OCR Interpretation

The Ottawa free trader. [volume] (Ottawa, Ill.) 1843-1916, October 06, 1843, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84038582/1843-10-06/ed-1/seq-3/

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Halra at Ibc l.mid OOlre.
The extent of emigration to tit Is sec
iion 01 me slate, may in some measure
be inferred from tlic fact, that the sales of
land at the Chicago Land Office, at this
time, arr.ount to about one thousand dol
lars per day. It is true that a large por
tion of the tracts are entered by bettlers
who did not buy at tho public Land Sale,
but purchases are also continually made
by new comers. This district embraces
some of the finest lands in the Union.
There are both rich prairie lands and
good timber. Improvements are being
made all over the district with astonishing
rapidity. Substantial dwellings and barns
are being erected, and new farms catch
the eyes of the traveler at every turn. The
pressure of emigration has effected a very
important change in the views of farmers
with regard to the cultivation of the prai
rie. Heretofore they have confined them
selves to the edge of the timber, under
the impression that it was more expen
sive to make farms on the open prairie,
than near the timber, but now in many
portions of the district they are pushing
out their farms on to the broad prairie,
rather from choice than necessity, and
consider tho views they have heretofore
entertained upon this point to a very
great extent erroneous. We cannot &cc
why farms should not be opened in the
very centre of our prairies, with the great
est ease as well as advantage, l'rom their
great fertility every inch of them will be
occupied widiin a comparatively short
period. Chicago Express.
Thr.ing it. A minister in the high
lands of Scotland, found one of his par
ishioners intoxicated. The next day he
called to reprove him for it. 'It's very
wrong to get drunk,' paid the dominie.
'I ken that,' said the guilty pcison, 'but
theu I diuua drink as meiklc as ye do !'
What, sir! How is that?' asked the
other surprised. 'Why, gin it please ye,'
continued the oiher, 'dinna ye aye lake a
glass of whiskey and water after dinner ?'
'Why, yes, Jemmy, to be sure, 1 lake
a little whiskey merely to aid digestion.'
And dinna ye take a glass o' whiskey
toddy every night before ye gang to bed V
Yes, to be sure, 1 just lake a little toddy
at night to help me sleep V 'Well,' eon
linued the parishioner, 'that's jit-t fourteen
glasses a week, and about sixty every
month. I only get paid olf mice a mouiii,
and then if I'd take ixty classes, it would '
O '
make me dea l drunk fur a week, now ye
see the only difference, y time it better
. than I do !'
77ie Hudson's lhixj Company. The
Montreal Courier speaks of this company
as follows: The Hudson's Hay Compa
ny lias, in every respect, been a prsl to
Canada. It has robbed us of the fur trade,
prevented for years the settlement of the
Suguenay, and crippled our fisheries. In
its transactions it has exhibited a disre
gard of the laws alike of Cod and man;
and if its secret history were given to the
world, the horrors it would unfold would
Utake men's flesh to ttemiile and their
hair to stand on end. We have had op
portunities of becoming acquainted with
certain transactions of this company and
we may, at a future perioJ, rffar some
remarks on the state of the Indians and
the half breeds in the Hudson Hay Coun
try, and also some specimens of the
mode in which the honorable company
get rid of the troublesome rivals who dare
to compete with them in the fur trade.
Democratic iTlecliatg ia te Hulb Connly.
At it ih'iiiocrs'.ic uifetiritt held at Sycamore on
the 21d day of September, 1811, K. L. MAYO
was nppoiuU'd chuirinaii, and A. J, Diiow.n secre
tary. On mutton, illiani A. Sanger and dipt. Kli
Darin wore, appointed members to attend lliu De
mocratic Conveniion to be held at I Utuwa on the
Ifith dy of November next, for the purpose of!
norninatni!; a delegate to attend the I! iltimore
(Convention, and leave is given to said delegates
to fill vacancies.
On mlinn,S. C. Kellogg, K. P. Young and W.
II. llcateri were appointed a Central Correspon
ding Commiltoe for D Kalb county.
On motion, Henry Madden, C. (J. Jewell, Jos.
Newberry, (ieo. Ksynnr 1, W'ni. Young and A. J.
Drown were appointed a committee to draft reso
lutions. Adj. K. L. MAYO, Chairman.
