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Free j* $snr fc? One bottle of our TEA ROSE CREAM ABSOLUIELY FREE. To introduce our Tea Rose Cream, we will for the next 10 days, ending SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25th give a 25-cent bottle ot' Tea Rose Cream with every purchase of One Dollar or over. Tea Rose Cream is the best preparation for chapped hand, face and lips. It makes the skin soft, smooth and white. *4, W. GREMS. Free Free *OWM)MMOM)*OK*OM)*OM)OM*OfCM«OtOM«0*0*OiO*OM4 READ THE DEMOCRAT. £**443*444*44$4*«4ft4*444«*£ Great Profusion of Striking Patterns in Free when you buy your coal of I Manchester Lumber Co. February is usually the coldest montb of the year, and we are. lia ble to have a shortage in coal be cause of the reduced carrying ca pacity of the railroads, induced by the extreme cold. Lay in a supply now, and have a hot time in your own house to night and every night during the cold snap. A N E S E E O A N PHONE 156. J. W. RABENAU, Mg'r. '0404040+040404040+040+0+04040+040404040404040+0+0+0* VVH «r»C 4 „v3: Kauffeld Chimneys. This Chimney is made of malleable glass and is not sensitive to sudden changes of temperature. **$ Stewart & Lawrence 1 AO Young FIT GUARANTEED The excellence and popularity of our selections is attested by the daily increasing sales. Sizes 30 to 58 Prices $10-$20 We've heard of young men who could not be fitted with ready-to wear clothes strange to say—WE NEVER MET 'EM. J. H. ALLEN, Clothier and Merchant Tailor. r* Si* iies66s«ie6!i999»9&'V99ees6 §ity and Vicinity —M. H. Williston was home part of Inst week. —Belle Bailey was a Dubuque visitor Friday. —William Porter of Hopkinton was an office caller Thursday. —Win. liockaday was-au Inde pendence. visitor Wednesday last. —J. M. Stewart is again able to be down town after an extended ill ness —R. W. Tin-ill went to Nebraska Wednesday morning to be gone for several days. —Wm. Shepard of Iiazel Green was a business visitor to this city last Thursday. —C. 0. Torrey left last week for a business trip through the western part of the state. —Chas. Nagle of Galena has ac cepted a position in J. II. Allen's tailoring department. —Mrs. II. J. Schwietert had as a guest her cousin, Miss Ilattie Piatt, of Cental City Just week. —Mrs. Edith Uronson went to Des Moines last Thursday morning for a short visit with friends. —Mrs. 0. E. Hueno visited her daughter, Mrs. Bertha Harrington, of (Strawberry Point, last week. Mrs. Tlios. Elder came home last week from Dubuque where she has been visiting for several mouths. —S. E. Turner and J. B. Eng stroin attended a meeting of the cement users of Iowa at Ames last week. Mrs. Harron of this place at tended the funeral of her nephew, Edward O'Toole, of Farley, last Tuesday. —The last number on the Star Lecture Course will be Will Carle ton, at the City Hall, Monday, March 13th. —Mrs. W. H. Norris returned laBt Tuesday night from Council Bluffs where she visited friends for a few days. —The friends of John DuBois will be glad to learn he is able to he down town again after an extend ed illness. —Alfred Adams of Chicago is a guest of his father, 1. P. Adams, and other relatives and friends, of this place. —Shelden Carpenter, a resident of this city about thirty-live years ago, was the guest of friends here part of laBt week. —Spring is surely here, the oungsters are playiug marbles, a sure sigh of spring, and now robins make be looked for most any day. —Mrs. E. A. Mender and daugh ter Blanche came home last Wednes day from Waterloo where they have been visiting for the past few months. —Dr. C. C. Bradley and Joseph Huchinson have gone to Suthern Pines, North Carolina to spend a few days at Dr. Bradley's vineyard near that place. —Clarence Yoran returned to Minneapolis, Minnesota, Thursday morning after a few days visit with his x)arents. He is attending a law school at that place. Earlville Phoenix: Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Kendall took their daughter Vela to Manchester Tues day to have the fractured arm put under the X-ray for the purpose of exact location. Guy W. Crosier has purchased the picture-framing busiuess of Will McCormick and the stock has been moved into the back part of his grocery store. Mr McCormick will continue