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4 Author of The Sweetwater, witli quiet smllp cal Culoted to hide Ills (llsnppoliitinent, Went on as If perfectly satisfied. "Meanwhile John nwukc-R, sees tlie .dagger and thinks to eml his misery rwlth. It, but finds himself too feeble. The cut In his vest, the dent in the floor, prove this, but If you call for fur ther proof, a little fact, whlcli some If not all of you seem to have overlooked, will amply satisfy you that this one at least of my conclusions is correct. Open the Bible, Abel open It uot to shake It for what will never fall out from be tween Its leaves, but to UnO in the Bi ble ltaelf the lines I have declared to you'he wrote as a dying legacy with that tightly clutched pencil. Have you found them?" "No," was Abel's perplexed retort. "I cannot see any sign of writing on -fly leaf or margin." "Are those the only blank places in the sacred book? Search the leaves devoted to the family record. Now, what do you find there?" Knapp, who was losing some of his Indifference, drew nearer and read for Umself the scrawl which now appear ed to every eye on the discolored page which Abel here turned uppermost. "Almoat Illegible," he said. "One can lost make out these words: 'Forgive me,' James—tried to use dagger—found lying—but hand wouldn't—dying with out—don't grieve—true men—haven't disgraced ourselves—God bless'— That to all." "The effort must have overcome him," resumed Sweetwater in a voice from which he carefully excluded all signs of secret triumph, "and when James returned, as he did a few minutes lat er, be waB evidently unable to answer questions even if James was In a con dition to ask them. But the fallen dag ger told its own story, for James pick ed it up and put It back on the table, and It was at this minute he saw, what John had not, the $20 bill lying there with its promise of life and comfort Hope revives. He catches up this bill, flies down to Loton's, procures a loaf of bread and comes frantically back, gnawing It as he runs, for his own hun ger Is more than he can endure. Re entering his brother's presence, he rushes forward with the bread. But, the relief-has come too late.. John has died In his absence, and James, dizzy wltii the shock, reels back and' suc cumbs to his own misery. Gentlemen, have you anything to say In contradlc tlon of these various suppositions?" For a moment Dr. Talbot, Mr. Fen ton and even Knapp stood silent' then the latter said, with pardonable dry jtess: "All this Is ingenious but, unfortu nately, It is upset by a little fact which you yourself have overlooked. Have you examined attentively the dagger of .wlUch yon" have so often spoken, Mr. Sweetwater?" "Not as 1 would like to, but I noticed it had blood on Its edge and was of the shape and size necessary to inflict the wound from which -Mrs. Webb died." "Very good, but there Is something •else of Interest to be observed on it fetch It, Abel." Abel, hurrying from the room, soon brought back the weapon In question. Sweetwater, with a vague sense of dis appointment disturbing him, took it eagerly and studied it very closely. But he only shook his bead. "Bring It nearer to the light," sug gested Knapp, "and examine the little scroll near the top of the handle." Sweetwater did so and at once chang ed color. In the midst of the scroll were two very small but yet perfectly distinct letters. They were "J. Z." "How did Amabel Page come by a dagger mat'ked with the Zabel ini tials?" questioned Knapp. "Do you think her foresight went so far as to provide herself with a dagger ostensi bly belonging to one of these brothers? And then have you forgotten that when Mr. Crane met the old man at Mrs. Webb's gateway he saw In his hand something that glistened? Now, what was that if not this dagger?" Sweetwater was more disturbed than Ibe cared to acknowledge. "That Just shows my lack of experi ence," he grumbled. "I thought 1 had turned this subject so thoroughly over In my mind that no one could bring an objection ngalnst it." Knapp shook his head and smiled. "Young enthusiasts like yourself are great at forming theories which well seasoned men like myself must regard as fantastical. However," he went on, "there Is no doubt that Miss Page was a witness to,.even If she has not profit ed by, the murder we have been consid ering. But with this palpable proof of the Zabels' direct connection with the affair I would not recommend her ar rest as yet." "She should be under surveillance, -.though," Intimated