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V: ill fr1OFPICIAL v. -4 IJ Htfa Wtmjxtat &'. '4 1902 JULY (902 Su. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa. i,'f" The Chicago Chronicle says: "Gov. Cammlns of Iowa Is one of the best authorities in that state upon forestry. He has mastered the subject thoroughly, having originally taken it up some years ago as an amusement and having •luck to it ever since." Hazel Harrison, a colored girl of La Porte, Ind., is said to display marvel lous gifts as a pianist. A wealthy Chi cago woman has become Interested In her, and offered to urnlBh the girl with money sufficient to enable her to spend aeveral years In Europe under the In structional musical masters. •r 'i%hy PAP1R OF OOUNTV AND CITY. WEDNESDAY, JXHJTSO, 1902, est swindles, successful because it Is so simple, is being worked on the farmers of Benton county and the whirlwind of regret is now in the height of harvest. The swindler relies entirely upon the credulity of the victim and the well known fact that one who has been bit ten is not inclined to make himself a laughing '*•5^ I Btock •. -:f. /V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II •12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20j 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Waterloo had a #75,000Are last Satur day night. Loss fully covered by In-1 aurance. A. M. Rothschilds, until recently the head of one of Chicago's largest depart ment jtoreB, committed suicide Mon day. Outlaw Tracey has disappeared en tirely from the public view. Perhaps he has joined Patrick Crowe in his se clusion. Besides this the board of con- k' trol sent 3 state patients there who were •, ^inebriates. The courts sent 5 to theI hospital, 2 for one year each, and 3 for pi six monthB each. This was under the pltal July 1. r? ,, •#, The Traveling Doctors "?." ,ji The Chicago doctor who, for th§ seconiftlifiB Witliln tM past three y6are? worked several localities in this county to atfrtshtffew'i&imtbS'ag&j completed "doing" Bepton county as we Vu-£ -?. glean from the Cedar Banids Ga-1 mvestigatu for the benefit of his neighbors. The victims, and there h»ve been a large number of them, have paid to the clever swindlers sums ranging from 875 to $150, with absolutely no re turn, and so quietly was the work done that near neighbors have been taken In on the same game, neither knowing that the other was implicated.' thlB •tfa young man disappeared and another took his place, inquiring more closely into the health conditions prevailing thereabouts and locating every invalid in the vicin ity and not forgetting to look up their financial condition. Then he, too, dis appeared and the fancy grafter made his appearance. Tne two who E thBt neither had the strength to dq the work the farm re quired." He was a famous physician pf high degree who made a specialty of such caseB hunted the country over to find them, simply because of his over whelming deBire tq be of benefit to hu manity. Personal magnetism had much to do with the success of the graft, for in al most all cases was the "doctor" success ful. He had no difficulty in making the people believe they were sick, for he chose for bis victims only those who bad been long sick add who bad giVen up hope. To these he said that local doctors did not understand the condi tions that he did, but that of course be should'be obliged to ask a reasonable compensation for bis work and time, He was working for the love be bore to bis profession and personally be would be glad to do the work for the sake of the cure which was bound to result, but such action would be against the ethics of the profession, and he was nothing if not a true and abiding member of the fraternity of healers. Once successful in making the invalid believe in his powers the rest came easily and it v^SC^IiTf'* lyj! ~/v| IStK the game state that the headquarters Jn.CM«gQ, J»everything emanating from the concern was dated Chicago. Immediately the agreement was made out the farmer or victim was asked to glve hls note for the amount, due in six months and payable to the "brother" of ,the doctor who had signed the agree ment." T)es Moines, la., July 20.—Miss Fran ces E. West, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry West, of tbis city, accompanied by Miss Maurine Campbell, also of .Des Moines, sailed Thursday from San Francisco on the Nippon Maru, of the Oriental Steamship line, for Peking, to visit Mbilster and Mrs. Conger. Miss Wist Is the young woman se lected by Secretary Shaw, while he was governor of Iowa, to christen the cruiser Des .Moines. Her departure for China, of course, annuls this pro gramme. Klearty Grip Costs Hand. i)es Moines, In.. July 24.