Newspaper Page Text
IIAUONT. I Aunt, Mrs. 0. L. Brown and family, and L. W. Rich has improved BO rapidly! attendance at the wedding of their that he is now able to attend to busi-1 cousin, A. E. Brown, ness matters at his home office. I Mrs. Pemberthy, mother of our Miss Emma Strutman. of Oelwe in, is townsmen, J. W, and J. II., came down visiting her parental home near here. from New Hampton, Monday in com The Epworth League Social at the I pany with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. J. Poffett home last Friday evening I \V, Pemberthy to visit the two families was a perfect success regardless of in-1 a element weather. Dr. Dorman who has been very sick near Earlville recently returned to his home here and is now found in his dental parlors handling forceps. Miss Grace Brigham is teaching the Rieger school. Grace is one of La mont's most esteemed, noble hearted, aspiring young ladies whom everyone loves and respects because of her solid principle. John Penberthy is home from Chi cago where he has been purchasing their winter stock of goods. Harry Cowles accompanied two car loadB of stock to Chicago November 18. Wm. Howland received that sad sad Daniel Sheldon is improving physi cally rapidly. There will be a sterioptican enter talnmentinXamont De&J. .. The Silver MedaFContest held here November 24 was a complete success, great credit is due the Instigators of tbe programs as well as those who assist in giving them. The music was good. The public school of Lamont has se cured a aerieB of five lecture entertain ers for the winter. The first of the aeries will be given December 1 in Wheeler hall. Tickets for the season SI. Everybody who possibly can should at tend. Died, Sidney Brooks, of lung tronble at his farm four miles south of Lamont, November 20. Funeral was held Fri day at the house, Rev. A. C. Zabriskie, of Stanley, officiating. Burial at Camp ton cemetery. few weeks. news of the death of his mother, at the DyeraTil1®la8t Sam Ives, of Dundee, transacted busi neBB in Lamont Monday. The M. E. district conference held a most enjoyable, profitable session here laBt week, the resolutions formed by Bad we.=i, one day raining and the other snowing and freez ing. Clem. Kramer, of Dixon Settlement waB noticed here last week Saturday. Sport sa^,"Dem "wedding bells"wui I western lowa, last luesaay morning to A 0.0. Hewitt is very sick, Two of Wm. O'Brien's children are very sick. A bright young democrat arrived at. the committee, Calvin Yoran, E. G. Waite, H. Foote, sum it all up in a most satis iactory manner. [Too late for astweek.] Miss Nellie Middlestadt, of Fayette came Monday to attend the wedding of her friends, A. E. Brown and Elsie Wing. She returned Wednesday. Mrs. Arthur Welch and son, Charley, came bome from Nebraska, Thursday, after a several weeks visit in her par ental home, on her way from California to Iowa. They are now making their home here with his parents. Married: Monday, November 12tb 1900, in Independence, Alfred E Brown and Miss Elsie Wing, both of Lamont, both have many friends, both were reared in onr midBt. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Scheming. Cigars, Herman I were Delhi visitors Monday, Mr. Joseph Rolfes had business in wee* Monday- 1 parental home in Pittsford, Vermont, Saturday. Will drove to Oelwein im mediately, from which place he took passage to Chicago enroute to Vermont to attend the funeral. We extend syni' pathy Some of our sports were out hunting last week. The result could be given with a 0. Twinkle, twinkle, little star wonder 'what you are made for. ONEIDA. Miss Elsie Retz visited her Dundee attended. About $5.25 was taken in I the past week, which needed it very friends last week. I for the benefit of tbe church. I badly. Frank and Royal Sharp and Wm. I Miss Maud Breckon of Greeley, has I Mri\ James Smith and son Frank GoldBmidt spent Tuesday in Earlville I been doing some sewing in thB vicinity I were doing business in Manchester with their respective parents. I this week. Tuesday, The Odd-Fellows, of Lamont will I G. Parker and T. Dickson will have I D'SERSVlIiliE give a grand ball here November 29,1 some cold fingers before they finish I Thanksgiving In the Wheeler hall. I their buildings. I Leopold Zemanek, a Pioneer settler I C. C. Hoag was out Thursday and I been 'n Chickasaw county for several of Delaware county, died at his farm I Friday putting up bills for the post-1 bome November 20 aged 57 yr., 11 mo., I poned sale which is to be on the Hoag I daughter, Mr and Mrs. Frank White, 28 days .Deceased was born In Bohemia, I farm at this place