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ways so ninny pcoplu coming and go ing that a stranger on the premises seldom attracts attention. It Is an ex cellent time for Inspecting basement windows,* cellar doors and outbuild ings. In a general way servants are more careless on such'-nights about locking up, and the hostess and her guests al ways bring out their best Jewels and leave them loose on bureaus nnd man telpleces after retiring. It may not have struck the casual observer that people sleep much more soundly after 0 ball tbno ordlnnrlly. They are a longer time In retiring, but when ev ,,, erythlng is Anally quiet about the house It would take nothing less than pistol shot to rouse them. I suppose .they are completely exhausted and after the excitement of the evening do not dream of burglars. One March night I waited until after 4 8 o'clock for one of these festivities to l. draw to a close. It was cold and raw outside in the shrubbery, and I grew Impatient at the lateness of the guests In taking their departure. The house .was a large, old fashioned mansion ^nst outside of the city limits, and froni its general air and appearance I kfflsw that considerable wealth In the shape of solid silverware and family heirlooms was contained in It Fol lowing the custom of the day, the host ess would, I thought, bring all these relics from their hiding places and show them to her guests. It was anticipation of a rich'haul that kept me from giving up the Job In disgust, for I was tired and ex hausted with several nights' unlucky ventures, and my patience seemed sorely tried. When the lights ^finally went out, I breathed easier and felt my courage returning. Everything promised to run smoothly. I had succeeded In dispos ing of the watchdog earlier in the evening and had discovered an unfas tened window opening into the coal room in the cellar, whlcb I believed the servants would not think to lock so late at night I waited a good hour after tho last flickering light had disappeared. Then 1 crept softly up to the house, and, concealed in Its shadow, listened for sounds. There was none, except those I taw that I was looking into the mouth of a revolver. strange, almost inexpressible voices which seem to come from nowhere In the dead of night I do not know that anybody has ever noticed them, but 1 have always fancied that they were like the breathing of the earth—if such a thing were-possible—for they come In regular, rhythmic pulsations. I crept along the side of the house until I reached tho basement window, and, finding'it unlocked, as I expected, I softly opened It and looked in. I was not positive that the window opened Into the coalroom, but from the general appearance of things I felt reasonably sure I was right. Not to make any mistake or misstep in the darkness, I lowered my bag of tools until it struck something which gave forth a metallic sound. Swinging tho bag back and forth, I succeeded in Identifying the object as a tin pan. As I was afraid to use my dark lan tern outside, I lowered myself cau- tionsly into the basement. Instead of the coal bin I found myself In the dairy room of the house. The odor from n'ewly made butter, fresh milk and cream .cheese gave me such an over powering appetite that I had to satisfy it before I could go any farther. By groping around on the shelves I suc ceeded In getting a pretty fair supply of food—milk aud cream In abundance, good cheese, several mince pies, some cake and cold meat. The night was early yet lop my work, and I did not regret the time I spent in eating of that cold but tempting re past I would have felt better had I discovered a bottle of good wine, but in Its absence the fresh milk was a fair substitute. The door leading from the dairy room to the basement laundry was not locked, and I quietly entered the latter place. I now ventured to open a little slide of my dark lantern, and by •SZeanB of it I found the stairs leading to the ground floor. Tho servants' quarters were above me, and to avoid arousing any one I removed my shoes. The house was spacious and roomy, and I had to take note of my surround ings as I proceeded, so that I might find my way back again without blun dering. It Is a poor general, I have al ways thought, who burns his bridges behind him. More than once this care ful liablt of mine has saved mo from unpleasant complications. When I passed from the kitchen Into the dining room, I was greatly sur prised not to find any solid pieces of silver. Even many of the expensive pieces of bric-a-brac that are usual to such houses were gone. It looked as If the hostess had anticipated robbery and had stripped the tables and man telpieces of every small article of spe cial value. Although disappointed, I made my way upstairs, hoping to find some loose Jewelry at least on tho bureaus. There PROFESSIONAL BY GEORGE E. WALSH Copyright, loot, by F. AT. BuMet Co., New York CHAPTER 1. HAVE a pnrtlnllty for lmllji nnd receptions unil invariably try-to make It practice to be In the flclnlty wlion one Is In prog ress. TUcre are al were slgiiR or the feast and cntertalu nient all about tho hall nnd rooms, but I was unable to And anything that ap pealed to my tastes. I passed from one bedroom to another, with about the same result. I could hear the reg ular breathing of the occupants of tho house, and distant noise In the rear told me that one man was a good snor er. So long as that rhythmic sound continued I felt that I was safe