II I if COUNTY ioocoog 17NIPT? CORRESPONDENCE. »»Mi»NiKKMCCOCC« COGGON. Peter McEnany left the last of last week for a trip to South Dakota. The rk of remodeling the Presby teiian church will be commenced in a short time. Miss Minnie Merrlam, now a student of the State Normal echool, has secured a paying position in the schools at Union under the principalship of Prof. CurtiB, formerly of the Coggon Bchoois. Farmers living in the vicinity of Eairview are said to be losing many of their cattle by a disease affecting the spine. At least forty head have died Bince it appeared. They are sick from six to nine days and the disease is us ually fatal. Supervisor Fairchild was in Coggon Tuesday and here met two of the Delaware county supervisors and to gether they drove out to the north county line to look over and decide on a piece of work that is needing to be done there. BABBYV1LLE. I Too late for last week.] We had quite a heavy frost here Thursday night. Leah Barry returned to Manchester the first of the week to attend school. She has spent the past two weeks at her home here on account of the scarlet fever in Manchester. Jay ISarr is the proud possessor of a new "bike." Miss Emma Masterhan returned Friday from a few days visit with friends and relatives in Manchester. Mrs. J. S. Barry has been quite ill. Grant Brayton, of Spring Branch, visited at the home of hiB brother, Ilenry Brayton, Saturday. Miss Ethel Harris came down from Manchester Monday morning for a Frank Orr, of Manchester, was buy ing cattle in this vlciqlty the first of the week. ., GREELEY. Mrs. Margaret Canine has bought the Snover property in west Greeley. Henry Box, of Baltie, S. D., is here visiting his parents and other relatives. Frank Bockenstadt's eighteen months old child fell from the cellar steps Thursday and broke its thigh. John Beohm and wife have pur chased of George Beohm the eighty acre farm west of town. Price paid $60 per acre. A letter from Miss Lydia Brownell who is in a hospital, says she Is much better and hopes to be home in a few weeks. Some small boys, including Pete Clude, found some nltro shells in the railroBd yards Sunday, and like little boys generally do, built afire on them 'just to eeejif they were loaded.' They were, and it took a half hour to pick the splinters of copper shell out of Pete's hand,—but he knows they were "loaded."—Home-Press. EDGEWOOD. IToo late for last week.] Myron Alger now rides in a new top buggy purchased of Kirk & Denemore. Fred Denemore haB had a well dug on the lots where he intendB to build soon. A. Densmore left on May 1st for New York State, where he expects to visit relatives and friends for some time. Work has been commenced on Ed. Whipple's new residence. The carpen ters have the frame up. Dr. M. M. Newman was a delegate to the late democratic convention at Des Moines. Tony Funk.has gone to Charles, Mix county, South Dakota, to look over Bome of the cheap lands in that section. John Bobbins, who has been working on a farm in Palo Alto county, re turned home last week. Jess Richards and wife, who were visiting relatives near McGregor, have returned home. Miss Addie Hamlet, of Unionville, Mo., is viBiting with her aunt, Mrs. Ueorge ABhline, and other relatives in this vicinity. In the suit of MrB. Arbuckle against Miller and Marshall tried before Justice Woolridge the jury decided in favor of the plaintiff and she was granted judg ment against the defendants. The suit was brought to recover damages on a horse which she had bought of Mar shall and which she claimed turned out to be not as it had been represented to her. DYERBVILLE AND VICINITY. Miss Anna Georgon and her mother, ol Kockvllle, were in this city IaBt Fri day on their way to ColeBburg to The Misses llose Goedken, JoBie Thole and Teresa Loesche, of Peters burg went to Dubuque Tuesday, where they joined the Sisters of St. Francis. Sister Mary Agnes, of St. Francis convent, Dubuque, has gone to Peters burg to take the place of Sister Boniface, who is on the sick list. Mrs. Henry Baker died Thursday morning between seven and eight o'clock. The funeral will take place next Sunday afternoon. Royal Sharp, of