Newspaper Page Text
;! : t? i ; 4 -: 3 SIONBWALTi JACKSON. F V.'K . --A' Sentinel. ... - The Rov. Dr. Moor 3 of K'chrn ml , in a wirmcn on tlit'rtierrjory of the much-loved aud lamented StonWalr Jaekwn, narrate- the following in ciJent: .' I " "Froviou to the first battlo of Manama?, when the tresis under Gen. Stonewall Jachs n had male a fo.ced mareh, on halting at ni-rht they fell on thajrrouuJ exhausted and i'he hour arrival for -cttiug tho watch for the niht. The c:'A -or of the day went to the General's tent and said, "Oeneral, them -n are all worried, and here is nut one buti-1 asleep. Shall I wake them" "'o,"iid.tli8 nohlo Jackron, "let them bleep, and I will watch, tin arnn to-night.'' And all niht lo";r he todo around that lonely camp, the lono ecriiin'jl lor that brave, but wcar'v and silent body of Virginia heroes. Arid whon ihe fclorioiuj ruorulcar.. tiryke,-tho soldiers awoko I'reoh and ready for" action, all unconscious of tho noble vigilsjtoptovcr Iheirslamber. - ' sTwa4 ih tlie dying of the day, -"Thd ilarliiiess grew so still, The dj6;vsy pipe of evening birds Was hushed upon the hill; Atlrwarl'tlie shadows of the vale," Slumbered tho men of mLzht Aud on a lone sci.try paced hid round, 'jTo v.atch the camp that ni'ht. Aar'aTC and Eolemn msa was ho, jWith deep aud sombre brow; TJie. drefmfal cye3 seemed hoarding np ;Sonie unaccomplished vow. T lie wistful glance peered o'er the plains, Beneath the etarry light And with the: murmured name of Gh1, lie watched the cami that ni'lit. The future or-ed unto him ,Tt's grand acd swfaj scroll; Manassas and tho. Valley march Came hsaving o'er bin sonl 'Richmond and SLarpsburg thundered by .. With that tremendous ht, "Which gave to him the Angel host, " Who watched the camj) lha night. We mourn for him who died for ns, With that reoittle.-s moan; While np the valley of tho Lord, He marches to the Thronfe! Ha Wpt the faith of men and saint?, Snblim.3 mid pure and bright, Jle fcleej a and all is well with him, t Who watched tho camp that night. Brothers! the midnight of the Cause - Isalironded in oar fate; The demon Goths pollute our halls With lire, and lust, nnd hate. Eestronrj bo valiant be assured - . Strike home forllcaven aud Eight! TH SO 01, OF JACK80N STALKS ABROAD, And 6 0AKC9 the amp at .niout, Proposal. Tlie violet lives a sunny bank, The f o:nip loves the lea, The scarlet creeper love the elm, But I love thee. Tno sunshine kisses mount and vale, The stars, they kiss the sea, . Tho west wind.- kiss the clover bloom, Bat I Vv. 'i thes! The oriole weds his mottled mate; The iily'a bridj o' the bee; . Heaven's marriage-ring is round the earth Shall I wed tLee? Wiry couldn't Cain gd to sleep? Ee cause be wasn't Abel. TLera ara young women who lay their head upoa the bosom of one lover to gaze and wink at another. k Why do you set your cup of coffee on tbn chair, Mr. Jones?" Said a worthy land lady one morning at breakfast. It is so vsrv weak, ma'am said Jones, 'I thought I would lot it rest. A UiiicD resting upon the consent of ev ery State, and existing alone by interest and ttfsctioa, is as strong as adamant. A Un ion re?tirg upen force and coercion, is as .veak as a rope of sand, and cannot long be be Id together. SUvers bay negroes in Africa to put to useful employment in the sugir and cotton regions. Substitnta brokers and yelping Abolltionlsfstealj negroes from the slave States, in order tj sell