A. J. UhowXj Src'y.
MARRIED On Tuesday niornint; last, in this
place, by the Rev. Mr. Cook, Mr. JAMBS Ali
SlOL'R of Galcim, to Misa JOANNA WIN
LACK of this place.
fXvTlie printer's fee hns been duly received,
nnd tho hppy couple have our best wishes. The
rich supply of wedding cako sent us we hope will
prove (symbolical of the affection of our young
friends. May this Armour ever shine, and its
diluting brightness be increated.'
At Pt. Charles, Kane, Co., on the 2?ih inst., by
the Rev. Mr. Rounsvilln, Mr. JOSEPH II.
WANNER of Auroia.to Miss LOIS, daughter of
U. Hough, Lsq., of Somoiiauk, Df Kalb C o.
At Marseilles, in this county, on (he .5;h tilt.'
lv John Richey, Esq., Mr. S. BELL to Mrs
DIED Ih this place on the 1st inst., JOHN
FERUL'SON, a native of Scotland.
Office or tub Democrat,
Chicago, October 2.
Business transactions the past week
have been rather limited for this season
of the year. The Ions continuation of
rainy Mrcathcv lias had great effect in
keeping produce back, and come days our
streets have been almost destitute of team,
though the arrivals have increased some
what since Friday. , ...
l'htat,. consequence of an advance
in freights on the Lakes wheat has gone
down. The best samples of winter
wheat to day bring only 63 cents. Sprin
wheal may be quoted at f() a 55c.
Fhur. We have not heard of any
sales to-day. Superfine would bring from
3 50 a 3 CM.
I7ax Seed. Something of a demand
is springing up for this article, and the
facilities now olio red for the disposal of it
by country merchants are better than they
have ever been before in our city. The
new linseed manufactory of Peck and
Uoyce, recently located in this city, fur
nishes a home market where our country
merchants and farmers can at all times
sell for cash at a fair price. Flaxseed is
quick at 85 a S7jc.
Ut Of ICltTH
Tl K.MAIM.Nti in the Post Oifice at Ottawa,
JUL Illinois, October 1, IS II.
rrj-persons culling fur LdUrs tulll pleuse my
mey are mica una.
Anderson John
Armstrong Andrew
Allen KJ
1! rim ii ( 'linrlca
Baldwin l'.lmcr
Hansen II It
Uc.trd.lcv Aaron !
Itrown Mrs
Drown Mrs Elizabeth
Ureese D It
Dcudcstcii K
C'ul.u diaries
t'halllplill J 0
(.'rcurbaun Olio
f-'huse .Sarah
t.'alon J 1)
Houd Mrs J M
Comum Michael
rutty Jeremiah
t.'uiiiiiiiKliaiii Patrick
Dcrry .las
Dalit. ml Mary
Hotline Siishu K
Ihiiiiiuviti) Albert
Uimuck M V
Dalit T D
Dick Peter II
Dupcriun V.
Kltiolt O C
Klu-rnnlc 1) S
Kajjeil & Unherls
Puruswoitli Daniel
Funk Joseph
I.ightfoot I fvt
I.eoiole Muse
Linke F.ai
Llsk Manly V
J.uvinu VV T S
McutYiw lalward
Muikey Samuel
Milliken Samuel
McMelis John
Monroe J .inks
Miilikcn James At
Moore James I'
Murrain Joseph
Mel'airan John II
Miller James .
McCarthy John
Mcl'onnick W
McLaughlin Martin
Mitchell Putrick
Mann (icu
Mann Isaac;
My nc Moiishino
Millard l'hilo li
Muikey l.iilivelto
Nash David 0
Price Salmon
I'erley Julia A
Philips James (i
Parker Uldred
l'eek Duvid 1J
Huberts Milton B
Kobhison Mrs
I'ichurdsou Win
I y a 1 1 James
liobcrts L
Kouin P
Keeder David
Kie Handle,
Kleh Charles C
Kevriold iScarl
Swift M II
Sefley Win
Schneider Henry
!"pcncer James
Seaman Nathaniel
Hiumakee Otiadiah
Cray il
(Mill J .Il II
(riiis P.lcannr
liraliam Mary S
( iruham Duel I'1
(rove Joseph
( ii'i'KKs Fnoi
(ilday James
Hackclt Ilcubcll 5
1 1 .ul LI-J.HJ 'I'llOJ
llime,les d'oodman
lluanabooiu J ..Ii n J
HaitiU Franklin W I'
11 ",l"rJ A
I I. .it'.. ... .. .1 I.