Lamont, was in town for a Bhort time last Monday morning while on his way to Earlville to spend a few days with relatives and old time friends. lloyal 1B now street commissioner of Lamont and we will wager that he makeB a good one. Herman Schultz, of Bremen town ship, has returned from Dubuque, and will go to Parkersburg next week to take charge of a lumber yard for the Bickert & Bradnober Lumber Co., of Waterloo. Mr. Schultz Is a bright young business man and has a host of friends here who wiBh him success. "Chicken" Hense, formerly a Dyers ville youngster, started out from Du buque last week headed for the Paris exposition. He did not have a cent of money in his pocket when he left home and expectB to work his way through by doiqg odd jobs. It Is quite an under taking for a boy of his age as he is not more than 12 years old.—Commwclal DELHI. [Too lato for last week.] John Wood has returned from Seattle, Washington. Aid Society meets May 10 with Mrs. Fraser. Mrs. A. E. Sheldon and daughter, Marion, of Coggon visited Mrs. J. W. Swinburne last week. Ward White has moved into his new house. Mr. and Mrs, Gray, nee Fannie Penn, of Sioux Rapids, S. D., viBlted at Geo. Furman's last week.. Mrs. Simons waB on the sick list last week, but is much better. K: "T.KTt. [Too late for last week.! Michael Flynn sold a large bunch of cattle to Mr. Troy, of Argand. Frank McLaughlin, of Prairleburg, purchased a large bill of lumber from our dealer iaBt week. Uriah Wheeless, whose eyes have been bothering him of late, is able to be at work again. Mrs. E. E. Morse, who has been viBit ing her daughter, Mrs. F. E. Patton, for some time, has returned to her home in Manchester, B. J. Henderson is home again from Dubuque. NORTH MANCHESTER. Hiram Millet haB been at work in Edgewood for the past week. Mrs. C. L. Adams and children were visiting with relatives in Oelwein for several dayB past. Mr. Adams also went up ^there Saturday for a visit. W. H. Connell spent a couple of days on the farm last week, hiB Will Furman wife and daughter were there also on Saturday. Geo. Hansel went to Osterdock yes terday with his wife and children ac companied by his mother and sister who Intend to remain there for some time. Rev. Wolfe preached at the St. Pauls church yesterday. He read a part of the 5th. chapter of Galatians, and com mented on it. His discourse was very Bcrlptural and worthy of comment. viBit with friends here. Mrs. David Garradus and Mrs. Ann Carrothers, of Silver Creek, visited Mrs. J. S. Barry one day last week. Rev. Harnish is expected to fill the stand at the church here next Sunday and will preach on the subject of Sab bath observance Beats free and a kind reception to all. HAB.TWIOK. WBB a victim of the grip last week. Geo. Ellison spent Saturday and Sun day with Delhi friends. Mrs. Geo. ElliBon and son were visit ing Hopkinton friendB last week. Mr. and Mrs. Brice, of Delhi, were viBiting at J. Smith's IaBt Sunday. Little James Smith has been on the sick list. Miss Bosle Dowart, of Delhi, is work ing at Mr. Michael's. Will Sherman was in Delhi Wednes day. John Held WBB in Dubuque yester­ day. The rain was all right juBt what the farmer wanted. The corn planting has begun and next comes corn-plowing and corn picking. Mr. and Mrs. I*. Pierce visited their son here Monday. John is badlv used up from getting kicked by a horse. John Held was in Monti yesterday. John Miester has a fine large list of roseB—thirty-two varieties all living and doing well. Mr. and Mrs. A. Miester were shop ping in Manchester Wednesday. Mr. Corbin was selling trees here Thursday. ONEIDA. Since our last report to your valuable paper the Bpring rains have changed Nature's appearance in this section of the country so that it glveBa person a complaint sometimes called the "spring fever" or rather, in explanation, it makes one feel as if they would enjoy running away from daily duties and seeing how It would seem to bask in the warm sunshine without a care for the morrow (or next weeks items.) But duty calls, so we must stop Buch In the first place all give three cheers for the new rail-road. TboB. Dickson's "house on wheels" is