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ss 2" IP "M At & 1 *4 4 W&7'- {0M\ "'fill mm 3f V-t 'r GHAPTEIt I—Sovoral inystonons doaths have occurrcd in the Moore house in Washington. It Is vacant. Uncle David Mooro. a prosperous heir, a wldowor rccluso. Hvos across the street. HJs noloe. Veronica Mooro. In a lit of caprlco opens the houso to colebrato her weeding with rancis Jeffroy. A supposed nue.-l was found lying dead In tliefatalroom bolorothe ceremony was finished. -When the story opous. the houso is again empty, and linole David notifies tho police that alight Is seen there at night. II—A detective goos with Uncle David and afttira vlow from the outside concluded that there Is sonic ono in the hquse. {summoning aid. ho ontors. while Undo David retires within his own homo and begins playing tho organ. Tho detective fluds the loay of a woman on tho lloor In front of a settle which has played a part In provions tradegies. A pistol Is attached to her wrist by a ribbon. Ill—In an upstairs rornn tho detec tivo finds burned matches, candlos. a rich wrap lying with tlio bridal bouquetand a handkerchief marked "Veronica." with dust upon It. On a mantel are finger marks in the dust, and pic ture on the wall has recently boon dusted. IV— Veronica's half sistor. Cora Tutt:o. Is strangely affected on tho scene of tho tradegv. The dead womanswatch h«d fallen and stopped at 7:13. Jeffrey oomes In with a note from his wife say ing that she did not love him ns she thought. Mlsa Tuttlo evidently lovos him. V-Unclo David takes the news calmly. Ho has candles In tho houso although it Is lit by gas. VI—Jef frcy had courted pennlltiss Miss Tuttlo. then turned to Veronica. The picture (excites curiosity •Do you know, 1 sontontionsiv in formal him. "I hare a wonderful in terest in that old hearthstone, or. rath er, in the seemingly innocent engrav ing hanging over it of Reiijiimin Frnnkltn at the court of France. I tell you frankly that I had no idea of •what would be found behind the pic ture." I saw by his quick look that I had stirred up a bornetu' nest.- This was just what I had calculated to do. -Behind it:- lie repeated. "There is nothing behind it." I laughed, shrugged my shoulders and backed slowly toward tho door. •Of course you should know." re torted, with Rome condescension. Then ns if struck by a sudden remembrance: •Oh, by the way. have you been told that there is a window on that lloor ..jwhich does not stay fastened? speak ffrlflrgj IV it repalywHtir1 vatiifcV*. 5tTTTik? last one in the hall leading to the negro quarters. If you shake It hard enough, the catch falls hack, and any one can raise it even from the outside." **I will see to it." ho replied, drop ping his eyes, possibly to hide their curious twinkle. "But what do you mean about finding something in the wall behind that old picture? I've never beard"— But, though he spoke quickly and shouted the last words after mo at the top of his voice, I was by this time too far away to respond save by a du bious smile and a semlpatronlzing wave of the hand. Not until 1 was nearly out of earshot did I venture to shout back the following words: "I'll be back in an hour. If anything happens, if the boys annoy you or any one attempts to enter the old house, telephone to the station or summon the officer at the corner. 1 don't be lieve any harm will come from leav ing the place to itself for awhile." Then I walked around the block. When I arrived in front again it was quite dark. So was the bouse, but there was light in the library. I felt assured that 1 should find Uncle Da vid there, and I did. When after a noiseless entrance and a careful ad vance through the hull I threw npou the door beyond the gilded pillars it was to see the tall figure of this old man mounted upon the chair I had left there peering up at the nail from which I had so lately lifted tho pic ture. He started as I presented myself and almost fell from the chair. Hut the careless laugh I uttered assured him of the little importance I placed upon this evidence of his daring and unappeasable curiosity, and be con fronted mo with an enviable air of dignity, whereupon I managed to say: "Iteally, Mr. Moore, I'm glad to see you here. It is quite natural for you io By ANNA KATHARINE GREEN, Author of "The Alystcry of Agatha Webb. "Lost Alan Lane.' SYNOPSIS. Copyright. 1903. by (he Bobbs»Mcrrlll Company wish to learn by'any means in your pod lo act the part: of minor. power what that picture concealed. I came back because I suddenly remem bered that I had forgotten to ichang it." Involuntarily he glanced again at tho wall overhead, which was as bare as his hand save for the nail he had al ready examined. "It has concealed nothing," he re torted. "You can see yourself that the wall is bare and that it rings as sound as any chimney piece ever made." Ilere he struck it heavily with his fist. "What did you imagine that you had found?" I smiled, shrugged my shoulders in tantalizing repetition of my former action upon a like occasion and then answered brusquely: "I did not come back to betray police secrets, but to restore? this picture to its place. Or perhaps you prefer to have It down rather than tip? It isn't much of an ornament." lie scrutinized me darkly from over his shoulder, a wary gleam showing itself in his shrewd old eyes, and the idea crossed me that the moment might possess more significance than appeared. But I did not sb-p back ward nor give evidence in any v»*ay that I had even thought of danger. I simply laid my hand on the picture and looked up at him for orders. He promptly signified that ho wished it hung, adding as I hesitated these words: "The pictures in this house are supposed to stay on the walls where they belong. There is a traditional su perstition against removing them." I Immediately lifted the print from the floor. No doubt he had me at a disadvantage, if evil was in his heart, and my position on the hearth was ns dangerous as previous events had proved it to be. But it would not do to show the while feather at a moment When his fale, if not my own, hung in f-f vft »J«j» 4**3* 4* «J 4* «J* »J A A •$ j« »t« •fr'fr'fr'fr »fi«?