OCR Interpretation

The Ottawa free trader. [volume] (Ottawa, Ill.) 1843-1916, October 06, 1843, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84038582/1843-10-06/ed-1/seq-4/

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invitation. While making the necessary
preparations, a letter was y'ut into my
hand from my father, informing me of eir
cuinslatices which compelled mo to bt.irl
for home without a moments delay. 1
have now returneJ with l.iis lull :p'r"
batton, as you undoubtedly know, to of
fer you in V haml.'
ivi, ;..!. ! phi never accent.' said Ami-
ne.'my heart being already in
of another. . .
If neither your heart nor haml .-an ;
bo mine,' said he, alter rc.naimug mi ;
Ill ..i l.. .t
tor snort time, - -
to interchange tokens of li'iet: .ship. Nil-,
f.'r inn to la!;e this bracelet ami in return
rm-eivn this rintr. i
.. , . , ,1 I. I I
Oilillllj uiu " ii"
adroitly slipped a superb diamond ring
upon Iter linger, and at tho natnc instant
pressingthc secret spring that secured the
bracelet he removed it fro in her arm. So
rapid had been his movements, the h.id
no time to prevent llieni, but before he
1,1 .1,,. !..t within the folds!
1-WU1U 111. II, U .. . - ----
r. . . i i. ...i :. r I I
in tits vest, fciie su;u -m-u u uum
and withdrawing tlic ring Loin her
returned it to him.
'Perhaps.' said she, 'I should not havi
refused some other memento of friend-
slii, had you sau?ht less peremptorily to ,
f-..,. annuel lint thin braeelet I :
enforce vottr rcriuest, but this brace
shall never part with, unless demanded i
by 1 1 i til who gave it.' i
Amine, 1 am satisfied.' said a voice j y
that thrilled her heart, 'l he poor and
friendless Ferdinand is preferred to the
rich and powerlul D'Alvarez. I am thine
till death.'
As he spoko he removed hi mask, and
site then saw that Ferdinand and i'hilip
were the same.
IM.n 1,;,. C.ll.lll-I'll. WHS
ij ij i.viiiii.iiiirii ii ii'.i ,,,-,. . - ..... .
i . . . :
lie iniurmcn ner, in.u ;
. . , ii... .1.. .
,e lini'Kt tnai
s ,,i
from motives nl lit-: I'
tercst, his father wished to briu' about a j
match between tin in, he was resolved
that unless he could feel satisfied that she j
loved him for himself alone, never to of-
fer her his hand, lie, therefore, imme
diately after the departure of his f.illicr ;
and Uodovan. tet out on the came jour-1
ney, and by chance filling in with liaroiij
well as Lady Jllauor promised lo I
A few weeks more, and the rastlo was
graced with a btnaller, though not less
happy party than on the evening of the
masquerade. At the appointed hour, till
proceeded to the family chapel, where
Amine, her leatnres beaming through the (
bridal veil, instead of heini; concealed by i
iu.ll veil, ilia lean in iiuiii" roin.i-.in.-u wy
... , 11,., 1 !
ie tautaliui'' mask, and I Alvarez in
... - , , . ,. -,- 1
c rich dress of a Spanish noble, niiliul
, , 1
.i.: ... .i...
lllllll iiiu a til iiiu ,11111.
, , , , , , , 1 1 n
I!i;mm:ss cuius.
iM.oniir. 11. .v Oil t; lii. 1:. s, ii.u.K mink.
Mori is & Elolhrook,
,lllorniis anil Coininlors at .(itr, and
Solicitor in I'hum-vry,
(ll'TAWA, II, I..
Oflk-o in tl-.o new court liuusc, N'u,f, ,oitli-i'iil
mi m i ruiiiii,
'J'ill.lll'll 1 1.1 s I.. ii'K KT. JOHN M, IIIHI llll;,
IMrlioy iV ( riitlicrs,
Attornies and ( 'ounscllors at Law,
Oltawa, Illinois.
If.ivn ri'iiiovnl tlinir iilliii) tu ft room up Hfaiis in
the (.'null Hun ,i". I
J. o.
ui.ovi;ii. 11. i ,
;iver A' Cook,
Attornies and ('inin.'ellor., at Law.
OUicc ojiposih: ( 'iislmiiiii A, TlioinpMins tiiii1,
Oil iw.i, llliiiiiid.
Ji):H V.A.II'il.t. A H II ill AM IIUI.S,
J.V.A.iVA.IIors j
Attorneys ttnJ I'niiii.vllnrs tt Lmo wul Su!i,utur 1
in Cliiiiicrrij. j
OlTiu' on tin! norlli side uf tlic I'ulilic S.piau,
(Hlava, I. a !"alic i-miiiiy, Illiiinit.
Joliu 4'. '!iaciiilin,
Attorney and Counselor at Law,
Uavinir.'issiiciiili'illiiiiiM'lt wiili McHMn.SPIilMi
11111I (i()()l)!t!CII, of t'liii'iutu, will ulli'iiil to all
practice of their proliH.iion in the county ul'l.a
itlilfon II. tit.
Attorney and ('ounsellor at Law,
Ottawa, Illinois.
OiTico 011 thu wust iilo ol'tlic I'u'a . Sipuirc,
Due. 'J, H '1. 1 II-
S. I. Miope,
Attorney and Counsellor at Law mid
Solicitor in Chancery :
0 T,T A W A, ILL.
iJit lit
Cunu'. t., first door vart of ll.o MuiiHion Houac,
Ottiiwu, III.,
Dealer itt Drus, MnJicincs, nyc-Siull's,
Faints, Oils, Varnish, &c. Ac.
