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VOL. 53 W.U.:: ITS"' Mm**. Dr. J. L.- Tamisiea report: the birth of a 7V2 ot pounds son to Mr. and Mrs. Simon Curtis. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Ruley are mov ing to Fremont, Neb., where they will make their future home. Mrs. Fred Jones has received word the death of her father, C. B. Wills, who passed away at Seattle, .Wash., on December 24. The de ceased was a former resident of this city. Tom Krauskopf of MitchelL S. D., arrived for a visit with his W fn. Wm. Krauskopf. aother, ifBS MOINES, IA. •Annals of Iowa And may it be as prosperous as any of the past. THE TIMES 'HitSlllustra ion# by MIRWINMyEW ST STORY of another fj[ world, curiously cap* tivating in its roman tic qualities and in the originality of its concep» tion. The spirit of ad venture'carried beyond earth, into the realms of space. ffhe Most Exciting Story Yon Ever Read—Soob Appear as a Serial in These Columns Mrs. Mary Mathena is visiting Telatives at Sioux City this week. Dr. M. R. Carey returned this morning from a visit at Salem, S. D. No one but the author of. the "Tarzan" tales has an imagination sufficiently bold to create such a narrative and make it charming. It is weird, be wildering, fascinating. So unusual are the characters and episodes that the reader falls under their spell and finds himself viewing as it were, a pageant of happenings in another sphere. NEWS REVIEW OF CURRENT EVENTS .. .•• .'••••••••••• -y* Harding's Plan for Association of Nations Reaching Defi- sms nite Form. ^E"lll#SiI :fllltSSlr MORE $i "T^ CABINET PREDICTIONS sa Dawee May Head Commission to Reor ganize Government Service—House Passes Farmers' Relief Tariff •V- -:,: Bill —Scandal in Coal •Prices Uncovered. •y EDWARD W. PICKARD. President-elect Hireling's confer ences at Marlon with the "best minds," though by no means ended, seem al ready to have resulted in the crystal lising of certain of his policies into definite form. Of course the two that arouae the greatest public Interest are those relating to foreign affairs and the League of Nations, and to the plan for reorganizing tbe nation's business and establishing It on a more econom 1c basis. In discussing an association of na tions, there Is no evidence that Mr. Harding has converted to liis own •laws such irreconcilables as Senators Borah and Beed, or even Mr. Bryan, Whose Invitation to Marion aroused the ribald laughter of the paragraph Ms. But Mr. Harding seems to have 'brought his theories Into form fit for presentation to the world. According to what Is said to be authoritative In formation, he believes the first np proach to the formation of his "asso ciation of nations" should he to ob tain the assent of the Ave leading na tions, the United States, Great Britain, France, Italy and Japan, his theory being that, once these nations have joined, the other nations will fall in line. The basis of tills association is to be a world court to deal with justi ciable questions. Mr. Harding holds that no associa tion of nations can succeed without the Indorsement of the leaders of pub lic thought, in America and elsewhere, and that these leaders must reach agreement in the essentials, leaving details to be settled later that all governing features must be eliminated from the association, each nation re ,twining free to make Its own de cisions that the agreement must he Specific enough to prevent the possi bility of an offensive and defensive Military alliance of the five great Powers, and the association of nn tUtl itself must place all nations on •a equal footing In the presentation Of their views on matters of world policy. I- Gen. Charles Gates Dawes, the Chi cago banker, who is said "0 be the loading probability for appointment as -head of a commission to reorganize the government service, was one of tbe week's visitors in' Marion and talked with the president-elect espe cially on the reduction of governmen tal expenses and its relation to taxa tion After the interview General Dawes said: "I found that Senator Harding al ready knew more than I did concern ing this, and that the effort to reor ganise the government upon an eco nomical bails Is one of the tasks to which he proposes to devote himself meat energetically. From conversa tion with him it is evident that he has Mr. and Mrs Elmer Kelgord of Harlan, Io., and Tom Haley of Kirk man, Io., are spending Christmas