Newspaper Page Text
r.' THE BULLETIN. yt t YSV1 I.LK. SEP Increase of the Price of the Bulletin. The Sabscription price of the Bulletis will hereafter be Ohk Dollar and Fifty Cests per year, instead of Oss Dolla'b. Pbemicm on Flowers. Mrs. Won. Mc Clisahas, of East Maysville, receired the premium at the Ripley Fair for the nicest cjllection of Flowers. Fibk. A new building jut erected by ftfr. Joux llBa!fDDS, near Lewisburg, was destroyed by Fire oa last ThrjMiay night It wi3 the work of an incendiary. JIasoh and Lkwi Fbek fb-h tub Dbaft . A letter from Provost Marshal Gates. tatin thera will b no draft in Mtson and Lwia Counties, their quotas hating bsen filled. Revival of the Clothing Trade. Mr. Louj Dkssas hits returned to this City, and re-opened his Clothing 3tbe, on thi Corner of Mirket Second Street. Us has just received, direct from the East. a splendid stock of the most beautiful and fashionable Fait and Winter Suits, Coats, PantF, Vest?, Shirts and FurnUbing Goods for Gentlemen, to be found in the Empori um of Fashion in the Eist. The business will be under the control of Mr. Jffo. Alex andre, who will be pleased to wait on all who may favor him with a call. Steamer Jennie Brcvrn. Mr. Joseph Ross, having retired from tbe firm of Ross, Power & Co, has attached himself to tbe Jennie Brown, in the capacity of Firs' Clerk. Mr. Wsl BuASt, also of this city, i his aFsittaot. The gentlemen are favorable known to the community, and will ?pare nothing which will add to the interest of passengers and shippers. fjrCelow we publish a list of premiums awarded to citizens of Mason county at the Ripley Fair. 1st premium on aged Bulls, W.W. Bald win. Is' premium on 2 vear old Bulls, Richard K rk. Premium on yearling Bulls, W. W. B li win. 1st and 21 premium on B ills under one year old. W. W. Iillw;n. Premium in swsepst,kef, Bulls W. W. Baldwin. 1st premium, aged Cows. W W Bldw;n 2d - " " (I. Smoot. 1st rremiura on 2 ver old Heifers, W. W. Baldwin. 2d preoium on 2 year old Heifers, U Smoot. 1st premium on 1 year old Heifer, II. Smoot. Under 1 year o d W. W. Da'dwin. Premium in sweepstake, C vs, H Smoot 1st premium on 3 yeir old Fiiley. in Harm at, UV8. iieckinger. Pbices Fixed. The Uilora of Philadel phia have juft adopted a new scale of prices which puts up dress coats to $10 50 for the rr; ski eg merely, overcoats $11, pantaloons $2 75, veMb 2 25. These are pretty stiff j rices, half as much as the entire COiJt of these articles three years ao. (rrGetieral Sheridan cap'ured 20 fierirf8 of cancon and 1,010 irisoners at Fisher's llilh - C7"Cieneral Breckinridge Las zone to take command of the rebel Department of tbe South-west; fhc Kebel View of the Presidential i;tectiou. From the Richmond Examiner, Pep. 6th. The South is to act the controlling part in the Northern election. The issue of No vember is to be decided by the armies in Virginia and Georgia. Lincoln's whole bopb of re election begins and ends in mil itary success. Without some decided achievement by Grant or a destruction of the Georgian army ty Sherman, every State at the North will cast its vote against him, except Vermont and Massachusetts. The iuccess most not be moderate; but great enough to promise a decisive influence in seenrirg the oljects for which be is con ducting the war. If he fails to occompNsb something worthy of the great exertion ha has made in the campaign, he will be beat en at the polls, and a new partv will suc ceed to power which will sheathe the word, and bold out tbe olive branch. The South is fighting for peace, and peace alone. She is resisting aggression, she aims neither at the conquest or humiliation of her adversary. For tbe first time now in four years, is there a prospect of securing this lottg and arduously sought desideratum. All tbe powerful inducements which have Derved ber to the etrnsgle for lour years, are now concentrated in the space of four months. Tbe Administration at Washing ton will put forth all its powe-a ami energy