. - . , n . . . . i
J:ibcz Titi-li,
Justice of the Peace, Ottawa, Jlln.
Oflico on-Front Strert, in the Morn room liilcly
, oct-iipii'il by 1.. W. Link,
AVilliamltl.Ti'iir, j
,1senl of the HUno'i Mutual J'ire Iniiu-
. ranee Cimmanii.
Ottawa 111. '
Dr. 1. SciH'riiM'i horn
OFFi'iltrt his prulfssiiiniil service to tho cili
zen of Oltawa anil vicinity. Ollini un
(Juluiul)U Ktrret, hetwciiti Cuniil uml Clinton.
fJllfG iuhicriher havo juxt lercivcd on ron
JL Kiriniunt nml fur Halo au enlciisivc bupply
of leather, coiimin(r of.
CalfSkins, Upper Jjcather, Solo Lea
ther, Harncbs Lcalher, and Shcep Skin
Linini's. 1 WALKER &H ICKLlNn.
OtUa7lcc. 3d, ISil. ' . -IMS '
Vihm l siikI .'liaii' M:i:iiifa toi y.
y..i3s rgviK miiii i.-i'in ii h.iiiii? i-ii-
"V hvII Ifn il inln ci-piiilm r .Lip in
1', l I'"' MT.ur...-ltir.- ChUIRS ."..I
l'xx4 CABINET WARE, I..;;? i..
jVf-'ikV puhli,' ill tiini'lil, lti.il llii'V Iiiiiv
.iisLmllv i'ii h mil mi-l iv, i iv
' lillli S. Ill llll'l, -ll'ip mi llll
I hi'i'l. Hi this pl.i.r, rvriv vim IV i.l 1 1 1 : l . ! - in
il..... i; i' , ... ! ,. ... .
;Sl.m,!s, He.l.-tca,! with every larn.ty ..I
i Chairs, all of which thev :i i anxious and
v.u,v t ,.t.. , ,!,. w; nv .,v..r them
w - , , .
All liiud.s uf fiiini-
turt. hUm. , ,,;
, ,. M,!,;(.nl.M
ui.hin ' i n.ti-.-i,: Si
r, mi the .iimrlfst notice.
r-. 11. liter tllrin-rUi'H, tli;i( I llu-,i
: si' iiitiilf.-, Ill tin ir Inn1 if Im-i-,IHi.
n! Vl'il ;l! ihrir ll i, II- well
! ill illlS' pi, Iff III till
'll ,-, 1,1 t,,,i .I'll!'
()s(iooi) cull.
I lll;uv;l, J UUP
Aow 'f allot in ((;s!'ihiaeit.
I i I'.sl'lil ' ITI U.Y
iiit'iiniH l!n' i-itiAi'iK ol
( III i A i ali i p mil , , tli.it li" li.u niii ui',1 u
I'liil iiiii,; IN:,i!ir.-K:iii iii mi I'.m.il .-tri-i t, f.inr
.l.i.irs r.i-t nl tin! I'.'-t I lii. i'. lb' i'. J ii j'.irril t.)
wink dii i!u' iii.if.1 rr.u.iiinlili' ii iih-i, ;m,l wiir-
i iuIh nil ;;.irint'iilM mil. In lv linn In I.I. I!r I.
ID ri'crivn ;l sli.iri' nl till' iu!'iir ,iiii.ni inc.
.. I). ' lining H ' 1 1 .HI r...ill lliilll'l', llllil
w.irnuiU'.I tu i'ii it t,i . ! j
1 'M.iw.i. .1 un- 2:t, I s I.!.
111 l it- llli.
SITiINU (i)0l):.
1 M I! subscriber have just received
U, their spring supply of t;ooils, which
they are. prepared to olli r at prices aston
ishingly low for this market, and lower
than tin: l'hic:i..;o jirires.
wi: iiavi; now a n t.t. st tim.y ov
il'W ( lllr.UlM I
.. II,' II,
lnii. A- V. II. Tim,
llilril A.i
I lll'lll'l'll,
Aim. i,
(ilni r,
t; tuts,
llr.l Cir.l
( ,;, ,,
r Slmt,
'm .i.'uj,'. r.
i ,,.
Wlmr l.t i.l,
', (irai.-t ii. (ram tin
Tisli l.i.
s.-mI,,. st.,!;, .V liinY.t'j l'ih IIomKm
l.tiit.--l ruil i. ' Ac, .Vi
A i.-.i, y I
l.ir l.u" ni.it ciniiilrti! uisni'tllii-lit el
i;::v ais
I., I. r.,,,,,.1 in ll... i.l I.i ,..!,. r III. .,U I. i,
I '
j IttMU iiiiU MIIOI S,
I'ur mi ll, wijiih'II ill.il rlnlilii'ii, Ii. siilm ii! I t!u
! . 1 1 1 1 1 r hi li.'li .t utually Liilinl in a i niiiilry i-ture ;
;nll uf s 1 1 i T i will In! sul.l at l.iw as at unv otlu'i
i ,t.iM', I'nr r.i-li nr irniluei'. lie hiire tli.it uu i ill
lii liiii' v.iu iun:li.ii' :
'I'lU'F SON.
Ott.iw;., April 2s, isn.