—Captain J. N. McClaiuilian, a prominent poli tician of Corydon and ex-grand mas ter of the Masonic order of Iowa, lost his right hand from the effects of a handshake with a friend whom he had not met for a number of years. The meeting between the two took place several months ago, and the grip re ceived by his friend was so hard that several of the small bones were bro ken and afterward caused a cancerous growth. The operation has just been performed. Lutheran Mutual Aid Society. Dubuque, la.,. July 25.r—The trien nial convention of the Mutual Aid so ciety of the Iowa Lutheran synod closed yesterday. Delegates were pres ent from Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Mis souri, Wisconsin. Nebraska, theDakotas, Minnesota and Iowa. Officers were elected as follows: President, Rev. O, Kranshaar, Clinton vice president, John Sohl, Dubuque: secretary, jG. Grossman, Waverly treasurer, A. Hemmer, Iowa City. The next meet ing will be held at Oshkosh, Wis, Too Bluch Handshake, Des Moines, In., July 24.—Captain J. N. McClanahan, a prominent politi cian of Corydon and ex-grand master of'the Masonic order of Iowa, lost his right hand from the effects of a hand shake with a friend whom he had not met for a number of years. The meet ing between the two took place several months ago, and the grip received, by his friend was so hard that several of the small bones were broken and aft erward caused a cancerous growth. The report of Supt. Applegate of the state hospital at Mt. Pleasant filed with the board of control shoWB tfi«t a great Charge on Grain In Storage. many more inebriates have been cared I sioux City, Ia„ July 2S.—The Iowa for than was supposed, ^uriqg the past I feraln Dealers' association in 1 meet year there were 44—of which 6 werej women, wbo were Bent to: the hospital by boards of insanity and were entered ae insane, but who in fact were only In ebriateB. ing here lias "decided to make charges after Aug. 1 of 1 cent a bushel each monih upon ail grain stored In eleva tors by growers awaiting future sale and shipment. The charge does not begin until after, fifteen days of free storage. The custom In the past by Iowa elevators has been to hold grain in storage free of charge. President Beardshear Dying-. Ames, la., July 20.—No hope is en- "vwold law, Of the inebriates the Bup$r-1 tertalncd for the recovery of President im I nonnlchon^ nf. tlia Iftwn' otnfo rnllfxro intendent discharged 21 as cured, 6 werej taken out tiy order of court, 3 escaped! 0 and 3 died. There were 26 in tile hos- Beardshear of the Iowa state college. DropBlcal -couditlons are evident, and the internal organs are almost con gested with blood, owing to the wea(c action of tho heart Oxygen has been administered since Saturday last to sustain life. His daughters have been summoned from Denver. Ikidtutry Snfltora. Keokuk, la., July 28.—William Ball inger, president of the Keokuk Can llHliSiiljRliimytOjMWMhe-lergest pickle packers In the United States, has been investigating the damage to that in tbe^raeeut floods. In an In- .. said.? "Th'e dostrurtlon was sufficient to make it probable that high prices will prevail In cucumbers for another year." Gen. King Win Be Freient. Council Bluffs, la., July 24.—Briga dier General Charles King has form ally notified the local committee that be will surely be In attendance on the third annual reunion of the Na tional Society of the Army cf the Philippines, which Is to be held in this city Aug. 18,14 and 15. Iowa llegatta Abandoned, •.. Des 'Moines, Ia„ July 24,—Tlie an nual regatta of the Iowa Oarsmen's association, which was to have been held at Clear lake beginning Tuesday, has been abandoned because of high water and other unfavorable condl tions. (.*r^mer" In December, when tftl {he country folk were comfortably' iipendlbg the days within doors, there came a dapper| ^Cartln' Burns won bis wrestling young man to Watkins. He hired a livery team and Bpent several days look ing up the location of invalids among the farming community. He had an engaging way about him and the trou bles of the family were not long held from him. In a few days Darns Bests Wittmer. Davenport, la., July 28.—^"Farmer" match with Charles Wittmer, of Cin cinnati, yesterday afternoon. Burns won twofalls catch-as-catch-can,Witt mer winning the first fall, Graeco-Bo man. Hli Girl Went Back on Him. Clarlnda, la., July 28.