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lira 1 111 :N 0 VoL 3. Maysville, Ky: October 13, 1864. Number 17 JJ UJUJUJU " Do Ooodto All. ' Tbe sparkling streams that sweetly flow ' Id healthful waters'her'e below, Te fheer and gladden all aronnd', In qulot silver note resound, ' Do good to all. , , . The waving graar, the mcdest flower, ' The sturdy oak In loft power, . Mke earth and beast and. man rejoico, . And utter forth, in thrilling voice, Do good to a,ij. i ' , i: -.. i I. : . .' i .' : " Tbe, feathered tribes that soar on high, The earth, the sea, the ayr aud sky, , To bless one theme uniied slog, Atd to our hearts thls'motto bring, "' Do good to all.- 11 f' ' The giowfng'rnoBSJge from above, 'InwroBghtwitli'gtnsof 'jnirest love, ' And moral beotte eknump'd so fair ' ! i On raaoiu unison' deo'are ; , .,Do good to all ; Do good, to all. t , ) ; i.: '! v. ) , - .. , Sonnet to Peace. . . ' '. ... ,.-.. -. ,Ivin-hotnof heaven fairest of the angelic train; Oh! whither flodt Thy sweet voice tbac once -"wirretr v. ju:- -.v Our sowls to 'sweet communings, no more is 'in thleurice bppjr' land, o'er sea and mure, : The W note of discordant war or grief and pain- ., " "$lckens the. tired ear'and makes Ua yearn; ' ''for Vest-aud' thee. 'Obsreet Peaoe,' to th . i , , lull ee -I 7!!. we.turn. Remnrknble Interview Betnreen the Kentucky Members of Congress and Lincoln. - . . Extract trom the Spech or thi Eos. - KobebtM allobt, Mrudsb ofCosobess fbuu LocuvifiLt, Dklivebed Bs- , CENTLT AT FbAKKFoBT, Kt. Mr. Mallory said: ' I had most remarkable interview with Mr. Lincoln npnn this subject. Heariog In Washington that the galoot and patriotie Wo! ford was , arrested and Io, that city a prisoner, I called, in company with Mr VndgwoMh and Seoator Powell,' to see him and ascertain the cause of bis arrest. Col. Wolford told us he had no idea of the cause; that a Provost Marshal bid arrested, hirn at Lebanon, where he was making a speech, and assigned no reason; that he was taken to" Loulsvllle.'aod sent thence to Washing ton, aodj.he yt bad not been informed of the cause of the prpceediog. , . . , We then called on Mr Lincoln, and 1 can assure I you t hat we were in no very pleasant mood. 'We gained 'admittance tobis pres ence, sod tolihim we bad come to. learn the Cause of the arrest of Colonel Wolford. sndj if there were charges against him, to dtmandlhtt be be speedily tried upon them. Mr. 'Lincoln replied: "Well, I don't exactly know, what be was arrested for,, but I recfoi be was arrwud fotmakinj speeches. calr culated Rrprevunt men from enlisting tn me array." v 1 replied that this was not, so, for be was raining a regiment at the' time, .and tbo very speeches be was nuking, were for the purppae of enlisting men ju bjs regiment, out- he f (Our 'a'ngnish'ed eyes, on' tbee onr hopes remain, ' " Jdan knows t by bWiugiyflay wondrous lo ve v, ,;r:Unes8,--,"!.' .' ", "'And Jtbat. ini tbj; banishment he nought doth Save 'mourning, cankering, sorrow, aud dia-trose;'-"""1'-' : Tet, knowing tbee and all thy many obarmB, He with loud braying ttnmliv aud clash 6f arms, Breaks the m'osio Of tby chant, with war's alarms J. "." WtUuMfjuui. : I ! hi .1 ..i ..!: ".ii 1 ' ; lThe snrvjoined stanzas from' a poem en- titled 'Mosinge,'' while the writer wandered out cn ' bight in sammer, to see ths tnoon BpHog ' up like Aphrodite from i lie oceanr- j.'; v' ' ; ' ('T1le wives came dancing o'or the se'a ' In brigUt and vlitleiiug . bauds, ' Like little ohildren wild with gloe, : j i ivftTWey linkbd thii dimple hphdw . They linked their handit, but ere I caught r VllbeispUtkildaroiof'dew','','''' " ' Tbey kietied my leet aud quick us thought! ' Away the riiirles new. j The twjdgbtio()ike birds,: flew. by, . i u . i . i .... . ' Jin i t i IT As liorhtla- and ub tree. ' u ''Ten thousand etWrt werelh tte'sky,1 ii! TItnQnsan'dinthesea, .