for effecting by November the purposes which it has so eagerly endeavored to com pass during the preceeding 6tagesof the war It is not merely hatred toward us which now inspires its membersj to this powerful motive tbey nave now added tbe desire of prolonging their power, and overthrowing their adversaries whom they hte even more intensilv than tbey do ourselves. Our policy is emphatically to utand on the defensive and risk nothing; but, at the same time, it is more Important than ever tht e eheuld bring every resource ino requsition, and employ all tbe vigilance and activity of which we are capable. Tbe business of the text sixty days will be to hold our own aud suffer no disax'er; bui it will be no easy task. The enemy will redonb e his exer tion, and throw a desperate activity into all his operations. He will test our strength and vigilance at every point; and leave no labor or artifice unemplred by whch ad vantage, or even eclat may be securer!. Now is the hcur lor every man in the South to his duty and to bis post. We can afford any aacrifice collectively and indiv dnally, to make sure of these two months. Ihe sick may leave lhe;r Hospi tals a little too soon, and even the lame and decrepit take tbeir stand in the breastworks to advantage now. Furloughs may. be re lated with eminent propriety, aud the men who are skulking beyond their time in the interior should be shamed into their dnty or dealt with as deserters or traitors. Every in the e:ght week of crisis at hand. The prospects of the Confederacy were never more brighter than at this moment, if be deserves success and is resolved to win it; never so gloomy, if tired of the struggle and unworthy of independence, her resolution and zeal fail at the eleventh hour. The task before her is tbe most easy that she has encountered at any stage of tbe struzgle, if she but addressed herself to it in the proper spirit; it is the most diffi cult and doubtful if she relax in resolution and omit aov of tbe exertions and precau tions demanded by the occasion. It is no spirit of distrust that these reflection.- are are made; but in a spirit of warning and hopeful exhortation. The ciisia is of a character to gladden tbe heart of every brave man, Jent of the issue. All the anxieties and trials of years are to be concentrated into a few week, and the often proclaimed limitation of 'sixty day' to tbe strile is at last to be realized . In all probability the t ext sixty days will in fact decide the contest. Tbe Washington ad ministration, nuder the --pur of necessity, will bring the whole powsr which they can command into requisition. If they fail. then tbe war will fall, not merely by a change of dynasties, but because it will nave demons! rated that the maximum now er of which the North is captble ha been brought to bear, and failed to effect the ob ject of subjugation. It will uut be tht Me . Ulellan is dispose to peace or his party avers to further i"ar that pece will come; but it will be beciuse a war administration, employed the full recources and power of its country when its finances were unim paired and its resources unexhausted, will have failed to subdue the South, and be cause the inference will be irresisuble that what cou'd not be accomplished by a war adroinistr Jiion in the fuM vior of Federal resources cannot be by a pece a im in strtion succeeding to power after these resource had been materially reduced. KENTTCKY UNIVERSITY, ) 11 AKRl'D-BlltG. S- pt. liCtb, ISot.J The Students of Kentucky University assembled for the puipose of drafting resolutions with refer- I ence to the removal, by death, ol CII ARLK K. UiXSON from our midst. J. M. i'lyuk was called to the Chuir, and J. Y. MoCntjot ap pointed Secretary. The committee appointed to draft the resolutions reported the lollow'ug, which were unanimously udci ted: J 1 i-K"'i.our owiove.1 i:iiow u.,0:.i , K. ilixs, lv 'le had of our al -w:e and -iiUr' Ilea veil Father. 