Newspaper Page Text
"WINCHESTER JOURNAL, n-ati oira r lit Tiu irt t Trims of uI-rription. In M ft -.. .. la ! .ulk.... A 0. C rnMium: mit tiii: joiiinw.. A t ..: I oral I - '- - I a t. - . - . ...l ... if ..r.: fit i I. l.t. ( t It t iiiiMl, I , I 1 O'TVrVf'or. Meridian nml Vahin:;ton j .tr el. r National Hank, j in aa iinf.i"l ' ' '"."".j ' Ymsintss Dinctcir. - - ii .. : ' r : ziz. r BANK. 1VltT TH..W- HAM of VVin chf.tfr, ll.lMlIJ, Nnitli Klt C-jTI,r i I W't in I M r i 1 i u i . -.tritt. Ijatik li. In jr. 'J a. n.lu4r m. I A. M'.nc, I rrJcnt. Orri i vm.M Lockt .(:..-:.;. r. PROFESSIONAL. a. .mks Atome at t.w wm) Kfti Kt-ite Ayr.t, W .ri et. rt rr, I 'id. mi. r' i.l I ttf Mio I. t D l.t I .i l t ti.u n;.rii r '.I l.;ri . Orür in r'.tr .u Miitt r in w tuil! Cm i:rv w t. Aitomfjn m I,, S' iii-!i-' rr, I . i. i . Ii-;- i 1 twMi'Mi c i v r ti to tht Collrctioii a: d Mr- r-wr ' v f i'l t i Pi . urna: ovzn morrow's stork. n;'v.M: PtnTjii:r;,AtturnfTs I J at Li, H'Micli.f fr, I n ili Ii . (..I-l-rtirt, rill ".II b : tt nturml l'iiinr-it rrrti pfiriijit ntti iitinii. 0 c i.p Ptir. in new brick block. Lu ll 1C? Bill? ftlll ft V & T.I'I. Attorney it i.xw, Winchrtfr, In-limi", Vill at t -ri l firomi't'f to t'ollertior. rol II l.iinr- infrut-l to li:s crc. 1'IJic up j liirt in it ion a! Uink liuildii p. t 'oriJ Juor (rum iL comrr. vTnitf 17"ATTS X HITVNnl.l, Attorneys Vf at f.iw an.l Ihiitr) Utr CUim Winchrtir, (live i'e- ril altrntion to rIUrtioin. PHYSICIANS. C1 r.O. . IIKlTi:, .M. I.. I I .vitiau JT nI Surgeon. WiruhiJ-ti r , lidii.i.d, Triilrrs hi pro(Vionat services to the citizrrs of Winclieater anl vicinity. Or-n-: At his Ueoi.Ience, corner o! Main an.l South treeti the former residence of Dr. Frr-uioii. .7 II. Tr.NNTI.I.. 31. I).. riij.icio Siirroii, Wiitcliottr. Irxllittia, "rilr hi i' ml-in nit -r if t tl.f t nizriis of W in. he.icr .ikI iirroi.i Iii i i i. i ll) . O:!. 4l Uli re-iaem, i l r ili k H. Ilt. J. I. TIKLIII'SON StUK'.KON DP. NT 1ST. Wiiul.fMfr.Iri-rrp-d fully t'lTtr his p'ritP to ll.r people nl Kui!olf)l and j iiiup: CMinitui. OiTht. KJ-t t'fle r I . Llic iS.iinrc. irr Ilii hsrdron A lie! ! .. rc. hrv lie i- f r p inl to trlurDi all kiiü of Di nt tt opt rhtinti. i:17 Dr. Ii. L. EIKENJDERY, I'P.Anil lMi I'lIYfilt'IAN, AT III N rsVIM.i:, INDIANA, Inf irini ih oil if n. of that tare an.l vU'inilr lltkt Ir i rri J Ii u anl I a I i I i mr I uprm J.tlj aiKwt-r all la bU balii. 'liri:e rsiialt. I I !.! DU. E. T. DAILY, Phys ician and Surgccr, llidsevillo, Indiana. CH promptly tttiiutü to by lny or a t jrli t . May l-i.'.l " ' If Dr. R. D. NORVIEL, Eclectic Physician & Surgeon, KtT.futl teitdvr, hl profoiional ervlce tf the t'ilitf t r"in lr ai J iriittty. He HI;le i.'i-ul t i Ciirnuk Iii4f., ..I .ii..:i f tin lifile ftrgm n. a nl Ke. t'l I rm a ii rrt-.l u i;h l n r day. Charge M .t-rti?. tni.llnlins irre. vtfi a r Mi.-iiri .....r.iaviBw.rsa. I .-nlii-l.l 1 II, S, CUNNINGHAM, M. D. Wifcea to inform the pnhMe that fee pays f peci tl atteulion to TTIye aiitl Surorv anl SriU.KRY in pernral- Tlioe who hive CrOSS EyOS defornntU of nnr t haracttr, i- me a etil. Also atten tion p4t.l to the malad ic tummuu to the country. O.hoe Iii hardrou'a Store. Kcs! Jt nee on K t.t sr t. Januarj I?7c. DR. HGfJRY CARVER, frm,rlyf LcncmSt W m,me Count, Ind.. tiflTtrs his professional f ertices in the prac- .liiiniciM: A: $urrry to the citireus of Winchester and surroun ding country. From his former connec tions with the Tuhlic Institutions ot the, and his extensive practice in the West, hehores to merit a share of puhhe ralronatre. rartii'-iiar attention nsnlto CHRONIC DISEASE of all kinds. He his associated with him in practice DU. J. M. CARVER, 2rv.Ic of Iennison I'nirersitT and fc'talinjr Medical College, Ohio. OFFICE Over Koutu & UaLnister'a tore, front room. Wincuc.icr. Dec. 9, 1?C0. böd HOTELS. BAIL Si Y HOUSE, CUOSS I. FYS, JSitigcritic, Mntliann. C. T. DAILLY. rmyrietor. fJood Accommodations fortraTeltr and Boarders. "nil TKBMO.NT IIOUSeT Xjrth-Kit Cor. Main and If:h S!.t KiCIIMO.P, I.MiIA.NA. FareHetlucedtoTuo Dollars perPayv JOHN F.LUOTT, p . i rojnetor. i.n AVENUE HOUSE, rORP WAYNE AVENUE. Ofr"lt ea Ptrpot.i Richmond, Ind. CITIIEN3 RICIC, TropriftoM. Jalj it, t.3. Ijn3t PHILLIPS HOUSE, tum sum, ..p...... n, en Dt VTÖV mi Tn - , '" lu.i.uiuu. ; LOUI3 RIC0OL0, PROPRIETOR ' i-t,J tf. 1. s! JE J vor, ix. MISCELLANEOUS. l . C 1 1 Ksl 1 : K T A IN'-YAUl). iChnr nuthoil. Prnnrictor (Sunt.oito F. M il letraatit, i Kerp on hinj Shor nod If rnrF Lrtbn t M irk.f t Ii ice, inl JJ Cl) ( r l!iif i. l it irk . 7 i' riioi.vdn, ' J .'