from all alarms. After making a detour o'f the rooms I finally entered a small chamber that was used for storing linen and trunks. It occurred to me that possibly tho missing things were packed away in .this room. I closed the door gently behind me and turned on the slido from my lantern. As I did so I was suddenly startled by tho bright ray of some light shoot ing out of the darkness.. Instantly I grasped my revolver nnd directed my light toward the spot. The result of this movement was to produce a queer combination. I saw that I was looking Into the mouth of revolver held in the bands of a man who was inspecting me by tho aid of a dark lantern similar to my own. My own revolver was cov ering the place where his heart should be. Tha discovery must have been si multaneous, for we both flashed the light of our lanterns Into each other's face and gazed long and silently. Nei ther wore a mask, and in tho uncov ered eyes there was cool, deadly re solve written. It would have been foolhardy for cither to shoot for the life of the other would have been in stantly sacrificed. I waited a full min ute or two for the man to speak. "Well," I said finally, unwilling to bear the strain of silence longer, "you seem to be ahead of me tonight and I must congratulate you upon the neat ness of your work. I haven't found a thing behind you." The man was not Inclined to answer at first, but I continued In a reassuring voice: "We may as well call a truce. It would be folly for either of us to shoot. I don't want to get you In trouble any more than myself." I had been struck by the fine, liniyj sotne features of the man, but when he spoke in a' well modulated, musical volco I was further puzzled. He did not look like one of my set *'What kind of a truce do you want?" he asked. "You .see I have you covered with my revolver and could kill you In an Instant" "But you fail to notice mine," I an swered. "A very slight pressure of the trigger would send a bullet through your heart." I thought he turned a trifle paler, but his voice was steady and unquaverlng. "I admit that and accept the situa tion. But tell me what terms you pro pose for your truce." "Simply these: We Bhould go Into partnership at least for tonight. I have had as much trouble in getting into the house as you, and I have run just as much risk, but you got ahead of mo and made a complete job. I admire tho way you have done the work. Even I couldn't do it better, and I don't think you belong to the class I"— "Never mind thnt," he interrupted Impatiently. "Stick to your terms and bo quick." "Well, to come straight to the point" I added, a little nettled at his abrupt ways, "I propose that we divide tho plunder you have collected." For your extra trouble you take two-thirds and I one-third. Is that fair?" Ho remained silent a moment and then said: "If I agree to such a bargain, noth ing further will ever be said of to night's" work?" "Not a word." "And you will never recognize me if you should happen to meet me on the street or anywhere else?" I did not like this part of the bargain, for I believe that every one should be placed on the same level in such a busi ness and that one man should not set himself up to being better than an other, but I finally assented, with the exception of one slight qualification: "Not unless we happen to meet under similar circumstances again. Then I might recall to you this meeting." "I don't think that is likely to occur," he replied firmly. A Then in a firm, measured volte ho added: "Well, I'll trust you. I will give you one-third of all I .have collected. I be lleve that you will keep your part of the agreement If I keep mine." 1 There was honesty written In his face, and I would have trusted him to the extent of pocketing my revolver, but again he got ahead of me. I stood there covering him with my weapon half a minute after be had put his pistol in his pocket. A temptation to make him give everything to me under penalty of death seized me for an In stant when I realized that he had placed himself in my power. But that same rich, musical voice suddenly re called me to my bargain. "Here, take this bag outside with you, and wo will divide the thing whero there is less chance of detec tion." "Have you been all over tho. house?" I asked in a little confusion. "Xos, all over. There Is nothing worth taking left." He moved toward the door and start ed to open it. Ho turned an instant and asked: "How did you come in?" "Through a cellar window," I replied. "A clumsy way when you could have entered by the front door." "Do you mean to say"— I began. "S-s-s-h, don't speak now. I'm open ing the door. Follow me." I never felt the power of a man so strangely before. I attributed it to the fact that I was In the presence of a master who put my feeble accomplish ments entirely into the background, and yet I had prided myself upon my successes! We walked stealthily down the stairs and out of the front door to the lawn. Ho carried a pack larger than mine. When we reached the shelter of a clump of trees, we both stopped. "It Is getting late, and It will be light soon," my strange companion said. "We must make our division quickly." In the same quick, masterful and, If I say It honest way he made a division of the spoils, giving me more than one. third- fNow, If you are satisfied, we will part," he said. "I think we have no further need of each other." I made a motion as if to low bim, but be waved m" w-jing: "Good night, l-inust