«^A the balance: so. motionlnir him to stop down. I put loot on the chair and raised the picture aloft to hamr it. As I did so he moved over to the? Initio settle ol his ancestors and. crossing his arms over its back, surveyed me with a smile I rather imagined than saw. Suddenly, as 1 strained to put the cord over the nail, he called out: -Look out: \ou Jl lull: If he had intended to give me a start in payment, for nfv previous rebuft he did not succeed, lgr mv nerves had grown steady and mv arm firm at tno glimpse I had caught of the shell' be low me. he fine brawn powder 1 lmd scattered there had been displaced In five distinct spots, and not bv mv lin gers. 1 had preferred to risk the loss of my balance rather than rest mv hand on the shelf, but he had taken no such precaution. The dew I so anx iously desired and tor which 1 had so recklessly -worked was obtained. But when, half an hour later. I found an opportunity ot measuring these marks and comparing them with those upstairs I did not entov the full tri umph I had promised mvsolf. for the two impressions tuterlv failed to coin cide. thus proving mat whoever the person was who had been in this house with Mrs. Jolfrov on iiie evening she died it was not her nclo David. CIIAI'TKU VIII. El mo repeat. Tho person who ad left lite marks ot his pres ence :n 1 ue upper chamber of the Moore house was not (lie man popularly known as.Undo David. Who, then, nad it been.' Hut one name suggested issoli to me—Mr. .follrev. 11 was not \i easy for mo to reach tbis man as it hail been lor me to reach bis singular and unimaginative uncle. In the first place, ins door had cltH ".I to hi every one since 1 li mid yam admittance ther came veiled wuh author coroner. And this, even it i! 1 been wife's de strangers unless the t.v lrom tl: I could manage t» answer in m.v case. and do would bet to: encounter. But no with this gentleman fall to mv lot. and mv pride and ask*ed the lieutenant, would he see that was given an opnortvsnitv for carrvln some message or oi Mollis some erran. which would lead to mv having an terview with Mr. Jellivv" If he woui I 1 th osily should ui'sp at thias point and iha I would to jaar.e a nuisance myself. Mi/~ToJirev funcra ice the dav before, and the hon*e looked deserted. I nt mv summons speedily brought lo the door a neat looking but very nervous maid, wnosc eyes toojc on an unmhankablo expres sion of resistance when I announced m.v errand and naked to see Mr. .lef Iroy. The expression would not have struck me as peculiar if she had raised any objection to the interview 1 .d solicited. But she. did not. lier fear and antipathy consequently sprang from some other source than her in Loretta, Ihe Jeffreys' maid lift 'ikp terest in the man most threatened by my visit. Was it. could it bo. on he: own account? I'eealHng what I had heard whispered about: the station con cerning a maid of the .Icfi'reys who ways seemed on the point of sayimr something wh: l] never really left her Hps, I stopped her as she was about t" slip upstairs and quietly asked: "Are you LoreUa?" The way she turned, the way she looked at me, as r-he gave me a short affirmative and then quickly proceed ed on her way, convinced me that my colleagues were i^ht as to her being it woman who had uome cause for dread ing police interference, I instantly made up my mind that here was a mine to he worked and that I kii"v, just the demure little soul best equip- In a moment she came back, and I bad a chance to nolo again her pretty but expressionless features, union,:/ which the restless eyes alone bespoke character or decision, "Mr. JolVrey is in the back room upstairs," .she announced. 'Tie says for you to come up." "Is it the room Mr .. Jeffrey used occupy?" 1 asked, with open curiosity as passed her. An involuntary shudder proved that she was not without feeling. So did the quick disclaimer: "No, no! Those rooms are closed, lie occupies the one Miss Tuttlo had before she went away." 4'0b, then. Miss Tuttlo is gone:'' Lorettu disdained to answer. She had already said enough lo cause her to bite her lip as she disappeared down the basement Buiir. Decidedly the boys were right. An uneasy feeling followed any conversation whh this girl. Yet, while there was slyness in her man ner, there was a certain frank honesty visible? in il. too, which caused me to think that if she could ever be made to speak her evidence could be relied on. Mr. Jeffrey was sitting Willi Ids back to the door when I entered, but turned as I spoke his name and held out his hand for ihe note I carried. He appeared to shrink from observation and shifted uneasily as long as I stood in front of him, though ho said nothing and did not lift his eyes from the letter he was perusing till he heard me step back to the door I had purposely left open aud softly closed It. Then he glanced up with a keen if not an alarmed look, which seemed un exag gerated one for the occasion—that Is, if he had no secret to keep. "Do you suffer so from drafts?" be asked, rising in a way which in itself was a dismissal. smiled an amused denial,, thctn, Sccurmil an impnni of Jeffreys htral AJ Y\ hat 1 ha-.l lo rollow a Cham caance er.cyttnti* feomed likely nallv I swallows anotaer favor I think he suspected me bv this but he mane no remark, and in a da or so I was summoned to carry a not to the housi the housynflt-Rfreer. & 111 J- "H Jl *h with Ihe simple flirectness 1 Thought most likely to win mo his