. HÜTT WARD & HIATT, nrii.ran in I T Tl ID Ar A. TI , (.. .1, l ily llnM Hlnck, NurtK Side rnllirsimre, inhrtrr, Ind . i. r. irEToi.J f l. f.. ircABTo HEA5T0N & BROTHER, C I T Y INI I Li L S,i WINCHESTER. INDIANA. I llr. In H..nrii'l gll khnla of O r i n , Se.l , Vr.. V. We ,a th tiphrt pric-. ix"l all .r nie tj the barrel. Ci.fil n wallte. I. u32 t -- M'KEW & WHARTON, RIDGEVILLC, INDIANA, Dc'tirrx in II kin., if OllVlISr SEED.! y j flt. l o dn-l A 21". cult ura I liiii.Scuieiitü I.slh ' Mi.l'llp, (Vc.,Wf. . H'J-J C. M. BORROUGKS. STABLE. Kino irrfs and Cirriies to let. On Main, just Noitli of Kraukliu Mrttt. nlTif II.C.IICXT. D.C. F. REDEKm H. C. HUNT & CO. TOBACCONISTS, No. HT Walnut Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO, ractory, IS Hammond .St. June 1. &.).. -lyr EAGLE SHOE STORE. W. FISHER, DEALFR IN Boots Sd Shoes, Hats, Caps, Leather nml I hidings, RIDCEVILLE, INDIANA. Music, lDaiiiting- AND Taught J .Urs. .11. If. PORTER. Lesions on Piano, Mtloilron and Orpaii. Full instructions in thorough H iss. Land sctpp. Oriental and (Jrecian riiintin. t'ur ttrm. inquire at the lost Ollice. J3oois iSb Shoes. CHRISTIAN KAYS CR, SOU r -tu ti line. In the Boot ami Shov l)iiirCM, at Iii now tun.l, on Muiu street, two Jour? lu;liuf IIcato.r$ .Mill, WINCH ".STI.IJ, INI). TlianVt for pat favors hi nl.l patron, anil solicit then to coiiMmip. .n uiT.t- new cu oiur to rail ainl nee Iii t)le ..(work. For rhaiics and wurkiuaLsbip he can not tc k cvlle.l. . n3Cif 4 e.' V' ei H i 1 1 DRESS MAKING, Of every lescription, neatly exccutrtl. Jlrs. C. I. Mnilli, L'p SiHiri first Floor, over Oirter! old stand, vet Public Squan. Xinettttr , Indiana. THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES r.vii) ron HUM A jN HAIR. Edmund ll-nglc, INSURANCE AGENT, in chest er, Ind., Insure property agaii:t loss or daniarc Ibv fire and lightning in the followinc Com pt iie. iz: Aefr. .II INA, of II r t ford , Conn . , $ j,"?i2.5.'.0.9C il.rtforJ.of Ilirtford, Coun, 2,34l,lJ3l.:ip lt.. I Va. ' . -1, I on ri ScuritTt of ytw York...... l,:n.3t).1.5.1 ;rndrrritrr Agency of N. y. 3,iMG.5.'.5,24 Western, or U iffalo, N. y. . )H,.'17 Connecticut Mutual Lifc 20VXH),Ol) Travelers Life and AceMpnt, 1."(KMICH Klectie Life, of New York... 2( Ht.iHHI Are you Insured ? If not, why not? The cct i trifling. I)eli.s are dangerous. Or FiC-r. -Corner Meridian and bouth treets, with W. Ü. Krazcc. Julj j,l-U tf UNIONSPORT Woolen Mills ! I We te 1M metho.l to iaf irm the p'iMif that, ' hT ii c I' ! r h se. I he al e factory . w e art n w pr-'j-ar-'-i i oo an fcino ui oofii maiiuiactu rn.jf on Url notice and in ?ood si) le. Ilitinr en the srvicesof a Xo. I Kell t' e are jTej.ared lo war.ut all wurk. iu Itiia Hue. sijirsriiNra. Mr.EI.IIIt: S.MITiI iet!C3CPl to do onrspln ni. .an. I i.ein? an oM pinn-r, prfrct tv jrrr tu, epcctt b rxcallcJ b) Couc io tLl 'r-iacli ol the tuin-. IIa it ii fact i v i 11 'rtff prepared to do all kin At ot Vatrifactu rlnf .1 ii t'a ;i. aiu! oliall arrant ou r ork not I icffllr,l dj jnj. u.e itie Blue Star Warp,tu ut luaue. ' ruIIiucColorinsnnd Cloth Hressins. ! WrtrV in thiiiinc Jona oa siort notice and in ! I lj l. j 11vi'l!;,e,"l,,'J lh "' ofMr.w.x AI KKNs.a vr.ortuch workman In both lhorT .i. - . .i.viiiiii.uiurui.aiiii f lUl.i j (.ran - faii work. i n.l ..'II.. .. fcjie an ei'jfin in connffiloa jth opi wtfrtwri.irt 0 .hatl not b dflaj ,1 , but ballrua miUlauJ Jaj if nacessar; to Uo the work. Wood, Wool or Wool CIrcaae taken in aCichange for Wotk. .10,000 Ihn Wool Wanted fo-r hltb the MjEit prlf will b palttln CaH Of it har -r-l for th bei! Int ofeooil Intha roant . cnit;nr f an.a tittt..taiiner( anl roer!tit, nlankrlt. Ilalt flrrrl,t ck n fr all th trork I n tki. and ad jojnlarfBU,butwoul.lal. aUberalpatroD- ar-. lry. makris d uowkh. tala(ijort,.r'd.lfC.. 15 INC W 1 1 D.VItliV AM JOAN HIOH HID BALL. When Patby !i the mttlrf nn, Ite wunjf Ui rjth and homeward ran, hmt -inwn, ,1 rank of hit )uarti tii.l .aid. .My work it Jone, I'll jfot' bed." ".M work i done !' retorted Joan, My worH I, doneVy our roiitant tone; Ruthelj.lcii onian ne'er can isrt Her work I ilone, till jjlrinfiit liar. Yon ineii (in !-rp at nifV, but we .Musttod." Vi,.,StJ f,u!t is th t" he. I k-or yiMir men i.i i. jr."' replied. "I'.'j; ir mi t ii.tri'e !i ill not be tied; I w tl I poti and let ) ou know h it e wr.iiia ii In v e to .1. ; Hrt in th" niori.inr wc f"t-l A ifk .Irufikar.l when they rrI Ye.. leeiHh pain In tiark or head . would c'o.tine joii mm to heJ r lj the trah e I.-l I trte broom, Wcu'r Ui heil ami rljtM 'lie room; Hi" cows nui-d next le m.Ilie.l and then V c pet llie bieak lat for Hie nien. hf' tiii ilo he, with w hi in per in; eric Ai.d t. r i -1 1 1 1 . r I. air. i'.e children ri-e; Ti.ce ituitbe lr'ed ai.'l doed with rue, And led !...1 II berau f jou. f i.vxl" lit re larby .crulelit tl Iiis bead. And ftole ntf rrn ii. Ming to his be 1; A i.d iiil "uid. a oi he run, Zoiiml! w.inmii'icliicX ii nevff done." At euily ilawn, ere I'lio bus roe, Obi Jniiii ri''.imed her la'. e of woe."', hen l'arb) t Ii u --1 "II cii.l the rtrlfo, lie y mi the tnnii and I llit wife, l'uk on the .ythe niitl mow, while t V ill all jir iM.Mifd earr. supply. " '('onlfi.,.l" 4t.oth Joan, "ti e me niystlr.t;" Thi I'arhy did, and ont be went. Old Parin ruean I t.i.'d the broom. And w hirled tbe dirt about Die room; Which harinj tlone, he Beirre knew bow, Nu hied to milk the brindled rW. Th: brindled tow whikcd round her tail In D.irbxs eye nid kicked the p.iil; The clown, t.erplexrd with Rriel and pain, Swore h..'l ne'er try to milk ajciln; When