be going." He turned and walked rapidly through the gloom, leaving mo stand ing there as nonplused as any man engaged in such a hazardous business as mine could ever afford to he. (TO BE COrmNUKD.] HJ» Quaint Snjrareation. A Frenchman, who appears to have been of a thrifty turn of mind, con ceived tho Idea in 1878 thnt too much valuable time was being wasted in cleaning sardines when preparing them for tho market. He funud a way of preparing them without cleaning tliem, nnd on this he took out letters patent. Apparently he had some slight misgiv ing ns to whether the public would bo perfectly suited with Ills invention, and so In his claim he makes this parenthetical entry: Fish put up by this process may be slightly unpleasant to the customer at first, but he soou gets used to It. Tavern* In Sweden. Taverns in Sweden are closcd on Sat urday, which Is pay day, while the savings banks are kept open until mid night. This plan Induces the workmen to invest their money where it will pay them Interest Instead of In alcoholic stimulants. Sot Exactly a Compliment. Hewitt—Ignorance Is bliss. Jewett—You'd better get your life in sured. Hewitt—What for? Jewitt—You're liable to dlo of joy.— New York Times. DEN BOYS WERE MEN Bjr John Habberton, AuUior o/ "Helen's Hafcfe*," "George lK(u/t(n0ton." Ltc. Copyright, 1901, by John Habbcrtoo. CHAPTER XXI. A CILAT WITH TJIE COLOTfEL. Oil Brainard's sake 1 was glad the flglit had occurred, for it seemed to me that i( should have put Phil Hamil ton's possible chance out of his mind. But as soon as we reached camp the few sick list men and sldrkers who had remained behind began to croak a story sup posed to have filtered from the colonel's tent through several intermediaries that the colonel had been ia a rage about the explosions of my relics in our old camp, that had made him sup pose the enemy were shelling us as we evacuated the post, and that he was going to make an example of the guilty party. Sure enough, we had not been in camp more than two hours when the orderly sergeant of our compauy came to our tent and said: The colonel wants to see you two at once." We looked at each other*and tried to smile, but failed. "It seems to me," said I, "that our share of the fight at the fence ought to mitigate our punishment—I mean my own punishment, for you did nothing in that shell affair but tell about it, like a fool. I suppose that even now you'll try to make the colonel believe that you had some share in it, £o as to shield me." 'I wlBh I could," replied Brainard meekly. "I wish I hadn't told of it when the colonel was so mystified about the shots, but really it did sceiu for the good of the service." You're too good to live," said 1. "Come along. I hope you'll come in for some share of the punishment, you unspeakable lunatic." Nevertheless for a corporal to be summoned by his colonel has a sober ing effect, so I fought down my feel ings and tiled to assume a bold front I dragged Brainard across the parade ground. Pass them in, sentry," said the colo nel from the open front of his tent as we drew near. We stopped at the tent ps, saluted and stood at "attention." 'Come In, gentlemen," said the colo nel, with an odd smile whicli never theless seemed not ugly. "Sit down." Both of us dropped nervelessly on the colonel's catnp bed, the only sest vis ible. The colonel was handling some papers which I promptly assumed were court martial charges against us. "I was greatly surprised and also pleased," continued the colonel, still handllug the papers, "at receiving to day commissions for both of you—com missions as first lieutenants." 1 looked at Brainard. and Brainard looked at me, and I don't understand why both of us did not drop dead with astonishment. The colonel went on 1 had hoped to promote both of you in the course of time, after you had reached sergeant's grade—Br&lnard, because of your rescuing your party from the enemy after capture and for getting that dispatch through to the left a few nights ago, and, Frost, be cause I've learned that you spent a lot of money In trying to get recruits for tho regiment ftt the time you entered It. I'm not the only influence with the appointing power. Political and other strings are being pulled for scores of my noncommissioned officers, aud some of this sort of work seems to have been done for you boys.w 'Not for me, sir, that I know of,*' said Brainard quickly. 'Eh? Well, so much the more to your credit. Nevertheless 'tis true. You're both commissioned to the Forty third. It seems from a letter necouipa nylng your commissions that the Forty third is in a bad way—good men, bad officers—so bad that the command can't be trusted to take the field. A lot of the officers have been weeded out, and the governor wished to replace them with men from regiments that are in good shape and have seen hard service. The senator from your district strongly recommended you, Frost aud called your father up to Albany, and it seems that your father took with him a hand some young woman who told an ex traordinary story of your bravery aud produced a letter in evidence. I can't understand how I, your colonel, failed to ha,ve learned the facts, but"— "Your cousin May!" exclaimed Brain ard. Then he sprang to his feet and hit me between the shoulders with a force which I could not have believed was in his tiny frame. The colonel looked surprised, and Brainard mur mured "I beg pardon" and collapsed in confusion. "It seems, further/' continued the