confidence, entered straight upon my business in these plain words: Tardon me. Mr. Jeiirev. I have something to snv which is not exactly fitted for the ears of servants." Then as ho pushed his chair suddenly back I aoded reassuringly: "It is not a po lice matter, sir. but an enlirelv per sonal one. It may strike you as im portant. and it may not. Mr. Jeiirey. I was the man who made the unliappv discovery tho Mooro mansion which has plunged this house into mourning." Tins announcement startled him and produced a visible chaivro in his man ner. IIis eyes flew first to one dem and then to another, as if It were he who feared intrusion now. beg your pardon for speaking on so pamlul a topic. I went on as soon ns I saw he was readv to listen to me. -My excuse Is that I crime unon a* lit tle thing thai same night which 1 have not thought of sufficient importance to mention vo.any one else, but which it may interest you to hear about/' Here I took from a book I held a piece of blotting paper. It was white on one side and blue on tuo other. The white* side I had tmcklv chalked, though this was not apparent. Laying down this piece of blotting paper, chalked side up. on the end oi a large table near which we were standing. I took out an envelope from mv pocket and, shaking it. gently to and fro. re marked: In an upper room of the Moore house—you remember the southwest chamber. r,irv Ah. didn ho: There was no mis doubting the quick emotion—the shrinking and the alarm with which he heard tins .-room mentioned. It iu that room that I found these." iipplng up the onvelone. I scattered over the fnce of the Hotter a few of the glistening particles 1 had collected from the place mentioned. ITe bent over them, astonished: then, as was-natural, brushed them together in a heap with the tins of bis fingers and loaned to look again just as I breathed a heavy sjfrh which scattered them lar and wide. Instinctively he withdrew his hand. had ti7lrr^wh'reuiion I embraced the opportunity fnrnfnir the--biOiter-over, utterm meanwhile the most profusb" apolo-'iles. a hen. as il anxious not to repeat mv misadventure, 1 let the blotter lie where it v,ras, and. pouring out: the iow remaining particles into mv palm. held them toward the light in such a way that he was compelled to lean across the table in order to see them Naturally, tor I hud planned the dis tance well, his linger l/ps, white with the chalk he had unconsciously han dled. touched the blu surface of the blotter now lying uppermost and left their marks there. 1 could have shouted in my elation at the success of this risky maneuver, but managed to suppress' my emotion and to stand quite still while he took a good look at the filing!?. They seemed to have great and unusual interest for him, and it v.-as with no ordinary dilu tion that he finally asked: "What do you make out of these, and why do you bring them bore:'' My answer was written under hand, but ilu's It was far from my pol icy to impart. So, putting on my friend liest air, I returned, with suitable re spect: "I don't know what to make of them. They look like- gold, but. that is for you to decide. Do you want them, sir .'*' "No," he replied, starting erect and withdrawing hi:-. hand from tho blot ter. "It's but a trifle—not worth our attention. I».ut 1 thank you juvjt th.' same for bringing it to my notice." And again his manner became a plain dismissal. This time accepted it as such with out question. Careiessiy restoring tie piece of blotting paper to the bock from v.liicii had taken it, I made bow and withdrew toward tho door. He seemed to be thinking, and the deep furrows which I am sure had been lacking from his brow a week previous became startlingly visible. Finally observed: ".Mrs. Jeffrey wa« rot In her right mind when she so unhappily took her lite. I see now that the change in her dates back to her wedding day conse quently any little peculiarity she' may have shown at that time is not to bo wondered at." "Certainly not," I boldly ventured, "if such peculiarities were shown aft er the fright given her by the catas trophe which took place in the library." His eyes, which were fixed on mine, flashed, and his hands closed convul sively. "We will not consider the subject," he muttered, reseating himself iu the chair from which he had risen. 1 bowed again and went out. I did not dwell on the interview in my own mind, nor did I allow myself to draw any conclusions from It till I had'ear ricd the blotter into tho southwest chamber of the Moore house and care fully compared the impressious made on it with the marks I had scratched on the surface of the mantelshelf. This 1 did by laying the one over the other after having made holes whore his linger lips bad touched the blotter. The boles in the blotter and the marks outlined upon the shelf coincid ed exactly. CHAPTER IX. fllAVE A already mentioned the man whom I secretly looked upon as standing between rue and all preferment, lie was a good look ing fellow, but be wore a natural sneer which for some reason I felt to be al ways directed toward myself. This sneer grew pronounced about this time, aud that was the reason, no doubt, why I continued to work as long as I did in secret. 1 dreaded the open laugh of this man, a laugh which always seem ed hovering on his lips and which was only lield in restraint b£ tlio uwe we iill^elt of ihe major. f. «S«! Notwithstanding. I made one r-iight move. Encountering the deputy coro ner. I ventured lo ask it he was quite salixhed wuh the evidence collected In tue .fejirey case. •Iiis S'.