tiirninproiind, in tad amuze, lie his cntlyjje in ablaze For as hi tbaiicnl to brush the room In carele?. hate, he flretl the broom . The Are at last subdued, he swore The broom and ho hold no-el no more. Prerl by misfortune and perplexed, Iiarby prepared for br?.ikfat next; Hut w hat to rt ho srarcely knew The bread was spPut. lh; butter, loo. His hands bedaubed with paste and flour, Old Darby la Ö lied full an hour; Hut, luckTen w ijrht! thou cou!dt not make 1 he brtad take iorm of !oal or cake. As erery door wide open stooJ, In pushed the sow in jCOst of food; u! tumbling onward, w ith her snout O'ersctlho churn- the milk ran out. .As I?arby turned, the sow to beat, Tho sipp'ry cream betrayed his feel; He raucht the bread trough it. his fall. And de-w n rime Darby, trough, and all. The children, wakened by the clatter. Start up and cry, "Oh what's the mhtter?" Old Jowler brkf'd, mid tabby mewed, Aftdhule;s Darby bawled aloud, 'Keturn. my Joan, ai heretofore, I'll play the housew ife's part no niorc Since now, by sad expeiieiice taught. Compared to thi ie; my work is tntfelu; Henceforth, as business calU, I'll take Content, the plow, the sy the, the ruke, And never ni ire tranress the lino Our late have murk ed, w hile thou art mine. Then, Joan, re tu m, as heretofore, 111 ki jour honest soul uo niote; Let each our proper task attend - Forgivo the past, and rlrive to mend." A Coachman's Story; Or "I have a Reason for It." "You'll take a glass of brandy, coachman?" said a gentleman, get ting down from tho Sutton Stage conch, a it stopped at the "Bell aud Cuckoo Inn." "No, thank you, sir," was the re- The traveler looked up, wondering if he heard right a coachman refus ing to drink, hut seeing nothing hut firm re-olve in the honest faeo which met his gaze, and ns the cold sleet of a March evening made it no fit pluce to hold any argument, he shrugged his shoulden aud hurried into the inn. Some few new passengers entered the coach, and the horses cantered on, clad no loult, to make the best of their way home to the stable. "It Is not often a person like you re fuses a glas, coachman," Said a gen tleman kitting hy his side. "Why, no, sir; hut then you see I have a reason for it." ' "Yes, yes, no doubt," said tho gen tleman; "I hope you will not think me rude in taking notice of such a circumstance." "On, no!" was the reply, and, then f.fter alongpausc,"! have a reason for it." The silence was kept for perhaps a mile, varied only by the shrill noises made from time to time by the driver in urging on his team. But it was suddenly broken by the coachman saying, "There was a time sir; when I could not have refused that glass ah! aud worse luck to me when I did not try nor whh to refuse it; but it's many years since then, oh, oh!" lie looked over his shoulder to see who were the outsiders before he be gan, for he was not a man w ho would have told all his troubles in tne mar- ket-place. There was no one nearer to them than those who were at the ! back ofthe coach, and seeing that the open face and fearless eye of the gen tleman who sat beside him, told of heart within which could part feel an other's sorrows, he went on "It's manv years ago I drove the Liver ..,. pool coach then, not a short stage til-n f lila.! I ii.rn wu no riil tlwiri ..-c . ... I and we did almost as.velikeil then. carrying sometimes very great people, and sometimes just the reverse; you see. "Coming home one beautiful spring ; day I had a good load, and beside me i sat a young man one of the Talbot i family, aud they be great folks in that part of the couutry. Ho was full ofj spirit, and had just come home front China, and w&s on his way to Iiis father's hall. Ifo had got all the boisterous spirit for fun of the navy, j w here he served as an officer. H "I-Iold Fast To That Which Is Good CHESTER, IIVIIIAA, "I'vory j!ace we topr.ttl at he;cln-k pillowt-.l my slmuliler. call il for mtu, w.rne fr hirnolf and She was look in ut int i'io li-tant me fur in, for I 1 i:x 1 not learjifil 1 tl.oti Iik rofi: till -it 1-i-t w u. ni r.r fri.tii fcn!...r fiir.ii.-ii o. m ti v would have conidered we were but mMlerate. Things went mi in this hviul cIomt t hers, she said: 4Trorn way till we got near Stuirml; by thi j ,m OIi? tiling only one. I know time we were singine and .-houting, ll,M,ut bow your troubles came; and what few people We pased on the road stood to stare as the four greys liouiidcd along, tearing such a loud rioio. "The evening was coming on, and a fog was fat settling on li !d and river, so that we could not see far be fore n. when in tunilnga corner of front of us with two children, the m. a a i i . . ,,.,,,, t'u, ., loiiusnrieK, me coaen seemen lojump thero-.l I don't know how it ban- "wt lromiM'." And then he aid, "I , , . i'"y'"J ' """"Til"""" $tn IUC rojo, 1 oOii kiiom lion it nap i f ini"htv revenues." been "iven t the in tnrf irtnie of in n L .... T ntirnva il.ii.r- viiiinif Tnt. ! shall (In. hni'i'V now. ' i " ' , ihuiimh ioiik m.ini.i.tct in in inn, Roon. f.cto.t lroit ibotuas reaching to get the reins as I was rising iu hate ami terror when ! Tut yourself in Ins Place," dra- , urM ts . r u, m:u)X headed me many times to drive; she of dying, but she hell my matied by the author, i to be brought Vluubymany mills and bhtst fc.r-. Thild fa-fct trotting i... si... ... r ... o, I., heatl down to her, ami looking with out by John Clarke ami IM win lWdi. o:ce have been put into pr.