colonel, "that the governor said he wished he knew of some other trooper of equal courage and ability, upou re^cb^thgiEoqng* lady said she could name one ami straightway praiseu you, Brahmiri, without stint and declared that if you two could be sent together you could end the war, I can't imagine Ttlicrc the joiirig lady obtained her knowledge of the special requirements of the sen Ice or how she came to know so much about the s^dlerly qualities of of my corporals, but these commls felons are the result." "We can't accept them, sir," said Bralnatd, "if they've been granted on such hearsay and misapprehension." I didn't approve of Bralmml's "we" lie had the right to decline for himself, should he insist on being so foolish, but I wanted my own commission, no mat ter through what mistake it was Issu ed. The colonel, too. was of my way of thluking, for he replied: "Nonsense! Never lose a chance to reach higher rank, especially to move jour insignia of rank from your Bleevc to your shoulder." "But, sir, there are other inen more deserving of it," said Brainard. "I'd feel ashamed to wear shoulder straps If MeTwyny must go on with only a sergeant's stripes. You ought to see him fight J" "Eh? MeTwyny? That freckled Irish tiger that's a sergeant in your troop? Oh, he couldn't help fighting if he tried!" "But there's brains behind his fight ing, sir. If you'd seen and heard"— "There's brains behind all real fight ing, corporal—er—lieutenant. Don't ever forget it, or your enemy will get the better of you." "But there's such a lot behind Me Twyny's, sir," persisted Brainard. "Think of the odds that were against him. He had only 18 men with whom to light "w hat looked like a brigade—cer tainly a thousand—and he talked and acted like a general instead of a mere sergeant." "When? Where? llow do you know?" asked the colonel, with a quizzical smile apparently at Bralnard's assum ing to know how a general would act. "This afternoon. Way off to the right of the road our regiment took Wo saw him. We were iu the fight with him and were proud of It and of him." "Bless me! I heard such wild stories of that skirmish that I've already ask ed your captain for a written report. Tcli me ail about It." Brainard told him without a word of exaggeration, yet as he talked tho colo nel arose and paced his tent like an ex cited llou in a cage. He clinched his hands, and ids eyes flashed, and he sputtered small groups of Scriptural words that were not prayers. Brain ard stopped abruptly after telling how Mick felled the skirmishers' captain. "The tiger!" exclaimed the colonel. "I wish there were more of his kind In the regiment." "But isn't he a man, too?" asked Brainard. "Aud shouldn't he be re warded"— "It shan't be my fault if he Isn't a man from this day forth," interrupted the colonel. "Come with me. I sup pose he Is In the hospital." '•Or dead/' 1 suggested. "Nonsense!" growled the colonel. "Loss of a fore paw never kills a tiger. Lieutenant Baslow of our regiment has shot them in India. lie was in the British service aud has told me all about it." Iustead of going direct to the hos pital the colonel stopped at a captain's tent and asked for one of the occu pant's Jackets—an old oue. The cap tain looked surprised, but complied with the request The colonel strode rapidly to the hospital tents, followed by Brainard and me. Entering the surgical ward, he asked: "Is MeTwyny here?" "Prlslut, sorr," came from a red face on a cot, and a big freckled hand came to the side of the face In the position of salute. "I'm sorry to hear of your loss," said the colonel, "and I've brought you the best consolation I could think of. This is the jacket you shall wear when you get up again, Captain MeTwyny." "Whooroo!" exclaimed Mick. He closed his eyes au instant, then opened them and said, "Av Norah cud only see it!" "She shall see it, with you inside of it, as soon as you're fit to go north on leave of absence. Is there anything else I can do for jrou?" Mick pushed aside his sheet, display ed his severed arm lying on his breast and said: "Don't let 'em throw this away." "He knocked me down for trying to take it from him," whispered the nurse, "but of course a thing of that kind can't be kept." For a moment the colonel seemed to be choking. When he recovered, he Baid: "Let me take it. I'll have it burled with the honors of war. The company you're to command, captain, shall fire a salute over it." "Oi thank yez very koindly, sorr, for that an' fhat Use ye've done, but how about thlm two little dhlvlls fornlnst ye? In the tolglit wld the fince rails glory be to the polices av auld Olreland —they were wort' more than all the rlst av the platoou put together. Little Brainard. ah, fhat a shlllelali twister he'd make! An', as for Frost, he saved me owu lolfe two or three tolmcs iu succession." "Good!" exclaimed tho colouel. "They shall be taken care of. Now keep as quiet as you cau, captain, so as to get well quick—and see Norah. Nurse, hang this jacket at the foot of his cot in some way so he can always see tha shoulder straps when his eyes arc open. Come along, men—I beg your pardon—gentleiucu." "Now," said the colonel, "as you two have declined (I hadn't) the commis sions granted, as you think, under a misapprehension and through the Imagination of a young woman. I shall at once recommend you for commis sions In your own old regiment, and you may be sure that you'll get them. The coloncl looked surprised. I've no more captaincies at