2 Seaman Mary
Ili llciihUin ICcsper
Meniwjcii M
Sonm'r t Jcorgo
Stone J (i
Sinclair John
Thoni"'i J W
Tune. Win
Thornton John
Van Xumce Aluiizo
Wright John S
Welch James
Wallace Major D
Weaver (ieo F
Wheeler James P
Whilrscl Solomon
Wells A
I larwonj Levi
Hall Joseph
Hooper John
Hull J J
Holt Jas J Thus
llogabnoni Phebe
Harvey Charles
Kaufman Tuljua
Kenn.iilv lluli
Ki lly L'dward
I. mis Asa
Leonard H
Leonard 5c aton
I.ullis J
Linden S'arnh
Wilson W W or J J
Lawl.in 1 or D McCarty Woraren Norman
Liimb A VouiiK'nan Mrs C
Louis John 8 Younginan Duct X
Otl iwii. Oct. (i, 18U J.r)0 1.
E.i-t of I.i ttors
1KMAIMNt! in the l'osl Ollirc nt La Salle,
, Illinois, on the Si), h day of tieitembtr, 18 1J.
fXj Jinnn.i culling fir Letters will please iuy
tnCij art udcrrliiitd.
Alvord Lol'tus
lil.uk Jacob 1'
Urimhall Horace II
Cariai;her James
Conncss Robert
Corlcy Martin
Clarke Philip
Dady O.ven
Dow ns Mr
Fellison William
Fithiau Rev Win
Frierson John
(arvin Timothy
tioodiu AX'iliiaui
Onni Eli S
Hart John
Howard Edward
Huston John
Hyatt Abraham
Johnston Jno J V
Kleiufelter Mary
Leahy John
Leonard I.ouiza
Lewis S R
Lepage John B
Oct. ,
Lnid (harity
lvow tieorgo
Mycr James
Martin (i U
Mann John
3 Mills Daniel
Murray Joseph
jVooney Edwurd
.1eCormirk Bryan
Newell Rev
OTarrell .1
l'eek (leorge S
l'erry Julia .V
Reed Jackson
Reilry P
Kichardsoti Win
Seybo'd J
Slucfli r John
Slack .1r
Taylor John
Wilson James
W'illiamoii H
Worrell George W
Youngs Jeremiah
CO 16
i:oots,siioi:s, Ln.4Tiu:is, Ac.
Xo. HO, Lake Strict, Chicago.
WE just received their fall and
winter stock, consisting ul 300
eases of mens, hoyj and youths
thick kip and calf boots, shoes and
luogaiis, dancing pumps and ulio
per, womens calf, kip and morocco
boots and shoes, sewed and pegged
ladies and misses line walking shoes,
slippers, buskins, ties, nailers, half
gambroon shoes, children shoes of all
Also, sole and wax upper leather, calf and
kip ekins, nnd a general assortment of shoe stocks,
lasts, finding, Ac, Ac. We aro making mens
double soled thick and kip boots and brogans of
llie ucst quality. All of which will be sold very
low for cath, by the case, dozen, or at rrtnit. Far
mers and country merchants will d well to Call
anil examine before purchasing elsewhere
Oct. C, 1313. 6-3m
French llrandy.
"I 1)1. French Drandy just received and
X lor sale by J. & U. ARMOUR.
Sept. 29, 1813. 1 5-tf
Taper Hangings.
A fC Paper Hangings, for
'-M:JJ sale by
Sept. 29.-tf. Cvshman fc GrtiDLEV.
I3 atanllyon haud and for sale at this
Ocl. 0,1813.
ARE just opening a splendid assort
ment of STArLti & FANCY
UUODS, adiijitcd to the fall and winter
trade, which they are determined to tell
as low as the very lowest profit or no
profit consisting in part of
Doth Foreign and Domestic, for Ladies'
and Gentlemen's wear and for family use;
selected expressly to suit the wants of
tins community, and bought uncommon
ly low.
?OlTH Jk niioi:.
A great supply of ladies slippers, walking
shoes, boots, geiilleiiiaus boots, hoes,
brooans, pumps, slippers, childrens boots
and fehocs, of all kinds and sizes.
A complete assortment of such articles
as are usually called for, including Table
and I'ockel cutlery, nails, locks, hulls ami
screws, $'C ifcc.
.7 very large assortment of fine and
common ware, including lea setts of va
rious prices, 11 tl ted and plain glass tum
blers, ewers and basins, dishes, &c, &.c.
(lo mix;.
