OCR Interpretation

Missouri Valley times. [volume] (Missouri Valley, Iowa) 1874-1931, September 12, 1901, Image 2

Image and text provided by State Historical Society of Iowa

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Monday* Sep. 9
Mr. J. F. Kelly left at this oflice last
Friday, a peculiar formation composed
of rock, sand, and other ingredients,
having the apperance of honey comb.
It was found iu the sand at the uew
elevator, and has every appearance of
old age.
Mrs. (ieo. A. Kellogg and sister Miss
Helen Noyes, are spending the day in
Council ltlulTs.
Dr. Oassoti, accompanied by his moth
er, who arrived here several days ago
from lted Oik, departed yesterday eve
ning for Cleveland, Ohio, where they
go to spend several days in attendance
at the A. K. Encampment. On their
return they will visit in Chicago a few
Frank Hall left this morning for a
short business trip to Kansas City, Mo
Miss Mattie liiown, who has been a
Missouri Valley visitor for the past
week, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. X. C.
Creager, departed this morning for her
home in Omaha.
Sam Holmes is transacting business
in Omaha today.
Wm. Larson went to Sioux City this
inorniiig and will spend about a week
in that city visiting relatives and
Miss Lulu Williams departed this
morning to resume her studies, at Grin
nell, after spending her summer vaca
tion in this city with her parents Mr.
and Mrs C. C. Williams.
II. L. Itrowu is transacting business
in Council Bluffs today.
Miss Opal Goodman left this morn
for Winona, Minn., in which place she
will visit relatives for a few days.
A. G. Brown is looking after lodge
business in Ssoux Citv.
liruce Fleming is expected to arrive
from Alliance, Xeb, Saturday, and
will spend several days here visiting
his father K. Fleming. About the
20th of September he will go to Lin
coln, Xeb and enter the law depart
ment of the Nebraska University, to
lit himself for the practice of law.
Charles liainbow returned home last
Saturday evening after several days
pleasure trip to Deadwood, and other
points lu the Black Hills country.
Joseph Deur bought the Dunbar ICO
acre farm, three miles from town, last
Saturday, paying SCO per acre for the
same, being Sit,(00.
Leon Krown, after a six weeks vaca
tion, which he spent with relatives in
Marquette, Michigan, and vicinity, re
turned to the Valley Sunday morning.
Hugh Cook has entered upon his
seasons work at the acadamy at the
State University at Iowa City.
Last week showed a marked im
provement in scores made by local
players on tlu homo alleys. 13. Cecil
Jack has the record for single game of
215 while Almor Middleton has the
best average for three consecutive
games, having made 198-162-150 aver
age 1701 ,'. Those having made 150 or
over follows: William Harmon, 153
150-155-151 Almor Middleton, 108-151
(13-150 A Shafer, 188
Harvey Foss, l(!(j-157-15(i Geo. Kel
logg, 1CJ H. Cooke, 152-164 John
Lnuner, 102 Arthur Middleton, 158
150 Guy Stevens, 102 B. Cecil Jack,
-171-215-101-159-155-104 Robert Har
vey, 104.174-100.
The three beBt cocked hat games
1st 2d 3d Tot Av
M. J. Fit7.gibbon..l8 37 30 85 28%
Mike Fltzgibbon..25 20 19 70 23%
N. S. Dahl 19 23 24 00 22
At the new game "Rubberneck "Rob
ert Harvey holds the record having
scored 90.
Bean the
IT O A a
»Tha Kind You Haw Always Bought
Mrs. C. O. Burkett and sister Miss
Besse Fleming, left this morning for
Sioux Falls, S. D., in which place they
will spend some days visiting relatives
Alex Moore, after spending the sum
mer here with his parents Mr. and Mrs.
B.J. Moore, left this morning for Grin
uell to take up his studies.
Eddie Robinson, of the local physi
cal culture Bchool made a trip to Dun
lap and Woodbine today.
F. M. Dance purchased last Saturday
the John Nelson property on the cor
ner of 9th and St. Clair street, and con
templates erecting a line dwelling on
the same next season.
Mrs. L. S. Cook and daughter Mabel
will return home tomorrow from a few
days visit with Blair relatives.