them for soldiers to be shot. Now who ?3 the real friend of Sambo? and who are the most honest? Wlsco-N'StS. Hon. C ,A Eidridge, one of the Congressmen from Wisconsin, writes to Washington: Our peoplg ara wild with enthusiasm for the nominees of the Chicago Convention. We shaft cz-mj Wiscomin." Ex-Goveror Bigler has been nominated to Couuitfosby the Democracy of ClaarfielJ Cuunty. W. P. COONS, Attorney at Law, OFFICE, west side Court St., fcvjf IS K-Ot. JIAVS II.LK, KY, GEO. W. WROTEN. Homoeopathic Physician, SECOND STREET, JIAYaVJLLE, KT. 2TO:Bc8 at'M.- Wous'.. mar.10 W. S. FRANK, Attorney at Law, COURT STREET, Maysville, Ky. Qfi'rompl attention oa'id to Coiiecting.jSJ february litli, HC4. ' -J. K. SUMRALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MAYSVILLE, KY., VTTILL practice in tho Courts of Mason aud ad- V joining counties. OFFICE ?C5t-side of Conrt Street. janl5, lSGg-lv .. B. C. PLISTSS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, office on the west side of cottfit st. maysville,i;ky:. August 11 ,1SG2. ' "W m. 11 . K lOIl A KDSOn" Lloyd & Eichardson; WHOLESALE DEALEU3 IN- - GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUORS, TEAS & TOBACCO, F Q R W A R D I K G & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, OPPOSITE OODDAHI) HO loE, MA VKET STKLET, - - MA YSV1LLE, KY. WE WOULD RESPECTFULLY CALL T V jour attention to Iho above card, and solicit a portion of yonr pat roiinze, promising to fill orders promptly a;?d satisructorilly. We have established ourselves for the pur pose of indncing Merchants to make their pur chases here instead of elsewhere; aud as our goods are bought DuttcT from kiiist hanks in the Ea-tci n Market, by our Biokcr, wo make this proposition to Merchants: That we will duplicate any bill bought in Cincinnati, and if good3 are not what we represent them, they can be sent back at our expense. We have just received from the East 20 Uhds. Choico new N. O. SUOAK; IO " Prime " " " SO Bbls. Lovkkinq's Philadelphia REFINED SUftAKS Crushed, Granulated, Powder ed and Colfce A. oO BagsChoice Yellow V Bright Green COFFEE MOLASSES Old and Now Crop; .llACKKKEL in all sizes, direct from Bos ton, last Crop 1563; IO Kegs Newcastle ENGLISH SODA; TOBACl'O alarge ht in Boxes, Caddies, &c. TEAS a Superior lot of all kind, .seloctod for this, portion of the Country. In addition to our stock of Heavy Groceries, we have a largo assortment of Fancy: CIIAIS, at all prices; Fuuey Washand Shaving SOAPS; Whole and Half Boxes new M. II. and Layer KAIS1N ; SAUD1NES?FIGS; PICKLES; PEACHES, Cove and . t. OYSTER?: MUSTARD, f ia oo:.c :",o A: f" Jo . oosc ' , a.- o 1 C A SD1ES; ; CHEESE: CflACKEPS: INDIGO: MADDEl'r SPICES. grain ud ground: .LCM; IWn it Ground GlNGElCOIH'EI.'AS; BLACKING, largo and small ; BLACKING BRUSHES; FAUCETS; CINNAMON, ground antl in rnatts; CAPS; SJIOT; LEAD; , EXT. LOGWOOD; STAKCII; GEIIMAN SOAP; A largo variety of CAP, NOTE & LETTER PA PER; ENVELOPES, buffand white; Ac. ike. l-gfln addition to the above, we odor uients to tho trade ia RECTIFIED WHISKY sold at Cincinnati prices. GINGER WINE, GIN, BRANDY, and with a superior lot of OLD JJOimilON WHISKY at all prices. Respectfully, LLOYD & RICHARDSON. Maysville, Ky., March 3, 1664. mm GIHA GLASS AND Queensware House ! ! Tl. ALBERT, IMPORTER A WD DEALER Socoucl Strootf Ciieduorltliito Geo. Ai that's OinftUijur Store, KEEPS CONSTANTLY O.N HAND a lauok AND WELL