-etical op- 5:(V I'llIXT". t'Ui 1 itl" - !! lit I "Mi - 1 .... ' ' i s I inn ue luab a i- nit., i uiuii i - overall impediment, and then theK"v'11 ber face. A gleam of sun- frighteneil horses seemed to lly for very life. We might have got into town Kifely, but just iu ur way was n narrow idl bridge, and there the road curved a little. I had lost nil power by this time over the horse, and in turning over the bridge, down the coach came with a crash. "When I came to myself, I found the night had gone, and it was noon next day; I was in bed, and the first face I saw was that of my wife, for we lived near there then. She looked anxious, and I could see the marks of tears on her face. "What's the mat ter?" I cried, and tried to leap out of bed; but I was held down, and gently told what had happened how the horses had taken fright and overturned the coach. "There was not so much damage done as might have been expected; young Talbot had gone on home with a broken arm; the rest of the passen gers had proceeded with coach, sha ken aud bruised, but with no bones broken. But there was something more I wished to know who was that I saw ii. the road with two chil dren? whose shriek I had heard, ami still could hear ringing in my ear.; that news they tried to put oil" till an other time; but it would not do, I was determined to know. And I soon knew too much. It seemed a man, with whom I was Well acquainted, had been taking his f.miily a walk in the cool of the evening. lie was a man respected by all who knew him. And iu a moment we were upon him as we turned the road, and giving him only time to scream, he lay in the dust bruised bleeding dead! "It was but the work of a minute to dress and hasten down-stairs, de termined to see the family of the poor man. His cottage was not far from my home, and I was soon there; hut what a sight! The blinds were drawn down iu every window, but the bright sun was shining outside, and the early llowers were stubbing the garden which led up to the door. I entered the house. There, hushed into still ness by so great a calamity, were the six c hildren whom I had defrauded of a parent. As I entered, each eye was turned upon me; they looked more in sorrow than in angry, hut their wan cheeks blanched by a sudden borrow, made tne strong man quail. "In the chamber above, the dead man lay, calm and white; he was washed and laved our. ready for the coroner's duty. His wife sat upon a chair by the bedside weeping and rocking herself backwards an 1 forward.-; all you could hear were her sobs, and now and then, 'John, my poor John!' And I had been the cause of all this; had I been sober but drink, that cursed drink! "I was not at the coroner's inquest, for that and many months went by before I knew anything, or any one; summer had mellowed into autumn, and the snows of winter had found me insensible to anything goingon in the world. I had received a severe blow on the head in the overturning of the coach, and that, with the great quan tity of rum to one who drank but lit--tie, added to the self-condemnation which I heaped upon myself when I saw the mourner and her helpless lit tle ones, had been too much for my brain, liut how had I got out of my bed after such a severe fall? Why by will a strongdetermined will which would almost in such circumstances trample upon impossibilities. Hut one had carefully tended me during that longtime, and often had 'she (my wife) to bear with me, when in the silent watches of the night, I hail heaped curse upon curse upon my own head for the wrong I had done. Hut no one had heard me but her; she had carefully guarded me, so that uo one should know my secret. When I come once more into the air, with halting gait and hair prema- ! turely grey, she it was whose arm up held me; it was her voice who sung to me and cheered me, and although another had occupied my place upon the Liverpool coach she it was who read the story of the ravens who fed the forsaken prophet; and the glorious Sermon on the Mount. liut she had worked too hard, and as I got better, she fell ill, and then I had to care for her; but before long I knew although no one had told me that the time of parting had nearly come. The sun was sinking to rest; the day had been fine, and the hills in the distance were just flitting their shadows over the landscape; the sun- 6hlnc just came upon my wife's head as I held her up in bed, with her THURSDAY, JO'K ' ootintry, we ou'l t-c' from our win- ilnW :i!nl ft ili.l litif M-I I1I til llofifi ! an v t hi ii i' Sho lind ii. .t so. i!cii for ;-"-' time; .but ' at la-t pulling my ! .v,,;1 "ld me.iv.-r and over again when YOU were ill; promise me Voll will nev- ertaste of that glass agaLi-will you promise?'' I haten-d to vow, but she pined ' her hand upon my lip-, "No oath, no oaths," she said, "only prombe. 