Mr. 11. G. Gano and Miss Trena An
derson, of Council Bluifs, spent Sun
day in the Valley, the guests of Mrs.
Filling and Miss Anderson.
Mrs. Ed Casey, who has been quite
sick for several days, is reported bet
ter this morning.
•j B. W. Carlisle and family will ar
i^rlve in the Valley this evening on the
$10:25 train.
John Anderson, of the Peoples Store
vjs in Omaha today on business.
3s Mrs. B. J. Heath of Harris Grove,
ippent Suuday here visiting the A. A
|Heath family. Sho departed yester
jday evening for a visit with relatives
in Ohio.
Mrs. 11. Hargaus and Mrs. May liar
.agttDB are OiQftlw vliitora today.
Will 0' The Visp.
Illustrative of the baneful power of the
marsh fire, there is told the story of a
woman who lost her way. She turned
in this direction and in that, hopelessly
puzzled as to her whereabouts in the
murky night. Presently ahead of her
•he saw the gleam of a light. At once
the saw in fancy the picture of home, the
lamp in the window, the cozy comfort of
those under the shelter of the protecting
roof, "curtained and closed and warm."
Steadfastly she moved towards the light.
But as she moved it seemed to change
Ita position. It was always a little far*
ther away from her and presently when
she sank down exhausted in a swamp
the light disappeared altogether.
Whatever truth there may be in the
story, it forcibly illustrates the career of
many a woman who has followed the
mar^i fire of love in the belief that it led
to home and comfort and found herself
at last exhausted and deceived.
learned by many a woman who thought
love all-sufficient, that love alone cannot
be the foundation of the home. It needs
health. Strange as it mav seem the
beautiful loving woman who is weak
may lose the love of the hnsband for
whom she broke all home tics, while on
the other hand a woman who has no
greater dower than robust health may
win and hold the love of her husband
past all possibility of loss. The first re
quisite of marriage is health. The wife's
first necessity is health. Health must
be the mother's or she will know no
happiness in her children. What makes
ill-liealth so common among women?
Why do they suffer with headache, back
ache and pains-past description These
sufferings are in general caused by dis
ease of the delicate womanly organs, and
they are in general curable Dy the use of
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
I take great pleasure in writing you
what great benefit your 'Favorite Pre
scription,' 'Golden Medical Discovery'
and Pleasant Pellets' have done me,"
says Mrs. P. A. Graham, of 617 Race St.,
New Orleans, La. "I have been a con
stant sufferer fbr the last eight years
with female weakness, nervous and gen
eral debility, trying everything I could
find to help me, but to no avail. Have
been treated by several country physi
cians, and also had some of the best city
physicians prescribe for me. They all
said my case was incurable and was a
chronic disease of long standing, but,
thanks be to God and your great med
icine, I have found relief at last, and
soon will be cured sound and well again.
I have taken three bottles of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription and two of 'Golden
Medical Discovery' and two vials of his
Pleasant Pellets.' I can't describe in
words how much benefit I have received
from them. I think your medicine is
the best in the world for female diseases
and for the blood. I think Favorite
Prescription' is the best medicine made
for women. I feel safe in recommend­
II. R. Sanborn, superintendent of
the Sioux division of the & N-W,
was in the city on railroad bnainess
this afternoon.
Mrs. W. B. KirkotT of Council Bluffs
visited with Missouri Valley relatives
The local police received notice from
Omaha this afternoon to be on the
lookout for a Missouri Valley girl who
yesterday succeeded in lifting a pocket
book containing $200 in ca8h and a
draft for 8800. The pocket book was
stolen in Omaha yesterday.
Rev. W. L. Douglas, pastor of the
Fir8tM. E. church, leaves tomorrow
morning for annual conference at
Chariton, Iowa. After conference he
will go on to Ililtonville, Indiana, for
a month's visit with relatives and
friends. Rev. Douglas has had a very
successful year as pastor of the M. E.
church. During the year the congre
gation has raised over $4,000 for all
purposes. He has conducted 41 fun
erals during the year, and there have
been 35 conversions. The board unan
imously asked for his return as pastor
for the next year, and voted him a 30
days leave of absence. During the
year he has made his church one of
the most popular in the city and has
endeared himself to all his members as
well as to the public in general. It is
the wish of all that the conference
may see its way clear to return him
for the next year.