T , , , . . . , .1 . .1
Ml I ILL is hereby iven that in the
;.,., , ,,
J x( iniinlh el )( 1 Or.LiJ next there
- . . .. . . .. , . . ,.,
m ill be public Sales ul all Lands anil I own
nine pi
I . I , f
Lots and parts ol Lois u
neh have here
tofore In 111 sold bv the Hoard of ( 'ointuis-
. ; sinners of the Illinois and .Michigan ('a
! u d and since forfeited or riliiiipiished to
' the Stale, t ) w it :
I I ( ' I I l( ' ! :i 101 'I'm.vilnv i!,m :t 1 .1 iv
().. 1 ... '
At LOCkl'OUT, uti Tuesday the l!)th
day of ( h'loher,
j At OTTAWA, on Tuesday the 17ih
j day of ( Ictober,
At LV SALLM, on Wednesday the
iSth day of October,
j of all Lois and parts of Lots of the above
i description in the respective towns: and
At LOCKI'OIM', on Tuesday the Dili
day of October uf all Lauds of the above
Said sale to be continued, if necessary,
1 1 mm ilay to il iy until all suclt properly
! has been tillered.
! The eondiiioiis of sale arc one tenth
of thu purchase money to he paid in hand
and no'.e eiven for the balance at twenty
vears on interest payable at the end of
each vear.
1 Any Lot in Chicago or Ottawa which
mow stands as forfeited may be seltlcd at
'any time previous to the "Jilrd day of Sep
tember next.
ISy direction of .IAC015 FUV,
Acting Cuinniisaioner.
Loekporl, July 'JOiii, ti 8
Ottawa Market.
'HIIF, subscriber respectfully informs
the public that he has opened his
I Meat Market in Oltawa, where daily may
'be found an assortment of fresh meat.
Thankful for past favors, he hopes lo re
ceive a continuance of the patronage ol
his old friends and the public gencrall v.
JFliF.MLUl W0O1).
Ottawa. April 7, 1SLL II tf
I'i'IriV I'ills.
US'I' received and for sale bv
July '0, lHPi. H--tf.
Oils, J'ainla, Ulaxs, i-c.
rAI.KKKiV. lllt.'KI.I.Nti hiivr just rn riv
i'ii ll iVfull Hilpply uf oils, paints, uhiss, rte.
COIISI.-tllliJ (il
1 bbs linseed oil, 2i boxes glass,
'J " tanners " till h. pure w bile lead,
I sperm " 1 lbl p. whiting,
" p. turpentine, 1 " pp. brown,
copperas, camwood, vitriol, v.iearagua,
redwood, indii;o, alum, &r. fc
UST received and for sale by Wal-
fP ker iv, Hickling, n lew unis. diigttr
House Molasses ditect from the bugar re
finery in St. Louis.
Thu highest ptiee given for Illinois
State Hank paper.
Aug. 18. -if Walk Kit Htctaixc
IltAUUKL Whiting, a gooir nrtielc,
and for buIo ehcup hy J. O'JNLIL.
April 12, 1H 13.
To 3'ar:n'r t 1 vol (iiottii,
?AS B v.'iiil.l r, -.o I-
v-,. i i .ii. ,i .
T;v tij tally inf.
tl,.' l.u
f-i i I , IV Z. I Li-Mi I'UI '.! IV .ill. I'll 1.-M.S,
; 3 . . ' i ) i- ,i . . . . i-.iini'ii.-.i.ii! ail arur i". ru i i r-Mirv
$ f ' nl tin' rnniiliv, laali . . . ( . ' .7 . .
. - -:.. v ,i 'ill t'.- 7 ,ir the .-Ii-1 iiml iirr.lv.
' ' i '.- lti-v air ini'iiaii .1 ami l , ... ., ...
V ? J f.rVi"1" I'laiiiilui'luir i ii I i -J , , , ...
:: svJ!; fpru-m i.,! liiiiMiiiii'-r-: '"'."iv 1 ':
iL'ii?&zhl&y&i "i" I"- '! i ' '' Ul""s :!U-1 ''"i""1;
Hiiinl, ami ii.'.v.inlt, i . . r nan ball us lukm Ii '"al purposes, Denial and Sim ;'i'':.l I :- 'iti-
ilin I, Mini, wild ail, liliiiiiali-li. iiiri't fur ilii'M-im: (In i null! -, and inativ of t!ie Patent llii'dl.-illi s
-.1 itn-, Ci luili 'i ill tu' rr.ii-uliaiilr ), I ". . ,. , , . ,
,, . , i ,i , i- i , ! now in u-e, cnnsit in;' (. Lit. -a s I.i:.:-
I in v imII al .i rxi luoi.;.' i l.itli h.r iviml in l.a-i i, ,
of lr.tt". ..r rn .re liian urii! IiiiihIihI 1...111..! ! fllt llt , llewr's Nerve and I'.ulic I ,i ui li; ". I .
I'.ur:iinl riMtini.il.il' terms; iiml will vui! wool mi 1
i-oiiiiiii.-.-i.'li nl al.iir I'Hi'e I'm e.ih.
11. sir fir ru, a.. 1111 -r.iiii 11-11 il l.u ti t i'1'iil.-i 'r imiu.:. 1
... . ... 1 1 ,
I lev li.ni' jii.t 1:11 if ma' l'iiir III ..;.ni. rri.,11,. an.'