EtLKCTED BTOCK OW French and English China, Glass, 'QUEEN SVA RE & FANCY GOODS, in great variety, a Vases. Toilet ets in China, Parian Marble and Bohemain Glass, yevrel Bjxos; Fanoy and Toy Boxes, Toy Tea Sel3. etc. D I X MJ II AN I) T C A S UTS, of all qual'ilic?, WHITE, ORNAMENTED AND FINE GILT. Silver Plated and Britannia Tea Sets, Castors, Etc., Plated Table Ware; Ivory, Bino rid Wood Handled Forks and Knives Knives" VeaTraya and Waiters, of all sizos aud varieties, Imported Direct from the Manufactories In IZT K 1 It o l 1: . Also, the large and most complete stock of COAL OIL LAMPS, of ail sizes ni.d stylu, from 50 cents to J 10 each BURNERS, CIIIMNEVS PAPER SHADES f nd WICKS; The Very Best of PURE COAL OIL, CANS, ETC.; nil cfwhich I will sell for CASH at tho VERY LiVKT CINCINNATI prices. fT'"Aeeomnioda'.ioii t the wants of custom ers, tiiek sales and small profits am the govern ing f.riuciple of my LusiiK!s. Call . see and jndsfi-for y.-ursc-lv.-s! II. ALIIL'IiT. Vaicville Feb 4, ISOt. ? LADIES, i YOU WILL FIND AT THE iT-AninVAKi:, ?d street, IVORY HANDLE KNIVES, PJtVTKD TABLE KNIVES. PLATED D1SEUT KNIVES. PLATEI fo::ks SPOONS. : PLATED NAPKIN RINGS, , BUT'lKR KNIVES, CALL BELLS A TABLE MATS, Gnltii iVri-li-i KNIVES t FORKS, B R EA D .V- t l;u IT Ti: A VS, I WAITERS. Ac, Ac, I cw for Cash. OWENS BAKKLEY. Bleep Oool ICEriCE!! "1T7E have conum'nd runnin? our Ice V Wugon. and will deliver Ice to any part of tho City. - 1 Ed2f Persons desiring Tco thronch the day,'ean obtain it at Richard Wat kins' Grocery Storoj on Wallstrectorat Wm. Watkius' on (Market St. WM. v ATKINS; MaylP.1501. RICHARD WATKL.S. . 11.. C LLOiDJ GROCERIES7 AM) LIQUORS. V.L.&J.L.lEAltCE; Wholesale Grocers AND C03MISSI0N MERCHANTS, SUTTON ST., pi-poi it e Lee House) MAYSVLLE, KY. uur personal auennon wm ds gven to Keceivisg & Forwarding all Goods consigned to our care. All orders aerit m sTtall be filled in the same manner, w'th reference to quaHty and quantity, as if the parties purchasing were personally present. Below will be found an enumeration of some of the articles included in our stock, which wo oflor to the trade low for Cash o r Country Pro duce: 2 1 Uhds. Choico N. O. Rirar; 8 Uhds. Prime N. O. Suar; SO lbls. LovcrL:"rs Rclinod Sugars: 10 "rriwl.i..! do; Pulverized do; do; . 15. - A. Coffee 51 Ba Choice Rio CofT.;c; 2.j " Prime Rio Coffee; 33 Packages Golden Syrup, in Half Bbls. and iugaLK-gs; IO Bbls. New Crop N. O. Molasses; G5 Packages Mackerel, in Bbls, Hf. Bbls, Jr. Bbls. and Kits; 25 Ilf. Chests Choice Gunpower Tea; o " " Black Tea; 20 Gross Fine Cut Chewinjr Tobacco; Choice Smoking Tcbai-co, in Half Pound and 5 Pound Packages; 50 Caddies Choico Chewing Tobacco; 20 Butts Chewing Tobacco; 50,000 Cigars, nssoued brands; 75,000 White and Buff Envelopes; Cap, Nctc and Letter Paper; 500 Boxes Sardines, halves and quarters; 35 Duz. Cove und Spiced Oj biers, in 1 Si 2 lbs. Cans; IslBaskets Champaigne Wine; 12 Boxes Native Wines; Choice Oid llourboii 'Whisky, in Barrels and Bottles; Common Whisky; Rett 1 lied Vhi-kry; French Itraud;-; 5 tUnser Wine ; Raisins; Firs; Almonds; Buckets; Tubs, in nests j Wrapping Pupcr; Fancy, Toilet and Bal Soaps; j Washbuards; Brooms; Cordage; Matches; Spices; IStar and Tallow Candles; Cheese; CracVcrs; Shot; etc. We invite tho attention of Country Merchants particularly to our stock of goods. We respectfully solicit the orders of tho trade generally, promi.