with this great and needed reform constant their parents, Mat Haley and family, ly lo his mind. Considering that here- Local merchants say that the holi- tofere no continued and firm effort day trade has been good, but not up been made, this determination of to last year. *1* President-elect to make this re one of first efforts, means Sir. and Mrs. L. E. Caldwell and family, who have resided at Lovelan4 for several years, left today for Grejr^ bull, Wyo.j where they will make their future home. i*« K„his Miss Pearl Miller of Council Bluffy Budhg's first choice for secretary of is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs* TOW Is either Senator Knox or Miller Quo* Evans Hughes, and that If ^le. Hugos declines he will be appoint- ,, taw It will be accomplished." an^ Mrs. Harding are go- to. Florfda ne« moat* t0, ,, ,, »r «. WWW weeks as the guests of Sena Mrs Anna Postle of Lmcoln, Neb., Frellnghuysen of New Jersey, and Mrs. Beulah Cobb of Afcadia, fcwpibly before they start announce Fla., are the holiday guests of Mrs. mm* of the selections for the cabinet Andy Wheeler and daughter. WIS be made. It la believed Mr. «PeDd MISSOURI VALLEY, IOWA, DECEMBER 30, 1920 V* rmw^'n ^lllllilisi 6nn- 'J i.*\ r\ yvifii-ucxw.'u. Vot."*" J% Unemployed men in Vienna, where- wonorr.* conditions arc- distressing. 2—Male and female students ot University of Moscow In military chill, which it, chiiuiuWiij. 8—Full-banks residence in Washington which has been bought by President Wilson. eO ch'eC jug'Jco of the Supreme court, as Chief Justice White jirohably will retire v,''hin 1 he year. Other selec tions held likely are George M. lto.viicilds of O.!si(\' for secretary of the treasury, ISeuiy AValiace of Iowa for secretary of agriculture, former Senator Weeks for secretary of the navy, anr! Charles \I. Schvah for sec mary of conjrncrcr. it is believed, also. Unit Herbert Hoover is certain to be in the eah.ner. The appointment of Mr. ItoynohSs to the treasury posi tion, it is s::id, would he very grate ful to the business and» linauclal men of the country^ who have a high opin ion of his ability r«ncl broad-minded ness- S" The most important action by the lionse of. reiut'seii^imes during the week was the: pu.-is--. of the farmers' relief bill, which imposes a high emergency tariff on more Hum twenty agricultural products, the decline in the price of which is attributed by the fa.-iners in purt to competition with Importations. The measure was passed by a vote of 3!)G to SO, party lines being broken. What the senate will do with It- is problematical. The senate finance committee will take It lip after the holidays, mul it may be killed by a prolonged discussion. The commodir.U^to.'ylvieb-'the ijew duties would be applied are wheat, flour, corn, beans, peanuts, potatoes, oi.ions, rice, lemony cottonseed and soya bean o'-is. eat tin. shocji, lambs, mut ton and him ), and'wool and its manu factures. Justice Srafiord in .Washington has taken under advisefjjpnt the plans of the "Big I'"va" -pat-KUis cnncerns- for the disposal of t'lieiv linanclul Inter ests In the large si acts yards and will give his decision imiediately after the holiduys... At the conclusion of tiie arKUineats he more than intimat ed that unless the pucking companies and the individual:, members of tho Armour, itwil't mid Morris families can give proof within a few weeks thiit they are actually divesting them selves of their stock in the stock yards and terminal railroads he will adopt the government's plan and appoint a receiver for the s-ecnrnleri. Tho senate committee that 1ms been Investigating the price of coal last week acekleutatty uncovered what looks like a Muisallunal scandal. George II. ("tu.diin.J.t'geiieial manager of the American Whole-ale Coal Deal ers' association, was being questioned as to those, who' 100k protits in the handling of cotil.