—Harry Faber, traveling for a Keokuk firm, shot and killed lilmself Saturday because his sweetheart had jilted him. Torn bits of letter and the revolver were by his side. The girl lives in Texas. Reese to l(un for Congress. Oskaloosa, la., July 25.—John P. Reese, of Albia, Monroe county, was nominated in this city yesterday aft ernoon by the Democrats of the Sixth Congressional district In opposition to •John F. Lacey for congress. hBd gone before were as nothing compared with the "doctor." He it was who wore the big diamonds, talked In a low, deep voice, had the hypnotic stare in fact, was the successful medlcBl "grafter.' His plans had been carefully laid be fore be Reached the point of action, Every family he knew. To the man of the bouse he "had heard from a sym pathetic neighbor that the wife was an Invalid that the husband, too, was in failing health and Breaking llrld&e Was Their Deatb. Sioux City, la., July 20.—While Or rln and Charles Johnson, brothers, were crossing 11 bridge with a traction engine near here the bridge broke and they were scalded' to death. Track Layers Go on Strike. Burlington, la., July 2G.—A strike of track layers on the Iowa and St. Louis railroad has gone into effect at Center VJlle, la. The strikers demand short er hours for the same pay. Oreat Damage by Wind lu England. London, July 28.—The gale which prevailed in England Saturday caused great destruction to crops throughout the United Kingdom. Boer Leader in Indiana. littPorte, Ind., July 24.—Comandant J. do ViUJers, confidential adviser to President Steyn of the Orange Free State, is here spending a week with C. M. Youug of Danville, Ills., who has a summer cottage at Pine lake. De Villlers was recently released from imprisonmeut on Darren's island. He stated in an interview that hundreds of Boer families would locate in this country, N WBB only a matter of bow much money the victim was willing to part with, No one has yet been able to discover the California and Illinois State Medical and Surgical Institute, and no address is given on the agreement, which is the only thing the victim haB in considera tion for the note that he is obliged to to ^pi'ount,,n»med dn th$ ^iie fleaced by These Boers are numbered apong the irreconclllables. Hissing Teaohers Were Murdered. Washington, July 24.—The war de partment has received a cablegram re? garding the school teachers who have' 'been mlssng from Cebu since June 10. The cable says that John E. Wells, 209 Montgomery avenue, Providence, R. I. his cousin Louis A. Thomas, same address Ernst Heger, 1413 Vine street, Cincinnati Clyde A. France, Berea, O., were murdered by padrones. The bodies have been recovered, the leader of the murderers killed, and eight Mhers^ captured Did it in-Self-Defense, She gays. Kokomo, Ind., July 28.—Albert Mil ton, pugilist who was shot three weeks ago, died Saturday of the wounds. His Btep-daughter, GUILTY OF CONTEMPT Judge Jackson, at Parkersburg, W. Va„ Deals a Crushing Blow to Strikers. SEVEN ORGANIZERS SENTENCED 1 MM th Myrtle Smith, has been arrested, charged with tb? killing. She pleads self-defense. Typboou in li^zon Subsiding. Manila, July 28.—The typhoon which prevailed over central Luzon Is subsid ing. Telegraph and telephone wires are prpstrflted* Floods have prevailed in central' Ltizdn and considerable Jones May Get a Fine— Strike Lenders Denounced as Trouble Makers. Indianapolis, July 28.—The United Mine Workers may try to obtain the Impeachment of Federal J\ulj Jack son of West Virginia, who restraint'd them from holding meetings to induce men to quit work, and imprisoned a number of the organizers for violating an injunction. The plan of action Is not definitely outlined, but it is proba ble that the impeachment proceedings will be begun soon. If Judge Jackson, after a final hearing, refuses to dis solve the injunction. Parkersburg, W. Va., July 25.