-ij.ritie aid not prevent him from asking my reasons tor this ques tion. Tuc deputy coroner isiuturcbtcd A I replied lo this effect: "J ecause I have a little friend win some enough and subtle euough to worm ihe truth out of the devil. I hear that the girl Loretta is suftpeeicd oi knowing more about this unfortu nate trageuv than she Is willia? to Im part. If you wish tills little friend of mine to talx TO her I will see that she noes so and noes so with efiect." ihe dopur.vcoroner looked interested. "Y. hom do you mean by'little friend.' and what is her namer' v.'iii send her to you." And I did. Tao next cay I was standing on the coiner ot S orino^t avenue when I saw .finny advancing from the house in sireei. fciio wa:- ehinper. and she was fummg in a way which made me sav to mvxoli: "It is fortuna: here." or Jinny one weakness is her lack of power to hide the satisfaction she takes in any deiective work that comes her way. had told lier of this and had more than once tried to impress rpiut her that her smile was a complete give away, but I noticed that if she kept it lrom her lips it forced its wav t!i:it Dili-bin is nut out of her eyes, and if she kept it out of her eyes It beamed like an inner rauianeo irom er wlioie face «o I gave up the taek of making her perfect and let her go on smiling, glad that she had such ireouout cause for it. ibis ne-rnm-.r her smile had a touch of pride in il as weil as of delight. »uid. noting this. I remarked: ou have made Loretta talk." Her. head went up. and a demure dimple appeared in her cheek. hat did she say: urged. "What has she been keeping back?" lou will hn\e t« ask the coroner. My t'i'ders were strict to bring the re sult* Ot my interview immediately to lnm." Does that include DurbinV" •Does it include you'/" "I am afraid nut." "iou are n-rht. It include vcu "Wuut oo you "Why do you l:e so long.' you ha crime. I know, iheur "Jinny!" "A word &he lau^lu but why shouldn't an. Jlnnv?" your own counsel '0 ideas about mi:: by not mention turned prein face toward tho coroner's office. But she was a woman and could not help glancing back, and. meeting my du bious look, she broke into an arch smile and naively added this remark: Loretta is a busybody ashamed of her own curiosity. So much there can be no harm in telling yon. When one's knowledge has been gained by linger ing behind doors and pooping through cracks, one is not so ready t: .:ny what die has seen and heard. Loietla is in 'Uat box and, being more than a little i.(tared by the police, was glad to let her anxiety and her fears overflow Into a sympathizing ear. Won't she be sur prised when she is called up on:e fine day by the coroner! 1 wonder if she 'wiil blame me for it?" "She wiii never think of doing so." I basely assured my link? irietKl, with an appreciative glance r.t her sparkling eye and dimpled cheek. The arch little creature started to move off again. A:» she did so she cried. "J»e good, and don't let ffJurbin cut in ou you," but stopped for the sec ond time when hail' across tho street, aud when, obedient lo her look, I hasti ly rejoined her, she whispered demure ly: "Oh, I forgot to toil yea -nothing that I heard this -morning and that nobody but .yomveif has ^ny right to know. I was felhnviog yoiu- com mands ttnd luiying arocenei ut Simp kins' when, just as I out with my arms tail, I la aid ,hl Mr. Simpkins mention Mr. "JeiVrey's name and with such intoi'i s,. that I naturally wanted to hear what ho had to say. Having no real excuse for staying, I poked my linger into a bag of sugar was carrying till the ran out, and I bad to wait tiil it w:e put up again. 'J his did not take long, but it took long enough for me to hear the old grocer say that he knew .Mr. Jef frey and thai tnat gcnti.-niiau bad come into bis shop only a day or two before his wife's death to bny—cauilU s!" Tho nreb'iww' with which this was said, together with the itself, made me her slave forev,. -. As her small figure faded fram sich! nvn the avenue decided to tal:» her advice and follow up \vhat:v -r eca.muuhv.. (ion she had *o maiae to th'J coroner by a confession of my own suspielons and what they had led me into. If he laughed—well. 1 could stand i*. It was not lh«- coroner's laugh nor even the major's thai I learel. 31 waa Durbin's. [TO I E CONTINUED.! -Mo t:. O'ae, dear, kiss my cheek and make up," siit* said forgivingly. "I'll kiss ft," he answered, "but 'I don't think it wants nny i»on ,waking liuit aro no t-k-i alm-.-i riuinsiig up ami clmvii the ladder of fame mm w^e Xfe O O I S A N •l is a jov to eat—T welcome my rtinnr Because I rout indigestion with August Floiv flConstipatlon is the result of ingestion, biliousness, flatulency, loss of appetite, seli-poisonim anemia, emaciatinn uric aud, neuralgia various parts ol the system, catarrhal inflammation of the in testinal canal and numerous other ail ments that rob life of its pleasures if they do not iinallv rob vou of life ltscli. Q--I in bound in the bowels." v. a com mon expression of people who look mis erable and are iiiiserable»-vei who persv* letting nature take its course." «J\Vhat foolish plan, when nature could be aided bv the use of Green's Aunu«t Flower, which is nature's own remedy tnr constipation and all stomach ills. JtAui ust l-iower gives new life to tho liver and insures liealthv stools •. «JTwo sizes, 25c and 75c. All druggists. Ioui3:ana Purcnasa iL'xposnicn. Gt. Louis, iTio.. rti)ril30 to Novem ber 30. 1004. 1 hti I. 0. It, h. will Rcil Lickois to Lit (•xpoiiiilon irom Mauctotf-r. Icsn Special Summer i'ouriat.rates to St aui and Minneapolis, via tho Bs. & 0 ity On .J uly to 18, I'.jilt, inclusive tii-3 Manchester and Oneida )?y. will wli round trip tickets to St. Paul and Minneapolis at one iirst-claso fare plut. fifty cents (SO.BO) for the round trip, good to reture until Aug 5th except bv depositing ticket with joint agem, ah extension of limit raay be obtained to return up to ar.a Including Sopttm tier 15, l'JOl. •I. L. Kelsey Trailic Mgr. iVL. &.G. Excursions. Iowa City, Iov.