Newspaper Page Text
I- A ~i !-r" ttlje JUemocraL PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. anONSON. a. M. OAKR. BRONSON A CARR. Editors -end Proprietors SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. »early, in advance not paid in advance,.., .?tl 60 800 NOTICE.—On the slip of paper upon whloh the name ]s printed, appears the date to which toe. paper is paid for, and renewal in always roapepIfuUy solicited. ya The writer's name must u:« rnip-- th?eSiSi?tiona?'Ani'vU^L Annals o£ Iowa are, in arid we are ready to Jshow them to you The NEW STYLES are niat, dressy and the priceswerenever so low. iir, MEN'S patent leather dress shoe only $2.50 I. S 1 Our $3 00, $3.50 5 .? ^1 ,» .... I,'.' V. WE PIT THE FEET. MANCHESTER. IOWA 2 Our Business Directory. ATT«RNIY«. w. ifiua. a, 1, niLM w. *oaiu» •wHnAM. Nonni* •TILM. iTNMITI AT UW AICD KOTAJUUH «V apotlal attention tlven to Colles .Mobspvblle. Insurance. Real Estate and Loan Agts. Met Id Olty Hall Bloek. Manchester. la. 'I. Tejuv. H. 'f. abhold H.X Tobait rpAAlt. ARNOLD *YORAN A TT0BNKY8 AT LAW, and Bwl Estate AMtta. Qfflo.orer Delaware County SUCe Bank, Chester, lows. O. B. BKmi. .. &. M. OASB, BRONSON CARR. A TTQBMKYS AT LAW. a J. J. UND8AY,'M. D„ PHYSICIAN, surgeon acd Ej OflBcte hours for «ye eaaet and ^ft.sMots. 04(04^0 p.m. Office comer Main H.H.LAWRBNCE. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON •L tfatton given diseases of ol & __ children. Have also made ,a special study of Gyneooologj, Dbatetncs. and Reotal Diseases. Allohronto dlBeases8uooessfuIly treated with the aid of various Thermal and Massags treatment. AU ohronles solicited. Consultation free, Olttoe over Work's market. All calls promptly at* tended. Residence on Main street, the old Dr, Kelsej1: property. ostbopXthio physician. .T H. McGbr^ pr o. Osteopathy Is a 0\ system of IreaUnK diseases wlthouttbeuae of drug*, for Information call or write. La G&ippr Is sueeetsfolly treated. Office over Gregg ft Ward's Drug store. DKNTISTS. O. A. DUNHAM D* D. 5. Office over Garhart A Adams' hardware store, Franklin .fit, Manchester, C.W. OORMAN. r^ENTlST. Oflloe on Franklin Street, north l/ ef the Globe. Hotel, Manchester, Iowa. Makes De&llit. Always Degttl Surgery«ln all Its braaohes. Makes re^BAnt vlutt to* neighboring towns. at offlee oq Saturdays. C.i.. LBIOH. D. D.&. Offlce$v6r Ander Ai Fhlllpp's Drug WtolA^Conier Main, and Franklin streets, MaaqheirttislpWB. Telepbons in. i7tf ~fl. NBWOOMB. r\EflTIST Office over Cfsrk ft iawrenoe's styre on Frahkiln street. Crown D^gto^dE a specialty. Will meet patleols at ednesasy of each week.. tatf VfTIRINAMAM. DR. J. W^. SCOTT, tf BTAfUNARY Surgeon, and Dentist. Oflloe la-H. Smith's Drug Store, Main St. At Ehtoanb rtMtotp, si^ht^ai/be rooms over Ralph Con- MANUPAoturinq. ANOHSSTBR MARBLB WORKS 1•Monumentsto 8 prepared, furnish.Granite and Marble and Head Stones of various de signs, Have the bounty, right for Blpe's Pat *ct Grave Cover also dealer In Iron Fences. meet-all oempetltioQ. ftf M. -W..N. BinirroB. J. F. MoEWWt. BOYNTON Mo^WEN, WATCHMAKERS, Jewelers and Engravers V4telers In .Watohes, Clooks, Silver and Platea' Ware Fine Jewelry. Speotaolea,cutlery, Musleal Instruments, eic^ Main street. AVU. BROWN. fumlivS'l etD., Mid undertaker, Dealer In Main titrodt. A'.' WbRKMBISTlBR, 1 BMjeHAl. 'DEALER IN FOBNITUEB, Coffins. Picture Fr&me&vEtc. A oomptote siock A 'Furniture end Upoelstcry always on h*udv$v prices tMtdsfy oompeUtlon. A good fl«srHC kopt for, ttttendanoe at fluierals. EBrl .rille.J^wH.t i-i^ALL i^ixfr* uer. AULEN ft STORBY. iKin 1 NG and Gents furnishing goods* Oor and Franklin streets. r' L. H.8TOUT, \LOTfltNO and Gents furnlshlDg City Hall Block, Frfenklln Street so as tds Posxorncv at Iter, Iowa, as SKC0wpTOiL68 Marsh, MEN'S splendid wear iujr.kid dress shoe, only and $2.25,: J: -$4.