- lie mentioned the miners, the opeiiitors, the railroads, the, the retailers, and then added, ''iind officials of the United Htates' governineiit who got into the cort! i)usiness." air. Cushlng tried to stop there,, hut the committee was insistent and. from htm the assertion t.Ual government oiiicials, taking advantage of advance informa tion on the funs! strjnsencies obtained in their confidential positions, de clared i.hen!seiv0i4 in oil the coal-price boosting and "cleii-icd up" millions. lie told the committee of one in stance In which government officials cleared a profit--of $i 7o,000 011 the sale of 450,00Q tons of coal. He stated that he was offered share amounting to over $100.00!) to participate In the deal but declined. There were many other such instances, he told the com mittee. He supplied the committee with the name of the ringleader, who is said to be a doiiar-a-year man. He added that: railroad ofiicials and labor leaders who had to do with the han dling of coal frequently managed to get a "rakeoiT." The disgust with which the public reads this sort of thing is heightened by the Information that graft prosecu tions probably cannot be instituted because the coal handled by the ring was not sold to the government. The senate committee planned to make public, after fulj Investigation, •C :y.-: .• it /. y. ••fX'.i.-xA the names of all otilelnls who have ef/g&gsd In coal deals, and the contempt with which they will be regarded by their fellow citizens will be sotn* punish ment. Later in the week correspondence from the National Coal association's flies, seized by order o? the commit tee, was read. It included a letter sent out by Col. D. E, Wrentz, presi dent of the association, stating that the association, co-operating with rail read ^officials and the interstate conf XvX:^J«K merce commission, lmd prevented the appointment of a federal fuel admin istrator, but that it would not be able to prevent some sort of government control much longer unless the opera tors quit charging such extortionate prices. I D'Annunzlo's proclaimed state of 1 war between his Flume government and Italy has become an established fact, for the Italian government has begun the siege of Flume and hostll lties have broken out. After a block ade had been Instituted, the poet was given a few hours to turn the city over to the Italian commander. He was as defiant as ever and military opera tions against him were begun by both land and sea forces. D'Annunzio for bade the population of Flume to leave the city and decreed that anyone speaking against him was liable to be shot. The government at Rome was still hopeful of bringing about the re tirement of D'Annunzio from the dis puted city without much bloodshed. He Is said to have only about 0,000 troops. "Peace in Ireland by Christmas" could not be accomplished, and the week was marked by a great many murders, raids and bloody fights, In various parts of the island. On Thursday the British military forces occupied the Dublin city hall and mu nicipal offices, ousting the corporation officials, who have been active sup porters of the dail elreann or Irish parliament, and thus dislocating the entire business of the city. The seiz ure of the city buildings was a mili tary measure for the protection of the castle, which is l!Ut a few feet away. Despite the gloomy situation, the prospects were said to be fairly bright for early restoration of order. One sign of weakening on the part of the Sinn Feiners was the collapse of the railway strike against the carry ing of munitions or troops. This strike had been going on for seven months and the operating forces of the railways had been so depleted by dismissals that railway service was gradually approaching the vanishing point. Finally realizing that this was harming only Ireland, and that many towns and districts were suffering for food supplies, the men have returned to work, promising to carry anything. Another thing that may weaken tbe "republican" cause i.' It Is carried into effect Is a an to iu'i the Irish people by formal referendum, whether they ore willing to carry the home-rule act into operation instead of accepting as ••»,( the Sinn Fein refusal. The proposition has been submitted to the prime minister. The home rule act became a law last week, the house of lords having accepted all the amendments made to the bill by tiie commons. Several amendments made by the lords, Including one cre ating senates for both the northern and southern parliaments, had been accepted by the commons. Constantine, received by the Greeks with loud acclaim, is again estab lished on his throne and is even plan ning a visit to his army in Asia Minor, if the great powers permit. The dip lomatic representatives of the allies in Athens did not leave the country, but refrained from participation in the king's reception. Premier Lloyd George is weakening a trifle and in the house of commons opposed hasty action in altering the treaty of Sevres In favor of the Turks and against the Greeks. He advocated going warily with regard to the Greeks, as there might be explanations of their recent action. 