-a, ,June 20 .July :j i— Summer schooi.Stnte Un!verity of Iowa Boston, Mass., Augn&t 15 20, Nation ai Encampment G. A. 11. Hound trip ticket at one fare to (Jiiioago, plus one cent per mile in each direction, (short iine distance], Louisville, Ky., August 2li-2U,—lii eanial Encampment Knights of I'vtMaa Jlonnd trip tickers at' one few plus Franklin Gi.-ve JI .•, ahk 18-28 Frar.kli.'i (irovo Cainp I'Vr.i ar.d 01.9 onuei:!iieate nlr.r .Di'ii Moines i~Au? 12, S imaer Scl't'o! Jj -::-!-,.. ur-iv. a'ld on" iiiivi or. '.iil'Mro iv.n KooUfoid, HI —August Rock ford Chfctiuiitjua AE.-embiy. Mendot". lii—At^oct lfi-22 Annual Camprac-ttusg ncetern Advent Chris tian church. Clinton Jywa .inly 1)1 Maiikato, Minn—.iuno 20 July 30 o.ate Norma! riuscasr Schoa: J. I,. KKLSEY. Otf Ttallic Hstr. $8.50 Round Trip to Si July II and Louis. 1904. On these (S-M.-i the Illinois 'ntr.-.l v,i1 Eel! ci'. :cl-i f- :ci!Teiuri tickets (not goiid in uleeging est. fiom iieucbonpt lo yt. I.C/uis, Mo„ tiv the s.bove named very low rst«% limber1, to seven flsyu for return, ia addition to date' ot euie. These tickets may i.eused vi-j Chicago in either or |»ot!i CtiKcKans if desii-ed. t.Kiur tickets J:t'-d to iifteeii day,--, sixty da 'e. and iHc. 1.1 i'lfll, are on sals daily c! ai iUgtu-r ratei-. You can tike the :i:12 1'. i,!. Irsin fron. Manchecter c-n any date, have a couple of hours in Dubuquu for suniier ar.d catch tl'.e ot. Louis Special at 7:00 1'. II. tat! leach St. Louio at 8:0'i the next Horning. Through sleepers and end Through Free Chair Curs fro Dubuque, This is a good epj.arlntiity to visit O:o Louisiana l'utc2sba esjiairitiou at SI. It you e:-i-cto vis-it the Exr-"i it'.on rxn-t sour itaairwi lo the imltWfMd srti wot id's Folder St:d 1-.U eecui-ui' |iosfcet map of the jronrids will h.: taaii .-d }u«, and you ivli i.r Kept advi:::d of nny ehr.: i-es in the rtiu s. .1. t\ M«ry I'u. Cil:. l'cri\ Apeiit, 2tn-2 l^ubotjite lows. Austin! Convention Commercial Laiv Leeaue of America. Wett Uadeti and French Lick Sptlng*. Ilid., .1 uly 2a 211. The Chicago, Great Western Kaiiway wiil on July 22-2.) inclusive tieil round trip tlcUets at onefare plus S2 to Writ linden and French Lick .Springs, Ind. Tickets good for return until Aug. 11. For further information appiv to anv (Jreat Western Agent or 1' Ultner, 1' A, Chicago, 111. 28w3 Sovereign Grand Lodge Independent Order ot Odd lellors fian li-anc:sco Cnl. September 19. 25 1004 1- or the above named oeeatdon the •Manchester aud Oneida Uy. Coi.ipni.5 wiil tell round trip tickets from Man eiiii.ter to Mm .I'rdiicisco or I.os Angel-', (.oing via Missouri Hiverand vm Altai lerijii". via O^den or via t:! l-iiso, returning via ihe same or any other o: the above manlionefl gait ways. at bai/.co round trip. O SKU ii-rancioco. (ioing via ATIK boari lllver and via Ogden. vm Al ouquerque or via LI I'aso. returuinj via 1-ortland and .Uuntinpton or mgs and Missouri Kiver or the revert-.-, or bt aul or the reverse SMil.Oo rou'.d trip. Date of sale Aug la to ept 2rd loot, inal return limits Oct 1-v.h liwl. J: of transit limits stop over privileges Blue trips, or other information call.mi. or iiodress me uudersigned at ".iaaere-i, ttrloiva. ,1.1. Keisey 17-lo TraihcMgr. -Manchester end Oneida. lloim seekers Lxcuteiono. June end zl. .July mui l'.i August aud 10. bepl. li and 211. Oct. I and It), Aov. 1 and o. Dec. hbiiu ^0. l-.iiii. Comg limit lodavsrlmal return lmut sulhcient number 01 davs to permit leaving destination wilhmzl days from dale ol cab-. Cue hrst ciKi-s lure lor too round nip puis :,«.oo. except rales to iA-nver. Uolorudo springs.-l'euljlo. and xrinidad Colo, and CiiuH'une vo. will lie iti tee one. iaro plus tfu.uti ior uio round trip. No iicUeis to tie sold lor less than SHOO. or chliuien ol. a and auuer lli vears ot age. hall or the ubovu latea. lo iouii.B iu Alabama. Aluarta. Ari zona. Arkansas. Atmmboiu. lirituh Columbia. anadian Jsorihivesi. Coio rauo, rloridu. Oeorgia. Idaho. Indian 1 errltorv. Iowa. Jvansan. Kentucky. IjOuiyhn^. .vlanltolia. j\ioxico. Tv-iehman. olinnesots. r.iississipp-,. Mieaouri. Mon tniia. -sebrasi.a. New Mexico. jNortli bi.-d faiaitn Dakota. NorMi Cari.iiha. Oslahoiiia. Omiiiif. Oregan. saskuteii an an ah giniB. Wasmngtoi:. vvisconaiu. ai.d Jsorllietn Michijian. Wyoming. r.\ ihu following hewe: lickets good lor fiitcen 'Jays si&h.-). licketB good for sixty days Slii.vd. rickets good up !o ^oveiuber ,iOth. SH3.J5. Iheue tickots v.-ll! be honored eitnir via Chicago or I'TeMpon. Any ciianc, rates will be announced-. 1-Jw30 1.1, riKRcu. Agcm Special Train to tjaa rciioisco. aiut ust 30th. 1 Ju-i. Ihe .ulinols Cectr::! Kaiirond v,m paujf win run a special .iunghts Teni llar tram to San Vraaciaco. living ..Ihuchestor hl iaaa. in. Anpust :iuth. mskinp etons HI Colorado SIritiij I-IK«B 1-fcafc, ioyai (iotifc. Gnmu CB.I YeU 01 the Aritliriiittl!. GieliV.'uOd spnii.-^ and tsait 1-aKc. City, arriving at Kan rancisctjo^O .!". M.. September 4th. hound trip rate tram Manchester S500 uO, tickets limited to October 2.tal and may be useu reluming via the ti-rnct route, un) is the tsieepiniy cer rate per donle berth to San 1- rancisco. A p phcaiicn tor berths should be mad,-: direct tc. the undersigned at Duluuiue. Iowa.- Many fine special trains have been run to California wkhlt the past tew yi.iirs, bat it is rate that this snw-u-.i Knights lemnler train, which will sceowrnoG&te everviiodv who would enjoy a matt d-c-i'gbttui tria will be made up or tho nect I'uiliaan stespars. and will run tbrongis tofean l-'raneisco. without chance. The route, ia tho Ill inois Central. Chicaso. :oei: Isiand 1-di-iliu, Denver & luo Grande. K10 (fiandfl Western, and southern l'aciiie. i-io tnoro beautifu: scenifi route coul't possible be- selected, and parties who exuect to attend the Triennial onclave or who would visit Cuiiforna. should take advantage of theso low rates and send in their application &t enco for sieitpmg cars »eeommodatione. and for a Knights letnplar toiders givintr de tsiled information to the t-in and (daces ct interest and about aau 1- ranclsco. il. Merrv. -l-Uw Asct. Genl. i'ass. Agent. Limits and Stop-overs. 