—Aft excoriating "Mother" Jones, the angel" of the striking minors, aiul bit terly denouncing labor agitators. Jurfgt Jackson of the United States district court sentenced seven organizers of the United Mine Workers' association to jail for contempt of his injunction of June 19, as follows: Thomas Haggerty, ninety days in jail William Morgan, Bernard ltice, Peter Wilson, William Blakcly, George Bacon, Thomas Laskavlsli, six ty days each. The cases of Albert Re pake, Joseph and George Roeski and Steve Toenike, Hungarians, who do not understand English, were passed until the afternoon session, in order that in terpreters may be present. Mother" Jones* turn will come la tcr. It is said she will receive a stifT tine and will not be jailed. The court room was filled with an intensely ex cited crowd of miners and officials of labor unions. Judge Jackson's hugo frame shook with emotion as he dra matically emphasized portions of his decision. Attacks on Union Methods. The judge's decision was prefaced by the bitterest attack" ever made on union methods. It goes even further than Judge Jenkins' famous order, or the decision of Judge Kolilsaat forbid ding pickets speaking to workmen, The miners agree that this is the most effective blow that could be struck against the men's cause in their at tempt to get out the 12,000 miners ip the Fairmont coal field. In my long experience on the bench," said Judge Jackson, "I can not recall a single occasion where any court, either federal or state, ever abused the writ of Injunction in what is known as strike cases." The court then went on to charge •'Mother" Jones and tho others were In a conspiracy to get the miners to quit work. He said: "Where a con spiracy exists to control the employes, as In this case, either by threats, in timidation, or a resort to any other mode usually accompanying the action of strikers, such action on their part is not onlv Illegal, but a malicious and 11 legal interference with the employers' business These defendants." he con tinued, "are known as professional agi? tators, organizers, and walking dele gates. They have nothing in common with the people who are employed In tho mines of the Clarksburg Fuel com pany. Calls Them Trouble Makers. "Their mission is to foment trouble. Tho strong arm of the court is in voked, not to suppress free speech, but to restrain these defendants, whose only purpose is to bring about strikes by trying to coerce people who are not dissatisfied with the terms of their em ployment" Judge Jackson said the utterances of "Mother" Jones In her address near the Pinnlcklnnick mines June 20 should not emanate from a citizen of this country. "Such utterances," lie remarked, "are the outgrowth Qf the sentiments of those who believe in communism and anarchy." It was the abuse of free speech, according to the Jurist, that Inspired the anarchists and assassin to take the life of our late be loved president. The Judge then reviewed the speech of "Mother" Jones, in which she is re ported to have called the miners slaves and cowards said she did not care anything for injunctions—that if ar rested the jails would not hold the agi tators who came to take their places, and advised the men to strike, winding up by calling the judge a hireling of the coal company. Scores •'Mother" Juno*. "It is true," Baid the court, "Moth er" Jones denies some of these state ments, but her denial is equivocal." For being present, taking an active part and applauding the speaker, the seven defendants were held to be also guilty of contempt. The court took a rap at modem wom en in criticising the principal defend* ant. "It seems to me," he said, "that it would have been far better for her to follow the linos and paths which the. All-Wise Being intended her sex should pursue. There are many charities in life which are open to her, in which she could contribute largely to man kind in distress, as well as a vocation and pursuit that she could engage in pf a lawful character, that would be more in keeping with what we have been taught, and what experience has shown to be the true sphere of wom anhood." Mitchell on (he Dcclttlon. Chicago, July 25.—President John Mitchell of the United Mine Workers Of America said that Judge Jackson's decision would be laid before President Roosevelt ijt once with protests and that the president would be asked to Intercede in behalf of American citi zenship. The eases will be carried to I the Till lied State* wiiii-onie court. Pros- ident Mitchell wild .the decision linper- lied the rights* of all pourts. America]):- in the CONTRIBUTIONS FOU STRIKERS 91oney In Pouring Into Mlnlug Headquar ters at IndiuiiiipollH. Indianapolis. .Inly 25.