(00 MEN'S DRESS SHOES are'011 the' top round FINE SHOEMAKING. FINiv FOk r*«p*K TOUII p*or 1 stad torasdei miursMs oe.. Special attention rlTflD to collections. Offlce Is Democrat Btilldlnx, -FnuiltUd Street, Manchester, low*. m» B. BLAIR. ti*w. PHYSIOIANS. Ai-J. WARD* pHYSICIAN ind Surgeon, wulatumd to oaUS A .promptly »t »li hours uf the day or altfhl, MubobMO**, HOkUSTfclt LUMUR CO. I •"'•nirtBds ef billdisf siaterlala, iidSo^**«'•'**»««- THOB. T. OARKKBR. A S S S up E a iN ^8,11"d •=—i SCHARLEB, THB TAILOH. TAILOH and Gents Kamlih ciicijer lowa' Bn,"03' Merman bldK- Hao- HAHRY BTBWAKT. D^mgmkSgauM'1'-910-' CAL. ATklNBQN, nixy LBAYMAN. Am prepared to do all "k ln »y line- Moving household 'goods »nd pianos a specialty All work wui rmalw prompt attention. A share of your ntronuela S'il'H Prhas* Special at* 1*6 G.«yoPurdX?$ to man who ooms to stay. B. CLARK. O Notions, Carpets, Gents fur ulshlng goods, oto. Franklin street. QUAKER MILL CO. UOnR and Feed, Manufacturers of tile cele. torated White 8atln and White Pdu'llflour ORBOG A WARD. tl''a**1*™ l» 'P«1nta, Oila, WaU FV»nk?Kt?iSt.flp r7 4 e' Atwaler'8 pmint'' ANDBR8 APHILIPP De"p.^,lnnJ?Iug„, .W"J,1 P'Pef. Stationery. FnuikUn sinets!! C°""r 01 M,ltn PBTBR BOARDWAY. Telephone lis, Loiter Fraaklln Street. NOBLB ARNOLD. /3.ROCERIES, Provisions, Fruits, ets Flrat AJ door north of Delaware Oouaty Bank. PBTBRSON BHOS. F^e'i.VlEfetr.'eV. '•'•^".OraeKerT. T.. MOONBY. invilgr. goods. vrv tiOODS, Carpets, Millinery, Hats and HfOOfiLL A CO., I -fisp&, .IJpots and Shoes, etc.. Main St., ..t ManoheHtAr^,.Iowa.' RAOKBT 6TORI. (\BY GOODS Clothlng. Hata, Caps, Boots Shoes, notions, eto. West side Franklin itreetsouth of Maln^ A. THORPE* OB OF KALAMITY'8 fmjn and Dealer ln Clothing, Br s. etc. Masonic |lievk iches- pBOPi der HI .joes, N for, lows. QRASSFIgLD §ROB. '.r' (Successoito Seth-BrawpO nOOTs AND SHOES of *U grades and prleea. Jp Custom Work and Kepafnng^ given speolal auentton. -Uors In qity Hall Sleek. aBO. S. LISTKR, rrABDWARE, 9T0VKB, TWWABK, ETC, g*epa.a flr^VJlasa tinnw and doe. kind. af repairlAr wlUi neatness and OlspMat. btort opposite prat Ni »t National Ba&k.Maln St. M. PIARM. •T^OHW1inlJ.if« WM. MOINTOSH. PSAU1! ARO COLLECT OR,. All business entrusted to-him prompt attention second lleer. Offl«."hi'oi«y*"HaiT iSm" Bason Work. •nii51.EI£B?r2i® funilsk Mtlmate. and guar. •DIM mlifacllun .a all kinds atM—an work. irtf klLLlB, Maii.lie.tar. Iowa. 'or Bent. Th'» flrstbulldlng norBiM th. Glob* hotel. IMIOBSOU OASR. B. H. CHAPEL A BO^I. fB™,°tVoh^ou??iffiS„™ A^AtrriFoirrt^N^vj JOUBTKC Tli.|March:number of "L'ART DK LA HMa.' just publlihed, Is ou. of th. finest '.Tarinued, r5ul colored plates, with .»W oH'ir designs, and two pages d» sold for S?.Mh •50n8B-aR0u0HT0N00.Pu.uM,.., •••T 19tm mr, m«w vqrk. fsr- send 2c, stamp for sampleicopy..^ 9w1 «.£PJ ^C?WB ondry ^eed. Raven's fetoqk Food increases miik -flow and makes better quality. It makes cows nealtby and prevents ahoratfon. It cures scours in calves. Forcattle not "Ws^lgeetion.oures all bi(Hid and kidney disease, saves feed amUher fatten well. It keepa cows In gooiiorder and will make calve, .grow oneihird iarger the first vear.-rWsale Iov^. Ufu«s- MwchMter, -i OfOliONC AWD: TOBNADO pouSS^ gy™ Tjssi&rs", enaod IABB. I The whirligig of politics hav'fresh Illustration loathe election of ex-Senator John n. Mitchell as senator~ from Oregon against the same ma it over wiibm j?e won his flrst bpnon Jn\873. President Paul Deschinel ftjf the French chamber of deputies, fegister ed under an assumed name when on his honeymoon in order to avoid re porters and now finds that so by doing he violated the law. Senator Hansbrough of North Dakota has true western contempt for farming down east. Someone was talking to htm a few