the coroner. "Most certainly," acquiesced Knapp. As for Sweetwater, he remained si lent till the opportunity came for him to whisper apart to Dr. Talbot, when ihe said "For all the palpable proof of which Mr. Knapp speaks—the 9. Z.' on the •dagger and the possibility of this being ithe object he was seen carrying out of Philemon Webb's gate—I maintain that this old man In his moribund condition .never struck the "blow that killed .Agatha Webb. He hadn't strength •enough even If bis lifelong love.for her lhad not been sufficient to prevent him." The coroner looked thoughtful. "You are right" Bald but $ $ I I 1 Leavoaworth Case," "Last Frederick staggered away. Ho had never In his life been so near mental and physical-collapse. At tlie thresh old of the sitting room door he met his father. Mr. Sutherland was looking both troubled and anxious—more so, Frederick thought, than when he sign ed the check for him on the previous nlglit As their eyes met both showed embarrassment, but Frederick, whose nerves had been highly strung up by what he had just heard, soon control led himself and, surveying his father with forced calmness, began: "This Is dreadful news, sir." But his father, intent on his own thought, hurriedly interrupted him. "You told mo yesterday that every thing was broken off between you and Miss Page, yet I saw you re-enter the house together last night a little while after 1 gave you the money you asked for." "I know, and it must have had a bad appearance. 1 entreat you, however, to "The dagger has .•v. .v. The Mystery of Agatha Webb. By Anna Katharine Green. Kan'sXuas," been found in their and most of the money." believe that this meeting between Miss Page and myself was against my wish and that the relations between us have not been affected by anything that passed between us." "I am glad to hear it my son. You could not do worse by yourself than to return to your old devotion." "I agree with you, sir." And then, because he could not help It, Frederick Inquired If he had heard the news. 5fr. Sutherland, evidently startled, asked what news, to which Frederick replied: "The news about the Zabels. They are both dead, sir—dead from hunger. Can you imagine It?" This was something so different from what his father had expected to hear that he did not take It In at first When he did, his surprise and grief were even greater than Frederick bad anticipated. Seeing him so affected, Frederick, who thought that the whole truth would be no harder to bear than the half, added the suspicion which had been attached to the younger one's name and then stood back, scarcely daring to be a wit ness to the outraged feelingB which such a communication could not fail to awaken in one of his father's tempera ment. For some reason Frederick experi enced great relief at this and was brac ing himself to meet the fire of ques tions which his statement must neces sarily call forth when the sound of ap proaching steps drew the attention of both toward a party of men coming up the hillside. Among them was Mr. Courtney, pros ecuting attorney for this district, and as Mr.' Sutherland recognized him he sprang forward, saying, "There's Court ney he will explain this." Frederick followed, anxious and be wildered, and soon had the doubtful pleasure of seeing his father enter his study In company with the four men considered to be most Interested In the elucidation of the Webb mystery. As he was lingering In an undecided mood In the Bmall passageway leading up stairs he felt the pressure of a fin ger on his shoulder. Looking up, he met tho eyes of Amnbel, who was lean ing toward him over the banisters. She was Bmlllng, he. "He hadn't strength enough. But don't expend too much energy in talk. Walt and Blept little. The words he had overheard .at the end of the lot the night before were still ringing In his ears. Uoincr 'down the back stairs In bis anxiety to -avoid Amabel, he came upon one of the -stablemen. "Been to the village this morning?" he asked. "No, sir, but Leni has. There's great news there. I wonder If any one has told Mr. Sutherland?" "What news, Jake? I don't think my -father Is up yet" "Why, Blr, there were two more deaths in town last night—the brothers Zabel —and folks do say (Lein heard It a doz •en times between the grocery and tho fish market) that It was one of these •old men who killed Mrs. Webb. The -dagger has been found In their house jand most of the money. Why, sir, —n*.