on Wednesday No\. I returned to this city laBt Saturday after November 18,1842. In 1861 he with his 28th. Inoon parents moved to America coming to Miss Carrie Brooks who has beeD I home. Delaware county where he has since I spending the past week with Eva I Henry Schier and his daughters resided. February 6, 1868, he was I Rector returned to her home in Hop-1 A-™®!'8 and Helena of Southfork wer« united In marriage to Miss Anna Wag-1 kinton Friday evening. Ihere Saturday. Tbe daughters went to ner who with five children mourn the un-1 A. L. Congar has finished his job I Dubuque where Helena remained to timely loss. The five children are Vin-1 at Mr. Bissell's and is at home again. I *ttend 'he Visitation AcBdemv. Amel cent, Mary, Adolph and Mrs. T. J. I Mrs. J. B. Dunham of Almoral visit-1ia returned home Monday Kelsh, of Lamont, and August, of Oel-1 ed her son, Buel, laBt Thursday. I wein They have the heartfelt sym-1 Little Dahl Hall of Fairbanks, iR Ihere pathyof the entire community. He 1 visiting grandpa and grandma Bundy. I ®Qts" also leaves surviving him two sisters, I J. J. Congar who Buffered an attack r'oljn Mrs. Lantern, of Lamont and two out again. Mrs. Westerby, who was called here before returning to her home In Mon tana. Mrs. Simpson went to Dundee. Wed nesday to viBit her son and family un til after the holidays. George Foster IB again at work in the T. W. Rogers hardware store. Miss Lou Taylor is home on a visit after a years stay in Lima, Ohio. EJ^LZefklnl"!n.ea-C^_ Buifered gueBt Died: In Lamont Monday morning. David Kyle, after an illness of two weeks in the parental home of his in tended, MIBB Etta Jones, who with a widowed mother, two brothers and five sisters have the sympathy of the entire community. TheK.ofP's. and Rath bone sisters took charge of the funeral and burial. RevB. A. A. Ostrich and F. H. Wyrick officiated in the M. E church. Burial at Campton, Tuesday p. m. Mr. Brown Is the efficient compositor of the Leader. They will live in the Hilton bouse on the south side. Their many friends wish them unlimited happiness and prosperity. The wedding dinner Married: In Independence Novem ber 10,1900, R. L. LittB, of Strawberry Point, and MIBB Florence Manley, of Lamont. Tbe wedding dinner waB HARTWIOK. News is Bcarce this week. Mr. and Mrs. Orr attended church at the Hay Sunday. Mr. Peet acklin says he is grand pa of a fine grand-daughter. So we have got four years more nnder old Sanna-McKlnley. Rev. Orr gave the young folks a corn husking bee last Wednesday and a Mr8, Mrs. Fred Klonus, of Manchester and I of the pleurisy last week, is able to be I ^ross and it is learned from good auth I I mill ... »llA fain brothers, Joseph Zemanek, of Dubuque I Everybody come to the church fair I y0"11? ladies of that place some tlmo and Frank, ot Dundee. which will be held in the near future. I OOBBON to attend the fnneral of her brother, getting famous as a stock raiser. H«, Dave Kyle went to Dubuque Thursday Nelson Dewoody, of Aberdeen, S. D., I Hold twenty- five Poland Chinas last of last week to visit her haB been vUttinB The Thanksgiving services this year I and neighbors last week Thursday, will be held in tbe M. E. church at 10:3u I the occasion being to dedicate their ,. m., the sermon to be delivered bj I fine new and capacious farm residence Rev. A. M. West. All Bhould attend I erected during the past season. All We have in this office three ears of I had aright royal time and the occasiou corn that John Fields brought withl will long be remembered as a most him from Oklahoma last week. It is I happy one. Mr. and Mrs. Mensen now as fine corn aB can be raised in lowu. I have one of tbe UneBt homes in their Mr. Fields is well pleased with that I township. country and is making arrangements to I Three sisters were professed Wednets move there as soon aB possible. Ht I day morning at 6.30 o'clock at Ss. bargained for 160 acres of land while I Joseph's Mercy hospital. They were there. He says that that amount ol I Sister M. Berchman, formerly Misa land Bells for from $1000 to $3000, a-| Vlary McMaon, of Colesburg. Ia, Sister cording to location and improvements. I M. Camilus, formerly MiBS Bertha Van —Monitor. I Hoven, of Sioux City Sister M. Isadora, Reuben Price, of Milford, Iowa, is About thirty of their friendB pleasant ly surprised Mr. and Mrs. John Wheeler last Tuesday evening, it being their thiity -third wedding anniversary. Ke freshments were served and a social evening spent. waB aerved in the bride's parental home where forty relatives of the wedded couple were served to a most appetizing board. The