days ago about the success with which Maine farmers' overcame the difficulties of poor soil. Mr. Hans brough. remarked: Ob, they don't know anything about ^farming, down there. Why, they tell me tfiat Maine farmers have to shoot the awd -Into the rock.",- Whpn Kansas went republican last fall a mighty shout went up from the G, O. P. organs. Kansas was redeem From the coast of, Maine to the VIlss oullan office one long hymn of praise was scattered across the country. For wjwnot Kansas redeemed Since the bagining of the Mrs. Nation episode in Kansfs we have not heard so much abouMbe redemption of Kansas Is it possible inquires the Helena, Montana Independent, that the alleged republi can redemption was counterfeit. John Mulvaney, a farmer,* whose home is near Ledyard, is in jail because he will not pay his" debts and because ha insulted the judge of the court in which the siflt wai brought to compel him to pay a bill of $300. He boasted that be bad'the money but' would qot pay. When the judge asked where it was be said in his straw staek. Search failed to disclose it and he suggested the cowa had eaten it. ,The creditor's attorney declares he "will be kept in jail until he discloses the hiding place, of his wealth. m, •BNNIS. gwinjmt Plans and nlBhfld, Work taken id town or ?'1Th«1wi££a»tlgii estimates fur- ««ou in town or OOUCtTV. 8 oearthe stand tower on West Side of river. C. B. CATBS. Q{ut- preseht '(u rifijtwholly'dependentonptffiiib'opln-^ ion, and there is no mistaking the .Bigns that popular sentiment is fastcoming to the cdnclosion that for the United Sta' tee protective duties have already done their work. If to this conviction is ad ded the popular motive of depriving the trusts of .the support of the protective jo|icy there is nothing more probable within the range of fedetal politics than that the next election will be run upon the issue of an anti-trust tariff. A-t this point, therefore, the trust Bysteni stands seriously exposed to check, if not overthrown. —N. Y. Journal' of Commerce. Justice Brewer of the United StateB supreme court has been delivering a course.of lectures at Yale. From'the New.Haven Beglster it is learned .that the eminent jurist said there was but one cure for all our ills—good citizen ship. He contended that the ideals in life fiigbt to be striven for, that the dollerisnottheendandail of things, that happiness is not secured,by out witting one's neighbor in a business trade,that the republics life rests-'not upon selfishness, but upon sacrifice qnd that finally man cannot, take him self alone into consideration when he enters the stress of life and becomes a factor in society. blook, W.A.ABBOTT.1" DR^.B'jrtVh5Ko®taaonory Ip ^hese days when "young men .im blbe^-the thbery that shrewdness in business '.necessarily includes trickery, 'that dishonesty is the-best policy as long as it is well concealed, that money Is the chief desideratum in life and that ideals are mearly preachments, it is re freshing to read the words of this able judge directed to young men.—Dea Moines News'. a^SI: O.B. PRATT.. It is reported that a workman named Mpntag, ln the Hemshof dye and Boda factory, near Mannheim, Uermany has invented a substitute for coal which costs about 85 cents per 830 pounds to manufacture. The process to described by A. L. Frankenthal, United States consul at lienre, In The Advance Sheet of Consular report issued by the gov ernment as follows: "Peat is the basis, with addition of certain .chemicals which, up to the pres ent, are the secret of the inventor. Par tly who have seen the product burn say that it gives great" heat, burns with a bright flame, and leaves no slag and only a quantity of white ashes. ^Certain Mannheim capitalists haye tried to ob obtalu the secret from the inventor, by offering him a position