Newspaper Page Text
FH B- BULLETIN. Li I. i re would respectfully nform our TnhdB''0that we will contintw ' to dp JOB W,ORK at jljiie cilice aheretofore. ' r,er ,'80(18 wishing' work of Itiis description done neatness acd dispatch will do well to give'us a cal). 1 Orders frbm'a distance will receive prompt attention. .,' ".J ROSS H08SER..' 4,.. The'nlnrm of' fire last Tuesday raorn v?Dg, about -.,2, -o'clock,? wbj .caused by tbt partial'Wnfr'g of a'-, small frame house, in the rear ,'of .Parrafliue Candle Factory,, and csed the Company as a arpentor shop 'Less email,. and.the fire evideutly the. work Of an';n6erndi'ciry. ',' . ' ' OO'Sherraan !s Paid to bo sh at. up jn At lanta, with his lints of cortrtounication des troyed;,, v -Messrs. G. A. & J. . McCartney Are now receiving a.largH Slock af China. Ola and Qutentnoare.'. tieether, .with a (splendid assortment of Cud. Oil. Lamps, which they are offering at Inw figures. Country Merchants" wjll fipd it to their in--4e'fest Jo give them a call :as. we . think they , ban give them better bargans( than -can,' bu obtained in Cincinnati. ...Mw)srs."G. A. & , J. ,E- McCabthet 'import direct froruj the Aianuiarturers m timrope. , , , I lo OTi'her Mobile Advertiser says Forrest MASONIC IIALL, ) ""MuTB.viw.E, Ky., Oct. 10, 1864:) -At a. Btoted.meeting of Maysville Chapter, No. 9- this, evening.. Comb.'.' Hiram .It ncmnced'in a brief -but oelitig manner the d'oatli Burn,'. .Chanter,- N.o. 74, Concord Ify., &d D. G. II. i . of the Grand RoWl 4rrh C.htr,trAr Iwsky, who.died pn the night of-thc l3t instant. jjidckb ui.umy one nom-8 dh-ration, wbon on motion Comp. W. IIowk, Hiram Bacsett and It. Albeht were annoint.n.i fVir,, ,;,..,, t draft resolutions expressive of thefeolingsofthis Uiapter lipon the slid event, 'who reported tho luuuwing, wnicn were unanimously adopted:' Jimlctd, That in 'the death of Comp. MOR RISON II. BURNS, who ha been so peremptori ly culud fjom lahor aoieng.the rubbish below, to refreshment (wo trust) in, the TaWijaclo ubove, vuiiio vyiiupiui-,- i'i wwen no was trie Iicajl.biu -.the, Grand Chapter of the wdl uh tho Fraternity at luigo is called npen to mdnrn pneot its brightest ornaments; and "the inudical profession, tho oell p.irln genpr;illy u valued member. AWtW,,Tiiut wo deeply ,,nd mot affection ately pyiniuthize with lim widow and wnin the irreparable lufp they have (tustainod. ' lUiolud. That" while "hirf'rlenrh : to uh all aw Masons it in peculiurly sovere on', his immediate Chapter and Lodge, and. that they a"9i; ,vo ?in ,lvc'ie8t "ynipathy and condolence. Iiesolrtrf, That the members of this Chapter wear the usual badges of mourning lor thirty days. ' - ' ' 'i; - i f .m Metohed, That a'eopy of these resolutions bo forwarded le Burn'Chapterj No. 74, and a copy to Oiieh of our city papers UuJ the Manonic Re view, Cincinnati, with a request that they pilb liBhthem. - w. JN. IIowk, ) t I " f r JIikAm BAfHEtT,. Com. ? R; Albem,. V.) , GREAT 'BARGAINS!! ociler.' irt redncfi' mv nrcsent verv VALUABLE FARM 1 ' BYvlrtfle of a judgment of tho Mason-Circnit i w C0.".rt' e"dcri'fl tbW."it pending of W. and others, I will, as Commissioner, upon the On SATUIIDAY, OCTOBER, 13lh 1861, Soli at public auction, to the highest bidder, all tco right, title, and Interest of the said Lonia ;teb,.Vl,r !n thnt vfaJle tract of land known aa the "Cebhart Farm.' This farm contains ' ;. . " '.. ".' ..180 acres, Lyirsrupon the waters of Li mostone Creok, Ma son county, Ky., and within a mile of he City of Maysvi I le.i The improvements upon it are good. -una Hjrooa: ... . ,:'..;,;,,,..,,, BRICK DWELLING IIOUSE i a'o'd also, three other Frame-Tenement' tmtin 'ft' and also a frooA McAdamized rOftdf"leadingto the farm. It is weil watered and in a fair state 1 of cultivation. It will be divided Into three n r v' .. .. .. :r' oiimii mn iioT who, a tenement upon it, and sold altogether, or thhs dividod, to miit ' purchasers. The plot of division can h calling bt mv office in Maysville, Ky. The proximity,' et this, farm to' Market makes it yalnableanj ofl'ersa fine opportunity for those desiring to Invest. ' ' ' ', ' k- .. Terms of Sale. : i ,; ' ' One-third cash; the balance in alx arid twelve months wiihinterestfromday of sale; the pur chaser to give bond ith good security, having the force and ctl'oct of sale bonds undor execution.., ' Sale will commence at 2 o'clock, r. M: . ,.j ' - JOHN It. CLARKE, , 5ept..22, I0b4-4w Cominisslonor. In la r?e stock of Chum mid (Jlasswarc, and lo miike room tor my PjUI JmortatioDs, J Milliromttn date sell goods latny in riit-fipi-si m.evi;ori( cash pnrfs wholesale and Mail, without ; ha; completely destroyed the AIkm.o4.'?Vi;; Iftrckase-frpifhil Tecnessee railroads from Franklin,' Tennes (,,( - .. ... (ee, to pecatur, Alabama.. , ( jOCTVe learnUiat a, passenger train on the ''Covington' and Lexington- Railroad was 1jipa''pure,iby..guerilla8la8t Tuesday "morning i and'1 destroyed.;' We' are unable 'to give .particulars, '.".f..". v" '" '.. ' -: '. w-' IjT General Forresth as escaped General Ollb!opwiu',, crossing the Tennessee with his ,..cpDimod on flat boats. .;. , ! 07 General Sheridan' io his dispatch says . h.a. , has.destrojed 2,00P(harn8! filled;' With wheat and bay in the Shenhdoah Valley aijd . over ' ytf'htOle filled with ifloor .and wheat. m;I haaicnipletely devastated tbecouotry. . . w rti..' " .. ii,-' ; TESTIMONIAL- . ""C 'nerd, Lewis county, jvy., on Tuesday, OcL 4tli, 1 Si4, t he Jolluwina rcHobaions were adopted : 1 . Wji en Kp, Divine I' Ilih wisdom lias fffi1 W, Bi'pU or U. II. MUKN.S in the nyip oLlit'cuuii mills' .ol'his usoluinos. a. That- fir fheteiitlf of-TIro; M. II. liUKNS, OlftOf 'Xr unrf. : T-'lf. 2d i.t., one door below G, Arthur's Confectionery. - Maytvillo, Ky.; August 11th, 1804. - ' LOST In ' tho' month 'of May or June, between MayMvillo arid Lawrence Creek Chtiroh, a donbld woolen 'PJ-lAWL, blHck and -white plaid. I will give n reward of $5.00 if delivered to the PEM BER FON TOLLK C ATE Or the , Oct. 18, 1S64 BULLETIN OFFICE. SERVANT, , WANTED ! I wish to Kicnre the pervicos of a No. 1 Cook, Iroaor and Washer for a Family of throe. I will give tho usual wages paid. '" ' Apply to ' '., 'James cross, ' " , ' ' ." Dover, Kv. Oct 12, '61- ' , . or BULLETIN UFF1CE. FALL FASHIONS ! Mrs. E. J. WROTEN IESPECTFULLY informa heii friends and XX the public that she has returned front the East with the newest' "I''' " ' 1 TO. ALL WHOM IT hi AY CONCERN: -: CALL AND EXAMINE .' 