on itB way to the city. Mr. Breckon's family were Bhopping in Manchester Saturday. MisseB Edith Voit and Carrie Pratt, of Earlville, were Sunday visitors here. Mr. Mc Garvey, of Edgewood, is as sisting Thos. Dickson, this week. Chas. Robinson new house iB the live stock business here,the members of which are A. Ilissler, J. A. McFern, E. Pugh and Chas Worley. J. Coakley, of Dyersville spent Sun day at the home of his mother here. On Wednesday last the Bank of Ryan was reorganized into a state bank with a capital of twenty five thousand dollars. Tho officers of tho new insti tution are J. A. Thomas, president E. C. Pound, vice-president John Dol phin, cashier. The directors are: J. A. Thomas, E. C. Pound, P. Donnelly, John Reilly, C. C. Barry, W. B. Robin son and John Dolphin. W. J. Magirl attended the funeral of Mr. Murray at Farley Saturday. The Anamosa Eureka of May 10th. contains the following concerning one of our former townsmen. "Mr. A. S. Gibbons, the popular clerk at Howard's drug store haB nearing completion and will be another im provement to the town. A. J. Bector is in Independence, thiB week. Mrs. Kenyon accompained her daughter, Mrs. Dunham home from Kansas. She has been sick for several weeks and comes here to regain ber strength. All hope she may be bene fitted by the change. viBit relatives. MrB. Frank Reiger and little daugh tercame down from Manchester last Saturday morning to spend a few dayB with her father, Anton Mueller. Another of our prosperous farmers, F. Lillibridge, is going to take life easier BB he is building a barn which will not only be better for him but Mrs. J. J. Congar and Mrs. J. C. Hockaday were callers in town Thurs day evening. RYAN. John Spoerl is building a new barn on his farm east of town. The Misses Iluey of Golden were over Sunday visitors at J. A. McFern's. Henry Gibbs, foreman of the Reilly McCloud ranch north of Manchester was calling on friends here Sunday. C. O. Richardson, of Hopkinton, spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. Murray, of Farley, father of Mrs. B. H. McGirl of this place died at his bome Thursday and was buried Satur day. M. F. Iloulahan and S. S. McAreavey of Ehler, were in town Saturday even ing. Miss Sarah Ward visited at her home In Manchester Saturday. Anew firm has recently engaged In arranged a very neat and and catchy window, designed to ad vertise Paines Celery Compound and he is after a prize offered by that com pany for the most attractive show win dow display of this remedy. His idea is original and attracts much attention from thepublic. IToo late for last week.l Chas, Hickathier and wife are enter taining A. N. Guthrie and wife, of Ohio. Mrs. Guthrie and Mrs. Hicka thier are sisters. M. F. Houlahan has been appointed agent of the Illinois Central at Ehler. M. Fenton, who has been our popu lar station agent for the past three years left last Monday for Earlville to take charge of the station there. He is succeeded here by L. McCue, of Ehler. Bhort W. P. Hurley and wife are the proud parents of a baby boy born Friday. During the storm Monday morning Pat Flanagan's barn was struck by lightning and burned to the ground, to gether with its contents, including five horses. The loss, although partly cov ered by insurance, iB a severe one. MiBS Huey and Mrs. A. J. Andrews, of Golden, were calling on friends here Sunday. Mrs. Turner, of Willow Grove, was shopping in town Monday. Rev. P. H. Ryan attended the funeral of Rev. P. J. Clabby at Otter Creek last week. §& LAMONT. |g§| MrB. Tory and Miss Jennie JohnBon, of Oelwein, visited Sunday with Mrs. Cora Van Pelt and relatives. MrB. Phoebe Draper, o" Fayette was visiting in and near Lamont last week. Miss Hattie Kenyon, of New Ilam ton visited Sunday in the John Pem bertby home. She returned Monday. Rev. Ostrich and wife went to Djlhi Wednesday to attend the Baptist Du buque District conference. Rev. George Young, of Janesvllle, came Monday to Bee D. K. Cook and wife went to Des Moines to attend the republican con vention and visit the college and friends. J. W. Funk, of Manchester visited at the home of Jesse Clendenen Tuesday and Wednesday. G. H. Jackway