to do the work, but will be assisted by Mr. Crosier. Last Wednesday at high noon occurred the marriage of John H. Franks and Miss Grace E. llomeg at the home of the bride's parents southeast of town, Rev. A. 3 W. Fccm California. Caul performing the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Franks will accompany Mr. and Mrs. Jay Lillibridge to their new homo in South Dakota and will he employed by Mr. Lillibridge on his farm here. Chapter A. S. P. E. O. can chronicle another social event that was in every way a pronounced suc cess. Mrs. Geo. Lister and Mrs. A. D. Brown were the hostesses, at the Brown residence. The brother-in laws were included and were on their very best behavior. The rooms and table Were beautiful with daffodils and marquerites and the dinner was most appetizing and exceptionally well served. Games aud music occupied the evening till a late hour. —Hopkinton Leader: Geo. Pul ver of Delhi and Hiss Pearl Brazel ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brasselton, were married yesterday at noon in Hopkinton, Rev. D. C. Mackintosh of the Presbyterian church performing the ceremony. Both of the contracting parties are well and favorably known in this section and a host of friends will join in cordial well wishes for their future happiness and prosperity. The groom is a prosperous farmer, who has rented the Baal Bros, farm near Delhi, where he has taken his bride and they will at onco begin the serious work of life. —Miss Winifred Winnard, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Winnard who lived here in Manchester for many years, has been winning honors in her school work in Chica go. She was valedictorian of her class at the John Hopkins High School, and the Chicago Opinion in its account of the graduating exer cises contains the following com plimentary notice: "Miss Wini fred Winnard, 888 South Spauld ing avenue, has just won both high honors and laurels for energy and studiousness, which, in the estima tion of many, is a wonderful accom plishment. She lias been awarded a Chicago University scholarship, she standing the highest in the class." Editors Democrat: The part ef the Pacific Squadron that lias been anchored in the San Diego bay be sides the Monitor, Wyoming and Battleship Chicago is the Matlle ships Buffalo, Bennington ami Revenue Cutler Manning, and a torpedo boat. They made quite an imposing display. On February 22 they gavo a salute of 1 lid guns in honor of Washington's birl Inlay aud it raised quite asmoke and as the boats each fired at the =111110 timo it gavo one a littlo idea of what a battle would sound like. It is re ported that before the squadron leaves that they aro going out into the open sea and go through a regu lar battle maneuver. I hope they will before we leave hero as wo want to see it. Last Thursday in company with a few friends and about sixty tourists wo took a boat I ride around the bay and out 011 the deep blue rolling waters of the Pa-1 cific. It was beautiful to see the' great blue waves coming gracefully up and and gently raise our beat up on its crest and then ease it down into the hollow space between waves. We had about a fifty mile ride and all seemed to enjoy the pleasure of the trip. Week before last in company' with Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Moore we visited Point Lorca. They call it a thirty-two mile drive out and back. I Now this is one of tho most pic turesque scenes there is around San Diego. Point Loma is a small peninsula and to reach the summit! and descend to the light house at 1 he south end with team we have to go north perhaps a couple of miles then west about three miles, then south past tho Domains of Madam! Tingley, the Theosopliis. These grounds are situated on quite a high hill and consist of sev eral hundred acres and grand buildings with orange and lemon orchards and other fruit bearing trees suited to this climate. They keep watchers at the road gates and no one is allowed to enter without buying a ticket. At the old studio our guide tied his team and bade us get out and led us to the brink of the hill. Hero we had a high com manding view of the bay,! Corn ado Island and San Diego and manyI miles to tho east, south, and north, It was a view once seen not soon