OCR Interpretation

The interior journal. [volume] (Stanford, Ky.) 1872-1881, January 28, 1881, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84038328/1881-01-28/ed-1/seq-2/

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' i
(The $nlcripr Joiirii....
AXOTHCT Ur of woliilroiH bright- Tltr .Mcrenr 'h'tih-iV take COM -Srra UrtnharJi'a total ire-rlplafet ike flrerge I wrrrrr, w.. Wi-l a aloevn
tie Inst risen in Ihr iltflfintl (lent- slew. In antwer a idfr f tsowl llce, r,' " ' "' l';i.'"' In " Mltn trrri, with H. . nrrr.
Friday Mornlnfr,
ir. r. irALTor,
TnK National
fertile, tn resource. (Julie n number
of their rliftrtrm expire next year.
PevnlinR the question of iho cxleniien
of aucli rharters, which will require
IfgWulirc notion, Mtne of llie, lmnks
litre n clever way of evading llio law.
Tho plan consist in lint coing into
liquidation ns a National Hank, re-or-gnniilng
m a fctato Hank, ami Ihcn
tbrthffith miplyinrj to be converted
mnL Her name i Mm 'Viiim let- vtiiieli we lewik ihr Hlwrly nf Rising It,
trr, ami sre ttw Inrn ami te-aieel in lr making a (limit nhteli it thought
,v "''' would willifr in: Imt unforlunalely,
Jannftry " ,ssl kit week In a cwwdnl atttllenee.fflileJi j ne were no inore twjnnI for the
went wRil with rnllm?Mni in llie i ilcfenl tif Pnullrr. Waled Miller ft
'" r;lieaiitlflil fminR eit-Jilitrp pnrtrayrsl (V tittn lhe nnlWn Mcfrer .Viler-
i Willi well womlertrtl ho a; llio rev' ol rvr. ITwl unthrliinale aflair to i
Ilanka aecm In lie , Matfaone" In hrrklan KiiniMtlav eiurnl the mr lirlorn wr ramei l
of J7rf If T-. SrtliirJajr night the J, Kentucky. Itut we riiirn to our
pie of llie city liowol their npprrciit- tent. An independent weekly paper
tion of her genius liy presenting hern lean not thrive in Kentucky. Its my
if; nfmi-iM- I" ifcr .tnif nm M Wlw,irepnei, irie-,i up
l a anrrtlrg.,1 tlirstiwkrronl'rt nl il ; lmt to oaff Ik hei-letrs-
ml if ! i.
hit lnfruTurinTt
lox of jewelry, through Mr. Henry
Nattrrion, whn did ta in a touching
little rpcecli. Mi IVttrr Irlcil lo re-
pir.d, hut clinking vtilli emotion, the
could only ay : "(JckI Mom you all,"
m tho tenrj llowed down lier cheeki.
She ia juil eighteen, very rich, and n
agnln intn a National Hint, itn a member of ono oi Ihe mot ariitocrntlc
new chatter for twenty yenw more, I famitiM n Kentucky. A bright futnro
but nilb Ihe old title. 1 hH cneme nait her.
ha lin mecw'fnl in ftveral caes,
In ono raw n Innk in n inglc week
loured m a Knlionnl Hank, n Slnto
Jlank and a new National Hank.
Tho new imtik In 3 the tame titlo, the
nmo ofllecra, notes print! from the
mo plato, and presumably the same
banking hour, hooka and customer!
as the bank which went into Jiquhuv
tion. Tho Iwd Ixinti dilTeronly in
their organization number, which ii
printed In largo red figure aero tho
lace of the note. Cincinnati Iloqnir-
Ir has becnT remarked that no In
vention wm ever mado by a woman or
n negro; buF a young lady of Albany,
N. Y., n Mim Hkerritl, has jut per
ffdednnd had patented a folding
tep fur pasfcnger coache, which,
when lowered, come within n. foot oi
tho ground. When Iho train ii
ready to start the steps are lurned out
of the way by means of n lever, which
hIm holds them fecure. This renders
them free from ieo and cinder, and in
ascending from them ono Is in no dan
ger cf slipping. Another important
feature is that when folded.lhcso steps
prevent pajsorgcrs from jumping of!
iron iho can. Tho Delaware A Hud-t-on
is (eating iho invention.
OONoiiBW has already pawed for
tho fiscal year a bill appropriating
$50,000,000 for pensions, and tho
alarming stniemcnt is made officially
that when tho government shall have
settled all the claims arising from the
Arrears of Tension law.it will havo
paid out W2I.O0O.O0O. Tho Com
iol;.ionfr says that he has no doubt
that n fourth of the claims aro fraudu
lent, but he lins no way of detecting
uch fraud under the present law,
The ncceffary legislation ought to bo
bad nt once, or it will not be long bo
forn Ihrse claimant will own the
Locus' bill lo retiro Gen. Grant
mi nn annuity of M.1,00, has re
ceived n lmrk-tet, (he committee
lo which the bill kiu nisigncd re
porting adversely lo it. During bis
reign cf eight years as President.
Grant got 8100,000 salary, which is
$203,000 more limn bo would havo
gotten had he remained General of
tho armies. the, country may havo
owed Ihe General n pool deal, but we
are of opinion thai the indebtedness
bns been fully) paid, and that the fool
ib talk rf providing for him ought lo
Wi: knf.w General Hanoock would
lie elected President, and ou levcral
ixvaiion prior to the election we said
so, as our files nil) ithow. lie has
lxvn electeil fiirly and squarely, and
till inko the place lo which a gener
ous people has called him. No Klcc
tornl I'ommiHisus or lladical Itcturn
ing Uonrd, Jesigned to thwart thp
will of the popular voice, cnu count
liimoul. lie will bo President of
the Xiition.il Itiile Ataocintioo, by n
unanimous vote, and "don't you for-
i''RFSfii Tipio.v should ijuit the
uewifaper and go into tho map en
graving hiisiuc4. Hit map in last
week a Jtfgittcr shows that bo is not
only an artist, but n, man of great
amngtnation. With una littlo raiload
to Itirhrnoud, running but ono train a
day, and that n "inised" one, Tip has
lliemi'lneity to show it as a railroad
icntre, with six roads coming in from
tho North. Houth. Kitt and West.