1h cn taken from oar nudr'l to re-t,o hope and believe, on the t'owim of iur Savior to whose service he in early youth ....... I l.:. I." i .' ii r i i i tf .n ... ... i ... n.. Jiff irti, Thai wc appreciate iV.llv the modentv, fidelity n:.d honor with wlii-:h he executed uvery trut contMed to him. while ho wuc one of mir j nni-iber, and that we fool deeply the lof (f l im j whoj-e Chri-tian virtue and exemplary character tfrfve itroi! evi icnccVif hi.s bopc ai.J luitli in tl.o premises of iiiir Savior. i Jitf htJ, That from the depth of our heart we tetiilcr t hi frien.j. Ir whom lie felt a I taithlui attachment, un'i e(eciaKy V) hi" not her, I whom he often mentioned wi: h cpte!.i ii- of , the wartne-t ulfx-lion. our fymptn -lei con dolence; and that c a.- 11 re iheni ld;. wo lumciii with them " h death ol ur mutual ttietid, .iim w.ll cherish hi memory in after jcar win ii en d in the acti e and eoiemn dtitie ol' lie. Jietvl, That a cpy of t!!eH Ke- lii'iiia be ci.t to C: ai lieV M-lher, and tor paMieati n to - i iiiiiii-vii, the Chtirtian .' and Mayrti- It ii -it it tin. John S. PiitLK-. t'Ar.,1 .lAMt.t W. Randall. vl illiam P. IIahvet, r (Xm. jAMk J. ivtitH, I ALBtHT illLtH, J MARRIED. i In Sun Fruncinco. Culi forma. Anpru-t 4lh.l SCI, , nt the rc-iduncu of the lion. Hor:ice IIues. by i ...... , llihoi. Kavananeh.Mr. ARTHUR KBUKTS to T "AVE A SPLENDID STOCK OF THE Mi-s BEl'TIE STEVENSON, daughter of the lavoiitu brands, such as Whites Royd rf lute t'oi. Thovas R. STivtNsuN, ol '.hi city. C rey's and others, Laco Roots and Ralnioral; No cards. Allen Jc Flair', HijrelowV, Forbu.-h'a, Whitney At the reeidence of brj.le's parents, in Dover, ami hatchelder'a calf, coarne, kip, and gents' Munn county, k v., lues lav tnornin r. epi. zi, lvU. by Eld. F. KRANKLiN, of Flctiiinhurir, to Mi.s RIRDIE TARIi. . Li.'Xiiiyton Oloerver ilcatecci'j .j TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: CALL AND EXAMINE BLUM & HECHINGER'5 NEWLY ARKIVED STOCK Of F.ULMXD WIXTER CLOTIIIXG!! AT TUB UEU COIINEII. Henrt E. Pooct. Tho. Cc1tei.l. tOGUE & CORYELL, GRME COMMISSION & FQRWARGING and Dealers in coal, Cor. cl Limestone A- 1'ront Sts. MAYSVILLE, KY., WILL PAY THE HIGHEST M RKET 1 PRICK FOR ALL KINDS OF (ihAIN; and will ive special attention to any husinoss entrusted to our cam and forward at the lowest ! ralea. j I-We wiR furnish BLACKSMITH CAN- NEL and POMEROY COAL, in our Yard, as cheap as it can be bought al tho river. vi-..,:n c... o ion ir i ...jr. ..oj-i. ,uK..- eof.jr. . Books & Stationery! T "S,?.51.??. F IioOKS Mr. Pkttkt for his prompt aa.on in the mut X brArJONEUY, WALL PAl Ek, &c., to iter When tho rroior annlicatton was made to 3Ir. JAMES SMIT'II who will con' inne the bhstnesp at tho old stand. 1 take pleasure in bespeaking (or him & continu ance of the custom to long and liberaliy bestowed on the old concern. He will be assisted by Mr. 1ANIEL S. BONHVELL, wbo Is eminently qualified both by his experi ence and h8 obliging and accommodating dis position to rendei ratir-faction and pleasure to all who may favor him with a call. Sept. 13.1S64. U. W. BLATTERMAN. HAVING PURCHASED THE BOOK & STATIONERY IMSE of G. W. Br ATTERjfAi, I p opose to conduct the buBineA in all its branches. The f toe k is now complete and ocmpritea a loll assortment ot School Books, Aliacellaneous Books, Bioles, Hymn Books, Trayer Books, Foolscap, Letter fe Aote Paper, every var., Envelopes Pens, Pencils, Blank Books, Wall Paper and Windiw Paper, And every description oi goods kpt in a firbt class establihmcnt. My stock of School Books. U full and complete and I am prepare. 1 to furnish schools and scholars upon the wool reasonable terms. JAMES SMITH. Maysville, Ky., September 29tb, 1S64. FOR A IFIISTE HAT!! CALL AT THE RED CORNER!!! CHEAP LAMPS ! 