—The contri« buttons to the mine workers defense fund for the anthracite strike, in less than one week, have readied $123,000, exclusive of the assessment of the men. Including the check for $nu,000 from the Illinois miners the subscrip tion for Wednesday alone was $58, 000. The iirst week's assessment of the bi tuminous districts Is now due, and it Is expected that $40,000 or $ri0,u00 a day will begin pouring into headquar ters from this source by Saturday. A local at Coal City has sent $400 as its first week's assessment. The locals have been urged to remit promptly. The national headquarters in charge of Secretary Wilson will be the clear ing house through which the immense fund will be distributed. Including the Assessment of the men, the Iirst week's contribution will be hi the neighbor hood of $400,000. •L Coal Mine IlcMiines ITnoxpoctodly. Tamaqun, Pn., July 25.—The Lehigh Coal and Navigation company has re sumed operations at Its No. 12 3TW0 Si£"f$fr f» 1 %^rfiv* HgBIOTOUS DAYS IN PARIS Sfany Injured and Hundreds Arretted During Disturbances Over tHoitag of Beliiriou* Stshobli Paris, July 28.—Many persons In jured, ten of them seriously and hun dreds arrested are the net results of the street disturbances in which both clerical aiid anti-clerical demonstra tions brought about by the closing of Unauthorized religious schools, were made. There were great crowds on the bouevards throughout the evening in expectation of further rioting. A large procession of students shouting and singing was dispersed by the police and attempted reg-flag demonstrations at the Strasburg statue also were also broken up. Quiet was restored at midnight. Venice, July 28.—Rioting In various parts of this city lias followed the suc cess of the clerico-moderates in the communal elections. A mob smaslud the windows of the Moderate club on the Piazza (5arilmldl and the members of the club retaliated by throwing chairs on the heads of the attacking crowd. Troops and the police inter fered and order was restored. A sim ilar outbreak occurred at Padua. DB. ADAMS IS DEAD nte Hlricnt of Wisconsin University Passes Away in Callforuia After Long Illness. Milwaukee, July 28.—A special to The Sentiual from Redlandg,, Gal., says: Dr. Charles Kendall Adams, aged I 07 years, formerly president of the University of Wisconsin, died Satur day from Bright's disease, after a lin gering illness. Mrs. Adams, who was exhausted by her months of care of I her husband, is prostrated by his death. Dr. Adams had been ailng for several years. While president of the University of I Wisconsin he was granted a long leave of absence, going to Europe, where he seemed to recuperate. Shortly after re turning to his work at the university, about a year ago. the ailment soon told upon ids system, and at the end of a few months lie resigned and came to California. The end came painlessly, and was the result of a relapse similar to many which had occurred during the past week. Diamond Theft Cleared Up. Chicago, July 28.—With the confes sion of James Williams, alias "Dude" Williams, at detective headquarters, a mysterious Jackson, Mich., diamond robbery that has puzzled the police of that city since April 20, was made clear. The prisoner was arrested in Minneapolis and, in custody of Detec tive Tobin of Jackson, will be taken to the Michigan town. Two charges of robbery nre against him. The dia monds were valued at $2,000. »They were taken from the home of Henry Ilayden, police commissioner of Jack sou, while Mr. Hayden and his family were out driving. Drowned While Boating. Fort Wayne, Ind.. July 28.—William Nlll, HKed 24, wus drowned nt Roblson I'jirk In the St. Joseph river nt 3 o'clock in the nfternoon, and Philip I.ule.v of Fort Wayne and Miss Flor enee Wells and Miss Vcrnn Gross, ex cursionists from Hartford City, had narrow escapes, lielnj? rescued by Ar thur NaKie and Charles Bossier of Fort Wayne, who were nearby In skiff. The (Oris were taken to the city hos pital. The accident was due to the sudden upsetting of a skiff. Corn Crop Is Knormoiw. Topeka, Kail., July 28.—Henvy rains are falling over Kansas, and 'grain men, farmers, and tlip railroads look forward to a crop pf 200,000,000 \)ush eis of corn. This Is an enormous frop for one state to raise, but wlieii co\ipied with Nebraska and Oklahoma the to tal yield seems Incredible. Represen tatives of tile Chicago boni'd of tfade who have traversed those three Btntea say that the total yield of cpfn in the territory mentioned would exceed 500, 000,000 bushels. jiather ltaujtit on tli. sult.n. Manila, July 25.—Captain John J. Pershing, of the Fifteenth cavalry, who is in command of the Mindanao expedition, lins arrested the sultan of Binndaynn as a hostage for the deliv ery to lilm of the Moros who on June 22 attacked two United States soldiers. One of the men wanted has been dfe llvered, but another has fortified trim self and defies the sultan. itivuls In a Fatal Fight. mine, Portland, Ore., July 28.