my dis posal. To make a vacancy for Me Twyny I'm going to force a good foi nothing captain to rcsbrn. ^But .you shall both have lieutenancies first lieutenancies, if possible." "In the old regiment?" exclaimed Brainard. "Hurrah!" "Hurrah!" I echoed. The colonel grasped our hands and almost crushed them In his own. Then he said: "Meanwhile, on the bttsis of the com missions to the Forty-third, I'll have both of you as enlisted men discharged atonce. That will enable you togohome aud tell your story, and MeTwyny's— he came from your town. I believe. *Tw ill also enable you to see that Imag inative young woman." Brainard's pale face became a sun burst In an instant. The colonel con tinued: 'Twill also enable YOU to draw your pay, and, as the paymaster is about six mouths overdue, you'll be able to go home In olliccrs' uniform—shoulder straps and all—eh Y" I looked into Brainard's eyes and saw'that the light with Phil Hamilton was on. "(live a man an inch, and he'll take an ell, colonel.' said Brainard. "Would it be posHible to get our papers at once? I think it-it might save a life If I could stftrt for homo tonight." "It shall be done. Please say to your captain that I would like to see him." After tattoo, and also after a howl ing time in our company street, our comrades having learned of our good fortune, we started for Yorktowu, 12 miles distant, to catch the morning boat for Fort Monroe. We were in time for the Fort Monroe boat for Balti more and the mornlug trrtfti for New York. We got officers* uniforms, and I made It my special business that Brainard's should fit perfectly. He was in such haste to reach Summer ton that he would have been content with ^anything topped with shoulder straps. 1 even saw to It that he wore sash and sword belt. Meanwhile I prayed that my letter about Brainard might reach Summcrton before us. We did not reach town till long after dark. As our house was ou the direct way to Brainard's I suggested that he should stop with me, if only for a mo ment and he did not refuse. As we approached the house I was glad to see that It was still lighted. Village people retire early, and I had feared I might bave to rouse a sleeping family. On reaching the piazza I tiptoed to the parlor blinds and open window to rec onnolter and to Increase the pleasure of anticipation. There sat my cousin May, and I was startled at the change that a single year had wrought, for she was no longer a girl, but a vision of womanly beauty. I could have.stood there many moments for the joy of gazing at but I heard a familiar voice aud then saw, at the left of the room, Phil Hamilton. How handsome he was, confound him! Oh, If I could know that my letter about Brainard had reached May! For Hamilton was saying: "I asked you an important questlou In two or three successive letters, but you did not answer It, so I've used my earliest possible opportunity to repeat the question in person." Quickly 1 drew Brainard after me through the doors aud pushed him into the parlor. Hamilton rose quickly, and despite his habitual and superb compo sure he literally staggered as he saw two of his late brother noncommission ed officers In lieutenant's uniforms. Apparently May had received my let ter and been properly affected by it, for, though she turned pale as she rose and looked at us, she quickly became rosy, courtesled to Hamilton and said: "I like you very much, but here is my answer." Then she hid the red scar on Brain ard's check with two red lips. At that moment our dog Hover entered the room and sprang upon me with a joy ous whine, and as 1 tried to abate his frenzy of affection I heard I^amilton say: "Lieutenant Brainard, I esteem it an honor to be the first mau to congratu late you." Of course we called on MeTwyny's Norah, a rosy, modest, dainty girl who compelled us to recall the story of "Beauty and the Beast." We had not Intended to tell her ail the details of the light for the fence, but she extract ed them from us, und she shivered, shuddered, cried nnd laughed. She also kissed us both and commended us to the eternal guardianship of all the saints. Brainard and May were not married till after the war, by which time Brain ard was a brigadier general iu a high staff position, and General Grant aud many ot»\or general olliccrs attended the wedOwi^ so did Phil Hamilton and his wife, who was as handsome and distinguished looking as he so did No rah and Mick MeTwyny. the latter in the uniform of a lieuteuant colouel of cavalry. But. as "journeys end with lovers' meeting," this story, too, must end. THE END. An Apple Tree's Roots. For the purpose of erecting a suita ble monument 1n honor of Roger Wil liams, the founder of Ilbode Island, his private burying ground was searched for himself and wife. It was found that everything had passed iuto oblivi on. The shape of the coffins could be traced only by the carbonaceous mat ter. The rusted hinges aud nails and a rouud wooden knot remained in oue grave, while a single knot of braided hair was found In the other. Near the graves stood an appie tree. This had scut down two main roots into the very presence of the coffined dead. The larger root, pushing its way to the precise spot occupied by tho skull of Uogcr Williams, had made a turn as if passing around it and fol lowed the direction of the backbone to. the hips. Here it divided into two branches, sending one along each leg to the heel, where both turned upward toward the toes. One of these roots formed