-ing satisfaction In all cases. W. L. & J. I, PEARCK, Nos. 13 & 13 Sutton St., ( opp. Lee House) March 24, 1504. 2A !'." YU.I.E, Kj . AND FLUX. STRICKLAND'S Anti-Cholera Mixture, Is a eomiK'sition of astringents, absorbents, stimulants and carminatives, which every phy sician acknowledges !s the only preparation that will effect a 7ermaneiit cure of Diarrhcea nnd Dysei.tery. This Anti-Cholera Mixture is now in no in several of onr anny hosjitnl3 where it (rives the irreatost -ntist'action. It has saved '.ho lives of thousands ot'our soldiers and citizens. 1 and we will guarantee it to be tho best remedy in the world for Diarrlwpa, and Dysjn'.ery. Mr. WoodH, of Covington, Ky., will be most ' happy t'j satisfy any one a- to the virtue of I Strickland's Anti-Chulo a Mixture; in face we have a irrout number of testimonials from pa tients who have been cured after buinjr pro nouneid ineiirab'e l their physicians, s.unc after taki only one bottle ot' St rick land's A nti-Ch-'Iora Mixture. It' von suffer with Diarrheea j and Dysentery try one bottio. SOLDIERS! You oucht not to be without such a valuable medicine Tho C:neirinati National Union, of April 21th. says; th it thousan Is ot our soldiers have been saved by tho use of Strickland's Anti Cholera Mixture. For sale by Seatcn A Brodrisk, and by J. J. WVo-l, ot iil) cents ier bottle. General De;ot, No. C East 4th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. ljuuo 2, 1804-ly liliilO.MS larffi siuiply of best rtuaiitj-. for sale by V. mar BEN PHISTKR C. (Salleii j:r, C. Nelson, Late of Mason Co., Ky. Lite of Mt. Merdng.Ky. T. A. Matthews, of Maysville, Ky. Merchants' Motel, (FOIl.llF.ICl.Y Di:.MS()X 3IOi:.SK) CALLEHER, NELSON & CO., Proprietors. Xif tlx st root, nonr IMaiJi' CINCINNATI, O. fTThishonse having been thor-'njthly reno vated and neWly funiishcd, is now open. Cincinnati,.)., May HHh, 19iM-Gmo. C"OHnAGE Ucnip and Manilla ropes of ' all sizes from a plough linetoa ships cabl? always on hand. ALEX MADDOX HEAD QUARTxiUSFOR II AKIi W. iti;, SA DDI.I-.irY, : riKK IMtOOF SAFES, rj.ATI'OU)! SCALES, ou.NTi;ic scAhi:s. Cn h. OWENS 6s BARKLEY. Maysville, August 13, ls6i. o FALL KINDS, At fcEATON dr BRODRICK'S an?. 25 lev Orue Store. HATSfllU UTESARY- r,HEricxt Session oftHs Institution will 00m 1 m. nceon he FIRST MONDAY OF SEP TEMBER, NEXT, and continue Twenty weeks. TERMS. Tuition In Primary As .lnuior Department 15 00 : i tt. n 1 i: f- o : ct iuuiic a runir 'JO ISf A limited number f pupils can be accom modated with board 'n the tjmily of the Prin cipal. M. H. SMITH, Maysville, Aug IS. '64. Principal. CH AND Blil SRS ! F Various Pattern.-, f r b in. ri'' C al Oil At .-EATON A EliODEICK-S Maysvulu, Jwy., may l'J. Drugstore. ' GRAIN, GROCERY, ! COMMISSION HOUSE Corner of 3rd & Market Streets, MAYSVILLE, - KENTUCKY. T HAVE JUST OPENED A GRAIN,! 1 V. R( )CER Y A N D COMMISSION ST ) RE i n tho house formerly occupieil by Jas. C. Brook over, north-east Corner of Third A Market Sts. I will pay the hijrhest market price lv cash or WHEAT, RYE and BARLEY. . I I have just re?eived a full stock of Groceries, Sugar, Molasses. Cotf. e, Tea Rioe, Fish, Tobacco, Salt, Arc. fcc., tosrot her with a general assorl rcontof all articles in he Grocery line: all war ranted to be of tho best quality. My goods have been bonght exclusively for Cash, and will be sold for Cash or Country Produce, at very small profits. I have also on hand a large stock of PURE OLD BOURBON WHISKY. Commission, Storage it Forwarding Business attended to with prompt ness. All per.