to be forgotten. Wo were soon going up hill quito rapidly and when we reach a high point our guide halted and said that we could go to the southwest for 12,000 miles and not run against the land. We all took one long look and concluded as our imformant was a minister, to take his word for it. Now we descend down tho west slope of the moun tains we wind and twist around in the Kenons and at times we are crossing narrow aud high bridges and it seemed that a little mishap would send us on either side to the chasm below, and such scenery, if 1 could but only describe this with its redish soil scalloped out in all forms and shapeB by the beating rains in ages past, and every storm that sweeps over leaves a new pic ture of its own. And [on^'we go down and at times we are at a scallop in ocean beach and we look down a couple of hundred feet or so and seo tho angry waves dashing against the rocks in their madening fury almost beneath us. We take a look, draw back a little and cau tion our driver not to go so close, and we pass on down and reach the south end of Point Loma at the government light house. Here we alight, seek a secluded spot and eat our dinner. After dinner we hunt for shells of curious specimens and at two o'clock we start on our home ward journey up the road we came down a few hours before. As we near the top of the hill and is quite steep, some of us got out and and walked and when we got to the top we stopped, take another long and steady gaze in all directions. To the east twenty-five miles or so is the coast range to the south and west is the Grand Pacific to the north about one hundred and twen ty-five miles is old Baldy with its snow covered peak and tho valleys, with their coating of green makes one of the most attractive scenes the eye can witness. As ever, Sf A. S. COON. Board Proceedings. Saturday, Janusry 28.1905. Board met as per adjournment. All present. Procoodod to consider claims, IIKIDGR—CLASS 9. Bhrke ft Ktelosor«e, lumber 141 Frank Cole, labor 4 nn N. Uowley, labor 3 35 Geo tttaeule. material 10 88 Frank Zemauek, labor and material.. 0 cs C. J. Kruempel, lumber 17 23 HOAD—CLASS & Hoyt, rock, continued. Potltion ot John K. Wblto sr to remit his taxes, he being unable to ooutrlbute to the nub ile revenue. Granted. Resolved, That the auditor be and hereby is authorized to ls*ue a warrant on the county road fund for tifty dollars ($50.00) in favor of O Sieint-liDor of accouot of road boueht lu Bremen township. Deed for samo to tenut on record. 1'etltlon of L. Matthews for remission of Creek township. Approved. Report of M. Pearse. Justice of the peace in Delaware township. Continued. Resolved, That the auditor be authorized to Issue warrants for all claims allowed at the ses sion. On motion the board adjourned to Saturday February 25th,IttuB, wrflS' R. 11. Davjs, W. B. Rohinsox. Auditor. Chairman. Saturday, Frb. 25. iuus Board met as per adjournment. All present. Proceeded to consider claims. Bridge—Class 4. Gus Bornd, labor and terlal.. Jones Co, labor aud material James Armstrong, lumber Martin Steen, twlue ......S 52 Home Assurance Co, Niagara, Farmers' Insurance Co Concordia Fire Ins. Co Amerlcau Cen. Ins. Co Franklin Mre Ins. Co Phenix Ins. Co Conn. Fire Ins. 2OOO1 8000, 30 2000. .80 1030, 18 TFUOO, 36 2000, SO SOUO, 80 2000, 36 2000, 38 8000, 38 Co, Aetua 1ns. Co National Fire Ins. Co Insurance on tho court house as written la ac cepted and it lu hereby resolved that the audi tor bo authorized to issue warrants in payineut 0 premiums on same Rosolved, That the auditor bo authorized aud instructed to oancol all county warrauts bearing tho date 18M. Resolved, ihatthorobe transferred to the poor fund from the health fund of the various preclucts as follows: North Fork 933.00, Bremen 180.70, Manchester I $ $.'3Cr,I, IH'iaw.irs JM.10. South Pork TEL 01, Onoldllgls T1 Tot:il J4.K! 13 evolved, llmt tlm auditor bo authorized .0 lasup warrant* tor all claims Iilo-SfM! ,Lt this SC-flOII. Hoard jnad-* contract with Cliissel & i-riiii win to liuroliaso two llolt book typewriter.) forth" sum i.r ^(50. two old tynowrliers to ba taKen as part pay, tor t!io mim ot *50. Halaiicn W to bi allow- at April inootlim 11 Ir.l to appease him. "But, sir, ''1 11 -a ry wflh me. You have not i'.i U) jur party tomorrow a in a it v...j c:.:-.