Newspaper Page Text
I To tlifc TaxTPay era of Ma son County. ,,tv tn'iei ot'tbe General AemMy it k made ' JP Wdnfy.insraeiaUly after, tho lrtoJ"e!Vr B.! r.'da EevenUfcimpeijdily.aHpofbiblo,. Bv tfio .pie act T Maveville. hw FIllIT .11 ORXAlilWTAL TREES, , Slirubbe, '&c.i &c. GREAT BARGAINS! DAWSON, Trustee for G'.' Co rtibs KcntuoKT iNuittorv, near tno utv or u.niHt.Hirr....., . -, -.. ------ ' z, .: iiiaYsvuie, iiiu ioj ior,,i;ui uuuvcn , iu miu ft . I . . .1 - : nla trt vi.mrt nl Ihu .fit 1 Knii'' . . . ' .-'" ., 1 u is mn'ie iiij uui w iVf . " -'y nnet-t condition ana ol viaorotm growtn , a very tember and Kovoniber Loiinly Courts, tho ; )arge,ai)d select stock of i'ruit Trees; say at least -fclfnonntof tflxes'collectod ncd pny the Bima ovfcrr B : t ttf Llife-AtiAiiorjT ni authorized under. said act .to uotlrVtho Tatd'ayeriby public notice mncv up at tho Court hovisedoor, and iu the ditl'ujent irot'inotK.ory.Utl'Pt0' 'tty County, that on cer tain days between the lft nl'Octobpr. un l ti e. 15th November,' I'.'-or my dcpuUei. will' attend at r the place Of election in such districts And ' receive their taxes'. It tt made thq duty of. the V titx-Duver U attend od i"uc das and ay the 4 ianie. If thty is hot dohe after that date thev ywiil liavVio iy tlie earn 1 at. the Court hou-: .Jand, If, not .done tyiore wttiia the tinrlQ piesK-tU'ea t:by Jaw,, teii.pfr ceht.r'ujinn the. amount added. ..Thus ikwilt',V',e'e! that'll tvi'd be to the ' jhteriit of the tax-payers to tee to it tjljat the.)- taxes are paid, within the time proscribed n law, ax lifter that time I BhiflVlO variably arid the ttn per cent! IrapoaeiLbi Jawi to their li-ts when 1 oomo to rjo)lect :Thw: J ,shali , be compelled tpd,u,l fiball luue to advance the Re.Venm due, by. such delinquent! atd Dnforc pnymont at ;once with tne obts to reinibdrise mjaelf, rJly piytev uttetit tioii tothcmuUcnaiid ruiil4tnc ,tnc iBiuK will WorK'flrst rteJ The people have ihewinpi.tijne, " ae heretofore, within which to p ly tlwir tuxe.i f tJue'oiMAiffnce'beTii tbul tht!y"sl(iili;give tW tl.itoT.uiteiubjn'.Uj JPit?;it payment at tl)t? time and plucua piesi rioud' Blmul rcflie- old uay f li.uving llu Sheriff call hulf'doKi timett nWro ot lexxy for inwhiftiex. f J'be ,la,W is, ai.nipja. and to the puintand 1 .,,lp jaodi'to cpm.pjy ijili he pi-jviHioiiK und nforve itn ptnaltics, and this nolico la givniv to i;air the attention. ot the ..pcopje to' it. b J that "Ao harm mayibe! 3f pA iby.ouepn'cpnygqnerrcli ju' their wWcM r6rycButit, Will attehl in (hp H,U felcntfl!rci!)ct8 to receive txH bottveen ofOctobeV.ndah Ult- Uio 4 at ItajL jNo.verhber; !wjlh lD aiivertieeii by publio nptwo ntncn up as required by law,,; Igjthe.moan 'tju'id. let every ouciptj up .tljat ain'ihen calfei ,iipon. between thlstandll'.at 100,000 stocks of Apples, Pc!iche, Peai,' Cjhierr jes Plums, Gnipex, &c,&c. Togother'wilh tile smaller'fruit8,ai Currmlt3, Gobrbcrriev lla-pberrlcs, ' : .' . lllackberrie, &c. i I th li-t embraein$ GO choicj vafieiioH of Apples, which no will sell at 10, CfiiH each, ana M varieties of Peaches at' 15, cents cuch; aid other descriptions of luit trees at proportionate y 'low j-atea. . ' . " ., ' ", , .' llo haialro n large variety ofsplenlid OEN A- MENTALJKKES, LVEKGREliNS,, &a; Fia; I'BUCE, pOOTH AND AUSTRIAN JlNES, at equally favorable rates!, ' , '. t - ti"Plantern will never have a belter neliclion Q'M ?(. which, to chowe and cun never procure Bt'X'Kso'j. equally favyrabier ter.nv. Ord.ra .left at M.cCARULB'ii'-'fan 'Yard Stand will roeeivo prjrnpt attention., .,. ., Out. 6, )C6$,2n, E DUCAT I O ll ! lOE.SliKRlOLTilE.VimiM WILL t OPEN TlinIB the pupil must receive the crown and tbe firet premium in the liigheBt classes of tbe principal Btudiea.''