-- and. though her face was not witliout'cvUlences of physical lan guor, there was a charm about her per son which would have been sufficiently enthralling to him 24 bours before, but which now caused him such a physical repulsion that he started back In tho effort to rid his shoulder from her dis turbing touch. She frowned. It was an Instantane ous expression of displeasure which was soon lost In one of her gurgling laughs. "Is my touch so burdensome?" she demanded. "If the pressure of one fin ger Is so unbearable to your sensitive nerves, how will you -eelisli the weight of my whole hand?" Bee what a few direct questions will elicit .from Miss Page." CHAPTER XVIII. A WILY WITNESS. Frederick. rose early. He bad There was a fierceness in her tone, a purpose In her look that for the first time in his struggle with her revealed the full depth of her dark nature. Shrinking from her nppalled, he put up his hand In protest, at which she chunged again in a twinkllug, and with a cautious gesture toward the room In to which Mr. Sutherland and hit) friends had disappeared, sho whisper ed significantly: "We may not have another chance to coufcr tospthor. Understand, then, that It will uot be necessary for you to tell me, In so many words, that you are ready to link your fortunes to mine the taking off of the ring you wear and your slow putting of It on again, in my presence, will be understood by me as a token that you have reconsidered your present attitude and desire my si lence and—myself." Frederick could not repress a shud »9 ».• "Hud and Copyright, 1900, by Anna Ka&arme Green. Sine," Etc., Bt*. ..^Xi) I I «»I I I I I I I I I I Freilerlck made an effort and stood upright. He had nearly fallen. "No—that Is, I am not quite myself. So many horrors, Jake." "What did tlicy die of? You say they are both dead—both?" "Yes, sir, and It's dreadful to think of, but It was hunger, sir. Bread came too late. Both men are mere skeletons to look at. They have kept themselves close for weeks now, and nobody knew how bad off they were. I don't won der It upset you, sir. We all feel It a bit. and I just dread to tell Mr. Suther land." der. For an Instant he was tempted to tuccumb on Ihe spot and have the long agony over. Then Ills horror of the wo man rose to such a pitch that ho utter ed an execration, and, turning away from her face, which was rapidly grow ing loathsome to him, be ran out of the passageway Into the garden, seeing as ho ran a persistent vision of himself pulling off the ring and putting it back again, under the spell of a look he re belled agalnBt even while he yielded to Its Influence. I will not wear a ring. I will not subject myself to the possibility of obeying her behest under a sudden stress of fear or fascination," he ex claimed, pausing by the well curb and looking over It at his reflection In the water beneath. "If I drop It here, I at least lose the horror of doing what she suggests under some Involuntary Impulse." But the thought that the mere absence of the ring from his fin ger would not stand In tbe way of his going through the motions to which she had juBt given such significance deterred him from the sacrifice of a valuable family jewel, and he left the spot with an air of frenzy such as a man displays when he feels himself on the verge of a doom he con neither meet nor avert ,As he re-entered the house he felt himself enveloped In the atmosphere of a coming crisis. He could hear voices In tho upper ball, and among them he caught the accents of her he had learned so lately to fear. Impelled by something deeper than curiosity and more potent even than dread, he hastened toward the stairs. When half way up them, be caught sight of Amabel. She was leaning back against the balustrade that ran across the up per hall, with her handB gripping the rail on either side of her and her face turned toward the five men who had evidently Issued from Mr. Sutherland's study to Interview her. As her back was to Frederick, be could not judge of the expression of that face save by the effect It had upon the different men confronting her. But to see them was enough. From their looks he could perceive that this young girl was In one of her baffling moods and that from his father down, not one of the men present knew what to make of her. house At the sound his feet made, a relaxa tion took place In her body, and she lost something of the defiant attitude she bad before maintained. Presently he heard her voice: "I am willing to answer any ques tions you may choose to put me here, but