It it getting fashionable to kill
f oiik tables in this State. Mason coun
ty follows Lincoln, and lores Consta
ble Wrlldon, lio went to servo a
procs on a keeper of a bawdy house,
sihero a friend of the uoraan, to make
Jilmsclf more solid with her, fired at
Mm, killing him almost Instantly,
Vben caught, the scoundrel who com
mitted the deed should bo made short
work of.
Ax itch appears in the daily papers
to the effect that Mrs. Bpraguo once
laid 818.000 for six yards of point
laco. This is not surprising when we
V.in Hamitiin continues In show
of what small material he is made.
A paper in his stale published some
thing about him, whereupon he te
turned the copy sent him, and request
ed that his subscription should bo
lopped. The editor wrole n friendly
letter to him explaining Ihe matter,
but the great (!) Senator replied;
"I beg leavo to any that I regard your
letter as an Impertinence and )nur
paper ns a nuisance." Such action
might be expected oi nn ignoramus,
but never of a chivalrous gentleman.
Perhaps, after all, it would havo'been
better for the country if that mule had
thrown Wade to as lo break his neck
instead of his leg.
Tun question ns to whether mem
bors of iho Legislature should accept
free pas.e from railroads, is .Mng
discussed all over the Stale, tho peo
ple of Carroll going so far as to meet
and resolve that they will volo for no
candidate who will not promise in ad
vance not lo accept one. It is a small
but effectual way that the I!. II Com
panies have of bribing our law-makers,
and Ihe people should rise up in
their power againit such bti'iness.
Mcmlwrs of the Legislature, of ail
men, should be last In expect such n
thing as a pass, when they are paid
mileage for the longest wny round,
and go the nearest way through.
Cot, J.SroiiDAr.n JoiiNirros writes
to the Lexington I'rrtt, in answer to
an article favoring him for Ihe Gov
rrnorshlp, that ho is not nor will he
be a candidate. Wo regret this, as
there are but few men in Ihe State
more filled for tho position than he.
When we get bsck lo the good old
days when Gubernatorial honors are
bestowedon account of personal worth,
and not lecauo of a war or Yellow
Fever records, then such nn accom
plished and scholarly gentleman as
Col. Juhmtoii will bo called to ihe
Tin: t'ourin-Jiivrnnl, in
ing the purchase of our (jew o(li;e,
says that there is some danger that wo
will get too big for our breeches.
Jess so. Hut we wib lo remark that
the C. -..' managing editor, who made
tho observation, has always been too
big for bis IkjoIs, and has for years
been solving the problem of how to get
his No. IT fett into n pairofNn. 1C
name suggests that it will sell nut lo
the party olftring the mest money.
though either party would show its
hlfcry by Investing in such a paper
for lis so called inllutorc.
Tins Ohio legislature is working
on n Sunday Hill, one section of
which says that "Whoever sells or
barters any spirituous liquors, except
on Ihe piescriplion of n practicing
phtsician, on the first day of Ihe
week, coMinonly called Sunday, shall
I mi fined not iiioroCihnn 8-10." An'
other section forhjds the giving of
any show or oilier entertainment on
Sunday. If such a law wero .isscd
and carried into cITi-ct in Cincinnati,
the cily would soon !ecomo n howling
wihterncs. Wherever there are Ger
mans, beer gardens and Sunday shows
must flourish, or they will seek places
mme congenial in their tastes.
CuwATru's needle is nt last in its
place in Central Park, New York. It
weighs 2l0r Ions and is GO feet 2
inches high. It hns been for centu
ries called Cleopatra's needle, although
it was not removed lo Alexandria till
the eighth year ot Augustus, which
was six years alter the death of Cleo
pMra. Tho inscription on it is trans
lated . "In Ihe eighth year of Augus
tus Ciesnr, llarbarus, prefect of
Kgypt.caused this obelisk to be placed
here, Pontius being architect."
Mb. W. E. Bell, who has been
twice elected Circuit Clerk of Ander
son county, is out for the Clerkship of
Ihe Court of Appeals. He it thor
oughly qualified for the tiotition and
his great popularity, wherever he Is
known, will tell when the lime comes
for the puly to name its stnndard
VosnnuiiEtDi:, the murderer, will
o huog at Shelby villc on the 2"th of
I-ebruary, if iho Governor docs not
change his mind. It will lie rcmem
beretl that Iho condemned killed a
negro girl, while he was an escaped
convict, rind that the murder was one
of the most fiendish imaginable.
Tin: testimony in (lie ItufonI case
is all in and the wind blowers aro at
KsnliM-lf Ohitsl rsllms.1 WhIw-Iit, V.
I- !nel, I'rtvMrM t lh Inrinnnti, In
ilhMpntl. Si. I,ottl ,. CMntgo rsllfoml,
watttrrt! IVesMni, nmt ll w ileWl
lo ealrnJ ll ri.l ta KdmtIIIp.
' TL MB, ..ftM ftt...MnrAfL,M l.lll .
.... , ........ ,-,-.. ,....v.. ..... -
rr-oHct t ll linn. snitlile JIA'
M,t-'K, sn.1 U lfil Hl.n ntirrritrs
t-rrxstlrvg $lt,IT.MM. The Mtlmsthl
lit iff tnue for l?;lSvm,lTI, or Jl,-
ft 1 4,11ft le" llisn rennlrtJ In wake Ihe
l'al-efltce DeprtmrM ftirsnriitnlng. Tbt
smi.unt ai-prorrUtnl for Hip Star-rontt
ettlre la ;,7J,0W, an lwrrc of WTR,.