1 , oo t ..... .-r.nexoM ir,y . ee,. into my lace l saw tne eyes ' truiit ' l' 'Tiihfi H'liilai tlii tiKirliii 1 i 1 1 la of m sr , s - "v:: . , , - - - -j - - shine brightly shone into the room, and then faded as nuicklv slie was gone, and 1 was alone. So you see, sir, if I refuse a glass of i liquor when it is ofleied ine, I have reasons for it." a uoi.i), Tin i: yii:w. The Christian Union, iu discussing "The Fifteen th Amendment," gives an able historical review of the causes that have brought it about. The ar ticle concludes: The Fifteenth Amendment Is the boldest avowal ever made of our faith in the safety in self-government. Give men a chance, educate the man ly side of character, leave them free, ami iney win name netter laws anu better policies than can be made for . a a . . a them by thinkers, philosophers, or the wisest statesmen, acting as gov - crniug clas. Upon one side of the continent are pouring Asiatic emi grants, on the other Eurönean, while already the Afric.iu largely tosses sea the land. Ye have thrown our laws, our government, our policy, our I wealth and our civilization under the wtie lately shipped from San Francis power of their miscellaneous vote. It eo to the Fiowerly Land. . is a. sublime declaration that Itepub- j . ,.-t.ttt 5llV4.,ltr4P i.ns nafent- licanism Is not a sectarian govern ment, but is the one rightful univer sal government! No government iu this world is safe. liut self govern ment is the safest. Human nature is not wholly trustworthy, but is far saf- er when trusted than when doubted. Human nature is, after all, the one thing we have to build one. lake a field, it mav raise weeds or it may - I lli.ll, Ut llil (.UlllI'VlllU IU CUVUl llimi 1 ,.l r 1 ...111 ..I. produce wheat, according to the cid- ikld in a home market, and shipping ! ,1(,w, the room is fragrant with south- tivation given. The American doc-j There is an infatuated native in In- j uiiroad our raw material ma.iufactur- j 'rn lhwcrs-Large milk-white African trine is: "Trust Human nature, and dia who has sat cross-legged on a pile J Vi) lillie-; roses a Nightingale would stop then see "that it is kept worthy of of sharp stones for seven years, sup-j (;rPat good has been accomplished j to worship, cipe jo-amiucs audcame trust!" j posing it would improve his spiritual i,orctfUIX. bv county and district ag-1 ,ius wi,h tlu ir U'y havc?- Forourselve, we look forward to condition. riculluial societies, but thev arc rapid-' Tliraugh the open casement Fteal ' I I F -a.. rla.f-ta- 1.. the future with confidence. Univer-I sal sutlrage is logically consistent ! with our organic truth, congenial to ! w " ; human nature in political associaiion,.! 1 . . f 1 ami, as we nrm.y ueueve, saie, auu fruitful in good. MLX W VNTLI). The great want of this age is men. Men who are not for sale. Men who cl lor iy ine iaet uiai ine gum is are honest, sound from centre to cir- j l1 on the back of h s head." cumferencc, true to the heart's core. xiie Providence Journal appropriate Men who will condemn wrong in v feays of t,e McFarland alhtir, "it friend or foe. in themselves as well as WJ?re wejIf i( ,,e wj10it, alIUir from be otners. Men who-e consciences are Ki,inirio. t( en,jf could be bbtled from as steady as the needle to the pole; ref.0ijecljun jotever." Men who will stand for the riht if the heavens totter and the earth reels. Men who can tell the truth and look the world and the devil in the eves, j his natural one's sent sky ward by an Men that neither flag nor flinch, j explosion of h s soda fountain. Men who can have courage without; M;.ce and Heenan are to travel shouting to it. Men in whom the through the country, this summer, courage of everlasting life runs still, an,i s,ow j10W jt was done at Neu deep and strong. Men who do not j Orleans, under a canvas. An elegant cry nor cause their voices to be heard j tent has been prepared for them. on the streets, but who will not fail nor be discouraged till judgment be I stt in the earth. Men who Know their message and tell it. Men who know their places and fill them. Men who know their own business. Men who will not lie Men w ho are not too lazy to work, nor too proud tobe pior. Menwho are willing to eat what they have earned, and wear what they have paid fur. . ed- lhe liouisviiie LommrrcKU sav "U'ts always safe for a Democratic itor to abue Governor Morton. In no other way can he better emphaiZe nisuexoiioi. touereen. in no oiner manner can he more h!