as director in a company to be established, giving him a salary of 94,000 and 2 per cent of the profits, but he has refused this offer, because he wants to controi the sale of the Invention himself. Capitalists now clBim that Montag asks too high a price. Mr. Gehrig, the secretary of the Mannheim Chamber of Commerce,' hBB It is said, undertaken to procure the necessary means to commence the man ufacture of the article in partnership with the inventor. /They have bought twenty-five acres of peat land and have bonded one: hundred and twehty-flve more in the-Vicinity of Hockenhelm, where they will erect the' necessary buildings, large enough to keep severali hundred men at work. It is figured that the daily, output will be sixty It Is said that the peat is thoroughly dried, ground by a machine, mixed with thechemlcals.aod /pressed' 'into .brick •j shape. OLD TIMES, OLD FRIENDS, OLD LOVE. Theta ace no days like the good old days— The days when wo were.youthful When humankind were pure of mind -j.^v And spcech and deeds were truthful Before love tor sordid gold Bccame man's ruling passion And before each dame and maid became :~.r It is hardly possible that there can be any truth in the report that Mr. Mc Kiniey will ask for another 50,000 men for the. army from the next congress# Such a request will come along all right before long, but not until the Philippi nes have demonstrated for another year or so that the new army to be raised this year can't lick them. And th«y made the likeliest courtin. Thc^e are no boys like the good old boys When we were boys together, When the grass was sweet to the brown bare feet That dimpled the laughing heather, Whfen the pewee sung to the summer dawn Of the bee in the billowy clover, Or down by the mill the whippoorwill Echoed hli night song over. There is no love like the good old love— Xlie love that mother gave us. w®!are SUCCESS AND FAILURE. The Higher the Purpose the Rare* the Achievement. If by success we mean the fpll^c comJ)llshment of nn end, the- actual reaping of a harvest of results, then It Is undoubtedly true that the higher and nbbler the purpose the rarer will be the success. If we aim to relieve a man's hunger, we can quickly succeed ln the easy task, but if we aim to In spire him with a desire to earn his own bread the work 1s more difficult and: the success far more problematical. If we would restrain a thief from rob bery, the prison bars and locks insure success, but If we would make an hon est man of him our task Is a complex one,iand success may be afar off. We undertake to teach a child to read. If with requisite effort we follow up our task, we are successful, but if we as pire to raise the educational standard of our community how arduous the task, how uncertain the result, how questionable the success! Tht low man sees a little ««*»g to do,^ 8ees it and does it T%e high man, with a great thing to purms, Dies ere he knows it. Is his life, then, a failure? No let us never imagine that any high pose, any noble thought, any gene^Si* emotion, any earnest effort, is ev •We jmay never witness its gro1 may not live to gather Its fruit or eveS** to see lts blossoms, but,we may safely trust that somewhere .and at some tlm0 the harvest will be abundant, ,and success, long'hidden, fihaU bjioonie' ap^ fHE SERGEANT'S GOLD,^ It JfeTeir Reached the "Onld Folks at Home." Surgeon General Sternberg told a good Story once of an experience he had ln the civil war. He said that when lie was going Into the battiei of Bull Run the Irish sergeant major ot his regiment came to him with a big bag of gold oolu weighing three or tour pounds and said: "Doctor, I know that I'm to be kilt entirely, an I want you to take care of thlB money an see that it gets to thc ould folks at home.'