00 eter It jesr's ifprcfrlttUn.
A nTlit telon of Die Ifon tf llf
rv)titlre wss lir 1.1 1'flJnj, to eonMer
Ihe Mil for Ihr rrliff el Theerhtlix 1'
Itismller, !lA!lsnl Trnounr al IVw
ten. After mtnlrrihtriferlnir la pnxurp
iUruni. the lloiwstfi x. m. JjmnM
till noon. At Ihsi lioiir,llie jonrnsl net
llnjr remplrleil, a rttM w isVrn, nl
iipsn resiemblln: ihr rri-r-lntrsn cf ll
(Viiiimiltrr on Klerlions ien llir tenlMl
nl rlrciion ease of liMwe r Hull, ileelsi-
ling Ihe rontr-hnt '.ttt tnlitleil lo his
tril, was adflptei), ami Mr. IU-Ito IdaL Ihe
oith of odlfr.
Tlir Iloiwr Coinmiltre on tns
agrtnt lo report lo Ihe llAus. l!enrrnt.i
lire Cox's Apportionment Hill, wtlh
ainriMlmenti irrrraslne Ihe r.nmUr ol
llrprtsrrtalirM from .101 lo .111, sml strlk-
Ing out Ihr iwrn.l ami lllnl irrllem rf
Ihe hill, nhich proriJnl thai a llrprracn-
Istlre er Ilrprrrrntstlrrsi from any i
Stale sheuM I siMrtl la this miroWr, ar.J
also Ihe moilr of eltrllng Ilrprmntallfca.
Hf ll.ls Trsaa tains fonr liepie.vnlstlrn
r;..-t A i- .i :
urorKi", vur; loni, nnr; nnnns, ih
Michigan, cm Minmnri, or.r; Minnesota,
one, art! Virginia, c sir. Kenlnclr hoMs
hrr wn
iIa uii. it n't a r.vr i .
xoti:.s of t vntt kxt ki f:.7s.
SherilT rttuniol
Mr.. ViCTOitiv C.WooDiii-iL, Into
candidato for Ihe Presidency of the
U. S is nlwut to mnrry tho "tcion of
a noble bouse ' in London, She has
proclaimed her nblnracco of the sect
of Frco Lovc.nnd says that in no part
of her lilo lias she over l'avoicd Tree
Love. This is no mistake. Vic. is
as pure as a virgin, i-ha says so bcr
self, nnd fho ought to know.
It is said thnt the reason tho bill
for the pensioning of tho Mexican sol
diers can not pass is bcciusoiTcfl Davis
would 15 n beneficiary of it. This is
ono of Iho littlo mean things that tho
Kadicals nro ever so ready to do. It is
a shame, since pension money has
been m waslefiilly expended, thnt
these old toldicrs can romo in for no
share whatever.
Tin: Nelson JUcortl is on n Inoni.
Not content with issuing nu nunual.
The booll county
1,719 ilellnqutnta.
The total amount iutelfl In new
hIIhu.I. U 1LJ) ..cqm-amv
menlion-i '""r: . ' .. ;'-"""v- , .
inr rrnaior, .Mr. JUIJ, jiih eiroini
In Tesas, is a Kentnrlian j gavJ, sir.
Nine of ihr thirty prisnrra confincl
In Ihe Fayette conntT jjll arerhargeil with
It ii cstlnule.1 llial Ihe llofor.l trial
Ins so far coat the Commonwealth of Ken-Ineky-OTer-S.'W.OOo.
Islington 1'rrM.
('Mil boata containing 2,07S,C00 hush-
rls for llnclnnall nn.l l,&,C0 ImshrU for
Louisville arr on their nay (rum Pitta.
'Hl fr'iMallhs, late nlilor of the
Ilartirllle (Ky..i Ornritr, m autrccatol In
the Ki-nrl In C3rWnrli, a few ilaya
It is ttalftl lint Justice .Snrayi.r, of Ihe
1 . S. Supreme I .mil, will resign earlr ihla
wetfc, .iril llmt ea-Senstcr Stanley Mat
Ihcvsj of Cincinnati, wilt Ir uoialnalttl.
I. A. !emheri!, tlie great actor, w ho
niadr himsrlf fainms a "IrJ Dumlrra
ry," ilinl in Inlii lsl IVMar, (, a can
frrousatTctllon. The Nrnate Ia, wIiIhiiiI ilihi, con
firinol the nouilnativn of John . 1'in
i.cll, lo be Collcdcr ot Internal !rrntie
ai'C'osIngton, Ky. '
Mr. XIcKee, a nt-sllhy farnur in l'u
Miss l!l!e I'ayne was unlucly enough
In get a fall in an ley parement, which
ha ff.nfintil her lo her reoni tor ihe past
The exlrrnitlf eeM wealher anj the
eatrerae scarrily of coal in this imrUl,
hairnn the latter artlrle up to 21 eenla
per linsliel.
Mile Hay, who hail an attack of ter-
(igo, while whitewashing n reilln; of his
honse ana fell froa Ihe seadoM on which
he s at work, lerieu'lr hurling himself,
la reporteil l tier, although hu phrkian
hait despalrtil of his recorery.
The many admirers of the Mlstea Car
roll were elegantly entertained hy the
young ladle al their luhmbin ieiJfnee
Monday night. Ibnclrg was lite chief or
der of the evening and was heartilr engaged
In. Whit Montgomery, of your hw, wis,
5 understand, theonlr elranger preent.