gilts were many and use ful. Rev. Salisbury is assisting Rev. C. H. Taylor in holding revival meetings at Sand Creek. Mrs. Sam Pulver, of Willlamsfield, Illinois, is visiting relatives lu town. Rev. A. E. Rigby, formerly principal of tbe school hire has gone to Japan as a missionary sent by tbe Methodist church. was aerved by the bride,s mother, Mrs Henry Manley In her parental bome Mrs. Litis born and reared in La mont she has a large circle of frlendB and relatives, who wish her and her chosen companion a long happy life. They will live in Strawberry Point with bis widowed mother. O. B. Nichols, of Mt. Vernon, mana ger of tbe Lowell Lyceum Bureau is in town to arrange for a series of lecture during the coming winter 1900-1901, secured by the high school, Mrs. F. F. Ward, of Los Angeles 1B here visiting her sisters, Mesdames Jennette Taylor and W. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Bellamy and daughter, Lizzie Fraser visited in Hopkinton Saturday. The Epworth League will give a free entertainment in tbe G. A. R. Hall next Friday evening, November 30. Every one is cordially invited to attend. The Ladies Aid Seclety will meet with Mre. J. W. Swinburne on Wednes day afternoon December 5. Peter Cosgrove left last week for MarBhalltown to enter the Soldiers Home for the winter. Tbe Ladies Aid Society will hold their annual fair on Saturday, December 8, in the G. A. R. Hall. Many useful and ornamental articles will be on sale. of Ogden, arrived in town Thursday to I Dinner 20 cents, supper 15 centa. Every Tlsit relatives. I body invited to come. manoa Ada and Daisy Baisty, of I G. W. Klockenteger spent Sunday in OlMkwTiU*! lowtt an VUltlog tbilr Cliloags last weaki AVUJOI Mr. Hursty has given up the milk route to Ray tester for the coming season. John MieBter was in Delaware Wed- ne®^ay on business. Luck in ad- ring in the near future.' vance. Mr. 1?. H. Rolfes sr., departed for. ... western Iowa last Tuesdav moraine to I Are you ready for Thanksgiving the 29th. I suppose the republicans will chew thelr old turkey and think what a good [1( visit relatives and friends. Mr. B. H. Deutmeyer transacted „„h '. business in Dyersville last week Wed-1 Miester 6 WOt °r Mr. Hackbarth was here buying up a a George Michael and Tyler Furman There hag Bome weather fw I corn shredding lately, Mr. Pierce, of south of Delhi, was here Tuesday and informed UB that he will move to Rvan next week. Mr. John Meister, James Smith, Mrs, George. Furman and Miss Fern were shopping in Delhi Tuesday. Mr. P. Michael and bis force have The sociable at Rob. Robinson's last Thursday evening was quite well I fixed the sand bill west of A Miester's Georgen, of Kockville, who had weekB visiting her son-in-law and and later in the day John departed for Vorwald, of Holy Cross, was over SuDday vieiting with his par- Mr- 8nd Mrs' Frank Vorwald. haB purchased a farm at Holy I ority that he will wed one of tbe fair ue'"een now and 6pr'n®' Herman Mensen, of Colony township, relatives here since Saturday which averaged 525 pounds. last Thursday. I When one bog fetches over 828 for a James Church, of Castle Grove, hat 1 firmer he is prospering. It was the purchased the Nickle. Plate creamery I fluest and smoothest lot ever sold in for what called for, 90001 Dyersville. and will soon have tbe plant running I The past wgpL'uas been quite lively again. I in this civ, in the way of burglaries. The Illinois Central has made I Last Tuesday night Brueckner's drug Charley Knight their station agent at I stpre was entered, but the thief was Earlville. It is a Btaticn that pays rather sparing in his choice of plunder, good salary, and we are gla^.to set I Entrance was gained at the rear doer Charley get it. It is quite a responsi-1 by breaking the pane of glass and reach bility for oneso y»nr^ nut he is equal I ing in and turning the key which bad to the., task, -nd will no doubt never I been left in the lock give the company a chance to regret tbe I Our old friend Barney' Mensen's fam confidence they have placed in him. 11ly entertained a host of their friends I formerly Miss Margaret FenneBBy, ... I The ceremony WBB performed by Rev. bUBineBS Anamosa one day recently. Ned Hoyt, of Manchester, was Ii, town last Thursday. I Dr. Tiltgen assisted by a number of lirlests.