-hlv mm.!.., mend himself to the leaders of hi, i party, lly no other device can he more certainly dispel any doubts as to his continued ami eternal fidelitv to the w Jieart Morton Ha ic party, damn Morton. Are news scarce, innic few. tmlitica doll, news- i .. . papers tame, D-niocrats uisgusted, give Morton a blizzard. ' . Many of our readers and business men will open their eyes when we tell them that the Chicago Tribune asks and gets twenty-two thousand five hundred and sixty-two dollars a column per year for advertising, and the business men oi that city uo r,f iioilf-ifi. tlic nr. ! a. . v. ... r-rf , They calculate that every dollar , they invest in judicious ad vert lis- Ing, adds at least five dollars to their '. income. Certainly it ia that those i who have advertised the largest have met with the greatest success. lostcau-e. I) cs the Democratic "Jtilerson! That don't looK no more j ties in inuiana, tun vouueeiing im oil na.i i,e:a ior XI. ere on your lt ßtow weary an.l faint, ,.HeU Into ' uw ' I . . V "... - iVTt vü W. -7wrf -ii: j .. T .. ... me' ' i lllu i.nii'ii. - inv iiiii. i iv i'i...i- , ..... . - . Does the Democratic snirit Inc- . .. ...... c.u-t r von v a: the u ht. fur fl-Mir,. g and falter, denounce Morton. Do a fashionable tailorof Pittsburg ha l oT ouT Cil-V :,lT l',r J p.V.i.fufiy y..n prtyf.urlips to thecoM .... .....! i. thcholding of cxhiliitins like tiie one i--,u-f irri.. I .t.-i i -igiis oi iiciuorauzation anil iteatu lor- iH.en sueI for obtaining money uuoer , ' , i T . : ., . .. i " . , .. , ., T. . " ; . contemplated by this Jndan:i:oh ! V bat i it to y.,u t the s:ir.l,iac bode the dissolution of the Democrat- f,i. nretene-. fading to make a suit 1 J . . ....... ti. ... ,. .. . . . H OURNA ?5 I S70. a i.l. sours or i vii A;ii iiis. "AVhat'rt in a name?" k tU rs of the nlpliihi-t. ! Admitted to the Xev York b.;r-izin and milk. What an asthmatic artist can draw a long breath. Dr. Hawkins, a blind chemUt of i ':"aoeipuia, luvemw euna aitrm Anna Dk kinm's rejrted quarrel vith'her i,,tetile. is Mvletl a private rehearsal of "lireadeis ahead." 4, i a t , t ilhani I'nllcn Hryant styb Tind- ml,.,, ...i.irn.. Agassi, intends vi.-iting Fort An- d,-,,t, Warm, .,.m,.y, Ohio, fii Mlfl . s(.ilIlti,;.. .-x, dotation susceptible negress died of fright .. ig the i,, ATI.. Lwil.ld fflittt a. aw III - a a w elephant. A Colorado editor plaintively pleads ,mj paying order. The ma "(Josh dang it! send us more girls."' tt rial being found iu abundant quan-1 The San Francisco school maims are going to Gotham. Out and in. Prince P,onapare has! 1 "Ia ' '"..j been in liquor evtr since he got out of prison. A young New Yorker lias iecent! wedded his father's mother-in-law.' A New Orleans steamboat man has blown out his brains because his salary was too small. A St. Louis paper avers that a man's .in.iii. ictu n. i.h.i iiir "iiii.vriLiaiii.ii ail . a ii!.. f . . r uw.u .wuiu:i.i ..j the brain." That isn't fatal this way. j Horse racing is dying out in irgin- ; ta antl the Ihciimond papers uiuuiu ,1,,. 1i..,,(.lu.rut.v of the tinies Hartford cr New Haven which .shall be the capital? is the question among the Connecticut legislators. Seventy cases of Chinamen's hones aiä V.UIIIIVV.IH.U .- ..... 4 ed an improvement on pennies for dead men's ees. Hoot, Hogg and Dye were three; , nameson a Wilmington hotel register, one day iat Weck A Chicago man was so mad at find ing one of his employes in his tore ,..i i. t. i. ..I.. .I i... r..u n...i,...i t .,.. li null imt;iii r nun v . . .a , ., .,:.., f lnvil.tioll tü a lKtrtv in Minnesota. i. IW'JII llll.ll "II' Ml'... I hH .1.. I .. :...-.f. i .:n. ,i. ..i... ouuii; ii.u iiivviiviiu ..iiii iii; 'ii-ai- m.c oflhe gatll(jrin ,lV cxniing a - " Ml of oudl.r itl lhe cvIIar, A cotemporary says: "The peculiar expression of George Wadiing-on's mouth, as represented iu the new postage s'amps, is only to be account- I i i y a. a. I A New Haven dniggit is having some artificial teeth made to replace The Japanese have no hack drivers to quarrel with. They travel in can go. A can go is a little b lilding, like an inverted hen coop with the slats knocked oil, in which a man sits like a wedge. In view of the fringes, cords ami braids that areu.sed to make up ladies' dresses now a days, would it not be proper to say the lady was "elegantly upholstered" rather than drescd? Oreely says he can't remember that j it ever occurred to him "tint it ,va, :,ri,, ,r ? . "a ! desirable to prove the conductor ofj .some oiner journal a knave, a lod, a . a . . . h ri( or a nmanf y ,ike, .... he ... oftrn ...... fh. as-ertioii i ' F "JelTerson, you say?" was the re- reen while complement-; in tl,e Trtrit on a ten cent stamp, ()f clothes fit. . . ... .. I 4,. rennsvivanta bacneior inusi gets after lovely women: 'I impeach . r . .j her in the name of the great w hale of j the ocean, whose bones are torn aun- j dr to enable Her to keep straight. 1 ! impeach her in the name of the pea- i cock, whose strut without hi penni- j sion she lias stealthily and without j honor assumed. I iinrieach her in the j a. . t a t 1 I name oi tne horse, w no-e tan she nas ; norvri teil from its ue to the niakin-- I x - - of wavy tresses to decorate tho back of j the head and neck. I impeach her in the name of the kangaroo, w hole beautiful figure she, in taking upon herself tbe Grecian bend, ha bi ought into ill-favor and disrpnte." - . . a I . . T . 1!...-. ll.... . . I . . a..l1. . . a a I " ..!