was a passenger to Cedar Rapids Tuesday. O. C. Starr is painting in Aurora. George Durham was an Independence visitor Friday. G. Larsen and family have moved here from Graf. He is Lamont's station agent and has moved into the first house north of Bracher's. 1'. Curran departed for his home in Sycamore, 111., Wednesday where he will continue to work for the C. G. W. Ry. Co. Joel Pemberty, mayor, and the coun cilmen went to Independence Friday on business pertaining to the town of Lamont. Idle dreaming and hasten to jot down a few items which we hope may be of interest to your readers. A gentleman by the name of Sutton iB hired for principal of the Lamont high school for next year. Omer Rich, of Des Moines, came Thursday to visit his brother and fam lly, and he and his neice, Miss Stella went to Strawberry Point to visit until Saturday. EARLVILLE. Rev. John Klaus waB in Chicago IaBt week in attendance at the General Conference of the M. E. church. Ed. Van Derveer, an old Earlville boy, stopped off here Tuesday enroute to bis home in Marshalltown from Cin cinnati. Bert Powell and Will Fults were painting over at the Bay Settlement last week. On Wednesday afternoon from two o'clock until five Mrs. W. T. Wood, Mrs, A. Prentice and Mrs. G. E. Long en tertained their lady friends at the home of the former. Thirty-two ladies were present, embroidery taking up the time moBt pleasantly, after which light re freshments were served. hiB stock also. We were imformed, Friday, that the N. W. B. B. will build its line from Stone City to Manchester, from the to Oneida and on to Wisconsin. We are not very particular what line builds the new road just so they don't leave us out. Chas, Parker delivered hogs here Friday. CluteBros. and W. P. Bissell un loaded a car of feed here Thursday. The Congregational church gave a supper and ice cream social in the Christian Endeavor rooms on Friday evening. On Wednesday, May a, at high noon occurred the marriage of Miss Verga Foote, of this place, to Mr. Frank Plank, of Winthrop, the father of the bride ofliciating. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride': parents, Rev. and Mrs. II, Foote and was witnessed only by friends of the contracting partieB. Mr. and Mrs. Plank will make their future home at Winthrop and left for that place Satur day morning. The well wiBhes of all Earlville people go with them. Dr. Matthews has sold his house and lot to Mrs. Carrie Voit for 81425. W. C. Xieman has gone into the ma chine and implement business in his brick building on Main Btreet. The M. E. church will hold a supper and ice cream social at the home of W. 1. Millen on next Friday evening. May 18, to which everyone is cordially In vited. J. W. Warrell, candidate for county auditor, was in this vicinity Friday. W m. WickerBhelm ivw/ ».i has sold his meat market building to Ben Loomis, of v. '/l** a V-'viJ Farley. His brother, W. Loomis, open ed up the shop Saturday morning and will run the business. Mis. Elizabath Cousins haB purchas the Geo. Miller lots situated north of the Bender property paying therefor $250. Harry Porter has moved his house hold goods into the Stephen Cousins house. Rev. W. G. Brown will give a tem perance lecture in the Congregational church on Tuesday evening. WASHINGTON LETTER. Administration ollicials are taken all aback by Judge Lochren's decision that the constitution does not extend, ex propno vigore, to Porto Rico and the new possessions. The president and attorney general expscted, or at least feared such a decision in the future, but they have been straining every nerve to prevent its being handed down until after the election. Although they protested that the passage of the Porto Rican bill was necessary to en able a test case to be brought before legislating for the Philippines, they are now taking every step possible to pre vent a case reaching the supreme court before it adjourns for the summer, which it will do in two or three weeks. Attorney General Griggs has sought to minimize the effect of the decision by declaring it is only a "dictum". "Judge Lochren's announcement," said he, "has no weight whatever, as it does