I cannot consent to shut myself In with you in that small study. I should suffocate." Frederick could perceive the looks which passed between the five men as sembled before her and was astonished to note that the Insignificant fellow they called Sweetwater was the first to answer. "Very well," said he. "If you enjoy the publicity of tbe open hall, no one here will object Is not that so, gen tlemen?" Her two little fingers, which were turned toward Frederick, ran up and down the rail, making a peculiar rasp ing noise, which for a moment was-tbe only sound to be heard. Then Mr. Courtney said: "How came you to have the handling of the money taken from Agatha Webb's private drawer?" It was a startling question, but It seemed to affect Amabel less than it did Frederick. It made him start, but she only turned her head a trifle aside, so that the peculiar smile with which Bhe But, though he thus escaped the. shocked look which crossed his father's countenance, he could not fall to hear the Indignant exclamation which burst from his lips or help perceiving thai: It would take more than the most com plete circumstantial evidence to con vince his father-of tbe guilt of men ha had known and respected for so many years. prepared to answer could be seen by any one standing below. "Suppose you ask something less lead ing than that to begin with," she sug gested in her high, unmusical voice. "From the searching nature of this in quiry. you evidently believe I have in formation of an Important character to give you concerning Mrs. Webb's un happy death. Ask me about that The other question I will answer later." The aplomb with which this was said, mixed as It was with a feminine al lurement of more than ordinary subtle^ ty, made Mr. Sutherland frown and Dr. Talbot look perplexed, but It did not embarrass Mr. Courtney, who made haste to respond In his driest accents. "Very well, I am not particular as to what you answer first A flower worn by you at the dance was found near Batsy*s skirts before she was lifted up that morning. Can you explain this, or, rather, will you?" "You are not obliged to, you know," put In Mr. Sutherland, with his inexo rable sense of Justice. "Still, If you would, it might rob these gentlemen oi suspicions you certainly cannot wish them to entertain." "What I say," she remarked slowly, "will be as true to the facts as if I stood here on my oath. I can explain how a flower from my hair came to be in Mrs. Webb's house, but not how It came to be found under Batsy's feet That some one else must clear up." Her little finger, lifted from the rail, pointed toward Frederick, but no one saw this unless it was that gentleman himself. "I worn this orchid In my hair that night and there would be nothing strange in its being afterward picked up in Mrs. Webb's house, be cause I was In that house at or near the time she was murdered." "You In that house?" "Yes, as far as the ground floor nc farther." Here the little finger stopped pointing. "I am ready to tell you about It sirs, and only regret I hnye delayed doing so so long, but I wished to be sure It was necessary. Your presence here and your first question show that It Is." There was suavity in her tone now, not unmixed with candor. Sweetwater did not seem to relish this, for he mov ed uneaBlly on his feet and loBt a shade of his self satisfied attitude. He had still to be made acquainted with all the ins and outs of the woman's remark able nature. "We are waiting," suggested Dr. Tal bot She turned to face this new speaker, and Frederick was relieved from tbe sight of her tantalizing smile. "I will tell my story simply," said (he, "with the simple suggestion that you believe me otherwise you will make a mistake. While I was resting from a dance the other night I heard two of the young people talking about the Zabels. One of them was laughing at the old men, and the other was try ing to relate some old story of early love which had been the cause, th» choiy lives. I was listening To them, but I did not take In much of what they were saying till I heard behind me an irascible voice exclaim lug: 'You laugh, do .vou? I wonder if ymi would laugh so easily If you knew that these two poor old ineu haven't .had a de cent niral In a fortnight didn't know the speaker, but I was thrilled by his words. Not hud a good meal, these men, for a fortnight! I felt as If personally guilty of their suffering, and, happening to raise my eyes at this minute and seeing1 through an open door the