- nf -it .in in t-M'i u I.. ' I i'Ii-:Hi Htl mat IIS t-;,PC IU lMV-l Lj :o. tii. Tili: iMMWArol.lS r I It- Oinrr. or Iihumph AcY, Mrrn'i ) a ii M .ii i. .VM.nuiii', Im N-ri.'t M 3 1- J r Mi:. I'l'imi:: Ir:i r SirIf r.nt in j trnding njion yo'.ir va'uald' itee, I ' !i sre to ca!i ytmr att tit i n to the fu't that the cit i.eii of Imlianaj-oii. have j organized a joint -to k a-oeiati ui un di-r the name of the Indianapolis Ag r.( uiuirai, .Mecnatneai u.ti n. rw. u.- tund A.-M.ciati..n. having in view the ' better promotion of all the inilurial art- but ,lln,v lrialiy Indiana auTI-, . culture. Moek gr nig. him! manuiac-j tUUS lly Ul rKi'nl ,li'aVt (,f. V:i!iable n..-il ti. 1.1 in V...!. r., n.l . .. . .. .. . elation, with capital motlv from without ti e State, attracted hither bv ; our va,t luituul r,-M,OTc,S Valuable ore of various setts exi-t in nearly -.-ry fuunty; gla w,,;ks are being started, one at (i-ieeticastlc, and ettc in .,..'. .... ai... .. a.. ... 1 . . v . a , tins ru ni an ii.iuii 10 nie present . . ... .1. . .. l.:..l. .. .. ..... : e .1 . unis. wmeii .lie now 111 Mieeesiuii tities in u peculiar sandstone abound - in in 1".... Washington, Madison ...1. a...... : :.. .. ot.. ....: i. v o purpos s, another of nature's products, seems not to have been "made in ! vain. I need not in this letter, refer I i to other classes of maiiufaeture. grow ; ln-r out r natural advantages be- 1,,I,-,, 'l, K,,i- w uut are being almost oady .brouglit to light by the energy and industry of ; rr((f y T CoXj lte c;t..,jnint AII - a . men ox obscrvati.ui mut oe aware or ! Uq f.ut that Imliaiwi Is raj idly ad- ; valuing in manufactures, and, ere! ; long, will be regarded as one of the foremost man ufaeturing State-. Great er attention should be given to manu factures in wood, such as carriage, wagon woiks, furniture, and especially to plows, reapers and mowers. While very few of the article-; in these classes are being made in our State, we are furnishing an enormous quantity of the raw material in these departments for Eastern factories, they returning the same to Indiana as their sale jround. Thus our people are paying freight both wt.ys, with the pre fit of ! Manufacture added. Not only this, Mut we raise the grain and provisions with which the workmen in thecal sub-ist, : living, in elici t, another freight, ' wnereas. oy noiiie mauuiaeiuie. e i.i t . i . r .... - ! nav none, using the products of our 1 v civing wav to i ,int st ick a ,cia - .J v ton, managod bv private means' in - 1 I denindent of State, c iimtv or mnniii j - - j pal aid. The former are ftiiing by the I . . . . ..... o!d adac, 'Wliat's every body's bust j nes is no one s. ' joint sIock aso- ; ; ciation, though cloe coip iration, ! are nevertheless organized and cu-; ducted for the p'tWie !oot, and tend more to public advancement, for ike! n aon that a few men manage their i : ir.tirs for the "love tlu-y bear" to the eutertirise, without the IVf'.on m1 1 üknnr or large ofiicia! salaries. Thev can and ofler and pay larger promt urns. The ditlereiiec in the managing! . . , , i expen-e octween the two modes of or- ganization, and the future prospects of stockholders' gain, induces and juti - lies the excess of premiums and vigor , , , . r ... . . ofthe management m .avor of the lat- tor over the old practice. Our Indianapolis As-ci ition is composed of more than one hundred ..... . . , ofthebest men, pecuniarily and so - chilly, in the country. Among them we have the leading bankers and manufacturers. The stock owned bv ,. , , , . ,. ,. , . . " anyone individual is limited to ten shares of twenty-five dollars each. The capital stock of the association is twenty-five thousand dollars, but , , ... , . may (and doubtless will i be increased to one hundred thousand dollars, with a view to more fully accomplish the end sought to be attaiand, viz: a com- i plete development of Indiana's re- sources, and specially tho natural ad-:4 vantages of the capital as a rahruad i ,...t,.r Sf.ite Canital ,. .' . 1 i(1 , h, n.o I'm. "1'tand-second to none in tl e I n- j ion asa commercial and manufactur-, (.lt. h lh.,lituto of water! llH 1 ...,. nii ,,Ilf,..(.a so-calle 1) vet j li.t - ' " bv the energy of her citizen, and her i l Ulla i . . ... . ! geograpmcai a.iwtui.i,. .s greatest rail way center in the MorM.I Twelve dl-tinet railway line, enter her Union Depot, rcach;ng r pene- trating eighty o. the ninety-two eoun-1 rea-onab' asure the liighest hope. T....r. II.. .. . .. ju.-pireu c ine-e au.autaget ,ur : Association has determine I to !n,!d ? . ,, , . j . . out all reaonab.e luduconu uts mot ; without a reward; to all fruit grower,, mechanic, stek grower-, arti-an, an i other, to vi-it oar State and capital on tbe öth of S ptemVr next, and haveotTWred a well arranged; premium lit, amounting to more than j a a a a a in cah, gold, silver ami bronze , i!j Tl.ft mo.!-.! nm iimifn1 n ...v . their cost, not including diplomas. ! AmoiiL't he inducements nre-ente! by this Association, in addition to t. . i , , a w , , . thoe herein above Mated, I desire to j call the attention of your readers tn a , , , ' , 'tamp Morton," commencing tdone lint hem" viI.imIiIi i.fhor... .... ...... P. VTr.a. I .... a, w II 'V .... '.Jlvl . . : . i .. . Li-. u!r let i! r .',- . . '.;? r r . r r Advertise in tho Journal. 