not re late to the case under discuBBion. The question at issue in the case was whether a state of war existed and whether a military tribunal had the right to try for the crime of murder. We did not even argue the question of the Constitution, and dismissed it as irrelevant and immaterial." It will be remembered however, that the decision of the supreme court rendered in the Dred Scott case that the Missouri Com promise WBB his father, Fred Young, who was very sick but iB get­ ting better at this writing. Rev, Blodgett and wife, of Maynard, are visiting in Lamont. Beldon Jones, of Dubuque viBited his parents last week. Mrs. Lottie Main came Friday from Dubuque to visit at her parental bome. H. Hilton Bpent last week at his son Harry's near Dundee and seeing to his farm. unconstitutional, was also a "dictum" not necessary to the case at issue. Judge Lochren, by the way, though appointed to office by Cleveland is an expansionist, indorses the policy of President McKinley and voted for him in 1896. Mistakes in the Porto Rican act con tinue to crop up. The latest is that the law, as construed by the treasury depart ment, puts an additional penalty on Europeans who desire to trade with the island via United States ports. If a European sends goods direct to Porto Rico from the old world, he pays the Dingley rates if he sends them to New York for shipment to Porto Rico he must pay the Dingley rates and fifteen per cent additional. That is to say, the republican party in its wisdom has di rectly discriminated against this coun try as a port of call between Europe and Porto Rico and to encourage direct lines from Europe and Porto Rico. Of course, thiB 1B all very well for the truBts that wish to control the Porto Rican market, for their protection is in creased 15 per cent over the already monumental Dingley rates. Whether they had part in drawing the verbiage of the bill with the idea of getting this additional duty or whether it was an unexpected stroke of fortune for them, cannot be said. In either case, it is hard on the Poto RicanB. If action on the Nlcaraguan Canal Is secured at this'session it will be over the protest of Senator Hanna and the national administration. This thiB session, at least. In this Mr. Hanna was Bupported by Mr. Sew ell. Senator Morgan, however, has not abandoned hope. He will carry his fight to the floor of the senate, hoping thata8ufilclent number of friends of the canal will stand to their colors to com pel its being taken up even against the desires of the president, Of course, McKinley could kill the measure at any time, if he dare to do so, but be will undoubtedly prefer to stay in the back ground and oppose it in such a w.y that he can change front in a moment if necessary. He does not propose to be caught in any more "plain duty" tangles if he can help it. Hence, the conclusion seems inevitable that the Hepburn bill will linger in the senate along with the Ilay-Pauncefote Treaty until tho presidential election is over, If the bill should be reported by the committee, it is thought Senator Mor gan could manage to get a test vote on the measure, if he would press hiB Notice of Probate of Will. STATU OK IOWA, I Delaware County, To Mrs. Bnyton and daughter, Emma, of Delhi were callers here Thursday. ilenry Staehle arrived home Thurs day evening for a weeks vacation, WHOM IT MAY OONCKKN: You aro hereby notified tbat the last mil of A II. l'roussnor. deceased, lias bocn mod, opened and read, and Saturday, tho fith dav of June, A, 1)., looo, fixed as the time, and 'the Court house In Manchester the place for hearlUR aud proving the same. Wltiiossmy" litti day of May, 1000. my hand and seal of said Court this K. U. PAUL, Clerk District Court. Farm for Sale. Tho Clark farm, consisting of 200 acres of cul tivated land and 20 acres of timber is for sale, it Is located about 6 miles south east of Manchester on tho Delhi road. For particulars address or oaU on Bronion ft Out, Bunoheiter, xowa» National Baptist Anniversaries, De troit, Mich., May 23-20,1900. For this meeting the Chicago Great Western Ry. will sell excursion tickets on May 2let and 22nd, good to return