Coats, pants, vests, over coats, shirts,
drawers besides hats, caps, gloves,
sucks, hdkfs, slocks, suspenders, etc, &c.
Sugar, molasses, coll'ee, tobacco, tea of
various kinds, rope, pails, glass, rice dye
stull's, spices, etc.
Besides, cap and letter paper, ink,
quills, steel pens, wall paper, and a
"thousand and one" other articles such
as are usually called for, all of which we
flatter ourselves, will be found as cheap
as iii 3iiy other store try us before you
Wheat, Oats, Hides, Tallow, Flaxseed,
IS utter and l''gs taken in trade.
Oct. 6, 1813.
Stale of Illinois, La Salle county, ss.
In the Circuit Court, to November term 1813:
William Chuinascro vs. Augustus (J. .S, Viiht,
Adam Vroman, William John W lit. John
Fauyhander, executor Ac. ol (Samuel Lapslcy,
dee'd., and .Samuel T Smith. l'etitiou lor
partition of real estate.
TTOTICE is hereby ejvcu to the said Augustus
.Li U.S. Wijlit, iXd.iin Vroman, William John
U inlit, John I' uuylunder, executor eke. ol Samuel
Laphlev, dee'd., and S.unuul T. milli, that 1
slull present a petition to the Circuit Court ul
La Sallr county on the first day of the next term
thereof, to be hidden at Ottawa on Friday the lOlli
d.iy of November next, for a partitioii-of section
number lour, in townsliip umiiber thirty-tliree,
north of the. base line number one, east of the
third principal meridian, in the county of La
b.ille, lietneen myself and the said Augustus (.
M. U ii;ht, Adam rommi, W illiam John ihl.
John Fiiui;hiiiidi'r, executor Ac. of S imuel I. n pi
ley, dee'd., and samiiel T. Smith, and all claiiu
ini; under them accordin); to the respective lights
of the jiarties iherein. V. C III' MA SlCRO
(lei. (j, IS 13. 4
J5l G. ARMOUR are now opening,
a one dm.r Wist of Moms, Trues'
store, a large and general stock of Mer
chandize, which they intend to sell at
the lowest prices for cash and all kinds of
country produce.
Their stock embraces a complete as
sortment of
Amongst which are
Uroad Cloths,
Sliriped Sheetings';',
A (iron Checks,
Merino Prints,
i 4 aud i 4 It leeched and
IS row n Miirlui;s and
Ii!uc& Drown Drillings
Cotton and Woollen
Halting, Ac , Ac.
Irish and lirown Linen,
English, lull Kiver, and
Also, a large assortment of
Boots and Shoes, Crockery Ifard
JTarc, Carpenters'1 Tools, and
Our old friends and the community ge
nerally are respectfully requested to give
us a call and examine for themselves.
Ottawa, Sept. 29, 1843.
31 ill Saws.
Hi 0Y LAND'S Anchor, Saw Mill and
M Cross Cut Saws for s ile by
Sept. 29-tf Ci siiman & Gkiih.kv.
PBMIK partnership heretofore existing
between Michael Kennedy and Am
brose O'Conner, at Peru, L-isalle county,
and stale of Illinois, is this day, by mutu
al consent, dissolved. All debts, dues,
and demands belonging to the late part
nership are to be settled by Ambrose ()'
Conner, who will continue business in
Pern, 20th Sept, 1813.
N. II. All persons having unsettled ac
counts with the late firm of Kennedy and
O'Conner, arc requested lo call and settle
the same with the subscriber.
Cxer iilrlv's IVotieo.
ALL persons having claims against
the estato of Chester House, de
ceased, nre hereby notified and requested
to attend before the Probate Justice of La
Salle county, at his office in Ottawa, in
said county, on Tuesday, ihe 1 4 ih day of
November nest, for tho purpose of having
the same adjus-ied ; that being the day fix
ed upon by the subscriber, in pursuance
of the statute, for the purpose of settling
nnd adjusting all claims against said dece
SepU 29-15-Ct Executrix.
fur Cush or Produce.
TWIllR subscribers aro now receiving direct from
LJoslon, mi extensive and well selected ussurl
incut of FALL und WINTER
Among which are the f.ilinwiim .