-Nctahle among the business changrs it
the dissolution of the old firmi.f U llroirn
A (is mannfacturera of rceal and flour
and dealers in coat, luml-er, Ac. U llrnwn
A Son will continue the grocery, coal and
Iumlr bntinew, while Oeorge IVennr, Sr.,
ar.d Vi. II. Wherrltt, under Ihe firm name
of George Iennr A' ( o, will run Ihe Hour
ing mills.
(lor. Will Cuinlack, of Indiana, lee
lured at Ihe Court-House Tuodar night
ta a good andlrnee. Ilia tuhjeel "The
inii-IUc some proiJe." Tlir Irelnrr it
tpilencf at a good err, well delivered,
(lor. Cumhick'i) personal apprarar.ee re
mind one of ait a eartoora of the "long
haired Southerner." On catching a glimpse
of lili fare I could not help looking for lit
boot tops to see what kind of a p!!ol he
carried. Hut .Vnsf .riKlrrnm? ht m IU
Pennr V Mclean -c-M la WakiCeld A
l'arris, of liansillr, a nilxnl lot of 17
mules at ninety fire dollars re; brad
IWt A Martin, cf l'alnt I-'ck, famed
through Tuesday with two car-loads of
mules bound for the Atlanta market. Men
ny & Mclxait'n mnlra werr In thlpplng
pens ready lo load for m.ne lusrkd when
sold The few ec in para lively gootl days
of tho last weik revived the corn gather
ing, and Ihe shipping to Silrer Creek hat
returned its former Immensity.
A flight difficulty between Sheriff:
lllgglnhothant and Thomas Tale occurred
Tuesday night in which Tate nasforui-
whal disfigured. It appears that Tale wat
n MaraMy night ls-i, Turn llewwn
an.) MUi Itnkh Mills (.. V. a hsap las k
inrrly ohantrr. TV frwowS ! eSMtil aMt.
lern ami iKe hrkt aftawai yran nf agr.
-A saxrrbifr llemsr wa taranl ntt Ihe
211-7 nni I Irsk i.- I.trnrgn- KWrr In1
Mary Anna lti Mlei. Mirtml, in'
IVintllle, on Twexhiy, Wm. II Morgesi In
Mtss Anna II fired, hmh f Marrrr I a.
-Mr. ll. T SnttrlJ. wt fnneily llvr.1
near Intltie, mnml i fMthrlHr some
mortlhs Iner and trok wllh Idas a favorite
eat. A few ttayaago, l'nf aarrl sml
was gladly wrleotneil st her old ltnr aUul
I mil from herrven the Itirre-ssirgrol.
IMt liow sir traveled l a llllte lyosHl
Tint's what a rat amvwnl'a lo
wwman with a Uhy In bet atwi- sp-l-earnt
at Ihr Mitsr of Mr Ilrennan, In
llsr rowtrtrai nflliitrtMinly, anil asked lo
warm. Ofrewrar ,kr wat InviteJ I.-eoixe
In. Serine ihr Iratn on Ihr I. & N. II. Ik
appruaeh lite woman sail her hwslontl w
running ontkr train ami ! wantnl le!
speak t Mn mlwH and etked Mrs. I:
te ImI.I her haliy. She r Mill ksAllrsrlL
A Itlrgram aniMiinrr Ihe Midden
death in Ml went 1 1 M little Mtry l.lllihl
llet-cilttii, a gran.1 daughter of Mr. ar.d
Mrs. Therm M. IJIlard, ef Ihb cmnly
...... I'lr-I, on Thnradty, .Itnnary tMi, al
Ihr family rnddenre In lUjIe MVnnty, of
I'neiHitnnit, in IhrMU yeir f htrsgr,
Mrs. 1'. A. Mock, rrllr o( ll- lite J. .1.
Mock, Thus ernti a lift ,4 tinftilsr Rsr
fulness tr. J.M. Merer is e,ul(e s4ek al his
country bame, el IWnmAnla. Mr,
Sprakr, inrlher of Mr, fir. MrKre, I
thought lo be lprtetely 111 nf Pneumonia
. I. II. (lenlry, of Ihe firm of (tenter
Whitley, Is "a little under Ihe wmlher."
line weather to he under, isn't It ?...... I 'r.
. I. Monroe, of ll little- pill telvoel, haa
returned In Panvllle ami rmimed Ihe
practice of lilt profession The lief. J.:
I.. Ziramerraan, of Ihe Trihnr, wants to Ir'
a randidate for the legislature, but Snr
statutes say ll.al -rrachen are Ion gnJ...
Macrame lace fertr ba sliiiek lanvllle,
ami rates at an epidemic. Mr. Wnkefiehl
and Dick Dnnlap will nerrr gel over it
MIs Judith Guest I. at present rMrfof her
father's family, near IanTlllerJeorge
Cowan, Jr, of MIsseurl, arrlrrd In I'an
rllle this week, and will tUt his father'
family and relatives In Ihe county Mr.
Harrison Ihlley, of Shelby county, wat in
Ihnvllle Wednesday Mr. Dndley Stew
art, of fharlrslon, W. Va, Is In eur city,
and IVe Tntler, to Mr. U.J. I.yle.cf
this rsMinlr, ha gone le, Spain tn buy line
jack Uk Mrs Pauline WatMn, of
Frankfort, is at Mrs. ( C Young'.
One day ltt week W. Ik Tweirr ar.1
Moke Cjppage bad a diffiewllr al It It re
ported that ( appagr ftrrd one -hat aiTnrk-
er hut foiled In bit Mm arai we psr
the mailer ha l-een amlcaUe srtllrd.
Mr. A. 1L Clark, emr candidal far tU
Senate, made a short and eloquent tf-ereii
in wliirli lie anBaonceil himself a randutstr
and asknl the suffrage ol" our replr. lie
made a gw-d Impression ami every man
that heard blu will rote for him
Dr. W. ll. Stone has lawght a ItfHwe
and l( In town on.1 will build a new hnse
Immediately ar.d nwve orer in Ihe Spring.