200 COAL OIL LAMPS OF EVERY SIZE AND STYLE AT FROM GO CENTS TO $6. CHIM NEYS. SHADES, WICKS, etc., at. decl7 R. ALBERT'S 2d street. SILVER PLATED WARE! CASTORS SPOONS, FOURS, TABLE CUTLERY, etc., at LOWEST CINCINNATI PRICES decl7 R. ALBERT, 2d street. TO THE PUBLIC! ADAMS' rrrrJ EXPRESS iJS? o UR EXPRESS FOR CINCINNATI in earned on the Steamers BOSTONA, No. 3 and MAGNOLIA. Accommodating messengers will be found on both boats. Billare closed as follow! On Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays, 5 o'clock. P. M. On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, 9.30 o'elook.A. M. This rule is positive, and will be strictly ad hered to. ADAMS' KXI'KUSS CO. A. M. JANUARY to SON. AotNTs. Maysville, Augist 4lh, lSU-tf Maysville Marble Works! H. GILLIYIORE, 3X 11 x It t, Street, MAYSVILLE, KY. ORDERS from Country solicited. Persons do,iirinit woik, by com municating tho same, will he promptly waited upon. august 4th, ! Sii4. Office of the Adams Express Co. 'IM1K TKA NSPOR I'ATIQNjot Freight, 1 ex-pt under Military Permit, hcinsr pro- I. hi hi ted by Hie 'ici eral ('ommandini? the I)istrie ! Kentucky, Patrons ot tins 1 .ompiiny are hcre- ('m:'Ml. .....,;..,:') .,v rir. per Military Authority, us required by Genera! Or lcr No. t5 J. I T"l'1 co,.,!,,nlr rr"T,tt V'tf rw,r,r?In" ,n KAntn.lxv will in In!.! ait 4 .i m nimtl r.fitil llin required permit, necehry to accompany it iu lIUUHiti j, lo the Agent ut that Oily. Hy uvj,, j ormltK at our Otlice. freight will be .,,.,. ,ty Vrward(l. . a m JANUARY A SOS ... . - " , it.:i .!..,- ...i..- . . . . . v llkll It. null ii.'i iv. , j . . A MVnLO IV. Prisoners can bo forwarded. A. M. JANUARY & SOX. Maysville, Sept. 1st, ls'il-tf REGULAR CINCINNATI & MAYSVILLE Tho flue side-whocl oimt r JENNIE BROWN, ('apt. WM. tU.V IX, Ma-tor; W. II. KKVT.Clork, tttt'-.ll 1 i i ,..iuicue ..iujHifiuruu- nnau. every . if a x, l.iX'T. -r : W fc.lNtl.AY and KU1UA V, at 10 A. M. K nriiinir. will leave Cincinnati every TUhJSDAY, TIIUliSDAY and SATURDAY, at 12 M. For I'lciu'lit or pus-ao I'pplj" on hoaiil, or to ft-pj , lsfi4. J. M. UIVK, A;cnt. S & 2 HOES! For the Fall Trade!! boot, and sdiou for men, boys-, youth and child- rci; aixo a few canim Home-Made Kip Boots, Mo5t of which were bought iu May, June and July and will be so;d LOW omc of them LOWER than they can now bo had at tho Mannfucttircr's. Merchants Please Call and Examine!! For the multitude I have an infinite variety, from common to extra fine and can suit yon all in price and quality. TERMS CASH! Also, as upual, a general variety of Leather & Findings! Ma8villc, Ky.,Sept. 8, 1864-1 m FAMILY G-ROOERIE2! UNDER a just construction of a recent mili tary order, govcrniftc trade in Kentucky, we have b en permitted by our proncnt polite and gentlemanly Provost Marshal to import a small stock of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, Which we offer for mi In In nnr nhl frinnrl nnrt customer and purchasers generally at fully ten percent low than these articles could have been bought at in the early part of thin week, though there has hecn no decline in tbe markets from which we obtained them. We have read and nnderstand the ordir alluded to, and see nothing "penally objeclionuble iu the order itself, but think we can Ke in the forced construction of tt by a few interested mercenaries who have at- temnt,l r11(lv snnH ootltrol t h A 1 Kn,. t n thorities here, something too mean and con temptible to boar scrutiny. We cannot finish thlA flHvprttsAII'fillt OMtlkOlit- tlidnl'itK, him, and can hut think that consumers of penerally, who have been freed from an attempted infaiuoua monopoly, will do likewise. II. F. k O II. P. THOMAS. Maysville. Sept. 15, i3&4-3nro NATIVITY HALL! o REV. F. M. GREGG, A. M.y Rector. MRS. M. G. CALDEH, Principal. THE FIRST SESSION of this SCOOOL FOR iIRLS, will open on MONDAY, SEl'TE.UBEIt 5TII, 1864. Mbs- M. G. CALDER, the Principal, is a lady of large experience and varied attainments, t-o that tbe pupils will enjoy first class privileges. The branches tanht embrace Painting and Drawing; Frtnch; Muvic, Instrumental and Vocal. Par ticular attention given to the common branches. The new School building is eligibly located on Third Street, is