Clack, blue, green, and brown Ilroad
Cloths and Cassimcrs ; Satlinelts, Ken-
lucky Jeans, Hard Times, Pilot, CtifT.i-
lo, and Heaver Cloths ; 200 pieces
t.'. i , i i i . ,,
1 rencl., Lnglish, and American Prints,
Mouseline de Laities, l)omba?.ines, Alt-
pines and Alpaecas, black, blue-black,
and Alpacca Silks ; French nnd Eng.
lish Merinos, Cambrics, mull and Swiss
Muslins, Hobbinett, Rail Road, wash,
blond, and wire I, ace, lace Edgings and
Inscriings, bhmd Quillings, Hook Mus
lins, Bishop's Lawn. Linen Cambric
Handkerchiefs, Handatina and Pongee
Silk Handkerchiefs, Rob Roy Shawls,
merino, Alpacca, ami black silk Cravats,
green Hjragc, Ladies' while and black
cotton Hose, Moravian it woisted Hose,
Silk and Taby Velvets, plain and figur
ed Satin Vestings, Valencia ditto, Coat
Tiimmings, blue and brown Drillings,
white and black Waddings, Cot'on Bat
tings, Canton Flannels, red, green, and
yellow woollen ditto, Imsey Woolseys,
Tickings, Burlaps, Hickories, Hleached
Cottons, 11 bales brown Sheetings and
Shirtings, ifcc., &c, &c.
Table Hinges, Strap Hinges Driek and
Plastering Trowels, Sheep Shears, Rasps,
Mill Files, Hand Saw Files, Bolts, chest,
cupboard, till, trunk, and pad Locks, (im
bleis, Awls, Blacking, Percussion Caps,
SnufT Boxes, Ink Stands, Slates; Shoe,
Horse, and Whitewash Brushes j Trace
Chains, Butts and Screws, Augers, Draw
Shaves, malleable it Not folk Door Trim
mings, Tricks, Shoe Nails, Brads, Sieves,
Glass Paper, ('utry Combs, Hriiannia Tea
Pots, Coll'ee Mills, Cattle and Wool
Cards, Paint llrushes, Manure Forks,
Hooks and Hinges, Sad Irons, Homer's,
Wilson's, and Collins' Axes ; Knives and
Forks, Spoons, Pocket Knives, Broad
Axes, Oil Stones, Britannia Lamps, Tea
Travs, 50 Kegs Swedes Iron Nails, tc
ALSO, a large assortment of
Jjools and Shoes, Crockery and
Which wo offer for sale us low as such articles
can be purchased in the eastern or western coun
try, I or cash ol prmluee.
Ottawa, Sept. 2 J, IS 13.
cst liar gains in the County!
r..KFAl A HICKLINC are now receiving
? and opening nt the CUKAl' CASH
STOKI'2 in Ottawa, direct from Mew York and
Huston, their Fallaud Winter supply iifnierchau-
di,c, which was tj-prcsstif mlteted for thin market.
The supply embraces a general assortment of
imv .oons,
A largn lot of new stylo calicoes, from
10 cts. per yard upwards ; brown mus
lins; ticks and checks ; painted muslins,
brown and bleached drillings and muslins,
very cheap; saltinets ; jeans and cotton
yarn ; shawls and handkerchiefs, a supe
rior assortment; together with a general
variety of articles for the especial accom
modation and convenience of the ladies,
who are earnestly invited to call and ex
amine our stock before purchasing else
where. Also, a large and complete as
sortment of
hoots siioi:s,
Qucenswarejogether irith a full supply of
Embracing a choice lot of brown tnd loaf
Sugar, Coffee, Tea, ifcc., &c.
Oils, 1'uintn and Dye Stuffs, Window
Glass, A'uilti, iVc, iVc
And a general variety of articles usually
kept in Dry Coods and Drug it Medicine
iU'llemiinher ire charge nothing for
showing t)ur goodn, and that tee have
always sold as cheap us the cheapest!
Ottawa, Sept. VJ'J. 1813. tf
IOHK, Wheat, Flour, Heans, Flax
B seed, Hides and Oats.
Oiiawa, Sept. 2'J, 1813. 1 5-tf
DOZ. Washburn's Shovels: and
Spades for sale by
Sept. 2'J--if C csiniAN k Cnini.bv.
lic:i for asli or Winter Wlieiit.
TIIIE subscriber will sell on llie must
H reasona'dc teims, for cash or good
winter wheat, Ilroad Chillis, Cass'nneris,
Saltinclls, J-'rench Merinoes, I'rinrh
Bombazines. r.. .-r.i as, also, any other
article in his line of business. (all and
sec and examine fur yourselves.