bountiful refreshments pre pared Tor us all In the supper room, I felt guiltier than ever. Suddenly I took a resolution. It was a queer one and may servo to show you some of the oddities of my nature. Though I was engaged for the next dance, and though I was dressed In the flimsiest garments suitable to the occasion, I decided to leave tlie hall and carry some sandwiches down- to these old men In their cottage. Procuring a bit of paper, I made up a bundle and stole out. of the house without baring said a word to anybody of my Intention. Not wishing to be seen, I went out by the garden door, which is at the end of a dark hall." "Just as the baud was playing the 'Harebell Mazourka,' Interpolated Sweetwater. Startled for the first time from ber careless composure by an Interruption of which it was Impossible for her at that minute to measure either tho mo tive or the meaning, she censed to play with her lingers on the baluster rail and let her eyes rest for a moment on the man who had thus spoken, as if she hesitated between her deslro to an nihilate him for his impcrtincuce and a fear of the cold hate she saw actuat ing his every word and look. Then she went on, as if no one had spoken: "I ran down the hill recklessly. I was bent on my errand and not at all afraid of the dark. When I reached that part of the road wliero the streets branch off, I heard footsteps In front of me. I had overtaken some oue. Slackening my pace so that I should not pass tills person, whom I Instinc tively knew to be a man, I followed him till I came to a high board fence. It was that surrounding Agatha Webb's house, and when I saw it I could not help connecting the rather stealthy gait of the man in front of me with a story I hud lately heard of the large sum of money she was known to have In her house. Whether this was before or after this persou disappeared round the corner I eanuot say, but no sooner had I become ccrtain that he was bent upon enterlug this house than my im pulse to follow him became greater than my precaution, and. turning aside "A flower worn by vou at the dance was found-near Batsy's skirts." from the direct path to tho Zabels', 1 hurried down High street just In time to sec tbe man enter Mrs. Webb's front gateway. "It was a late hour for visiting but, as the house had lights in both its low er and upper stories, I should by good rights have taken it for granted that he was an expected guest and gone my own way to the Zabels*. But I did not. The softness with which this person stepped and the skulking way In which ho hesitated at the front gate aroused my worst fears, aud after lie bad open ed that gate and slid In I was so pur saed by the idea that he was there for no good that I stepped Inside the gate myself and took my stand In the deep shadow cast by the old pear tree on the right baud side of the walk. Did any one speak?" There was a unanimous denial from the five gentlemen before her, yet she did uot look satisfied. "1 thought I heard some one mnke a remark," she said and paused again for a half.minute, during which her smile was a study. It was so cold and In such startling contrast to the vivid glances she threw everywhere except behind her on the landing where Fred erick stood listening to her every word. "We are very much interested," re marked Mr. Courtney. "Pray go on." Drawing her left hand from the bal ustrade where tt had rested, she looked at one of hVr Angers with an odd back ward gesture. "I will," sho said, and her tone was hard and threatening. "Five minutes, no longer, passed when I was startled by a loud and terrible cry from the house, and, looklug up at tho second story window, from which the sound proceeded, I saw a woman's figure banging out In a seemingly pulseless condition. Too terrified to move, I clung, trembling, to the tree, hearing and uot hearing tbe shouts and laugh ter of a dozen or more men who at that mlnuto passed by the corner on their way to the wharfs. I was dazed, I was choking, and only came to myself when sooner or later, I do not know how soon or how late, a fresh horror happened. The woman whom I had Just seen fall almost from the window was a serving woman, but when I heard another scream I knew that the mistress of the house was being at tacked, and, riveting my eyes on those windows, I beheld the shade of one of them thrown back and a hand appear, flinging out something which fell In the grass on the opposite side of the lawn. Then the shade fell again, and, hearing nothing further, Iran