1 Although Trotzky was quoted re cently to th6 effect that the soviet gov ernment of Russia was planning no further military operations and would turn all Its energy toward economic reconstruction, late dispatches from Tiflis Indicate that the Russian Bol shevists are planning a campaign to wipe out the republic of Georgia. There are heavy concentrations of troops on the Georgian borders and in nearby ports of the Black sea, and a Bolshevist army that has been operat ing along the Armenian frontier is moving toward Georgia. The soviet government of Armenia has annulled all foreign loans, "espe. daily the American loan," according 1 fo dispatch from Constantinople. "*v sf^ 3 Christmas at the L. D. S. Church Christmas was well observed by the Latter Day Saints church this year. Tiie entertainment given on -Monday evening by the Primary and unior pupils of the Sunday school ."uvnished fun and merriment for tho /oun^sters and at th_- same time ovougli home a good lesson to all. fhe Cantata was called "Playing Santa Claus." The rich children play "Santa" to some children, who otherwise would have had no Christmas. Appropri ate songs and recitations were intro duced throughout the play. A Christmas tree and Santa Claus •tided to the spirit of the entertain ment. Santa passing out the treats at the close of the program. The services Sunday were all of a sacred nature. Th- theme for the morning was "Gifts for the King." The Sunday school chorus furnished the music, all of which brought out what should be the t.pir't of giving at Christmas tide. Several appropriate readings were given. Then while the choir sang softly "Gifts for the King," the final offering for the year was taken up amounting to about twenty-three dollars, swell ing the amount for 1920 to about $140, This is a general church fund used in providing for the needy members. A fitting sermonett_ followed by the pastor. "The Choral Cantata," given in the evening by the choir was the crowning feature of the day. This must be heard to be appreciated. No words can give a clear idea of the impres siveness of this "Story of Christ's Birth," given in song. First came the voluntary by Mrs. G. S. Green, leader of the choir. While this was being played the choir marched slowly up the aisles of the church, the men in the lead, the ladies, all in white following. The quartets, duets, solos and chorus all showed the excellent train ing they had received. The Cantata v...s entitled "The First Christmas," and was divided into four parts. 1. The Prophecy. "A-nd thou Bethleham art not the least among the Princes of Judah for out of thee shall come forth a Governor which shall rule my pc pie Israel. 2. The Fulfillment. "Then they of David's house apd line, went up from Galilee, To Bethlehem, to Bethlehem, As told in the prophecy, And there, within a cattle shed, The Prince of Peace was Born. 3. The Star and the Song. This included the following selec tions: "The Shepherd's Vision." "The Angel's Song." "The Star and the Song." "A Christmas Lullaby." 4. The World-Wide Christmas. "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who-so ever believeth in Him, should not per ish, but have ever lasting life." The cantata ended with the grand final chorus, "Blessed Be the Lord God of Israel." No one could hear this beautiful cantata without being impressed anew with "God's Wonderful Gift to the World that First Bright Christmas Morn." THE STEADY SUBSCRIBER How dear to our art is the steady subscriber who pays in advance at the birth of each year. Who lays down the money and does it quite gladly, and casts round the office a halo of cheer. He never says: "Stop it I cannot afford it, I'm geting more papers than now I can read," but always says: "Send it our people all like it—in fact, we all think it a help and a need." How welcome his check when it reaches our sanctpm, how it makes our pulse throb how it makes our heart dance. W|e outwardly thank him we inwardly bless him—the steady subscriber who pays in ad vance. 