till May 30th, at the low trip rate of .51(1.10 from Thorpe. Above rate is via Grand Trunk R. R. Rates via Michigan Central & Wabash Railroads about SO cents higher. For further information inquire of any agent C. G. W, Ry. or address F. II. Lord, G. P. & T. A., 113 AdamB St., Chicago. Notice of Probate of Will. STATE OF IOWA, L„ Delaware County, B* TO ALT. WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: You are hereby notified that the last will of AbbyA. Branson, deceased, lias been filed, opened and read, and Saturday, the 9th day of June, A. D., 1900, fixed as the time, and tho court house In Manchester tho place for hear ing and proving the same. Fitness my hand and seal of said court this 11th day of May, 1900. F.lI.l'AUl,, 20W3. Clerk District Court. Excursion Rates. On account of the Music Festival to be held at Mount Vernon from May 16 to 18 a rate of one and one-third fare has been made from Manchester to Cedar Rapids and return. Tickets on sale May 15 to 18, inclusive and all tickets are good to return until May 19. 20wl H. G. PIERCE, Agt. "After suffering form Bevere dyspep sia over twelve years and using man] remedies without permanent good 1 finally took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It did me BO much good I recommended it to everyone," writes J. E. Watkins, clerk and recorder, Chillicothe, Mo. It digests what you eat. II. C. Smith. Annual Encampment Department of Iowa Q. A. R., Davenport, Iowa, June 12 and 14, 1900, For the above occasion the 1. C. R. R. will Bell tickets, Manchester to Daven port and return, at around trip rate of 83.11. Routed either via. Delaware or Cedar Rapids and West Liberty. Dates of Bale June 11th 12th and 13th, Final return limit June 1C, 1900. 20-4 H. G. PIERCE, Agent, IMPORTED L'flffllRSL Was at the head of OaklAwn Stud. L'Amlral 1R0C8 1361871, black percheron, foaled 1808, Imported fn 1803 by M. W. Dunham, of Wayne, 111. 16H hands high, actual weight 2250 lbs. Sired by Vllllers 18109 [80811: grand giro of Vllllers Brilliant 1271: dam, I/Amle 1218471, by La Forte r»l44 [4521 sccond dam Margot, [21480], by Vldocq 114031 third dam. Bijou L0G531, by Brilliant 1809 L76C]: fourth dam by CocoII[Cl4]. .irm at Oaklawn, and with Yllllers lor a sire and daughter of the renowned La Ferte for his dam, and a sister of Brilliant 1271 for his third dam, and a sister of Vldocq for hi* fourth dam, we And In L'Amlral, thus rotated to the throo great sweepstake winners OVEK ALL BREEDS, a combination of blood that Is sure to give to his colts great size and Individual excellence, and his colts now foaled In Dela ware county are superior animals in every respect. No doubt this Is the largest, best bred percheron stallion making tho season in Iowa. Terms—$16 to insure live colt. Monday and Tuesday at Earlville, Fridays and Saturdays at Manchester. George No. 23,383. Black Percheron, no markings, foaled April 10 1802 recorded in the Percheron stud book of America as the property of Dunham, Fletcher & ColemBn. ic hands high, weight 2060 lbs, Terms—115 to Insure live colt, Mondays at Earlvlllo, Friday and Saturday at Manchester. waB made abundantly plain at the last meet ing of the senate oommittee on inter oceanic canals, when Mr. Hanna and Mr. Sewell, of New Jersey, both of whom had been posing as friends of the canal as long as they hoped that the house would smother it, changed sideB completely and set themselves against any action, urging that nothing be done until after the Hay-Pauncefote treaty, now pending in the senate, had been ratified Mr. Hanna ^particularly was insistent that It would be apiece of bad faith and an affront to Great Britain for this Government to enact such a measure into law with so important a treaty as the Hay-Pauncefote conven tion bearing upon the same subject re maining on the calendar unacted upon. He threw out a bint that if the com mittee inBiBted upon making a favorable report on the bill it would be antagonized on the floor, and that the party machinery would be brought to bear against the proposition. In other words, Mr. Hanna as much as gave Iiis associates on the committee to understand that if the committee acted favorably on the house bill, the steering committee would refuse to give the measure any Btanding, and would prevent it from coming to a vote during GRANDINA21,988 H2.7831 Dark steel gray porchoroo, foaled May 4, 1895. Irajwjrted by M. w, Dunham, Wayne, 111., 1898. 