Wseilend to lie Dr.and Ms family a ear
dial welcomr.fiw we know thai hit hulMIng
will I ipille an Improremenl l our town.
Ijtt Monday was Cwnnty Court Day
anil the most peneraUe nnr wr bare bad
for a long lime. Their- m I -at Utile
drnnkenras; no lighting ami but lllllr liisl
net Iranueted. There went la er three
re in the ( mnlr 1'emrt I I nnneofthem
-JrHrllrt,inaf owr aehool Irarh-
rrt lot taught two l.ltt sflot tineie tl ,
evhool year began nr firr mentis anil
Ihr othern Ihrer menihs sehol J, A.j
Wolford Its returned from a IbrrtMtaywj
visit to his lather on Ihr lUillin I otk arul
It is upiMr that be left bl gn at
Samuel . Hatter wm marrle.1 m llie '
iMh to Mist Malls J. nisei. The mill, 1
lire In the llirb Hill netghbothood and en
Ihe 17lh when Mr. Halter came lo town to ,
get his llcen-e Ihr rirer vai up and as the
.vi -trin. Ite-il mill Itimn Hill.
IT, Willie MM. itfcliat nlmii I")"
A IM-rnt Hess-irl win i rM i
ar iSrISHre r Inthmiti'n ti s-i
. T .M'.NNri.l.l.Y.
! (ii
ftl-Wll 11
)Hi.y . JattuflfT Mih,
r e f"Isi H asylrl vJsl
Mflh. mA IM n's iM
m rn tWr . Ait i
SMf rot.s.l
stts rtsvspt iiitns.tt tbt' iMwa-'i ifci
feiitl Mk.kitf Allrs Mm MtiaVlwWi.
it, t iMn mmwt mrm
tJlkwi iMNkrwfarta
ttfto fsf htm im9
OpiM'ti lloiisi'i Sliiiiliinlt
nr. mi in e m i
ibcbday. ritit. mi.
Tlic Only anil Original
Billy Arlington's
Arlington' Celebrated
I'.ii.ii'oiiM.i n utTirrrr,!
Tba Mnsqwn CruUl nuil Mantl
Urat Street rrilt
ImAmii awli Waeeht-rli' wiin
. Itr Uttvra fletl
On tV at MefWrrl- 4 .
o n
Hove ojioiipiI in tlio store-room
A splendidly assorted stock of'Shi
ple nnd FnnVv (Groceries, Provis
ions, Hardware, Fannin- hnple
nienlsS, Queens-, Tin-, Wood- and
Willow ware, &e.
Biggest Line of Saddlery
and Harness ever
in Stanford.
Air. Xnnnellev, who has been in
the uToeerv business here for a
Jon"' time, and who is entirely ia
imiliar with (lie Avants of (bis eoni
limmity, purchased these goods
jhiinsolt; and the people are assuv
jed (hat he bought just what will
!sui( (hem. See their goods before
I buying, or you will regret it. .
i Produce of every kind taken in
exchange for goods.
K. T. IC)Hi:.STi:H. .NhI'n..ii.ii.
A slWflaW4M-lbMl ! Itw M A-ifb 1M.
l4IUil " "- It lUH tilt 3 Wt llWl,lll
fiH 1 MMl Well MIW.I Mht(Mtti'ft.las)H-lTf
eM .- kNh
MkrhsftJ, Ky
In MSSlfl l4, Kf Ilk - Nk-Mt, .IIIMI.4 . II -.M.ll..
lte mrBev nf Main hr.ntr.re Merei. H4i
MJ. N. lTMx.HMSnl, r . ell till.
I'M! I.I.J. I-n-j. ..I A I - . Cltv ,nri
I Ilia. HUM ( I llltsiN l-OI.il- ll.vr I
lJer.ll." il.) ki Maluil imH, TtswiM ('.
'! reelrl.. ir i- I uawi -III raalMMM IU
I MlMMHtM he.tH- wm mflieiu llfcre.l t.
I t mm' 111 t"U kn.i IV. : I MtMI.S
JlMtrJ , M-li.i T 1 IHIIJIM,
IU, rnc(T with a nrman of iUelioiiii.
lite virtue and lias not since been liearil
Void, lie list a wife and four children.
Joe lllacktiurn Ivas Introduced a Mil
tn the House to (iltee Col. Thomas I
Crittenden, Seventeenth I'nlted PtatM In
fanlrr, on Ihr retired liitwllli the rani, of
Tho hrnticit tall of snow at .New Or
leans In fifteen jeara occuired on Iho 23J.
which a. iiaiii vaiuauie ami ueaiiii- i,,,!.,, ,,, iirMI.,c,M.n, il,.rr.i
ful, llro. .Murray has jmt purclmseil i n d to ;. .l the same time at
a lnrgo Cylinder Press, nnd will Iieic- Ktnc.ton, Ontario, the tnnw wta lliln.
lifter thro iv oil Ills edition at llio rnte feet in ileitis.
of 2,000 jer hour. Tho Jiitonl is do- -Stallttle show lhat llie mgro uiorjali-
Slier n IhrWInr. l.nainr.. Il Pnl,l ly in Ihe lnlle.1 ftate. it inorc thai, twice
... ii.. , , ... ' , at large as the ilealli ralr anions while
. Jlyelo otl,er.te with . uel. man I " m Mltropalan Llftf ,;,
nt llifl hojm . i. , "1 i J , f 'onivanr htt millflnl iu agents not to tale
Tin: fact that of tho soveuty-six I', inuranee on Ihe Uvea of the negro rare, at
H. Seulors, only llireo were born iu re I;lns too Ut.
the States they represent, shows that , ",V,?,Bta I)te";," " "" JmI"!;"'
... . ,; . , ,, I ol Ilia Stiiirtme Court, on Ihe power of the
like a prophet, a (V mlor is not with-1 ut, ,Q , ftiU toUj Knof k, ,,e
out honor rnvo in liis own country, j main prop from under Mahnne' Ilea.Vut-
This should leacli tho rising genera- ter partj, who have in.hted Uun the
tion that if they can not tako Grceley'a r'''1 10 fof errdllors lo Kllleiaent un
ndsieoaml "r-o W'ttt." tlirv niurhl .1 "'ins to Milt themselves.