—DyerBvIlle Papers. JSAOLVXIiLE. John Wolter, of Guttenburg. had visiting old time friends in Delhi thii-1 business in town last week. week. I JAB. Ball WBB down from Delaware Mrs. James PhillipB, who resideB eatt I Wednesday. of town, a stroke of paralysis I Chas. Kendall was a Dubuque recently. I Wednesday. A. J. Reeder, of Tintah, Minn., was a I The Epworth of friends here over Sunday, re town Thursday. I Grace Peter Micbael, our road supervisor, is Arthur Reeder was at bome for a graveling the sand hill west of the poor I couple of days last week but returned farm. It is being done at the county's I to Tintah, Minn., where he is working expense. I in the real estate office of his brother-in- daughter'e, Mre. Charlie Simons, Will Allison, of DeSota, Mrs. Cunningham, who works in a law, De Vvitt Nelson. hotel at Manchester, viBited ber BOD, Arthur Le Fevre spent last week in W illis, here laBt Sunday. Chicago on business. Mrs.Peter Jakelin is in Cedar Falls! Mark Fenton and family lett Friday helping care for the little son at her evening for their future home at Glen- viBited Mrs. Geo. Staehle jr. and MIBB Emma Staehle were in Dubuque Wednesday, J. M. Dunn was at Charles City last week looking after his farm in that vi cinity. Through the efforts of Rev. Soper at theM. E. Conference at Lamont in Chas. Denton haB purchased Don Rundell's milk route and will take charge soon. J. S. Knight iB tbe new station agent J. W. Swinburne I after a short illness. Although he has first of the week. Anna Storey and I been in failing health for some months Mabel IleBner supplied her place In the the end came rather suddenly. He Intermediate department. leaves to mourn his loss three daughters, Quil Ashllne is answering to the Mrs. H. ABhburn, Mrs. Garrett, Mrs. Mc name of papa in consequence of a fine Cabe and three sons, James Reeder, I girl baby, Royal Reeder, of Manchester, and Geo. Mr. Knickerbocker who Is suffering putting in the private phones, have fin- other scenes. alwayB are here with their household goods. culturo. store at Rainy Lake, Mfnn. and hBs many interesting tales to tell of life a viBitor studeniB who are at I home for a week vacation are, John turning to Tintah Monday. I Cattron, Will Laxson, Burt Millen, Darl Dennis Kehoe, of Hopkinton, waB in I Hunt, Caro Millen, K.ate Robinson and SimonB. The Ladies Aid Society will meetl Elmer Long expects to leave this with Mrs. A. E. HouBe next Tuesday I week for Hartley, O'Brien Co. where he afternoon, November 27. I will run a feed stable. ville, Minn. W. B. Logan is not employed at tbe Phoenix office at present. in town tbe firBt of the week. Charlie Stone and family have moved Into the bouse vacated by Rhodes VV bite and wife. iivvuoi, vi lunuvucnrai, OUU UCU iu». nuw •UUVIUIB ««UISUUIW*I»MHIntaxteaUngselland Reeder, of Early, Iowa. The funera1 from heart trouble la not expected to TOF°B. Blair, county Attorney, WBB held from the M. E. church on [live. Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. A roast turkey dinner will be given in the dining room of the M. E. Church COLESBURGh I on Thanksgiving. Too late for last week. On next Saturday a fair will be We are being reminded by the hyper- given by the Christian Endeavored In The employees of the Standard Tele- .LENOX NOTES. phone Co., who have been engaged in I Mre here ished their labors here and departed for ioger bought the Cutler property and now rea Mrs. Bristol and Katie Strader re- n0U turned from their Dubuque visit lust Co. Matriciana will be here December 0. in county seat, There were 36 votes cast in hi8 «ae partieB who have the hearty good will of all who know them.—Home I'resB. EDGEWOOD. Mrs Grace Cook came out A recital, by Miss Alice Caroline Grannis will be given at the new opera house tonight. Public sales wer held on the D. R. Noble farm November 20, and by Jos. Tllp November 21. The results were disappointing to tbe persons giving the sales. Nellie Alcorn returned from Hop kinton Wednesday. She had been mak ing a short viBit Mr. Thompson returned from South Dakota Friday. Rev. L. Hubbell went to Republic today to hold hiB laBt week, the next semiannual conference will be held Earlville in the Bpring Frank Seger left last week for Long Prairie, Minn., to visit his,sister. Mrs. Truax. The Passion Play representation was given In the Congregational church Wednesday evening to a large audience. It consisted of a series of moving pic tures taken from the original and was very interesting and beneQcial. L. D. Piatt has been moving bis household goods to Oelwein during the past week. On Wednesday last he and hiB family removed to this place. The new Congregational parsonage is being plastered. Edna Alger could not attend school last Thursday on account of a sprained ankle. Chas. Beyer and wife attended a wed ding anniversary at Cliff Ryan'a last Monday. Maggie Alcorn visited her sister, Mrs. W. J. Burgln, this