Charley Smith today purchased the
Berry property on Mill street.
Charley Warner, Felix Dolan and
Wm. Houghton succeeded in being
excused from the jury at Logan today.
They are happy.
Chas. Irish has resumed his work at
the Opera House barber shop after
several days vacation.
Gene Coyle who for several years
past lias been in charge of the track
work, etc., in the FE &M yards
here, was today succeeded by Axtel
Alstrand who has had charge of the
Northwestern yards for many years
past. Under the change occasioned
by the sale of the S & to the Chi
cago & Northwestern company, what
was lormerly the E & yards
here now comes under the manage
ment of the Northwestern people. Mr.
Alstrand henceforth having complete
supervision of all the work. Mr. Coyle
will spend several weeks resting up
aud then will probably reenter the em
ploy of the company
other point,
at some
ing Dr. Pierce'* Golden Medical Discov
ery to any one suffering from the effect
of impure blood and his
Favorite Pre­
scription for female weakness."
How many times that saying is illoa
trated by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favor
ite Prescription. It's the last thing
which is tried and the first to help. It's
often the last resort of hopeless women
and the first medicine to claim their
gratitude by an absolute emancipation
from the thraldom of disease.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
makes weak women strong, sick women
well. It establishes womanly regularity,
stops enfeebling drains, hcSls inflamma
tion and ulceration and cures female
I suffered for six years with ovarian
trouble," writes Mrs. E. Waite, of (Lake
View Postoflice), Chicago, 111. "Some
times I could hardly walk, and when I
had to cough it felt as though a knife
cutting me. My hands and feet
were cold all the time. I
had such a tired feeling
such a poor appetite,
and when I went to bed I
slept only about two hours
at a time. A friend ad
vised me to use Doctor
Pierce's medicines, for
they had helped her so I
got a bottle of 'Favorite
Prescription' and by the
time I had used two bot
tles 1 felt so much better
that I continued until 1
had taken eight bottles of
'Favorite Prescription*
and one of Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discov
ery, and now I am so well
that my friends remark
how well I am looking. 1
can go to bed now and sleep till morn
ing. My appetite is splendid and all that
tired feeling has left me. I hope others
will do as I have done—-just give Dr.
Pierce's medicines a fair trial, and they
will be sure to derive much benefit, as 1
have. I am
thankful to think I ail
so well."
Here a few brief statements culled
from jetters cf women cured by the use
Dr. Pierce's F»vcve Prescription
I feel like a different being and I look
well."—Mrs. Maggie Spelts, 410 Eighth
Street, Mount Vernon, Posey Co., Ind.
"When I think how I was five years
ago and how I am now, I say, God bless
Dr. Pierce's work for women. 1 have
had no return of my weakness and am
well and hearty."—Mrs. Fred Kempsou,
Cambria, Hillsdale Co., Mich., Box 57.
"Two bottles of 'Favorite Prescrip
tion and one of Golden Medical Dis
covery made a new woman of me."
—Mrs. C. Nelson, Chemawa, Marion
Co., Oregon.
There is no alcohol in Favorite Pre
scription and it is altogether free from
opium, cocaine and all other narcotics.
Do not allow the dealer to push off on
you a substitute for Favorite Prescrip
tion claiming that it is just as good."
The record of its cures and the testimony
of thousands of women prove that there is
nothing "just as good as Favorite Pre
scription" for weak and sickly women.
Women suffering from disease in
chronic fonn are invited to consult Dr.
Pierce by letter,
All correspondence
is held as strictly private and womanly
confidences set down in writing are
the same scrupulous profes­
sional privacy observed by Dr. Pierce in
personal consultations at the Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo,
N. Y. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buf
falo, N. Y.