—Two rivals for the hand of young woman en gaged in a futal tight with hare I knuckles In an unfrequented part of this city. A blow in the stomacli end ed the life of Frank Carlson. His an tagonist was George Baldwin. Each was 19 years old. ltev. Stephen I., Baldwlii Dead. New York, July 28.—The Kev. Dr. Stephen L. Baldwin, recording secre tary of the Missionary society of the Methodist Episcopal church, is dead In Brooklyn of typhoid fever. He waa 07 years of age. Latoxt Kauri from Baytl. Paris. .1 lily 2S.—A dispatch from Cape Ilaytlen announces tuat tli troops who support M. Flrmln for the presidency ure inarching to Cape Hay tien. St. Raphael is surrounded, and Qrande Itivicie is threatened. The troops from l'ort jiu Prince ht(v! been beaten at Archahale. Naval Fight l^tit^tna. Colon, July 2".—Another, naval bat tle occurred near X'anaiua It is report ed that the fAuvertiuient vtWels were victorious. The gov^nuifnt gunboat Boyaca lias returned to Punuuia. It will go to sea shortly. iiie United States gunboat Machias has started'for Haytl. 'j® v'i ••-^«,'vA?1. V^|a S *^1 rJ$S *$''•*( FITI NflW A HAS BEEN Cornishman Meets Final Defeat in the Ring at the Hartds of Jeffries. EIGHTH BOUND DOES THE TRI0K Fight Ail Bob's Way Till He Catches Two Lefts, Ban Francisco, July 26.—After flglit iug a battle of eight rounds that was fraught with brilliant and courageous work Robert Fitzslmmons last night forfeited his last claim to the heavy weight championship. He was knocked to the floor by James Jeffries and counted out after he had so badly WOBTX IIBFT. punished the champion that it wits a foregone conclusion among the specta tors that the Cornishman must win. Bleeding from number of gashes in the face, apparently weakening, and plearly unable to cope with FUZKIIII. moos' superior skill, Jeffries delivered two lucky punches as Fltsssimmona paused in his fighting to speak to him, and turned the tide, Sfltlv It for FltMlmmon.. ifhe battle was brief, but notewor- thy, and will live in pugilistic his tory. 'I will never fight again," said the battle-scarred veteran of the ring, when he had sufficiently recovered to talk. "The flght was won fairly, and to the best TPAQ belongs the laurels." ''YOV are the most dangerous man alive," said Jeffries in return, "and I consider myself lucky to have won when I did." Fitzslmmons had been fighting at a furious gait, cool and deliberate, and chopping the champion to pieces with the terrific rights and lefts that have made him famous. It was the draught horse and the racer from the tap pf the gong. When the men came togeth er Fltz appeared rather worried, but upon the opening of the first round' he assumed an air of absolute .confidence, find fought with the deUperatioiji of the general that he is. As'early"asHhe second round Fltz had Jeff bleWltag profusely from mouth ^nd nose. Caught Off Hlk 'Xiuard. Jn the eighth round, trader a .serj^s pf hot exchanges, tt.^lmmohs paused With bis guard dowtj a&l spoke to the Champion,* The tatter's reply consisted pf trip two terrific blows tbttt brought hack ten him the .Qeetlhg^hamjiionship, aad forever removed the veterfltfTitz simmons from the fistic arena, One was ta the stomach and the pther iq the jaw, and Fitz siHimon® went down on his back. He i^me up slowly, but before he could I get upon both feet the referee counted I ten. and the fight was over. Fitzslmmons took his defeat with amazing good cheer. He walked to the center of the ring and, raising his hand, addressed the multitude. "The best man has won. Had I beaten Jeffries tonight I would have conceded him the championship and forever retired. I retire just the Bome now, but without having accomplished my ambition. I am satisfied." HEAVY SHIPMENTS OF C0HN Vndn Fmnn of Recent Squeeze Chica go Send* 4,100,000 Bushels Down the Lakes. Chicago, July 28.—During the pres ent month, under the pressure of the corn corner, Chicago lias sent over 4,-, 100,000 bushels of corn down the lakes, ^he. figures represent the cargoes of pyer seventy craft Over 2,500,000 bushels have been shipped since the famous "settlement day" of the corn ^llque. With the departure of the steamer Miitich Chunk, carrying the biggest grain cargo of the season, 210, 000 bushels, loaded at South Chicago, the activity in the city's elevators (eased, and indications are that the rush of the yellow cereal jvill soon end. Puffalp has been the unloading port fpr. fflx ti|»e greater part of the ship ments, though Qolllngwood and Depot Harbor have caught a number of large cargoes, which have been forwarded pver Canadian railroads, only to re eater the United States and be shipped to Europe. 