to where the object flung out bad fallen and, feeling for It, found and picked up an old fashioned dagger, dripping with blood. Horrlfled beyond all expression, I dropped tbe weapon and drew back, trembling, into my former place of con cealment "But 1 was not satisfied to remain there. A curiosity, a determination even, to see the man who had commit ted this dastardly deed attacked me with such force that I was Induced to leave my hiding place and even to en ter the houso where In all probability he was counting the gains he had Just obtained at the price of such precious blood. The door, which he had not perfectly closed behind him, seemed to Invite me In, and before I had real ized my own temerity I was standing In the hall of this 111 fated bouse." was In tho little room at the moment when you entered the house?" As every one there present realized the Importance this question, a general luovciii. in took place, and each and all drew nearer as she met their eyes and answered placidly: "Yes Mr. Webb was sitting In a chair asleep. He was the only person I saw." "Oh, I know he never committed this crime," gasped his old friend, in a re lief so great that one and all seemed to share It. "Now I have courage for the rest Go on, Miss Page." But Miss Tage paused again to look at her finger and give that sldewlse toss to her head that seemed so un called for by the situation to any who did not know of tho compact between herself and tlie listening man below. "I hate to go back to that moment," said she, "for when I saw the caudles burning on the table and the husband of the woman above sitting there In unconscious apathy I felt something rise In my throat that made me death ly sick for a moment. Then I went right in where he was nnd was about to shake his arm and wake him when I detected a spot of blood on my finger from the dagger I had handled. That gave me another turn and led me to wipe off my linger on Ills sleeve." "It's a pity you did not wipe off your slippers, too." murmured Sweetwater. Again she looked at him again her eyes opened in terror upon the faco of this man, once so plain and insignifi cant In her eyes, but now so filled with menace she Inwardly quaked before it for all her apparent scorn. X.urti To be continued. Washington, D. C. UenesBee Pure Food Co., LeRoy, N. Y.: Gentlemen:—Our family realize so much from the use of Grain-0 that 1 feel 1 must say a word to induce others to use it. If people are interested in their health and the welfare of their children they will use no other bever age. I have used them all, but Grain O have found superior to any, for the reason that it Is solid grain. Yours for health, C. F. Meyers. CHEAP—BeRiaence properties In this city, quire at Manchester Democrat office. tickets will also be sold from ist of and including Cedai* alls and from points on the Lyle and Cedar in South Dakota, Minnesota and lu Iowa to points west of Ackley inclusive, except points west of Lemurs. UoineseekerM Excursions to Point* on Other Lines of Kat'road. Tho Illinois Central will also sell on tho first anp third Tuesdays in June, July, August. Sep tember, October, November and December. 1000 llomeseeker's Excursion Tickets to points ou foreigh lines of railroads In many Western, Southwestern and southern States. For rate*, routes, etc Inquire of your nearest Illinois Central Ticket Agent, All Homeseekers* Excursion Tickets are sold at a rate of ONE FARE PLUS 2.00- for the round trip. Tickets limited to 'Ji days for return and eood for stop-over privileges at certain points within a going limit of 1.% days. J. F. MERRY. A. G. P. A., III. Cent. R. R., Dubuque Iowa. When you want ill km***, Fine Furniture® AT ffi® 5*tS Fair Prices Werkmeister'si! ,lsS in 'VJ§ AT it 18 The Interest which up to this moment had been breathless now expressed It self In hurried ejaculations gnd broken words, nnd Mr. Sutherland, who had listened like one In a dream, exclaimed eagerly^ and In a tone which proved that he for the moment at least be Usved this more than improbable tale: rut nan tstt gfcUsawa -c. Earlville. vf lef Pifill! Undertaking Solicited. Ea rlville, Iowa. dinner Si 11 odor everywuvre Notice of Incorporation of the Maaon Yille Savings Bao& ot Mason ville, Iowa. Notice Is heroby ctvon that there has been re corded In the onivo of the recorder of deeds of Delaware ounty, fow», and In the offlcu of the Secret try of state at DcS'Molneg. Iowa, articles of iucorpuratlon of tlie Masonville Savings Hank,a