However dark and devious the path of
health Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Med
ical Adviser will prove a light to strength
aud happiness. This great book contains
1008 large pages and over 700 illustra
tions and is sent
on receipt of stamps
to pay expense of mailing
31 one-cent stamps for the cloth-bound
volume, or only ai stamps for the book
in paper-covers. Address Dr. R. V#
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
It is a regretabln fact that there is
no provision for the collection of birth
and death statistics in the United
States. A census bulletin recently is
sued, however, by comparison of the
figures obtained in 1890 with the later
figures of 1900 contains some interest
ing estimates and generalizations. It
is shown that the average death rate
in cities was 21 per 1000 in 1899 and
18.0 per 1000 in 1900. Another interest
ing showing is that the yearly deaths
from pneumonia now exceed the
deaths from consumption. The aver
age age at death iu 1890 was 31.1 years
In 1900 it was 35.2 years—the gratify
ing gain in longevity being attributed
to improved methods in medical and
sanitary science. To the same causes
is attributed the decrease in the per
centage of deaths from consumption.
Notwithstanding a somewhat alarm
ing increase in the mortality from kid
ney diseases, apoplexy cancer and in
fluenza, the falling off in the number
of deaths from other common ailments
makes the average in 1900 favorable
to longer life. The people of the Lui
ted States, despite their strenuous
lives, appear to be gaining from year
to year in insurable qualification
Mrs. F. M. Reed who has been the
guest of Blair relatives for several
days past, returned home yesterday
Mrs. Wm. lteese, Mrs. II. Lohrs and
Walter Lehman are home from their
visit with acquaintances and relatives
in Bennington, Neb.
Mrs. Francis Lilwall is entertaing a
company of friends at the Lilwall farm
home, this aftefnoon, in honor of Mr.
Lllwall's 54th birthday.
Mrs. Mary Dale, of Baker City, Ore
gon, is paying Missouri Valley rela
tives a few days visit.
W. E. Wisier who has been in AI
toona, 1'enn., for several weeks past,
arrived home yesterday morning call
ed here by the serious illness of his
Ad Mcintosh raised about 15 bushels
of the Qnest kind of peaches this year
on bis farm south of tbiBclty. He has
demonstrated that peaches can be
raised at a profit in Harrison county.
Miss Mabel Stevens, of Council
Bluffs, who has been visiting her aunt,
Mrs II A Moore, for a few days, re
turned to her home this a. m. Miss
Mabel has been appointed by the gov
ernment asslstaut mloroscopUt and
will begin her now dutlei at South
Omaha tomorrow.
By permission of Mr. A. Daniels, to
whom this letter was' writteu, we are
permitted to give it to the public,!
coming as it does from a former citi
Z9ii of this city, and ving news from
the far west:
Spokane, Wash Aug. 20, 1901.—Mi.'
A. Daniels, Missouri Valley, Iowa
liememtiered Friend: While visiting
my father recently he expressed a
wish that. 1 should write you for him.
I asked him what 1 should you and he
said, '-Give bun a description of the
Columbia River country with mv
kindest regards." 1c is a task I feel
myself incompetent to do, hut I will
endeavor to partially tell you of my
trip overland to the Columbia River.
Will, sister and her little girl, Daisy,
and I, all left Spokane one night, at
11:55 o'clock. We arrived at Connell,
a small station away out in the sage
brush, at 3:25 in the morning. There
we found awaiting us a splendid, largo
carry-all, a very convenient, and com
fortable vehicle, which is used entirely
for the transportation of land seeKers
and others who may wish to invade
the interior country where the cars do
not run. Well, from Conuell we had
10 miles before we reached the river.