1 BLUM & HECHINGER'S NEWLY ARRIVED STOCK 0 .u.: k . . : ... . . . . . FALL AXD: V1XTER CL0TI1IXG !! ".AT TIIE RED CORNER. . 'tlici t Hi,in . . i .i ... . ... . - . . . i. iiusoHnu unoin uuecitoDaie riQiuar the riiuvji asjoini viiieieni niuiuuiTj ui i(y lim tul'riiiiii and his family a' kl id n. -i'kK deejay Hjiupatl.iif with' the be pfiir.d.epa'rtu3' brother "u the t,prg atflicUt'O a'pl .).rrepyKblo,!os!'. . . , ,v j 4 TIiaL'tlid meniinrut' 'hls Lodjre, wflar thp.;, i tho UMiul.jiailgu m( tuiio.rii'Jifl for, t lit iy-dtjb 111 Ft IF, YOU WANT A FASHIONABLE SUIT OF FalL Clothing ! J K II 1C Y 1. Y 6 XJ n o1, 1 -; ' -ll .. ...... ,i li . AT BLUM HECHINGER'S. RED COLNER! French China. Glass and Queenswarel token ol wixt, tor oitr Uipifrttd brother.,. , 1 . ; -V ' ,, ;i ,'i , .. l. . ,. . . Tlmt a,ic'pjr;;or. thte. reso.l'i''fiir- A Jm ( Cincinnati pnets, nlod, U)., tlitj (TWiviIio Eiijilo aud Mayhvillo Kiilletiu jlor .publication. ' " .XilJAli ,;i'.'l ; Z.T i,v It. ALRERT'S docll . , irodcX,ChinaKtore,2d.,Stroo, StilealaiidFashions IN MILLINERY! Sho has a largo and varied- assortment of HATS, including the Oriole, IiiPERiAt,.' and other reclurclu stylet, BONNETS, FLOWEES.'RIB BONS, FEATHERS, &o. J- - Maysville, Ky., Sept. 15th,lSi54i2mo. . ' ., geoTw: wroten;j Homoeopathic Physician; ' . SECOND STREET," MAY8VI1.LE, KY. ,.t IOffice at Mrs. Wboten'b. n ..r-.y. mar.lO FAMILY GROCERIES UNDER a just construction of a recent mili tary order, governing trade in Kentucky, wo : have b en permitted by our present polite and gentlemanly 1'rovost Marshal to import a small.atock of CHOICE FAMTJjY GROCERIES, Which . wo -offer for sale to our old friends and customers and purchasers gonerally at fully ton nor cent less than thebe articles eonld have been bought at in the early part of this week, though thert,has been no deoliue in the markets from wliieh wo obtainod thorn. Wo have road' and understand the'o'rder alluded to, and laee notbing ppecially objectlonablo in the ordor-- itself, but think we can see in the forced construction of it by a fow intoreatod mercenaries who have at tempted to advise and control the dopnty au thorities' here, BOtnothiug, too mean and con temptible to bear scrutiny. We cannot finish this advertisement without publicly thanking Mf. PETTETfor hie prompt aotion in' the mat ter when tho proper application was . made to him, aud can but 'tiiink that consumers of grocer. os gcoorally, who havobeon froed from a' attempted Infamous rnonojwly; will dollkawii a R. t SrO II. PTIIOJIA' e, ' MayBvlle,.Sopt. 15, 1864-8m) - : 1? ' '! ' '- ' ' i ' Is !'if: i V r