/ There was no time to remonstrate or to make any other arrangement, and, dropping the bag Into the surgeon's lap, the Irishman hurried away to Ills place at the head of the column. All through two bloody days Dr. Stern berg carried that bag of gold with hla surgical Instruments, and It was a har den and an embarrassment to hlm.^ Efe tried to get rid of It,, but oouldn't And" any one willing: to accept or even to share the responsibility, and he couldn't throw it away for the sake of the "ould folks at home." Toward the close of the second day the surgeon was taken prisoner. He lost his surgical Instruments and hla medicine- cose, but-clung to the gold, and, making a belt of his necktie and handkerchief, tied ,it around his waist next to his skin to prevent its confisca tion by his captors. During the. long, hot and weary march that followed the. goldpleces chafed his flesh, and hla waist, became so sore and blistered as to cause him Intense suffering, but he was bound that the "ould .folks at home" should have the benefit of that money. and, by-the exercise of great (caution and patience managed to keep It until he was exchanged'with other prisoners and got back to Washington. There Jbe found his regiment ln camp, and one of the first men to welcome him was the Irish sergeant major, who was so delighted to learn that the doc tor bad saved his money that he got drunk. and gambled it all away the first night.—Chicago Becord. Bloodshed at Topeka. Topeka, Kan., Feb) 25.—J. W. Ad ams was fatally shot during a raid on the Curtis wholesale liquor house at midnight. A carload of beer .had been unloaded during the day and, about fif ,ty men armed with sledges aiid revolv ers broke open the. door and smashed the cases. Adams says he 'was/shot by a policeman. The Rev. F. W Em erson was also hurt but not seriously. Officer Boyles, who, was on the Noith Kansas avenue beat, was the first offi cer at the scehe of the smashing. Watchman. Connors -was close behind him. Fllgrht ot Time.- Old Med—Well, old man, how'd you tleep last night? Follow my adv.lce about counting up? New Med—Yes, indeed counted up to 18,000. Old'Med—Bully! And then you fell asleep, eh? New Med—Guess not it was morn ing by that time, and I had to get up. —Pennsylvania Punch BowL Only a Drunken Bow* Washington, »Eeib. Oommandiar Mansfield of the United States steamer Lancaster has made no re port to the navy department of the trouble that occurred at La Guira recently rbetween some of his. sailors and the. -localpopulation. This fact, affqrds the. navy .department officials* ground for the declaration that the affair' was nothing more than the usi/al/drixnkeri row which isvof ftfe quent occurrence i- when a warship makes port, and'the men are given MANCHESTER IOWA. WENDESDAV. MARCH 0, 4 °ld, old men, yet we plne'again for that precious grace—God save ns. So ye dream and dream of the good old times, Aad our hearts grow tenderer, fonder, Aslhose dear old dreams bring soothing gleams Of heaven sway off 'yonder. —Eugene Field. Culian dinner I. signed, Havana, Feb. J.'i—tiig uuDnn con stitution In its llnal form, (iff being passed upon by the committee of phraseology, lias been read and signed. All the delegates were .present except Seuor Llorenet. Two ui/.nuscvlpt cop les Were miule l.uth or which jvere signed. One of these, which will be sent to Washington.- was delivered to •Governor GeneraJ Wood Immediately after the itieeting. The other, copy will be placed among the archives In Ha vani|.. Salvador Clsueros. ex-presldent .of Cuba, refused to sisji the Washing toil Copy on tlie ground that Cuba is. mrlmU'p rail cut .country. 0 Slaves to the tyrant fashion. 