1 Train Thug* Make It l»*y. Ej i.11S0 Tox„ juiv 24.—A lm!li M( ,xie0| Clilliua- (llK1)ntcll reI)ort8 tlie rob ber.v oi the AVells-Fargo express enr on liie north-bound Mexican Central Tuesday morning of $Ttf,000. Three citizens of ihe United States are said to have held up the messenger and looted the safe. The robbery occurred near lierniejillo. The bandits escaped, but rurales are iu pursuit. l'luiuhera Blunt Show Cause* Newark, N. J., July 2-1.—Vice Clinu cellor Kmery yesterdiiy grunted rule to show cause, returnable 011 Tuesday next, why an Injunction Khoulil not lie Issued restraining Journeymen Humlicr.s- union No. 24 aud Walking Delegate llynn from Interfering with the business of Charles F. McUuire, a master plumber. l.liifiiinu llaa a Fntul F«H. Hamilton, O., July lio.—John Burns of Chicago, who came to Hamilton tlir-e weeks ago as superintendent of construction for the Hamilton Home Telephone company, fell thirty feet to Ills death from a pole at Jericho, near Hamilton. Votoran Slioirmiin'* Home Ilurn.. New 01k, July 28.—The large col onial mansion of John J. Drake, one of the pioneer showmen of the United States at Uyc, N. y„ |,as been de stroyed by tire, together with Its entire contents, which consisted of curios Of from {jjl parts of the world aud many gifts ff-m European potentates. Mr. Drake, who Is 80 years old, had occu pied the mansion half a century. He vas rescued by means of a ladder. Eva Healy of Syracuse, niece of Mr.' Drake's housekeeper, who was rescued one of the largest colllerles-in the re gion. The more of the company was unexpected. This Is the first large col liery to resume. So far the striking men have made no effort to close down the place. It lsJrelleved other compan les will now malujan i^Cort to mine binning building, died fhort ly after wnt-d from suffocation. «JK Chicago, July FORESTVILLE. Mr. ami Mrs. Henry Bron6on and ue,ce- Zoa, One Is In the Stomach and the Other Carnical, last week. in the Jaw and He "ms Down and Is Counted Out for Keeps. STATE OF ORIGINAL NOTICE. STATE OF IOWA, DR. E. R. PERKINS. Specialist *%*v •1 •.». i. .. 2.".—I'ricts for both cash and July oats soared ftkyward again.' reaching tho new record pricc of 70 celits. This price is only 1 cent under the panic pikes of lSTi and 18G7. Two ilumtrcl l)i"-,»n«!il at lion}- Kong*. Hong Kong, July 21.--A native steamer has capsized in the West rh and 200 persons have been drowned. "le nnnota nr Vfi and ro ft I I guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Clark,SunCnti.Mn»lr day. Hazel Simpson was the guest of Ethel Peter ltosenkrame has been working for biB Eon, Albert lloseukrame. Mr. and Mrs. S. Tony and Mrs. .Ed munds and two Bons, of Manchester, Mr. and Mrs. May and Mr. and Mrs. A. 1'elly and daughter, are camping in the store building. Mr. John King and W. i'elly, of Strawberry l'oint, drove to Dundee, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Adams were shopping in Lamont, Saturday. Mrs. Minnie Nelson and Mrs. Joe Edmunds drove to Strawberry Point, Monday. Mrs. Chas. Armstrong visited her mother, Mrs. Adams, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Goldsbourough, of Dundee, called on Forestville friendB, Sunday. MrB. O. Davis called on Mr. and Urs. Ed Smith. Ed Smith was a Dubuque caller, Fri day. Armor Felly andEd Smith drove to Lamont, Saturday. Manchester Markets. HOR, perewt SO BOJM7 IOWA, OU Bteers.perowt a 5oa 4 oo Heifers, per cwt 2 co® a oo Ootts, butcher's stock, per cwt 8 00® 3 no Outters, per owt oo a oo Owners, per owt 50® 2 oo Turkeys, per tb 9 Dueks, white, per Si 5 Ducks, dark, per lb 6 Bprtnn Cbtckena 10 Chickens, per Old Hens, per lb Gorn, per bu so Tame bay 10 oo Potatoes, per bu 40^0 Butter, creamery, per lb 23 Butter, dairy, per lb 30 Em, per doz Timothy seed 3 00 Olroerieed GOO Notice of Appointment of Administrator. Delaware County—ss. Notice Is hereby KIVCD, That the umlerslg has been duly appointed and qualified as aamiu- of Delaware County, deceased. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment, and tbose having claims against the same will present them, duly au thenticated. to the undersigned for allowanco. Dated July 18th, 1903. Bromton & Carr. HENRY POPHAM, Att'ys for Estato. 