corporation for pecuniary profit, organ ized under the lows of the state of Iowa, with the principal place of busioess at Masonvlllet Iowa. That the general uature of tho business of said corporation shall be the transaction of the usual business of a sav ngs bank under the provisions of tUle nine (9) of tho code of Iowa, and of all laws amending and modifying the same. Tlie amount of capital stock author ized is Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) In shares of Oue Hundred Dollars ($100) each, all of which has been subscribed aud Is now fully paid. That suld corporation will commence business* on the receipt of a certificate from the Auditor of State, authorizing it to do business, and will continue for a period of fifty (60) years there from unless sooner dissolved as provided by law The affairs of this corporation will be managed by aboard of five directors elected by the stock holdors at their annual meeting to be held on tho first Monday in January of each year. A prentdont. vice president, cashier and such other officers as said board shall see fit to pro vide for shall be elected at a meeting of the Board of Directors held Immediately alter the annual meeting. Uutil such annual meeting in the year 1901 tbe pro visional hoard of directors snail be Thomas Rose, W. Turloy, Daniel Fagan and Dennis McUraw, all of Masonvllle, Iowa, and J. J. Han ley, of Monti, Iowa, and the provisional officers until the first annual election thereof shall be: Thomas Hose, President: Dennis McGraw, Vice-president, and J. W. Turley, cashier all of Masonvllle, Iowa. The board of directors shall fill all vacancies In its membership And in the odlcets of the bank, between annual elec tions. The prlvato property of the sxockholders shall be exempt from liability for corporate debts except as provided for in section 1883 of the Code of Iowa. Dated, November 12, 1900. THOMAS En Through Tourist Sleeping Car Service to Texas, Old Mexico and California. Via Chicago Great Western Ry. to Kansas City, and Missouri Kansas & Texnt. San Anton' In and Arkansas Pass and Southern Pacific Pailways through Dallas. San Antonio, Bi Paso aod Log Anseles to San Francisco. Only through car line from the Northwest to Texas points and connecting at Rpnfford Junction for all point* In Old Mexico. These cars are in charge of an experienced official and leave Oel weln every Saturday at 7.00 a. m.. reaching Dallas the following Sund.y, San Antonio on Monday. £1 Paso on Tupfday. Los Angles at noon Wednesday and San Francisco early Thursday morning. Thes«&re Pullman Tourist c»rs. Hlmilar to those run on all transcontinental lines and the charge** for berths are about half those regularly charged. To persons who have made the trip to California via other routes, this Southern route will prove a most delightful change, and to persons contemplating a trip to Texas or Mexican points. It furnishes fatuities hitherto unofTered. Full information furnished by any Chicago Great Western Agent, or F. II. Lord, G. P. & T. A., lis Adams St.. Chicago. 46. to Bee. 31. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Twice Each Month During 1900 CAIITUV The Illinois Central will I I run Homeseekers ex cursions to certHjc points in the South ou the llneoofthelltfj Central and Yazoo & Miss roads frm all points west of & and from points on the Lyle, isslppi Valley anamcluding'rtYa Uedar RapUU. Ona Onawa and Sioux Falls branches on tbe first and third Mondav of each month, during the year 1900. ai)d from all points east of and including For Dodge on the first and third Tuesday of each month. The new "Southern Homeseeker'sGulde" de scribes In detail the agricultural advantages, the soil and products of all points outh of the Ohio River on the Un»»s of the above mentioned roads. For a copy address the undersigned. For Information concerning Kailroad Lands In the fertile Yazoo Valley of Mississippi address E P. Skene, Land commissioner 1.0. R. It., at Chicago. WEST! Homeseekers' Excursion ROSE. President, 46-4 J. W. TURLEY, Cashier. For brood sowe Ravens Stock Food has no equal. Tbe pigs will be atrong and have plenty of milk. It cures scours in pigs and lambs, It removes worms from hogs, cures coldB and fevers prevents pneumonia and disease, and makes tbem do well. It aside di gestion, gives good appetite and makes rapid and large growth. When freely fed to hogs and pigs it will surely pre vent hog cholera.