- , . t 1 br every wave With 'dimpled face,'. .1 tflkiifr. Iu.mJ ..nn 111. ... IS II Had caught a star in its embrace, ' lj Ad beldit tWrnblliig there." and ih.itj be was meeting with unprecade ed success'y ""Dncole TepHed, "'Well,1 AAoH know, but be bad understood that 'io, his position ol loyalty he bad its and butif." I replied that J didn't koow bow that mat ter was, but I thought it likely be wanted, while preserving the i Unioo, not to destroy fhi I!nrna!fiit1nni ' ' . . VMW y vuvnviiwm aa 'Lincoln claimed that the supposition that be wanted to destroy the ooosifitutlon was utterly impossible, and that bis whole aim was to preserve it. Tben.'I replied, Hhere Is bo enceasity for the arrest of WolforuVfpr he win certainly secona ana sustain you in all attempts to uphold and defaud that in strument. Said be; "i donl'Waot to argue with ybti, Mallory; you Will beat' me in the argument; but Ihave established' my rule in this matter, and ioteud to stand by it." Said 1: "i bis fs just what we want to know What is vour fate' lie stated it to be Ho arrest euybdilywbd 8ays or' d6es anything c'alcu,lat'ed to prevent any person from ' eb liatmeute.' either white" or blick.'! 1 1 told bim' I " was afraid ( to go borne and enter vigorously iuto the campaign against1 'him, aud in urosecutiui; which I expected to'de- nnnnca hiii ' measures and bulicy without ktint. not exCeutioaVhe policy of negro' en listmeutsV and if be expected to' arrest' al 'wbo did' tbis'be had as wel detain us whilst 'wJs'wefi there and saVe the tfotjble of ar- 1 Hb-iideSWaa'noli'wdh'it'lf !w wA'Mi .u!u;'in io,'.' were arrested by any of tbe malj fry to apr peal to bim and be would bars ai refeuedj So I feel safe! I then asked him why be did not re-arrest Vallandigbam; tbtt bo bad returned in defUnce.of hit order, and jwa making speeches vastly more bitter against him and his policy than anything- Wolford ever said. His reply to this was that "A had not Uen pfficiallt notifitl. tf- ihm faoU; but that whenever be learned certainly that be was making such speeches b would ar rest him at onoe." Powell, who had , now grown about as mad as a mad man can well get, roplied, with no small degree of earnest fleas. and force: "No, sir, yoa ; won't: yorj are afraid to arrest him again, and joa know full well that' if yoa undertake(. it ,200.000 freemen of the State of Ohio and as many more from other loyal States will roih ti bis: rescue. ' You dare not make the expert mei4." Lincoln responded: "That's the war you talk , and now, ff J release Wolford, yoa will say that ! did It because I was a afraid to bold bim." '' r;!; Wadsorth then ioined In. an J.: 'with all tbe fire and vim 'of bis nature (and be ha a good deal of it when aroused), said rtbes lie indorsed every, word his colleagues bad. said, and that be too was going horns and I I I U" U'lllil iiiia wouia engage mosi neinny iu iu ainst him. and should dsnonnsa his ad miniHtration and. poller without -limit; jthal ne leit aoaolulely A3natnea .w preatne vu cure air of heaven, when such a known- tried, and proven patriot !as Colttnel'Fak WolfoTd wafJdOnnnedin "prison rtiipoom then: wanted ito tell. ys an anecdote, bat I checked, him., and, told, him ,with .fit con- lemp? inai tnaj wa no ai pccasion m dulge In anecdotesahd the Interview ended. And-J understood that he; to a' enbseuaat interview with: Wol ford said be would UM to tell him a jqke, but that I had toid him, this was no time for them, and mat ne mon charge me with, having' deprived bim or good -'one 'UF' ' ','' '"'", -'"'" ' " i "." i I have charged him witb a violation ei all the rights of person and property of th people. Have not all tbe .counts tn me in dictment, been proven and fully' p'roVent ' I apbeal to ydo for tbe ioswer.1'' ';! QJ. J ' Ue has been- nimReit carrying o mi for four ysars well nigb, for he counU him self the grentesi warrior In the land, as we as the most 'a'oc6mpii6hed"Sh"akespesreao critic and J'iker 'id tbe World.1'- Eenoe b does not allow ' any of the .military .coar . mandants, whether it b.e. Grant, Sherman, p McClellan, .to ,ex'e6ute any plan unless U meets wUa his comprehensive (?) views 01 strategy; and wis havtf seen1 tbe resalt. ' : .-.: -. y i .M . i ' I"' . . 1- f ; .: 'J MARRIiiD, ft i; .At the residence of the bride's sister, ureett Sprinzs, ObiO.'Ootober'S, 1381; by'Kev;vi.' . Browfwell, Mr. ,L. H. 0VENS;' formerly ; of Muysville, nd Miss GENIE F. JOJINiTON, or Chicago; mnois. ,v Tv 1 In EliZttvlMe;' ai 'the'Widenoebf thebrMe's fttthar Urk John J) Flemina;, SepWaTl.b, 1364, by anaMiaaLOCy AIlfLEJIim vf rT : , - (H)! I I s a ?! t. ii K. b.'.a ,t