a slight crook at the knees, which made the whole bear a striking resemblance to the human form. A peculiar case of poisoning by a physician was that of Dr. Stephen Eot vos In Hungary many years ago. Eot vos undertook to hasten the death of patients whose cases he considered hopeless by putting them out of their misery, as he termed it, with fatal drugs. He encountered no opposition to his peculiar methods of benevolence while he practiced them on people of no particular standing, but when the doctor hastened the death of a well kuown land proprietor named Szlavy, who was slowly dying of cancer, the relatives of the dead man presented a violent protest and demanded the pros ecution of Eotvos. The physician declared on trial he was actuated by humane motives and had merely eased the journey of his victims to the inevitable goal. This de fense was not accepted by the court. Eotvos wua. acquitted of malice, but found guilty of homicide without mal ice and sentenced to a long term of im prisonment "Wolney'o EIouhoIioIiI. In Cardinal Wolsey's palace no lesa than 2S0 beds were provided for stran gers, with superb canopies and curtains of sdk or velvet. There were bed steads of alabaster, quilts of down and pillowcases embroidered with silk ami gold. The chairs of state were covered •with cloth of gold the tables and cab inets were oi the most costly woods Much of the splendid furniture was emblazoned with "my lord's arms." Everywhere was impressed tho car dinal's hat. The same magnificence ap pealed in the decorations and orna ments of the chapel, but the forty-four gorgeous copes ol one suit and the rest of the sacerdotal pomp displayed there were eclipsed by the majesty of Wol sey's secular equipment. The annual expenses of his household exceeded an Immense sum for those days. 11 is retinue of ."00 persons, his kingl.v stud, his sumptuous open table, are mentioned in every history, "hen he rode to and from Wostmtn •r In his character of lord chancellor, is mule was attended by a long train nobles and knights on horseback his pursuivant, ushers ami other offi cers led the way in rich liveries, while footmen with gilded poleaxes brought up the rear. W sU?t his of The MInnIkkIpiiI *100,000 Ycnrn Af?o, Did you ever llgure on what was the probable condition of the great Mis sissippi river 10,000, 100.000 or oven •100,000 years ago? Scientists suggest that the erosion of its bed was ac complished by a mighty cataract, which began far down the river, prob ably at the place where it then emp tied jnto the gulf, and by gradual re trogression dug out the valleylikc gorge through which it now flows. That this theory is tenable may be in ferred from the high, wall-liko bluffs, features so characteristic of tho upper part of its course. A wearing away of a monster cata ract would of course necessarily leave high walls or bluffs on either side. These are the well known features of tho father of meandering streams. It would seem, according to this theory, that St. Anthony's falls constitute the remnant of what was once the most stupendous cataract in the world. Ge ologists estimate that it has taken the river 400.000 years to carve out the mighty ditch through which it now flows. llonea For Bread. There Is mi Interesting child's story called "Jiiek the Gliiut Killer," lu which one of tho glnuts Is supposed to Use the expression "fe-faw-lum," or something like it, when Jack has climb ed a beanstalk and been hidden by the giant's wile, (lie rest of tho growl be ing, "I smell llie lilooil of an English man, but be he alive or be lie dead I'll take his bones to make my bread." Tossibly it has riot occurred to many to ask where the idea of making bread out of bones originated, as -,vo do not often seriously Investigate fairy tales. It is a historical fact that during the siege of Paris by Henry IV., owing to famine, bread, which had been sold Willie any remained for more than a pound, was made from the bones In tho eliarnel house of the lloly Inno cents.. This occurred iu 15'J-l.—.New Vork I'ress. Hllill [ll'.Ullt. Mrs. Gabb—Hear me! I here comes my husband, lliere wont be a whole piece of furniture loft In llie house by midnight. Mrs. Gadd— Horrors! Does bo drink, nnd is that a case of whisky he Is car rying? Mrs. Gabb—No. he doesn't drml: That's a new box of Maoy persons in this community are suffering from kidney complaint who could avoid fatal results by using Fo ley's Kidney Cure. Sold by Denton & Ward. Better lose your argument than your friend.—Ram's Horn. 'I bad diabetes in its worst form," writes: Marion Lee, of Dunreath, lnd "I tried eight physicians without relier Only three bottles ot Foley's Kidney Cure made me a well man." Sold by Denton & VY Brd. An Industrial and agricultural ecbool for colored youths of Maryland was opened last month near Laurel, in that state. Quick Beliet tor Asthma sufferers. Foley's Honey and Tar affords im mediate relief to asthma sufferers in the worst stages and if taken in time will effect a cure. Sold by Denton & Ward. A recent report shows that 2,50'.) Christians were murdered in l'JOl by the Turks. In only (1 cases were the murderers punished, and then with not more than four yeare' imprisonment. Consumption Threatened. "I was troubled with a bucking cough for a year and 1 thought I had consump tion," says C. Unger, 211 Maple St., Champaign, III. tried a great tuany remedies and I was under the care of physicians for several months. 