The lirst 20 miles was a very pleasant
ride indeed. The country, although
rough looking, was very pleasing to
the eve. They have no tain to speak
of in this part, but what is called
bunch grnss grows abundantly and
Rvtry now and then you will see a
in-ill spot of grain growing nicely,
where some camper has stopped and
fed his horses and s-catUred the grain
•ibout aud it has grown nicely, show
Mg that tho soil is good, but a lack of
water. We passed two or three cabins
in this 20 miles where some one had
taken up a claim, hnt I am puzzled to
know from whence they will get their
water to irrigate with. This land is
very high and for about 5 miles we
traversed what seemed to have been
in some time past, a river bed. We
could plainly see where the water bad
washed the shores and bottom of the
river. The driver told 11s that some
very fine nuggits of gold had been
found in this river bed, and as there is
110 water there now, this proved that
there had been at some time. Every
now and then a pretty colored sand
nill would be seen standing all alone,
reminding one of the "buttes" of
North Dakota Then would come
ledges of rock (looking like old mother
earth had had an upheaval), which was
very scraggy looking as if they would
fall all to pieces without a moments
warning. Fvery now and then we
would scare up a hungry coyote. Such
was the lirst half of our ride. Then
we camped at what is known as
"Skookum Springs." IIow I wish you
c:uld see this spot. I never saw a
more picturesque looking place in my
life. To reach this place we drove
down a very steep embankment on to
a level flat about a quarter of a mile
wide and one-half long surrounded by
high wells of rock with now and then
a cattle trail breaking its way down to
the water's edge. Beautiful trees and
green grass grow plentifully here and
right in their midst is a little log cabin
known as the "halt way cabin." Near
by are numerous cattle corralls. It is
here the cowboys round up their cattle
twice a year. Whilo at these springs,
the water of which Hows so pure and
cool from the ledges of rock, we saw
coming over the mountain a large
herd of horses, led by a fine black
stallion, the handsomest horse I think
1 ever saw. In fact all the horses on
the range are very handsome, just as
fat and sleek. You would think from
their appearance they had been well
groomed every day, but the fact is no
one can get near enough to one of
them to even touch them as they bave
to be lassoed to be caught at all as
they are very wild. As soon as the
leader of the herd I am telling you of,
spied us he gave one snifl! in the air
and away they sped back over the
mountain from whence they came.
Well, we fed the horses and took lunch
at Skookum Springs and it was with
regret we left this delightfully cool
and beautiful place to continue our
journey to the river. When we had
ascended out of this basin on to the
plateau again we passed a sign which
read, "White Bluffs 20 miles," directly
under which was written with some
kind of a heavy instrument, "White
Bluffs 200 mileB and all sand," and I
can tell you we thought it was 200
miles before we reached White Bluffs.
What such country was ever made for
1 cannot tell. For 20 miles we saw
nothing but sand, sage brush and
grease weed, the latter a weed which
grows something like the currant bush
and is just as inllamable as a rag sat
urated with kerosine. One redeeming
feature, this weed is nice for campers
along the route to kindle a Ore with
Not a shade tree, not anything, but as
I said before sand, sage brush and
grease weed. Well, the nearer the
river the deeper the sand, until the
horses could just walk, a very slow
walk at that. It was with gladness
we reached the banks of the Columbia
river at about 3:30 in the afternoon.
On the opposite side of the river we
could plainly see men working on a
ferry boat. This is my father's ferry
boat which is run by horse power
After halloeing the boat over, we
reached my father's home some time
in the evening, he living on the op
posite side of the river. We seemed
very tired and were quite ready to re
tire for the night, which we did. On
getting out next morning we found
ourselves in a beautiful place Bur
rounded by fruit trees and BII those
things that go to make a line home
Knolosad you will llnd a plot of my
father's home and surrounding lands.
.1 must eay be bus a very nUn place,
located as it is, right on the banks of
the Columbia river, directly opposite
what is known as the "White Bluffs."
These "Bluffs" are of a line white sand
almost as line as Hour. They look like
clouds of snow after night when the
moou shines on them und are very
beautiful, but iu the full glare of day
light they are very tiring to look at
and the night soon becomes monoton
ous. Father has 3f 0 acres partly un
der cultivation. He has a fine orchard
composed of peaches, pears, apricots,
plums an apples, t»!so a nice viueyard.