-ous desirous ol cettinjr tno worm 01 their money, will please give mo a call. junelnth,lS.52. HKN I'll 1ST F It. CRUSIIED, Powdered and Granulated Sutrar, J of best quality, in btore and -rsalo low by BEN 1 MISTER, june 19 Cor GrJ Marix-t streets. SYRUP.-Philadelphia nnd Baltimore Syrups, in barrels, half barrels nnd 1 rnl. k?s, for saletowby BEN PH1STER, june 19 Cor. Srd A- Market streets. rPOBACCO of all grades antl pr' cs. for sal 1 "By IS EN PlIISTEli. june 19 Cor. Cid ifc M.rkct streets. T INEGAK of the best quality, lor sale hy V june 19. BEN PHISTER. W d f WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER oRMjiijIi'isfiuc. Corner of Wall & 2nd Streets, MAYSVILLE, KENTUCKY j r.e 19, lSti2-ly JOHN HULL'S COUPOQ'D CEDROX BITTERS! ThoLsttost and Most Important Discovery of the Nineteenth Cent ury. -TO MAN'S NAME IS MORE INTIMATELY IA cornectcd with the history of the Materia Medica of the United States, or more favorably known as a pioneer in medical discoveiv. than that of JOHN BILL, of Louisville. Kv. " His in imitable preparation of Suisupiirilia has loiisr stoixl at the liead of the various compounds of that valuable drui;. His compound Pccloral ol WiUl J'herrv has become a household word throughout the West and South; and his Wotm l.ozeiiircs, ill lesstlmn a year after their intro diiclioii, attained a reputation as widesproa.! as the continent of North America. But thecrown iritc jrlory of his life reniaiiis to be attained iiilii latest discovery, or rather combination, for hrs docs not claim to have boon t ie discoverer ot CEDRoN, which is the b.isis of the Bitters now ottered t- the ouolic. That honor belong- to tin. native inhabitants of Central rierica. to n h m its virtues have been known for 111. re than two hundred years. Armed with it, the Iiolian bids dewalice to the most deadly ma 1 aria , and handles without fear the most venomous seip -nts. !t i a belief with them that whiiclhcre is breath let t in the body tho Ccdron i. potent lo cure, no mat let what tlie disease may be. While Dr. Bull is not prepared to indor.-e thi txt rava'unt f.retensioii, he is nevertheless salis lieil from h thorough examination of the evidence relatmif to its virtues, that, as a remedy and preventive f r all diseases urisiiif-fiem exposure, litiier tu chances of weather and climate or to the miasnii.tic influences, it Ntand-i without a rival, and justly deserves the renutiition it has so l'nr enjoyed in Central America and the We.-t Indies. In DYSPSPSIA and i attendant train of symptoms, it acts more like a charm than a medicine. There i not.hinf in the whole ranjrc ol tin: Materia .Mudiea that can lor a moment bear a cnipai i.-on with it, in this disease. A full account of this wonderful plant may be found in tho eleventh editi n ol the U. S. 1'is pensiitory. j-ajes li's" and ICsS. A series of experiments, in wl ieh Dr. Bull has been tor years ciiirafcd. lias just been brought to a successful termination, and he is now enable 1 to otf.T to the public u combination of Ccdron with other improved, the whole p-escrved in Mm best piality of copper-distilled Boarbon whi.