1 iciieta to t)B good lrom otartinn point only on date of sale, and to re quire contniouo passage on going trip, lo iirst point In hemesaekers excursion territory ecroiue being good thence to hrial destination within extreme going omit 01 lo days Jrom dole 01 sale, ex cept that 011 tiCAe-.R to points i'cyoM! tr:e i-.iisfou.-i liiver no stop-overs will be allowed eiist ol rana ?.l iseouri homer.eeker3 territory, .stop overs in Trans-Missouri homeseekers excaraion territory Kill be granted on rroinir trui u. ter reaching (irst lioiueseGkerB excurs ion pomt enrouta v/Iliiin extreme goine going limit of lo davs. lseturn tickets wilt be .^ood for con tinuous passage only from point of destination to original starting point. Iso stop overs allowed on return trip. liMs J. JL.. KoiBOT-Tfaftia A tr. TiHOUijli Sleoimifr tar from Chicago LO Jacksonville. Flu., via i. u. a. it. (omrner-cing Sundav January 11. 1J0.J, 11 through sloamng car lrom Chi eago to Jacksonville, .fe'ta will be run on the lliinoi3t Central Jlixie i-lyer. leaving Chicago at (1 so p. m. daily via Nashville. Chattanooga and Atlanta, -'•f 11. 0. 1-iiincK. Agent. Annuul Meeting. Grand Lodge, benevolent and I rotective Order oi Llks Cir.clnnatin Ohio. July 1H-2H. iilOI. ior the above named occasion the Jiianohesler aud Oneida Ity. omiany Will sell rotind l-ip tn'ketB to Cincin na-.a Ohio at one lare plus 00 for the round ttipi good lo return leaving Cln clnnata not later than July -23rd. oenos-diig ticket with AEent. nr. extenlion of return limit mav be secur ed ip i« August 18fh —I. L. Kcisev. rallie l-.lgr. Ino Ony Line with a Worlds F.-'.lr titaiion. ibis rr ierB tome fainneapohs .sc st Loula ltailroud and means 1st—The shortest line. 2nd—'J'rie tuost comfortable route, tird—Two lino through trains direct tr. the gatta of the fair, 4th—A saving of about three hours in time. ulh—You avoid the crowds ntlhe Union depot and on the Btreet cara. Gth—You save money by being landed just where you want to go. There are many other acasons bnt "a word to the wise io euilicienl." For excuision tickets, berth reserva tions and a complete guide to the' fair, free, address A. H. Cu'tts. G. 1'. & T. A„ Minneapolis, Minn. 20\v20 II A wrest SB fJSJTA^ JV "ft a a SFiOiS L-'ic-'ie a.* EXCURSION RATES. lCxcurMim tlukcts will hr: soM hy ili« UKnoUt Cf»ntni!,to tlio jwlnis, P.IK! at as FOIIOWB: KATKS TO .ST. I.OI'JB Kt. trowis. Mo. r.ovii iartu PttrchiiS'i IC.'.'po'-i V. lilM tv»r pflfstcn TjckK^ limited to \Ci -iM.v tlavs tnrh on sal-i iw.-uolou UoKcls llMfiict to SCYC.U 'layx, su siitf Juno 13. !5,aii1 LT.:tt rut'-s loss tti:!n oiib ou-o. .limo in MJ117:U:! I« vh HtMto D.iys. Jimw 1:7, .1 Vily I t-.rc rtalos cl liducntional AsJioi:!iir.lon Montln?. 'l'S«:k'H5 from n)i points u.vcttpi ICnivriMi.'lnwii. to NubrnsHs, jcooil cHIioi- via iMCupwl. SlIM.MICK TGCUIST ItATKti Tickets on wly U.iUv tlt'.finff sunmittr i:ioiitlis tn st I'iiiil tintl .Mlnricapohs, AUnncKotu. Hi .Sjirins -!ul Dcuthvi.oJ. S 1, Jfej.tvi.1!-, it Tl (1 O.f.'JlWOOtl Sittings, Col. fif.I J: HJJCI ^ail Us» Ci-.y, Utah, ana JJUUIV utlu-r «-ummi»r 2Vo '!»Bl ".'(fi.jg ,Mk V-.t'Hf liul'.rts A ":i ir: :o!i Mianc!ix».!S j.::nr Ar^isl 10-22 li- 0: tl"jl l'o:iv -r '.:-.:i v.,-,.Iain's Oil'io'.io Order of Kcresum r:floits both oa?l »nd Jimit- '^tt.) Also to niotli t. Wyjinunrr. Ht: VrUcf\v.slu: «t Hit'. H-'.t io it-.tjs- Write fur rates. ONJ: AMJ ONIi-TilfUi) ON C'BRTIKICA'I VLM-i. ^(?lar I'siUs, Xti'iV '. -SiKto Nornia1. Knuinu'r Juiif lightly i»2, (,ort!'iC!it«'S KhiwiiiK puivhuKo of tickets uune i, ami '.ii MmuUty lui-j J'iii'sday of ?ac!» v/ce'tt t!Us sitmniyr unit v.ili iioiuucJ. 0.VIC FA lii PI,US .f j.:'.-. i« iniuiti. Ohio--Amma! Mootlop Graml li. I'.O. KJks. July 18-ia. OXK FAHI2 PLUS $2.00. Jio2ni?-?-rnkor:i' Kxctirtlnna. "West, South, «o»t!: oatit Utifl «oul!i-wtst. .Ttily ia. Au«ust.-J ami ir Svi'ts.'mDor mat (», October 4 is. ON KAUK Moines, Iow.31—itopuWloan Statu Conven tion, July -^0. AV. H'i].x), I'liva- Meeting 1'atHnrohs Mll!t nt 0 O V\ (Jraml l.ocluo l\nH:l'ls of I'ythins HiUli bojjoSiskrs, ami J* Aiutust H-IU. Tioknts on siilo August 7i»fwl Uiijlted to lf». 1.KSS THAN ON iC FAKJC lloston. Mn:^--Natl-»aal Kae»uipmont A U. A\iRus*t Through sleopors via 1 an-i 'rmO "1 tunic Sr.n Francisco. ('al -TrlaoJilal Couelavo Kuijjh loiiiltlarshDptr.-najK1. SovtM»lKii (Jrauil 1 O O Sept Jov.'a S])ccliil on I O tti-.rtij J)tibi (jue An^u-t liotli. l'nr piwt'.culars as to (iat-' of sale, rat.M, ot« appiyto any Illinois CmitraJ tlcJiot a»i«nt. or uudrosfi tho umitu:l«ucu. J. K. Mnuuv Asst. Opn. Pass. Arrnt. 26WH) Uuhu'-iuo, IOWK. First and third Xuecday of Kach Month. The Chicago (Jreat itailway will Bell IlonuEeikeiu Tickots ut one fare phiu&!.00 to points in Aiabeuia, Aii-anaa?, Colorado, Florida, (icorjijiu, Snuja, Kentucky, l.oiilulana, M«xieo, ."liii-.istippl, Miti^onri, Nebratito, Nev/ Mtxico, Kortb Oarolino. Oklahoma, T'.niU'tste, Texiin, Ulah, Virfiinia, and Wyoming. Further infornitition eppiy to any (ireat Western Agent or ,1.1'. Kimer, G. J'. A., Ciiicago, ill. IDiv&j Homtseekers' I'xcursione, The Chicago Great W'ectern Hailwey will on the iiret and third Tuerdav uji to October 18, f-eil ticketii to points iu Aibcrta, Arizona, Acsiniboia,I'unEdian NorthwcEt, Colorado, Indian Territory, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Mlteouri, NebrsEka, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Saekatcliav.'an, Toxati, Utah and Wyoming. For further Informa tion apply to anv (ireat Western Acent or J. 1*. Flmtr, i. f. A Chicago, ill. Itm2l 7 /S ^'1 j* ,. J- JL r* Cheap Kouud Trip Rales ia hieago Creat Western liaiiwnv Lvery dav thia summer to septeioher :ri Un- lue.ji^o t..t ut -A f.