least to l.(i soinenvhere. -T,,e UT "'" iiM W ""lr li''
temembor luat her naramour was a
jich Senator, who did not tnind ex-' ia JuJS Jaekson. Ho is tho refiuian
j-eniea, if he did have a slight ".version
to ihot guns.
Jcsticd 6way.ni:, ol Iho Supreme
Court, ba resigned, and Ktaulcy ATnt
tbowg bat been Dominated in his stead.
TheNevr York iiuit saji that ralthon
isa tool of Jay Qould, nod that the
latter' bundred millions will shape
znaor of the decisions of lhat Court.
Dr. J. I). .,'oor:-J)B.tK Sm: The b,)l " " "W I,, w"nl "n'' mitt
Ieittwo Iseue of tho JViwewhavo ooma ,na,, l,mn Mr- K,,lcr
totaeoa the half shell, and I wrlto ia f Homi.ll i:. .Uikbokt, a (Stale
aat t-kt If you can not eeud me a Credit Democrat, was eleeled I'. 8.
v rrnor a ttdary of $10,0() a jear are New
TlIU Trttukfort IWkju says that wk nud lYiiiisjIraulay lionttltna t
wo wero mistaken Ir.st week In rejard f1-000' "' California, ColorsJo, Illinois.
miliaria, mxi tiaila ar ZVW ra.-li.
ly tlecte.1 nnd mminlwlunet Judge of , 0bu u fWMlnlcll,! ,'he ,,, blll mt
tllO "til Judicial District, Hnd lilt OH- , ud doe. nal i.i.le . Ilnremnrb l.aou.
poiatiucut as spoeial Judge in the 'either The -lutllest Mlarit sr iIicm of
Ilufurd rue was Roeordlng lei law. lU (iovnmr nf Mlchl(tn, New Ilaiop-
tLlir, IthuJe .Iind, end rtncnl, $1,000
laliu;a napin l.ltchalrln Ihe Lancaster
Hotel, acd in falling to rlnpfrrsot tocloee
hi looulh. Several lrcm were in the
room, ami one uf tl.rni from inlsehlef roll
ed up a pamphlet and put it in Tale'
mouth. It finally awaVrnrd and trailed
out of the house, llelnrninz directlr he
walked np lo Uiggliilothani, who wat talk
ing in Dr. 1 1 oilman, and aslcd him if Le
anew who ful Ihe look In Mi mouth. He-
ecivlng no antwer he preiernlnl In aiylhe
mill who did it was a diitr n of a 1 li.
and he would cut Mail n throat, ut the
tame time drawing hit Iclfe. lllgglnhoth-
am, thinking he wat alnut to he curved,
dropped a rhair In Tate' face, smashing
hhnur-e into a jtllr
Circuit Court convened Monday with
hut two murder caset on the docket. .a
Ihejr are not considered W canes Ihe terra
promises lo he uiiuiuallr dull. The case
of Joshua Aldridgr, for ihe murder of 1M
ruond I.usk, an aged negro, more than a
jear ago, was tried at the Isit term of Ihe
Court, resulting In hung Jorr. It wat
called sgttn Tuesday, and heing unahle to
gel hut four ef Ihejurr, Ihe Fherltl' wat
tent to Mnonln lo sumnmu a ruhir, (he
preferring to go lo Lincoln than the ex
t tenia lower end of Oil county, and both
sides Sgrreing. i A lury will probably be
outlined to-dty, ami the (rial proceeded
with The tiial of W. A. Arnold, for the
murder of ltobert l'-yl-, at Hell Hro.
Circus, lut September, an account of which
appeared In your paptr, watael lor jet-lerdar-
l.tTCR. The Jury In the Aldridg
cat wat obtained ),y noon Wednesday. In
the tlternonlheetldenoeon both tide wat
taken, and lb ease given In the Jury and
Aldrhlg rliand lir nine oVIix-k. The
ury was eteil vnly Iwer.tr lulnutrs. s-'iHtie
wlial ! a uilse In witIJees.
lyoiing man witilelermlnnl not tn lir nut
dene be went back up Iu liny' Mill am)
cnweil iiiaoannc, gut the ptil-ers ami westl
en his way rejoirlng.
vsrirsn.v nni) i.
I'fiuii. At Ibe rctldrns etf tlUli
aid Whitloe-k, two mile ei.t of this plice,
Mrs. Hliia ltuitan.
Mis Sallie Oldham, the ace.tpllsbd
niusle teacher at this place, In eerneelhn
with her pupils, gate a musical entertain
ment at the music rooms on last 8aurdar
evening, mucli to the delight of all prrwit.
The music, Inlrrepertcd by an oecaiWnil
Jilnl-trliUtell.wa ptonounenl eicell.nl.
I'rof. lVitwell, of Ilarroilsburz, it vis.