1C hands high weight 200D lbs. loug, low down heavy bone, well finished and full of quality, Tenna—$15 to Insuro live colt. Monday at Earlville. Tuesday at Henry Bockenstedt, Thursday—wm Odells—one mile of Greeley, Fridays L. Q. Olutes. BRILLIANT Dark dapple gray Percheron, coming 9 year old, weight 1750. Terms—$10 to insure live colt. Mondays at Delhi, Tuesdays at H. Dolley't Thursdays at Ryan. Bashaw Wilkes Trotting bred stallion, dark brown, coming years old, 1CV4 hands high, weight 1280 lbs. Hired by Kaposia No. 10559, he by Woodford Wilkes No 2628,he by t'eorge Wilkes No. CI!),lie o.' 10 ]am of Bashaw Ansel, sired by Lexington. Terms—$10 to insuro live colt. Mondays and Tuesdays at Earlville. Fridays and Saturdays at Manchester, back of clar ence house livery at my old stund. JEFF" ROY Spotted pony stallion, black and white, weight WO lbs., SyeArsold. He Is no doubt tho flnost colored pony In the county, and has proven himself a sure getter of spotted colts. Terms—$8 to Insure live colt. Tuesdays at Earlville, Friday and Saturday at Manchester. Parties breeding to any of tho abovo named horses and disposing of marcs or removing from the county will be held for Insurance money whether mare Is in foal or net. Said money becomes due at once. Mares and colts will bo held for Insurance wherever fou&d. All accidents to mares at owner's risk. CEO. NIEMAN, Proprietor. BREEDERS OP HORSES I wish to call your attention to the fact that I have for this season's service two (2) of the best bred St&llions for draft use in Delaware county, one (l) for general purpose, also an Arabian pony for children's use. ad- vantage with the view of developing beyond peradventure the Administra tion's exact position on (be canal ques tion in its relations to the transconti nental railroad interests that are known to be opposed to it, and at the same time this vote would expose the Ad ministration's understanding with Great Britain and this is just what the president does not want. FIRST—Quality 47084 & dapplo gray thorough bred Norman Imported from France by Messrs Laughlin Bros., of Columbus,Ohio,weighing 1870. These Importers sold to the Ames College a lino Nonnan stallion while at the State Fair In Dos Moines last fall. SECOND, Is LYON, a Jet black homebred Ferchoon weighing 1850 lbs. He Is the typical type of the Draft breed, stylish, active and good dlsjKMltlon. QUALITY and ILYON can bo found at tho Alberry barn, AT MASONVILLE THURSDAY, of EACH WEEK, and on FRIDAYS and SAT URPAVS at home IN THIS CITY. SPECIAL—Premium breodors showing the best draft colts at Delaware County Fair, loui, from either QUALITY or LION I will give $12 to first. $B to second, $6 tu third, payable In gold KENTUCKY HEttO and CAPTAIN can be found at my barn In Manchester during the season, will be glad to show these horses. M. W. SHELDON I Again the publishers of the DEMO CRAT have decided to give its old and new subscribers who pay one year's sub scription in advance, a present of either one of the following: Famous Frontiersmen. Pio neers and Scouts. Reing narratives of the '\es and ex ploits of the moBt renowned Heroes Trappers, and Explorers of this coun try, etc. It is a book of 540 pages, has over 250 full page portraits and HIUB- trationB, and is bound in English silk cloth, stamped in silver. The Home Physician and Cen tury Cook Book. An elegantly bound book of 353 pages and over 300 illustrations. It should be in every family. The BoBton Globe Bays: "It is better and more fully illustrated than any other book of the kind." The St. Paul Dispatch pronounces it 'The beet book for the purpose we have ever seen/ The Minneapolis Commercial-Bulle tin, commenting upon it says: "There has never been a superior book of its kind issued," "It is," sayB the Detroit Evening News, "just what its namo implies—a family book," W Poultry Culture «®g Written by