1 used one bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar. It cured me, and 1 bave not been trou bled Bince." Sold by Denton & Ward. In France it is illegal to catch frogs at night. Foley's Kidney Cure Will cure iiright's Disease, Will cure Diabetes. Will cure Stone in Bladder. Will cure Kidney Bnd Bladder Diseases. Sold by Denton it Ward, Tbe recordB left by the 1'hoenecians, Assyrians and ancient Persians show that among all thobe nations the use of perfumes waB very common. Foley's Kidney Cure will cure all dis eases arising from disordered kidneys or bladder. Sold by Denton & Ward. A melon patch a cornfield will sometimes neutralize the work of the local Sunday school. A Physician Healed. Dr. (Seo. Ewing, a practicing physi cian of Smith's Grove, Ky., for over thirty years, writes his personal exper ience with Foley's Kidney Cure: "For years I had been greatly bothered with kidney and bladder trouble and enlarg ed proBtrate gland. I used everything known to tbe profession without re lief, until 1 commenced to use Foley's Kidney Cure. After taking three bot tles I was entirely relieved and cured I prescribe it now daily in my practice and heartily recommend its use to all physicians for auch troubles 1 bave prescribed it In hundreds of cases with perfect success." Sold by Denton & Ward. Meat originally meant any kind of food. Foley's Kidney Cure is a medicine free from poisons and will cure any case of kidney disease that is not be yond the teach of medicine. Sold by Denton & Ward. Improvement of Corn, "Uncle Henry" Waiiace,is devoting a good deal of sgace in his paper Wal laces' Farmer to the improvement of Iowa Corn. lie calls attention to the fact that while the Iowa Farmer has been improving his live stock for twen ty years and more he has given very little attention to the great Iowa crop, corn. Among the many articles which have appeared in W aiiace's Farmer on this subject has been a series by Prof. Shame!, of Illinois, the corn expert, and these are illustrated by a number of photographs showing different va rieties of corn, perlect and imperfect ears, the most profitable to raiBe, etc. The average Iowa farmer thtnkB he knows as much about corn as anybody does but we miBB our guess if he can not learn a lot from these articles in allaceB' Farmer. In this connection we wiBb to say that Wallaces' Farmer is one of the best agricultural papers that comes to this ollico. It is handsomely printed on paper of line quality, filled with at tractive illustrations, and in addition to its regular features, its editorials by "Uncle Henry," its departments of Dairying, Horticulture, the I-Iog and l'ouitry, Its Home Department, for the women contains full reports of the leading fairs, live stock Bhows, and sales, agricultural meetings, etc- It is published weekly at Des Moines, Iowa' Bt 31,00 a year, all subscriptions pay able in advance and the paper stops when the time is out. We can send Wallaces' Farmer and the Democrat both one year for only 2.25 and you get one of our nice premiums. Apply at the Democrat oflice. The newest lighthouse on the French coBBt Bhows a beam visible at a dis tance of :w nautical miles in clear weather. It is Bituated on the Isle Vierge, off the French coast, to the northeast ot Ushant, the lantern being 214 feet above sea level. It Needs a Tonic. There are times when your liver needs a tonic. Don't give purgatives that trripe and weaken. DeWitt's Little Early Risers expel all poison from the system and act as tonic to the liver. W. Scott, 531 Highland ave., Milton, Pa., says: "I have carried DeWitt's Little Early Hisere with me for several years and would not be without them." Small and easy to take. Purely vegetable. They never gripe or distress. Smith Hroft. Much Reading lor Little Money, The New York World has got the cost of printing down to a minimum. Its latest offer of its monthly newspa per-magazine is interesting If from no other cause than it shows the acme of "how much for how little." The Month ly World is a 32 page magazine with colored cover. Its pages are about the size of the pages of the LadieB Home Journal, and it iB copiously illustrated in halt-tone. The illustrations are the resultB of the best artistic skill, aided by ail the latest printing-press appli ances, making a magazine unrivalled in the quality of its contents and its ap pearances. Each issue contains Btories of romance, love, adventure, travel storleB of Uction and fact stories of things quaint and curiouB, gathered to gether from all over the world the re sults of sclentillc research, and editor ial reviews. -It numbers among Its contributors the leading literary men and women of the day. A feature each month IB a full-page portrait of the most tamed man or woman of the moment In the public eye. In collect ing and preparing for publication the literary matter and art subjects for the Monthly World no expense is spared. The New l'ork World will send six numbers of this newspaper-magazine on receipt of fifteen cents in stamps AddresBThe World, Pulitzer Building, New York. To My iriends. It Is with joy 1 tell you what Kodol did for me. I waB troubled with my stom ach lor several months. Upon being advised to use Kodol, I did so, and words cannot tell the good It has done me. A neighbor bad dyspepsia so that he had tried most everything. 1 told him to use Kodol. Words of gratitude have come to me from him because I recommended it.