- a children's party, but tho uu-l aiKaiior come If he chose. Ila 1 al for ho wont and, being a a a a a re a scoring heavily for Persia, wl..i ai.aa' him comfortable about the neck a :aia. ItcKtnrlni? Faded Int. Faded ink 011 old documents, papers, parchments, etc.. may be restored so as to render the writing perfectly legi ble. Tho process consists in moisten ing the paper with water and theu passing over the lines a brush which has been wetted with 11 solution of sulphide of ammonia. The writing will Immediately appear quite dark iu color, aud this color iu Hie case of parchment will be preservc.l. On paper, however, the color will gradually fade again, but ou a fresh application of the sulphide of ammonia it will reappear. Writing executed in ordinary ink which lias been rendered illegible by age may be restored by carefully moistening it with an infusion of galls or a solution of fcrrocyanlde of potassium slightly acidulated with hydrochloric acid. Care must be taken to apply the liquid so as to prevent tho Ink from spread ing. Snndy'a Initiation. A Scottisli gillie was invited by the laird to take a pull at his flask after gafllng the lirst tlsh of the day. "I canna triuk oot a bottle," protest ed tho gillie, with frown of disap proval. "Awcel, try, Sandy," said the laird encouragingly. Aud Sandy tried—tried so thoroughly that the laird gazed in mingled awe and admiration as the whisky gurgled and gurgled out of the flesk down tho swarthy throat until, with scarce a heel tap left In it, the "pocket pistol" was handed back to the owner. "Hoot, Saudy, maybe ye were richt maybe ye canna trink oot of a bottle," gasped the laird, with a mighty sigh, "but, eh, mou, ye'd soon learn!"— Bally's Magazine. Benefit* of Proper Breathing. The hubit of slow, measured, deep breathing that covers the entire lung Burface is of more value and impor tance than you will ever believe until you have tried it, and when you have established the habit of breathing in this manner you will say some remark ablo.thlugs in its favor. It will reach all points of your physical system. Ail the benefits that occur from a healthy condition of the blood will In a greater or less degree be yours, for the manner and completeness with which tfce in spired air comes in contact with the blood in the lungs are of the utmost im portance to every vital process.—Chris tian Work and Evangelist. Hisslner In the Theater. Formerly there was no hissing in the theater. The benevolent audience were content to yawn and fall asleep. The invention of hissing Is no older than 1G30 and took place at tho first repre sentation of "Aspar," a tragedy of Foutcnelle, so we are told by the poet Itol iu iiis "Brevet de la Calotte." A farce was produced in Bannister's time under the title of "Fire and Water." "I predict its fate/' said Bannister. "What fate?" whispered the auxious author at his Bide. "What fate?" said Bannister. "Why, what can fire and water produce but a hiss?" In Light DlstroMa. A new term was heard the other day. Ad old lady aud her two daughters came into a millinery store. The young women wore mourning hats. The old woman said to tho clerk: "I want a mourning hat, for 1 am In mourning. But my datter here," Indicating, "is a widder of two years' standing, and she is in light distress. Give her a hat with blue feathers on It."—Chicago News. Schoolboy Humor. Etc. is a sign used to make believe you know more than you do. The equator is a menagerie lion run ning around the center of the earth. Tho zebra is like a horse, only striped and used to Illustrate the letter Z. A vacuum is nothUig.shut up iu a box. Definitions by London School Children. That Wm Different. Mrs. Tittle—What a beautiful world it must have been when there wore only Adam and Eve in it! There was nobody to say nusty things about them. Mrs. Tattle—But, then, they had no body to talk about. Mrs. Tittle—Well, I guess, after all, the world has improved eluce their time.—Boston Transcript. 15 mills ot tho school house tax in Kldgevllle inde pendent district, Elk townahlp, it belns an Ille gal levy. Uruuied. Ofllclal bond of P. W. Beacom, Justice of the peace for Adams towushlp. Approved. Oillclal boudof James Lyness, constable in Adams township. Approved. Ofllclalbt.nil of fl. m. Uarr, clerk in Honev A Dreadful Disappointment. "They say he was disappointed in love." "Yes. Her father failed In business Just a week before the day set for the wedding."