1 Under the title, "Thing That CaTi't Be Bought," the Chicago Daily News is publishing in various periodicals a rather unusual advertisement—one that to us seems to have more than common interest for the reader. The text reads: "You can buy power—but not re spect. I "You can biiy poison—but not loyalty. "You can buy flowers—but not friends. "The most precious things in life are the things that can't be bought. "The most priceless feature of a newspaper's circulation is the thing no newspaper can buy—reader loyal ty, public respect." ADVERTISED LETTERS For week ending December 27. Dierks, Mrs. Hulda. Holmberg, George. Sylvia, Mrs. Ellen. T. L. Finley, Postmanter. tszS 41. I- .'NO.-27 S 1 IS THERE A SANTA CLAUS? Several years ago, the New York Sun answered a little girl's question, "Is there a Santa Claus?" The answer has been reprinted a number of times, but it is well worth printing once more, especially right at this time. It is as follows: "V/e take pleasui-e in answering at once and thus prominently the com munication below, expressing at t'le me time our gratification that its .ithful author is numbered among the friends of the Sun: 'Dear Editor—I am eight years old. 'Some of my friends say there is io •anta Claus. 'Papa says 'If you see is in the Sin t's so.' 'Please tell me the truth, is there Santa Claus Virginia O'Hanlon, 115 W. Ninety-fifth St.' "Virginia, your little friends a wrong. They have been affected to skepticism of a skeptical as a. They do not believe except they e. They think that nothing can le 'hich is not comprehensible of th- lr ind. All minds Virginia, whet ELLIS W. STEVENS Ellis W. Stevens was born at Art:i ro, Wis., May 23, 1352 and died at 1 home in Sampson, New Mexico, December 19, 1020, aged 68 yea On May 14, 1S94, he was united a marriage to Miss Eva Wright, Norfolk, Neb. To this union we born three children: Lauren Chadron, Neb., Louise at home aid Dorothea, who died in infancy. Mr. Stevens was a retired engi neer, having spent some 47 years the service of the C. & N. W. ra way. He was retired last April aid moved to his ranch in New Mexic He was highly respected and a frier to all who knew him. The remains were brought to th:s city and funeral services were held from the Christian church on Decem ber 23. Burial was at Rose Hi.l cemetery. From a letter written to the Manu facturers Record by a subscriber, who complains rather bitterly of the treatment given the cotton growers by the government, we extract -thi "My Government, you have spoiled me now you are ruining me! Far better if you had never given me any credit at all, then I would not have made so much to lose." Try a Times Want $1 ••&••. 'v/i 1- they be men's or children's are ti tle.- In this great universe of ou:s man is a mere insect, an ant in I is intellect, as compared with le boundless world about him, 18 measured by the intelligence capatle of grasping the whole of truth aid knowledge. "Yes, Virginia, there is a San a Claus. He exists as certainly as lo 'e and generosity and devotion exitt, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beatify and joy. Alas! How dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus! It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There ould be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which child hood fills the world would be extin guished. "Not believe in Santa Clauu! You might as well not believe in fairies! You might get your papa to hire men to watch in all the chim neys on Christmas eve to cat Santa Claus, but even if they did nit see Santa Claus coming down what would that prove? Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that's no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders that are unseen and seeable in the world. "You may tear apart the baby's rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world, which not the strongest man, nor even the united stiength of all the strongest men that ever lived, could tear apart. Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance can push aside that curtain and view the picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, Virginia, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding. "No Santa Claus! Thank God! He lives and He lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay, ten times ten thousand yea 's from now, He will continue to male glad the heart of childhood."- 4^5 V'fi '"•Si nsi •'-if rtj. 3, 3 months and 2G days. He was married to Emma Curtis Sioux City, Io., and to this unic were born two children: Mrs. Mai '1 Conley of Centerton, Ark., and Edg of Grenville, New Mexico. Mi Stevens died in 1882. "Til 'n 1 -f v-?7' is Ad,