.1-am- tl,.. , ul,. 1 lui'u their ,i.'l in 1 ..'... I
i 'lie la 1 inn v. ill I'll 1. 1 it In 'in ii in! first to Inn.' 1
llirlr u.iiii iM-il vv.i-.ln .1. I'ulli far eariliri:; w 1 1 t l.-r
111 01 1, l'i,' 1 11 1 iic.', 11 -i Wool i.i a !' i l ? talc v. ill mi ni
,i!,lv l" (. ti mi '.'"1 to II I, aii'l in liivh a-an. 'i r
ent.; iti.- a'.io il. -ir.il.le lliul vmioI lor 111. nun i;t-
illill l.f il.'llf Up ill M'H'i.Ci.' Ill errs. 11'; 1 , ''!' ,1 ir 1
Tl.i'i'iiUv.. inti ii'l to i.i .iu.I'i. Iikh will !:"!Kl!l'-!"'?ili' ( ( 1
iiii.I lilanl.e!- of full wiilth. .I.i's I). tilil'.liN.
Dayton, 1,!., A p.-'l I si-'. 4'J-tf.
Dili. 111 je'k .tSills.
''nIIl! Mib.-crd'er rcspocifnlly informs
the publi.: that he has tal.eti il,e
above luilii, i-iltialeil on Iiniiaii t'reek,
about i ijilit luile i i ri ui Ottawa.
.1,, ... . .i.i ...... i. . : ' i
I he tin, Is hai " rci't-ntly been maleiiai-.
i . i ,.iii I
iniprovt'd, and an over.-liot w heel liav-
, ,, , i , ,, ;
..'vintcycuube hept-t o,.,,al...,i at
all sca.-oti.i r I ilii! ear.
Hy s'.rirl at'i nil, :t to lnisiness and a ge
neral (!(.un tu :ii'ciiin:iiin!a!e those who
av favor him wi:h their eu-l nn, the sub
patrona.'.'. S. A. KNAI'P.
liidi.f'i Crt.r U, July 7, t"i:L "im.
J.it ! ) !:th!c.
riItC ii. '-r, !,.! Wi'i'l.l ri'-jiri-!-
i lililv io!'. nil the I'ltiru- ol I !- kf'"
I e.va .iii'i ti.r piiiilii- i'.i'i.'-,.illv, lit.il . " ' '
h" H oi .nr.! v.a!,. ami in!: .J- -' x
liiini-li l i tliot.f who in. iv i!i. ire I ' '
!,, ' Cf-.SX?3
ll'ir-es and Carn:i;."s, Sleilis, A;c., iiiid
iii.-l rate Saddle Horses.
I'l-i'-anis tia, liiinr may o-lv i n a sn'fi'v nii't
l'ihivi ini iit i oi.v. ai.i f to :,I ..i.i.-t any j I o .
tl:r.'in;!i l!.i' n.m.l :y .
.V i. ll .i-rs ,im liiriu 1 l,n -r 'arii'i"i'J.
it c, nir n ','im .1 t" ri liirn lln iii i u as n .a ! i ml
-mill I i-.iii.'iIu'H ms ll.rj Wiif in vv 'ami t in y alnf
into tin ir li.-v.
1. il sMi riL
tlllawa. .Ian. IS l.i. :il--tf.
To M.'riiif a I irni.r .t'in' aii.l l.iili.ir.itory. the
."-iil.-i'i i in i - ii.iv .. i rim.i i .1 Irom 'i I. .1.'. i.iA a 1, uf
tu that iirti.-iiiti.Trit V' .1 1 1 -' u m -e. (j st.irie-i rear,
an, I (with iot tu, i.) !0 I fret ili'q',
:;. :!, co.ti i.a.ndt !stk::i::,i
A', nr II iiuinn,
'J in1 vv !n, If of vs lii.-ii lln-v niTiipy, an. I win-if
tin y have i -ai'ih -hr I llu i.- exti'ii-iif I. alio: il. ry ,
ivh ilr-alf lnm-i! an l ri'tiiil ilrpar I inr lit for the
tlfM i veil yi-jrs, an. I nhrra tin y will hope t.) sff
all prisoiH ilfalin in Mr.lifiiii'S who visit llu
City. Ui'in i.i llu; lifiiiiry of nil the larm ho
ti U, 1 1 nir iStnii! will ,f kept rpfii late ami ruily,
to iii'i'oiiiiiioil.C.ii tho-f viliiisc liUii.H'ss rails thrm
to tile I'.ii.t hiilf uf tin' low n in I'm miihllf ol tbf
.'.av. COMSTOCK iV C.
'.Vac Vt,; Anril. Ifl.
p I'.Al'KLLS of eheice AIuiio!)n'a-L'-Li
Whiskey, just received per
steam-boat La Salle, and lor sale cheap h
April 'il, lsi.i. J. O'MIIL.
IJr. r,t us' S.iiiiiiii iW.
rHUlM must valuable liniineiit 1m
.H. Iilitiiniiiii-iiii, Sjirainx, IJ'iahiict,
f Join's, Sin i nn on Iwr.scs, c,
'Sohl by WALKl'lt II1CKI.LN0.
Oitavva, July UOlh 1 rt I .'. S--lf.
Drills, ?lcliriiics.
Paint, Oil, ):c-St njj'.-i, ,, ('.,,','.
Q'JmiI I. -ii!.-' -rilu'ri have r, ivcd
Drnt's, .Medieines, Paints,
Oils, Class, Dve-Sttill's, Ac.
uhii Ii lin y Dl'.rr for sail! ou ae-
'.illimo.lalui': lernis,
allii i-iV IlirMiiiu.