3G-w3 Administrator. Republican State Convention, See Moines, Iowa, July 80th, 1902. $4.85 for the round trip via M. & O. and Chicago Great Western XI. It. Tickets on sale July 29tb and SOih, good to return August 1st. For fur ther information inquire of any Great Western Agent, or J. P. Elmer, G. P. A., Chicago, HI, 30w2 Knight* of Columbus, Put-in-Bay, 0.„ August 13-17,1002, Only one fare for the round trip via M. 4b O. and Chicago Great Western It. U.v Tickets on sale Aug. 10-13. Good to retnrn Aug. 18th. For further in formation inquire of any Great West ern Agent, or J.P. Elmer, G. P. A., Chicago, 111. 30 w4 Delaware County,—so: Anna E. Michoal, Plaintiff 1 vs. William J.Micbeal, Dofendant In Dlstrlot Court October Term, A. D. 1002. To said Defendant: You are hereby notified that there Is now on I file In tho ofiice of the Clerk of the District I Court of the.Stato of Iowa, in and for Delaware I County, a petition of Anna E. Micheal, praying I that the bonds or matrimony now existing be-1 .tween you and her be dissolved, and usklng for I the-oare and custody of lior minor children, and I for such other ana further relief as may be deemed equitable lo the premises. And that unless you appear thereto and do tend, on or before noon of the second day of tho October term, 1602, of said Court, which will commence and be held at Manchester, County, on Monday, the Gth day of October. A I J)., 1902, default will be entered against you and judgment and decree rendered as askeu for in said petition. Dated this aQlh day of July, 1902. DltONBON & CAKR. ai-w* Attorneys for Plaintiff. CHEAP—Residence Property in this ciiy Enquire of Bronson ft Carr. Notice of First Meeting of Creditors.. Co,u'*of Better and More Clever than Ever. Years of experience with Kreat crowds of patients every day, at the hotels alonR my route is what does the business, none too difficult, no matter what shapo they are In. I rarely every miss a tooth or root-no after effects gums get well In three or four days—no dancer from anv* cause—methods almost absolutely perfect. See hand bills or write for booKlet giving testi monials and references, and plan of giving away our Big Automobile. HOTEL CLARENCE, SATURDAY, AUO. pTH. DES MOINES OFFICE, Ms at tWWwwj 610 WALNUT ST. »*O*0*0*O40WQ«0*0«0*0»O4O*04O*O4O4O*O*O*0*O*oJf •seeeeeeeews All The New forenoe: IT MAY HE THE MEANS OP SAV ING YOU MONEY ON the United states for the Northern District of Iowa. In Bankruptcy. In the Matter of Frank B.") Dickey aud Alexander E. Duiuap, oo-partners under In Bankruptcy, the firm name of Frank B. Diokey Sc Co., Bankrupts, To the oreditors of Frank B. Dickey and Alex ander E. Dunlap, and the Arm of Frank B. DlcKey & Co., of Bazel Green, In tho county of Delaware, and district aforesaid, bankrupts: Notice is hereby given that on the 23rd day of July, A. D„ m, tho said Frank B. Dickey and Alexander E. Duolap,and the firm of Frank H, "iekoy&Co. were duly adjudged bankrupts and the first meeting of their creditors will be held at the Court Ilouse in Manchester, In Dela« ware County In said district, on the. $th day of August, A. !., 1903, at 10 o'clock tatho forenoon at time tho said creditors may attend, Siewhich rove their claims, appoint a iru^too, examine Bankrupts, and transact, such other busi ness as may properly come beforo paid meeting. si-wi Referee lu Bankruptcy, CENTRAL PHAR MACY, M. W. UAUMON, 9 & 1 Biscuit Right from the oven as fresh as to day's bread and just as wholesome/ Served in a dust proof, moisture proof, odor proof package—the like of which you never saw before. A lunch done up in tempting style for just Five Cents READ THE DEMOCRAT. N 4 v* 4 $ f- sc We bought very liberally this year anil have the largest and best selected line in Styles and Color ings as well as the lowest prices in the county. Our stock comprises all of the best things from the leading manufacturers in £he UNITED STATES, and must be seen to be appreciated. Call and seejour line before youjjpurchase Jelse where. vm«wvwtwv\ivvivm'v' We carry a large stock of Window Shades and the celebrated Heath & Milligan, Best Prepared Paint. i*. j- a? STATIONERY Isn't it comforting to go where you do not have to be an expert, and yet Lawrence vy 2? Between Seasons you probably are in need of extra pants, as I am closing out my summer pantings at cost, it will pay you to call on mfe and examine the W.u'Wi MVtr: !rr_ THE TAILOR. (WW S* 149 A in. is |.v,rl. ,»f lit .1 know you are getting the latest .and best thing in stationery? Our line is Dainty, Elegant and Characterise tic of the most refined taste. Respectfully, City Hall Pharmacy /•fes/v.