5 o,r. ( I it. : r . 1 ; . v -1 ?J .v: ... J- JOB , or m r ,?.., r : v rk fr-, in l --.., f t rr-,. if .., ... i. ,i . ! ' o'.a.r , wlii, U will i.rvMMi In!cx to tlio wl.i.Io l of j riz; ll -rl; li'-t Cullvvtion ift:i: .'.U HliJ h t oiitction rf fruits of a!l Uuh. ilver initial and r?". Second U t collccfion of fruiti (d all kiml-s, fil vi r medal jm;1 - ; j.t. j, (,f :,pph.f f, - lte-t to!h ctlon .f gri i n huu-t t.!.t:it ,;iv, r un d.;: r.nd : i. I)Cvt e 11. etin f fruit exhibit! by anv cmnty Sri ty, 5C. Vil,vt tTiiilu tallltm, r.t. te-l pacing tallion, IVtot p.-uing horse or marc. $J0. . . . ' i l.l.M trolling liulo t tUUX horrc cr horse cr marc. Several other one hun!r;d dUnr premiums nreotTcicl in the live stock .".nd geological th p irtrncnt. Appropriate premium nf like im- R,0 , mor,mI(.3! - . , . ,, . hoc; art and mic. dlancous drput rirpixt - men is. The State IIr.rd of Agr;c;-.::-jnsT..-.Trt kinuly permitted our AWnt.nn thu M i llf thiir l'ilir (1 round 4 "Pimi. ; Mi)rt,M) fn,m thp M f .or".rrnN.r tl Mw I0., OUf ., , m . . . N'H Pill hrr ., .'in. I .i.l mill.', t.t lltn ! jy. j. f .-.a.-.-i.-a v . i-aaaauaa ir t a Parlies exhibit in. rf j - -- ---- , ----- a.aat - v ms Mil can. with little csr-cn-e. rrmain over. i,.....:,,,, wfll..i. ,..c,r i j.-......,, .-V. I'll J 1-tUl VI 11 lllll - ; ndohborhood, aud machinery and ulhcr art(.:,.s ,.,,OI1 the Falr 0ronruU until the' State Fdir. which f ,m.,K.t.s (vtolcr r.. I am nsurcd bv - j.di lV,!e, I-., Secretary of tho itate IViaiil of Agriculture, that this arrangement c an be ma le thus hvdn - :uutual advantage to b ith orgmiz i tions, as well as to all exhibitors. For lMs, posters, or other p n, address the undersigned. JJ ;ard of trade room-, Indianapoli-, Indiana. W. II. Ixm.MXS, A-ishiant Secretary, A in:ALTI!'l'L r.XTItACT. The following is sublimely beautiful and pathetic, and could only havo tiietaie.i oy a ncari mat nas ex- ta a... B A A pcnencci an mo nmcrncss um is herein expressed. Who the anther i, we know not, but su-p?ct it h an ex- ' tract from some !:ok. If nnykxly read it without moiture In their i '.ves niul -tones In their throat?, they are worthy u mariie. iiuhi sue is tiying: ine sunngnr , ,... ... creams mrotigu ine palC glass win- , l,,e Ial,il - fc.e oi placing . I.l . ! .. "..,.. v.. t .......- . ... . a- B : iv i.v rose curtains, oi -moroiaerci . . t j n up the grg ous old i.i. nl nirj .-It.l O lllln I.rH'llf BS Ihft paintings with a halo bright as tho rainbow. It is as if fresher sunshine were ful ling earthward ou the bower of beau ty. The canary sim;s in his glided cago her canary; and the mockingbird ! ra,((1 hls kar njlQ S'r oa i'trfumeil air. ....... ..., , i. ! " " io i ('xx f icncil i Jr ''' im' ! til the nailsdraw the rich rofy Moo I v"ux ,he l'J'ring skin? U by do you grind your teeth tegeth- f . f . ' lhp.n "t oim j Wurd, hush? It's a beautiful home I ! am sine, and that lady with hand up- ,K'r l(" dream ; vision painter, .wlirUV nothin-cinU le purer ti.i ' that broad, high brow; nothing bright- ; cr than those curl, And she loves, you, ton! All yes, 'any" one can read that in the deep, ; ra, K) t,niI,r,y h yfl; j wii. Ah! that i it; your y'img wife : loves you. I She Jinked to yours the existence of I an angel, when she kneit lei,le you jal th(. "il4irri:lse aIlar allJ pi:KVd ! 1!U1,i in your. For twelve golden summer month ! a angvl has walked or sat at your ' si'Ie, r flcpt on your b .om. , y;( kJnV lt, N murUl womin j eVer made your heart bow b?.rore a j puiity m divine. No earthly embrace ever filled yonr oul with tne glory beyond the stars; Inoeatthly smile ever shone so un han-inu'ly above all ndome thing u e eartn worin rail rare and trouble. ne i an angel, and otherangel havn I)l,!" "S1'1" l" ,,,,r iM H.t'i'igiia.vs of t, j,. JilUt, ..lur yt,n nv. Yoa rSll't shut the anthein n,us t.f Heaven from th-ee un-c;iivd crs-longer and iiigh- . a 1 ' w 10 M-raj.n, - . . irhill . Iii. im n ..Ii l-..m. bn-htei grow, wiic' iin She whi-p, i- "n,viret, J am a!- m..-t ...... andf I ''S - ; J 3 n n u..,rH .,:ll,4fT iz, !;o V1,(.cl c.yCH. i.'t'.l ou IU br i id lar.d our land! hat I- it now that he can wnlk on '1' ......... ...l...t.:..i... t.ivm m .uunpji ;nu:iiii- J"-r II knew Ler. n.l w isc e-Mii'l w cer. to n.l M,r j.lart.; Ii:,tioti will ru?e a mon- unv-nt to her nt. : :ivjy. ll it vj.c wa yur-, grvai (bnl .r olirs your all. "'1 a" J '"'jJJJ W' ihrAvlii'1 JUl They have d;.g a grave for her. Spring t!wers bntrhteii over it. and. fin (rii.. t a v . ' C a a . a I . I I I I V'YA I ft 1 tavO a a D i:i:Tisi.r; Cr- r Mt lit I . 'i; ' ifH . , 5 f '... . i . r ; r f m( i. 'far..., I 1 1 t - t . t i . !, , r t I. w ,..;;. v,v . ,, t - p'-v, ni"! vi ,et"- 4,"g, there, nl sign. -y an.l pra-, am! ak tjrnt if you. tn... may oomo hotne. Ate! w hen nj an- i wer cmu . aur ri bricht heart iLci P n baterners ana wuu;tne wicked wordt epon youi-ton", 314 for VORr illklx ,wu. front heaven ariO . i t:-- - few leading rcrniuais iq t!ic ?vcrtl "H'h;" . a . . .- ' '