Ottawa. August 23. 1813. lO-tf.
Itoots iV Shoes.
Cases Roots and Shoes for sale
Sept. 2'JV 1813. 1 5-tf
TimrLEAD and Linseed (),
for sale by
Sept. 20, 1813. 15-lf
WiiidAW Snsli.
(7 (ff Lights Window Sash for
OUUU ale by
Sept. 20, 1813. l&-if
.hid General Stage Ofiicc, Ottawa, IiTs.
TlXAV. subscriber respectfully informs the travel
1. limr public, that he has taken this commodi
ous establishment, situated at the south-east corner
of the public wjuare, in the town of (iua.
The situation is ilcuant nnl rentral. biin
j in the business part of the town mid diieetiy op.
,0",ila ll,c c""rt ""I" Tl,u '
and coiienodious, and is well provided wiih cham-
(,ers and ..arlors. neatly furnished, airv. ..lcasant.
am' aijreerjble. A d-iil'v line of stages "arrive and
depart for the Ka:'t and West.
The undersigned) having h.i.l considerable ex
perience in keeping a public hotie. Hatters
himself that ho can give entire satisfaction lo
those who may favor him with their patronage,
(lis arrangements in regard (o m inngement of
the house, are extensive and convenient, nnd no
pains will be spared to give pi Ouipt accommoda
tion. , il. .
Ottawa, Oct. VI, JS-t-J. XU tf
NOTICE is hereby given." that the
notes and accounts of James .It
moitr have been left with me for collec
tion, and that suit will he biought indis
criminately unless settlement: and pay
ments are made forthwith.
S. 11. FAR W ELL.
Sept. 15, IS 13. 41
AtluiiiiixlratoiS Not ire.
A LL person.- having cl iims against the
estate of Lowel Morse, dee'd., are
hrreby notified and requested to attend be
fore the Probate Justice of La Salle county
on Monday the 13th day of November
A. D 1813, for the purpose of having
tho same adjusted that being the time
fixed upon by ihe subscriber, in pursuance
of the statute, for the purpose of settling
and adjusting all claims against ihe estate
of said decedent.
M. D. WALLACE, ,7,m'r.
Ollawa. Sept. Nth, 1813. 120
AiliiiiiiistiiitoiS N olive.
VLL persons having claims against
the estate of Joshua Brown deceas
ed, are hereby notified ami requested to
aletnd before the proba.e justice of La
Salle county, at his office in Ottawa,
on the Dili of October, A. 1). 1 K 13, for
thf purpose of having ihe same adjusted ;
that being the day fixed upon by the sub
scriber, in pursuance of the statutes for
the purpose of ad justing all claims against
said decendent. LEVI KKLSEY, Jr.,
Aug. 25. IS 13 Dt. .Idministiiitor
A l iii ill ist ni tors Aotiee.
TO TK'E is hereby given that, at the
November term of circuit court in
and for the county of La Salle, and stale
of Illinois, lobe holdeu on ihe'Jd Monday
of November next, a petition will be pre
sented to obtain an order for the sale of
the following real estate of Edward
Kcycs, late of said county, viz : The un
divided half of the south half of sec. 10,
town. 33, n. 4 c. of the 3d P. M. Also,
the east half of the n. e. quarter of sec, 31,
town. 31, n. 1, c. of the 3d P. M. for
the payment of the debts chargeable
against ihe estate of Edward Key es, dee'd.
the personal estate being insufficient.
.'idmitiis! rotor,
Ottawa. Sept. 2!', 1813. 1 1.-31.
'BHE heirs of Ezra Aekley, late of La
Salle county, deceased, are hereby
notified that I intend to present a petition
lo the Circuit Court of said county, at llie
next term thereof, lo be? holdeu at Ottawa
on Friday thu ltllh day of November
next, praying for the sale of so much of
the real estate, of which the said Ezra
Aekley died seized, as will be sufficient
to pay the debts against said estate, the
personal effects being insufficient to pay
the same. W hen and where the said
heirs and others interested in said estate,
may appear and show cause, if any they
have, why the prayer of said petition
should not be granted.
Sept. 29, 1813. 15-fiw
Type at ICeilueetl I'riees,
St. Louis Type Fonmlnry.
MIE undersigned, (successor (o Geo.
Charles,) having purchased the in
terest of his lale partners in ihe above es
tablishment, will continue the business at
the old stand, and solicits a cnutiiiuaiice of
the patronage hitherto extended to this
fnunilery by ihe Printer.- if tho West.