1 There are no gtrlj like the good old girls— Against the world I'd stake 'em— As buxom and smart and clean of heart AS the Lord knew How to make 'em. They were rich in spirit and common —, A'piety all supportiu They cuuld bake and brew and had taught school, too* THE RIGHT THING TO PUT ON. (Bmon't Pinter It Pain's Master.) From the natural impulse to "put some* £hing on" a painful spot all applications", for the relief of pain have arisen. The most successful have ever been poul-n Uees or plasters, and the best of these is! Benson's Porous Plaster.* No .othar-Jhas anything like the same„ power as tipx&tive agent it is highly and* scientifloaUg&nedicated, and its standard is advahoedi$ear by year. Use Bengals Plaster for coughs, colds, chest diseastfc rheumatism, grip, neuralgia, kidney trouble, lame back, and other ail ments that S(ake Winter a season of suffer-4 fog- and danger. It relieves and cures quicker thant any other remedy. Do not aotept Oapsictun, Strengthening or Belladonna plasters in place of Benson's, •frtbey posrtis none of its curative power. Insist on having the genuine. Tha pMplr pt every civilised land have to -the superlative' merit twtlfled for of Benson's and drnggisi. them worthy! Gregg & Ward. .' 220 Acre Parm For Bent. Near the north west corner of Honey Greek township, Delaware'County, Iowa. Enquire' of Wm & Geo Barr. Dealers in. live stock and grain at Manchester, lowo. stf 1 iters and 5,000 physiolans )f this country have d«olared pnblio confidence. npariso&s with others, Ben. have been honored with' awards. druggists, .or we willpn- Inofficial son's Piasi '•five hlgl 'or sale by] pay postage on any number ordered in the United1 StktM on the reoelpt ot SGo each. Accept no imitation or subMitute: Seabury A Johnson, Ulg. Chemists, K.Y. Uavid City, Neb., .April 1,1900. Genessee P«re Food Co., LeRoy, N. Y.: Gentlemeo:—I must say in regard to Orain-O that there is nothing better or healthier. We 'uave used 'it for years. is a great coffee'drinker, sick and the ^doctor said cause of it, and told ns My brothel He was tal coffeewas to use Gl did hot ii not be well ever- O. We got a package but at first, but now would it. My. brother has been we started to use it Yours Truly, liillte Sochor. »K3 TO WA8HIXOTO», D. O. •dentlal inaueuratloa Ceremonies IB. O.. March4tathSD. c.iBv Si '1 round trip ttcMetf {ran all tla '4 BIKOLR FAUK plus $2.00. kiulara relative to ratea, dates of any agent ot tfee "Cedar Bsplds Washington,' D. C. Genessee Pure Food3o., CeRoy, N. Y.: Gentlemen:—Our family realize BO much from the use of Gibin-O. that I feel I must say a word to Induce others tonseit. If peppte are Interested in their health abd the'Welfare of .their 'children they will use no other bever i. I have used them all, but Grain-O ave found superior to any, for the reason that it is eolid grain.' Youra for health, O. P. Meyers. Cockerels, fHJ Come to head quarters (or Bard Plymoth Rock ...—•- ono mile south east of Manchester. Ben]. Brown. Horses Wanted. A few be souni place on sdtf T. w. Bobiksok One are Plus $2. There are still some good lands in northwest ern Iowa, southwestern Minnesota and South Dakota, and if you are expecttDg fromake a change in location, you should take advantage of the low exourslon rates In effect. On the first and third Tuesday of each month 'excursion tickets, bearing 21 days' limit, can'be purchased to all points on the Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern Railway, north of and Including Ab bott, Shell Roek and Waverly at ONE If ARK plus It. Full information relative to there lands will be cheerfully given upon application to Messrs. be cneerntUy gtvea upon application to Messrs. llten & Brooks, our Industrial and Immigration Agents, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. If you are thinking of making a trip, tor any point ln Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Brltlsn Columbia, Canadian Northwest, Colorado, FIon