Iling I'rof. J. M. II. Ilirdwhlstill, aMUIant
leicherof allot Inalltute Car.t. Hob-
erls rrprr-enllng the dry gooils firm iif( ar
tcr llrot , In!tvillc, rta in town last week
M. Ilnley, representing the r'alrbsnla
Morsr A la., senile work wat hete list
Ou lt lri-lsr. a sjii of Mr. Alrr 1'ul. I
llnsif (iarraid, who attend school at ihlt
place, had bis ankle badly spralnnl. How
ever al piru-nt, he I eloing well I i-t
J, -I. ltoris, who lire four or fire iiiilot
east of this place, i very III and mil likely
to recover Dr. M. I'anis, m thi place,
hat been eiulle tick but It out again.
I bxr l.-,l itrlkiflr.il He,.u Still- JJ ..-
lonhllr a-k il-iioi.. a lb. immJI. IMumII
wftl e.n en rf atjr -! 1 .Hansen i.walieMCi.l
mmm .wt m-bI .hi). hm4 I. ihl.iiMi.lrT
V. 1'. HS.MM.V.
j r'OOEt
in tTANFor.r,
IHilklwIUml. Ik. Hftlirl II. Viim, dml,
now 4M.U1-M bt ftps Jrt.l. AUw. Ai-rT Ii.
iwttlilflj lo J, M, til Bl-llv,
4M-ir Kiml.
If D.I tmt'i t.iiatjr l.mtr. I .111 -.11 n .nMie
,y ww imvij i.ri i.jr I. I f nrutrj.
ttWiraws Ililtur mil mr Mill i4 PUitllir
M) HsMrIs UriBi. ili Mill UM tffWlIf lrs
iHUtwlrJ MtJ lilww ia rsMiiiitsH ru-tswj f&t,
o4 Uitgxs run m rttssusai rt MJlWrfy It
wlttloU yii-li tstllMMlll, It fts.br BffT.hll.
tofiji.l .alfHa lb Ttrrutv Tbcr
U rMmritfcl dstlllitg-lii4ir al 12 tvrt t
8-al Uu-l iiUrtiM. .uj n hh-Mb tuicmn
ll IrtitlrrM- na srvmi a itiutj b tiling r
4 lrfwlnt w. ii I psrlvima Mill
r-r-u 4, 11 i.;m:m.
Tht rrtrll r trf tin
Commercial Hotel,
Meat and Provision Store
Ju.IHt-olKlk.tl .saL Haul, Mil H1 Lr
Vegrlaliles, (listers, I'Mi ami I'rnlls,
A IP I .ill tar ..li Sii all iln.1. d I.
ilitre. Illlr, Slierti .Ll.t. I r-. Ai
feuakle. lite, blwail.
severance, mimmw i CO,
TJiis firm us now organized is boil or pre
pared tlinn ever o furnish Us lintroii.- witli
nil kinds of
Dry Goods, Notions,
Furnishing' Goods,
Clothing, Boots, Shoes,
Hats, Caps, Trunks,
Valises, Carpets, &c.
At Lowest Prices.
Thanking' those who have stood hv
the old Arm, we promise to merit, by
fair dealing', even a larger patronage
than it received. S., D. & Co.
unlrjr Trt-
I'll,. Iu-
11 11 I.'....,., .. r. 1. Ann. ..1..... .... .
V. . .lit. Mil. l IIIK.UIIIVII d.e, r.ar
lias withdrawn itim Iho Hsn.ilorial ' ljuii,
nice in liis illttriel, fur llie sako ol
harmony. Clark cwiiniy t'lalms that
tills is her tlnio lo nam. ihe Senator,
xbole mmt, nlcasfl atop my suLscrlii-
tion. Ak Ut tsK knoir how much
X m. UwIbJ. Vobm, ,
ruinator of Tennessee, WeJnesJay,
ou the 30th ballot, receiving 72 votes.
Il Ii mU to U iu excsllent choice.
1'. It, ThouiixMi, Jr. w Inie-r-
iwnl j a O.-J, ttxitttr st to hit mil
lleiii In reg trJ to ths adiuUIou cf Ih
Mciuion intbibtr from Utah, with Ihla result-
"Well, realljr, now," rei.lltj "Utile
l'hll.," "Jo you think ll either wl-e or
lroitr for coe who mast alluajuror to
ircjudlee Ih case, or ercn to dlscuu It T
I do not say that I am right In Ihla 'io
stiDf In Urtaufh a slew, lut It strikes
in In so off-hamted way that we on;ht to
wall UDtil Ih tf Iilrnc la takrn Ufot
rtoisr 1 Tsrllct."
-The IMIly Arlington Mliulrtl lruut-o
will iarai Jtiar Hall Mniultr nljht,
3lsl. I -sis
tire-.li Wtlsli, 0 irwmlmnl eiiliinl cit
Urn In ihe Junrilon City iieltthUnheuJ, in
k 111 of Aliy, f.ll fmni hi wagon an J
died in a fw uuniitris t last Monday.
Hue hi- IIoshm. K V. Itowlaml, aa
Adiullilslritur kf ill. ertlal ol Ulmixid
fjhaclf Hord, ili-c'il, srsil. ilm fullnwing
sala of 111 iih lliiiuian. I duller I tetirr
County (MIssuiitli Html. 1'uui 7 -er-eest.
bond at St l lUi. ui.e 10 r
UiuJ al y.'I. Hat, mi lU-i-er ihu hoinl al
$92.28, tltu
.1 1 Iiih.ii' .W uttrrl:
I niiuettlunahly Ihla Iroupr of itiiiKlrrls,
lo whoso wilorinanoo a lirgc aiidlrne waa
attracted list nlghl, la one of Ihr most en
tertaining on the road. Hilly Arlington la
a whole troupe In hlnmlf. The opening
aongt and ilce were much enjornl. The
tinging wat stack a Iu rlkll llio liraillcst
spiilaiiM. Ilhatheen a loeig lime since
Iho '.eiliiglon (ulli-rr nodi, dUtnlng-r.