—Cleveland Plain Denier. The Bllaa of Rlehen. 00 .... 1*4 H9 Ci» 40 Rood—Class 0. LT. Hoyt. rock, contluued Under resolution of the board, the court house at Uanchonter has been Insured lo the following naraod companies for the amount set opposite their uames: Klre Association, amount..18000, premium fM Northern Assurance Co.1' Sooo. "35 Homelike. "Mamma," said the little girl who was having her first experience of rid Ing in a sleeper. "Hush, dear," whispered mamma, "you will waken the others." "But, mamma, I only want to ask one question." "Well, what is it?" "Who has the fiat above us?"—Life. Didn't Need Money. Dixon—How is your artist friend get ting along in New York? Tomson—Oh, splendidly! Dixon—Have you heard from him? Tomson—No that's the rea son I know lie's prospering.—Detroit Free Tress. Progress Is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow,—EmersoD, The "Word "Jltirlkifthn." The word jinrikinha cihih^ wIibii in id lues ara satlsfiL-l.irily Installed. Minutes of tlits inciting read nut apurovod. Hoard adjourned 10 March7ttt. 1003 K. U. IMV1S, W. It. ItOHINS'tN, Auditor. Clnirinau. Led All the GnrHf*. In tlie iluys of KIiir George III. of IOmkImihI the Persian ambassador to his court ilomumlotl, hilt was denlctl, prece dence t»ver-:iii other foreign representa tives. I le refused to 1 to court, eaus* ing it to he reported abroad that I10 was ill. lie met the prince regent at tho house of tiie I.ady Salisbury of tho time. "I am very sorry to offend your royal highness by not golug to court," said. "Xow, sir, niy sovereign, ho tell me 1 go lirst your people say I must last. Now, this very bad for me wl.i a inu-u to Persia." So say iar, la- ina-'e a significant pass toward l.!s l.eiul. '.wpreraing decapitation. The rriusv from three Japanese roots, jiu-riki-slm, meaning respectively inau, power, carriage, but it is not of Japanese origin. So recent ly as 1S70 the inconvenience of tho slow, lumbering two wheele.l enrt:? turned the thoughts of ftnglteh resi dents to the ease with which the hardy natives could propel a lightly construct ed vehicle, and one was invented, some say by a missionary, others by a news paper proprietor's son. Ever since then the heavy carts have been entirely dis pensed with. 1Ih The Jnimncnc Idea of Bravery. There is a time when death is much easier for a man than to fulfill his duly, and if lie dies just for the sake of deatli he cannot execute the duty that is assigned him. True bravery is njt in throwing away one's life or courting death, but In doing one's duty at the hazard of one's life. \'ou must not for get that.—-From "A Daughter of Ja nan." by Marui CJensai. PnnUhiuiMtt. "The wretch lias been proposing The In l»ovcrty. Most anybody can tand being poor. It is having others sorry for you that makes it ho bad.—New York Tress. Woman. Woman has been defined as "an essny on goodne.c* nmi grace in one volume, elegantly bound." But she doesn't like to be put ou the shelf all the same. Relations are the cause of most of the friction that tskes place in social llt'g, —A. C. INowden. Nobody can help being born stupid, but anybody can help becoming stu pider than lie was born.—Lady Helen Forbes. DEAFNESS CANNOT DE CURED By local applications, as they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to euro deafness, and that is ly con stitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Bustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im perfect hearing, and when it is en tirely closed, deafness is the re sult, and unless the inflammation can be .taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten aro caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dol lars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir culars, free. L\ J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. Notice of Appointment of Adminis trator. STATE OP IOWA, Delaware County f®3* NoticeIs UeukhyGiven.That the under signed has been duly appoluted nnd qualified as Administrator of the estate ot ttdca Merrill, late of Delaware Couuty Iowa, deceased. All