Ida, Geoigla, Idaho, Indian Territory, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Manitoba, Min nesota, Michigan, Missouri, 'Mississippi, Mon tana, New Mexico, Nebraska, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon SonthDakota South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vir ginia, Washington, Wisconsin*and Northern Michigan and Wyoming, .call on agents of the "Cedar Rapids Route" for rates, etc.. or address JOHN G. P'ABMEB, A. G. P. & T. A., B„ C.'tt, & N. Ky. &-21w Cedar Rapids, la. Compound VaDor and Sharii ooo Baths* itost all dls- BATHS eases, are caused by poisonous seo retlons, which clog the wheels clog the whei of NATURE. The. name and the symptoms may be different but tho cause ot disease can us ually be traced Vapor and .Shampoo. to the.imperiect action ot the millions of pores of the human body. A bath in accordance with scientific require-, ments is the best preventative and remedy known. The methods employ ed by me are the most scientific ever invented or discovered, for dispelling disease. Results tell the story. Give me a trial. This is the Conant system of bathB. A competent lady attendant in charge of the ladiesdepartmeht. Office and bath rooma on Franklin street, opposite Glpbe Hotel J0« Q. D. QATC3. Like bad dollars, all counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch' Hazel Salve are worth less. The original quickly cures^pllee, sores and all skin diseases—Smlth Bros. In order ttatt tbe system bt Oiteopathlo treat ment may neoeme more generally known to the. tulbllo, 1-wUIglre reduced rate, lor treanunt rtnrlnK tlie Drit three months of the sew' Cen tury. ExamlnaUons free. 1 _» J. H.McOKB,. stc ouedpatta. Genessee Pure Food Co., LeRoy, N. Y.: Dear Sirs:—Some dayB since a pack am of your Groin-0 preparation was left at my'oQice. I took it home and gave it a trial, and have to say I was very much pleased with it as a substi tute for coffee.., We have always used the beet Java and Mocha in our familv, but I am free to say I like the Grain 0 as well as the best coffee 1 ever drank. Respectfully Toms, A. G. Jackson, M. D. FARM FOR RENT, Farm of 400 acres, good buildings, plenty of water and a splendid stock farm for terra of years atreasonable rcu. JOS. HUTCHINSON Ibave 4 Bucks For Sale. 'Ive choice grade Lincoln and £otswold bucks for sale., Inquire at Bradley farm In Coffins Grove twp. tf. 1110 Aere Farsi For Sale. We are scents for the sale of thaO. A. Underwood farm of 120 acres, situated abouts miles north east, of Manchester. There is a bargain tor soma purchaser in this property*. notifljd soon place will be for rent. Baoirsoir &CarbT"the BARGAIN IN RESIDENCE PROPERTY A house and lot in one of the best.resident portions of flty of Hanehester for sale cheap and on easy terns. Good dwelling, barn, etc. Enquire at DEMOCRAT OFFICE. For growing colts RavenV Stock Food purifies the blood, regulates the kidneys, cures scours and exterminates worms. It cures colds^coughe, dfstem er, piok-eye and besvee in horses. It good for overworked horses and old horses, and prevents-mares from drop ping their colts .prematurely. It gives good appetite and fine spirits, makes bone and muscle .and. glossy coats. For sale by W. A. Abbott, Drugs, Man Chester, Iowa. 31wt Hutchinson 4 Hv Colouado, Utah, Calipou W ashinqtonand O bf.gon. StiLlaKeach Tuesday thereafter )^. Marcli and ABrtji very^low, bT6T^1Tn'.~h5I'" polnti ln al territory. For full particulars call on or address JNO. i. PARMKB, A. (5. P. Si T. 'A..' 6-12W B., C. B, & N. Ky., Cedar Rapids, la. Maud—Is 5 and 30 too old to hope for improvement? I should say not. One just begins to live. Take ltocky Mount ain Tea. You'll be blooming fair at 60, Breeder of Thoroughbred Shorthorn Cattle. Dealer in Drugs, Stationery, Etc. RYAN IOWA M. F. LEROY Prest. H.A. GRANGER Casbler. H, A. VON OVEN- Asst. Cashier A. II. BLAKE, lat. V. President. H. O. HAKBEBLE, Sod. V. President, First Na tonal 1 BANK. .' MANCHESTER. IOWA. CAPITAL. $50,000 General ?