-ky. which he is coiiti lcut has no equal in the world. Ilemijht furnish a volume of certificates, but the public have lonir siiieu leaineil to esti . ate such things at their true value, 'f hv- safest plan is for every one to lest for 1 inself the virtue-of a new medicine. Give the Cedr on -Jitters one trial, and you will ucver 11 c any others. It is not necessary to publish a loiii list f dis-' eases for which the Cedron Hitters are a spocitfe. In all ot the SiO.MACH, BOvY.fc.I., KIDNEYS, or LlVER; In all atfectious of tho HKA1N depending up on der.mcroment of the Stomarl. or Bowel-: In GotiT, RHEUMATISM v NEURALGIA; And in FEVER AND AGUE; II is destined to supersede ul' other rcme.nes. It .-not only rures all these diseases but it pre vents them. A wine glass full of the Bitttrs taken an hour before each meal will obviate tho ill cllocls of the mos' unhealthy climate and screen the person taking it agaii s.t disease uuder the most try.'Ug exposure. Soil by Dnifrtrists and Grocers, generally, r. JOHN DUEL'S Principal Oilico, Fifth street, Louisville, Ky. Sold Wholesale and Retail by SEATON ct- BRODRICK. Cor. 2ud and Court Streets, mar 7, lSi4-ly Maj-sville, Ky. Come down in the center, That's what it means ! SADDLERY. rpiIE UNDERSIGNED IS NOW SITUATED JL so us to fc'i ve liis undivided attention to the Manufactory of every article connected ivith the SADDLE AND HARNESS TRADE ! He has now on hand and in process of makinsr, a splendid assortment of Gentlemen and Ladies' Saddles; Saddle Bas; Buggy, Carriage, Brake and Sulk y Harness; Wugon nnd I'low Gear; Riding Bridles, with Racking, Port and SnalHe Bitls; Waggon. Buggy, Coach. Sulkey aud Rid ing Whips; Hog and Kipskin Collars.- Horse Covers, suitable for ail seasons: Leather. AVeb and Rope Halters; Worsted, Cotton and Hemp 1 Girth?; Red top and Iron ILrnes; Dray j and Cait Harness; in short every thing usually kept in a Saddiery Establishment, which will be; sola at Wholesale and Ketai. at low prices, to punctual dealers; 5 per cent olf for cash. EA11 Repairing attended to at once, at mv Old Stind, on 2nd street, to find which. "Come down in the Center," between Market & Sutton. T. K. RICKETTS. Maysville, March 2oth.lSii3- Mustard eed .Wnted. A,rE w'11 Pay tno hijrnest Market Price, ill VV CASH, for Mustard Seed oiibr in l,., rrn or small quantities. ' i SEATON & BRODRICK. Maysville Ky., July 21, 1SG4. MAYSVILLE SEMINARY! THE THIRTY FIRST YEAU. UNDER the present Princiia:. will commence September dtli, 18il. W. W. RICHESON Pr,v..,.,7 Mayfcville, Ky., August 4lh, lidl. THE JEW WHOLESALE & ItETAlL CHINA STOre Scuih side M brt. Court & Market St G. A. & J. TmcCARTIIEY. YV TE ANNOU. F WtTII itlcnsnrt. the RE MOVAL of our SlocU ol CHINA, GLASS ANI Q UEENS W A RE, to the buildine formerly oc i.nt,i..,l t,v E. Makti.v Sa 1- . wli'jro wc ar j opening a large aud complete assortment of Goods, IMPORTED BY OU . ELVES DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTORIES- Our stock is large, containing irreat varictiesof PLAIN WHITE, OOLO 1SANI AND FANCY lECOl:ATi1 Dinner and Tea Setts; VACKS; COLOGNE BOTTLES; TOILKT SHTTS; FANCY AND STAPLE ARTICLES of every description; Silver Plated KNIVES, FORKS, CAI.'I) BASKETS, &c. TRA YS; WAITERS; COAL OIL I.AWI'S nt ninny v:rietif. While thanking the public and the tr:-.le for .1,.. l; i..i-.l . n. oni-...l oo iit evtenied to us in the i;.st. we h v ctl,.',v' ill in t f.rcret to call :"id see us at our NEW flDNA SlnRK. G. A. oc .1. E. McCARTHEY, IuroiiTKUs ok Earth i.n wake, On Smith, -iilc td sticrt. Maysville, Ky., January 7th. 1 S i I. GSO'OAROHQOSE GOUXER OF MAUKET& FRONT, STS Oppoate Steamboat Landing1, MAYSVILLE, "LNTUCKY. Hrs. J:. 