persons Indebted to said Kstate ar« requested to make immediate pay ment, and those havlug claims aualnat the sauio will present them, duly authenticated, to the undersigned for allowance. Dated, February 22, 19G5. &-3W M. K. LeUOY, Admr. Notice of Appointment of Adminis trator. STATE OK IOWA, DEI.AWAUE COUNTY, f"* KOTiCK is HKiiKBY given.That the under- slgued has been duly appointed and qualltled as .... .. Administrator cf tho Estate of Hets^y Harris lute of Delaware couuty. Iowa, deceased. All persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will presunt them, duly authenticated, to tho undersigned for allow ance, CharleN H. Harris. Dated February 20th, 1905. 8w3 Notice of Appointment ot Adminis trator. STATE OF IOWA, teo Delaware County Notice Is tiEUEitYGfvEX. That the under signed has been duly appointed and qualltled as Administrator of the Estate of Jitcob Miller late of Potter County. South Dakota, deceased. All persous Indebted to said tistatc are requested to make immediate paymeRt. and those nnvlng claims against the same will presunt them, duly authenticated, to the undersigned for al lowance. FKANC1SC. MILLER. Administrator. Dated February IS1I1,1905. iUtOMBON & OAltlt. Attys. for Estato. Notice to School Electors. To the qualified electors of the independent School District of Manchester, Delaware Coun ty, Iowa: Notice Is hereby given that the regular au nual meeting of the electors of the Iudepeudent School District of Manchester, Dolaware Couu ty. Iowa, for the transactlou of tho regular business of said district and for the ctljn of two directors for saiddlstilct for the term of three years to. succeed J. S. Jones andJ. F. Grauom. whose terms as directors expire, wlil be held lo the council rooms In the city of Man chester, Iowa, on tho second Monday tn March, the same being the 13tli day of March, |yo5. The polls will be open at one o'clock p. 111. and close at six o'clock p. ni. of sain day. Further notice Is hereby given that at said ami al meeting of the olcctors of said district at said time and place, the following qut-btiou will be submitted to and determined by the olectors of said district: "Shall school building bonds to the amount of $11.000 00 be Issued, lu accordance with the statutes of Iowa, for tho purpose t.f providing funds for erecting addltious to and otherwise Improving the Central school bulldldg in the Independent School District of Manchester, Iowa?" Dated at Manchester, Iowa, this '.'3rd day of February, A. D., 1D05. K. U.Stii.ks, Secrotary of the Hoard 9-2w Directors of said district Notice of Incorporation. Notice Is hereby nlvou that a corporation for pecuniary profit, has been formed uudertbe provisions of the statutes of Iowa. Tlmt tho name of said corporation is tho Farmers' Savings Bank, and Its principal place of business la Masouvlile, Dataware couuty, State of Iowa. That the general nature of the bus'noss of satd corporation, is the transaction of tho usual business of a savings bauk under the statutes of tho State of Iowa now in foroe. nmi of ail laws aitieuihuu or modifying the samo The auiouut of capital stock authorized Is Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.), in sharosofouo hundred dollars each, which may bo Increased by a voto of two thirds in Interest of ail the stockholders. "does "Money," said the wise man, not bring happiness." "Oh, yes, it does," said the still wiser man, "if you have just enough of it."— Chicago Tribune. The corporation will commence business upon the issue of its certillcate of Incorporation, by the Secretary of State of the State of Iowa, a* tho receipt of a certillcate from tho Auditor of Stute.