idr Ii the way, hare rihlkllnl .- uiurii '
tnlbuilaHu. lllllr Vrllngloa'a wng i.f the ,
"1'oiiltry lslrr." and Oil lUwer' "Kvrii
In Ihe 3 1 Will, of Ilm Itood," plantation '
song, sonld hardly Ik turpasml. Th olio '
was up in the stindird nf ihe ulhrr jwei of i
Ihe riitrrtoloHirnt. The rural gnu by tlie
great iiwrlrll was flnt-ly remlerwl. Hut
ihegMWuf this pail ol tka pfrfdrimiK'O1
fi in grti s-trg tuner ami mo ireiure
Ly Hilly tllnslan. Itvlh btwubl down
llio Iiiwu-. .rllii(UiiaUi iulriidiirrl hi
tai. imkjii which lui-liiiiiieiiibelaiHrnii-
Inn m-rCoinu-r. und alo kit sintlnjr des
-iw ii wniiki i uiiHeHiii in ii im an au
ellrnrr bi.re iJrawil IS.nn HhI of last night
with lli'sortet-filingl liuuuirmit pcial-ill-".
In fui, Uk.il allojrllitr, the iiisni
niili rniianv and I lir rirrllrnc nf Ihr
iKrrformtnre Ih Aillntioii uiliolrrls will
, .tit es la " '" ' "iri" 1 tT issi si .
rsbk with Its Lot.' Ltilrgtun t'rtts. ( itt. itVi.tij nJ,u4 e-i.ini. .(til.
Piles and. Fistula
i'i:iti'i:Ti.Y riiii:.
Dr.T.W.THOllNTON &('.
Of KaninClljr,Mo.,
Will Jierfi'flly euro all i-asea of Tiles
nni i f-iuiii, (iriioueirr loiiirkiaini
In?, ami of Hie rroikt furins,
at itocK-ROTrom riucKs.
IJ outing Stoves, CVioking Stoves,
(irnlos, ('oal asos, Mods,
Kio., K.o.
1 ongs,
Knife, Ligature
Caustic !
1 1 im.ii.1 uisl .Ilk 1-uiUlii. iwl. Jrt.
lUlM ftul. blltiH. tltol lM4AUMf l l.t4 Iswit
irMiisiui. 1 1 atseltul .aTia U w aa-J .
.jl. It IMl Wl.MtllY til... In lb IH.fatfclfcll. MMl
SslWhtilseA '. .y iSnlutlll Hmtkt !
"'asv . v
WITH TltT.H.i.'tOli
at Is pfflUUy all )04ar atllMtliull I itw lis
I lblT'WsM A.W AtUlNMRl, MlUtll M.
wou our m
.i.i: i'tvr,ic;ii.Hi:T.
tMihUNiafwtW luaiMi alibi m
0 Mk4j
IM f
uh MtU itjr
ol I Lei UliUsll lullllll ura.B In a I.-
rtjiwiWi-utlfwJftuibtsMlkf ivU I nlit-4 h. Uiwti Uaon wlN lt Twu.
m awnai staajia iwsaii r
ultra. rut4. lMs"tiUtiiii m4 f abmasMjiwt fi,
rtaii t
TlMPatW UtelMMC,
MslvwlMf Kti4t.r kuU
feM mmJ tw4 11 . iti lUtojirtb iJa U4ii
m ami IW ., 4Hi ! H4MNlfMakJ lMt Im
k list Ml
1m t U suuMurit4 jf lu ttiimli Isaui IriMtM
WIU U4rtut(W(. ItMTFUlksti
lUHMMwaNM im riuii immtm' w
b U Mil I Ml I a. I la Iba. TrYM . IC.-fl falllbJaaa
WffitliN br ttu T It I Alb .liurbuiMti
tlrHi r t. i. s,ll. r ...Islt ..I.,( rt.sMaMCMl
lltMllltM SH tssitt IIUt.U-Kl list I C,l M k
... --I I L.j, BS Bllb Id II I li.li. h Xa it. I li ii
i liHMiiUIIie.li i.ai-lal t I. umlsml e .ubIu.,, omJii h. .nidi, jmi wm
i.ar dll iuti ,aa tl.lLi . tir Auhmthlaa&j tat -tLAti I .B.. ata- .a. 4 .... t i n . . . m
"- 7T '-------. ---si " w. ..w. i nr m sssjuwi ifl'ai sway hsjm, n tsMH
tkrHisi u ia 1st r Aur. senilis , n- i.U j &. It. I
iitiliTv.. -i ' til w ktHL t I i-tis mm, ini , ar
WllM ii llUjl- ti- SUhlilil Ky
VrtHltm attWlaJkl! hS Mil
hf IM Ml !-
Us hi j
11 KhX AllMHiytMil M-l I rtrHr i u td
hMl iff inmlUi, rij4 tm ibra UUr.uE
IU tt M WW l a.wllMNl l,f MMJMdlIlL.
lsMl4 bmiU WtfstMtt1ll4J II ilntlfaiatakl wtul
M Kili Wfif l(o itM, hlU' lb iriKirf Vv
mi ti it btcta tWjr ttorMj m 4 Mflliy r?f
ftl lull-, wsfts. MIwHmIm!, MrhaJ 4 kfOUBtaiMltt
sattt MlkaVaaSilirftUlaatt Mllbsyl 4tvtN(
lslaMkl Vu4amvtt I- tj nni ilas '(. ir
tan itwuttairalisi ll Wtsrihbsv
Tfcs ibari. 1 lnti)t ui a faMiHtt lfW jl
IvMrMK Irwt, . rf anTftr b In ilHUf, ft
uf IImIm -ltI.j rM,nlrs ihtrii4M. Xi&laJg
t'tfwH.. I . tatral ll trff rtl ll MlislfV UJRK
IwU IH HI H.rlB I I iteik.
je. i. ui:hi;.,

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