easy of access in nil Seasons of the year, nd possesses the modern improve ments for heating and ventilating. The furni ture of tho tchool rooms is new and excellent. tST For terms and other particulars, apply to F.M.GREGG. Maysville, Ky., August ISth, 1364-tf rpEAS Green and Black rf all the best JL grades. ALEX MADD02C. P RED. CORNER CLOTHING HOUSE! Blum & Hechinger's GREAT WESTERN Emporium of Fashion TX7E take pleasure in informing enr Patron. V and Frietids, that we have just roeeiveda and will continue to receive, a fdll and com plete stock or FALL AND WINTER READY-IYJADE i.n)ririHiirM& Con.-isting of the latest and most fashionable Stylos of Dress Coats. Rusiiiess Coats, Promenade Coats, Pants and Vests, A Full Stock of Wo have paid the mont particular PERSONAL ATTENTION to tho wslection of Goods for our MERCHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT, And have on hand a CHOICE LOT OF Imported & Domestic Cassimeres, DOKSKINS. VELVETS AMD SILKS. Which under tbe superintendence of our Cutter, .Mr. JKItllY F. YOUN', we are prepared to Mt.nufacture tj Order. Having a fall com nlemet of oxnerienend hnn.t fill or.W- " 1 . " at tho shorten notice. Mr. YOU NO ha ali-o procured C. Genio'e, Scotl 'a, (iluncrostT Ac West's latest Pattorn Sheets, OCR GEXTLE11E.VS FLRMSHIXG DEPARTMENT 1 Comprises all goods.of the latest fashion, apper taining to a Geutleman'a outfit. FRENCH YOKE SHIRT, Custom Made A FINE LOT OF Trunks Valises, Carpet Sacks. Umbrellas, &c., 13?" All of tho above goods we are prepared to sell at the LOWEST EATES! And wo can promise those who call 6n ns, that they will SAVE MONEY! AND GET A BETTER ARTICLE! THAN ELSEWHERE.' SO CALL AT TUZ Red. Comer And liOok Around. BLUM & IIECHINGER. Maysville, Ky.,March 31,1364. uriir i i uo o TtrTM'na' NEW WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE! TH E SUBSBCniBERS. LONG ESTAB JL LISHED in a largo retail Dry Goods business in Mayavillo, would call the attention of Coun try Merchants to their recent addition of an ex tousivo Wholesale Department; which will be conducted on a STRICTLY CASH PKINCI- I'LE. The many yeara of experience fiossessed by our buyer, combined with a ierfect knowledgo the Kentucky trade, a thorough acquaintance ship with all the Manufacturing and Importing Houses in tbe East, nftd the fact of' ur pur chases being made for "Cash," together with a firm determination to' sell at a mere commission advance on Eastern Cost, will be sufficient guaranties to CLOSE CASH BUYERS that we cannot be undersold by any WESTERN JOB B1NQ HOUSE. Our Stock will be found better adapted to the wants of of our customers than it is usual to find in the generality of JOBBING HOUSES; as it will embrace a greater variety of goods than is ordinarily met with rn an exclusive Wholesale Establishment. The departments alottod to ATS 0-k- IP JS AND 1ST otions, Will bo at all timee especially attractive as par- ticular attenfion will be paid to them, and a LARGE STOCK Kept constantly on hand. We would impress upon our friends that in sending us orders they may rely upon havinsr them executed to the ful est extent of our ability. MULLINS & HUNT Cheap Dry Goods Store, 2nd Street, Maysville, Ky Maysville, Ky. Jan. 8,1S63. JEWELRY. WATCHES. CLOCKS AND SILVER WARE. JUST received a largo stock of FINE GOLD WATCHES and JEWELRY, of the latest styles; also, a large assortment of Clocks, Silver Ware, Plated Ware and FANCY GOODS. A large stock of Materials to accommodato the Trade. Jewelry and Silver Ware made to order. Tisirxs cash: THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR Old Gold and Silver! t5?""Ctistomers will please call and Fettle up their accounts, as I wish to kclose my books as soon as potbibie. c. nr. xtjii::e:tj, Opposite the Express Office. Maysville, Ky., August 25th, 1S64. To the Tax-Payers of Ma son County. T)Y an act of tho General Assembly it is made U my duty, immediately aller tne 1st ot June, to proceed with the Collection of the public