week. Elmer Smith, who has been going at this place having taken Mr. Fenton's with MoGarvey's engine is now work place Wednesday. D. C. Rundell waB at Spirit Lake last week, having rented a farm near that place. He will move bis family there in about a month. waB over from Delhi Saturday. Dan Carpenter was pleasantly sur- prised Saturday evening at the bome of sick is able to be out again bis grandmother, Mrs. S. T. Carpenter by about twenty-Qve of bis friends, it, being bis 21st birthday. MIBB Maud Murley visited Mrs. Verga Plank at Winthrop over Sunday. Died At bis home hero, Mr, tteed«r l&t ing for Fred Densmore. C. Clute has been hauling straw to different partieB this week. Tbe Woodmen banquet given Wed nesday n'ght was well attended. Supper was served in the vacant room under the new opera house. Mrs. Jobn Funk who has been qnite Arthur Breed was in Manchester on business Friday. Tbe schools in Honey Creek town Bhlp opened Monday. Lloyd Maxson is on tbe Bick list. Miss Mabel Gilchrist WM sick thf I Nddeau) Alexis \t. Ne- Chicago one day last week to spend a I &,n ™thAe° Mknom" short time with ber parents, Mr. and olalnanta or the south east quarter (1-4) of the Mrs. F. A. Minkler. south eaat quarter (1-4) Geo. Hobbs was up from Cedar FallB on business this week. He intends to I north eastquorter (1-4) or tne north east open a drug store here soon. in Cutler hag Bold her been firing for tionofthe Delaware county Christian one of the following: thel.C. R.R.. is home ou a short va-1 Endeavor Union was held in the First Camnno Cmnfinroman Din cation. Presbvterian church on Friday night ram0US rrOPtierSmen, PlO Doc. Pepper, that genial, jocund, aid Saturday. It was euccessfull fieerS and ScOUtS. lively Doc., who has a fund ot I meeting throughout, although not a very I npin_ humor and intelligence, was interview- .,11 delegation was present owing to the I .. lug our drug market last week. inclemency of the weather. We are having an epidemic of jaun- The speakers were all well prepared dice among the children of this city. Lnd handled their Bubjects in a most 1 .iTniw. PerhapB we misdirected your atten- interesting way but to deal with each »nd is in TCntn.h im. tion when we suggested you should one watch tbe columns of tbe News for the I individually Bnd pa The weather for the last few days bar I since the first Christian Endeavor So- Born—to the wife of Hy. Waters on I Wednesday, November 21st, a girl. I Mrs. Abbie Smith and daughter, of tain whether Aitoino Nadeau or monthly meeting there. Mr. and Mrs. Zenas Coolidge visited friends in Greeley Thursday. 1, A.s. The Dlttvict Court of 1 ID and moved to Waterloo. Mr. Mill* BRONSON*CARR °MMY "'""SS1 weeK. On January 28 Dr. Robinson, of Mc Groat western gent and obtaining detail in* Dr. C. Jacobs returned from his Da- cormick Seminary will lecture on Sinai "Si'w kota trip last week. He did not make UudPetrea. The Dr. made a study of the trade he had in view, but saw a big I these places last Summer and Becured country and some former citizens of 80me baB pictures which are without dupli this place. cates. Dr. W. H. Weaver, under tie Mr. Schumaker, of McGregor, was I direction of the PittBburg Freedmen Interviewing our merchants in the dry-1 Bureau, will probably be secured for a I Again the publishers of the DEMO' goods line last wc ek. ter date. They wish to add a music i'e CRAT have decided to giveit* old and Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vorwald of some sort to complete the course. I present the princi" been anything but inspiring, hence the ciety was founded, there have been Six I every family. briefness of our letter. ty Thousand societies organized, with to Donlphan, -Nebraska, and sister or wm. 1 Saturday morn- ClateandCorbinOdell,arehereviBitlng.| everyone what the state offic- DpninhanNebraska ar^d sister ofWm Iera "Pected of the various societies in I Iowa' parents near this city on Thursday, The Bpeakera on Saturday morn tl(|n:bU'" th#°the November 16, Mr. Charles Rizer and '^'J Chaplain E G. Beyers, of the JgJ* "i-n™,- p„' Anamosa StateB Prison, deaerves that f8™?' J»«wnat name implies—a Mrs. Nettie Lewis and ber husband h°Qor 0f high character. There were some good raising of poultry. It has over sixty the north. He Is 90 miles from a rail- PaPerB Presented in the afternoon ses. Illustrations and treats on the breeding road and 250 miles from tbe Bion, but of course a great deal of the of poultry, location, buildings and fur- was given over to the routine of nishings, feed and care of fowls, from precinct on election day and he was ee- business such