Ill i .i v, May 1. 1 t-lf.
To Hie l(i:li-.
Ill A VI' taken the Mnap an,l run, lln fartnry
. lately eaninl on in tins plaic hy .1, .1. Jliia.,
mil wall kin p constantly oa haiul .-iii t.lif s ul soap
anil eamilrs.
I will rctnil tallow i-iiiiilh'. of thi 1'it iiila'ifv
for one shilliui; l'l'r I'oun.l, ami hunt soap nl siv
OflilH per poillnl, iiiid soil snap at two ilollais per
luitrrl. A .Mill I.N l.IADi:.
Otlavva, July C, I S Iv:. ft-tf.
Spirit il:s.
A SDPI'.lvIOIf article of Spirit das
. u. nnd fiainpis jut received and con
stantly kept on hand by
Sept. a.-ll" C L. -PUOMPSON.
-jj o lHisiir.Ls or i'l.w
3 ,UUU i:i:n. for which the
hi;; est marketplace will be paid bv
AsSifs! Ashi'sl
f 3111! highest price will he paid for
E. ashes if delivered at the soap fac
tor,. ANTllO.W LINDKY.
Ottawa, Sept. '1, 18 PL LL-il
Hair: Hair!!
4 COOl) article of Hair, for Bale
..cheaper than the cheapest by
.iper man inn eiieapest tiy
Ottawa, June 3D, 1813. tl '-'in
Window Sash.
LH!IITS, at factory prices,
forstde by
June -23. W. THUEJL SON.
lMa.t'i'iiiK Hair.
UST received, a prime article of
IL'illi, which will be sold at Chiea
go prices. V. TUUE & SON.
oki ;siv .Yzi:ii'irt3.
f Tnl : . n ! i--1 : ' r lia- i list rr,-i'i.
.' U i J !ii.- siiiii'iii r iiii l I v nl
IV.ksii lm i.s it Mi nn it:s,
A . .Miller it Cn's I 'otn j 011 1: 1 Liniment.
Tliinnp-im's Liniiil.'lil. an-1 add 1 1'. .I' ! I
r, ,,,,, ,,z,,,,,,s, (.:i,,,ti..;,. , s. j
,,- , . . .- ,
vv 1111:1 1 .01 rji's, I'nl An; -I eii r I 1I1-.
Imlian i-vtta'-le 1 1 let's
1 ' 1 1 10 v!.., . .. I... f ' . ,..!..
,-, . '. ' ."'
lavHi's !,ai.-am I .iverv. on, .v uienean
I'ulnioiiarv !a!s:irn, New I ! ft if. t'i)iir!i
; v . ,;iih r-ou'.- Ciiunh Pro:.-. L'.miI'.-
ouid ( ii'...!. Muck. Duet, .luyne'.- L.ii a
rant, liair Tonic, Tonic frill i I'll T, Car.
Uiiuatl v c
, :.'ilii Sa
Duets. Dole's and Tliiiiiip-oii's Jive Wa
ter, MnlhYs I I . i r 1 1 i Litti r.s .'::ei Tills.
!;..wat!.!'s Tunic Mi:::iv, II ,ln of Co-
htmbia, Carretiier's I'hiid I'xt. Sir
a. I!as' Lit.ini.-nt for Vi s N rve v
1 1 i a. 1 1 v - i, i, in en i n i i iii s, .m i i: v ,
-. ' ,
Lute Li::i:;iM:t; ! iicmaii'.- Dr. ps ; (o..!-i
, I
irv a ( or.iial ; I alim-slnek s ct.i: .i"e :
V,l',.V. ,r. 's . 1 o,-
per-;;, Prat:de!!i's, J),.,-!. Cliampintt's ntf!
Ihit.rdman's l'evera:;,l .f ne Ps!-;.
.i.ra; 'il.ili..i.ii-T i . lirrl Ttooli., j
Xainr !y. !:: "i.- Spi ller, W-U-c-x ?U !
i : t ie'''in.r.s .'t:;itu n v.i-'.- :
I I . I. , l. .. -.!...
i-.'p'iy ;'!i ! A'! is (.rammar at!-! Ai;!i-j
m:i:i.-. Smi! '.- Afit'stt!"!!", Te !;::ii.-'i'. ;
M in. ! .f'i !:....:vsPii:n-rs,St.'. ! P n,. !
IVt'.-i!-:, Slavs. :,:ive'. P. nr:
p. P. -n-1
;l I'
.Novcs' Llli, iLc.
;. i,. TiiuMrv-'ox.
:" :--! i'.
m:v goods: m:v good.-:I1!,,,!'
t'cir. can ii on r;:nDi i::.
I. 1'. l.:.i;n ,v ro.
4 Iii: i!'.'.v..p.n'.'.r ft tVini'lst...!!:. ' );t :- j (
i "',;-' J:"1 ' U"' :t-'"'-""-'' "'ja
i'.n.i' r.i--':r,:r an ti. i ! at of a!:iu-t rv, rv t',inr
ie i ,!f.l. I.i- i l, s a i!ion- m l nil.', etif a tn ! s ti,.it ! I
'ii, ,nv .: ;;!. t lin'lii uaaefi . uv. '.'f i-.m ivilii
i.ifr'v a.-iiire our i n-tuliirf that vv." i an i iiiirer
i ite laorr ilil'rn iit a.-tii'h - in our t"fU ti. in any
firr oil', u .1 in t'.ii.. i. unity. Wo ll ive .il.-o .i j;-oil
sap; ly of
Ifart'irarr, Crochcnj, Clotliins, Pioots -V
S!.;r-, 11,'ils ,- Cilis,
Iron, CrvlrlL'v, .Vails, Srfit,:, A'-irt.f,
I'ojn r, and a larjr a:norlnii nt if
s:i.AMi t:)Ks.
