Newspaper Page Text
a Be-- 3 fcn o Oj f 2 ! o o i " : a tot o R , US 5 S o c 1 si - THE B PUBLISHED useful aofl? "eriteniTve pady" w."o4whole Mies bav' given ivi(JBUCofhfjp good l fUjJlliL. 111; Mites bave given . IviJbuc ofh! go EVERY THURSDAY iBY , fcftizenshipS apd whp have 4eyereecuilty 5dC sJ'B LiJt URtej! ojdUodiiBncilo tie Uws, or Defeat. x- ri Hurbrtitx add Other sources of . n Z? a infraction of"the constitution, are fo'bldden 'rr...MJf9. gHU?JSy Tk .... i - . PEQrge;:,b:jjvi'clellan; '-j ?orrtatfha iniiticdsenVirrt!eotfrorric'tt)V i 1 op nrrogant .set-r-whrjL 1 hsTa.-tb.aa-conjtifctJted Vo'drti7n to'be'as'toy'ofj and more V? than any;fmnber of .thft-b'K. We recognize r. l.t. J.r . II.. ' ... l. 'J 'Hw PEN DLETC N stitutfob arjd laws-of" (tie. conWywMch is V" j raoro thao'they do. vVe have'nevcc Irann- . J. V i V-UAr XVJUXt. C iXVlO , ! j men, apdipever Bbu.tBeonmici, wei tfo, nCjt "ftVff'tiol fiar'fy!t rfat- we iar'e'ip' the.'co'h'i. Mtto'ginze.' MT.JLiiicqlB(H3 'the ornmenj, lit i 6 n 6; b o 5' Trvft' 1 8 ' pr it t iht''en"o-jay 1 r,!'h4i riot 'triinJfi'fred 'bur allcpianc'VYo tippp1.cpt5eu,Ppe.Ql0(ytty,t7Hpm foTjBtuib " purpose and cJ'eo small tizk ourjbaoda .wjtb 917 brothers. bjdpr.belfeve dei. ftjirbpgepto Sijittb Western Virginia hlirrelrjlteilinTf'seveT'Bnd disastrous da- .. f&atJtii -akid-ihai tbLo!i. permitted him to rasa through the gaps some distance jdtoltox!c'4untry,- and then fell Apon,if1n o regiments wflfctfvbad-ljVcut p4 Gen. Han Bon wus (kiljed nd "many other officers wounded. , S A oSfri SLtS? :t" l ai' way to SisftiMnd; others ; feijct' into Kptitucky. 'J'be extent of the loss ia unknown. ''. I i Q.6r 'readaVjfr'Bifuraily'wiHfre jlbatowar and' Bubjugltia'n" are the1' proper sort fivlrhy,'jth!8" buraia'tin predicament ia i 'rteSrli'of 'M8tt)firi 'be Union' we ' are fe erced. uroa us?'' can onf?,.'r.eof.iu it'bat '! Wctfb'eif and'nted. tjie exerclift o'f iirifitekes iliis piirl of Ibe perseantiao by jbtch-:rrar-, Lwhjifth, we are euiitjed to Jjy.thq laws ot the' IAW-inlr;ded bigot eXpetPfo' carry' thlStMe ,jinlia.9ud"of which BO Tdao, or sot of meli Sfo rtscWrtatfonab'o !! have the right-to 'deprive-' us!1 ' ,9 ;: , nam Lincoln! - ,, .,j 1 ( ; , We- uuva beqii ,in the hubit ,of procuring ;,'Ijr Unknown tbajt. Ge,, ButbridgAiwb) is the military '.commaadanti-of . tbia DiatridC, i 1 as Issiibd' astringent OrdWr 'regb Idtirtg trade, end preici-tbiDg 'rule's by' wfnSn' tEffise'tfalfer p p e r , fn m J b j e a 1 e r a 0 f t b, a' C i t b u ' , byi'lbei orders! of the- Board of Tradethis 'fnVanVo'f eijpplp isJcuV'off. We' Vrijj?.ta'd-t ij)6 board ,' forperraisitbn, ,q buv,' and vas J07l;bMIIe8f m,ea,tniay:i)n).cure .. .pe"5?. 