as the reports of commit- shell to griddle, artificial Incubation, lected to take the votes to the county teea and dela8atea- Bent, which took four dayatime, he get 1 The fundamental and predominating treatment, mating turkeys, docks, ting over 800 for the work or nearly $2 idea of the whole convention seemed to geese, etc. per vote. The distance he traveled there I be the idea of doing something. Every- I _, and back being over 500 miles. I one seemed to be on fire to tbe need of I rOpUiaf AmOriCan UlCllOnSry At tne residence of the groom's par- greater endeavor and I believe that that jj0Und in cloth. Contains over 82,000 entsin Greeley, occurred the marriage I underlying idea of "doing" will be re-1 few of tbe Immediate friends of Many of our st'idents have been sick I being a dictionary of the English the contracting Oueida, wnere they took the afternoon I needed to miss a few recitations train for Dubuque. The happy young account of severe colds,but it is no- iary were present to lately. Some are getting better, others language, it contains a compendium of witness the ceremonies, which took I seem to be less fortunate. Mr. William classical quotations list of scrlptura place at high noon, Saturday, N ovem-1 Dooiittle is at present a subject of con-|Dame6. popular names of states and ber 17th, pastor D. H. Bays of the siderable anxiety in bis home and eitieg metric system of weights and Christian church ofliciatlng. After par- among his student friends. Heis evi- measure^ mythological namea: Amerl taking of a bountiful repast in waiting, dentiy suffering from an aggravated canisms government and constitution the bride and groom were driven to blliious attack. Other students have 10f ^e United 00 couple will be *'at home" to their many thing more than one inigbtexpect |ai departments on commercial and friends in their new home recently pur- among young people, considering the legal questions banka and banking: chased in tne west part of the city. I weather. I interest tables and laws agricultural Tbey are very estimable young people, in The District Court of Iowa In tables legal phrases and maxima, etc., the whole forming a library in Itself. And for Delaware County February Teim 1801 George R. Htmbl/n •s« James Nadeau, Mfi'a Latnur (formerly Murla IEUIH Original Notice. quarter u-4) of nectton A dance was given at Hesners' new iSK^^w^wefto? the 6th. p. ra, In Dela ware county, Iowa. opera bouse last Thursday night, A representation of the Passion Play accompanied by a lecture hy Mrs. Dean Wilson was given in the opera house Friday night. Defendants. lioMaoft»iddpetitfon? with relatives there. pe"llon an'1 Ul* mLhertand11Sttff™ar8Cnofbel3,S1b7e &iexts M. Ne- deau, upon their decease left them survirtnic any I *. heirs at law or devisees, other than the defend- ant«, Maria Latour and James Nedeau, and hnw avers that If any such there are their names and place of residence Is not known to plaintiff. I and that he cannot more particularly describe Hoii t. iDRorclalin nKaDyrlKht, tit or interest In said I choice of either one Of premises adverse to the plaintiff and for other and further relief. And that unless you appear thereto and de-1 fend on or before noon of tlie second day of the next February term of said court to be begun and holden at Manchester, said Dela are cou ty on Monday the Uth day of February 1031 re a a in an default will be entered against you and Judg ment and decree ndered HB 0rayed. Dated this 17th day of November, 1900. BKONSON ft CARR niair, judge of 01 Signed at said Manchester this 17th day of No ber 1900, JNO. o. FARMER, A. a. p. & T. A., low*, la Aid For Delaware County, December Term, A. 0* 1900. In the matter ol the) ApoUcatloD of Tommv B. Arm strong, a registered Plaimoclst. for a for peraUt to buy. keep Appii permit the office or the Clerk of the District rourt of Delaware county, Iowa, the petition ot Tommy B. Armstrong, at Greeley, Iowa, asking that he be granted a permit to Dov, keep and sell Intoxicating I quors In the two-story frame ,-v3 __ building known at tbe fiolbert building on borean blasts, that the rigors of winter t»e Congregational church. Ibe b^'w" are upon US. I holden at Manchester on the '17th day of De- FThat«3dmtterwifrcoml™7or°hearlSg'oli residence A^isoa' N0TLM Iowa' is Attys for Petitioner. dy to accomodate students who HomenMirw Addle Hyde's house is plastered and vvi6h furnishelrooms. To nearly all points in the Untied sta-.ea on is now only awaltinB the finishing The committee on securinj a couree a^d'Kird"^^^ touches to be ready ior occunancy. of entertainments for the vear, aa* October, November and December, at the very nce that tbe Germaine and Caveny fee mmt MlT'AaSmAt" VA points set forth would neither be in stiver. effort of our machine-poet. The pro-1 expedient nor wise in this short space |T, duction was in last weeks ColeBburg t,ut to show what a vast thing the E 1116 nOITIG hySICia.ll and Ueil Clipper. Tbe comments of the local movement is, Rev. C. A. Higbfield, oj tllTV Cook Book. editor on the same Is, "It is of great I Manchester, on Friday night, gave us I value and comes right to the point.'' 