His land like nearly all parts of this
country rrqmres irrigation. Only a
part of it si!t-irngHte8 itself from the
river. On this lund he raises his al
falfa of which he cuts four crops a
year. The vegetables and fruit grown
MI this soil are very large and of a line
quality, llis orchard, viueyard and
the garden, he waters by the use of a
monstrous water wheel which is 50
feet across with 3(5 buckets on each
side, each bucket holding 13}$ gallons
of water. This wheel is propelled by
the current of the river. 1 can tell
you it throws a big stream of water,
running all the time both day and
night. This wator is carried away by
pipes iuto ditches, distributing it over
the land. The soil is light and loomy
and very productive. I must not for
get to tell you about the game in this
country. There is any amount of it
ducks, geese, cottontails, jick rabbits
and sage hens lish of neirly all kinds
—trout, bass, pike, pickeral, perch and
salmon. I was told of a sturgeon some
fishermen caught here which weighed
over 500 pounds when dressed. Now
this was told me fur the truth, if it
does sound like a tish story. Pa has
beeu in this plnce some 12 years and
I told him he had more courage and
strength than a Samson to accomplish
such an undertaking, for it has cer
tainly taken a great amount of perse
verence to go 011 to land where noth
ing but sage brush grows and build a
nice home. He is now 40 miles to his
nearest post office, although they have
surveyed a railroad within six miles of
him and if a station should be built
near would make his land very valu
able, as he could then have a way to
ship his produce of which he has plen
ty— iruit., vegetables, hay and cattle.
As it is now he has no market for any
thing he raises. Ouly lives well him
self and seems to be happy and con
tented. Well, such is pioneer life, I
suppose, but 1 don't want to be a
pioneer. We visited 10 days with
father and then stiirted for home
at aiii, this time 111 a raft down the
Columbia river. I only with you and
Mrs. D. could have enjoyed this trip
with us for it was one of the most en
joyable trips I ever hud. We started
from White Bluffs and drifted to
L'asco 50 miles down the river. We
left pa's ranch at 3:30 one afternoon
and drifted 15 miles down the river
where we staid all night at what is
kuown as the "Mutr Ranch." As we
neared the house I noticed heavy,
coarse screening covered the lower
half of the open door way. I thought
that a queer sight. I remarked that
I didn't think that kind of screens
were of much force. I was informed
that they were made thus to prevent
the rattlesnakes from coming into the
house. It is not an uncommon thing
fjrthe housewives on these ranches
to have such visitors as rattlesnakes.
Indians and hungry coyotes, but for
all that they seem to be a very happy,
eintented people, and I was never en
tertained better than while at this
ranch, (everything good to eat, and
you know that suited me all right.)
At half past six next morning we pur
sued our journey. The river was
beautiful aud there was a delightful
bretze. He had quite a large raft
made of heavy cedar and. pine logs.
There were seven of us in the party.
We had books, sunshades and nice
places to sit. It was a grand ride.
The raft glided along so swiftly and
yet BO smootly, we could not tell we
were moving at all only as we watched
the shore. We soon left the White
Bluffs and Black Snake mountains far
behind, and then we came to the
mouth of the Yakima river, which
was a very pretty sight. It was near
this where there is a Cable ferry, the
first one I ever saw and it was of much
interest to me. On our ride we passed
one canyon where we could get four
distinct echoes from our voices You
could imagine you were in the midst
of a flock of magpies. 1 must not
forget to tell you of the Indians along
this river. They are a shiftless lot
known as the "Moses tribe." They
never stay in one place but a short
time, hunting, fl?hing and roaming
around. On either side of the river
the banks are dotted here and there
with their teepees. They build their
own canoes and it seems to me a white
man would And it difficult to manage
one of these lithe, agile affairs. Yet
the Indian bandies them with ease,
loading them heavily too. The In
dians along the river wear but little
clothing, their brown skin shining in
the hot sunshine and they being sturdy
and muscular, present the appearance
of so many bronze statues, standing
up towing their canoes along the
shores. They have a peculiar method
of treating disease. They build what
is known as "meat boxes" and place
their sick patients into this until they
are all presperation, then they take
them out and souse them into the
river a few times, ft is needless to
say they always die with smallpox and
measles of which they are deathly
afraid. These Indians will rival the
Missouri Valley TIMES as news car
riers. The settlers nearly all talk and
understand the Chinook lauguage, so
the Indians can readily converse with
them. If one settler's wife has a new
dress, (be squaws will carry the news
for miles up and down the river.