-ttrrn liailway x. Ill ti:ll ticki Is to ?t. 1-aiti. Mluneapn lis, UTIIIIJI.^tijienor Anulauil. liuvln-ld, Deliver, (.elorado spririin-. I'aei.l.. ami Salt i.akw eaiv at aboui. a.e hall i.iie u^uul late:--. (.ood to return iiniil Oct .1!^., li -.(in tire ci'iueinphii'.ug a trip apply to 1.113? (ir«-at Western Agent or .1. I I'.iuii-r, (i. I'. A. Chicago. II) for complete information "•'•vIii Triennial Oonc.avn Knights Temphir Min l-rancisco. Cab. Sepl. a tn 11. I'.inl 1' or the above, occasion the i\Jsuches-d ter ami Oneida Uy. Co.. will sell round': trip tiCHHB to San Francisci) or I.iA.? .-vtiuelec going and returning via anv ot tlio uireat routes. -_.» =tItiBtlOil, .Sill) I-rancioco. going via ivlwEouri liiverandvia Ogden. via Albuquerque or via LI !"«':o. returning vuii-orllanu and lluntirii-ton or Hil lings aid.Mo. Hiver or the reverse, or M. I'ani or re ?erse siil 00. Dn'et- ol sale Aug hi to r.ppl. 2. l'.lol. I- nisi lftiirn iunits October 10. l'.NU 1-cr transit iiniits. stop over privileges side tripB or other information call on or address. J. L. KKI.NKY. luival- Trailic Mgr. .Special fan miner Tourist ltatcc to St. PbuI aud lslir.nnapolis 6c return. On the (mien of .July I I to IS mclue svi. tlrol (, will fell touriBtg tickets Manchester to i'Bul am! .-.nur.eapo na and retuni at a rate oi lor the lOund trip, ickets limue.i lo August uili tor return. Jiy depnmtini ticket 'vith joint ajtont not later than August oth and paying a lee of »0cents, tickets tviil be extended making linal return limit sepl. lo, 1 'Jul. H. Fierce. Agt. Iinpe.rialCouncii .Nolilea of tho Mystic Murine, Atlantic City. N. ,1.. .July 13 and lo. 1 or the above occasion the M. & O K... C..\ will cell hrst class round trip Lit.-ic-la to Atlantic City. is. J., at one lowest regular ilrct claes fare plus S2 CO lor toe round tnu. i-itv jisnher particulars call on or address Ino undersigned at Manches ter. iov.-a. .1. 1J. KCISPT. M-*1S Tralhc Mpr. BIIBIUCBO upportunltica lor All. i.'jiiitii na in loTO. Illinois. Mmue fioirt Hud Missouri oil tho Chicago (ireat Aenterii Hallway: tho very best agri cultural section of tha Viniteu htatee where farmers are prosperous and busl necs men successful. We have a demand !ur competent men. with the necessary caput.!, for all brancne6 of buainoss. home special opportunities tor creamer? men und millers. Oocd locations for tienem! merchandise, hardware, harness hotels, banks and stock buyers. Corres pondence solicited. Write for Maps and .Mupio T.tulleLs. \V. 1. ueed. Industrial A (rent, fit).) iiUi'icotl liiilldirit St. I'aul Minn. Homosoekeie Eates. Ontio lirst and (bird Tuesdiiv- ol each o.ith the Minneipolis .-c si. Ijouis It. k. telle spicml honiesee.nerii round irip excurnwn tickets to polniL the isorthwest. West. Southwtf.1. ^uutli and Southeast, at ono fare plus iwo dohurs. lieturn limit t-.Tentv one davs lrom dalo ot sale and ttopovi rr iierniilted. f.till on ugents lor full particulars oi •ideresr, A. b. uits. I'. Aj Hitif ?.^tt3 to tho Iowa Fair, Des Bloim lov/n, Aug. 10-27, 10(1-1. via Manchester and Oneida For the above occasion the Manches ier ami Onc-idu Hy, will sell mimd trin iekeir, to Uce Moines, good to return until Auj 2i»th at one fsr^ (S'17i?) for Hi?., ruunu trip. .1. L. Keisey. TEE NBV/ ^OIIK Vv'C'-ti.Ii. ,Tlirii &-ii-W( cI( M.lltion. liead wherever the English La uage is Spoken. Tho Thrice-a-Week 'tVorld long fstaoilohed itself in public favor, und it lo now recognized us the otroiigei-i publication el its kind in the Unite. iHtT.tes. Advertisers and published:, seoltmg ciubbinf coiubiubtioii-—and they know best—universally testily to 'bio. it is widely circulated in every State and Territory of the Union, anil even in remote Soulii AI rit-.i and on tha [joid iielda In the deserts Of Austra lia. These are things that tell. Next year we huve the 1'residentlal ciiuipi.ixn, in which all Americana am deeply interested. Already the issues are being discussed and the two great puriies are preparing lor the lirst mover. You will not want lo mi: any details, und if you subscribe now your yefir'r subscription v.:ili cover llio campaign from beginning to end. The Thrice-a-week World io abBO lulely fair in its political news. I'e.iti «8ti bias is never allowed to affect its news cnluimc, and democrat and repub lican alike can obtain In its pages truth fill nocounlu of all the great political contests. in addition io ull tho news, the Thvice a Wei-lc World furnishes the best serial fieliou, elaborate market re ports und other features of interest. The Thi!ee-a Week World's regular uubsi'ription price ia only 31.00 per year and this puys for liiii papers. We oiler llii'i unequalled newspaper ana the Manchester Dainociat together one year for ?2.iu. The regular subscription price of tbi uvo pap'-rs is i*2.r.O t( Snmmer Tourist llates. The Minneapolis & St Louis ln placed on sala daily round trip summer tour ist tickets lo St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dultith and other Northern .Minnesota summer resorts Denver, Colorado Springs, Salt Lake Oily, Ogden, etc, at extremely low rates. Limit for return to October lllot. Call ou agents for particulars or address A. 11. Cutts, (}. 1'. iV T. A., Minneapolis, Minn. 2ilwl3 HSW Manchester & Oneida Rv-' TitVIE TABLE. I ram No. Iwivep MuliuhustiT .'it 5 rly.-.- ..l tlnel.l.i .tl a. m. Uonno, Kim wy«l liniind C. O. \V. Ko. ft hi'lili IIIIIL' lr i.'lil.'H fill ill. I:i :it r.-.'lf, a "1-IIVI.S.III ,Miuirtuwti:r aniror, a. IN^ Soli. So. 1, ?i 1!