1 some statistics. In the nineteen years I _f th I have ever seen.' The eourse one can easily guess wtiat the te°or h'flu Mrs. Lewis expects to leave in a few I ~tbe "Bulta °f Christian Endeavor TOUIirV OUIIUT6 days for Paris, where she will take voice amonB'he from the LoQdon Bert Lang, who is here on a visit with A. J. Benton, of Edgewood. and a it is nicely bound In cloth and con relatives, is conducting a hardware paper onCor- 13" by every one Interested in the diseases of fowls and their medical wor of Mr. Henry C. HilBenbeck and MiBB membered as the key note of this con- epelltng and exact pronunciation. It ia Hattie H. Sprague, both of this city, vention. I enriched with 400 Illustrations and be Only da with accurate definitions, proper states biographical dic- tionary of distinguished men vocabpi 0 English synonyms. Also spec- Prince Bismarck And the Re-establishment or the German Empire, by Max Frederick,.. This great work is printed in German I text, Is appropriately illustrated, con tains nearly 800 pages, Is handsomely bound in silk, and a fine portrait of tbe "Iron Chanpellor" ia shown on the front cover. To the above named Defendants: You and ea-I) of you are hereby notified that there UlTL t\ _i r* now on file In the office of the Clerk of the d!s-1 ft |I6 U0nd6flS6d l/0u6 0T IM0 trtct Court of Iowa, In and for Delaware County, the petition of the plaintiff, George R. Hambiln, In which he alleges that he Is the absolute Laws of lowa. owner In fee of the south east quarter n-4) of Hainir a cnndMlaatlnn of all the ran the south eastquarter (14) of section twenty-si.? conaen»awon 01 bu tne gen (2C) and the north 89K acres of the northeast erftl statute laws Of this State (except quarter (t-4) of the north east (1-4) of section thirty-live (85) township elffhty-elght (88) north I code of procedure) COUtai&ed to ranjge Gwest of tbe 5th.P. M. In said county. the code nf 1897 county. plaint If became the owner of said prem lses by purchase and conveyan from Annie K, Barker and husband, Lester R. Barker and wife and AryoUan Barker and that they obtain ed their title thereto as shown by abstract of Murray's Horse Book, 1 Treats on the origin, characteristics and tS'aS?" tralnlD« of Worses, and gives remedies for their diseases. Tells how to select ***d how to care tor dairy COWS, and tx\ oHiiAata anH train tbe unknown claimant* to said real estate than Udlly dllU l/iudllluiy as stated in said petition. I That the pontiff and those under whom he claims title to said rea'estate. nw are and for .. more than ten years last past have been In the continuous, actval, open, adverse, exclusive, vis- HnvntAri tn tha Hnfrv rMimnrv and atnrtk ihie ana notorious possession of siid premises, I ..jings asks that his title to said real estate be and all unknown claimants thereto that they and all persons claiming by, through or un ier them be barred «nd forever estopped from iDea ae If Sent By iSi Eighteen centa in addition to the sun scriptlon price Is required to prepay postage on "Famous Frontiersmen, th^'^stric?coim'of 11'ioneers and Scouts," and ten cents for the 10th Judicial District of Iowa, do hereby nnotiuFA An fuu*h nf thA AthAf hnokfl as. approv thn foregoing orltflnnl notice in the case George Hambiln vs. James Narteau et. al and 1 do hereny ordnr that the same be publish ed In the Manchester Democrat, a weekly news paper published at Manchester, Delaware countv, lowu. for six consecutive weeks prior to th« first day of the February lool term of the District court of said Delaware County. P0Bta8e A NOVEtaW.U and all others whom Itmay concern: YOU are hereby notified that there li now on file ,,t aar 01 «4w 'r°m .f sale. Persons comamplat ,. 