1'. I'L; '-UXC, P.opr;eli e. rJ"MUS well k tii vn Hotel, bus h?en ro 1 paired mid retitted in a superior manlier and is low open to tie put. lie. The Propr clrcss re-m; o F-.x Springs, so licits the pa' roll at' ( ol the t ra viiii-r com inuni'y . No pains will te spired to gie salisl'actiou l the trues ts of the hoii-e. Z? Stages leave dal'v iir all r.o'"l in the In terior. M; s. E. K. 1 LEM1NG. Feb. 1-2-tim RE .MOVAL. GEOGE ARTHUR Baker & Confectioner AND DKAI.EK IV Fruits, ISiuts, Toys, FANCY GOOD S, lias removed his Stock to MLLIN & FUST'S Old Stand, on Where he will be pleased to see and wait upon ail Mnysvillo, Ky., Apr:! !'th.lii. JoilN A. SK V'ION, .1. II. l;I;nt)Kl( K SEATON BRODRICK Will RESALE A RET A! L D11XJ G GIS rr s3 AND DEALERS IN' MEDICINES, GUEMIC LS, Paints, 'Oils, Glass, &c. coit.MJ: s : oni coi'iiT sts. TVTixy(s -grille, I-ly. AVIIEELEIL & WILSONS- Sewing Machijies! Awardc 1 tne Fiist Premium as the best Family Sewing Machine. Foi three successive cars at ihe UNITED STATES FAfR; . For five year.- at tho CINCINNATI MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. WITH IMPROVEMENTS! GLASS FOOT; HEMMER; CORDER BRATDFR MACniKE 2TEEDLES, COTTONS, cj-r; Jt2?'For al by J. B. GIBSON, Agent, TELEGRAPH (iKFK'E. feb.4ih.lS0L Maysville. Tailoring and Renovati. g ES TADL I SUM EN T ! ! ! SE( OX!) SI KF.T- opposite City Hall, MAYSVILLE, KY. ''r'HE TjBdorsiirned would respectfully inform .1 the citizen of Maysville aud vicinity that he is prepared to make up sui'sofnny style and warrant them to jrive satisiaetioii. 1 nm prepared to KENOYATE CLOTHING nnd remove all kinds of Grease, Paint or Dirt, and restore the jjomhi to its orijrinal gloss and beauty. Give me a -;aM. juno23,'C4. CI1R1 TIAN ALTMEYER. CURES Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Asthma, aud Consumption. Ii is only necessary for any one troubled with thesj complains to try one bottle of Strickland's Mellifluous Cough Balsam to convince them that it is the best preparation ever nsed. It not only cuicsthe above utfe-tiors of tho Throat and Lnnss, biit it cures Niht Sweats and Spitting of Klood. and is an excel lent parglo for any kind of Sore Throat. It is p casant to take, and a safe medicine for infants. Price 50 cents per bottle. ryJr,hn il!isvil'e Ky., by SEATON & BhODMCiv. Corner 2nd & Court Streets and by J.J. WOOD, Corner Market fc Front s' reefs. General Dei.ot. No. it K.-ist tV. t ;.,..;,,..! ; (b'Q june 2. 13(54-ly 100,000 Sninglesr JUST Received and for sale by ALEX. MADDOX, Maysville, June 80, lSii-t. Wu Street. I)LOGK AND TACKLE An assnnment J eiubracing all bizes of superior eonstru tion J ALEi. MADDOX. - v. ,rc--iVj f-..v tiv? fVft--3.i.4rs-?iJ i' 5.i-5 AYia VTI1L fcj aJfi, , . 1 v iT T, 2il V. S. MAIL LINE. TnE FINE, KItV IXnsrilKDIDITIlMIE prly Ai-iaai.aia3Ssii Tille Tr.l"o MAGNOl, 1 .v, J. H. PEATHER, Commander. LEV. H0RB1S Clerk Lea vi'K o..t of Wulncit St., for Maysville ever Monday. Veduesd:i s.u.i Friday . at l'o' lock, M Leavi'S Maysville for Cineinnuti. every Tue.- lay. 'I hurs.biy i.nd -Saturday. 10 o'clock. A. ' Freight received ut all hours at the Maysville Packet Land 1 n w. Cincinnati. Hay:' rille and Portsmouth - REGULAR TRI WEEKLY PACKET; jk aa.