4 H -of oiymH. H j!4vjdCl?rk, the ,tf 4fid.'! iWe.batfe bqretoteflubliale4 ibi ilibWv-Board r ; libt w afpl'tlo6''W9S e Wer'HS 'oef :p'aperarid ;i wilt lb iJwin UaajiWii,-ifcWii, hjfthTrf iraHoflsif yejefetitthit "VtJfffljP? ftPl?n?e wi, interference; in;!:pfi,( and jhave 50 otber resource by- which lu weBUsnieetagr(,wn1wrDUSiDOrt8.i:;iW81pfocurit,u:A tied friend gtve.os'the fli--OTiekbtUoty d 'mft',;nbeiordinryj peVptfw ,-. " r, "';- .-V:- '.'.'- i'J J.-.-l J'lT ' . .M..prfteiorncM.i8a,jlnfDig, wupouper-! roigh,yi 6oaVd, ;rWkacs;,pf , brjtj.,lka muB, 10 nai,irom.,ip,j)iaie,.,.aoa,:jrop one; th1t? ,, u: :,t1 0, vi ,j o . tweena dealer and bis customers in,,a;City i " voiortODiteiyV'Dowever'Svi iDBte- oaa 10 xr.ry'" urrr mm ? r. m bar mm,1 as eir ar in bthefe' we iuii Uendini;. Eyry where fcbfl.cpostroea tqrply. to the. retail trade be- both tbe letter and BDirit orGenBufbr.iJ'a'k ositidn under th , i The Col umbua Cjisis . - T Among ibe -muriy able DEMOCKATIC JOITIIN'A'LS jiil'bKhlied in; the North,1 thie sterling paper blinds in the front rank? Its editor, Col. Sam. Mdaby, Is a pioneer of urenI)en!ofacvi ftrifrT one bftfie fooarT fear, less, talent a, aaabe men bl" tte 'ijay. From thnr()jptjua of be, Crista welearo, th it it will freely. aod.,ully d.ipcuas every queHtionQaUerjbow important or. deli cate bearing.nrfujire, as a free apd In HppcndeDfe op?pylfl,. Jt ;ia,,!y 1 p-are pper, and aatooh- oommends. itself t every De morral.00 Itsfi terms re 1 Three Dollars a yearor T3ne Dollar for four mouths. Address, S.'lfEDARY-, ohr.: .i:. . -?J:iJ:-.'i :.T.r; Oftitroibne, 'ObV . The ill ilitnr ' Vrp'pert. : Tiuiroii;tqry:prDfipecti9now.dvkly eland Oiinpral Graolbas bee.n badly defeat ed o tbeiJjiBAe, j-lfwifig two., batterbia, aod a, large, nftiubi o. pjisoners His .advjnpe positions have been wrested, from bi'rn. " TfDi uttb I w'e.?r ?, V Wirji a G cnera I Btir bri'fie , ,hift P'n defeated by Breckmridge, uiid c!mpel!p(t'to-Vefurnto Ken'tilcky1. - In the State of Missorirt, Art rebel inva- ei,, p, under pHpe mm to. be, completely a auoccsslul, fo holds 'nearly "the' whole the war, as a military prop- e' intig'pable LiNc'otk,' ia jprde;. yVbllait .affiydu th',e.'