Rcvenueas speedily as possible. By the same act it is made my duty to roport, at the July, Sep tember and isovemoer uounty uonrts, tne amount of taxes collected and pay the same over to the Auditor. I um authorized" under said act to notify the Tax-Payers by public notice stuck up at the Conrt house door, and in the different Precincts or districts of the. County, that on cer tain days between the 1st ol Uctober, and the loth of November, I, or my deputies, will attend at the place of holding election in such districts and receive their tuxes. It is made tho duty of tho tux-payer to attend on such days and pay the same, it this is not done, alter that date they will have to pay the same at tho Courthouse; and, if not done there within the time prescribed by law, ten percent, upon the amount is added Thus it will be seen that it will be to tbe interest of tho tax-payors to see to it that their taxes are paid, within the time prescribed by law, as after that time I shall invariably add the teu per cent, imposed b law, to their lists when I come to collect. This I shall be compelled to do as I shall have to advance the Revenue due by such delinquents and enforce payment at once with Hie osts to reimburse myself. By paying atten tion to the matter and promptness, tne thingwill work first rate. The people have thesamo time, as heretofore, within which to pay their taxes. The only difference being, that they shall give the matter attention themselves and see to its payment at the times and places prescribed, in stead of the old way of having the Sheriff call half dozen times, more or less, for their taxes. The law is plain, simple, and to the point; and I in end to comply with its provisions and enforce its penalties, and this notice is given to call the attention ot the people to it, so that no harm may be done any one, in consequence of their ignorance of the law. The time and place at which I, or my deputies, will attend in tho dif ferent Precincts to receive taxes between the 1st of October, aud tho lotli of November; will be advertised by public notice stuck up as required bv law. In the mean time, let every one pay up that can, when called upon between thisaudthat time, that a good account ot tne promptness ot tbe people of the conuty may bo reported to the auditor at the July and September terms of our Court. Respectfully, H. S. JEFFERSON, Sheriff Mason Co. According to the above, tho Tax-Payers are notified that HENRY S. JEFFERSON, Sheriff, will attend at tbe following places,-on the days named, to receive their taxes: At Mt. Gilead,14tri and 15th days of October. At Preston's, 17th day of Octobor. A Helena, l'Srti day of October. At Majslick, 19tn and 20th days of October. At Sardis, 21st andSJurd days of October. ti. b JEFFERSON, B. M. C. CHARLES E. TABB, Deputy, will attend at the following places, on the days named: Orangeburg, tth & 8th of October, at W. II. Pol- iil't More. Lewisbnrg, 11th and 12th of October, at Jno. Larew's Store. Washington, 13th and 14th of October, atH. W. Wood a Store. Maysville, 15th and 17th of October, at the ClerS's Office. PERRY JEFFEESOxTBepoty, will attord at the following pUceP, od the days ziarad : Dover, i:th aud 12th of October, at E. T. Evans' Grocery. Minerva, ISth and 14th of Octobr at Cap. Whipp's Store. Gcrmantown, 15th and 17th of October, btJno. Lloyd's Stores. Washington, ISth and 19th of October, at Jno. T hom psonfe G rocery . Maysville, 20th and 21st of Octobor, at Thomas Daulton's Stable. August 11th, 1864-tf M. THOMPSON, w, Umbrella, Parasol, AND WALKING' C AN MANUFACTORY, No. 167 Matin Street, Bet. 4th & 5f&f CINCINNATI, O. t37"ltopairiag promptly attended fo. mnr6; DUHME & CO. MV I nr. Jth nnl VVnFnn SfroofL. CINCINNATI, Q. VT tlHU SL C trLrei", Retail & Wholesale Dealer in I A JVIQIVQC A7 t TTfU F Q of I ttitttttt nit o ntr fmrrr . , JEWELRY & SILVERWARE. THEY Kep on hand a large stock of Cheap1 Watches, Jobbing Material, Spectacle. fcc. for the Trade. . EgT"()ld