We have tried the oid-fi.-hiutied lott:r
winded credit system Ion-' etneiih. and
ave lirmly made tip our min U to adept
the old maxim that "a nimble Mxpcnci
is better than a. Mow iilliii!;," and shall
hereafter eonlini! our business to this
maxim, and are iL'tcrmiued that we w ill
.,11 I I,., !,,.,..! -ii ('',;..'
or elsewhere, for rash. Wc are awaiCja zrn of htawa and the siirroutnlinir J
that ";j ';,';;'' is now the order of the j
day, and thitil; it unnecessary to miv more, I
hut if j i ti will five us a rail and examine j
our stock, we shall not erniinhle if you do I
not purchase, for without our customers
are siitished we are e,ivi:i tlu rti l;,ioii o;;r
fains, we do not uh lo sell.
f.V,nr ii tin- lime lo Irin-r on iour
Ca di, Wheat, llanu, Lord, ,'Iidt , ''.
low, lli a-ira.r, I'lnx-'u v I, J'ur.i, Dei r
Sliiii-;, J'nilirri, or an; tliin r that vr.
can wad to nutria t and save iui"ffli'(.
Oilawa. May PI. H 12. J2 tf.
!it!5s' Aniry.
rrjilli uiiiii'r..i.:tii d will pay p.ul'vul.ir iittemion
Ll to tin invent i ; .it i hi of lilies, rfJeiiiplioii ami
rfalr (,l l. ui'ls, iiml payment of t.ic. in l.;ial!f
or ;iii v "f thi' iidjoiiiiii. I'oiiiities. lliivin;; hi'CM
rn;;ai;id a (t'loil pmlioii of my lion; as f'urviyur
for the lu.-i seven or ei 'lit v e.os in said county, 1
ma i loihlfd In tin' iv complete drsrriptioii of ni-
ino.-t any tr;u tot laiid within tno houii'hiiiCJ ol l.le
Pfi.-otis vi-liim to purrha.ep hinds m I, a S.ille
or (iruiiily i-ouiitifs, vv iiiilil ilii well t') rail on me.
us I now h.oo lor salf soiiie uf thf hrit kinds in
tho-e eiHiiitifs, to vhf iiinount of some t ti oi
twelve thousand iieri s, u omit pmlion of ivhirh
lielori..:s to the Mate Bank of Illinois, for wlticli
the Holes of oa'ul luiuk will be received at par.
(;i.U. 11. MHiKl.
e if
U Ileal.
raMUi subscribers will pay the highest
market price for good winter wheal,
in trade, ul their .iore in Ottawa.
J ul v 2S--II" Wvt. TlvliP. &, NON.
liOM'.S Window c;iass, vari
Xuti8 sizei, just received pers.te-.un
boat La Salle, and for sale low bv
April 21, 18 PL J. O'NKIL.
Su-jir, CollVo and .UoIasM's.
20 lLigsheads New Orleans sttyar.
ISO Sac.ks Pio and llavattiiah Coffee
10 Parrela Molasses, just received and
for sale, wholesale and retail, very low, by
April 28,28 i:.
Y AU1) LiVMPS. Neal's patent, a
A new ami' valuable improvement, for
sale by J. MANLLV it CO.
Ottawa, Feb. 21. 1SPL
a" 11APKLLS Linseed Oil, just recfi
ved nnd for sale by J. O'NEIL.
April 21, 18PJ.
1 -v ILVUKP.LS Dried Apples, first
lf rato article, just rceoived and for
sale by
April 21 1 1813.
stovks ! stovks- ! ;
I'iii. Mu'i'l-lron iTc 'ojj'r U'arc.
' 1 I'ttaHs
5B AVi: ii.fv .... ! lo ! .u'aiiii.'n,.. a--'liiiH'tit i I
3 r'l' KS.sin-ii as ;
Conxi-ilinz of all xizc t uift tu'tirm.
I'Ali'lA)!:, CANM'N. : Si X-l'LATi;
Sl () i:s;
Russia, Kno'iish, and American S'.ove-
pipe, lloiiow Ware, Pots, Di.-h Ket-j
' 1 . . .,. I
t.,-, Spiders, U.,vu Ketlle-, Ovens, lea.
le!;e.-, Shtet-iron and Copper Ware
of ei t ry description, I
H'lilh "-til lc Dolii a! ' t -.' to siot
. i (hi- i , i
I ..OL OLK doni; to order.
. ,
L-'tlC Will M'lt Motes and
vt Cf an I !'o ,c vhhln ,
' '"'''"'" '' "'" r'''"' ' '' ' l: "
i,r r' "' ' - ' '"''it rt:
K'. iWa, Sept. 'j , P-l-L
" ::, :. s i, 2il:ui 'i'liiiV
.u.. . ...
r, sii'i.-crilier, 1 1 v i : : -.v oun nilh.' east !