I5eing determined to furnish Type, and
all other materials used in a Printing Of
fice, ai cheap as possible, he is prepared
to 111 ali unlers with which lie may be
favored, n llie following om:.il.Y ituf
i;o i:a I i:s, fur cash s
Noinpareii, 73 cts lb.
Minion, (0
llrevier, "'
Uuri'enii, 4 5
Long Primer, I
Small Pica, 39
Pica, H.j
English, ,15
Printing Ink of all kinks constantly on
hand. Priming Paper supplied to order.
Wood Letter of all sues, together with
Presses, Cases, Cha'es, &c, cVc.
Old .vno rc,.ive,! i,, ,-v!., . MnnUl tatll. f.f Stltl.'fllT Of l.t.l kklllS t.C
cents per pound. '
v n Pi,!..ba r ,
the South and West, who shall insert the
above advertisement, -with this note,
three limes w ithnt the next three months,
and Bend one of their papers t. the foun
dry, will bo tnti'lcil in the p.iytueiit of
their bills by purchasing (our times the
amount. A. P. LA DEW.
July 13 3t.
LmiUi sir, el, one dur from Hit twrth-u-ett
t-trntr if t'tt l'u'j.'ic Sjuuit.
T E It M S I
Tir.) dJt-irs and fifty emit per annum, i until
in adduce,- Three didixrs if not paid Life the
Xj irationifthejint s.'x m-jiUhn ; und l.'.rce dd
fori and ticir.r, -Jiet etnh if ddiytid until t.'tc end
if the year.
A hxrllnemmtt hisc t.d at S i per syicrf far the
fnt insertion, nnd Sj cvitu fnr enc't mhenuent
inM-rt.un. A Iherul dUcount made to linse trim
adrcrli t I y t.'.e year.
C Aj iidi c.-iUrs LUen f,r a Hurler period
than a'x nwnthf.
gj'Xi P'iprr disointlnucd until (ill arrccrn"ts
i nre paid, wdvis at the in lion if the editors, r
Z'j'A-'l eoDiiir.nueutijir, tj insure attention;
imi't come fee of po.-tiige
T. I). JBrcwMii-,
fctrrjn il ' fru'ttrdin y iV Cormnissioti
JfcTZtiM'rchtott; Peru. La Sail
county, Illinois.
I'tcnr, March 1, IS 12.
John II of 2 man
tjj illt-KCHAXT,
1'eru, La Salle counlv.
Alay 12, lslJ.
4S tf.
Iti'Ktilnr I'ackd lor Illinois Kiver;
The new a, id splendid
fast sailing Steamboat
i ... . ,
lfc.j.A l1-. UiiKMsoy, .Master;
will run as a regular
iiacket hctivrpu l.'iiv
and M. I.ouis. .-vie will leave l iica every Tues
day, and St. Louis every Saturday. Her accom
modations for passengers are of the first ordi i,
having private state rooms and every conveuitnca
iciiiism- i,ir coihiori.
I'.t freight or passage apply to the master 0:i
jl LAIIi:V l'.i V STO it i:. J
0 J EST received ut the Ladies' Fancy
X Store in Ottawa, direct from New ?(
Orleans by the steam-boat Alex. Scott, h
X a new and large assortment of DRY k
OOODS ; a new style of liht and jj
! dark Prints, of all kinds ; Ladies' v
Shoes, complete supply ; Honnetts of
v all kinds; Domestic, Cloves, Mils, 2
and everything belonging to fancy ar- f
.; articles. Ladies are invited to call ')
and examine the goods. No trouble (
y will be spared 1j accommodate them. J
X Cooda will be solJ very cheap, and '.
J; no mistake ! ft
X Ottawa, J. i!y 28, 1313. 5
'j;" "-sr ' e 'i
The :iatel liiMOvcryol'ihc A'ivi
f IlIII leirn may he justly applied to the disco
L very of coinpouiiding tii.-di.-iiics with tits
be.it double refined Loaf fu:u in such a inaiuiel1
that child, i n nnd adults n.ay iiv i t mcdicina
with as much t!cau:e ns lln-y do the hct io;.fLx
lioieiry .
I'or this tiifi iim ry wc arc indebted to A. Slier
man, M. 1 , of the rity of New V oil:, who has
been a regular prac'roner of medicine in thutiity
Inr ihe Ian ten yearn; nnd b'im) u uiciuher of til
Mew Yoik Medical ."'ocie'.y.