.preixt or, it i mos.t humiliating feature. Oiiif'Enqmrer , does, not. warrant the Tiigh bapded p'rocped-'rt'" Vt--wt:.r..'r;iio .nji.ti; .fca Lipga ofta hpard: Thesrt'une ia, (fat , Burbridg:.u izealota, c.onBfitijUng the board Of advisers, ace Lpeotjpiirjjy.jrrtjspoHs bJfl arid, capiio bv wbo think tb?mselyea w.lser jbad, Jbejawj ibejdvcp9untablet.ip any, tffi;,cttye way, for irioo rrattef bow injuriots: Dsayl,tbejf 'ac- S. iPjir, t4. fwl?2 the business of ;tlbnV,Bi'ia--thcommuD?ty in 'which -thityVKft- ' ' - k . ', .nv, 1- , , it, O he,. present, pur paper rnav be re r.Uv.and. olba peiglibors With wbom tbey earded as mraiessed imi'v th WCM?ni tmiegJe : t v ef j ,,cUy, , are, oyiflg ; th, a, ,prd eJpj Ln .by vajiy iMarv or'dar, 'by' lt)'e)'mWl --i :Geo:. Burbridye iWithoptaDy Regard toi Its k eti p I' g np n t) y r g v ta 'that, ever ds-'j jtrne'Jufehf and riie!anlng-:abJ'fo the; woM pujf oseB jpf pe.rsefcutibd'iy'On.e, ba'if ttf 'the .business jnqnoffl.tfya k Who bare-paid tbe government tax for tbeir licenses are denied by tVe board (wbo sit WD.Vof fbejr: 'igors' ike' lhe rbd.bW Cbricdil (of Ted, x)f "VeDice, in.iecrel,) ' tn'e'rigniHVpulfcSase 3'r' seflyarid 'tinder ibe l retciied.ud..Uif4il1 pretensq I thaTthey, are disltfyaVvMeir who bave beerf io-! business f,'A . o.'.'..V ,i .-.I' im'.i.i. 1, . v i in tbls City rpfc1yarair3pm ..oj Jneft7or, pearly a half century -w-ho'are eDgaged in civiiiZBd, ciitumuniiv' ihd tbiSH CJAybe .tbe, 'as'prds We tny, le'allpwed . to uttbr-to our 'd e orvcWtlc Jbe foVe tnc eleqtion.jj.jWa aV'.tbe.bccyoii 'o that .we.,' to btbe' b'jest a'u'd rno'st 1 patriotic, .duty, a'demoq'atjp .voter owes' to . ws, Jet. no .obstacle ' I'm ; Iro.iH walleu'dTng, t ji e. puTIs ." and ,' cm tin 4 ' tfw 1Yu4rS?,iftwiintl,ti,l;!'' ""'Uyr' .w. rcb u?b,' uiihShk',!"' God's nauie li!tl.fP.lnJfeDAer l! ).jf'y! je:tjolo'ljlie , caiidii7te,.auij contribute 16 aava tbe "I'lier- abp.Tjicablf j)dmiiajtti9n.,!Abrbm In coin. -4 -) Ilihaa longsioce pej iutoa proberb that tboee Geoerals wbi),iwnd their time in ma. .king war upon, the doraocrtiaprjiss, are .at - (.ay oeaieo oy me reueis. uen. liurbridge, ol Ki-ntucky, affords tbe latest verification of the truth. mV iras been defeated by .Breckinridge ."in S iuth'vWestera.ryirgJnia, ' and compfHed to raiurn to Kantueky. llbe ,renjov4l of ihi,iiiopaW,4ioi)HOt4j(ijuel is loudly demanded, by:.a?en:tb.tnjjMiUpf the Ada.'ui8tratiuut.jn bKeulucifyCVrici nati Enquirer:, ;....,x j ,a )tlrA lovi-n"(U. oiJ;J p3pGol4:fqnbte'.at'll); titTwent np on" accouDt..t ,. if ws.u(:oivy failures in Ldsdon.'1' '-p ouxiwt en l xdl" grl'be Rifbmtmd Enu'lrar itiTaccotint of Kridjjp.ghJ'iliJp j .twTe.tured tbeir old j.pai t Wqji 'w'jAjftet Voad , ti beL from 400 oto 60Q pripobeislTtogether wi.b a ana 300 horses. ' 000 w 10 O Zt kJ ' o v as u as a-