- - i ' ' "" r ; TJie termination of the SeholaMic year, U fol lowed by the annual vacation. . In erdar to avoid interruption of classes, vlsila to pupils, are conllaod to Thursday a. audcau ba made ouly .by their parenta, aiatura, aunts and uncles: none ethers' will be received unleha formAily autho.rljod by psrQnts oj;, aY'jjsujsi The pupil" will be allowed to vitut thsir parents or guariians, on the first Thursday of every month) leaving the Academy at about 8 o'clock, A. M. and ratumiug'ore nightfall. Frequent viaiU hie.. been lound. detrimental, tothuim- ' j.rovcnient ol'tne pupilH.and.uulosa particularly requeued by the ureaU, il U preferred that they bhouid yijitouly at tbe Spocined tinaee. , The LrtJiei who .iave charge of the Institution, bre-fcda the Catholki Faith, yet, while the exer ciboaof religious worship are Vutholicf merubsr of evury other religious denomination are re ceived, with whom no influence isnsed to change their beliet but il U required for the jmairttaiu ance ot good order; that they asnit with prc prje tin public duties of religion with their eorr.paiuOiiB. ' . 0 . f.. . Tcrroti for Boarders. , ..., Entrance Feo, ' $5 001 Hoard aud Tuition, iuclmlinfr bed and ; -bedding, washing, lntirmary charges and daytor'a fees, .per fusion, ; -1-- - t2 00 " 1 Extern or l)ny Scholars. 1 Tuition for cluveH in the Senior Circle, per Sos iou, ,( . , ,. i $20 00 Tniiiouror clasfc?Intermed!ate,fer Session 1&00 ...: 44 : Primary j ; : 10 00- 1 Exiira Cliniges. " '" J For ' each of tun Foreign .Languages, per flei- too, , . ,, $10.00 Muoio oti'Fiano Forte, per Session, ' 20 00 .'' .30 Melodoon, . 1 "i. i ' ' '.., 20 00 1 , nil t.nn H.irn. " oil, pi Sessioni "'riCi'JiMJi k.. .t-i Uae oC qbomM- iaud Philo tho people phe couyty may beopprlcd to tlie auditor at tho July aad September terms of our (Jourt., 84 ERSOy8h6"riffAIabn Co. 1 I cooFdlog-ferfhe aidxZ.Ho Jfix-fUyors're notified that MENKV 8 yEFFEESQJ?,. Sheriff, ( wlU attend at thelollqwing plaqos, on , tbe days fnawed, t ecej ye thoir. taxes:. " At Mt.GileaT,T4th and 15th days of October. -At Preston's, 17tb day of .October. ; ;' t . , 'Ac Helehaj 13th dy;bf October.' ,,; I s ' At Mayalick, iOtiidnl 20lli days of, October. k a: At Sardisjitlst and-iimlrday of October., i , H. S. J El' FEIiSON, Svil. C. . ' 'CHAftLJES '"TAKB,-IJeputy'iiraltendiit ,3Wfo1owin places, QU.the'divysnaihed: . i! Oraneebilrfr,"7tb &.8th oJ Oetpber, at V, U- Pol- !;!'!''lil'i 8tor.M.','':'i ! ."i ,-.-f, , v. Lewisburgiyi 11th and ,12tb of October, a Jno. li-.:Larew.'BiStore. j -; unl, , . " Washingt6nfl8th' aftd 14th of.Qetohor, atll, W. ?( Wood s atore.i.ii .iiMayHv'hle(! Iftth'. and 17;th: of October, at, the -! derR'HWnico.i., ,..! rn !:.,,;.;, v' l-ttu." j' ! Ji' -..? i '!. i l ; 'TtftV; Jf-FFttRSOiTi Dopnty.wiHattor.dat y tbe fQlkyinpr places, on .jtie' days 'nanii'i : ;, ,. -;Doverai th and J2th of October j aJ.K. T. Evans' .' ' 'hrftrorv.',' f' '.!! ?: vi.iui 1 . i :,,MiTietvav 13tb . and ; Utb of October, .at Capt. Germantown;-1 6tb and 17tb of Ofltober. atno. Xloyd'i'Stoj1. .M V f : ,u WHMhWton. 18th' nd 19th. of Ootober, at'Jno. Thompson'f Grocery. . i MaysviJe,,20th and 21st of Octobor, at Thomas Daulton's Stable. AuguBt Uth, 1864-tf This Establishment is conducted bv the Kelie- iouK Sisters oi the Visitation, an'order loninlo l by St. Francis de Sales, hi IrtlO. 