- ,., M.u"-vi::., L Saiie eonniy, I::..- j
,-.;,,'.!, hi'.i.M'if in the n i:it:f.:"'ii.ri' - 1 1
i;,.. ,.( , !vUK!,, ;,! i,-.nl, f.'.m.l
!,ftr1-) of !;is own rat-'iPir, which in an I
e. a:, r-r i'.!i .I : :.i
r, 1
at '.In: Navy Yard at Washiti I'.oti I t.-t vv i
!er, l' the Hon. P. .M. Vncn, was pi
t.i he f'.ptal t.) any ev.r shown "in
1 am pri p.. tid to i'.i'.mi;fae'.iii-'.' all kind!
!;,i;i. c. Il.ivan for my wori.r.an an Old I
'i.':n-"v m .,ii, who has penth;, life upon!
r..pe-wa:!,. am aide lo make a-p-edj
and a chvaper article than eati
. !. ..! i-
, ! this
lion of counli y. If v ou don't be
lieve it, i
all nnd pee !
s. s. p,n.LO(.'i;.
M irsf.lle-.-. M iv 'Z, D'i:. .")1 tf
.?;! SSrrrivt'ri,
2D I! irn ! dried Apples: and re:ie!;c,
1 Tierce fresh Kice,
10 lioxes Pai.-itis, n::d
ii Il irrels Tar.
l'or sale low bv
April 2S, lriPL
1 AMP 1ILACK, Vcr.itian IL.l, dc.,
3J ite., just roeiivcd pi t s!a rn-l oat
La Salle and for sale low by J. OWLIL.
April 21. IS 13.
HTk ini.vn;i't t V ;,rm ,1
country, that hr: has opened in Ottawa a
lar,re nnd frrh supply id
fj () ( j. j y
uaira. .',,, ri superior siip-.lv of Sui'nr,
Co'l'-.c, Ti :i, Molttiii-, 'J'oluin-o,
and other ariielea usually
found in the grocery
.'? xiiu rior mi; 'id:i of
' r i f ir r. i' di f n
nasKX.'Bi M.Bv 4.i.a.,
which will lc sold at wholesale, or re-'
taiiid by the gallon or tpi.ut, on the mo-tj
reasonable- tenns, for cash or country pro-!
ju.p '
, . . .,, ,, !
N. 15. 1 he h'.f best price will at nil-
limes I. it paid for Wheat, Corn, Oats, j
(I'it'.seP::, Lees-was, l'lax-secd, &e., ilc
Pi t 'ons tradint; in Oltawa will do!
well hy calling nnd examinimj my Muck, j
lliti'i'i Anril"! 1 rt IT lli v i
r jllIL siibserihcra will pay d cents per
poiitiil in ciih and linoda for prime
vtllow Putter, di livertd at our store.
Ottawa, July 2flh, 18 PL
(iSti:i:YM mills
pavton, ill's.
rBitF. subscriber having leased the above
SL. Mills for one year, taives llie ntitr-
ty of informing the public that he is a
practical Miller of more than thiktv
years experience; during inest of which
time he lias been extensively engaged in
inaiiuf.wturiiif; I'lour in some of liie larg
est establishments I'.ast. lie now solicits
a share of the patronage of tho public to
the above establishment, assuring thrm
that nothing which experience and oblige
intr millers can accomplish shall he want
ing to give justieo titul, as far as possible,
perfect satisfaction to thoso who may fa
vor him with a call.
The Mills are now in fine order for
Merchantable and Crist I fork.
Cash nm Wiikat, nt a fair dedii.'tion
from Chicago prices. (5EO. MANX.
N". 11. Teams can be accomodated with
Freight fur Chicago. And Wiikat nian
ufaeluicd and put up in lirst-rate order at
reasonable rates. (J. M.
Dayton, August 25, IS t.1. lO.-tf.
BLANK SUIirWyjlS, kept eon
Rtantly on hand and for sale at this
Ttm f.il tiuv i ri i.i, I . 1. 1 . .
j - --i" ii-n.'n- i.imiiy reinr.
ilirs li!ii lii- lounil nt I lif ii!;io ilrin Mercs,
mid s.i.m at rvury louiuiy siiiic in the Mute
v' iri'icr unit never s'ei tl,,.,,, ij,,.,
I.nvc the lae-Miiiili' siiiutuie n'
i y
I Cj Vi- ' (L wrnp..-m, B4 nil ..t 1. r
', Uv ':' 1: """ m- l-asr iin..'iiiiw nml emm'rr
J l'i 1 1. '.1 tii.. iinvl.'iiit iiean.i! you has thrm n,,i,
i i.i'i'n 1. :u to ir.iciiin iiiriM ,1U
j in :.i 'an 1 In.- vi i!n Ntvv York, or ! 1 vvriio f.,r tiuMn,
i A. J.imtly sLmtJ 4.' a lea k tnthtwl r.'icj. rrmidu
v. : . . e ! i vvil! ci.-p it if I'liini' mil, or re-noi-n it mi l.alil
' uvh ; and on t'.iil-.'r. n iiuku is jr i-.i' riipiilly, or on
tli who havo lo-i ih.e liuir lioiu imv raii.-n'.
-M'' VERMIN that inl'ift lli- ln-aiN of i-liiMrrn
in hi'i.-iulii, aro provi.-ii!nl or kili'-.l hv it at oiiee.
I'...! ti.c r.,.,,1',,1 &tf&r&6'c ....
I, or lev.; try it, Jtmi'inher thin always.