&£ Banking Business B. K. Robinson. E. M. Carr, H. A, Granger. H. A. von Of en, L. L.Hoyt. VOL. XXV1I--NO. 10. Goshen, III. list a. word Agent. BARGAIN RESIDEXOK l»R«l»R|{TV A.hoqse. and lot in one of th* bMt resident portions Cf-'citv of llniirhenter for Mile rheHii and on easy^term*. Good dulling, 1mm. etr. BUQ^ire at DEllOCKAT OFFICK. POR RALE, li ddslrable Shorthorn bulls for sale, fi CO IS mobths old *wi be »een nt my farm one mile north of Manrbestrr. 46 .. At Residence.Properties for Pnle. ^Soveralflne residences in desirable portion of the City o» Manchester for. Bale ch«*up. En quire at tne 'OfBoe of Manchester Democrat. Transacted. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT.. M. F. LcRoy, M. Beehler, A. H. Blake, H. C. Haeberle, First National Bank, Dubuque, lowa. Central National Bank New York City. Commercial National Bank. Chicago. Ills. WM. C. CAWLE1 CHA9. J. SEEDS, President. Cashier. R. W. TIRRItL, C. W. KEAGY, Vice President. Asst. Cashier. DELAWARE COUNTY State Bank CAPITAL $60,000 —DIRMOTOR8— Wm. C. Cawley. 7H. F. Arnold. W.G.Kenyon. R. W. Tirrill. Edward F. seeds. G. W. Dunham, Chas. J. Seeds. M. H. WiUlston 0. W. Keagy. INTEREST PAID an Tim* DepesIU. prompt attention given to all business. Pas« uengertlcketafromandtoallpartsofEurope dir«ct' to Manchester, tor sale. .°N" Time Mortqage T.oans Bought and Sold. bflFETY DEPOSIT BOXES For the storage of valuable papers, ele. lor rent. or Henrv Hutchinson KutchiMOi's ^sliding. Manchester, lews. CAPITAL. $70,000 JOBXFB HUTOHIKBON, Oaahier. COLLECTIONS gxcimptay. DEPOSITS on Time, Interest AI- lowef and other deposits received. irts. via Cunard or AUep or White ports, via Ounard Bteatnsblp Unes. to those young1 people $' 4 It I JOSEPH HUTCHINSON Manchester.Iowa WM:- DONNELLY. M. D. Physician and Surgeon, -V i^opnetor or tne ..' Ryan Drug Store. A. D. BPOWN, Npwis your chance to get a good watch while ladies' iMMMMMtlMMMNNNINUMNIMNNM GOGDCLASS Make,' guar anteed throughout. Don't miss seeing them they are or be at or A SAVORY AROMA that is an appetizer, as well as a tickler of the palate, arkes from the rich and nourishing soups that ate mad6 for the edification of the epi cure and will suit the pocketbook ol {he economical Our fine canned soups, as well as our choice canned goods of all descriptions, are of the best brands, and all of recent can ning, fresh, nourishing and palatable. ®l)e fOemctot RATES OP APVRTt»MfrC. SPAGB. One lnotu... Two inches Three Inches. Four Inches.. Five Inehes., about to begin housekeeping. 3M l? 14 60 $iir.o 510 *1 vrm je co 12 in 19 0# It 00 SB SO •an a) 80 WO for* Column. Column.... no Column 18 00 W 90 40 IS 36 W KJ Vjo 0 SO 00 H) Ml r« .^^^JwtSemSoMopuerea tfuconttoeri*/tto mSinWriS2nofoo,n,ract w,n b0 ebarxed oording to above scale. peryear88 carda' not exceedl&& si* lines, *8A 1611 centa per Hne for the ttHx ^SZtiSSintSi™cent8 por 11,10for0,c, When buying your lurniture LOOK OVER OUR STOCK. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY EVERYTHING IN OUR STOCK is strictly in the style v. up-to-date, and rich in appearance. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. Furniture ]Vlap. are going at a very low price. For the month of Felwuary will discount my Prices 25 and 10 per cfent. •••••••••••, FARWELLI• I I the JEWELER IMMMUH former Low AND SEE] Those lovely pieces ol Silverware going at cost. Bed Rock prices on everything in my line. THE .JEWELER •••••••I tf Give you! Suits for YOUNG MEN and BOYS, all pure wool, consisting of WORSTEDS, CHEVIOTS, CASSI MERE8, each and every .. garment of the famous ti%K $c .OOi PETERSON BROS ,r ii 8