-authorizlng to do business, and will coQtluuoforn period of tlfty years therofrom unless sooner dissolved by a three fourths vote of the stockholders, or as provided by law. The allalrs of the corporation will bo mauagrd by aboard of nine (9) directors, elected by the stockholders at tholr- annual meeting to bo held od the first Tuesday of January of each year, A provident, vice president, cashier and such other ofllcers as the board of directors shall see tit to provide for will be electcd at a meeting of the Board of Directors held Immediately ufter the annual meeting. Until such annual meet ing lu tho year 1000, the provisional board of directors will be, Daniel Fagan M. LlUle John Blulvehlll Wm. Kvans A. 0. Docker James McUuIre Riley Davis Johu Crowley aud K. S Grifllu. and tho provisional officers uutil the lirst annuul election thereof wilt b*% Danlol Pagan, prosident WlUliun Evans, vlco presi dent ana M. Llllis. cashlor. The board of di rectors may fill all vacancies-occuirlug in Its membership an 1 othor officers of tbo bank, bo tweon aunuttl elections. The highest amount of Indebtedness of Raid corporation shall not excood two-thirds of Us capital stock. The private property of tne stockholders Is exempt from corporation liability. Dated Feby. SI, 1906. DanielFagan, Prosident. 8-4w M. LiLUB, Casnier. Farm for Sale in Tembina County, North Dakota. Consisting of S00 acres of land on tlie banks of llio Red river about one and a half miles from four ele v. tois 011 tho Northern Pacific. There ix .r3~i acres of plow i: ivl, 70 acres of good mea dow, about 200 acres of pasture, all fenced. Good dwelling house SOxiil), nine ro nis,* barn filix-lli. lfi ft posts. Granary room for 0000 bushels of jirniii. 1 will sell this place for per acre. For fur ther particulars apply lo Daniel llulTv, Pittsburg, Tembina County, N. 1. S-4w It will bring rich, red blood, firm flesh and muscle. That's what Hol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. Taken this month, keeps you well all summer. 35 cents, Tea or Tab lets.—Denton & Ward. The property of N. Wall of North Manchester is for sale or rent. In quire of C. L. Adams. 7-4w to both of us. I wisli we could think of some horrible way to punish him." "Well, why don't you marry him':" Illustrated Tits. Farm for Kent. The Oscar Wellman farm at Masonvillo is for rent. Enquire of C. 0. Torrey, Administrator If taken this month, keeps you well summer. It makes the little ones cat, sleep and grow. A spring tonic for the whole family. Ilollis ter's Rocky Mountain Tea. 115 cents. Tea or Tablets.—Denton & Ward. 5 J?er Cent Money. We have an limited amount of 5 per cent money to loan on gilt edge farm security.—Ennis Boggs. 3-tf Farm for Rent. One half section or more in Rich land township for cash or on shares' Inquire ou farm or of II. Middleton at Manchester. 45tf KOlt SALE. Good rfef.deQQe property on Franklin Street, 23tf J, J. PENTONY. If you cannot eat, sleep or work, feel mean, cross and ugly, take IIol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea this month. A tonic for the sick.'.'There is no remedy equal to it. 35'cents, Tea or Tablets.—Denton & Ward. Residence Property for Sale. We are authorized to offer for sale tho Dr. Sherman residence pro perty on Butler street. For terms apply to IjRonson & Carii. tf. Thrice- a-Week New York World. The Thrice-a-week World hag made special arrangements for tho year 1905. Its already great news service has been extended and, as heretofore, it will report all impor tant eyents promptly, accurately and impartially. A" original and striking feature of the Thriee-a-Week World in 1005 will be its serial publication o£ the strongest and best fiction that has ever appeared in the columns of any newspaper. The novels already ar ranged for, and which are by writers known throughout the world are: "Cardigan," by Robert W. Cham bers "Before The Dawn," by Jos eph A. Altslicler. "The Reds of the Midi," by Felix Gras. "Tho Cardinal's Rose," by Van Tassel Sutphen. "The Blazed Trail," by Stewart Edward White. The Thricc-a Week World's regu lar subscription price is only §1.00 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. We oiler this unequaled newspaper and tho Democrat to gether one year for §2.15. Tho regular subscription price of tlio two papers is §2.50. tf A Ijoiik: Way Around. A mnu with a large family of daugh ters ou his hands may profit by the fol lowing suggestion: An old lady who had severni unmarried daughters fed them largely ou a flsh diet because, as she ingeniously observed, "flsh is rich lu phosphorus, and phosphorus is use ful in making matches." Her Flrat Dinner. "Yes," said Xewllwed, "my wife and I are housekeeping now. She prepared our lirst dinner last night with, her own fair hands." 44Ho\v was it?" risked Bncheller. "Well, the nuts and raisins were fine."