RHEUMATISM, ami jjlaS:
' ""' ,,lu' '";''"" "' . umi
lire f 'olril, lli the i,r y.illll;r, by tho I.VJ.IAS
v, ,., , i:,,x. ,,. v,..., iv ,.,v r, .
iavi ,y enroll, anil all )rirrl,ed lll'isiim and liml..
i,i n.-wr witlumt il,.- name ol'Comst..'li'&, U. on it
ii k- -J ...i -i ;-y tivf ?;Sjwfi-i
L Ki k.l .. , -sW;Jatt:
t " -
,M w!..,i;y
crnieon, ii
C "'"
, previ ii'i il, er fovi -riiril if ih,. miat-k nm
you iibf tlic only true Rays' I,lNiMi.r,froiii
am! ( very ihiii.T n iicvrj l y it tliut tuliui'S ol mi mil
liar,! apii'.A a.i.'ri. It act.i liiio a i harm. I so it.
IEOUSnS that huvo :;n-.T!..ie, S'p.ivi.i,
V.'iiul.iiaiii!, X.'., arr ctin-J ly Kvri' Hri.i-nrc ; an. I
F.'. f.
a ''' ffr-rn rn-irr'v ruiiM'y KomI.V
1'oini li'r ()i:i:inc:,t. M.i:' thi, nil Inn.
alloy's Mtsffica'l Tain JBs-
tractor Gfi lV0.T!ii nt't extinuiJinary
r. ofilv ever iavrnVil f,,t all new or oM
.,.; ,n,t enJ ,,irjggg u U drl-ht, ,
t!l'J'IMI!.!if. It VV ,11 '.on; o'i
i o'it a., pain in tin niinuir.-i,
a !. '.ar bii.! ni; re race 'nl uf.l artieln never wuj
tntiiif. Ail sliniiiil wpir thrm regularly.
i.l' T!:?IIi:UAH L HiTTIiR:
on the piiafiji" of sal -'iiii'i.'i ; tl.u limit in pia. f of
liif nl: in a', mil p: Ui-.-ipif , win, h has reformed so u.j.iy
drunk:!: J-a To ho usri with
others i't rii iiii-ai; tiiu H-aHetn and the linrnorH nfTrel.
in ; the Muo.l, raid icr a:l trrrgiilnrilira of the buvvcl,
ttriJ tho tt.'iir-r:il iicilth. m A J .
iiatiiif. iha.K : "'" ' " 1
v.i!l t ll, rinaliy i-:;rf R.fii hcaihiflie, rither from tln
TJ or hiiioiis. lliimiri'ds of families aro
iisiia! it with great Joy.
for :!u' i-itiaia prLvrntioii of jaa or liny
ff rural sieknt-M ; kfpiM tiio stjincch in niost per
"raer, inc. uiivvus ri-iiiar. iu a ui'irriiiuuitioti r
t10 BilfIlCC.
pan; in the honrs, ho.,rsvHP.ss, nnd I 113 a
no ;i.;i'k;y cured hy it. Know ti.ia hy trying.
CCF?N3. The Krr in 'i PI.ist'T in n saw cure.
j liair any ihadu you wioh, hut will not color thu skin.
i a ll n l n I nil I l
roL'NI) I.XTItAC'I'. There no other prcpara.
xin ol P'iI !'' c' f-ed .r ;iuhI this,
h yon aro ntn" to gr: ComsToik's, you will find it
su.-.eriur to uil others. It dues imt reouiro pulling.
' t - ' ' B
j-tCo WU
ftzi CTTI Al DAI Pl
Lu-L-tO I IAL. t3AL.l'l
OV CHINA. A positive euro for the piles, and nil
external uiiin."? nil iiitirntil irritations hroujtht to tho
j snrliice bv fiictian with this Dtilrn ; so in roieh",
swelled or ."ore throat, tightness of the chest, this Datui
nppiied on a t'anr.el will relieve and euro ut onee.--Fiorli
vvuimdu or old sores are rapidly cured by I.
. Dr. IJ.ivtuOlmrAu'fl
will preve'it or euro all incipient (iinsiiinnlioii,
lakl. ia ,llllt., ami u a ilulhtful runcdy. lteineni
i,cr name, and e1 Cumsiock's.
eradicate till ffi5i?M'(&?3 c'''ldrcn or adult
wiili a craintv quite ustoriishing. Ii -
.... - i ! with a rapidity
almost incredible, by Cmislock Co., New York.
TOOTH DKOFS. KLINE-S-enra eflectually.
I'nti.rriliiri'nntiiictn ni-torCnnfrp... in th jii-nr 1 1'3, tirCiwt.r4
il- (li.. in inn e'ltih'.filice ul ineSiiiiiiiiini Dintrict of Nto Vuik.
l!y npilying to our agent in each town anil
village, papers may be hud fren, allowing tho nnw
rcspi clable titinies in. tho country for these facts, o
that no one can fail to believe them.
Be sure yon cull (bronrnrticles, and not
lie put lift' with any Morle, Hint others urn n
piml. Il.VVKTIIKKF.OU NON K, should W
your mottoanj ir nri'fi' ran tx tmt mid miimc
rithoul our nanus lo thrm. All thrne article!) to ho
liud'wiiolcMite nnd retail only til' n.
l&Mfiffifc$c WholmIa Dni"iii'
21, ('ourtlnrnl Street, nenr Broadway, N. Y,
Just rcceivoil nnd for oalehy '
G. L. THOMPSON, .!gcnf.
Ottawa, Sept. 30, 1842. ly

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