1 inRa trip will save money by calling on any subscribers who pay one year's sub- Qew on the 12th inst., a girl. The Sixteenth Semi-Annual conven- scriptlon in advance, a present of either Joe Beddow, who .nfl th trT fhflw.7 tun !.lTi th EnB,lBh ,llk e'egantly bound book of 353 pagg Bnd over 300 illustrations. It should be The BoBton a present membership of about". Thirty-1more fully Illustrated than any GBEELEf. I five Hundred Thousand. Following c^er book of the kind." Mr. Highfield's addreBS Miss Leida, the The St. Paul Dispatch pronounce* state secretary, in a few words, made it I "he beat book for the purpose we Globe says: "It Is better Minneapolis Commeiclal-Bulle- tlnt commenting upon It says: "There haB ne Married at 1 he bome of the bride's *°uld, receive honorable men. ^ever been a superior book of Its ver been a suDerior book of lta "It is» savs the Detroit Evening fam"y book" remarks would be p0|]|trv Culture convicts. Also the "Echoes Written by 1. K. Felch the greatest Convention," by tho living authority on poultry raising. Sue A- M« rlam'of HoPkinton'wereeach tains over 400 pages of valuable In- of 8 Tery formatlon 10 W A A p'." 5".' 1 i/f HAMao®** W eaucate ana lram onA PraamArt/ Is a semi-moDthly newspaper published the and lota Of each montu and IS &irytcreamery ana SIOCK *oiea IO "-Crests. Remember, every old and new sub established and conflrmnd against tae adverse I anrihAP nrhn all anH nna claims of the defendants their heirs and asslicns BcriDer wno PaJ8 au arrearages «ia one year's subscription In advance to the hav-1 DEMOCRAT, is entitled to receive his a PemlumB, 0116800 01 ine otner D00Kit ex cept tbe Code of Iowa. A. 8. BLAIR. Judge of the 10th Judicial District of lowa, Periodicals. We will BIBO fnrnish to our paid-in advance subscribers at reduced rates and at actual coat to us, almost any of tbe leading newspapers and magazines published. HOW TO GET TO CALIFOHNIA CHEAPLY. Full Information on this subject can mi,. .« rprrc. nvunmAT be obtained by addressing The readers of THE DEMOCRAT MAY reB' B., it. & N. lty. the coming year, maintain the high Cedar Kaplde, lowa. standard of excellence it has attained CYCLONE AND TORNADO and continue to be, it baa been for Iniuraoce in Drat clan companies' written and many years past, the leading MWipaper pollclu Uiued by tf BB0M80H AOABB. assured that It will, during pobUibed iatbUooKwtr For the remainder of this month I will make a special discount on all grades of Watches. 'u'v 4.15 Franklin Street, Manchester, Iowa. tb much as some of the Inferior QOO. S. LISTER, •••^FARWELLJ MANCHESTER LUMBER CO. IWMtOtOMW Q.TT AKER the 5 JEWELER y. majr ve irin tcu unu 2 may I" selected and reserved W for the Holidays. This is 8 UJatcJiQS advisable before the Holiday rush. Payment may be made to suit the purchaser. I WILL GIVE A DISCOUNT OF FIFTEEN PER CENT FROM MY PRESENT tow FXMOXS osr CHAINS, CHARMS, RINGS, STICK PINS and everything "»Jewilri I invite inspection of my large assortment of goods selected for the Holiday Season. SFARWELL 9 S 5 THE JEWELER. 0 IH SHS.M.MSSSHI Did -you Evef Better nothing better to be found It is the Federal Smokeless. Just the thing for Grates, and Soft Coal Stoves. Give it a trial and ,T' be convinced you have never had its equal. la the name of our new brand of flour. It Is made from select ed hard wheat and the quiillty Is guaranteed. For a limited time QUAKER FLOUR will be sold In sacks made from toweling When the side seams are drawn the customer has a real roller towel, sixty-two inches lohg, selvage edges and red stripes. IF 1TOTJ USE3 TOWELS why not buy QUAKER FLOOR and get your towels free? The flour costs no more 1 '. Coal? We don't believe you ever did. This coal is all coal—good, solid, clean, black diamonds, on our other high grades and not as Btuff $1,000 REWARD that Is shipped Into Man chester. Our objeot is to get you to patronize your home mill. It costs you nothing to try our flour—we give your money back If it falls to please. to you If our buckwheat flour not pure. Cakes made fr "PURIFIED BUCKWHEAT" taste like buckwheat because it is buckwheat. QUAKER MILL COMPANY. raM*0«0*0*04040*040*40*040«0*0*e«e*040«^*'M( HEATING:: STOVES HERMETIC FAVORITE The best Heating Stove Made. «0K040« Will Burn Wood or Coal* It Has an Attachment for Burning Soft Coal That Makes It a Perfect Heater. ,VJ/' ,. a, *0*00*0* feyy .".j It will pay ou to call and see it before buying. ember Respectfully, 1 'er fumes. A good white ago we began 'f thinking about Holiday Per fumes come and set what our thinking has amounted to. 5 It is apt to be a sin against your purse and satisfaction, if you fail to see our line. Perhaps it's a little early for Christmas buying, bnt the goods are here and fore handed people needn't wait. A t," It has resulted in a rare assortment of the Finest Goods obtainable, in secur ing some New Specialties, and in getting all the price concessions possible. TffE LEADING DRUGGIST.