- (jeo. W. Fry, Viola, Iowa. Health and strength of mind and body depend on the stomach, and normal activity of the digestive organs. Kodol, the great reconstructive tonic, cures all Btomach and bowel troubles, indigestion, dyBpepsla. Kodol digeBts any good food you eat. Take a dose after meaJs. Smith Bros. A Little Book of Great Importance Do you ever wish for a book that can be relied upon to answer correctly all the little questions and knotty problems that present themselves day by day—a book that will quickly decide all argu ments on all subjects? The 11)02 World Almanac and Encyclopedia, which Is now ready, is exactly this kind of book. It takes the Bame position In tbe world of facts aud llgures as does tbe diction ary in tho world ol words. This little volume contains over COO pages of well printed agate type, every line containing some fact that you will sooner or later want to look up. The World Almanac should occupy a prominent place in every progressive American household. The 1U02 edition is more complete than any of tho former ones. It contains facts on many sub jects that have recently been brought to the public notice and which every up to-date person should have at his fin gers ends. Among the features of the 1002 Al manac are: The millionaires of the United StateB, a list giving the names of nearly 4,000 Americans who possess over SI,000,000. The great American truBts full particu lar of 163 leading industrial organlza tiQs. Organized labor enlarged sta tistics of the strength of labor unions and the present condition of the labor movement. The Nicaragua Canal and the Hay-Pauncefote treaties with Great Britain. I'rogrecs of aerial navigation in 1901, Complete United States censuB. Anarchist statistics ot the United States and Europe, etc., to tho extent of over 1,000 topics. The 1902 World Almanac and Ency clopedia is on sale by all newsdealers throughout the country for 25 centB. When ordered by mail 10c extra for postage must be Inclosed to tbe World, New York. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE I KADE IVIAKINa DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anrono nonrilng nkotch nnd description mny quickly ascortaln our opinion free whether an invention 18 probnbly pntcntublo. Communion tlnnsBtriotlycouildoiitbil. lluniibivot on Putuioa scut freu. Oldest uuoney for securlnujiutcuts. Pntimts taken through Mutin & Co. rocelvc special notice, without chartio. la tho Scientific fttflerican. Ahanrtsomoly lUnstrntnd weekly. T.nicest cir culation of &ny BClontlUo Journal. Terms, a roar lour months, (L Bold by all nowsdculoni. MUNN & COiSGtBroadway* New York Branch OSoo, 635 8U Washington, I). C. M.r.LBROTPram. H. A, GRANGER Tftshfer «v E. G. HESNEIl, Asst. Cashier y$." A. H. BLAKE, 1st. V. President. H. 0. HAEBERLE, 2nd. V. President, First National Compound VaDor and Sham poo Baths. Baths ETC., ETC. CARVING KNIVES and FORKS, LADIES GUARD CHAINS, GENTS VEST CHAINS, EMBLEM RINGS, CHARMS, LOCK- ETS, GOLD SPECTACLES, MAN TEL CLOCKS, SI1K OMBREL LAS, GOLD PENS. Como and see tho many things we havo not space to list. BOYNTON & M'EWEN Delaware County STATE BANK Manchester, Iowa. CAPITAL $60,000 —OFFICERS- WM, C. CAWLEY, President. B. W. TlllHIL, ISIS® DAUir BANK, MANCHESTER. IOWA. CAPITAL. $50,000 General Banking Business Interest Paid on Time Deposits. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. BTXKECTOXtB. R. B. Robinson, M. P. LeRoy, E. M.Oarr, M. Beehler, i! B.A.Gniw«r, A. H.Blake, t: 'Royt, S"™, H- O. Haeberle L. L. CORBSSP01TDtJ.Ni •X'U. FlretNatloD&l Bank, Dubuouo, Iowa Central National Bank Now York Cltv Commercial National Bank. Chicago, Ills. Ft. W. TIRRILL Is Loaning Honey as chead as any person or Corpora tlon. Most all dis eases are caused by poisonous seo rations, which clog the wheels ot NATURE. Vapor and Shampoo. The name and the symptoms may be different but the cause of disease can us ually be traced to the importect aotfon ol the millions of poros ol the human body. A bath in accordance with scientific require ments is tho best preventative remedy known. Tho methods employ ed by mo are the most scientific ever invented or discovoied Cor dispelling disease. Results tell tn«a dtory. Give me a trial. This is the Conant system of baths. A competent lady attendant in charge of the ladies department. Oflice and bath rooms ou Franklin street, opposite Globe Hotel. 6tf a. D. QATS3. gOYNTON I M'£WEN HAVE Ladles and dents Qold Watches in all sizes kinds and Btylos, Ladles, dents and Chrlldrens Rings from DIAMONDS, OPALS, EMER ALDS, FEARLS,ETC., down to PLAIN GOLD DANDS. WEDDING RINGS, SOLID STERLING SILVER FORKS, TABLE, DESERT and TEA SPOONS, NAPKIN RINGS, ETC., ETC., ETC. Also largo lino of Best Brands of— SILVER PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, KNIVES, TEA SETS, WATER SETS CAKE BASKETS, BUTTER DISHES, CDA8. J. SEEDS, Cashier. 0. W. KEAGY, Vice President, Ass't. Cashier. —DIRECTORS WM. (J. CAWLEY. II. F. ARNOLD. KKIiyON. R, w.^TIllRILL. G- w- DUNHAM. ,1. SEEDS. M. H. WILLISTON. C. W. KEAGY, Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Prompt attention given to oil business. Pas senger tlckots rrora and to all parts ot Eur« ope direct to Manclicster, for sale. Long Time Mortgage Loans Made Bought and Sold. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES For the storage of valuable papers, etc. for rent. When you want Fine Furniture AJ* Ml:. Fair Prices GOJTO Werkmeister's AT f? fl Earlville. ^Undertaking Solicited F. WERKMEISTER, Earlville, Iowa *45 II, spts i'