—For sale by W. A. Abbott, Drugs, Manchester. Iowa. 31-lyr. NEW SHORT LINE (Mia ffiie and Si. Pan Illinois Central between Omaha and Fort Dodge In connection with the Minneapolis and St. Louis between Port Dodge and Minneapolis and St. Paul, also to be Inaugurated January 88,1900 I Lv. Omaha Lv. St. Paul I 7.85 p. m. 8.00 p. m. "THE I Ar. Minneapolis Lv Minneapolis LIMITED" 7.30 a.m. 8.80 p.m. I Ar. St. Paul Ar. Omaha 8.00 a.m. 8.15 a.m. A fast vestibule nlglit train, daily, carrying through Pullman Bleeping car and couches. Lv. Omaha 7.00 a. m. Ar, Minneapolis 7.00 p. m. Ar. St. Paul 7.90 p.m. MTHK. EXPRESS" Lv. St. Paul 9.00 a. ra Lv Minneapolis 9,80 a.m. Ar. Omaha 9.40 p. Fast day train, dally except Sunday, carrying throughparlor car andcoacnes. PAKE AND ONE THIRD RATE. To international Live stock exposition. Chi cago, Dec. 1-8. An open rate as above bas been named from all Illinois Central stations. Tick ets on sale Nov 80th and Dec. 1st. limited to Dec. 10th for return. J. F. Merry, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt-1, u. It. 11. Dubuque, Iowa. Personally Conducted Tours to Cali fornia in Pullman Sleeping Cars via Chicago Great Western Ry to Kan sas City and Santa Fe route to LOB An geles and Southern California. Only line tuning new Pullman Tourist sleeper equipped with wide vestibules, steam heat and gas light. One of these new sleepers leaves Waterloo at 3:47 p. m., every Monday, via Chicago Great Western for Los Angeles and Southern California via Kansas City and reaches Los Angeles tbe following Friday morning. These tours are personally conducted by an experienced official, who accompanies the train to its des tination. The cars are welt equipped for along journey and are as comfort able as tbe standard sleepers, while the price for a double berth is only about one half. Full information furnished by any Chicago Great Western Agent or F. 11 Lordk General PaBs, and Ticket Agent, 113 Adams street, Chicago. Cotswold Sheep! Rams and Ewes for sale the best are none too good for us— •wenty-three years breeding Cots wold's flock originated at John Snell's Sons, Brampton, Canada, and stand second to none in the country. Horses for sale. Visit ors welcome. W. J. STRAIN & SONS, Masonville. Ia. PATENTS-^ FREE ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY Notice in Inventive Age Book "How to obtain Paten ta" Choree* moderate. No fee till patent ia secured. 1 Letters strictly Confidential. Addren, E. 6. SIGGERS, Patent Lawyer, Washington/D,C. BEING Want isiiip mcl*!, g|J| HELD UP Tho person who pays his money out for poor lumber is in a worse situation than the one who hands it over to the footpad. A graver injury has been done him than the mere loss of money represents. Be sure you invest your money at the right lumber yard. \To make assurance doubiv sure come to tho Holter Liier Co. 2M tfiV a All the Little Boys Who Knock Out Their Clothes They'll not be able to wear out in a hurry our»pec ial $3 00. All Wool Knee Pant Suits. They may jump, kick, climb, slide and throw each other any where, and everywhere, and these suits will surprise them every, time by proving they're stronger than the boys. They're stylish—elegant! Good tailors made'.hem. Allen & Storey. LITTLE QEM. RESTAURANT Try it under its new management. BALTIMORE OYSTERS will be received fresh direct from Baltimore on Mondays and Fridays. There are none better.-' Remember the Place. Little Gem Restaurant Slain Street, J. T. There may be flies on you and me. but keep them off your horse by buying your Nets, Sheets and Sum mer Stable Blankets out of the largest stock in Delaware connty. I also have a large line of Light and Heavy Harness at prices that defy competition. Call and be convinced. The Maid was in the GARDEN. hanging out the clothes and met with a most unpleasant ac cident. Why not send your clothes to the Manchester Steam Laundry to be laundried and this save all trouble at nome? You can get better work for less money at a first class laundry than you can in any other way. Clothes called for and delivered promptly. MANCHESTER 5 TEAT! LAUNDRY, 8®rnrrir*^m wishes to announce! to his friends that beginning this week mmm to wiU carry a full line EfiriONS, H. R. EATON. ines Pickles Sweet Pickles, £our Pickles, Mixed Pickles, Catsup, Olives, Mustard Dressing, India Relish, Tomato Soups, Onions, and Olives Stuffed* Manchester, Iowa Each Day No Matter Who you|are or what your fancy, you can get suited here as to perfume. We have just received a fine line of per fumes, yAJ- 1 «, Prop'r. a- a GREGG & WARD, I'M