-i TJKSPhEMJlU s TEA MB JzzigdL Bostona, Captain Wm. cClain- (!rxn unirnr , - - w " "I VUU tinue in thfabovp trade, leav;!. Cincinnati ever Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and Porta? .1 t ' nr - 1 . . . . riiomii ii urv .noiKiay. lycnnesciay and r riday, al. 12 M. StonjihiL' at Mavsvillo ei butwoen the hours f 5 and 7 P. M. F -t .reight or passage apply on board or to K, VcXluy, Aenl, MaysilU ,Ky. S. SALOMON, WATCHMAKER. O0''DAKD HOUSIS RUILDINO. JIarlict Street, May 7, lbOO-ly flAYSVlLLE.'KY. I-'or iiiii, .?.. tio;i'hos, Ants, Iltis, "old in I'ur.W o- lens, &c. Iu sccls 011 JMniits, J'ovvls. Ail inials, &c. I'm up in 2"e. f.Oe. and 1.00 Roxes, Bottles, aid Fhok-. s tid -j.) sizjs for Hotels, Pcblic In STll t TI ns. Arc. ' Only in'ulliole remedies known." " I'V. i from Toisoi s." Not dan -(.-ions to tli" Human Family." 'Uats .-. me ut ol'th ir holes to die." T-? r"'S..!.! Whoe'-a'o i i ail larjre cities. -:'"S ..1.1 !, I tr'iS'l sts .S; I .etailers everywhere 2 -9,' !!!i'i.vAHL!!! I a I worthless imitations. ;.o tlmt Cos-iahV" name ia on saeh JiuXf llofle. an ! E!;.s!;. ie. re vn buy. ; j A.llr s III XK'V It. I'OSTAR. i-4 " 1'H NCl -AT. DT l'OT 4v-J IIUOAITWAY, N. Y. i-Sol. nv all Wholesale V' Retail Druggist' in Mavsx i,!.:. Kv. mar SI , 1 SC4-6m. THE HOWE t I HAVE .II T i'KCKI VKD A NEW LOT OF' i THE CKI.f.r.R U'ED HOW 12 SEWING MACHINE"-. divert from the Manufacturer. nnd vii 1 sell ; hi. 1:1 at the lowest possible r;te for Cash. ' lo se Vachii e-aie adapted lor heavy as well as the finest s. .1, Cal! an.i examine'hem at the' re.-idence of S. ."-hocki.ey. on Short street. Mas. a. J . s-MlTH, Asrent. 2r5?" Nekilks and Spoo:. T 1 1 it , a ns ca ii be had . I V , Ivy More . Feb. ii Mavket street. ".: h, 1 '.". Mav.svi' i I HCMOVAL ! 1 OFIS S I INK would respectfully inform his- tiistomers and t ri tids I ha he has removed" j to C;.d w:. ila.lcr's Hui!dirjr,in the room foimerly ceupica ny the l cicgm pn Ulnce. Pall and Winter Goods I LOUIb STINE MERCHANT TAILOR and ;i:nts fiii:.msii eu, SECOND S TREKl, MAYSVILLE.KY.. 17" EETS CONSTANTLY ON II AND A V Chi?e assortment ol a' 1 Seasonable foods 'ii his line, which he is prepared to dispose of at hu lowest ratts lor "CASH." lie solicits a calf from hi- friends and pledges his bust effortst ;'ive Satisfaction. October 1, lS'i. LODIS STINE. INTERIOR ' ADORNMENTS! TEST RECEIVED A CHOICE SELECTION ft of new and d.sirable styles of PAPER HANGINGS, from the rich and ornate to the most chaste and simnle patterns, appropriate tor Parlors, Hails. Dininir-Rooms and Chambers. FIIIE BOARD PRINTS new designs WIKBOW of any rccpiired stylo or size, on hand or made to order. GILT MOULDING- ast QYA.L PtGTUaS FaAMSB PICTFKE COKD & TASSELS, and all "tho triniminsrs fcr frames. FRAMING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE!: The above Woods are all new and will be sold ' cheaper than ever before sold in this cit . S2?'A call is solicited from persons wishing to ' purchase tho above roods. ' J. ti. A- C. S- ROC.r.KS, BoOKSELLIiKS d STATlONiKS, MaisvPle, Ky., April 21, 1S64. 2d Street .. OWENS & BATCKLEY HAVE IT! TIE PATENT CARPET SWIEPER ! 1 ! . l a i i r.s, TF you w ish to bave Tour carpets and Mc.ep u-iih.tit DtAt. buv one ol the Great Carpet Sweepers of O WENS & EAKKLEY, I ADIESI After haviujr used one of th Car u pet Sweepers, you wuld net Im wit h-rt tne Call and tee it. OWENS U-BaKKLEY. OWENS & BARKLEY 2 i. . ST! THE PArJENT VA RPET S WEEPER i MayL-vi'de, July 7th, 1SGL r i i h I