I. K. Felch the greatest living authority on poultry raising. It is nicely bound in cloth and con tains over 400 pages of valuable in formation to every one Interested in the raising of poultry. It has over sixty illustrations and treats on the breeding of poultry, location, buildings and fur nishings, feed and care of fowls, frcm shell to griddle, artificial incubation, diseases of fowlB and their medical treatment, mating turkeys, ducks, geese, etc. Pooular American Dictionary." Bound in cloth. Contains over 32,000 words with accurate definitions, proper spelling and exact pronunciation. It is enriched with 400 illustrations and be sides being a dictionary of the English language, it contains a compendium of classical quotations list of scripture names popular nameB of states and cities metric system of weights and measures mythological names: Ameri canisms government and constitution of the United States biographical dic tionary of distinguished men vocabu lary of English synonyms. Also spec ial departments on commercial and legal questions banks and banking: interest tables and laws agricultural tables legal phrases and maxims, etc., the whole forming a library in itself. Prince Bismark And the lie-establishment of the German Empire, by Max Frederick. ThiB great work is printed in German text, is appropriately illustrated, con tains nearly 300 pages, is handsomely bound in silk, and a fine portrait of tbe "Iron Chancellor" is shown on tbe front cover. The Condensed Code of the Laws of lowa. being a condensation of all the gen eral statute laws of this state (except the code of procedure) contained in the code of 1897. Murray's Horse Book, Treats on the origin, characteristics and training of horses, and gives remedies for their diseases. Tells how to Belect and how to care tor dairy cows, and how to educate and train dogs. e, Dairv and Creamery Is a semi-month newspaper published the 1st and 15th of each month and is devoted to the dairy,creamery and stock interests. Remember, every old and new sub scriber who pays all arrearages and one year's subscription in advance to the DEMOCRAT, Is entitled to receive his choice of either one of the above Femiums. If Sent By Mail. Eighteen cents in addition to the sub scription price Is required to prepay postage on "Famous Frontiersmen, Pioneers and Scouts," and ten cents for postage on each of the other books, ex cept the Code of Iowa. Periodicals. We will also furnish to our paid-in advance subscribers at reduced rates and at actual coBt to us, almost any of the leading newspapers and magazlp.es published. The readers of THE DEMOCRAT may rest assured that it will, during the coming year, maintain the high standard of excellence it has attained and continue to be, as it has been for many years past, the leading newspaper published in this county Tbe large and increasing circulation of The Iowa IlomeBtead in this county is a matter for congratulation to the publishers and to good farming, for, of all the papers of its class in the coun try, It is easily the best and most help ful. Its Special Farmers' Institute editions, issued wlth.the regular edition the first week in each month, have been for years the admiration of all practi cal farmers. Written wholly by farm ers, they are full of actual experience, and smell of the soil. We have been fortunate enough this season to secure terms for The Homestead and its Spec ial Farmers' Institute Editions,together with The Poultry Farmer and The Farmers' Mutual Insurance Journal, four of the moBt valuable farm publi cations in the country, tbat enable us to oJTer the four in connection with our own paper for 81.90 for the entire five, one year. This is emphatically a good thing, and no farmer in this county should fail to take advantage of this offer. For a large line of thoroughly practical farm reading nothing has ever been offered before that equals it. A county paper, farm paper, a poultry ~aper, a farm insurance paper and the pecial Farmers' Institute, all for 91.90. Come in and order them. CYCLONE AND TOKNADO Insuranoe In first class companies written and policies Issued by BBOMSOH A OABB. i1"*