•' 1:I'M.'r Rt 7-n a' t| ..t ai a. ill.. C"0 l.ertK with eusi lioimrt O. o. w. No .1. Hi-.tmilliiK Ic.nVRH tlliolda at 7K'. n. III., arnvos lit Manchester-at NS 1 lialn No. 8, and Komcseekera Kates to fionh south Banoia. hvery iuesday untu Oct. the «i. vi. Lv. will sell round trip tickets to points the above named states at a great redaction from tno usual late. 1: or 1 urther information- appiv to nnv (ireat \v esti rn Agent, or J. I*. Klmer. (.•• 1.-. A Oincago. 111. lJwa8 WK8T BOUNI NlTiM^Ti.T alii No a- a:is pm. ^o -trtiOo No y:«0a N 1 3 1 HK f" UL S -|-. A.. Minneapolis. Alinn^ r.i«2ri aud Ilom-.teekers Hates to .North I South Dakota. Every Tuesday until October 23, the 0.0. \V. Ky. will sellTound Iriji tickets to points in the above named Btatrs at a etc,it reduction from the usual fare. For further Information apply to priy Oreist Weh!ern Agent, or J. i'. Klm.'r, i. 1'. A Chicago. Ilw32. World's S'aii-Special Train. Comniei.ciui Huiiuay, May l.", the J. V. 11 li. will put on a St. Louis train from Dubuque lesivltif there at 7 p. u,. and arriving at St. Louis at 7:21 the next morning. Passengers desiring to take tnif. train can leave Manchester oi. iio. -1 at :-i:-l2 p. in"., reaching Dubuque at 1:55 p. m. The train" from lJu buijue v.'ill carry a slreplt'g cur ur,d liertbs ran reserved by teleprupb up on due notice being friveu. i'am-.engern wishlns: a daylight ride all the way can leave Manchester on ir-. 2 at 3H2 a. li'. and nie-.'i Sr. JiOiiis in-tlvj cvcoini 20wi!-:i I:i. G._l'iicUot^, gout. Htm i? rivMat Onntiln lit 0:14 n. 111. Con linctis witli tli( linrlh bound O. M. S .... ..... l,t.iur]ihiK leavoa Oiti idn ut nrrhortat ".aDOheiitei at 9:50 a. m. teavcx Macchcstor at.2:f.Qp.m-ar rives at OiiolOa at ys:w p.m. Con poets villi (J. (i. w.. No. 4. enst ami No. 0, t'-nl bound. Ko tr.niliiy loaves ()nc?!.ia at ftMfi p. ra-. iu-rtvosm Muaclicstorat G:27 p. ui. »aln lravos Miinchostrr at p. iirrlves ftt OnnidH at r.:l5 p. in. jon» IIBCIS with sonih bound I-.. No. ui. .KelurnuiK ler.vts Ona S:3») p. m.. arriv*.»H HI iMaticht' (i:to p. m. L. Iv'KLSHltl Oon. lTattlo MaDAk PlirotiKii tickets for tsalo at Winchester I'umts iu Mvrui Anioricii. TKA1NS WILI. STOL' ON!Y AT-J I.elkiiaiis Cii-osstnir. JMiitfonn nt Quaker It I 111 isl lj t, li.i*. Mlilur (..rushliiK, twin crossing. InooU a Crossing. ILLINOIS CENTRAL v1 TIRflE TABLE Main Lino rabsct'Ror I'ratus. MAIN LINK RAflT BOUND ..insl Train.. 1 hro bxprese.. ....Clipper..,. Local expresfc ..WaylnjlKht. No -i" No.sw? Jin.dp.mj. No :yi«.'toa.m No.yGOijiWpjni. 8:4*2 A rn No 4* S:l'Jpm No «4t8: 00 am No Ct 8*40 pm No 1411:45 am OliDAK RAFiDS iiHANCZl. North Hound I lJci tsetor Rixis Houtli Boimd Anlvo-—iuivl MiiRohcstcr f.oavo—— .I'usata«t»r. .t?UHS6TlRttr..'relKht... No.^i5U:i0a.m No.3WC:2ap.m No.gCQ t:U() p. All almvo trains carry passengers.. 'L?aUy» tbally Erceptiiuauay. H. Q. PIERCE. StftttoVApt. No. r.Jtuns to Sioux City only. No. lains to Oumba only. Nu. bas connections to Omaha. Sioux (Jity tiul sio»i\ Kalis nnl No. from samo points. NEW SHORT LINE )Q lldnols Central betwennonsalia and Fort I)odn» ui connpciiow wit): shoMInncapolls and St. Loula Imiweeii J*-oft Dodgo and Minnoapolls and-Ht. I .uil, also to bo InauGwmtod oaDuarj'88. luoo r,v. On:aha Lv. St. Paul I ?.wp. m. 8.oap.m. ^r. MlimeaiJoila Lv Mlniioapollc 7.80a. ra. I 8.aop.m. I Ar. Kt. r« ul Ar. Omi&a I s.ofla.m. 8.16 a.m. ssilbulo nlKht train, dally, ^rryln^: illman car p.nd coucbes. •Tin MMITKD A fjist ti.rcuiKii Lv. Omaha I Lv. St^kul I 7.oo a. in. B.«T I Ar. AiluueapoUa I Lv MP? 7.00 p.m. IV t-Ar. bt.-1'AUt Ar.O 7.30p.m. l-'oratreo copy of the Horaoseoi desurlbinp tho advantages and resoi "ionth, address J. F. Alerr'. A. 0.1* U., Dubuouo, Iowa. For Informs ho? land.- In tho famous Yazoo Val" Isslpm, address li. 1\ Skene, Laud CJ r- Fast day tram, iially oxcept isunriay. ir»uplip acdcoachbft. Th« IVin[)l-£ Rot •J jJrto card. Oneida, low iilca^o JSpeclal. DaUv.Goicc Eaa -1 lay h?:pr««s dalir. Way l'relght-uaily ex. Sunaay Coiug West, Norti und Sout Way Freight, dally Sunday *f»y Exproen dally bt Py.ul & Kftnuart (Mty lixp, daily... For iaT0rmr.f:0i una tickets apply C, A, itobiiibon. Agent LOVv'-EATE-EXCURfc--. Twlcn each month, on spnclflc date nois Ci-ntral wilt sc-Uat greatly rod iroin points on its lino north of Cairo llomosoekers' iixcur^ion tickots Sor lain points on or roachod by Its Hot tucky.'lonnoiiSMeo, Mlsfil3Hlppl, Lo Alsibaniss. Also lo certain point' .Southwest !n Iowa, Minnesota, N'o:^ Mutb Dakota, NotrAKka. Kansas-' ami imliiin TorrUorv. i'ui tlcusara nous Cciiiralajconts. .., :r V. uhlcago. I ^gwaaaMavt^^,jtntgagE«i3Wtiapg»M INVESTME^ li\i SOUTHERN Li'r ^ui.*h invchcnionts ar« not spacu HouUi Isnot a mm eountr*. fllarkct fucllltlo.s arc adequato ntid Hrst cllin ito Is ml'd ana favorable. N'ot theso and other aiivnnlmefl. somlu M-llhiK f"f prlt'csfur below their r». at present prices Ji&t large returnH vwtinent. For a trco set of clrcnl: Hi, Inuhisivc.concenitnKllu: pos*lb in.Kentucky, \Vest Tuxinesseo, Al: l.'uKstann. onand no'irtho Ulhiois' r'ad for honu:si'6ktH'6 anil iuves the UDdcrsiynod. P. Xr.jHic iiyr. Ass'tJon'l l'asa'r Ac. Out Every Dav Year the Are selling ron tickets,=gooil for to Chicago and Western stations of 166 miles at 1 count. Louisiana Purchase tion, St. Louis, A1 to 1 1 9 M-nc'hoslorOneida Kalhva otd nt special latos to Kt. Lr April yu to November 80. r*H#afir% Seasont'.elcots. uoo VilCitp foro November tlhr.- bcfoi-L! l»ocfmbor ir». Cheaper Cheapest T,Sfn^fc And Besides limoto ilmo. Theso llekotsf coach o:x(JUi'blon tickots] «iro and In parlor aud sleeping traiiEl.'r oi pusseuptts uiul bu points. Thore are many routes to cl lufornr-itlon us to special rata ply to.l. L. KKLSlvY, Tranio & 0 Homcao&ktru Jl and South Da Every Tueeilay until Miiucheelor mill Onojtlii Ei'111 round trip Uckfta to ttbovo named ctatoa Ht lion from thu iinual far( information apply to. li (Oct 25) n""s£ ,?r