Oold aud Silver bought for Cash, inarch 3, 1S64 ly A SURE CURE. i VERY BODY IS BEING CURED OT THItf I distressing disease by the use of DR. STRICKLAND'S PILE REMEDY, Read what those say who have used it: Mr. Charles W. Landram. of Louisville. andJ J. P. Ilazarde, Cincinnati, O., were.both enred aucr using one pot or m. Strickland's Pile Remedy. They ay they have tried every thinif land,B PiIo iiemedv rffectid a Derfect aTftfr I suffering for many years with the worst kind of . j " ' J .w .a M leriDf? to try tz. Sold by all Drncrffiate, 50 cents rer Dot. Mann- fact u red at No. 6 East Fourth street, Cincinnati uuiui Aen lor DR. STRICKLAND'S PtJuH REiflSDY, General Oepot No. fr East Fourth street. Cinw ciunuti, Ohio. Forsale in Mayeville by SEATON fc BROTw RICK, Cor. 2nd fc Court Sts., and J. J. WOOD" Cor Market & Front Sts. june 2, '64-ly LOOK HEEE! THE NEW Boot & Shoe Store!! SECOND STREET, (In the House foTmeily occupied! Cms. Wa'iTK.y MAYSVILLE, KY. THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECTFULLY solicit the patronage of the Citizens of Mays-" sville and surrounding Counties. We have a full assortment of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Congress and Side Lace Gaitefs. Lasting, Kid and Morocco Pal morals of the bet quality and latest style. Gent's Fine Boots, Balmorals, Congress Boota, Oxford Ties and Brogans of the latest style. LADIES' AMD GENT'S BOOTS and SHOES MADE TO ORDER ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND WARRANTED. Wo have also a good assortment cf LEATHER AND FINDINGS which we will sell at thtf LOWEST CASH PRICES. Mr. C1IAS. WHITE, will be ready to wait od his old triends and customers at all times. B. A; WALLINGFORD & CO. Maysville, Ky., Tuna l (J, 1S64. VAKUM-ChoIce prepared always otf A. MADD03: ha land Save Your Pickles. ey BARRELS PURE CIDER VINEGAR, IrJ JLX Store and for sale by B. F. fe O. it. P. THOMAS. sville. K y., August IS, lS64-3'rri BUY MATCHES THIS MONTH I EXT MONTH v6u will have to" bar aV HEAVY TAX on them. We hava th best brand, "Gates." aug. 25, 1S64. SEATON & BSOlJRICK. FOR SALE! . MAYSVILLE SOAf & CANDLE FACTORY CHEAP FOR CASH ! TnE SOAP & CANDLE FACTOTtY, ori Third Street, (opposite PhisterHs Lumber' Yard ) together with Candle Machines, Boilers, Kettles. .Steaming Tubs, tc. Tbe Building is Fire-proof and well adapteift for the Manufacture of Soap' and Candles. Tbtf whole will be sold at a bargain-. For further" particular apply to JAMES SMITH, aug 23, 1364. Maysville, Ky. Dissolution. THE partnership heretofore existing tind'eY the name and style of EoSs cNiwztT., iff this day dissolved by jnutual consent. Thoetf persons indebted to the Arm are requested to make payment, eithor to Wh, j . Rosser AndKew J. Nkwkll. Those having claims agafnst the' firm will prepent them for payment at the honaa' of ROSS te POWER, who succeed the late firm and have assumed its liabilities-. . W. J. KOSS,- . A. J. NEWELL, Aug. 13, 1364. GEO. W. ROSS, .Tb. W.J.ROSS. ALEX. POWER". 6E0. W. BOBS, JB.- new iitiMtr ROSS & POWER, THE UNDERSIGNED SUCCESSORS of tire late firm of ROSS & NEWELL, have -thi dy entered into partnership, under tha name and style of ROSS V POWEB, and will1 continue the CommissioB', Grooery and Liquor' business, at tho old stand, corner of Market and Third streets. We' invito consignments, and" will keep constantly on hand a large and welf selected supply of thi best Groceries', Liquors. &c.,for sale- at moderate, prices. We respectfully ask a continnanoe of the favors so liberally bestowed upon our predecessor. August ISth, 18S4. KOSS & POWEE.- HAVING sold rny interest hi' fntf fioiisa" of ROSS & NEWELL, T tafca ffr&at plea sure In recommending1 to my old friands and customers, Messrs. ROSS & POWER, as bring in every way woi thy of thoir patronage. . August ISth, 1SC4- ArJ..NWELLv fang 25, 1364 . NEW CASH HARDWARE HOUSE smm ofISIg saw- HEADQUARTERS FOii SanforcTs Straw Cutters CASH 1 OW ENS BAPJCL1Y. Maysville, Ang 13, ISM. Sacotod Stml