Well, at 2:30 in the afternoon of the
second day we arrived at l'asco, mak
ing the trip of 50 miles in about 12
hours. 1 was sorry when this trip
ended and I hope to make it again
some day. 1 will close by adding that
in and around Spokane 1 find tnauy
things of interest of which I tell you
at some other time. The crops are
line here. This year's wheat averages
about 40 bushels per acre and lots of it
at that. We are well satisfied with
this country and would like to have
ur Missouri Valley friends here to en
joy it with us. Respectfully,
W. It. Eckles left Saturday evening
for a visit with relatives in Pennsyl
vania and Ohio points. Upon his re
turn Mr. and Mrs. Eckles will move to
Denison, where they will be employed
the plant of the Omaha ticket com
pany recently moved to that place
from this city.
Rus Wisier is expected to arrive
this evening from San Francisco, Cal.,
called to this city by the serious ill
ness of his brother, Wm Wisier.
Hobe Raymond who has been work
ing in the & N-W shops at Clinton
for the past two months, arrived in
the city yesterday evening and will
spend several days here visiting his
parents, Mr. aud Mrs. W. T. Ray
The workmen at the Updike eleva
tor were paid off this afternoon, the
pay roll for last week amounting to
#678.70 The present force used in the
construction work of the mammoth
building will be employed for about 60
days longer.
Miss Kate Kane went to Omaha
this afternoon, and will visit there
with relatives for about two weeks.
Dolierty, of Omaha, arrived this
afternoon and will visit the Schwertley
family uear Calhoun for a few days.
Mrs A Wadsworth returned yes
terday to her home in Omaha after sev
eral ('ays visit here with her mother,
Mrs Kane.
The senatorial convention will be
held at Logan Sept. 10. The three
lunties represented iti the district
have good men who are aspiring for
the position, none of whom are more
able, better qualified, or more deserving
than Harrison county's candidate, Mr.
J. S. Dewell, Jim has labored long
and faithfully for the republican party
aud is entitled to this small reward at
the hands of his friends throughout
the district. No one can tell at this
time what will be the result of the con
vention's work, but it is to be hoped
that the republican senatorial nominee
will be J. S. Dewell.—Dunlap Reporter
Dr. Iluff of Ouawa Sundayed here
with his parents, Mr. pud Mrs. II. M.
J. 8. Dewell Selects Delegates
for Tomorrow's Convention
The following delegates from this
county will look after the interests of
S Dewell of this city at the senatorial
eonvention to be held in Logan tomor
row. The counties comprising this
senatorial district are Monona, Harri
son and Crawford, and a rather lively
contest is anticipated bv the politicians
as each county has a candidate. Mr
Dewell's list of delegates is as follows:
Almor Stern,
O Jones,
II Harshbarger,
LW Fallon,
Ed Arthur,
Bruce Morrison,
A Spooner,
E I Dewell,
Wm Neufind,
Geo A Kellogg,
S Burbank,
Earl Harris of THE DAILY TIMES,
leaves for a trip through the north
west tomorrow. He may go as far as
Washington and Oregon before he re
Wells left this afternoon for
Valpariso, Neb, called to that place by
a telegram announcing the death of
his father.
The Third Anaaal Picnic given
by Hickory Gamp No. 2189, of M.
W. of A. of Modale, will be held
in the gtove near Modale, on
Thursday, 8ept. 12th. Oeo. W.
Egan is to be the orator of the
day. A large list of amusements
will be on the programme.
W. MCGavren,
rimmiN 4 melon.
Offloeioorner Third.and.Eri9
Geo. W.Coit,
Building Paper,
See him before you buy and
•ave money.
Democratic Stats Ticket.
For Governor,
of Wapello County.
For Lieutenant Goverrior,
of Harrison County.
for Supreme Judge,
ot Dallas Oonnty.
For Railroad Commissioner,
a~- A. O. BKIOK, v
of Taylor County.
For Superintendent of Behools,
of Carroll Gounty.
Democratic County Ticket
For Representative,
1 J. E. KlltKWOOl).
For Treasurer,
For Sheriff,
Far County Superintendent,
Fur Surveyor,
£. U. TYLER.
For Coroner,
For Supervisor, Firat District,
Democratic State Platform.