'The members of thB Instituto devote themselves chiefly to (he instruction of. Younir Ladioit, lUptinuiplei, of Virtue anil in toe various branches ot a ii unshed English and Oinwiental Jluoutton. , , ., The course .of; i.nst ruction comprises-Ortho- ffraphy:'Koailipsr,,iW riling, Arilhmotio, Grum- mar, Anciei.t and Modorn Geoaraphy, the use of lion ; Sacrei- and "PAifaneHistory, Chronology, rajmiyj;, inJui,jHj,. viiiiuidiii, uuic, iiiiei- leutual, ind Natural Philosophy,' .Chemistry, Astronomy, Mineralogy, Botany, Algabra,Book Keeping: FretiylY; German and Latin Languages MijBicon the Harp, Piano Forte; .Mulodeon and Guitar) Vpcajl.(R)Uisic, Drawing, Painting in water cokrs, ace., xc; Plain and Ornamental eedl8.Work .fapetry, &o ore. . , " Those charged with the Im mediate Snpjrvision of the Young Ladiesj will be vigilant in requir ing an exact observanciT of the rules of the Insti tution,''..; aud "strict ""attention to a' polite -and amiable idejwrtment: In th coime Of ' the Academicyearj two exami nations will take place; the hrst in January, and the second in June. At the close ot theihr4 ft Semi-ftiiiihal report' is transmitted to the' parents of each Young, liady, giving an aooounl of, her proficiency in. her Studies, ifto. ilie ionng Ladies at the enTl of each month ore assembled in the presence of their teachers; vheh a report is mitoe of then0 advance man., in tboir !tuiiios, HBd.their attention to the ruJetfoT the School. ( TheyAcadbrpic yeaj com mences orf tho liit Monday in September, and ends on the lat day of It ia divided into tw'Bfl88ijlnJ No deduction;' can be made for those whd may be withdrawn before the e'xpira- sickness. A pnblio distribution of Premiums Fukdsplhce' al tbeicloso of the year, after 'the Second examination. Parents and friends of the Institute, are admitted on presenting an author ized ticket at the 'dir. ' As regards the exnrl oh. ssrv'anco of rules; "polite department, and' zeal for advancement, tne xoung Juadibs are divided into two classes; a crown is awarded aa the' Prize of honor in each class. To gain the gold Medal, on Guitar, Usu of the Warn, D-awIhg Paiiaing in Water Colors, Ac. II 10 po so oo 6 00 ' 7fi0 10 00 20 00 1000 losophical Ad ........... I .... " r School books, (&o.,r at Store prices. ,: J cf .Payments for each Session must be made In advance: 'The pupils aierequircd to bring with trrom the;0rdiriary laWa furniture. coniistini f I a knife and fork (silver fork preferred),1 silver ae-urv spoon, a silver lurauer, tour table Map kins, HidrifiXtQWela.M If lh waahingii 4ttnded to at home, adeduoiion of $10 will be made. Tbe uniform in Winter will bo Br6wn tWerfio dresses, and black aprons; inSuramer blue lawn or mils iu dre,ssc8. blickaproris and white straw hats trimmed wjth blup Each. pupil mBst bave a white awiss dress and veil aud a sun bonnet. The parents and guardians of ouog fLad?es from a distance, are requested to designate some correspondent Id the city; who will bei charged to liquidate their bills , , Letters to be Addressed to the Directress oftho Academy' of the Visitation., i Ail letters' rd In spected by the, Directress of the Academy. N. B'.'Tarentsknd guardians,1 are requested to have ll the linen 4t their cbSldftjnior wards marked with their names, before they enter the Institution. , f 'il.: ... As th number of. boarders will ba limited, it is necessary, to make immediate application. Kecomnicndat.ons require d.; Miieville, Ky.'yJuly U, 1864-lro ; . J: SOAP,,CAiNDLB;FACTORy, CIIKAP FOR CASH J i i l-.'id TnE tiOAP, & i CANDLE" FACTORY; on 'Third Street'.' !f opposit6;PhisterVLrimTs..r Yard) together with , Candle Machines, Boilers. Jietttes. Steaming Tubs, W.';''1'; r'1 '' ', j.oe Jjunamg is Mteroot and well adapted for the Mauulactilre of Soap and Candled The wholo .will' be aold at a'-bahralrri W fiiMhai. particulahi'ippty to " " J AM E5' S,M ITM 1 ' angaa, is4. Mttysville.Kyi IEAS Qreon and Black of all tbe best . grades, ALEX MADDOX.