—Philadelphia Ledger. Moat Deadly ot Inftoltn. Fweddie—That creature actually told me to mind my own business, y'know! Cholly The Impertinent wretch! Fweddie—Positively insulting! As Illinois Central Low Homeseekers' Rates TO THE South and Sothwest FEBRUARY AND 21 AND MARCH 7 AND 21 On the above dales the Illinois Ceutral will sell AT $20.00 FOR THE ROUND TRIP tickets from Manchester to Jackson, Miss., Vieksburg, Miss., Natchez, Miss., New Orleans, La., and ta all Illinois Central and Yazoo nnd Misa fllsslppl Valley It. it. points lu the states of Miss sissippl and Louisiana. Also o*i s&lo dates will sell from above stution tickets AT $20*00 FOR THE ROUND TRIP to Jennings, La., Lake Charles, La. Beaumont, Tex., Houston, Tex. San Antonio, Tex. and to points on the Southorn Pacific R. R. in the 8t ites of Louisiana [west of and lnclud'ng New Iberia, La.] and Texas {.east of and Includ ing Sau Antonio, lex.) Return Limit of 21 Days. Also Colonists' One-way Rates on February 21 aud Mn'ch '21 to tho same points at exceedingly low rates, Tlcfcei&»-n<ifuil Information of agents of tho Illinois Central and connecting Hues. A. II. HANSON. O. P. A., Chicago. HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Boay Medit in for Bqsj People, Brings Golden He and Renewed Vigor. A specific for Con rf nation. Indigestion, Live and Kidney Trouble? Pimples, Eczema, Impure Blood, Bad Breath, NUgglsh Bowels, Headache find Backache. It's xxjlcy Mountain Tea in tab* let form, 85 cents box. Genuine made by Holusteb Druo Ipany, Madison, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGET FOR SALLOW PEOPLE vt*etr &*>\ A* I. Art Miliar. The Regular and Reliable cago Specialist, who has visitea Manchester, every month since lflOl, will be at the Clarence House, Monday, April 3d. (one day only) and return once every 28 days. OIBce hours tl a m. to 5:80 p. m. Independence, Gednev Hotel, Tuesday, April 4. iwvs purwuncnTiy tnt cases n« traaertaKc* •md sends no Incurable nomo without tffklng a from them. This Is why ho continues Ills Mts year after r, whllo other doctors have ji.ide a few visits and stopped. Dr. Shallenbcr ,'er is an eminently successful s]eciaUst in all 'hronto diseases, proven by the many cures 'tlec'ed In chronic eases which ivo baffled tho iitfllof alt other physicians. Ills hospital ex I 'TioDco and extensive pr -tice have made him so protlcleut that ho can name and locate a dls* tso lu a lev minutes. /.Croats all rable oses ot Catarrh, Noso, throat, ana Wig diseases. Lyo nnd liar. «tage diseases of tbellladder and female Organs. I.louorand Tobacco habit. Stammering cured and sure methods to prevent its recurrence given* A never-falling remedy for Hlg Neck. PILES, FISTULA*, ana ItUPTURE guaran teed cured without detention from business. Special attention glvon to all Surgical ohjm's, oml all diseases of the Ey/. Kar. Ronu anil Throat. CtnnHCN fitted and guaranteed. Granulated llds.Cataract, Cross Kyes straightened without pain. NERVOUS DEBILITY. Are you nervous and despondent: weak and debilitated tired mornings no ambition—life less memory poor easily fatigued excitable and Irritable eyes sunken, red and blurred: pimples ou face dreams and night losses rest less, haggard looking: weak back deposit In "Hue w»d drains at stool: distrustful.* want nI onfldcnce: lack of energy and strength? Private Diseases a ialty. MANCHESTER. IOWA. When you want Fine Furniture if to insinuate, don't y'know, that I was in business!—Cleveland Leadar. Al* 1 -•si VI Spec- Blood Poison, Ner7ouflnesa, Dizziness, Da ectlve Memory and otne ailments which ruin body and mind positively enrea. WONDERFUL CURES Perfected in old cases which have been ce* tectod or unskillfully treated. No experiments or failures. Ho undertakes no incurable but cure thousands given up to die. Consultation Fred and Confidential Address, DR. WILBERT SHALFFNBER8ER, 145 Oakwood Blvd., Reference: Drexel -tnteBank. We are constantly adding to our large stock of COAL to meet the constantly increasieng demand. Also Shingles and Lumber for the spring trade. Hoi lister Lumber Co. Fair Prices GO TO Werkmeister's AT Earlville. Undertaking Solicited F. WERKMFISTER, Earlville, Iowa &s CUT FLOWERS AND POT PLANTS AT C. L. ADAH'S NORTH MANCHESTER fi 4$ & fit '-i|, t,A :v? 4 ft. 5$ 1