The Uoctur, utter devoioi", his tt-:'!on fir it
Ion.; time to the nubjcel, aii.nit ll:ree vcurj bine
j olii ri d his invention lu t!:e puV-hc um' -f llie naaiuuf
nii:;km.v. :t mi'-l-icatku lo::i:.(;i:s,
Since which linis they h'lve oned n cehbrily fof
the cure of different i-omKir:uiioiu fur which tluy
uie recoiuiiieiiili d, unprecedei.ted ia the hiaUry uf
any other nu'diciiie they cni t of
COKlill l.ir.l'.NCIX,
Whii b nre llie il'est una mo.-t ell'eetuul remedy
lor I.'oukIis, t'olils, tloiiMimption, Whopill(
t'oiii;!!, A-llimii, iV c. ever o. b red lo the public.
I'hiy opperiite by pr.e.ii .tin; i xpe'toration, a!!uy
imj the iuiitHtiou of Coii,'!ii;ig, and removing tin
cause id dim .l-e,
wtiiiM Ltr.r.Nci:,
The only inf.illibl - Worn medi. ino ever discov
ered. In over UH.OiM e.i-e they b.i.e l:f vcr been'
known 1 1 I, ul. .M in v dise:iM' uii-e from woniu
nnd oeciiioii loiiL- and intense mi;lci iii and even
deith, willn ii! tin ir even lu in Kii-peeted ; grown
perKotiH uie very o.'le.i a, 'la led with lliein, hliu
nre doctored foi vnrious cuuip'uiiits, without any
benefit; when one dot-e of t!.eu Lozenges wouli!
Hpeedily cure litem.
f .winiou i.ir.i'.Nci:,
For nervous or sii k be.ul .tclie, pulpilntintis of tho
heart, l.insitude and nervous ulbctions generally.
1'er.sonn tunc hnu, or ntli in'.uiit huge parlies, will
find the i,o.enes really reviving, and iiiipurtiiij
tin- Iniovaney of youth ; n-ed uftcr dis.sipalioi.',
tliev w ili nt,ire the tone of llie xystein generally ,
and remove u 1 1 the unpleasant yinplouia aiUing
from too iVeo living.
r .thai; nc i,oy.r..Nnr.s,
The l.esl c.itli n tic ir.edii ine b'r removion tide f.'om
the HVsleni and piovenliiu a'taeks of the billion
and intermittent lever ol tlii- section of country.
FKVL'li AMI Alil i: I.OZKMJi;.
rili'M- Lneimes have been tilted by a Ct It hratcd
physician in a practice of twenty yearn und hnvo
never bi en I. now n to fail in reniovin ; this dts
Iicnmii.; dim :i-e. In inbhtion to which, it llie d
recti, ins lie , used, tl.e li-ea-e will lint return.
Mi;:uMN'.-i ft"':: man's platku.
This Placer, nf ulncli ever 1,10 1.0 '0 arc sold
yearly, is believed lo be llie best pl.i-.ler for rheu
matism, lumbar piiin in l',o' back, breast, wjr.or
any other put id the b, ilv, ever prepared, and it
price (oidv 13 ci'nt-.) i-nii;;s it witiiiu tho rcsill
of every petsim in tl.e '" iiiniutiily.
J,C7A l.irgo stij'i'ly of llicsc celebrated
artlelebjust leeched and lot sate by
i. I.. TI!!Mr.- t), ,.lc a.'t.forbtlaws.
x. i. '?! I'M, Pen.
i:. r. s. rrr.sii'F.i;, iiciHirpin,
H, A T. ALI.r.N. Juliet.
(;i:i)U(iK s.N VUZ'tt, l.aoon.
A.must 11. tM'. Iv.
Ireer !!il XVmileO.
A LlilLlUAL pii-o will be p:
.1 Sl ratli. fir s;i:t::",er er fall ikil
lid III
jlivcred at my Uun.iry in Ottawa. Yotr
'need not s;o; to Mrcnch or dry them, only
aiteati. I U 1 t 1 iiuu.v.
i t w i 'i n iiw: aii'
as'.i forUltcitt!
f JM1E subscribers wilt pay in cash, for
fl Whr-:it i! 'livrred at Staddcn's iill,
t least w'uhi i f.-'eeu rc.i's of the Chica
go price, at ;U tin".1.
Daykiit, i.y li'O, 1?13. 31 Vl .

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