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Cairo evening times. [volume] : (Cairo, Ill.) 1865-1866
Alternative Titles:
  • Cairo daily times <Oct. 1, 1865>-<>
  • Cairo times <Oct. 1, 1865>-<>
  • Daily Cairo times
  • Daily evening times <Sept. 1-25, 1865>
  • Daily times <Oct. 1, 1865>-<>
  • Evening Cairo times
  • Evening times <Sept. 1-25, 1865>
Place of publication:
Cairo, Ill.
Geographic coverage:
  • Cairo, Alexander County, Illinois  |  View more titles from this: City County, State
H.L. Goodall
Dates of publication:
  • Began in 1865; ceased in 1866.
Daily (except Monday) Oct. 1, 1865-1866
  • English
  • Alexander County (Ill.)--Newspapers.
  • Cairo (Ill.)--Newspapers.
  • Illinois--Alexander County--fast--(OCoLC)fst01214971
  • Illinois--Cairo.--fast--(OCoLC)fst01217110
  • "Daily" appears in small type above masthead ornament, <Oct. 1, 1865>-<>.
  • "Evening" appears in small type above masthead ornament, <Sept. 1-25, 1865>.
  • "[T]he specialty of the Times will be the advancement of the business and commercial interests of Cairo and Alexander County," Sept. 12, 1865.
  • Also issued via the World Wide Web.
  • Archived issues are available in digital format from the Library of Congress Chronicling America online collection.
  • Available on microfilm;
  • Description based on: New ser., v. 1, no. 89 (Aug. 7, 1865) = War Eagle ser., v. 3, no. 89.
  • Editor and proprietor: Harvey L. Goodall.
  • Issue for new ser., v. 1, no. 120 (Sept. 12, 1865) erroneously designated as new ser., v. 1, no. 20 (Sept 12, 1865) = War Eagle ser., v. 3, no. 120 (Sept. 12, 1865).
  • Issues called also: War Eagle Series; continue the numbering designation of the previous title: War eagle (Cairo, Ill. : Daily).
  • Issues for Sept. 1-16, 1865 and Sept. 20-23, 1865 called also: "Last Edition, Five O'Clock, Afternoon."
  • Latest issue consulted: Apr. 7, 1866.
  • Triweekly ed.: Cairo tri-weekly times, <Apr. 1866>.
sn 84038364
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Cairo evening times. [volume] September 1, 1865 , Image 1


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Cairo Evening Times

The Cairo Evening Times was formed by Harvey L. Goodall, who, in the fall of 1864, moved from Columbus, Kentucky, to Cairo, Illinois, bringing with him his newspaper, the War Eagle. Once in Illinois, Goodall changed the newspaper's title to the War Eagle Daily Evening Extra. In December 1864, the newspaper's name was returned to the War Eagle. Finally, in spring 1865, Goodall settled on Cairo Evening Times (later issues were called Cairo Daily Times).

For a short while, the Cairo Evening Times was a semi-daily, publishing a "Five O'clock, Afternoon edition." By September 23, 1865, however, it returned to regular daily editions. Goodall also published a tri-weekly edition of the Times, which ceased publication in 1866.

According to the postmaster, the Cairo Evening Times had "a larger circulation than any other paper within the delivery of the Cairo Post office" and, thus, was authorized to publish the Letter List (a list of unclaimed mail at the post office). It promised to advance "the business and commercial interests of Cairo and Alexander County."

A prospectus dated September 1, 1865, (published just four months after the end of the Civil War) explains that the Times would not be "the organ of party or of party leaders," but rather would reflect the "opinions entertained by its proprietor." However, Goodall unflinchingly supported President Andrew Johnson's administration, while also recognizing " the doctrine of state Sovereignty so far as such Sovereignty does not conflict with national Sovereignty or the Constitution of the United States" :

We pride ourself upon being an American citizen - look with pride upon the Flag of our Nationality, which, in perilous times we enlisted to defend - are unreservedly in favor of the perpetuity of the Government and unity of the several States - firmly believe in a Republican form of Government and Democratic Institutions -- look upon our country as our Mother and every patriot as a brother, and will shake hands with any and all who, regardless of party have an eye single to the perpetuity and honor of the Union - and favor a speedy reconstruction upon an honorable and lasting basis.

Harvey L. Goodall remained the publisher of the Cairo Evening Times until it merged with the Cairo Democrat. The last known issue of the Times appeared on April 7, 1866.

Provided by: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL