dirt and restore the goods to its original gloss and beauty. Give mo a call. junc23.'i;4. CHR1TIAN ALTMEVER OURF.S Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Asthma, and Consumption. It i9only necessary for any one troubled with thesa complaints to try one bottle of Strickland's Mellifluous Cough Balsam to convince them that it is the best preparation ever used.' It notcnly cute the above affections of the Throat and Lungs, but it cures Night Sweats and Spitting of Blood, and is an excel lent gargle for any kind of Sore Throat. It is P'easan,t to lake, a ad a safe medicine for infants. Price 50 cents per bottle. . - - --- For side, iu Maysville, Ky.,.by SEATON & BRODRICK. Cornel1 2nd & Court Streets, wid by J. J. WOOD. Comer Market A Front streets . General Depot, No. 6 East -1th Si , Cincinnati, Ohio. June 2, ISo-l-ly 100,000 Shingles! UST Received an 1 for .-;ile by ALEX. MADDOX. Masvii'.c, June CO. i'.i. Wall Street. ilLOCK AND TACKLE An assoitcaent y embracing aii aizes of superior construction liiJfillllflllrt ALEX. MADDOX. uinoinnat U. S. MAIL LINE, 111. n, MW iKl, BPUKDlD8TIimR villa Trade. J. H. PEATHEE. Commander. LEW. M0EE1S Clerk xrT63 of WalniitSt., for Maysville, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 12 o'clock . "Y,68 Mysvillo for Cincinnati, every Tne day, Thursday and Saturday, 10 o'clock, A. Y toAlS?f,PP,y01,b0a,fdW PaFeketgLaS?dat hrS " M- Cincinnati, Maysville and Portsmoutli " REGULAR TRI- WEEKLY PACK! Hit. SfLEKDID STEiMI 13 os ton a,1 Captain Wm. MoCtAm, Coairrander, will co tinne in the above trade, leaving Cjnci Bnnti ev Tucpday, Thursday and Saturday, and Port month avery Monday, Wednesday and Fridt at 12 M. Stopping at Maysville either W between the hours of 5 and 7 P. M. For freight or passage apply on board or to t MoNeely, Agent, Maysville, Ky. ; S. SALOMON, I watchmaker! Goddabu House Building, urkot S t x' c o "t , May 7, lSfa-ly MAYSVILLE, KY.f Tor liats, Jlic, Roaches, Ants, IJrd ISns, .tfotli" in I'urs, Woolens, A-c. 1 n -M'ct on IMant, Fowls, Animals, Arc. I'm up in 2.x:. 50c. and 1.00 Boxes, Bottles, ai:d Flasks. and f 5 .siz;s lor Hotels, I'ublio I.f STITCTION'S, iSrc. ''Only irfullible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." 'Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Kiits come out of th'-ir holes to die." J--old Wholesale in all large cities. i'' 1.1 by all Druggists ct l.ctailers eyerywhero ;xf!"!bwAitK"! of ail worthless imitations. J'-ee tliut Costa k's" name is on each Box, r.olilc, an l Flask, he von bny. r-Addr. s II IC Y It. COSTA R. t?"l'l!INCl -AT-DtPOT 4K-2 Bkoadwat, N. Y. Ji?".Solil oy ail W Iiolysalo ite Ketail Druggists in Maysville. Kv. mar 31, 136-i-Gm. THE HOWE ACHIMEr HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW LOT OF 1 MACHINES. direct from the Manufacturer, and will sell them at the lowest possible rate for Cash. These Machines are adapted for heavy as well as the finest sewing. Call and examine them at tha residence of S. Siiocklbt, on Short street. Mrs. A. J. SMITH, Agent. J3?NEEri.E ani Spool Tiikkads can be had at S. Suocki.ey's Store, on Market street. Maysville, Ky., Feb. Zotii, ISiid. REMOVAL ! TOUISSTINE would respectfully inform his a customers and friends that he has removed to Cudw::lladci's Building, i 11 the room formerly occupied by the Telegraph Ollice. 1 It Fall and Winter Goods ! LOUIS STINE MERCHANT TAILOR AND (DEISTS FurjNisnrcn, SECOND S TREE 7, MAYSVILLE, KY.. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND A Choice assortment of a'l Seasonable Coode in his line, which he is prepared to dispose of at the lowest rates for "CASH." lie solicits a call from his friends and pledges his best eftbrtst irive Satisfaction. October 1, 1SCS. LOOTS STINE. INTERIOR ADORNMENTS ! TUST RECEIVED A CHOICE SELECTION fj of new and desirable styles of PAPER HANGINGS, from the rich and ornate to tho most chaste and simple patterns, appropriate for Parlors, Halls. Dining-Rooins and Chambers. FIRE BOARD PRINTS new designs;- WIADOW SHADES, of any required style or size, on hand or made to order. GILT MOULDING- GYAL PICTURE FRAMES 0 PICTURE CORD & trimminss fcr frames. TASSELS, and all tho- FRAMING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE I The above Goods are all new and will be sold cheaper than ever before sold in this cit . EST" A call is solicited from persons wishing to purchase the above goods. J. ti. AY C. S JtOGFIJS, BoOKSELLEHS d STATIONERS, Maysville, Ky., April 21, 1SC4. 2d Street . OWENS & BARKLEY HAVE IT! TIE PATEIT CARPET SWR!!! hAUIES, yoa wish to save yodr cabpets aDd Sweep u Uhout Dust, buv one of the Great Carpet Sweepers of OWENS tfc BARKLEY. o TADIES! After having used one oftheCar- pet Sweepers, you -would not be without one. Call and see it. ' OWENS tfc BARKLEY. OWENS & BARKLEY II AVE IT Z THE PA TENT CARPET S WEEPER ! Maysviile, Juiy 7th,lSG4. 1 1 7