"We, the democrats of Iowa, in Convention
MAombled. hereby reaffirm the prinoipteaof the
democratic national platform adopted at Kan-
City, July 5,1900, and without unrrandering
our convictions or abating our loyalty to our
national policioa, we believe this oompaigo to
be particularly one that should be oonfined to
state issues.
'Rrsolvid, That the fundamental principle
uf democracy, "equal rights to all and special
privileges to none," applies iu full force to the
subject of taxation. Tho democratic party be
lieve* that the burdens of taxation should he
born equally by all taxable property. We
pledge our metnberB of the general assembly to
formulate and urge the adoption of such a law
as will comoell tho burden of taxation to rest
on corporate and individual property alike
without favor or exemption of any interests.
"We demand economy in the administration
of state otfairs. the repeal of the mulot law, the
enactment of a local option law, and the aboli
tion of the offices of state printer and state bin
der and the contracting for supplies for tho
state with the lowest responsible^bidder.
"We cordially invite all honest men of tho
state to unite with us in securing the enactment
of these principles into law,"
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
That on the 4th day of September
A. D. 1901, the undersigned was ap
pointed by the District Court of Har
rison Co., Iowa, Executor of the last
will and testament of L. G. ltiley, de
ceased, late of said County. All per
sons indebted to said estate will make
payment to the undersigned, and those
having claims against the same will
preseut them, legally authenticated, to
said Court for allowance.
Dated Sept. 4,1901.
F. M. DANCE, Executor.
The Harrison County Fair
wili commence at Mo. Valley
Tuesday September 24,1901,
and be continued four days.
If you want a good shave, go to
Frank Teigler's, south side of lower
Erie street. tf
Mr. Daniel Uantz, Otterville, la.,
says: "Have had asthma and a very
bad cough for years, but could get no
relief from the doctors and medicines
I tried, until 1 took Foley's Honey
and Tar. It gave immediate relief,
and done me more good than all the
other remedies combined."
a31 G. S. OSBORNE.
Chicago & Northwestern.
2 Overland Limited 48
4 Chicago Special 8.02 a
Chicago Express fl 00
8 Atlantie £xprem 12:80
10 Chicago PawanRer 5:85
76 Kanaaa City &• bt Paul Bzprma.. 8:5(1 pm
74 Hioux City A Council Bluffs Paaa 9:05 a
72 Bt Paul & Kanaaa City Expreaa.. 7-50 a
24 Freight 7:37 a
1 Overland Limited 6:45 a
5 Colorado Speoial 10:10
8 Atlantic Expreaa 3 00pm
11 Chicago Passenger 7:40 a
71 Kanaaa City & Bt Paul Expreaa.. 7:30 a
78 Bioux City ft Council Bluffa Paaa 2:50
75 Bt Paul & Kansas City Expreaa.. 0:25
28 Freight 6.-00 pm
Fremont, Elkhorn A Mis
souri Valley
4 Black Hills Expreaa 5:25
20 Lincoln Passenger 10:20 a
24 Accommodation 9:40 a
8 Black Hills Express 3:05
10 Lincoln Passenger 7:87 a
23 Accommodation 7:05 pm
Sioux City A Pacific
3 Bioux Ci.y Passenger 2:50
Bt Paul Limited 7:20 a
10 Bt Paul Passenger 9:25
30 Freight 2:50
1 Bionx City Passenger 9:05 a
7 Bt Panl Limited. 9K)0p
0 Bt Paul Passenger 7:55 a
2!) Accommodation 10:30 a
85 Freight 8:05 a
N-W train 24, E traina 23 and 94, and B.C A
traina 35 and 30 do not run Bnndaya.
B. KoBixBoa. Aae
No. 46—Ft. Dodge Local 6:85
No, 4—Chicago Limited 7:57
No. 92—Local gjiD
No. 82—Ft. Dodge Local 5^5
No. 3—Cbiago-Bt. Paul Limited... 8i35
No. I—Omaha Limited 7:18
No. 81—Omaha Local 7:89
No. Ill—Local b|gs
No. 25—Bt. Paul -Omaha Exprea*.... 8147
No. 5—Omaha Limited 4i90
A.L. BMKMimi

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